The “ghost field” in BLADES OF DARK MARS is the VR/AR/IoT data layer which is way too dangerous for most people to use because of the “echoes” of both those who died and the possibly mad and sentient AI that fried during the Carrington Event that cut the Mars bases off from Earth
@BESW I threw a couple of coats of varnish on the plaque today--it looks significantly better with that. (Also, spent an hour with q-tips washing sawdust out of tiny engraving-crevices beforehand.) Thanks again for the help conceiving of it.
I'm particularly happy with one bit: I mis-proofread the design and ended up engraving a single dagger next to a kid's name, when it should have been a double-dagger. But some creative work with a mallet, a screw, and an X-acto knife and it's indistinguishable from the laser-cut ones.
@nitsua60 Consider yourself privileged (or not, as you will haha) as you are the first person that I have been interested in telling about my daughter's achievements
Hung out with her yesterday, and she stood up on her own. She's got the strength, just not quite the confidence in her balance yet. She still shuffles along the walls, but this time she stood up, let go of me, gave me a little smile and then sat back down. She was showing off
There's this amazing progression from temperament --> awareness --> reaction --> desire --> motion --> agency --> personality that is a gift that just keeps giving.
(On the other hand, plenty of days I've had one of my kids do something to infuriate me and I've had to take a breath to say "if you want your children to grow up to be confident, critical-thinking, intelligent, articulate, curious, and honest adults, you're going to have to put up with them being confident, critical-thinking, intelligent, articulate, curious, and honest kids.")
One of the best pieces of advice I got: take an extra ten seconds after buckling her in and closing her door to get to the driver's seat. Some say there's no vacation from parenting. Those people don't take long enough walking around the car =)
Lol. I intend to take one very soon, not because I can, necessarily, but because I don't see it happening again for a long time and now is likely the best time.
My current housemate and I have recently been through a similar ordeal with our previous partners, we're alike in terms of cleanliness, and we have similar approaches to organization and taking care of the house. We're not exactly alike, but we know that if something needs to be said, or discussed, that we should take it seriously, and listen properly.
@trogdor There's one person in my life who currently likes it: my five year-old, who's currently working on snap-technique and is always happy to have someone else play along.
Was thinking, that since each calss has a "dungeon ability" in the original game, (I.e. the Rogue can disable traps), I could create some like this for each class. The rogue can detect and disarm traps (like the Rogue in 5e), the Mage can do so with magical traps, but not vice versa?
Which would then leave the Warrior, Monk, and Necromancer in need of "dungeon abilities" also.
Just looking at the abilities for the classes, the Warrior had the Equipment repair skill - repairs it from damaged, but lowers max durability. Not useful in the game and redundant in D&D. The Mage had the Stave recharge spell. Works the same way - recharge the charges but decreases the total. Could be useful - recharge one spell slot per rest? But perhaps a bit OP for a dungeon ability.
And the reason I feel ashamed is because the Wedge Tailed Eagle is my favourite animal. Because it is one of the largest, and because it also Lives in Australia
@kraby15 MtG started as (and is still played as) physical cards, and they're made by WoTC. Hearthstone is a video game was made by Blizzard, and has similar rules and game mechanics to MtG.
@trogdor It actually has a (sort of) crafting system. Packs can contain wild cards of a certain rarity that you can convert to any card of that rarity. Though I do not think there is one for mythics.
Watching a video of a guy playing Breath of the Wild - versing n end-game enemy in new game... and he's laughing at his failures. It's always fun to watch a player enjoy the challenge
I'm trying to decide how to contribute to a question that has a good answer but I think is stated somewhat confusingly. Not entirely sure how to convey my suggestion.
Well, look at it this way: It's still their answer. If you improve it, they'll likely get more upvotes in the long term. So, you're really doing them a favour.
Mostly it's that it's good content, but answering the question kind of obliquely so the intent is a little muddled. The intent seems to be, "Not RAW, but if you wanted to see how you could mechanically model possession check out the sentient magic item rules", but until the last couple of sentences it reads a lot like, "The only entity in the game of D&D 5e that can possess a person as described in The Haunted One background is a sentient magic item."
So, just throwing this out there, before I try and turn it into an answer, to see if anyone agrees:
DUELIST (Fighting style) says: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
I would argue that this can never be applied to thrown weapon attacks... at the point of rolling damage, how can you be said to be "wielding" a dagger if you have in fact already thrown it. You're not wielding it... it's over the other side of the room.
Hop into a lovely chat with the designer of Lady Blackbird, Lasers and Feelings, #BladesintheDark, and many more! It's indie RPG publisher @john_harper!
@nitsua60 as a kid my mum was frustrated that i drank water from the hot tap sometimes (not, you know, hot, but warm) and was trying to get me to not, and said it wasn't clean, to which i said “but if it isn't clean enough to drink, why's it clean enough to shower in?”. she was speechless, and didn't have a good answer for me for a few days.
(then i began learning about potability, more or less, and why a lot of things that are fine to wash in are not okay to drink)
this was in the 90's, i imagine today we'd handle that situation by getting out a phone & typing that question into google
Byproduct of getting our tap water from a river that was usually clean enough to drink after processing, but heavy rain would stir up sediment and gum up the filters.
@kviiri I don't remember the full details, but it included sand and charcoal filters. And I doubt it's changed, I've just moved north to where the tap water comes from the aquifer.
Guam's a volcanic island, but the north half has a thick layer of limestone on top, from an ancient reef that got lifted out of the water by later tectonic activity.
@gul I think managing your free object interactions to exploit that could get really complicated. Always starting your turn with just one weapon in your hand, but another one handy. Especially complex in long combats.
Legal: "I throw my dagger. With my other hand, I then pull out a second dagger, and I throw it as well."
Not legal: "I throw my dagger. With the same hand, I then draw and throw another dagger."
@Tiggerous On the topic of free object interactions, I would just like to leave this here and invite you to consider the first comment on the top-rated answer:…
D&D has provided me with numerous hours of joy but sometimes the world it outlines is v. silly.
IIRC the rules are a bit vague on whether one has to wield a thrown weapon before throwing it.
I usually have ruled that yes, you have to, because that plays in well with the dagger's "flexibility" of being a melee weapon and a thrown weapon at the same time.
Tactical analysis
Rules-wise, there is no inherent benefit in choosing dual daggers over dual shortswords, apart from the usually negligible differences in monetary cost and weight and the thrown property you mentioned. However, an enchanted dagger is usually better than a mundane shortsword, so...
I had to look up this old answer of mine to remember what I previously mused on this topic
5e doesn't have crit confirmation and melee attacks can be declared non-lethal at the moment the damage is dealt.
I'm not sure how that interacts with the "death-by-massive-damage" thing. It's not really an area I care much about - in my campaigns, barring players wanting things to go one way or the other, NPCs die if and only if it's convenient for the story.
Eg. if the party is sent to parlay with a tightly-knit family of bandits to get them to unite against a common foe, and they wind up having to beat some sense into them to get to the negotiation part, I'd... probably default to the foes just rolling around groaning after being fireballed out of the combat as a default.
I used to think hit points were the stupidest thing ever and why would anyone not do more realistic injuries. Then I played Savage Worlds. But of course there's a ton of options beyond those two.
I like the Fate consequences (at least I think so) and the Apocalypse World harm (which is essentially the same as HP, except there's very few of them and healing takes looong).
But if they're just ablative armor and their purpose is to delay anything interesting happening as the result of a successful roll, then they'd better be being used as a tension-building mechanic.
@BESW I've been thinking about this in respect to 4e - mainly, to make boss fights feel more like wounding a BBEG than, y'know, trying to reduce a big number to zero. Like that multi-part dragon of yours :)
Yesterday, I briefly mentioned here two other concepts I'll be trying out: The Asteroid Boss which has lower than usual HP but sheds minions when hit, and JRPG boss that is actually n different bosses in progressing phases and varying powers and flavors.