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Now I want to make a rogue character that wears a red robe and pointy hat. Whenever they make a sneak attack, they yell “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!”
They will have Expertise in Intimidate and Sneak for their chief weapons are fear and surprise.
I might multi-class into Cleric to demonstrate an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.
> No one expects a tired cliché. When telling a joke so ubiquitous that everyone can recite it along with you, you get +2 to Rapport but can be compelled to be considered unoriginal.
Sorry, that was a little harsh. I have Strong Opinions about how a comedy show famous for the unexpectedness of its material has turned into a collection of complete-the-phrase ciphers indicating belonging to a group.
Nah, I’ve heard that before and it makes sense to me.
Everyone expects the Spanish Inquisition.
From Ursula Vernon's twitter threads about paladins: Hufflepuff Sith.
@UrsulaV Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I weed my garden. The Force shall feed me.
1 hour later…
Our intern made this graph to explain the meaning of granularity and it’s blowing my mind.
hey there @RafaelSantos
whats up!
not a whole lot, hoping @nitsua60 turns up soon
i'm reading the frequent questions on sci-fi & fantasy, a lot of people annoyed by the same things as I hahahahaha
Greatest Dice Tower ever!
What a tower
the video for it was awful though
going to bed. see you nerds tomorrow
I didn't realize there was a video
Can't exactly watch it right now at work
@Shalvenay you rang?
Even with that glowing endorsement
@nitsua60 yeah -- were you able to look up that stuff in ToA we were talking about on Monday?
[flipping pages now]
Nothing really there.
@nitsua60 hrm. I take it the next step would be to poke Crawford? (I don't use twatter, so if you would be so kind as to do that please, or suggest an alternate means of getting a question to him?)
@Shalvenay I don't either, and I'm not at all interested in his opinion.
@nitsua60 aah.
(I feel like that last line needs a "smiley," so you know I'm not being terse with you. But I can't smile when talking about JC tweeting.)
You have committed crimes against Jazz and its people. What say you in your defense?
(But apparently I can when talking about talking about JC tweeting.)
one idea would be that the local immunities aren't exactly a uniform thing? but that'd be more random chance than anything else...
(and I'm not sure if that comports with what's written in the adventure on the topic either, although it does make sense from a simulationist point of view)
@BESW ahahaha! I wonder if that is the person who commited the crime or the knight sent to judge the one who did
I mean, the rule is that PCs get the various jungle diseases. You're playing a PC, so you get the diseases. How to square it is up to us.
@trogdor I'm assuming that's a Jazz Inevitable.
I can go with that
@nitsua60 ah, I see. so yeah, I think making it the case that even some Chultans get them would make the most sense then
Whether it's that you, in particular, are susceptible, or that Tabaxi are susceptible above other Chultans, or that Chultans other than those who spend their entire lives in the jungle are susceptible....
That's our choice, and the choice informs us as to what our instance of Chult is like.
@nitsua60 okiedokie
@nitsua60 this, aaaall of this right here
"Instance of Chult" would be a good name for a band.
I've spent the last 18 months of my life working on Spire - writing and rewriting the system, breathing life into the world, overseeing development. Now: it's done. Here it is. I couldn't be prouder of what we've all achieved. http://rowanrookanddecard.com/product/spire-rpg/
@Shalvenay I mean, maybe the tabaxi are savannah-cats rather than jungle-cats? So your folk aren't any more acclimated to malaria or leishmaniasis than I am?
@nitsua60 maybe? dunno. diseases are a bit of a sticky wicket in D&D anyway, they kind of gloss over the whole thing of different species having different bugs to begin with
I like the InCryptid idea that werewolfism is a variety of rabies originally specific to natural shapeshifters, which mutated to jump species.
@BESW yeah, I actually have a WB.SE question that explores some of a similar line of thinking (although it's more or less a permanent shapechange not a shapeshifting thing)
@BESW I'd like it, except that rabies is actually the scariest thing I have a reasonable fear of crossing paths with.
In the InCryptid universe, werewolves have about the same prognosis as rabid animals: violently spreading the disease before dying gruesomely from it. Except for werewolves, you die because your body was never intended to shapeshift, so every transformation is literally breaking your insides.
Yeah I was a little nervous going to India because they apparently have some rabies there
Alright peeps--gotta hit the sack. Keep the lights on, watch the cash drawer, don't let the teenagers walk all over you.
And I saw a lot of street dogs
@nitsua60 rawr rawr rawr
> Records exist of infected humans, incubi, succubi, jinks, sylphs, bogeymen, and ghouls. Basically, if it's a mammal, it can catch lycanthropy.
In the book, there are weresheep.
(The story is about lycanthropy getting introduced to Australia, and the people who are trying to quarantine and exterminate it.)
@BESW Is that a metaphor for cane toads? :P
Q: Should an old duplicate of an even older question be newly marked as such?

Hey I Can ChanThis 2010 question and this 2014 question are identical. Both have a significant number of upvotes and well-received answers. Should the 2014 question be marked as a duplicate of the 2010 question now in 2018?

Not a metaphor, no.
InCryptid doesn't really do metaphor? It's more of a what-if kind of story.
I thought of the Bunny thing
(or parallel, or allusion, or... whatever)
Takes real-world situations and cryptozology, tosses them into the blender and sees what comes out.
So yeah, definitely riffing on the struggle to prevent more invasive species from entering Australia.
Rabbits? Fence & targeted diseases have done a reasonable job, kind of. Cane toads? Sadistic children (and sometimes adults) have made the most impact, which hasn't been much.
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Adeptus ah but they aren't all gone are they?
Though I get the point
Plus Cane Toads sound more dangerous
@trogdor They're about as "all gone" from Australia as humans are.
Lol, I figured
That is why I asked it
Because "more or less under control" isn't the same as "gone" by a long shot
6 hours later…
New fone
Who dis
Word up on the Hat - Project status page update. Fate Horror is art complete! https://www.evilhat.com/home/project-status/
This is something I look for in RPGs too:
Ready for a #TVWriting spew? I want to talk about what makes a good hero. The white hat good-person-doing-good type mostly. The traditional hero. Or even the bad-person-doing-good antihero. But mostly the hero. 1/?
Ooh, earthquake.
@trogdor When I lived in Maryland over 40 years ago, the guys on our lacrosse team were advised not to screw with bats in the building (they would fly in now and again) due to rabies. I kid you not, no few times the lacrosse players would catch a bat in their lacrosse net/sticks and play catch with the bat. Nuts, and not nice for the bat.
morning nerds
[wave] sleep soon. Fast starts tomorrow.
Mornin, I'll start Working when My Coffee Does! :p
I always feel like such a tool when I make my coffee
"Undertow" era Tool, or "10,000 Days" era Tool?
lol cute.
We have Kueurigs (sp?) at work. I'm loathe to use the little plastic cups for every cuppa (and sometimes the machines get funky). So, I bought a little one-cup french press. But then there was this whole bean coffee I found that I liked, so I bought a little 1-cup hand grinder.
So every day, I fresh grind my whole coffee beans (Bourbon barrel from trader Joes) into my miniature french press and brew my coffee.
@goodguy5 I bought a couple of those plastic Kuerig reusables with mesh screens, so I get to use them over and over again. Works like a charm. But grinding beans (burr grinder) fresh is better.
@KorvinStarmast this particular model has the "automatic" cup disposal, so that'd be a pain for me. I'd have to either slowly open the machine and try to reach into the mechanism (which it tells you not to do) or let it kick my cup back, then open the whole machine to get to the disposal tray.
why does this question have so many downvotes?
@goodguy5 System was not originally specified, I think, and it looks like mxy has added a tag for the game system.
@KorvinStarmast That is correct. It was actually originally labeled as system agnostic
@goodguy5 I don't like the way coffee tastes but I'll bet your area smells fantastic when you brew
@Rubiksmoose I mean, my area does smell fantastic, but that's just my natural musk ;)
And I'm not a huge fan of the taste of coffee, I just like that it's a hot caffeine beverage with no calories
@goodguy5 that is what tea is for, my friend
@goodguy5 hahaha
eh, I like black tea less than coffee
now, I do have some rooibos that I quite like, but that's naturally caffeine free.
@goodguy5 huh. Fair enough.
arrgh, I am trying to figure out the right search terms for this site to find questions about players who do not stretch their role playing muscles: ie. always want to play a narrow range of character. (Is there a question on that?) I could have sworn I saw some answers a while back with suggestions on how to get a player to try new things.
@KorvinStarmast Oh man I think you are right. Hmmm but what search terms? I can't remember any specifics of the questions that may exist
I typed "players not roleplaying" and got some hits like
@KorvinStarmast I played with this guy who would only ever play succubi
Like, literally the demon.
My wife always plays an Elven Rogue and it drives me nuts
I don't think he ever used any of the abilities, except teleport one time
Elven rogue not optimal
one time... once. She played a half-elf ranger.
@Rubiksmoose when I first got here, I read all 800 pages existing at the time before beginning to participate much.
but then took levels of rogue
Maybe I am recalling something I read then.
@KorvinStarmast Power leveling in Stack
@Spavel yeah, I have seen similar over the years, and I once got stuck in a thief rut.
@SPavel it's not about being optimal (though, it's not a bad fit. dexterity and skills-wise). She just likes it, to the preclusion of other things. no idea why.
@goodguy elf rogues are fun if you like to be clever and sly and move quickly and quietly.
and the ears man. Those ears are so cool. :)
yea, sure. That sounds fun, once.
I'm a "try different things" kind of guy, though.
@goodguy5 We each have our own ways to find fun :)
@goodguy5 ;)
I don't think I've ever played the same character twice (outside of play-by-post)
I ALMOST resurrected my human EK "Harold Blackstone, OF THE LORDS ALLIANCE!" (caps intentional)
but our party had enough frontline
I've played radically different builds of the same character in the same game
But I am guilty of recycling some NPCs
Such as a refluffed Wyrm of War dragon (in appearance - a fallen angel) who convinced the party that she was a god while being about CR 6
Because she had a command SLA and they rolled really badly against DC 12.
Also this was in Maptool so I was able to do character formatting, and I would always bold her name when she talked because of her inflated sense of self-importance
She was supposed to be the first of a cycle of fallen angels based on the seven sins, hers was pride, so she would be all Superbia this and Superbia that
And the PCs got into it too
It was fun
@KorvinStarmast very nice! I did something similar. I went through a lot of the pages, but certainly not all of them.
@KorvinStarmast your ways are wrong, though :P
@NautArch If Havin' Fun is wrong, I don't wanna be right ... Luther Ingram version of 1972
That was one of my favorite songs in 9th grade ... beautiful cover of the original song by The Emotions. (I miss soul music of the 60's-70's era ... so much beautiful tunage ...)
The Rod Stewart cover was OK, but it didn't quite nail it the way Ingram's cover did.
Amazing! I just got the [Necromancer] badge with this answer to a question about a necromancer! Possibly the best fit ever for that badge! — NathanS 59 mins ago
@KorvinStarmast I think you forgot to close that comment with an asterisk to apply italics.
If that was your intention.
@goodguy5 Reminds me of a player I used to play with that would always play something elven.
And somehow try to work in a plotline about being lost royalty or something.
oh @NautArch how was your game?
Good question! I also am interested
@goodguy5 it was...interesting :)
*Yuuki thanks for catching that
THe one player who refused to bow down to the false demon king was tortured and had his tongue cut out. So no more verbal spellcasting (all of his spells have a V component)
and then we were railroaded into a fight
@NautArch off to a good start
@NautArch Wow, usually you build up to the drama but we're hitting the ground running, huh.
combat's been fun and we're trying to fight through the castle to find the false king and his 'heirs'. Killed one heir, but had to pause as it got late.
@Yuuki was basically how it started. We had some opportunity to banter with the false king, but it was more of a chance for the DM/king to belittle us.
Those of us who did what he wanted (ate the food, etc.) got 20 temp HP and a Long Rest.
@NautArch From now on I will demand to be referred to as DM-king in my games
@Rubiksmoose I'll just call you dumpling. :)
Your royal DMness also accepted
@KorvinStarmast not acceptable. Someone please remove @KorvinStarmast's tongue immediately.
he basically gave him the Reek treatment.
@NautArch oh surely, he is as merciful as he is strong! All hail the DM! </sarcasm>
it was pretty ugly, but my friend took it in stride. We're all just waiting for the end at this point.
Also, better take subtle spell
or, learn drow sign language. It's a language, therefore it counts as verbal
@goodguy5 cleric :(
@goodguy5 does it really?
oh god, no. not at all
@NautArch $5 says that the DM watched that particular GOT episode last night.
@Rubiksmoose pretty sure it doesn't. You've got to make certain pitch/sounds. It's not the words that matter.
Or in the intervening time between sessions.
@goodguy5 ok good. because I was about to call BS super hard on that lol
@Yuuki It just felt like such a power trip.
@NautArch three level sorc dip
@goodguy5 Is that like the D&D version of seven-layer dip?
@Rubiksmoose So let me get this straight: it wasn't the cat who got my tongue, it was the dumpling?
@NautArch That's because it almost definitely is.
@NautArch Yeah that sounds pretty awful. It sounds like the end is getting closer though right? Will the DM-king abdicate his throne?
@Rubiksmoose I fear @NautArch may have to pull a Julius Caesar.
Alright, so if the cleric can get someone to cast tongues on him.... does that count?
@Yuuki the ides of march ARE near
@NautArch Do you guys still have the tongue?
You could pickle it in a jar and keep it in case the cleric dies and use it for Resurrection.
2 days ago, by Yuuki
> Today I made an executive cleric decision and had everyone in the party cut their finger off and take turns wearing our ring of regeneration so if any of them died and the body couldn't be retrieved I could use my rod of resurrection on the finger. Now our keep has several pickled finger jars labeled with our names.
If I had to pick up DMing from this point, I'd probably try to make a stealth mission to sneak through the keep and find the false demon king's hidden ring of regeneration.
@Yuuki good god
Hmm... does ring of regeneration regrow parts that were missing before you attuned the ring?
Or does it only do so for body parts severed after attuning the ring?
the item just says it requires attunement
I guess the question is one of how the ring works. Does the ring take a snapshot of your body at the moment of attunement completion and then regenerates to fit that snapshot or does it work off some genetic/mystical record of your "perfect" self?
I think the latter
In that case, it should regrow all body parts, even if they were missing before you attuned the ring.
I wonder if you were to rent a Ring of Regeneration, how much it would cost.
@Yuuki we can try and remember to retrieve it. It's cut up in the bowl of oatmeal that the King was eating.
But our other cleric can prepare regeneration if there's a tomorrow.
@NautArch oh, I didn't realize you guys were level 13+
@goodguy5 yeah, wer're mostly level 15, but have a couple who are are 13.
a couple like "two" or a couple like "people who live together, etc"
@goodguy5 heh, 3. Our barbarian (who had been petrified before we had access to greater restoration, but was later recovered) and two guys who joined us later. I think they're either 13 or 14.
ah, a "few", then
also, meat oatmeal sounds disgusting
@goodguy5 Probably an arm and a leg.
Only one of us noticed it. I was either rolling crits or fumbles most of the night.
@Yuuki slow clap
@Yuuki I like the attempt, but I can't decide whether I like the joke or not....
@goodguy5 going out on a limb...i think you liked it.
Also, I wonder if there are farms that just put a ring of regeneration on a cow and keep chopping off parts
@goodguy5 It does stipulate that you need to have at least 1 HP the entire time while it's regenerating.
yea? so?
chop off leg. lay on hands
repeat 3 more times
And most of the good parts of the cow are places where you'd at least take it to 0 HP to get to.
@goodguy5 just don't mix it up and chop off hands and lay on legs.
@Yuuki Tongue.
@Rubiksmoose that one I liked
Not to mention, the regeneration takes place over 1d6+1 days, so I'm like 90% sure that's animal cruelty.
@Rubiksmoose Well, Lay on Hands never says what you have to touch with.
@Yuuki I'm 100% sure it's animal cruelty. This isn't a moral argument. this is a theory of an infinite food source
You'd probably lose money on stemming blood loss and preventing shock than you'd save on only having one cow.
@GreySage *as Archer* So, are we not doing phrasing any more?
I am away from books. Can an Arcane Trickster use wands starting at 3rh level, since that archetype is now a spell caster? The other rogue has to wait for "use magic device" at level 13
one sec
@KorvinStarmast Most wands just require attunement, so anyone can use them at any level
@KorvinStarmast Not all wands require attunement. Not all wands that require attunement require that to be with a spellcaster. If the requirement is "attunement by spellcaster", then yes, Arcane Trickster would count. The Thief can work around other restrictions at level 13, not just "spellcaster".
@goodguy5 Use magic device allows you to ignore class, race, and level requirements, not class feature requirements, unless there has been some errata
hrm... that feels against the intent. I'll do some digging
@GreySage Ignoring issues of game balance and design, that particular feature of "use magic device" has always bothered me. I've personally always felt that scrolls, wands, and other magical devices were for allowing non-magical characters some method of performing magic.
So requiring someone to be a spellcaster to be able to use a magical device always felt weird to me.
Q: Does the "use magic device" feature of the thief subclass allow you to attune to items requiring you to be a spellcaster?

Thyzer Use Magic Device By 13th level, you have learned enough about the workings of magic that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class, race and level requirements on the use of magic items. This allows the rogue to attune to "sorcerer...

@Yuuki Most magic items are usable by non-spellcasters. It's only scrolls, staffs, and certain wands really that are limited.
@GreySage Seems that post by RAW agrees with you, but RAI agrees with me
@goodguy5 Crawford's responses not clarifying the rules strikes again
ever-useful </sarcasm>
It definitely feels like "requiring a class feature" falls under "class restriction". imma tweet him
@GreySage Wand of Binding Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
so, we'll see
regardless, yes. a 3rd level arcane trickster has access to wands as being a "spellcaster"

very interesting. We've never had a rogue that high of level yet in any of my campaigns so we've never had to deal with UMD.
@goodguy5 Animate objects and a bag of ball bearings. Like a quail hunt ..
@KorvinStarmast my bard carries silvered ball bearings around :)
For the record, the question I just posted, I can't believe it hasn't been asked before
@Rubiksmoose yeah, i'm trying to figure it out :)
I thought Find STeed would be a method to see, but it's intilligence is separate from it's ability to act as a controlled mount
you even got SSD to throw his hat in :)
Oops but I did misunderstand the passage lol. I thought it was weird that I remembered it the other way... oh well
Feels silly now, but I'll leave it as is I think because it might confuse others as well and SSD clarifies and answers the question well.
Is there anything better than cheesy power metal for motivation during tedious tasks?
I submit that there is not.
I mean, there's still an underlying question in your question...

When does a mount act independently?
@goodguy5 That sounds like one of those riddles. "When is a door not a door? When it's a jar. When is a mount not a mount? ...?"
@Rubiksmoose Here's another answer about animal intelligence that is slightly related to your question ...
@SPavel I find ZZ Top and the Rolling Stones to be inspirational while I work. YMMV
@goodguy5 Though really the core of my question is really about determine when a creature is considered "intelligent".
@KorvinStarmast I was moving yesterday to the tunes of Powerwolf and Sabaton
even that name is hilarious - Powerwolf
@Rubiksmoose exactly my point
@Rubiksmoose if I roll 3d6 and get a 3, as an Halfling, I am still a PC and thus still sentient, albeit not an Einstein.
Actually you'd probably like Sabaton, Korvin - they write music based on the history of warfare
I like the answer that @KorvinStarmast related, but that doesn't definitively answer the question. I would rule "4 or higher", personally
@SPavel What is their best song? I'll check them out. Also, what is powerwolf's best song
but I don't know if there is anything mountable with a 3 intelligence
@goodguy5 me too. it was a good find.
@goodguy a drunken prostitute might have an effective int of 3, eh? :p
OK, I'll stop with the naughty jokes ...
I get chastized for using the a-word, but @KorvinStarmast gets away with that!?
@KorvinStarmast I liked "Dead Until Dawn" for Powerwolf, for Sabaton it's harder to pick one...they did a cover of Judas Priest's "All Guns Blazing" that I like, but from their original songs "Winged Hussars" is pretty good
@KorvinStarmast but also, "giddy up" ;-)
@SPavel When it's spent a lot of time on the beach.
Then it's a mountain.
oh no, SSD has arrived, as the prohecy has foretold
Although "Night Witches" is much more meme, it's about the Soviet women's squadron in WWII
They flew wooden crop dusters whose top speed was slower than German fighters' stall speed
@goodguy5 @KorvinStarmast's dirty joke summoned them ;)
@SPavel Night Witches sounds like something I'd like. Hmmm.
sadly a lot of the Night Witches died because AA rounds would set their planes on fire
And also they had no armor, navigational equipment, machine guns - the planes could only take off with a pilot, navigator, and 2 bombs
fyi, Chimeras and Death Dogs have 3 int
And the navigator had a paper map
Rhemorraz (sp), Baboons, and Grick Alphas have an Int of 4
@goodguy5 At first I thought you said "Greek Alphas" - fraternity leaders
and then Hill Giants have Int 5
@Spavel I flew from paper charts and maps in my early fight training days ...
And was like, yeah that makes sense
@KorvinStarmast At night, under fire? :P
@SPavel XD
Not under fire, but yes at night.
@KorvinStarmast Neat!
I don't think they have many other aviation songs, there's No Bullets Fly about a German pilot escorting a damaged British plane out of the engagement zone
The only time I might have been under fire that I can think of would be when running about in the dark in the Gulf of Sidra in 85-86 as we played cat and mouse with Qhadaffi .... but I don't think our helicopter was underfire since most of the gun director radars his patrol boats had were in our ESM library and thus would have set of the tones
And one about nuclear bombers titled appropriately Nuclear Attack
And If they had shot at us, the odds that a Grail would be used would have been higher.
Got lit up a lot by Soviet fire control radars though ....
@KorvinStarmast Gulf of Sidra? Yum
If only! it was mundane salt water ...
Ah, mundane is underpowered, the optimal build is 1 level of a divine caster and the rest in wizard salt water
@goodguy5 Hmm, what a-word did I get away with? confused
@KorvinStarmast Well, you made your dirty joke. I was griping about being called out for saying the a-word
@goodguy5 Alignment?
My grandfather was an artillerist but I don't think he ever served in combat
My grandpa was a gunner's mate, WW I.
My great-grandfather was a mechanic in the air force during WWII
He later when to college and worked for an engineering firm for years.
@SevenSidedDie actually do you think it would be worthwhile to edit my mount misunderstanding out of my question?
He grew out his thumbnail because screwdrivers were in short supply, and would patch bullet holes with soap when metal was scarce
Today in backhanded insults:
> So you're driving along in your patrol car at the end of a long day when you notice a gentleman out on the lawn holding a tomahawk over his head. Upon further observation, you notice another gentleman on a nearby veranda, this one holding a speargun and a bow-saw, with two axes nearby.

Even in Australia, this is probable cause to stop and inquire.
@nitsua60 LARPers are getting more and more intense
"In fact, a bow-saw is just a saw shaped like a bow — not an bow that shoots saws"
Homebrewers, this is your cue
Legal Humor. Seriously. By Kevin Underhill.
Love that guy's name. He's got Baggins blood in him.
@Yuuki XD
If we had modern-day hobbits, would they be particularly good comedians?
I imagine they would have a large stake in the "pipe weed" market
We all know what's in there, Gandalf
@nitsua60 The linked story about the trident is better, and reminds me of old Chris Bucholz articles
@SPavel I’m more suspicious of Radagast’s excessive consumption of mushrooms.
@Yuuki I'm more suspicious of Radagast's ... everything.
Radagast talks to birds, he's strung out on whatever he can get his hands on
@SPavel Who knows, maybe he ate a dragon’s heart?
Saruman is definitely doing coke
Wall Street style
Gollum is basically meth
@Rubiksmoose damn you and your question. I'd love to have an answer, but there isn't a good answer.
Hill Giants and Griffons have 5 int, but Giant Vultures and Minotaurs have 6!?
@goodguy5 I live to annoy!
I think I am actually going to edit the misunderstanding out of my question (and make it clear in my question).
hell, even white dragon wyrmlings have 6 int
Frodo - anti-anxiety meds?
Or whatever psychotropics cause the dissociation he experiences from the Ring
Frodo was, like all hobbits, addicted to mushrooms. Psychedelic drugs have different effects on different people.
@goodguy5 oh they do?
yeah, INT 5.
Black Dragon wyrmling have int 10.
@goodguy5 White dragons be dumb.
@GreySage yea, dumber than Giant Vultures
confirmed, white dragons are just dumb vultures
@KorvinStarmast I prefer planes that are fearsomely ugly like the Sukhoi T-4
Because of its air intake design, it could only fly upside down
@SPavel One of my favorite jets, looks wise, was the F-5E, followed by the F-5G/F-20. Beautiful jets. The F-16 is a good jet, but I never found it to be good looking.
I prefer the big chunky planes like the An-22
The doctrine of "more machine = more better" appeals to me
Although you can take that too far
@SPavel I don't know enough about planes, but that sounds like a design flaw.
@Yuuki Only 4 were ever built and only 1 passed all the flight tests
I was always partial to MiGs
they just worked. They're like the ak-47 of the sky
@goodguy5 Mass-produced and ubiquitous in the arsenals of rebels and dissidents?
@goodguy5 Because of the backwards state of Soviet electronics, MiGs used vacuum tubes instead of transistors, which rendered them impervious to EMPs from nuclear blasts
@SPavel exactly
In the event of nuclear war, the Soviet air force's obsolescence would have kept it in the air
Soviet everything also looked way cooler
Obsolete, or advanced?
Look at the Saturn V vs the N1
The Russian one is way more space age science fiction
@goodguy5 wow that list is strange sorted by INt
@Rubiksmoose IKR!?
(also the Russian one exploded on the launch pad and IIRC is the largest non-nuclear explosion ever)
"One unforeseen flaw was that its operating frequency, 1000Hz, happened to perfectly coincide with vibration generated by the propulsion system" - and this is why you need regression testing
@SPavel Halifax was bigger, IIRC.
Yeah, 1 kt vs 2.9 kt.
@Yuuki Yes, you're right, it's actually 3 times smaller than Halifax
But it's certainly up there
There have been many extremely large explosions, accidental and intentional, caused by modern high explosives, boiling liquid expanding vapour explosions (BLEVEs), older explosives such as gunpowder, volatile petroleum-based fuels such as petrol, and other chemical reactions. This list contains the largest known examples, sorted by date. An unambiguous ranking in order of severity is not possible; a 1994 study by historian Jay White of 130 large explosions suggested that they need to be ranked by an overall effect of power, quantity, radius, loss of life and property destruction, but concluded...
Halifax seems to be the largest accidental non-nuclear explosion.
This thing is 15 times more powerful than Halifax and non-nuclear though
Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power (ATBIP) Russian: Авиационная вакуумная бомба повышенной мощности (АВБПМ), nicknamed "Father of All Bombs" (FOAB) Russian: "Папа всех бомб" ("Пвб"), is a Russian-designed, bomber-delivered thermobaric weapon. The bomb is reportedly similar to the US military's GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast which is often unofficially called "Mother of All Bombs" derived from its official military acronym "MOAB". This weapon would therefore be the most powerful conventional (non-nuclear) weapon in the world. However, the veracity of Russia's claims concerning the...
But thermobaric is almost cheating
@Spavel It's non nuclear and goes boom. I see nothing wrong with it, and it is hardly "cheating." Using physics and a bit of ingenuity to make things go boom has been popular since the Chinese invented gunpowder. :)
@KorvinStarmast That's why I said almost - the point is that the biggest thermobaric explosion is always going to be bigger than a big normal one
Unless you crash the moon into a volcano or something out of an anime
@goodguy5 I updated my question.
but that gets me no closer to answering it!
We agree that a 2 is too dumb and a 5 is good enough, because it has a dragon
that leaves 3 and 4 up for debate
I think the inherent issue is that 5th edition doesn't have as much focus on highly mechanical aspects of the game.
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