@goodguy5 I just have that page memorized because it's so much easier finding it there than in the DMG's monster-building section. Not that you need to reference it ever, because once you've seen it it's "oh, monster CR functions as character level for this purpose, with everything below 5 having +2 prof."
@Powerdork Pastrami is underpowered in d20. I've had enough of this "masterwork corned beef" nonsense. Pastrami deserves better than that. Much, much better.
"You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender." - PHB, which goes on, on the same page even, to use "he or she" to refer to the player's hypothetical character.
Were there similar statements in 3.x or 4? It certainly caught my eye when I got the 5e PHB, coming most recently from 2e, as it was a striking change to the "let's throw a girdle of femininity in the dungeon for yuks" culture of my D&D youth.
There's still a long way to go, obviously, but 5e is much more inclusive than any previous editions, isn't it? So is your beef really with 5e specifically?
@SPavel Yeah, let's not tar every instance of the game with problems you've seen? Fair to state whatever toxicity you've seen/experienced, not really fair to call all of our tables toxic by extension.
@goodguy5 What do you spend most time you interface with the game rules doing? (Exploring, fighting.) Do the rules encourage it? (Yes, moreso than most other interactions.) Do the rules try decently to encourage other options?
@SPavel That's fair... when I hear "D&D is" I think not only of the rules WotC publishes, but also the instance of D&D that my friends and I construct when we sit down together. So that's a bit on me, the misconnect.
This is a game with hundreds of pages and rules about fighting and killing things, and social interaction is basically a single dice roll. It's very upfront about being a combat game. I don't see why that's a bad thing, or how that ties into "toxic" anything.
3.5 is worse in some ways but at least its ridiculous amount of content lets you be all kinds of weird crap like a sentient blob of magic given form and life, which is so far outside the gender binary that there's a long distance charge for calling
okay. with that metric, then I suppose it makes sense.
My feeling is that I don't need a bunch of rules about "how to tell a story". I can narrate decently well and I'm creative enough. The stuff I need help with is "how do I handle confrontations mechanically?"
> Individuality has no place in a wilden's life. Males and females display differences in personality and appearance, but all wilden regard themselves as parts of a greater whole. When speaking of themselves, wilden use the plural, saying "we" instead of "I."
@goodguy5 The more I've played games that actually do provide nuanced mechanics for pushing story scenes, the more I feel that D&D's "eh, figure it out" is a massive missed opportunity.
@goodguy5 I mean... there are so many systems which use the same mechanical framework for any kind of conflict. Fate. Dogs in the Vineyard. Lady Blackbird. InSpectres.
@goodguy5 Fair enough, but I think that BESW is saying is that the game gives you a lot of tools for combat, and so that favors building around combat challenges rather than non-combat challenges
@MikeQ And more specifically, games with more complete non-combat conflict mechanics can push their agendas more effectively. Suddenly throwing your hands up and going "Freeform time!" means that the game's experience will probably feel more disjointed because it has varying levels of curation.
I have very mixed feelings about FATE's combat engine but consider this: in FATE, one character can have another character completely overpowered in a brutal one-sided beatdown, and still lose the combat
@SPavel depending on the character choices one's made. If one's hp and/or combat efficacy are all that matters to the character, that's likely true. Once there are other things--especially outside oneself--that one cares about, though....
D&D and similar games are evolutions from old-timey tabletop war games, where the goal was simply to kill all the enemies. Storytelling, roleplaying, and diplomacy were added on with a stapler.
A shelf is actually a very good example, as it is a container. It is designed to hold certain things. You could have great difficulty, for example, keeping soup on a shelf, because that's not what it was designed for. A bowl would support soup much better.
@nitsua60 The outside-of-self pieces tend to have only hitpoint-related metrics as well
@nitsua60 Again, that's freeform material outside the support of the system; compare Bubblegumshoe where your relationships with NPCs are a major resource necessary to function and succeed in the game.
If someone wants to run a non-combat RP/intrigue game, and they enjoy 5E's very loose framework because it gives them freedom, then great. That's good for them. But then why use 5E?
But I also like 4e because it backs away from social scene structures almost entirely and doesn't try to dictate how rolls interact with roleplay the way, say, 3.5 did.
Because D&D has never done that well, but 4e had the courage of its convictions to not try.
Aye, it tried to shake the franchise's shackles of things-which-must-exist-because-they-always-have, and it succeeded--much to the consternation of many.
Hence my semi-regular avowal that 13th Age is the best D&D game, because it doesn't feel obligated to do things just because that's how D&D does them.
The thing that has always bugged me about D&D is that it tries to marry two fundamentally different genres: gritty realistic low fantasy on a tactical level, and high fantasy kitchen sink epic shenanigans, but doesn't actually make a distinction between the two
It should be two games, and 4e and 5e are good candidates for those two games
@MikeQ Alternate? Nothing. The problem is when you have characters from both within the same party.
5e is better about this, but you still have "man who carries sword" and "man who carries a book with the power to warp reality itself into a delicious pretzel" next to one another
@BESW Yeah, 4e has a laser focus on "yes this guy wields a sword, but that's probably the least interesting thing about him"
I think the idea of Paragon Path and Epic Destiny is a very good one - you get 30 levels of being a Fighter, but also these other character-defining things
As opposed to 3.5 where if you want to do something interesting, now you are less of a Fighter
> I've been told a time or two to change my frame of mind Listen, do what's best and good for all of mankind The only thing I see to do is burn and start anew and that's including each and all of you
...it might also have something to do with the fact I'm still working on my taxes.
@BESW I disagree somewhat that it's outside the system's support. I agree that the support that's there is much lighter than other pieces, that it's not well presented, and gets very little attention from product developers (esp. module/AP writers, which is where I feel the brand really could be doing a lot of its "here's a way to play" exposition.)
@Rubiksmoose I was feeling.....a bit unnerved by the sabotage. OOC, our DM asked if she REALLY wanted to do that, and she still said yes after hearing what it did,.
> Try anything and she'll hand you your butt. She will then certify in triplicate that you legally took possession of your own butt. Your demise shall have a scrupulous paper trail! (source)
@SPavel This is the first year I've made over their threshold for filing taxes (graduated last year), and the US system is much more complicated than the Canadian system. I suppose I should be grateful I don't have to file State taxes too at least.
@SimonH. Technically since gp/sp/cp is a metaphysical constant (the magic of the universe relies on it) you might have some trouble with local currencies...
@Anoplexian hurts your total prepared spells list, too. But most of hte time, you'll be using them for divine smites or use for buffs like shield of faith/bless.
unrelated: Does anyone have a link to that comic, where the guy tries to attack the orc (thozar or something) but caresses his cheek instead. Then, they fall in love and he takes him home to meet the folks?
You could also engineer a plot whereby memetic possession warps your character's mind in the image of a fell and sinister being, albeit one that is way more charismatic
And the consequences/rewards of the "friendly" PVP should not be significant
Different players have different levels of skill and familiarity with whatever system you're playing, so some will have advantages over others in a competitive scenario
This is one of the places where the social contract comes in: If any of the players have joined under the presumption that the game is cooperative, then surprising them with competitive play will cause unrest at the table -- it's an unpleasant feeling to "lose" at a cooperative game.
@Spavel Never! As far as I can tell, this skill would eliminate a lot of the funny stories in which a character does something uncharacteristically dumb, such as try to push someone off a spike from the back rather than pulling out the spike.....