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If anything, dominate is more palatable to a player than confusion
Domination orders are very vague so the player can at least make decisions and activate abilities, objectively fun things. He is still playing, even if the outcome is detrimental to the alive-ness of his teammates
@SPavelI don't think I've ever seen confusion cast in 5e
But confusion takes away all agency, the player must do only what the dice command
Charm is similarly problematic
@SPavel It's at least as fun to attack your teammates as it is the monsters.
Instead of saying thou must they say thou must not
@DavidCoffron My DM let me summon 8 pixies using conjure woodland creature. Oh man... so much confusion
@goodguy5 Also, very important to mention how natural 20s interact with skill checks. It means you do the best you possibly can on a potentially difficult task. It does not mean you instantly succeed at achieving the impossible. You can't intimidate a door to unlock itself, you can't use bluff like a Jedi mind trick, etc.
I actually have that written down already.

But, also, I would never allow a bluff (deception?) on a lock.
"Do not ask me if you can roll something, ask me if you can DO something."
@goodguy5 There are a lot of DnD memes and stories that suggest that a natural 20 is equivalent to a blank-check wish.
@Rubiksmoose ah, that's fair. Illusions are tough. I generally try to approach them both as a player and DM with wanting to make it work, but using the target's intelligence as a lever for when not to.
What if I use my Speak with Objects spell?
@goodguy5 What about a Charisma (seduction) check on a lock?
and also not letting it really do other things that other spells actually do
@GreySage I mean, that depends on the shape, depth, and sexual orientation of the lock.
that being said, i'm prepping a gnome wizard (divination) for an upcoming campaign. And we have a character with a 3 INT, so that'll be fun :)
@NautArch oh, neat. you're letting someone play an animal companion?
We dice rolled stats. Can't play with those. Not my scene
@goodguy5 basically
^ +1
We usually do major heroic with a 4d6, reroll 1s and drop lowest.
but this one was a straight 3d6 down the ability line
@NautArch what's the curve on that
@goodguy5 yes?
@goodguy5 You can bluff your friends to make them think the door is open
When I randomize stats I use random point investment from point buy. Makes much more sense and gives reasonable characters
Then they walk face first into it and you laugh
Then they use your head as a battering ram to knock it open
"But I don't want to use my head!"
@DavidCoffron you get 8d6 points to spend?
I've never actually rolled amount of points. We use the standard 24 and then I made a spreadsheet that randomly generates arrays that are reasonable (so no boring all 11s and 12s)
"standard 24"? which system?
Roll 1d20 for each stat! Uniform distribution!
27* my bad
@MikeQ that's terrifying
I'd much rather do like... 1d12+6
In the game I'm playing rn he modified point buy to be 24 above 9 rather than 27
@goodguy5 Yes, that would be a uniform distribution within the classic 7-18 range.
@MikeQ That would be fun
almost playable as a wizard
I like 2d6+6, you still get a bell curve but no 3s for INT
It's a slow but durable wizard?
@DiceService Perfect, be a fighter
I have seen people who thought you rolled straight d20s for ability scores
god, that is a bizarre distribution I rolled
At least Mike gets a playable character
Hooray, it's a 3.5 cleric
Oh 3.5. Those days
anyone else want to get in on this jank?
Well, it's some kind of caster
Smart but clumsy as hell
Just cast mage armor, you're fine
@ACuriousMind Wildshape druid, you don't need Dex if you're a wolf
@GreySage You also don't need Dex if you're a tree
...Warlock or Sorcerer I guess?
@DiceService lol, just don't make ranged attacks
RIP my AC Heavy armor time!
Ranger baby.
this is delightfully silly
Oh wait. It's dex con not con dex
@DavidCoffron ಠ_ಠ
@DiceService I found the tank.
@DavidCoffron Press up arrow in chat to edit previous messages
@DavidCoffron whoa we're playing that kind of RPG?
Nope, edits don't trigger dice bot.
Edits don't evoke the roller
Very unwise sorcerer. Or just... a bard.
I think I die with 1 WIS, don't I?
Or will die very easily.
blind deaf, and dumb
i.e. - pinball wizard
The most charismatic fool
If I have a high CHA and low WIS, does that mean I can convince myself that I have a higher WIS?
@Yuuki I mean... yes. but it won't do anything.
@Yuuki Clearly, your character should be named Dunning-Kruger.
@DavidCoffron 80.
Darn, that doesn't work either
'No coins?
@DiceService Dex fighter
@doppelgreener @nitsua60 @SevenSidedDie Should there be a chat created for this comment thread. Getting looooong.
or let it go because it's good discussion?
and done, thanks @doppelgreener
Tʜɪs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴛ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ
Thoughts on this and this being duplicates?
@Rubiksmoose looks like a dupe. Can I ready an action to avoid an attack?
@NautArch That is my strong inclination as well.
nice answer, @Szega on the Dodge being a thing :)
Funnily enough if this question gets closed now, the top answers will be completely opposite of one another.
oh wait, looks like they are tied
I think there is a difference. Readying movement and readying Cast a Spell are different. I don't know if it's different enough to avoid dupe but that might be where the answer differences are coming from (can't read them rn)
I'm 17K away from levelling, but already looking at magical secrets for 7th level spells. Crown of Stars looks amazing.
@DavidCoffron argh, I think you're right. They're two different cases of the same thing. Not dupes.
@DavidCoffron I marked it as a dupe. It really is basically identical at the core. I agree on spell vs move is different, but there is nothing enough that justifies having them as two separate questions
@Rubiksmoose I dunno, I feel like dupes i've created have been undone because of just this.
I love how you guys pick the very second that I mark it to disagree lol. Should have been more patient.
Well people can vote to reopen then. I'll think on it as well.
I still see no major differentiation. The key part of the question is the ready trigger. The actual action being readied matters not at all (besides the fact that they both move you away)
The question is: can ready action interrupt an attack?
I think it's a dupe I was just playing devils advocate. The problem is the answer to the one that involves aiming doesnt mean the character has loosed the arrow necessarily. It's a hard thing to rule on. Can the attacker then change it's target to your new location (or someone else if you are out of range?)
what this basically all resolves down to....
@DavidCoffron Ready Action questions are very difficult because they rely on very minute interactions unless you just simply rule that they cannot interrupt another action.
"The rules say that readied actions occur after a trigger. But I want them to happen before the Trigger.

Can I choose a trigger that allows me to to ready an action that will happen before the trigger I want, even though the rules imply otherwise?"
The way I dealt with it in my games (back when I had a group to DM :'( rip group contingency) is that the wording mattered and any actions taken after would be with the new gamestate considered
1. have you seen/considered/liked any online chat groups (like the RPG oneshot group on facebook).
2. what do you mean?
1. I'll look into that
2. If a readied action causes the gamestate to change anyone can activate their own reactions in response. Or change their active action. Basically I recon back a couple seconds from declaration of attack so that a player can choose to do something different.
2. Can you give me an example? I'm not following
"I run up and punch the guy" as you approach he draws his sword and braces himself (he happened to roll higher initiative and can't be surprised).
"On second thought, I don't punch him"
If he rolled Ready action to draw his sword when someone charged this would be equivalent.
ah, I see. So your actions aren't atomic.
@DavidCoffron This breaks some things
For example, if I ready an action to throw my bolas as soon as the enemy tries to jump over the chasm, so that he falls in and dies, can the enemy un-jump?
If you do that yes. Because the trigger is him trying. If my trigger is "when he's jumping over the chasm" then no, he can't unjump
What if I ready my action for "if I start dying" and my action is to cast Revivify?
Where do you draw the line? If a player attacks and misses, can they un-attack and take another action instead?
I also have a reaction time check in my games for certain things so if he sees the bolas flying before his jump (Dexterity (Perception) check)
When you start dying you are unconscious @Yuuki so the magic dissipates since you can no longer concentrate
What if I ready an action for "when I go unconscious" and my action is "don't do that"?
@Yuuki well, "don't fall unconscious" isn't an action
@goodguy5 Might be a CON check.
@MikeQ i draw the line at action taken. If a player goes to attack and before they roll or anything, the enemy turns invisible (via a ready action when caught while trying to sneak behind), I don't make the attack target the invisible creature if the player wants to do something else.
I dunno, ready actions are weird and quibbling over exact wording on trigger clauses is the exact kind of behavior that makes people annoyed at rules lawyering.
@DavidCoffron Let's say the enemy is taking a running jump, and I throw the bolas at the end of the run but before the jump. Can the enemy ninja-cancel out of his inertia?
My playgroup didn't mind, bc we all knew each other and debate was kind of our thing (all in the same debate team in High School)
I'm suddenly really glad that I've never played a game where we tried to strictly adhere to whatever action economy the system prescribed
@DavidCoffron Did they have to take randomized sides?
I agree with Yuuki. I don't like dealing with this last-minute-canceling business. If the player makes an action that they regret, so be it. If you give everyone a "Get out of consequences" button with unlimited uses, then nobody learns.
@SPavel I would rule yes (with a successful reaction time check)
"David, you will be arguing for ... flips coin Chaotic Evil."
Oh no I just got logged out
@DavidCoffron Reaction time beats physics?
@SPavel 5e isn't a physics engine so yes
He hasn't jumped yet
@SPavel So Spider-Man could've saved Gwen Stacy if he rolled a high enough Perception check.
This is why you take Skill Focus (Perception), people.
@Yuuki Like how in Dungeons of Dredmor, maxing out the spotting skill track gives you devastatingly powerful eye lasers
If I'm running at a wall and someone Readies the action to shoot me when I reach the wall, I will still get shot at. If someone Readies the action to disappear the wall with magic when I prepare to climb it I can react and nor try to climb
@DavidCoffron Do your players use any actions in combat other than ready actions?
So, that's my point.
"Ready an action to drink this potion when I get attacked".
They get attacked first. Then they turn invisible.

"Ready an action to drink this potion when the enemy gets within 5 feet of me".
Even if the player says "I run up and attack" is really a concatenation of "I use X-amount of my movement to move up to this guy. -pause- I use the Attack action"

It's during that pause, before the action is really declared, that the ready would "trigger"
@goodguy5 but what about when movement is split between walking and jumping (like in the bola examole)
@DavidCoffron If I am sprinting at full speed and see something bad happening, I physically cannot stop on a dime.
It's not an issue of reaction speed, it's an issue of inertia
@SPavel I'm not sprinting full speed without the dash action. I'm walking. It's walking speed
@DavidCoffron You're not walking in a running jump
Inertia may not exist in the dnd multiverse
Walking is 1/2 movement speed
Always has been
In the bola example, RAW, nothing happens. They trip and fall on the spot, or whatever.

That's where dm adjudication comes in.
@goodguy5 It's 5e, DM adjudication came in as soon as we sat down and never left
@SPavel good.
You act as the trigger becomes perceivable to you. Therefore, you wouldn't be able to roll out of the way before getting hit.
True projectiles travel instantaneously RAW. So if ur trigger is "they reach the ledge to jump" it'll stop him there
^ exactly
Eggs at me?
How rude.
But also possibly delicious.
Can i ready action to duck the eggs? Lolol
Now, what would be funny, and theoretically work.

Ray of frost on someone jumping over a gap.

reduce their movement speed
@DavidCoffron No, they're chicken.
@goodguy5 Oh lord no
@goodguy5 how is movement done? All at once on declaration or in intervals. Can ready action interrupt movement?
@DavidCoffron Can jumps take multiple turns?
@DavidCoffron movement can be interrupted, kinda. You have to decide how molecular movement is (we use 5 feet), but yea
D&D Planck length is incredibly large at 5 ft.
Planck time is 6 seconds.
::Zeno nods proudly::
@Yuuki You're confused with a pirate ship.
I think it's 1 foot and 6 seconds. Grids aren't inherent in the rules
Actually... there's a joke there....
something about chemists make terrible pirates... they like planck
I'll work on it.
Also, I can't help but pointing out that the Planck units actually are not the "smallest unit" of anything in mainstream physics :P
What even is the action economy of a jump. It doesn't say, only that it consumes your movement. Is it free as long as you have enough movement? "When you make a long jump..."
It's part of the movement, I think
@ACuriousMind What about upstream physics?
You can walk or run 10 feet like a chump, or you can do a sweet ninja flip
@Yuuki Well, tributary physics is weird.
I'm making a character that only jumps a la Mario Sunshine speedrun.
@SPavel you are right: "Your movement can include Jumping, climbing, and swimming. These different modes of Movement can be combined with walking, or they can constitute your entire move."
@DavidCoffron So you're going to ya, wa, and wahoo your way across the battlefield?
Of course
If I jump 10 feet does the next jump count as running?
@DavidCoffron Probably
@GreySage nope. "...if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump."
@DavidCoffron As DM, I would amend that to add jet ski, sweet motorcycle, or tame dire bobcat
I made a character that rode a Harley once. But it was a panther....
We need more time travelling sphinx's in the forgotten realms. I want a jet ski now
@DavidCoffron Panthers don't count for a running jump, but they do have a bonus to anti-tank fire
@SPavel +1
@SPavel Is that one of those new D&D: Panzer Edition feats?
I got broads(swords) in Alcanza. Black ×6... Panzer
Azcanta* and that's Magic the gathering not dnd. Whoops
Man, MtG is still going?
Yeah. But I'm not actively playing. Just watching the tournament's.
Wow, that's pretty cool, actually. I remember I nicked a card from my friend to play before realizing I couldn't play without a deck back in high school.
...Simpler times
Ah yes, childhood, when the concept of ownership was flexible
@SimonH. I play "Pot of Greed"! Since I don't have any more cards, I win!
The Secrets of Cats, Die geheime Welt der Katzen, at #fantasticempire in #Basel #Switzerland - @EvilHatOfficial , your stuff travels the world, congrats!
@Yuuki Oh, man, I forgot what pot of greed does! Could you explain it in full detail for me??
@Yuuki What is your go-to cool way to draw the two extra cards?
Do you swipe them sideways, fully extending your arm, then hold that pose for a few seconds
@SPavel I use that weird machine that shoots dollar bills.
Pot o' pot o' greed y'all
I use your granddad's cards
I look incredible
I’m in this blue eyes coat
From that card shop down the road
@SPavel Card shop (2012)
Ok, I hadn't been planning to do the #AprilTTRPGMaker thing for many reasons, but it is such an exceptionally *good* thing, that I was starting to feel like a grinch, so here we go.
1 hour later…
hey there @KorvinStarmast
hey there @SimonH.
@Shalvenay Hi shalvenay
how're things going?
Pretty good, just trying to fix my earbuds. How about you?
doing alright here
@Shalvenay hello, hoping to get trog to toss in a few ideas before we finish the brain storm, or the cerebral zephyr ...
You guys are having a brain storm?
@SimonH. An attempted one.
@KorvinStarmast Lol what's it about?
@SimonH. discretion does not permit me to reveal ... ;)
@KorvinStarmast Oh, I see... o-o
I want more brain storm synonyms
Hypothalamus hurricane
hey there @DavidCoffron, how're things going?
encephalic tempest
@Shalvenay doing good
alright out here
@Shalvenay I'm on my way to choir practice. Gonna be great. How have you been doing?
@DavidCoffron fine here
Nervous nimbus
Cerebral Cyclone
I was gonna say cranial cyclone. Dang
Ouch, sorry
Frontal Firestorm
@SimonH. Lobal Tornado
Hey there KorvinStormast.
Anisodon grande was a huge chalicothere from the late Miocene in Europe. They stood 1.5 metres tall & were related to horses & rhinos.
@TimGrant Howdy Tim, hope all is well. Love your hat.
Hey BESW. We trying to figure out if the chalicothere should be proficient in stealth?
Thanks. I was thinking up updating my profile pic (it's old) but the hat will stay.
Oh, yeah, good hats are hard to come by.
My wife hates most of my preferred hats.
Just got the message, off to play Hearthstone with son. Cheers.
My son picked it out for me years ago, at peak cuteness. So it's unimpeachable in my house.
Have fun!!!
@DavidCoffron Noggin nor'easter.

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