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hey there @A_S00
@BESW on that question on how to remove a skeleton during combat... would sleight of hand be out of taste?
hey there @MikeQ
2 hours later…
Today in our series on "Things DnD 5e should've named more intuitively" - the Spell Slots.
2 hours later…
The giant platypus (Obdurodon tharalkooschild) had sharp teeth & a strong bite that was capable of crushing lungfish & turtles! They measured a metre in length & lived in Australian forests 5 million years ago. (Credit: Peter Schouten)
Aah, 22222 rep.
@kviiri One bird down, six to go.
With more upvotes, the magic is ruined. 33333, here I come.
Or you could try really, really hard to accumulate downvotes
or I could downvote many, many answers.
2 hours later…
Guys does anyone know how to lower the CR rating of a creature?
In DnD 5e? Depends what you want to do with it exactly.
Usually the simpest way is to pick lower-CR creature with the desired stats and similar style and reskin. Eg. using a bugbear or ogrillon for a young ogre.
Hmm. I was thinking of pathfinder
Probably works somewhat similar there. Alternative approaches are likely to be harder because Pathfinder doesn't, as fa as I know, have the simplifying factor of bounded accuracy.
2 hours later…
Huh, according to SEDE, it looks this site recently had its most active week ever as far as Questions asked at least
For some reason, it feels to me the site is slowing down, even if I know it's not objectively true.
@kviiri I don't think I've been around long enough to even have a good frame of reference for that
I guess it's just that the novelty has worn out of 5e questions for me
@Rubiksmoose cool :O
@kviiri i would think it's something like that, yes. the site isn't slowing down -- quite the opposite -- but you're adjusting to processing what's happening.
I guess for me, if it has seemed a bit less busy, it is really only because I've gotten more efficient at handling the questions and procedural aspects.
You've made quite a soar in rep
I faintly remember when I first joined and got a decent start with 4e knowledge
Then I didn't use the site as much for a while and then we started playing 5e... that's like owning shares on the rep market.
I need to write a script to replace "i"s and "u"s with "I"s and "You"s
@kviiri I'm sure others are increasing at similar or greater paces. Though whatever rate I have managed to achieve has been the result of spending potentially far too much time here lol
I just wish I'd stop getting showered with bronze badges here on RPG.SE
@Shalvenay I see devolving quickly into talks about showers consisting of other precious metals :P
@Shalvenay Jokes aside though, why?
@Rubiksmoose I feel like I get them disproportionately here for how much effort I put into the site, compared to other Stacks I'm on where I put in an awful lot of effort for not very many badges
@Shalvenay hm well maybe you should conversely be getting more badges there? Bronze badges are supposed to be pretty obtainable I think.
@Rubiksmoose that could very well be the case -- the [electrical] tag on DIY.SE isn't exactly kind to getting rep quickly. I get like half the rep/answer there that the site expects folks to
@Shalvenay I'm sort of bothered that pretty much any DnD post I make here effortlessly goes bronze or silver, but other systems are very hard to get there...
@kviiri ah. D&D's popular :p that's probably why
System agnostics are treated well, though.
@Shalvenay Yeah like @kviiri was saying, posting As for 5e is pretty much a rep fountain right now.
lots of voting activity in that tag
[electrical] on DIY's like the polar opposite though -- not a lot of voting there to speak of
I do wish the other systems got nearly the amount of attention as D&D
@Shalvenay Yeah. But I think it's disproportionate in a sense...
In terms of playtime which could potentially trickle down into Q&A activity.
@Rubiksmoose yeah. I'd love to get good enough at DW to run it, for instance, or try Burning Wheel or GURPS for that matter
Creepy thought: what if DnD rules are intentionally tricky to make sure they receive lots of screen time here and thus free advertising? :thinking_face:
@kviiri LOL!
@kviiri that would be very devious indeed
I cannot agree with you three. The effort spent on anything non-5e gets only a minimal level of appreciation.
And 5e stuff, even the simplest of the questions get lots of rep.
@ZwiQ that sounds to me like you are in fact agreeing with us?
@Rubiksmoose: Yes absolutely
7 mins ago, by kviiri
@Shalvenay I'm sort of bothered that pretty much any DnD post I make here effortlessly goes bronze or silver, but other systems are very hard to get there...
aah you may have meant to say "I cannot agree with you three more" in that case.
I wanted to say: "I cannot agree more with you three"
Yes, one single word and the whole meaning becomes junk. :p
@ZwiQ makes sense
But I guess that's just how it is.
I kind of like asking and answering "niche" questions.
Like a true loremaster. :-D
I ask some pretty niche questions myself on other Stacks
@Rubiksmoose : So you are an applied physicist?
@ZwiQ indeed!
So cool. What subfield?
I think the value of having multiple experts in a system grows sublinearly - two DnD 5e gurus is better than one, but not twice as much. Variety and versatility are irreplaceable and I hope people of less-known systems bear with the lower rep gains and keep posting good questions and answers regarding systems interesting them!
That is my degree anyways. Right now I am working in the field of NVH
Noise Vibration and Harshness. Basically keeping things quiet and smooth. In my case, on car brake systems.
Do you work at a company?
@ZwiQ Yup. Not a huge one, but it pays the bills.
Here is a question to all three of you: How does it feel to continue on rpg.se after 3+ years? Don't you get "bored" after a while?
@ZwiQ I've only been active since November 2017 so I can't even begin to answer that lol
I see you were on physics.se before
@ZwiQ Yeah I think I posted one lowly answer there lol
@ZwiQ ah. I find that being involved beyond just Q&A helps with that :>
@ZwiQ I'm active in an on-off fashion and I like it here because I sort of know everyone. I guess it has gotten boring before, and as I hinted earlier I'm a bit bored of the content as of now because DnD questions don't really interest me that much.
But I like having people to speak to about RPGs in addition to my IRL group because their experience is rather different from mine...
I am here mostly because I am unable to play any longer.
@ZwiQ ah, just don't have the time any longer at all?
@ZwiQ That's a bummer. How come?
no group?
Nope. :-(
Well, my gaming group is all split these days.
Everybody has kids and we all live in different cities.
ah. I've kind of been a nomad myself
We used to play a lot. These days whenever we talk, we are like old veterans. We chat about past deeds.
Some of us are even writing memoirs from the perspective of our characters. :-)
@ZwiQ that is really cool
The long-form campaigns are certainly rather poorly compatible with adult life in the traditional sense.
It just said i was invited to the chat
We also used to write a bunch of things about the campaign world. Like a constitution (or something like Magna Carta) for the land to which one of our characters became the lord. However, since we no longer play, that kind of writing has mostly disappeared.
@MaikoChikyu Hey, yes
I read in your infobox that you are from Turkey. Is that true?
Yes i am. Why do you ask?
Cool, Istanbul?
I am from that society.
I used to be in SFFS.
Manyyy years ago.
Cool. I think
Ankara + English-speaker + RPG ~= better than 50% probability for METU SFFS.
Anyway, nice to meet a fellow METU person.
@ZwiQ I do this kind of stuff all the time, for computer games and RPGs alike. My previous DnD campaign had a newsletter by yours truly.
I am a bit busy at the moment. Just came on to see what was it about.
@MaikoChikyu : Sorry
I didn't mean to bother you.
@kviiri Even for computer games? Cool!
@ZwiQ Yeah, I basically wanna be a writer and I find writing short stories about my Stellaris and CK2 games to be an easy way to practice. I usually don't keep them, though.
Like "news bulletins" or so.
Have you tried publishing anything you wrote?
I used to be an editor for an indie computer culture magazine. I really liked it but I had a difficulty maintaining schedules because of my studies.
It was cool.
I actually started that around the same time when I started TTRPGs.
it is getting late here. bye everyone.

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