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@nitsua60 but he can't remove badges to get to there
@nitsua60 Wow, I didn't even notice that. That's awesome.
Oh, that's a 3, not a 2.
That changes things.
@Miniman ah ok, you will have to forgive me for not having those memorized
Oh yeah :(
@Miniman Wait, you didn't notice that your number of silver badges was only two of three digits off from being your number of gold, squared?
I guess I have a moral victory
@trogdor I don't know many 2-digit squares - I had to check 289 when the maths sheep mentioned it.
I can tell 2 from 3
@nitsua60 I'm just a scrub, I guess.
Speaking of, 400^2 is not 1600.
There's 2 0s missing, d'oh.
Oh jeez yeah
I was not exactly checking for that
I am not a big fan of math
@Miniman at this point I suppose we should just do a quadratic fit and call it a day. "Look! My collection of 3 numbers has an exact quadratic fit! That's awesome!"
I see value in it if course, but I don't like working with every rule it ever spawned
Then the SE design team + Mearls & co. will rush in to rebalance and make us all linear in our badges.
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
I have some ideas for my char for ToA I want to float by you, would now be a good time or should I save them for when we're closer to game-time?
Was going to go to the city tonight, didn't get enough work done to justify 7 hours away, and now I'm sitting at my desk not working. This sounds like a horrible perversion of Randall's nacho problem:
@nitsua60 hahaha :P
just got back from seeing relatives, myself
@Shalvenay How 'bout save them until after kids are in bed. Say, two or so hours?
@nitsua60 sure
hey there @Asteria
and hey there as well @mattdm
hey there @Nyoze
how're things going?
I'll know in a few hours lol
how so? :/
Just some changes going down at work, and I don't find out which side I end up on for a few hours yet
@Nyoze ah
hey there @NautArch
My hardcover Cthulhu Dark arrived today!
Hey nice
1 hour later…
@Shalvenay hiya
How's things?
Okay. You?
How's the island this morning?
It's pretty nice
Just got to dive again this last Saturday
Though I did miss the regular Geek Night thing for it
I think the last time I was able to dive was probably 2 years ago
@trogdor Cool! Snorkeling, or SCUBA?
SCUBA is the one true diving for me now
I can't just snorkel anymore
You just can't go deep enough for that
It's kinda like going back to keelboats after racing multihull. Like they say... "once you go trimaran, you never go back."
Not that I like going any deeper than about 40 or 50 feet
@trogdor That's awesome - it's one of those things that sounds amazing and I'd love to try even though I suspect I'll never get to it.
They say that, right?
@trogdor Is that a sort of "well, if it failed I could ditch and make it to the surface" threshold?
@Miniman my biggest problem was how scared I was of the ideas around it
@trogdor Sounds like you should be the one answering today's fishing question =)
@nitsua60 no actually that is too deep for that,... But there is almost nothing nice to see deeper than that, and I sometimes have trouble clearing at that depth
For those who don't know, clearing is the thing you do on an airplane when the pressure changes when you ascend or descend
Except when diving you gotta do that every few feet
And the consequences for not doing it are,... A lot worse than on a plane
Ah, so at 40 or 50 feet the babies crying must be pretty brutal?
@nitsua60 I don't,... Fish
@nitsua60 if there are babies down there yes
I have yet to see that:P
(I saw that.)
I said ate babies had har autocorrect
(Oh, QWERTY, you cad.)
> Depends what's on the other end of the line. If it's a scuba-diving trogdor, roll a saving throw against BURNINATION.
@nitsua60 its cause I am ony phone
@Miniman You should put up that answer. It might get your rep back to that nice, round number =)
@nitsua60 Yeah, but right now I have no 0- or negative- score answers.
@Miniman none!? Wow. [bows to the master]
@nitsua60 12 deleted ones :P
@nitsua60 I don't either but I have maybe a dozen I ever posted so it proooooooobably doesn't count
Actually, yeah, I just checked. I've got a handful of extant zeros, and then a bunch deleted in the -3 to 2 range, like you.
@nitsua60 also, that is one of many reasons you should always have a dive buddy
If your BC/reg/tank fails, Thiers should most likely still be fine long enough for you both to surface
All BCs I have ever seen have an extra mouthpiece in case your dive buddy needs it
I can't really do link s so well on this phone but if you Google "Scuba BC" on image it should show them
Sorta like a jacket for divers
It typically holds all your equipment for you, including the tank on your back
@nitsua60 yes exactly
Your reg is the price that has the mouthpiece that connects to the tank so you can breath, but the BC has one that plugs into the tank as well for both emergency breathing for your buddy, and so you can inflate it to float after you surface
It is not to be used to try to surface with, for multiple reasons
The biggest one being you will most likely get the bends from that
@trogdor I assume it'd explode somewhere during that process?
You do not want that
Oh, yeah. That too. Your veins exploding.
@nitsua60 second biggest reason yes
So far I have never had to spend any time in a decompression chamber, and I would like to keep it that way
Thus concludes chat being DIVENATED
                     o  o
                     o o o
                  o    ______          ______
                  _ *o(_||___)________/___
                O(_)(       o  ______/    \
               > ^  `/------o-'            \
Oh wow that is pretty good there
Oh nvm no more points for you :P
Can Bards research new spells?
@Erics System? And when you say research, do you mean invent brand-new spells, or learn existing ones outside of the levelling process?
in 2e, it says Wizards and Priests can research new spells. Bards are Rogues. It doesn't however say "_only _ Wizards or Priests".
Do later editions shed any light on this?
invent new spells
it makes in-game sense. Bards are creative types, afterall.
@nitsua60 Obviously that's a grapple check for the tackle.
GM: Okay, in Ironclaw your character is supposed to have a personal motto. TOAD HEALER: Don't Touch Me WATER-BUFFALO DRUID: I'm Too Old For This Shit ELEPHANT NOMAD: Patience Is A Virtue CENTIPEDE ASSASSIN: I'll Bite You CORGI PALADIN: SQUIRREL!
@Miniman (I will be writing this up as a Question later)
Sweet - two answers so far to the MM Q, and contradictory =)
3 hours later…
Here's a question. I'm in the process of putting together a PWYW pdf with the variant rules & the "especially nasty" monsters I've been making for 13th Age. Which means I need to apply for a "13th Age compatibility" license, which means I need a name for the whole thing sooner rather than later. The only thing I have come up with is the aforementioned "Especially Nasty". Do you think that's a decent name for a small monster supplement?
It.... could be easily misinterpreted.
That is my concern, yea
Originally it was a play on 13A's "nasty specials", optional abilities some monsters get.
Ah, that's... better with context but maybe not completely redeeming.
> Determinator. You have an extra minor consequence slot and an extra moderate consequence slot, but they do not give you fate points when you concede.
1 hour later…
@Magician Are you looking for counter-suggestions?
> Defermentinator. You can turn alcoholic beverages into water.
> Defermentator. Once per session you can ignore all your consequences for one scene. At the end of the scene, take stress equal to the sum value of each consequence ignored.
> Determinegator. You get +1 to your Veterinarian and Oracle rolls for issues related to alligators.
> Deverminator. Your attacks against vermin have weapon:2.
> The sermon hater. You have +4 to resist lectures, speeches, and other long-form declamations that try to convince you of something.
Few things are more human than games, this is a 20 sided Egyption dice from 200 B.C
@BESW Sure
Especially Nasty Specials (to bring out the 13th Age joke)
Unwelcome Beasts (and how to flee them)
Nastier Specials
Not bad, will need to think some more. Another idea was to have the title somehow reflect that it's my version of the game, what with multiple sub-systems and weird monsters. But then it just sounds like a vanity project. Which it is. Still.
Consider it branding.
Ponderings on Peril.
"Ponderings" is pretentious as is! I don't know why people put up with me.
Ooh, actually.
Perilous Specials.
Not sold on the "specials" part, without "nasty" somewhere there it doesn't really make sense as a joke. I do like "peril", though.
Damn, gtg. Back in a couple hours, keep 'em coming.
It Bites: Perilous Beasts for a Nastier 13th Age.
@BESW i like this one.
1 hour later…
Today in our ongoing series "Your Fantasy World Is Not As Weird As The Real World:"
Your fantasy world doesn't have tulip-based profit speculation.
what's new?
@BESW note to self, fantasy world could be improved by crazy trade speculation of oddly mundane items, especially because of the strife from the eventual bubble collapse and/or success when it turns out to not be a bubble at all and someone is now a wealthy aristocrat on the basis of lawn gnome trading.
@BESW One of your games is called Colonypunk, is it not?
@BESW Would you mind elaborating a little bit what themes or elements of this game make it *punk?
@BESW Can't have "13th Age" in the title
@eimyr BESW's explained his perspective on what *punk means here; the long and short of it is that punk is about dismantling a system using the tools of the system itself, thus colonypunk is about dismantling a colonial presence using the tools of the colonial presence itself.
a good real life example is the Maori: they had British colonials land on their shores trying to take over, so the Maori learned their language and customs and organised a treaty with them.
The notion of the treaty they were making, and the language they were using to negotiate, were both of British origin, but they used it to dismantle what the British were trying to do there.
He's explained more or less this stuff somewhere in the chat archives, I just can't find it right now, so rather than spend time trying to find it I figured I'd just explain the above.
@doppelgreener Thanks, that's what I was looking for.
(The Maori probably had their own concept or analog of treaties, but to have the British accept it, they had to figure out what the British would accept as a treaty -- and propose and work on that variety of treaty.)
My main motivator is that I was thinking about what kind of genre After Adventures belongs to and feudalpunk comes to mind. However, most definitions on the internet (TVTropes et al) focus on the misalignment of technology and cultural ideas, de-emphasising the power structures and the punk punk defiance
@JuneShores How's everything?
Going alright.
I have a job opportunity, finally. It's cart pushing, but even so, it's something.
@JuneShores Absolutely. No honest work brings shame, as the saying goes (where I come from...)
@JuneShores [vibrates with excitement]
@doppelgreener Yes, I too am vibrating.
@eimyr Calling it a punk story wouldn't be my first impression, but it does seem to be using typical fantasy adventure context to press against typical fantasy adventure narrative. So it's countercultural in that lens.
@doppelgreener I'm thinking that since it's a game about upwards social mobility (disguised as a fantasy adventurer trope deconstruction) in a society that is founded on class divide, it sounds pretty punk to me, but I'm not sure if there isn't some unknown factor that I'm missing.
Wouldn't punk be less about upward social mobility and more about trying to deconstruct the entire "upwards" axis?
@kviiri very good point.
@kviiri so, the context, After Adventures is a game where the players are lowborn (or somehow disgraced, e.g. bastard, excommunicated etc.) adventurers who dream of making it big in a medieval society, BUT the society would prefer these adventurers stay where they belong. The play focusses on taking advantage of scarce opportunities (as players are assumed to have modern sensibilities) and bucking against the established feudal order, making enemies all the while.
Yeah, I remember us having talked about it :)
@kviiri 1) your bloody default avatar... 2) the game went through a few fundamental changes as I departed from some original ideas
@kviiri just what I thought
@eimyr I'm rather fond of it :< I should change it but I really like the blue-on-white cross in the middle.
Punk would only use upward social mobility as another tool to deconstruct the social system
Like how notable punks use their amplified voice as a means to get a message out.
@kviiri it is nice, only drawback is its similarity to some others
I think I'll just change it :3 all good things must come to a... pause, at least
For example, people in the movie industry using weight they have to assist the current (well-earned) fight against omnipresent sexual abuse in the industry and to assist in reforming the standards the industry must hold itself to.
@doppelgreener become the king to abdicate and institute a republic
@eimyr exactly!
@doppelgreener I'm not writing a Weinstein RPG
@kviiri become doppelbluer
@eimyr ewwwwww
@eimyr well, I know that
so, um, yeah, I see now feudalpunk is not what I thought it would be
@eimyr I think the idea of fighting the feudal system by characters with modern sensibilities is really cool
it is, as far as feudalpunk would go.
I'm not quite aiming for fighting to destroy feudalism, rather to disobey its principles for own benefit
that's more like feudal rebellion 8)
Feudal schemery
@doppelgreener @kviiri So... what genre label would you put on After Adventures?
@eimyr I'm not sure.
In genre's capacity as a marketing tool I'd give it a label of gritty fantasy or something, and group it in with shows like game of thrones which are seeking to explore the feels-bad areas of fantasy.
@doppelgreener "gritty fantasy" is anything from Dark Souls to Mickey Mouse these days
I haven't heard either of those described that way.
But, look up what people are labelling works that similarly look deep into the ugly or dark side of fantasy stories.
I am looking for a genre specifically to avoid this one. Gritty fantasy evokes the themes of brutal but ill-conceived "realism", mainly through evoked through evisceration, but still centered on power fantasy as the main appeal.
I am writing this to deconstruct the power fantasy inherent to the RPG culture
so.. it's kind of design-punk
@eimyr Well, your game is about brutal realism & people suffering through their fantasy stories, so yes, I would make that comparison and label it as such.
@doppelgreener And you would be right. I'm not too keen on the label for perfectly illogical reasons
@eimyr Political fantasy maybe?
@eimyr it is punk on a similar level to steampunk, but with opposite tones
steampunk isn't punkish inside the story, but is punkish on a writing level.
similarly you're using this as a vessel to poke against the very same trope context it's drawing upon.
so while there's no punkishness inside the story, there's punkishness in how it sits within its genre.
so yeah, punk design might be a way to describe it :)
I think it might be lost on the reader :P
@kviiri Yeah, problem is the game skews into that direction, but I'm trying not to make it too political. Courtly intrigue and scheming is part of the game, but I'd rather not have it as a main focus of the game. But, despite my efforts, it does seem to become a default.
@eimyr agreed, most readers don't look for that capacity -- it'd be the kind of thing some reviewers will mention, for the benefit of the kinds of people who even read reviews of rpgs.
@doppelgreener At best it could be a thing in RPG design self-appreciation circles, nothing more.
I must've screwed something up with the image... let's see.
Trying to change my pic... already worked on RPG.se but apparently not chat.
Finally, you can be graced by the visage of the veiled Otter Sage!
@kviiri Maybe just cached?
@kviiri chat always takes a little while to catch up with mainsite
@kviiri ooo-aahhh, this is a lovely otter sage.
I briefly considered picking this picture of Hagrid from r/misleadingthumbnails, but I like otters more reddit.com/r/misleadingthumbnails/comments/28gn02/hagrid
@kviiri fantastic
i'm delighted there is a subreddit for this
@doppelgreener I think it's a spell to conceal the wizard if a muggle looks too close!
@doppelgreener I would say it's "solid gold", but gold is mere matter... but that subreddit, that is a treasure of the spirit.
@kviiri I remember, there used to be a website that was able to merge two images in such a way that through exploiting the resize algorithms the thumbnail would show one image and full size - the other one
@eimyr Yeah, I recall seeing tricks to that effect too
@kviiri I like the otter though.
@eimyr Otters are awesome :)
Hm, Fate Accelerated seems nice
@kviiri because it is
Originally I thought I'd just take the whole package and learn Fate Core right away, but now I've got many friends pining for something simple and I want to try test driving Fate with them, so I took a look at the Accelerated version. Seems like a game for me
@kviiri Fate Core is more traditional than Fate Acc, but the main concepts are the same, once you know one you can almost painlessly transfer to the other one.
Yeah, the main mechanics are pretty much the same aren't they?
Accelerated has approaches, Core has skills, but is there anything else?
@kviiri Core has more stuff
small differences that add up to a significant change
I think you would be better off asking Greener or BESW
they sell Fate better than I ever could
Fate Core presents an awful lot more writing about core philosophies and advice, and goes a lot into depth about avenues for customisation. It's written largely for people who are interested in customising and developing their own games, and so explains how to tweak itself, its own capacities, etc.
Fate Accelerated pares it down, does away with a lot of the philosophy (although all of it still applies), and presents the much-simpler Approaches, some straightforward stunt templates, and a more straightforward approach to stress and consequences, specifically to provide something we can pick up and run with pretty much right away.
I think Fate Accelerated is more useful for jumping off of if you want to play right away; Fate Core is actually a little weird in that I don't think it's ideal to run with in and of itself, but it's useful to examine, modify, and create our own games from. If I ran a pirate story for my friends, I wouldn't run it off Fate Core specifically -- I'd make small adjustments to it (e.g. its skill list) and wind up with Very Slightly Customised Pirate Game and play that.
That all makes sense though because the whole point of Fate Core is that people will use it to learn the Fate system, make their own games based on it, and sell those, expanding the Fate brand. Fate Core being free was a marketing decision specifically to those ends.
(It's worked!)
@doppelgreener How does Fate make money?
@eimyr Via Fate Worlds, via selling supplementary products like the Fate Dice, and via developing and selling their own Fate Core games. Fate is popular, so sometimes someone wants to make a fate game but doesn't know how. Evil Hat are the de facto experts, so they get consulted to create the game, and that earns them money.
@doppelgreener Do they actually offer paid consultation?
@eimyr I know they facilitate consultation with companies reaching out to them wanting to make a fate game, and I can't imagine them doing it for free.
@eimyr Aha, here's an example: Fate is the publisher for the Atomic Robo RPG. evilhat.com/home/atomic-robo / drivethrurpg.com/product/130204/Atomic-Robo-RPG
@doppelgreener oh right, I forgot
@doppelgreener oops. can i withdraw a VTC dupe?
@NautArch yes, you can retract a close vote by opening the close vote dialog again.
@doppelgreener thank you!
@NautArch all in a day's work, citizen!
1 hour later…
A: What is an SRD for?

doppelgreenerThey're for what they say on the tin: they're built as a general reference document for the game. What goes into them exactly depends on what the authors decided to put in there to build that reference — there's no set standard. Some SRDs are enormously comprehensive libraries of just about every...

That answer contains links to Fred Hicks and Evil Hat talking about why so much of their Fate products are free/PWYW.
i resemble that remark
@BESW oh yeah, there's also their public quarterly sales figures: evilhat.com/home/tag/sales-numbers
@JuneShores Grats!
@BESW sadly, wolfram alpha didn't really help. and I got 3 downvotes on math.se so deleted it.
WA kept trying to tell me that Normal Liters and liters are equivalent. (protip: they're not)
What's a Normal Liter?
A Standard Liter Per Minute is calculated at 1 atmosphere and 70°F; a Normal Litre Per Minute is calculated at 1 atmosphere and 0°C.
It's an America-uses-different-units-than-everyone-else thing.
70°F = 21.111(...)°C so the volume difference adds up
@BESW Canada should invade the USA, give it the metric system and universal single payer healthcare, maybe fix up a few more things while it's there, and leave again while apologising for all the trouble.
how's everyone?
@BESW right, but our compressor works at 110 PSI (or 7 atmospheres). I need to convert the volume moving at 1 atmosphere (27NL) to 7 atmospheres. Thankfully, we keep our space at about 70F, so no real calculation needed for that.
@DForck42 Current mood: Metropolis by Jósef Bottlik.
current mood: why doesn't netflix have uplifting tv shows why are all the shows about terrible people doing terrible things and/or good people in terrible situations
@doppelgreener The Good Place is surprisingly chipper! It's like if Pushing Daisies chose to deconstruct No Exit.
Also you're in Britain so I think Netflix is streaming The Court Jester. It's a movie not a show, but
@BESW yay i have no idea what any of those things are but i'll check it out!
The Good Place is about a selfish woman who dies and finds herself in The Good Place, where she obviously doesn't belong, so she strong-arms an ethics professor into teaching her how to be good so she can stay. It's a sitcom!
The Court Jester is a 1950s musical comedy that's kind of a Robin Hood parody, with lots of EXTREMELY witty banter. Its comedic timing is perfect, but each scene goes on just a little too long.
(Also, for the 1950s, it's got a surprising number of prominent powerful female roles.)
(Pushing Daisies is a romantic comedy series about a man whose touch revives the dead... until he touches them again. He makes a living as a piemaker because his pie fillings have literally the freshest possible fruit.)
@doppelgreener have you tried watching the great british bakeoff?
@DForck42 i have not!
@doppelgreener it's a great show
and it's not American so it's not overly competitive
AND, you can learn a thing or two about baking from it, which is a plus
it's what inspired us to really start baking
that, and we got a standmixer for xmas last year
the wife had the best xmas last year, she got proposed to AND got a stand mixer, lol
@DForck42 woo! i might even get around to doing that sometime, so that helps!
@doppelgreener :-D
before the drama happened, we made a couple loaves of fresh bread and homemade butter
for thanksgiving
Little Witch Academia?
Ooh, is All Creatures Great and Small on British Netflix?
That's a slice-of-life dramedy about a rural British veterinarian, based on the autobiographies of James Herriot.
(The TV series is great. I don't know about the film.)
@BESW oh my gosh, i never finished watching that one!!!!!!!!!!
i am getting right on that
And it's not Netflix, but Encore+ is a YouTube channel with the rights to upload whole seasons of popular old Canadian TV shows.
so, we opted to watch the newest season of great british bake off last night, rather than start punisher
with all the drama as of late we decided we wanted something a bit more relaxing
@BESW ooh, like big block sing song?
There's some good stuff there. I recommend Due North (about a Canadian Mountie who's so earnest and hyper-competent that the Mounties send him to Chicago because he's making them look bad), The Littlest Hobo (a stray dog hitches rides from town to town and has ridiculous adventures that make Lassie and Benji look like chumps), and Slings & Arrows (a local theater struggles to stay solvent in the face of changing public opinion and internal drama).
@NautArch I don't see that on the list yet, but they're uploading more stuff over time.
@BESW It's unlikely. It's 3 minute short animated songs. my kids (and I) love them.
There's Mr. Dressup and Degrassi Junior High and Doodlebops and The Great War and Little Mosque on the Prairie, so it's kind of a mixed bag.
I want to keep answering this to find a solution, but i feel like i'm being trolled and think i should probably back slowly away.
@NautArch I don't think wanderer is trolling anybody. At least in my experience, they've always been a pretty serious member of the community as far as questions go. My guess is that they're trying to use the system for something that it inherently isn't designed to handle.
@Adam it also feels like that - which makes a lot more sense
@NautArch It seems like the question that should be asked (instead) is why/when/how should the combat XP system be applied for measuring non-combat challenges
The premise seems so absurd, I think that a frame-challenge would be a more-than-adequate response
Doesn't 5e have an "XP is for taking risks and overcoming challenges, don't award mundanity" clause?
@NautArch basically, trying to add more crunch into the game broke it, how do we fix it?
> Ragdoll. You can absorb one stress by allowing yourself to be moved to an adjacent zone of your attacker's choice.
I really like that one actually
might actually have to use it
> Lucky landing. When you are forced into a new zone by an opponent, you get a boost.
@BESW what system is this?
They're Fate stunts, AFAIK.
Stunts are unique tricks like that, and each PC knows a few of those. At least one, I think.
@kviiri I was thinking they were FATE, but wasn't sure
Yes, . (It hasn't been an acronym for some time now.) Most iterations of the system give players three to five stunts, with the option for more as the progress and/or by trading in other PC resources or giving the GM more NPC resources.
@BESW now you are just trying to tempt me
> Smash! If you succeed with style when using an Overcome action to move through zones, you can modify or add an aspect to each zone you leave.
> Not big enough for the two of us. When you start a conflict, before initiative is determined, you can make a free Overcome check against an opponent in your zone to make them move into an adjacent zone.
> Talking my way out of this. (Assumes DWAITAS initiative.) Once per scene you can take a Runner action in the same round that you took a Talker action.
@BESW Detective Jordan is trying to squeeze information from a local sleuth Emil Kelmi. Kelmi is a tough negotiator, and finally agrees to provide the information - but Jordan will owe him a favor. How would you implement this in Fate (Accelerated)?
The first thing that springs to mind is introducing an aspect to Jordan, "Owes Emil Kelmi a favor"
It could maybe be a consequence, for failing to convince him otherwise... would that work?
That seems reasonable.
There are a lot of ways it could go, but an aspect is probably the most straightforward.
Perhaps it's framed as a social conflict, and Jordan takes the "owe a favor" consequence to absorb a particularly hard hit by Kelmi so he can stay in the negotiation long enough to close the deal.
Or it's just roleplayed and the GM decides that a floating "owe a favor" aspect on Jordan is the best way to represent the outcome.
DFRPG toys with "pre-paid compels," which might be an interesting mechanic to explore for a campaign with lots of that kind of deal.
Basically you get what you want by agreeing with the GM that at some point in the future you'll take a compel based on the situation without getting a fate point--because you already got the benefit up front.
Ah, I see what you mean
Messing with the fate point economy that way isn't usually recommended, but if you've got a noir-style story where favors and debts are an oppressive element of the genre, it might make sense to shift the reward to the front end so you've got all the good stuff now and the bad stuff is hanging over you. (Compare to the normal fate point economy, where taking a compel gives you a fate point at the same time so it eases the sting a bit.)
This trilobite has over 40 spikes on its body for protection - EVEN ON IT'S EYES!!! Imagine stepping on this on the beach!! (Image M Heaton) #TrilobiteTuesday
After a few readings of the SRD, I've sorta adopted the mindset that "when in doubt, make it an aspect".
@BESW Me and my SO went to see fossils just a few days ago... in Burger King.
(The one in Helsinki Central Railway Station has limestone floors with plentiful Orthoceras fossils)
@kviiri Broadly speaking, aspects represent something that's always true and might be good or bad; skills represent ways you get things done; and stunts represent specialty in a particular context.
There's overlap, but relying on aspects for "getting things done" features leads to problems unless you're using the aspects-only variant.
(I want to try that variant!)
hey there @MikeQ
@kviiri Ooh, shiny.
When I was a kid, we'd go out to a certain beach after storms and look for crab moult fossils.
(The cast-off skin of a moulted crab gets filled with silt which turns to stone, leaving a perfect impression of the crab except for the exit point.)
That's probably way cooler than the orthocones :P they look like scratches on the floor and I doubt most people ever realize what they're walking on.

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