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We got some productions samples from our latest Fate Dice KS. The Fate points are looking... sah-weeeeeeeeeeeeet.
3 hours later…
How do I ask "Am I right?" questions? Or "I just want to be sure"? haha
Are there guidelines or something?
It might be better and more useful to rephrase the question. Asking just because you want to be sure is perfectly valid, but your reason for asking doesn't need to be a part of the question. How to phrase your question depends on what you're trying to validate.
So since you already have an answer you want to validate, you should ask the question that can lead to it. For instance if your answer is that "Only X can do Y.", your question should be "Who can do Y?"
@HellSaint Consider removing your conclusion and just positing the situation.
Okay so correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like a duplicate of your previous question
Which is to say
that was not my question
it is a particular case that got me* in doubt though
if it was my question I would have edited it :P
I'm just thinking that the first question could easily be expanded to include both
But fair enough
Agreed, but I don't want to edit someone's else question to include my own
If it was my question I'd completely edit it to include both.
Well if we accept my answer to the other question, it does mean that innate spellcasting isn't enough. If the answer to your new question says something different, that means my answer was wrong
That's why I think they're really strongly linked.
I was thinking to expand my answer to say that innate spellcasting isn't enough (per my own reading of the rules of course), I think I will do so now
Yeah, I agree with you.
innate spellcasting per se doesn't seem enough. It gets tricky to me when we consider spells that the innate spellcaster knows, though. "It feels awkward" that he can't read a spell even if he can cast it. Sorcerers are somewhat "Innate spellcasters" from their lore, as I understand, and that doesn't stop them from reading spell scrolls.
To throw even more of a wrench into that interpretation.
Are the requirements for creating a scroll the same as the ones for using them? Not necesarily.
Is it possible that RAW some creatures can create spell scrolls but not use them?
Also does "Magic Initiate" qualify? Re-reading it I'm thinking that it might
but it's not clear
Really I'm not confident in my answer
I agree with Spellcasting being enough to cast it, but I think there are a few particularities in that haha
@HellSaint Thinking about other innate spellcasters, though... every drow can cast faerie fire innately. Can they then read all scrolls? An ice mephit can cast sleep once per day--full access to scrolls?
Didn't get exactly what you mean.
I think the distinction that matters is that the feature that gives the ability to cast the spell has to link that spell to a class?
In that sense, Magic Initiate would qualify but Drow innate magic would not
Magic Initiate stating "Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn two cantrips of your choice from that class’s spell list."
I didn't want to mean that "sleep is on every class list, so it has every class, thus full access to scrolls".
hey there @HellSaint
It was more like "it can cast Sleep, why the heck wouldn't he be able to read a Sleep Scroll?" haha
@HellSaint Ah... I may have mis-read/misunderstood the conversation. Sign I should go... count some sheep.
don't worry haha
If Magic Initiate qualifies... any class would get access to casting the most powerful Wizard spells from scrolls if they find one and have the feat...
hey @Shalvenay
Flavor-wise that kinda works
@YannickMG yeah, but then that's still awkward to me that some powerful and intelligent innate spellcasters, Mind Flayers being an excelent example, are not able to read even spells that they can cast, while a Magic Initiate that barely learned some wizard cantrips can read a Wish Scroll
Yeah I'm liking this less and less
(as if I would put a Wish scroll on my table, but you got the idea hahaha)
High Elf's Cantrip ability is worded the same way: "Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it."

Does this mean that every High Elf can read wizard spell scrolls by default?
The other interpretation is that the rules on the DMG only provide guidance for players casting spells? That sounds very wrong.
Yeah, it might be something on the lines "Welp the DM can make the creatures do whatever he wants with the scrolls anyway so let's give guidance only to the PCs LUL"
If a creature on an official adventure would ever be supposed to use a spell scroll the adventure will probably say so haha
Other than that they are probably comfortable letting it to the DM.
Well going back to the mind flayer
There's a very good reason they wouldn't deal with spell scrolls
They do not use Arcana to cast spells. They effect them directly with their mind. This means they don't actually "know" them just like a Wizard would know every specific part of what goes into making the magic work
So it makes sense that they couldn't write spell scrolls or use them
yeah, comparing to Wizards usually won't go well
but comparing to sorcerers... While they do understand what gestures, words and materials they use, their "understanding" is still somewhat "instinctive" or "innate"
I think the main problem for me is that I "see" Innate Spellcasting as something very close to how I see the Sorcerers' spellcasting.
Here's the next problem. High Elf's cantrip ability refers to the wizard spell list but they can only cast a single cantrip. Drows can cast several spells but the ability doesn't refer to a spell list. It feels wrong for High elves to be able to use spell scrolls but not drows
And that's a valid concern of course.
We'd have to dig down into the flavor of both
Next up: Arcane Tricksters are rogues and their class do not have a spell list. So RAW they can't use spell scrolls even though they can obviously cast spells as though they were wizards
Wizards of the Coast, y u do dis
> Poor Quality Assurance. Once per session, when a character invokes one of their character aspects or uses one of their stunts, you can remove it from their character sheet for the rest of the session.
good quality assurance?. This stunt doesn't count against your number and doesn't do anything.
@BESW I'm confused on the context of that, but I laughed. HAHA
I was thinking something along the lines of "Yes, I'm an arcane trickster! I can do that! ...wait, where'd it go?"
I was just thinking of making a stunt that does exactly what it says it does
Which in this case was literally nothing
And the naming convention just seemed right/wrong
> There are four stunts. You gain an extra stunt slot.
(Most versions of Fate give you three stunt slots by default.)
@BESW lol, I sorta want to make a character with these stunts now
Only a little though
> Zero Sum Game. If you spent a point of refresh to get this stunt, you gain one point of refresh.
> Stress-Free Environment. All your attacks gain weapon:0.
I know it's useless space on a page for a character sheet, but it's amusing
which still leaves us with the question on creatures. I gotta sleep now, sadly. But this one went further than I thought hahaha

Most things on DMG are not as clear as the PHB it seems.
"What is an object" is another good example of that
Yeah I think RAW alone won't cut it.
1 hour later…
The deed is done. I managed to cover all of the concerns I brought up in this chat: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/122229/…
3 hours later…
@BESW Was Leslie Nneka Arimah among the stuff you recommended? I was just listening to it on LeVar Burton Reads and thought its plot sounded familiar, but I couldn't find you mentioning it.
She's on my to-read list, but I haven't gotten to her yet.
Currently the second Murderbot Diaries book has distracted me from my 15th century Tenochtitlan urban fantasy murder mystery, which was in turn distracting me from my Vietnamese space opera book, which was distracting me from my post-environmental-apocalypse orcamancy book...
And oh look I've got three solarpunk anthologies, and a half-dozen half-finished design/typography texts...
But what am I reading? Take Us To Your Chief.
Oh, and I just added Brown Girl in the Ring to the list, because Brown Girl Begins looks awesome but it's still in the film festival circuit.
this must be why I like you :P
Though frankly the Tenochtitlan book is getting a little weary? The author seems to think that the stakes always have to be end-of-the-world levels of dire, not trusting herself or her readers that a story with more intimate, personal stakes will be just as compelling.
@BESW ...orcamancy? What's that about, summoning killer whales?
@ACuriousMind I haven't gotten that far, but from reviews it sounds like one of the characters has, like, a technopsychic link with an orca?
More like orcapathy, then, I guess ;)
...possibly more than one. And maybe also a polar bear.
Well, technically orcamancy would be using orcas as fortune-telling devices.
Sure, but the -mancy suffix has taken on a life of its own
Clearly the work of a suffixmancer!
they manced those suffixes pretty well
What was the story you recommended with a mathematically talented African school girl?
@BESW I think it's good I stick to short fiction for now :)
@Anaphory The Binti series of novellas.
@doppelgreener In this question I think OP actually means doubling HP, as in doubling HP for the purposes of CR calculation. I agree it could be a bit more clear though
@Sdjz it looks like they meant halving for realsy
doubling HP for CR calculation would leave them deficient in a lot of other areas probably, beside just HP
@doppelgreener Ah I see indeed, my bad
and it does seem overkill either way, not sure how to handle it though
if they halved the actual HP, thats the same as doubling the effective HP, for the purpose of CR calculation.
so you can be both correct
Q: Do the D&D 5e source books specify which edition they are?

K-TIn my copies of the 5e Player's Handbook and 5e Monster Manual, I cannot find it stated anywhere that they are source books for 5th edition. In the PHB, both the preface and the introduction only mention "Dungeons and Dragons", without specifying the edition. I imagine this would make the books h...

Mind blown
@kviiri wat
@trogdor "Duh, of course they say that right.... waaait."
do they actually not?
Yeah, all of Wizards' editions have been... difficult to pin down.
goddang it the players handbook doesn't say
what the hell XD
I mean, it does say 5e on the pdf, but possibly not on the cover
the inside stuff doesn't say 5e
oh that is the cover
ok,..... screw you Wizards
The DD& 3rd edition was coy about it, though the 3.5 said "3.5" on the cover.
The 4e PHB says "4th edition design team" in the colophon, and then in a sidebar on page 7.
still like,.... why is it so hard to put the edition on the cover?
Oh, and 3.5 didn't say "3.5" inside. Just on the cover.
Inside, they had a sidebar about why they released a revised version of D&D, but didn't say "third" or "three point five" anywhere in that sidebar.
I can only think of incredibly cynical reasons to do this #$#%#$$
Wizards of the Coast has spent twenty-five years creating and distributing exception-based game systems for which publication dates are crucially important to rules interactions. Can you tell?
can't tell they spent any time doing jack
@trogdor Same here, I'm afraid :|
other than producing things they then stop supporting but then still want you to buy
and possibly, in the most cynical light, get people to accidentally buy the wrong edition instead of the one being looked for
for one example of why they would do this
I actually seriously would not put this one past them either
I worry I'm going to disappoint my SO with DnD
She's putting a lot of time into understanding the rules.
[insert "why not a simpler system less weighed down by traditional obligations" here]
@kviiri just make it fun and engaging, don't focus much on rules on the first sessions. It's your SO, you know how to make her have fun and be engaged :)
@BESW We used to play Apocalypse World but she specifically wanted a smashy tactical combat game :)
....Fate of Agaptus?
@kviiri smashy tactical... D&D 4e?
@Helwar Yep
heck, 4th is the best edition for that in my opinion
@BESW Going to go with 4e because I'm already familiar with it (and now she is too... at least by the rules)
@trogdor Yeah
Fair enough.
@trogdor I was about to say the same
I'm... getting very tired of our new revisiting of 4e. Everybody involved is awesome, but no matter how much I try the system is just negative fun for me now.
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
It has looked like you've been struggling finding comfort with it.
yeah sorry
and I was concerned I made you feel bad after mentioning how the flag placement hadn't worked well for me.
If the rest of my life wasn't taking so much mental oomph right now, maybe I could dig in and find how to make it at least break even?
it was the first time we used that flag though
that of all things should not upset anyone XD
The flag thing was... maybe symptomatic, but not the problem.
flag placement can be easily improved
I figured
I also am concerned maybe June isn't too into the system
I've been thinking about this all week, trying to figure out what to do.
we have something else to run this week though anyway right?
Maybe I could be a full-time GM assistant instead of a player?
I know Troggy's been kinda whelmed with all the GM tasks.
it's definitely Whelming
Completely unrelated: In Fate of Agaptus, a failed attack costs the attacker a point of stress, and a boost is gained automatically when the attacker succeeds with style.
but I worry that leaves us with a similar problem if all you are doing is helping me track stuff
How so?
well do you feel like that would actually be more fun or at least not less, than playing a PC?
fair enough there then
@BESW also, going back to this, I have been interested in Fate of Agaptus
Do you have the pdf?
uh, I don't think I do
I can fix that.
@trogdor June has some difficulty, but her absence isn't related to her feelings about the system.
@Helwar I also know she can be difficult to please ^^
@doppelgreener I realize June has had issues besides the system itself, I just didn't know if she also has started to dislike it
...hm. In Agaptus, before a physical conflict starts everybody works themselves into "froth," a kind of rage/focus state that limits the approaches you can use but lets you tap into magic rituals and things--and just gives you free invokes with a really great flavor.
gotcha, I don't think so. She hasn't wrapped her head around how things work in D&D 4e, or at least mentioned she hadn't & I hadn't had a conversation with her about it yet.
But right now she's just having trouble with sleep & that's it.
I could be more help there as a GM assistant.
@doppelgreener yeah I know she mentioned that before, and that is not issue with me, sleep is better than 4e
no contest
@trogdor I would definitely play the sleep rpg
there sorta are some XD
"Don't Rest Your Head" counts I would think
@trogdor Haven't played it, but it sounds more like the anti-sleep rpg
it is though
it's kinda both
By the way, I hope I haven't been annoying/offending anyone with my comments here in this chat
like, you are avoiding sleep, but your waking world has merged with the world of sleep, dreams, and of course, nightmares
@MikeQ certainly not just now, far as I can tell
Right, I meant more in general
@MikeQ ah, yes, but they said DON'T, that means you'll want to try doing it.
@MikeQ Nest comes to mind.
@MikeQ Wait, no. Prism.
@BESW I'm really sorry to hear that.
@Miniman you have enjoyed it right?
@trogdor Yeah, I've been having a blast.
that is good
I am glad to be able to give you your first 4e experience, even if I feel like I have been swamped over by the process of Gming
not in such a way that I don't enjoy it, but in such a way I feel like I have made the experience not as great as it could be for everyone
@BESW Do you feel the struggle we've been having with roll20 is also part of it, or is it mainly your interaction with 4e?
Roll20 magnifies the problems, but isn't the cause of them.
I bet R20 contributes, but he has had issues with the system itself before
yep I figured
I'm just a really bad temperament for being a player in this kind of system.
Even if it wasn't D&D, I'd be having a lot of trouble. Since it is D&D... yeah.
if this wasn't D&D but was still hack and slash-ey, you mean?
basically I mean, do you think there is a kind of system you could be a PC in and not feel the same negative aspects about?
Kinda? I'm having a hard time pinning down exactly what's going on for me.
It's something about the investment/strategy/stakes combo that's at the root of most of the not-fun for me.
It may simply be that I'm so used to being a GM for that kind of scenario I can't unclench anymore.
But it's not just being a player. It's being a player in that kind of game. I've been fine as a player in your Fate sessions, for instance.
where did the GSS thing I ran fall in that
GSS was great.
14/10 would play fetch with a kitsune again.
I actually loved running that a lot
I enjoyed playing in it a lot!
also cool, and good to know
I just needed to ask while we were having this talk
Yeah, your GMing is not my issue.
I'm suggesting taking on the assistant role because I know it'd take pressure off you and let me continue to participate, not because I think you need it to be a good GM.
fair enough
Q: Can something be done when OP does not agree with an upvoted answer?

BlueMoon93A few weeks back, this yes-or-no question got asked and answered by the OP, with the answer YES. I eventually replied NO and my reasoning, and the community votes pended towards my answer. The OP has not accepted an answer. This question came from another question, on which a very similar thing ...

@BESW I am also open to a role swap with you if you think that would help.
Morning, Nerds
I imagine being a striker has much less complexity to worry about.
Three post notices on the same question is fine, right? 🤔 rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/79/…
what's funnier to me is that is the user's only site interaction
.... I'll reopen it, locking it was probably enough.
that one question
@doppelgreener I think that isn't necessarily his issue with it
I'm studying hard to get us ready for the playtest this Saturday though, so either way if things go to plan we'll be able to try that for a bit.
June gave me a demo run of Cortex recently and I enjoyed it a lot.
as long as you aren't stressing yourself out too much to be ready, the playtest would be a welcome thing this week
@trogdor it is a little stressful because i need to remain focused on reading for extended periods and that is very difficult. but it's something i want to be better at.
I have never had a problem with reading for extended periods,... it's odd for me to think of that being an issue, but I get it I think XD
trog, new icon
I do tend to change it on occasion
I don't have a "problem" reading for long periods, except for that I'm usually doing things that aren't reading. i.e. - gaming
I have not read for an extended period much this year
@trogdor i thought i had ADHD making it hard to focus, but it turns out my generalised anxiety is what makes it hard to focus. i'm in a state of high alert to absolutely everything that is or might be happening around me, and i'm in that state all the time. it means i can't just filter things out and absorb myself in writing, i've got a lot of other things tugging at my attention.
I don't think I've read more than 5 pages this year
@doppelgreener eeeesh man that sounds horrible
@goodguy5 oh man,.... wow
it basically comes from like... when a caveman's out hunting, it's useful to be on your guard so that you hear the tiger before it pounces on you and kills you. most people enter that state, then come home and then settle down again and relax. people with generalised anxiety are always in that state.
do you sleep enough? Have you gone to the DR? Have you tried things that are physically tiring (i.e.-exercise)?

Specifically about sleep enough: I thought I had ADD, like got a Doc to prescribe me ritalin. It helped enough, but I eventually realized that I was just long-term sleep deprived.
@goodguy5 yes, yes I'm actually going through the process right now of diagnosis and treatment, yes.
@doppelgreener I can get really really absorbed into a book I like
fair enough. that's all of my sage advice about general anxiety.

Good luck. I'm sorry. that sucks.
thanks, i appreciate it. :)
I may have mentioned before, I used to try to cross the street while reading as a kid
FWIW i'm used to it, this isn't a new thing, it's been that way for me basically forever.
so i am very used to dealing with it, have coping mechanisms, etc.
@doppelgreener that doesn't make it suck less
it's thought to either come from learned behaviours or be caused by a chemical being out of whack somewhere in one's brain chemistry. (The brain can tell something is wrong, but it can't figure out why, so it just goes looking for things that could be causing it and is on alert for the source of wrongness perpetually. Typical, blaming everything but itself... :P)
ha. just like brains
@doppelgreener huh
anyway, going to sleep now
nigh nigh
@trogdor goodnight! :)
this question is super interesting rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/122247/…
@goodguy5 right?!
I'm doing a search on "edition" and I never realized that "expedition" had that word nested
@goodguy5 :O
@BESW this is adorable and accurate in equal measure
@doppelgreener well, no one can tell you're freaking out
unless you're screaming all of those things out loud, in which case, ... they can
hahaha :D
It's taken me years of practice (my wife) to stop saying "just don't worry about it, it's fine".
and even then....
now, I mostly just pet her head and say "everything's okay. you're okay. I'm okay. shhhh"
@goodguy5 That sounds the opposite of comforting
do you have anxiety?
But if someone kept saying that to me, I might get it
@doppelgreener would you find that comforting coming from your partner?
Baby eaglet looks so derpy
I did not know eagles sounded like that.
Oh is eaglecam getting good again?
Yep. Both parent eagles are currently at nest.
And one was making calls earlier but has currently stopped.
oh, feeding time!
Or is it eating time?
baby eagle has been chirping for awhile
Baby eagle? Beagle?
uh oh, beagle is really close to the edge of the nest
And then the parent sits on the child.
this is the first time I've seen both parents
This is the first time I've seen them switch off.
Normally, one comes by and then the same one leaves.
Needs a mini-fridge for his growing pile of corpses.
I think beagle might be hungry.
@Maximillian who doesn't need a corpse mini-fridge?
@Rubiksmoose People who instead need a corpse walk-in freezer.
@doppelgreener In D&D 5e terms, you have the Alert feat. :)
@Yuuki oh that is very true. It is a good upgrade that everyone should honestly consider.
Looks like I was overruled: it gathered enough of a negative score that delete votes were possible, and the community’s done so now. — SevenSidedDie ♦ 17 hours ago
A supermarket near where I used to live had a massive walk-in fridge, it contained the whole meat and fish departments, as well as frozen foods, beers, etc
Interesting, so, apparently with enough of a negative score we can delete an accepted answer.
@Rubiksmoose that's useful
Waiting for the eagles to roll out a small mat, a screen, and books of Careers & Cubicles
@Rubiksmoose That allows us to avoid the blind leading the blind over a cliff. The answer was poor, and the question was also poor. It would have been nice if we (as a group) could have done a little better job of clarifying the question, and the source of confusion. As it is, the answers are long but not concise, which Hannah seems to point out as a problem in one of her comments
Interestingly I can't find any documentation for this. The CW on deleting says: "You can't delete answers that have been accepted."
> Querent is asking for a little bit of mind reading, given how the question was (dis) organized.
I am not sure that the question isn't a dupe, and the "related" question comment seems to have been overlooked.
@KorvinStarmast agreed. Though I think it was unclear that the question was unclear. It seemed to be a simple misconception about what preparing meant. But apparently that is not what OP meant.
@KorvinStarmast That works. :) And I'm going to do some feat retraining.
@goodguy5 Being told things are okay, that I am ok, that they will be ok, etc, is actually really comforting.
@KorvinStarmast I posted that as related because I had no idea what the OP was confused about (that was one of the possibilities). I still don't really know. My answer covered the option that the other answer didn't
Not from just anyone, but when it's from someone I love and trust it does boatloads of help to recenter me.
@SPavel tolja
@doppelgreener same.
ive got a question about teiflings, are variants legal? or are they homebrew? the only place i could find them on were the wiki and i was told not to trust the wiki so i came here to ask.
@khaos AL, or other game?
I just put in a bunch of D&D races into a markov generator
and got back a few gems
@KorvinStarmast I see what you are trying to do, but I'm not sure your comment is what needs to be asked here. We need to clarify what her confusion point is IMO before anything else.
@goodguy5 This is great. Thanks for sharing.
Tieflinotaur, wow.
dungeons are dragons is this not a D&D chat? if not i apologize.
Half-elf-elflingeling there is some serious recursion going on here.
There are some tiefling variants in Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, they are official content
@khaos This is the general chat for the RPG.stack, which covers D&D, other games, as well as general time wasting while a lot of us are at work
@khaos We're a little bit everything RPG not just D&D so context on what game you're playing helps us out.
okay thanks.
So looks like yeah, there are some variants legal for play as GreySage says.
Assuming you mean D&D 5e, they are legal, but variants need to be cleared with your DM. I think Adventurer's League games ("official" D&D) don't allow anything that gives flying at level 1, so the wings variant would be off the table.
@Rubiksmoose I think Anaximander is on the right track ...
@Maximillian no problem! I just did a class race combo one that I'm sifting through now
@DavidCoffron I liked your initial link, but if you add the [druid] tag it will reduce to one page of related questions. :)
> and I think your answer hits it, but I am not sure the way your organized the answer 'registered' with the querent
@Khaos basically there's several thousand RPGs, we actively service hundreds on this site, and there's several dozen we'll regularly talk about here. and there's a lot of different editions and play environments for D&D. :)
@khaos Do you have the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide? (It's a D&D 5e book).
Q: Under what conditions can accepted answers be deleted?

RubiksmooseI was under the impression that accepted answers could not be deleted (except by diamond mods). However, on RPG.SE we had a question in which it seems like the answer was deleted by the community after it had been accepted. Neither the FAQ on deleting answers nor the CW on deleting detail this. ...

@doppelgreener several thousand? Could you say... OVER 9000!?
@DavidCoffron it's pretty easily to say that, so yeah you could. Whether it's correct is a second
I ran all the races and classes through a markov generator. finds patterns and "makes" "words".

Merfolk - Rangeling - Ranger
Half-elf - Wizardfolk - Rangeling - Monk
Siren - Sorcerer

Hobgonbortle - Monk
Bugbearforgedalading - Bard
Korn - Sorc - Sorc - Cler
Merf - Cleriangeliath - Rogue
Elf - Warf - Wizardforgedaladinotaur - Sorc - Rogue
Vedalk - Warfolkenku - Cleric
Bugbear - Warlocragonborcerer
Warlood - Barbaxi - Clerian-Ti - Monk
Hobgobgoblinotaur - Monku - Bard
@KorvinStarmast Agreed. Though I think that OP just wants an answer to how many spells they can prepare but doesn't want or care to correct their misunderstanding about how preparation works. That is how I am reading it now.

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