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@BESW hahahaha
I feel like on one hand, that is too cruel, on the other hand maybe it would actually work better as a method of deciding that kind of thing than what we do now
Although that is probably more of a sad condemnation of what we do now than an endorsement
1 hour later…
Estemmenosuchus was a three-metre long therapsid from the Middle Permian. Its head was 65cm & was covered in lots of horns. (Credit: Luis Rey)
@BESW ok this freaking thing didn't exist, they are making it up now
I call it the Flesh-Antlered Hideopig.
It definitely existed, but different artistic imaginings of it are variously sensational.
Mostly I take issue with it's ridiculous face
@BESW Ooooh I like those way better
And so forth.
Lots of ones that make it look like a cancerous hippo.
@BESW nooooo too silly again
@BESW definitely my favorite ones are these
Really all life would be better if they just evolved into lizards already
[self-eyeroll] I can't believe I caved on another request for adding information to a question that people who can answer the question should already have access to.
Withhold all information from now on
Down with the drooling masses!
That'll show 'em.
What's that, 30% of my constituents are babies? Errrr sorry I make a public apology, drooling is a real issue and I intend to address it seriously
Also, "I am not a crook"
That is all
Tangling with apparently @boymonster’s hero Tall Poppy in the basement of City Hall while one of my teammates distracts Evil Mary Poppins. #SentinelsRPG
@kviiri That democracy is the worst system of government, excepting all the other ones.
I think the biggest issue with any system of government is that we tend not to implement them perfectly as intended (because that is extremely difficult) and then we pretend we are doing it exactly the right way until enough people complain or revolt hard enough
+1 ^
The question then becomes which form of government is the best in its possible implementation
I think there is a little more to it than that though
I think we also need more people ready to hold those in any form of authority or power accountable in meaningful ways
Regardless of the form government happens to take
That's a cultural issue, not a government issue
It's a people issue, but if the governmental system doesn't support the process it is a governmental issue
Then your version of what is "best" includes some ability for the people to change it
@trogdor I don't know if you saw (because roughly a week's worth of chat flew by in the last twelve hours) but my 4e PHB1 came in today. It'll probably be the weekend before I get to take a look, though.
@DavidCoffron exactly actually
I still have all of my 4e books in my bookshelf. Man those things are a doozy, throwbacks
@nitsua60 I think you sent me a message on discord
@DavidCoffron I wish I had physical books at the time
Would have been harder to delete them XD
@DavidCoffron I've got a 3.5 DMG on my shelf that I haven't gone cover-to-cover with but, from what I've seen, I think may be the best D&D's done.
4e was a great system. I am just in love with 5e right now
Or just lose the files anyway
Blaaah power's gone out twice today already.
@nitsua60 I really like the 4e DMG myself
@BESW oh wow, this is turning back into a thing
@trogdor That's the one of the bunch I've never even seen.
I have one because I figured I would need it to run this game
@nitsua60 also, this week at least, we are doing something else
The 4e DMG is awesome. That's what got me into DM'ing
(I DM'd a tiny bit of AD&D when I was like 8 but that doesn't count)
Good to hear. I may have to pick that up, then.
@trogdor Agreed- I actually find the 4e DMG (and DMG2) to be worthwhile reads even as a 5e player. There's quite a bit of non-4e-specific good advice in both.
I don't know for sure when we will be back on track with my 4e game but very likely not this week, my estimate is 50/50 either way on wether we start back up next week or not
@CTWind yeah that's what impressed me most actually
Not nearly as much 4e specific advice in it as would be expected
I primarily recall the 'make interesting encounters (variety of enemy types/purposes/etc.)' and 'determine what types of players you have/what they're looking for' bits.
Been a while since a flip through though
Yeah the stuff about types of players is great
Probably not exaustive or anything, but still very useful
Off-topic but: Okay so this new question is scaring me; is there a bunch of useless features (class casting of spells, monster casting of spells, a bunch of magic items)? I can't find anything to refute the weird RAW reading.
And the advice that you aren't actually there to "oppose" the players is something I really think 3.5 could have used
Also trogdor, I agree. My brother used to DM me and my siblings and it always felt like a boxing match. Not that I'm complaining, we were like 12 and 13, but it was rough.
@DavidCoffron I think that means you get 4d8 extra healing
@DavidCoffron Nothing in the quoted description says why/how it's cast at 5th level, but typically two things: first, spells from items are usually cast at their lowest level, and second, a spell cast with a higher slot than needed is a spell of that higher level (so I'd say if the item is explicit that it's level 5, then you do get the bonus d8's)
The problem comes from the requirement in the spell text to use a higher slot. I know the RAI is clear, but... it's weird
But based on the question, I'm not sure what "weird RAW reading" you're referring to.
@JoelHarmon yeah that's what I thought, you should post that as an answer I think
@trogdor I don't have time to properly cite sources before I have to leave
but the technicality that it's a higher level spell but doesn't use higher level slots is interesting
Idk. I don't want to tell my RAW-playing friends this rule, because it makes all the fun monsters lose a lot of power xD
You could look up the rule in the Spellcasting section about using a higher level, and see if there's some useful wording in there.
I have been for about 2 hours
It came up in another discussion
"Some spells ... have more powerful effects when cast at a higher level, as detailed in a spell's description" - phb 201
Yes, but which spells say that. None
They all say with a higher level slot
Since the default text is "at higher levels: when you cast this spell using a spell slot...", it seems implied that the spell slot makes it higher level, and the higher-level-ness makes it better. I agree it's not explicit.
I'm pretty sure that is what is meant
I might throw it at Crawford and "demand" an errata
That is unfortunate language though
And with that, I'm off. Later!
That they didn't use the same wording again
Meh. This seems like errata-style territory which means we will never get a definitive ruling. (unless I missed something that will come up in answers). G'night folks
4th level spell for Bard (College of Whispers): Dimension Door or Polymorph and why?
@DavidCoffron Good night
@Ryan before I go, Polymorph cause it's busted. If you don't care, dimension door because it is fun.
@DavidCoffron what makes polymorph so powerful?
hey there @Ryan
I've had too many life saving moments with getting an ally the heck out of somewhere with dimension door to vote against it.
As long as your bard stays away from danger, you can get very powerful beasts at a low level; when it falls off at higher levels you can always replace it
They messed up the level to CR calculation for the spell in my opinion
(Note: Those scenarios may have also been caused by using dimension door to get to somewhere I shouldn't've been.)
And here I go again, not sleeping...
Turning your wizard with expended spell slots into a T-Rex is probably the most powerful effect in the game at that level, period (apart from over-tuned magic items you can get)
my bard has never seen a T-Rex before
what beasts you've seen does change a lot of its functionality tbh
Mammoth? Elephant? Giant Ape? They're all still worth it. Below that probably not
Hmm and that's more fun and versatile than Dimension Door?
No. Like i said, if you want fun go dimension door
(more versatile? debatable, many beasts have useful features)
Also, you can always polymorph your enemy for a save or suck effect
(if you have that kind of encounters)
hmm I am also the master of a shield golem
turning him into other things once a day could be pretty cool
of course so could teleporting us onto rooftops
Careful, the bound trait would be replaced RAW so it is unclear how the Shield Guardian would react. I'd talk to your DM about that first
Depends on how if the desire to serve the amulet-wearer is tied to personality or game statistics
Why under RAW would the bound trait be replaced?
all game statistics are replaced by polymorph
they're still on the same plane of existence
"The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. "
basically you switch stat blocks
yeah whats that have to do with Bound? That's like saying if you Polymorph your Wizard buddy into a T-Rex he has no idea he's the wizard and could just rampage you and everyone else
If the Wizard is still a Wizard then the Golem is still a Golem. Just Dex/Str/Wis/Int/Cha/Con that change
The Bound trait would be replaced (the damage-transfer one); I don't know what happens to the binding in the monster description. Ask your DM
Also, the Wizard is not still a Wizard. The personality is the same, but he is much dumber and can't speak or cast magic anymore. Very different
Personality is a very ill-defined term in 5e
hmm think Ill just stick with Dimension Door, it seems like fun for my Whisper Bard and less paperwork too
teleport into a royal chamber disguised as someone else then words of terror the king/queen
I was literally about to suggest that
Lots of fun stuff with the Mantle of Whispers thing
(even becoming the king is possible_
In that hour just declare your party member your heir and get swallowed by a dragon (using some ilusion magic)
Maybe start a succession war
Just the normal things you do in D&D
oh yeah we're in Curse of Strahd and the first week I got College of Whispers I overthrew the ruler of Valaki and installed a new shadow government
I just realized two college of whisper bards or better yet twin college of whisper bards could literally break the game
Shadow Lore for 8 hours then have the other one disguise as you to take over for another 8 hours and keep doing it back and forth
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 But... there's dozens of democracies less broken than that.
Far less broken, even.
yes, well as an American,.... I can't point to those and say that makes it all fine XD
To United States' credit, they had little to base their system on. It was a good first attempt, but while others have been able to learn from their mistakes, it's really hard to reform a flawed democracy through its own processes.
this is true yeah
but that is what frustrates me,.... we have to live in it
and for those of us not in the "Mainland States" it's being a backwater of a flawed democracy
Yep :<
The really sad bit is seeing all those 19th century political cartoons lampooning gerrymandering and such
One'd think that a problem known for so long would be fixed, but no, people in charge are still callously exploiting the rules of the redistricting game to abuse a weakness of the First past the post system
I read a history book in high school that brought up gerrymandering, and assumed it was at least toned down by now, fast forward to a few years later I realize it is not
and get really mad that no one fixed it already
I mean,.... it's so obviously wrong
just because everybody does it,.... no one wants to fix it
@SimonH. Well, you can. Fighting may achieve good results in Cthulhu Dark - but it's always more or less a noble sacrifice to fight the monster.
True. Also, my group has decided that "distract the monster by throwing something at it before running like all Hell's demons are after you because they probably are" doesn't count as auto-fail fighting, but probably automatically calls in the failure die.
That sounds reasonable I guess
@Ryan We're playing CoS too, but we've mostly been walking around and befriending the thinly veiled Romani.
It's actually one of the things I really dislike in the campaign... there's a significant latent hostility between the Vistani (Romani equivalents) and other Barovians, with the latter usually claiming Vistani are in league with Strahd. It's one of those conflicts where the players have little more than their gut feeling to work with.
...except they do, because it seems unlikely to me anyone in their right mind would actually make the Vistani be, as a category, in league with the devil Strahd.
Well, maybe pre-2016 Peter David.
3 hours later…
Bwep, hi.
I'd forgotten how heady it is to ask even the most innocuous minor question, when it's in one of the site's top five system tags.
I can't handle that kind of pressure most of the time
so I hang out here most of the time instead XD
@SPavel Hey, I want to apologise for how I responded to you last night. I lashed out and lost my temper, and neither you nor RPG General Chat deserved that. I'm sorry.
@kviiri I'm not passing any judgment, personally, on the worth of different government systems. I just noticed that nobody'd chimed in to let you know what KS meant by "Churchill's maxim."
@nitsua60 Ah
I knew of the saying, by the way, never just heard the name
@nitsua60 sorry to read my stuff into that, it just seemed like the perfect time to comment to me at the time :/
Morning, Nerds
And it's not like Churchill was some font of deep wisdom. His other witticisms included "the Aryan stock is bound to triumph" and "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes."
Even "for his time," dude had a very narrow perspective on justice.
Well I will point out that I am more generally mad that our democracy has not caught up to some other countries on certain ways than I am mad at democracy itself
I don't hold Churchill as some personal hero
Though I do think he fulfilled a crucial role especially during WWII
One of my co-workers used to call US democracy "beta democracy", which is fitting in many ways.
Even if many things he did even during that time could be easily frowned upon
Both in that it was a valuable test when such a government hadn't really existed before, but also because it's still buggy.
I do wish our country was as willing to learn from other countries as some other countries were willing to learn from us
I feel like it's one of our biggest weaknesses that we have to keep bragging that we are the best at things
It's been my experience that when something sociopolitical seems new in the past few centuries, the ancient world was already busy doing exactly that thing 2–6 thousand years beforehand, or some non-Western source was doing it contemporarily. :U
But it seems new to us in retrospect because the other sources simply never came up in our education.
The same co-worker also said that "each nation has exactly the kind of government they deserve", which I don't really agree with even as a tongue-in-cheek generalization. I have had a rather limited amount of contact with US citizens, but by my small sample it seems people are generally aware and unhappy about the flaws in the political system - eg. gerrymandering.
@doppelgreener but I think the point is that, at least in Europe, a lot of modern Democracy is modelled after America in some way
It's just really hard to get anything changed because of... well, gerrymandering, first-past-the-post and two-party system.
Not that we literally invented the idea of it
American democracy borrows a lot of its systems from the UK, which was itself a kind of a constitutional monarchy
I'm still waiting for another national constitution that specifies who brings the snacks to the meeting. The Iroquois Nation knew what was up.
Other places in the world besides Europe too, but Europe is the group of places I can generalize about and not feel bad for it
@kviiri we deviated rather drastically in a few ways though XP
Not all good, but certainly not all bad either
I think the initiative was good!
We got rid of the Monarchy part, which was in my opinion the most obviously not great part
Okay, I'm not too well-versed in early US politics, but I believe many of the same systems that are causing headaches today worked much better in a younger, more idealistic nation.
Mmm sorta
@trogdor Yeah and I think USA never had rotten boroughs either, that's a big plus
There are a lot of informal systems (like everything around assuming only two parties can matter) which cropped up later and don't mesh well with the original text--which wouldn't be a problem except the original text, at some point along the way, became fetishized.
The Electoral College probably worked better when the were first instituted
The seven people living in Old Sarum had the same amount of political representation as hundreds of thousands of people living in London. Yech.
But I don't know that for sure
I think everything works better with smaller groups - but I'm not sure.
But, well. The whole country is founded on some very nasty principles that shift and change skins but have never gone away, and laws alone can't exorcise that--especially laws originally rooted in those ideas.
@trogdor possibly only because people might not have known much about its dysfunction
@kviiri my point was more that I think the idea behind it was lost at some point
@doppelgreener I'm,.... Not arguing against that
@trogdor Yeah. I don't really see the point in "winner-takes-it-all" except to make election systems easier to abuse.
It's a mess for sure
But imagine what it would take to change any of those systems using the processes currently in place.... that's the real nasty part
And I don't claim to know what should be done about it first or how to start, but I can certainly say it's obviously broken in a few places
I may be a bit cynical, but I say it's borderline impossible.
One problem is people don't want to complain about it until they lost somewhere
@kviiri I have to disagree with you there, but mostly only on principal, not on personal hope that a good sweeping change will come any time too soon
@trogdor I appreciate your hopefulness.
Yeah, I think people should be more vocally against cheating done by "their team".
If nothing else, the 2 oldest generations will die and leave some hopefully still unsatisfied and change driven generations to actually clean up the mess they can't seem to take care of themselves
It will change. It is changing. It's increasingly obvious to the entire world that many of the old ways of thinking and doing aren't really working anymore. Unfortunately the people who benefit from those ways tend to be very attached to them: but the more they cling to broken methods, the more obvious it is the methods are broken.
@BESW I agree that something is going to happen - I just fear it won't be through democratic process.
But the change is terribly painful, and the more of us just sit and wait for it to happen, the more painful and terrible the transition will be.
So far in the past century or two, as far as I'm aware, major constitutional and governmental reform has only really happened on account of a country losing a war or gaining independence from another country.
I like to think of things as games (as in game theory). But I also try to be a virtuous person, not just a homo economicus. It's clear that optimal gameplay isn't always virtuous, so my chief concern is processes where virtue is not rewarded or is downright punished.
@doppelgreener Swaziland under King Sobhuza II comes to mind.
In democracies, one simple virtue is this: you vote for the person who you would prefer to hold the position. That's why I dislike systems that encourage tactical voting like first-past-the-post does
@kviiri by that do you mean two stage elections?
like a General and a Primary?
It can even create Abilene-ish situations where a party no one really likes gets to rule because the obvious alternative is worse and everyone just assumes the other alternatives will lose.
@kviiri I'm involved in a global neighbourhood-based initiative that, as a primary focus, trains people in an area to work with kids and youth to instill a spirit of selfless service as a primary motive in their decision-making, combined with critical awareness of the needs of their communities. In places where this program has been sustained on a broad scale for more than a decade, the entire community starts to shift as those youth become adults in the community.
@trogdor I have to look those terms up
My political vocabulary has gaps :)
...including changes to the fabric of the local society and culture that others have declared immutable.
@BESW Yep, that does look like a case that happened without those conditions.
@BESW That sounds excellent
(and wow, what a lot of changes)
@trogdor Yeah, I think two-stage is one way to implement fairer elections.
@kviiri oh, ok then I mistook what you meant
At least if both of the stages are open I guess
many of our elections are two stage, but they favor the two major political parties
Oh, I thought parties appoint the candidates
@doppelgreener I know about it because I know some Baha'is who were living there at the time, and he consulted with the Baha'is on how to make the changes; some of the new election processes were inspired by our electoral systems.
i would be super interested in seeing the usa adopt a multi-party system with preferential voting
That's some relief then, but it still favors the two big ones, yep.
@BESW oh cool!
@kviiri yes,.... but the two major parties have a foot in the door each and practically work together only to shove other people out
maybe an oversimplification but,....
in Australia, lots of minority representation occurs because of preferential voting flows.
that's what it looks like to me
@trogdor Yep. And they really didn't even need to do that, it'd happen on its own too unless the people of the district mustered the will, the faith and the discipline to vote for a third party
@doppelgreener I would love to see that
@kviiri yeah but,... most people don't do that, and the way our news outlets cover elections, all positive coverage goes to those two parties
@trogdor yep :(
Here, we have parliamentary elections using the D'Hondt method in 13 districts based on old administrative boundaries (so they don't get gerrymandered)
But gerrymandering isn't totally unheard of here, either
we don't have a lot of positive awareness of outliers,..... and I think that honestly also feeds the,.... either low or low seeming viability or participation in an outlying party
I think it's even more of a problem in the sense that people don't recognize it when it happens, but they could do something about it if they did!
@kviiri what method do you have in place to combat it if you notice it?
asking for a freind's country :P
:D hah!
@trogdor More than two viable parties helps
fair enough there
I already support that idea XD
You can protest and vote for someone else without completely selling your principles :)
my vote,... doesn't count outside of where I live
Yes :< I'm sorry for Guam's situation
I can vote for local governance but not for federal stuff
I'm happy you and BESW have hope though
well, also our Congress person, but we don't get an actual vote there either
I have a tendency for pessimism but I think some of your positive attitude'll rub off on me over time.
@kviiri if I didn't have that I would never want to talk about politics ever ever ever
it would be too depressing
Yeah :)
Which reminds me, I'm still not sure whether or not we'll have an election this year
is that just because you don't keep informed of that or,.... did something happen to make you worry about it?
@kviiri We call it the training institute, and it uses the Ruhi Institute training program as the core of its expansion training.
@trogdor A bit of this, a bit of that :) I've been following the news a bit lazily, but the first Regional Elections have been postponed because the government has failed to decide what the regional administration's responsibilities would be, exactly. It's a bit silly.
I'm not sure if it's been pushed to next year already
@kviiri oh, ok XD
that's why I asked
The regional administration has been a hot topic in politics for a while now - formerly, public health care and other basic services were done mostly on municipal level, but because of increasing urbanization an increasing number of municipalities has been unable to provide all these services to their populace. So the responsibility is moved to a regional level, for better scaling.
seems fair
Yep, although there's also a bit of muddiness in that the chief architects of the reform are the agrarian Centre Party who are often blamed for trying to artificially create jobs in the countryside by introducing new bureaucracy.
I still think the direction is good, though.
that does not sound like the best way to try to create jobs XD
it sounds mostly positive
I wish that was the biggest problem we had
I have some sympathy for the cause of keeping every square inch of Finland within reach of the basic services
Helskini, right? One of the 114 training institute youth conferences in 2013 was held there, and when I was at the international election convention in Haifa I spent a good amount of time with members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Finland.
@BESW Helsinki, yup!
One of them was a busker in Helsinki.
@BESW It sounds we could use this too
It's already there, just early days. Takes time to implement and make sustainable.
You might want to reach out and find out what's going on in your area.
busy chat this morning
@BESW After my thesis is done, I'll take a gander :) (and it's actually progressing!)
@trogdor Oh, no worries here. And I'm aware, unfortunately, of how triply-ironic that <-- statement is, coming from a mainlander =\
I just got an insanely relieving message from one of the teachers that I won't need to apply for extra time to finish my Colloquium
@goodguy5 Were you the one who recommended tl;dm to me?
@kviiri Grats!
@BESW I think of Churchill as a lesson in statistics: if you say enough, loud enough, often enough... some of it's going to come off pithy.
@nitsua60 well it was still me sorta hijacking what you said, soo XD
@nitsua60 did you get a chance to check it out?
@trogdor I, in turn, was just necro'ing something from back in the transcript.
fair enough
@nitsua60 This is how I got so many stars on the board for a while, yes.
someone is being silly
[looks around guiltily]
not I, said the fly
anyone else inclined to allow someone to use two shields in 5e?
@goodguy5 I'm near the end of episode 2. I'm... undecided on it. I'm not totally interested in people describing their sessions, characters, settings, &c., but they get into just enough talk about what they're thinking when putting things together or running or playing that I'll probably keep coming back to it.
@goodguy5 Not really, but not because it's "broken" in any way, just because it tends to slow things down.
@goodguy5 in general it's an underpowered build, but i don't see why not.
@nitsua60 I do wish it were just a bit more of the tips/advice/analysis and an equal amount less of the chatter.
@nitsua60 Agreed, damage output is loooow
And then, sure. You have a 23 AC (or whatever).

I just won't attack you
@goodguy5 Or you have to pick enemies that CAN hit, in which case all other ACs become much less meaningful.
@goodguy5 I think that preserving speed in combat is a good reason to not to
@kviiri I don't understand what you mean by "speed in combat"
@goodguy5 Stuff happens in combat because things take damage, if things take less damage the combat slows down
And that's boring.
@kviiri Things would still take damage, just not the fighter/paladin/whatever
"oh, huh... shield man. weird.
I'm going to attack that robe guy"
I think it's a self-solving problem.
@goodguy5 And what would the paladin/fighter/whatever do? Just stand there?
Bash things with their shield and do minuscule damage? That's slowness too.
@kviiri I mean, there's not much he CAN do.
@goodguy5 Sure there is: use a proper weapon instead of fooling around with two shields!
So, my point is that:
I don't understand why the rules prohibit this, because gameplay would prohibit this.
How did I miss this quote for the 10th level splell slot via Book of Exalted Deeds question.
All it's doing is reducing his own damage at the expense of damaging the thing that's attacking the party. Selfish, I tells ya!
@goodguy5 I think there's merit in discouraging people from picking unfun combinations in the first place.
That's a matter of how system and playstyle interact, I think.
@kviiri Then they should also remove the ability to punch with your fist (unarmed attack) and play low prime-stat characters and you shouldn't be able to take bad spells, or choose a chicken as a ranger's companion
Oh whoops, I totally missed the answer on the Shield question. You'd have to houserule that you can even do it in the first place.
For playstyles that value system mastery, trap options can be an exhilarating part of the experience.
@goodguy5 They do discourage all of those
They should be more vocal about not taking bad stats though.
For playstyles that value "realism" (for whatever value that means), imbalanced power options may be an important part of that experience.
@kviiri discourage != ban
But for playstyles that value mechanical agency and use it to control spotlighting, trap options are gopher holes in the track.
@goodguy5 Well, for ability scores you can't go lower than 8.
And 8 is still only a rather marginal problem.

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