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As is, I felt the need to get alert as an assassin just so i can get my attacks off
Huh - I guess i've been playing it a bit wrong. I considered a creature surprised until it takes it's first turn
first turn that it can act
But the rules don't exactly say when surprise ends... to be honest they kind of imply "surprised" lasts the whole combat
@goodguy5 That's what the surprise round is for. During the first round (the surprised round), only the non-surprised creatures get to take a turn.
well, 5e doesn't have a "surprise round", it has the "surprised condition", which ends after your turn
PHB doesnt clarify when surprise ends but Sage Advice does
"In effect, a surprised creature skips its first turn in a fight. Once that turn ends, the creature is no longer surprised."
yes that
assassin is the first thing that comes to mind as benefiting from this. there may be others
I still am going to play with "surprise round" i think
surprise round: when the grid isn't using squares
@goodguy5 be careful calling surprised a condition. It doesn't work the same way as other conditions. I refer to it as "surprised stare"
@DavidCoffron what do you mean? it IS a condition.
@goodguy5 it's not on the condition appendix and no where do the rules call it a condition
It just says "If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action on your first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a reaction until that turn ends."
@goodguy5 It is less formal than a condition
@goodguy5 @SirCinnamon @DavidCoffron
well, it having a first turn, even if it must do nothing on it because of the "Surprised" condition that goes away at the end of a creature's turn, means it still took that turn. Thus rolling a higher initiative than the assassin rogue means the assassin rouge doesn't get advantage, nor do they auto-crit. And rolling lower means you get one chance advantage and autocrit

Having a surprise round means the assassin rogue always gets the advantage and autocrit, and then again if they have a higher initiative.
@0xFFF1 agreed. 5e has a surprise state that goes away after the surprised creatures first turn
@0xFFF1 Surprise round could be played that way, but it could also be played that all surprise goes away at the end of the round, so its impossible to ge tthe autocrit twice
But guaranteed to be possible once
Which yes, is a buff to Assassin Rogue undeniably
I've honestly never heard of anything but the surprise round mechanics
There are 3 housrules suggest here with various levels of usefulness (I list in order) to the assassin. The surprise round, surprise goes away at the end of the 1st round, passive initiative for surprise
grew up on 3.5e tho
@0xFFF1 Assassin Rouge (Rare Magic Item): Any creature who inhales this red powder takes 6d12 poison damage (Con save for half)
@GreySage did i really make that typo?
@0xFFF1 Indeed
@GreySage oof
Q: At which moment does the 'Surprised' state disappear?

FafoonI am trying to figure out if the surprised state ends on a creature after the first attack of a surprise round, or if the surprised state (which I would then see almost as an unofficial condition) ends only after the first round of combat. In the second case, I would believe that a character (ha...

The most paramount of embarassing typos in a dnd chatroom
@SirCinnamon i got it 2/3 times
Assassin Rouge can also be applied to the face, giving advantage to Perform (Acting) checks, and the user can poison a character by nuzzling.
@0xFFF1 3/4 I spot
one at the end, quite.
(sorry, stepped away)
don't worry, you probably forgot that you cast Time Stop
That spell. Ugh. My players were a nightmare
It was even the spell effect that was the problem. (With 9th level spells you effect ridiculous things). They just spent a good 15 minutes figuring out how best to use the free turns.
@DavidCoffron huh.... I'll be danged. I thought for sure it was a condition. Though, it does end after your turn.
It was a condition in 4e IIRC
Is* I guess
I like the surprised state over the surprised condition because I don't like things not getting "a turn", even a "turn" where they cannot do anything.

This is somewhat useful for spell effects.
Wizard cast flaming sphere on a surprised enemy.
A surprise-round negates a round of damage
unless you also tack on more house rules that "well, they automatically take the damage"
which reminds me.
assuming you crafted a magic item beforehand that can create a permanent Gate spell when activated, you can kill all of psionics in your DM's universe in just a few turns by teleporting to the place in the Astral Plane where arcane power funnels into the material plane for use by psions, place the gate there and point it to the Abyss.
or something like that
mind flayers get sexxed hard
If that's how it works in your DMs universe...
blocked by DM Fiat
requires DM fiat to work*
Why are you assuming that "arcane power" would just flow right into your gate
oh yea
you put the gate over the funnel
Yea, but then some devil just puts up another gate from the abyss. OR you get a bunch of devil psions
If you put a portal to the abyss into the Nile, like 0.001% of the Nile at best will go in, the rest will go on as always
@0xFFF1 related: "49. Reformed illithid working as hair stylist falls under suspicion."
And that's a physical thing (water). You are assuming that a metaphysical thing (arcane power) works the same way.
How do you do quote blocks in chat?
> it might be the same as the oversite. indeed it is. use ' >'
@goodguy5 i don't believe in the existence of expletives. Are you really saying that your belief system trumps mine?
>Does this work?
> Does this work?
@0xFFF1 wat
@0xFFF1 If people can believe the Earth is flat, then this doesn't surprise me.
apples and oranges, my dude
The Earth is flat, but it's flat in a curved space-time so it looks round
The eagle is asleep
has it landed?
If the universe is flat, as some physicists think, why isn't everything on it flat... (obviously in jest, I know the difference of the terms)
Geodesics are fun
Btw for the longest time I was so confused about what all the random eagle messages were about. It was a bit scary
@DavidCoffron Because we are paying for a 3rd dimension so it would be a waste not to use it
Has anyone read flatland?
okay, riddle me this, if space is curved, where does it curve into?
@0xFFF1 Itself
@goodguy5 Yes
@SPavel that's what the "we're paying for a third" reminded me of
@goodguy5 out of all of everyone everywhere everytime, probably.
Space isn't curved in the conventional sense. It just has the effect of what a 4d curve would be. We can't look at the universe from outside to know exactly what that looks like
i mean, we invented planes submarines and spaceships for that purpose
having 3D movement is pretty valuable
@0xFFF1 don't you mean planes trains and automobiles?
trains and automobiles are 2D movement
@0xFFF1 Maybe your trains are.
maglev doesnt count because the leviatation is still bound to geodesics
fwiw I was joking
@0xFFF1 yea.... with THAT attitude
fwiw I was also joking
:thumbs up: :)
insert backtothefuturetrain.jpg
@Rubiksmoose as you asked
Thank you kindly good sir
(so fast too well done)
tbh, I was already searching before you mentioned it
@Rubiksmoose has anyone solved you yet?
@0xFFF1 Isn't that just being a PC
@0xFFF1 No, all the moose parts keep getting in the way.
that's awkward
You look pretty solved from.this angle so they got pretty close
@SPavel personal computer? Politically Correct? that's all the expansions of that acronym i tend to use.
@0xFFF1 Player Character
@DavidCoffron actually, from that configuration, there's no way he isn't solved.
@goodguy5 oh yeah duh
PC or pc may refer to: == Arts and entertainment == Player character or playable character, a fictional character controlled by a human player, usually in role-playing games or computer games Port Charles, an American daytime TV soap opera Production code number, a designation used to identify television episodes == Organizations == === Government agencies === Peace Corps, a volunteer program run by the United States government Philippine Constabulary, a defunct police force Libyan Presidential Council Privy council, a body that advises the head of state of a nation Queen's Privy Coun...
@0xFFF1 you are assuming he is a 3d cube
Technically if you created a very polite windows-based robot for a character it would be a PC PC PC
@Rubiksmoose my next character. Mark my words
@DavidCoffron Consider them marked
@0xFFF1 jokes on you, the antlers are rotated wrong. it is the secret last step. don't tell anybody.
@Rubiksmoose If you dip into the Police Commissioner prestige class, then you get a PC PC PC PC PC
@DavidCoffron If it's actually a question of yours go ahead and ask it. I'll say, though, that "I'm curious" tends not to lead to great Q&A--it's not verboten but experience tells us they tend to be lower quality than "actual" questions that arise when trying to accomplish something.
@MikeQ is that compatible with the time weasel?
@nitsua60 i had that thought. I just decided to do some research and run it by a few friends of mine
@Rubiksmoose polite =/= political correctness.
The former is a technique of social interaction when it is more desirable to acquire or maintain another person's positive disposition towards you than to optimize for any other factors during the stage in which the level of familiarity and other social factors with each other are most strongly dominated by recency and / or mutual neutral dispositions.

The latter is an ideological stance and method of behaviour meant to signal that you have as many nonnegative traits as possible to as many people or groups of people as possible, as a means of
It is polite to be PC though
@0xFFF1 yup, but it is pretty hard to fit that into a pithy one-liner.
@SPavel depends on who you ask
@Rubiksmoose it's fun for me to try to be verbose
and overly lingusitically specific
@0xFFF1 Are you aware that you can link chat messages to other specific messages? You might be doing this already, but if you hover over a message you can see a little arrow on the right side.
@SPavel Not necessarily. It's possible to be very PC and come off as pretentious or condescending
@GreySage I find that fairly tedious (especially on mpbile). It autolinks to the most recent message sometimes
@MikeQ PC can also stand for "pretentious and condescending"
politeness is implicitly not required when the level of positive or negative familiarity is sufficiently high, or when it is not advantageous nor disadvantageous to acquire a significant nonzero disposition with a specific person.
whereas being PC has to be an always on sort of thing or don't bother
@0xFFF1 I think PC has the same factor as politeness. I make non-PC jokes more with my close friends then I would with strangers in the same way that I don't feel the need to always be polite.
The major difference between the two is that politeness is for when dealing with individuals, whereas Political correctness is for dealing with groups of people; Being polite or not only affects individual relationships.
Being Politically Correct only ever works because a person you're not being PC with could threaten to alert their social group in order to shun you en masse. If you don't care about being PC, you don't care about being shunned. You still have the potential to form relationships with people who also don't care about being PC, which is honestly plenty of people.
Warning: this conversation may veer into violation of Be Nice.
Though it seems that the conversation has died there. Which is fine by me. Good warning though.
@NautArch thanks. I was trying my best to avoid that direction, focusing on the implementation of PC rather than examples. It's an easy topic to get directed towards unfriendly discourse
I love the birds-apparently tag here. Thank ypu
@DavidCoffron oh man I didn't notice that! :D
Did the eaglecam shut down for the night?
Q: Teams/Theme.css gives a 404, which causes notification and achievement boxes to not disappear after reading

reneWhen opening my inbox on on MSE, MSO, SU or SO I see a 404 resource not found for: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/teams/theme.css?v=10056:1520526728:10063:1520539764 Notice the /teams/ there. I'm part of the teams beta on Stack Overflow but this issues hunts me on every site. Due to this error...

Inbox & rep notifications aren't disappearing. They're looking into it.
dupe with what's linked in the comments? I have a feeling it's different enough to NOT be a dupe.
@NautArch Yeah I've been looking at this as well. Tough call, but technically different since the linked Q allows magic items. My inclination is to say that it is enough differentiation, but these are not my favorite types of questions.
@Rubiksmoose that's my hunch and putting up an answer.
quittin time. good weekend all
@NautArch I'd be cautious about putting up an answer. I have no idea how many requirements are going to change from OP in response to my comment. Could be none, but could be a lot.
@Rubiksmoose yeah, i decided against and I think the other answer has it (even with the Unearthed Arcana background in it)
what's interseting is that a Barbarian at level 20 can have a permanent walking around AC of 30 with no magic items or buffs (or 24 if no defensive duellist reaction).
@NautArch Do you know what the highest AC you can get from True Polymorph is? Or Shapechange? I don't know, but I'm curious.
Tarasque is highest AC monster in non-module options with 25.
Tiamat is also 25, i think
looks like @SevenSidedDie marked it as a dupe
that's not a dupe at all.
@SimonH. i wasn't sure, but didn't think it really was either
can always vote to reopen.
@NautArch the magic items change the answer completely
@Rubiksmoose please do
Ugh. I'm sorry @SevenSidedDie I forgot that my gold badge can un-dupe hammer. I still think it should be closed as unclear, though.
@NautArch voted that way as well
@Rubiksmoose was just reading an article about who might replace rosenstein if he's fired. And it's an ex-boyfriend of my sister.
@NautArch oh wow!
@Rubiksmoose from quite a long time ago, but was still surprising to see his name.
@NautArch I thought Rachel Brand takes that position if rosenstein is fired. Shes the Associate Attorney General
@DavidCoffron Interim perhaps, but they have to appoint someone
Or confirm her as permanent, I think
@GreySage Comes back within 5 or 6 hours. I've seen it up and running as early as 0530 local (Estonian), and the image is pretty good. Then as the sun rises the image sharpens up and one realizes how dark it must have been before.
@DavidCoffron Apparently the Solicitor General is another possible option?
@nitsua60 is that what EST stands for? P
@NautArch Eagle Sleepy Time
@NautArch @SirCinnamon XD
@nitsua60 I definitely wouldn't say that so bluntly.
More like a juxtaposition of "These are the guidelines" and the fact that they're getting downvoted, allowing them to come to their own conclusion.
@Axoren I try to be polite, kind, and direct. Fluff doesn't help someone learn the site's ways--"I think this is too broad: it seems to me you're asking X, Y, and Z all in one and they're not obviously related. I suggest you ask them separately--there's no stigma against multiple, good questions around here!" &c. &c. &c.
Is that a way to spell etcetera?
@Axoren I don't know--I think that speculating about how others are voting is noise. If you think something's a flaw and it might be why others are downvoting, just say you think it's a flaw and leave it at that.
@Axoren yeah. The "et" in et cetera is Latin: "and".
(Cetera = "other things")
I've never seen someone short hand it by hitting just as many keyboard keys before.
so "etc." and "&c." are both just abbreviation/conjunctions.
Every time you edit a message with a mention of me, it re-thunks
Yeah, sorry.
Never noticed it before
I think that's neat, actually
Because sometimes, someone will make a change that completely changes the message and if you don't catch it visually, you wouldn't know they continued with the thought
But yeah, I just don't feel right being too direct about stuff to a new user, because we've all been there.
I think if someone's willing to make an account to take part in the discussion, letting them come to their own conclusions that they're not meeting standards might be better than telling them and placing Negative GBPs on their answers.
But the direct method will definitely get the point across more efficiently.
@Axoren Here's how I see it (I was new fairly recently). The direct notices of how to behave on the site were extremely useful for site policies. If I only got downvotes, I would have no idea what I should do differently. Now I am firmly familiar with almost all of things to do and all of the things not to do. I never felt like people were attacking me for being new (in fact I probably would have felt that more if I just got a bunch of downvotes with no definitive reasons).
@DavidCoffron You may have missed part of the discussion. We were discussing the difference between "Welcome, to the site. You may want to look at our posting guidelines." and "This question/answer has flaws and here are the flaws I find with it."
They aren't just getting downvotes in my case, they're getting pointed to resources.
I assume in nitsua's hypothetical, they would also get pointed to the same resources.
It's definitely a good perspective from a recently new user that those types of discussions don't feel antagonistic or anxious.
@Axoren Ah. Sorry to dive into the conversation on the wrong information. I usually direct people to the tour and the guidelines following up with specific reasons for what to change.
I feel like anywhere in the middle ground between both sides is perfectly fine.
As long as they can figure out how to post good
Like "Welcome. Here's the tour. That will give you an idea as to how things work here, especially pay attention to [guideline]. For your question/answer, [specific suggestion]"
I think I've used that exact template multiple times before (incidentally)
That's more nitsua's position, but I believe we were discussing at an earlier point whether or not to state that the person posting the guidelines would be saying "I'm downvoting you because of X, Y, and Z"
Like, telling someone "You're getting downvoted because your question has X flaw" is a bit much unless they ask why they're being downvoted.
It's a very egg-on-your-face situation when you think you were being helpful, I bet.
Whereas just being gently led to the guidelines would be less so
@Axoren My advice to anyone new would be, don't stress too much over downvotes. I know it can be annoying if you are trying to join the community, but everyone starts somewhere; your answers will improve with time.
You only get so much room in a comment for the prep talk, though :P
I went back and edited a few of my first answers (formatting mostly, but also to make them more universal/helpful)
hey there @Tiggerous, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
hey as well @MikeQ
@Rubiksmoose I first read that as Using the Creation spell to smash foes with a heavy block of meta, and I thought "Yeah, meta can be pretty lethal sometimes."
@Axoren Sorry, I'm not sure I was clear. I'm in no way advocating that one should always leave such a comment. I'm saying that when one leaves a comment trying to point out areas of improvement, I think it shouldn't be speculative: it should be things that you actually think are flaws.
(cc: @DavidCoffron ^^)
If you're happy and you know it…
I only clasp my ham when I have 4 arms and dyslexia (and for some reason ham instead of hands... I didn't think this through)
@Rubiksmoose I follow through with my marked words: drive.google.com/open?id=15Vww4y3K0UqCrIxxJ693vSMm_jsr4S6X | The Bauen race is just a reskinned Tiefling based on the Modron (all features the same mechanically) | The Windows Employee background is a custom background based on Guild Artisan | Replace Common with Modron (from background); I'm just gonna pretend I got Infernal from my background instead (flip them for roleplay purposes)
Now I just have to find someone who will let me play this character... :)
@Axoren (And I don't believe I mentioned listing X, Y, Z as downvote-reasons: I try to stick to the one or two really big things, so as not to overwhelm a new user with a checklist/to-do list. When I said "X, Y, Z" it was in a hypothetical situation when a user was asking a bunch of questions in one post.)

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