> If you roll all sixes on your roll, you can get new skill one level higher than the one you used for the action. The skill must be a subset of what happened to you in the action (Say, Athletics 2 if you were climbing a wall, or Teeth of Biting 2 if you were eating a cake)
The trick is that it's "a subset of what happened to you" rather than "a subset of the skill you used."
So what happened when you leapt through a window to punch someone?
Did you fall three floors, landing in a "punch the ground" position that created a tremor shock knocking everyone off their feet?
@BESW So is the top answer wrong then when it says "I'm also fairly strict about the rule that new skills must be narrower in scope than the one that was used to gain them, so even if players do end up gaining high-level skills, they're not very often applicable (at least not without either clever planning by players or fancy footwork by the GM)."
@goodguy5 I mean, in terms of what the skill is. The rank of the skill used informs the rank of the skill gained, but the nature of the skill is irrelephant.
@Shalvenay Summary: PCs are on a pirate ship and just got a ton of treasure. There's an enchanter spy among the crew, and intends to steal the treasure, and hijack the ship to meet up with their boss in X days. The enchanter's plan is to use illusions and other spells to make the PCs think that the treasure is cursed, so if the PCs notice anything odd, they can blame the "curse".
@Shalvenay Until day X occurs, I have no planned encounters. Just the spy slowly working their plan, and making the PCs think that they're dealing with a curse.
Depending on your GM, yes. Because I like calling for lots of rolls, I'd say that jumping through a window isn't punchin' a schmoe and call for two rolls.
But if you're using Punching stuff 2 to go through a window fists-first, that's awesome.
Okay, so you roll two sixes and punch the schmoe. What happens when you punch him?
(This is why RFS works so well: it forces narrating interesting outcomes rather than just saying "you succeed," because the outcomes are where the new skills come from.)
@BESW "My fist connects with his face, the crunch audible. But it doesn't stop there. My momentum from the window jump drives us both to the dirt, a ploom of dust rising as we hit the ground"
@Shalvenay So that's what I'm looking at. It's an opportunity for the players to do downtime and RP and whatever. So I need to keep them interested, even though there's no immediate threat.
Skills aren't trees in RFS, they don't owe anything to their progenitors. Once a skill's been made, it's independent of the skill which created the situation that birthed it.
...like, here's one thing I tried: one of the first times this happened, there was a creepy eyeball-themed wizard spying on the party with eye beasts, and they're like "what fans the flames of your desire?" and I told them the eyeball wizard had a creepy crush on the fire priestess of the temple in town
so one of my players decided he was going to resolve the eyeball-wizard subplot by coercing the fire priestess to sleep with the eyeball-wizard
and -- I mean, I communicated that I wasn't really comfortable with this, that it felt uncomfortably rapey, especially the way he was going about it. but he doubled down on it, and eventually I had to ask him to leave my table
since then, I've carefully avoided any responses related to sex, even though "what fans the flames of your desire" is sort of asking for that
...well, here's a more recent story: the group is wandering through a forest, far from civilization, looking for dryads to help make a magic item. They roll a 6- on a check, so I narrate that a druid shows up flanked by two spirit bears and she's mad about some damage they did to some trees. the immolator walks up to the druid and says: "what fans the flames of your desire?" and I totally blank.
(so I did what I always do when I totally blank, which is I turn to a random player and tell them it's their job to answer this question. worked pretty well actually!)
@BESW Speaking of you and game systems, would you mind taking a look at the Bubblegumshoe section in my recent answer and verify I'm representing the system well? I don't immediately know of anyone else who has played it.
@DanB "breezes through the trees. The clattering of bare branches in winter, when you see the souls of trees. Breezes that blow in nourishing rains. Summer breezes heavy with the heavy scent of honeysuckle. Breezes chasing stampedes of dried leaves."
Nebulous or uncertain implies that there's stuff you don't or can't know; BGS is more about "Okay, you've got all the pieces but there are no easy answers... but you've got to make a decision anyway."
@nitsua60 oh, you must have missed that Mythbusters episode then, where they flipped a car and a schoolbus using the jetwash from a 747 doing a ground runup
@DanB I'm going to have a sort of similar problem with a PbtA game I'm going to run called Masks where there is a move anybody can do at any time called Pierce the Mask that allows you to ascertain motivations and plans of enemies.
Hopefully I can have villains (it is a superhero campaign) fleshed out enough where I can tell the PCs motivations and plans without having to improv too much.
On the other hand if they are going to use it on random Joes on the street I might be able to have some fun with it making up random motivations. Though I don't think that is likely at all.
I've voted to hold the question because I think it's unclear how [dnd-5e] and [dungeons-and-dragons] interact here. Rather than us asking what sources are acceptable, can you just edit in to the post what the source of the question is? I.e. why do you need to know? Are you writing an RPG novel? Running a home game? Trying to present something to your GM? Writing an adventure for publication? When we know that answerers themselves will be able to judge which materials from which editions they want to reference. — nitsua60 ♦1 min ago
@nitsua60 I saw! Thanks for doing that. Hopefully they get back so we can get them some sort of answer (though I'm not sure there is really relevant source material in 5e aside from VGtM exist at this time sadly).
I mean, we don't even know if they're even playing 5e. They mention some 5e books, but maybe it's just that those are the ones on the shelves, or that their friend mentioned.
@nitsua60 Oh yeah I meant if the answer turned out to be 5e based. Which you smartly phrased your comment in a way that would suss that out pretty quickly if they ever answer it.
Hey what's the usual message to comment to new posters when you need to direct them to the posting guidelines? I couldn't find my way to the wiki on the new UI.
I wanted to send [this dude](https://rpg.stackexchange.com/a/120403/14873) the link to let him know why people are downvoting him, but I can't navigate the site for crap anymore.
Anyways, thanks @BESW. I included your message almost verbatim, plus a light shove towards the answering guidelines. I'm surprised that one lasted in the queue as long as it did. Usually, those things empty within 10 minutes.
When I was curating a pinned message linking to time-sensitive RPG events like Kickstarters and beta testings, I used the line break's increased character limit a LOT.
And because I wasn't using code blocks, the markdown implemented itself in the star bar where line breaks became spaces.
room topic changed to RPG General Chat: Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games [birds-apparently] [dice] [jeff] [pen-and-paper] [roleplaying] [rpg]
Morning all, I've been thinking about homebrewing a new teleportation spell for my dnd-5e setting. Part of making sure I balance it right would be comparing it to existing spells. Is there an equivalent question to this one What spells are available to resurrect characters? for teleportation spells?
Few people have heard of Omega it because it's a niche instance of a niche genre (roguelikes). Basically it's a roguelike with lots of cool things and content which no one ever saw because its gameplay is terrible.
Hmm, can't really comment on that one. Including or excluding categories of teleportation is, as far as the stack is concerned, just a detail
...and among those terrible gameplay things was, indeed... hand management.
Most roguelikes have an inventory "backpack" that can be accessed without delay. Omega went for more realism. The character has two hands to move stuff around with, slots on their belt, pockets etc for easy access. The backpack had much more space, but the more stuff was in the slower it got.
There was also the item slot "up in the air" which was used as a sort of temporary swap slot. An item "equipped" there would fall to the ground after the swaps were complete.
I feel sad about Omega, but I guess it has done the world a service by being a warning example of what design by "wouldn't it be cool if" alone can cause.
**What are the official spells that can be used by characters to teleport themselves or others in Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons?**
Which classes can cast them and at what level? If appropriate, what is the limit to the distance that can be teleported using them? Is it possible for companions to accompany the caster?
@Tiggerous If possible, it's best to describe the situation you're facing and ask for help with it; right now that question sounds like you've already decided what kind of help you need and are asking for that without telling us what's actually going on.
Which means we can't apply our experience-based expertise to solving the problem, because you're shutting us out and just using us as a reference librarian.
You'll be able to take advantage of the full resources of our experts by describing the challenge you're facing. If the solution is a list of spells, you'll still get that list! But you'll also get other kinds of solutions too.
It's often harder to ask a more comprehensive "this is my situation" question, because it requires more reflection to accurately describe the challenge one is facing. But the rewards are well worth it, in my experience.
You'll get advice on processes and techniques for homebrew, based on concrete experiences.
When writing questions I always have two considerations in mind, specific enough to answer my own issue, broad enough to be useful for as many other people as possible. Should I be ignoring the latter?
@Tiggerous In my opinion, yes. Good answers to narrowly specific questions explain "how" and "why" with techniques and processes that others can learn from and apply to their own situations. Broad questions tend to get vague, diffuse answers that aren't particularly helpful to anybody.
A long time ago the Stack Exchange had a "close as too localized" option for questions that nobody thought would be useful to anyone except the asker.
Over time they came to realize that narrow questions which are worthy of closing aren't close-worthy because of their narrowness, but because they violate other guidelines we also have specific close reasons for.
And that narrowly focused questions encourage complex deep dive answers that really draw on answerers' experience-based expertise.
The Stack works best when it's providing well-explained actionable solutions to challenges someone actually faces.
(This is one reason armchair stacks like sff.se have a hard time. Solutions aren't really... actionable... there, so voting and topicality gets wonky.)
Teleportation is, while seeming like a narrow-ish thing, used commonly for three different purposes: fast travel, obstacle bypassing and tactical mobility. And then there's niche uses like measuring longitude (this is an actual thing in 7th Sea).
Hmm, OK. So "Is my homebrew teleportation spell balanced against exisiting spells?" is a better question than "What ways are there of teleporting in 5e?"?
@ravery The trick to "balance" questions on RPG.SE is, "balance" means something different to everybody. We can only help you with balance questions if you can explain to us what "balance" means for your particular group/campaign goals.
For your game, is balance about using mechanics to manage the spotlight so everybody gets time to feel useful (does out-of-combat usefulness redeem in-combat obscurity)? Or keeping fights interesting by making sure they aren't too long or too short? (What is "too long" or "too short" for your group? How can you tell?) Is it about making sure the players will win the fights while keeping them feeling like they could die at any moment, or is it giving them a fighting chance but there's still a reasonable likelihood (20%? 50%?) of character death?
Well, in pedantic terms, not always. Eg. when not online :)
RPG stack is a good pastime for a person who, like myself, is interested in debate, policy and process but also wants to see something fun and productive emerge from it.
I wouldn't say those are always opposites, because "inter-planar travel" is moving between planes... but "planar travel" is the spell for doing that. :P
The teleport question got me facetiously wondering, what exactly is a willing creature?
A sapient being who knows about teleportation is easy, but what if we're speaking of a non-sapient creature, an infant human or something like that which completely lacks understanding of the concept of teleportation?
Nonsentient animals and infants cannot legally consent to magical involvement until at least of age 8, and until then their willingness defers to that of a parent or guardian or nearest fit to that concept determined at time of casting.
@BESW Permission slips are a very important part of conducting magic upon youths.
There's two alternative models at work: "passive willing" would mean a creature is willing unless it mounts some psychological resistance and "active willing" would mean a creature is unwilling unless it somehow actively consents to being teleported. Either of these seem problematic when dealing with mindless or non-sapient creatures.
@doppelgreener You need to get a teleporting license before you can legally teleport yourself without an accompanying licensed adult. Teleporting more than four other people alongside you at once requires taking an extra class and test to qualify for the chauffeur's license.
@BESW "Please only put the blood in the signature spot. Please use the blood to make a signature, specifically. The blood is expected to belong to the signatory. That is to say, the blood is expected to have been the blood the signatory's own body produced. We've had a lot of confusion over these points, and don't want to have another incident like the one that happened last year."
"Children with parents or guardians who are animated constructs, incorporeal, or otherwise blood-deficient, please speak to school guidance for possible counselling and alternative forms that do not require blood. Please do not seek alternative means of acquiring blood."
@BESW Getting a chauffeur's license is difficult, given the number of accidents that occur in larger teleportation spells. The licensing program thus offers a course to assist potential candidates in passing: "Everything Will Be Fine: Convincing Not-Too-Close Friends to be Subjects of Ridiculously Dangerous Tests with Extremely High Fatality Rates Without Telling Them All The Details."
And the later-developed "Everything Will Be Fine 102: So They Heard How We Trained You To Lie Through Your Teeth About the Whole Process So You Could Perform Extremely Dangerous Magic On Them And Eleven Other People You're Not Actually All That Fond Of, What Now?"
I am very content with my group so far, when they are in a situation with current problems they are quite ingenious to solve it (Escaping from a inescapable magicians prison with a toilet which has something like an embedded small sphere of annihilation).
But if they are not in danger and there ...
[D&D 5e] If you obfuscate the true meaning of the actions you command someone under the *Suggestion* spell to undertake, does that allow you to bypass the restrictions that normally prevent self-inflicted harm? For example: > Take <this>, go over <there>, and say <that> <this> is a bomb enclosed in a box with a magical trigger <there> is someplace you want them to explode violently <that> are the words of power to activate the bomb
What are the official spells (published materials only) that can be used by characters to teleport both themselves and others in Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons?
Which classes can cast them and at what level? If appropriate, what is the limit to the distance that can be teleported using them? H...
As opposed to the list types where the search space is pretty much unbounded and the criterion is vague, something like "Which RPGs have Good-aligned vampires".
Bear in mind "list question" is old terminology that had more relevance in 2009 before the actual problem criteria got worked out. Now it's short-hand for that criteria.
I just want to point out we need a clear unambiguous definition of when a question can be called a "list question" or alternatively why we shouldn't use it as a definition.
It's not a definition, a condemnation, or even really a classification.
It's... Shorthand. For straw-polls, GTKYs, di...
Many questions that involve a list somehow are actually OK on account of not hitting any of the actual problem criteria.
List questions are as Shog9 describes in the Meta Stack Exchange question you linked, What is the definition of a list question?: they're the types of questions from our Don't Ask which lead to unbounded opinion collection in which every answer is equally correct. These are for example the "tell ...
@Axoren If I have over 5 lines of code, I'm almost certainly copy/pasting it from a different program where both it's already indented like that, and the program has a block indent feature.
@doppelgreener I am still interested in the whole 'advise not to accept for a day' controversy, but I'm on my way out the door now.
@doppelgreener We have a pair of lawyers on retainer for that case, but their record is spotty ... they were recommended by one Mr Greenhilt ... Jones and Rodriguez law firm. :) What could possibly go wrong?
@KorvinStarmast so i'm now picturing actual dog lawyers in a dog courtroom of dogs, with like, a team of three human plaintiffs (but the courtroom isn't human sized, so they have to sit on little seats and hunch over a bit to keep clear of the chandeliers), and there's a plaque on one wall reading NO HOWLING
@Axoren I would say that I, personally, am not in favor of "this may be why people are downvoting you" comments; rather I find "this is why I've downvoted" much more productive. More here, second grouping, second bullet.
@doppelgreener I'll be offline for a while, thanks for your help and don't hesitate to ping me if you or your friends figure it out! (same for the others too)
In this question, I asked about whether a character could willingly not use their shield or Dex bonus on certain attacks due to wanting to be hit. This raises the greater question-
Can someone decide to be hit?
The question was answered here, but it is for 4e, and I am asking about 5e. This que...
"i'm just going to stand here. you, take all the time you need and give me a good and proper stab with that sword." "HIYAAA" [miss]
i mean... i know the rules probably just weren't written with Consensual Stabbing in mind... but the surreal stuff that falls out of rules sometimes is great
@doppelgreener It's not a miss, per se, it's a hit, or an attempted hit, that didn't do damage. (A bad swing that glanced off of the leather armor, for example)