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@Shalvenay amusing XD
@trogdor aye, comes from an AD&D game I was in where the party got private suite tickets from the head of the city's main bard college to see a play
xD trying to figure out if the ballgown would help her blend in or make her stick out more in a more typically humanoid high-society crowd
@Asteria That depends heavily on what you are attracted to :P
@trogdor waggles eyebrows
I mean, being attracted to gnolls is one thing but I draw the line at ball gowns
@trogdor well, what would you do when 7'3" of gnoll monk/priestess shows up at your costume shop needing something fit for a high-society event? xD
Probably give it to them and them
But that hypothetical assumes I would own and run a place like that
Which I would not XD
It also should go without saying that a lot of extra would be charged for significant size and shape difference from regular clients
@trogdor yeah, I'm pretty sure the host covered it, including any additional fees charged for customers of unusual size and shape
@trogdor no changing rooms, due to the horrible smell half your clients would leave in the clothing
@Shalvenay that means I will charge even more just cause I can get away with it XD
@trogdor harhar
@Asteria that horrible smell being? :o
@Asteria see this is one of those reasons I would not be in the business of this
@Shalvenay ;)
@Asteria heheh
New monster: Shade Tree A tree. Shady. More shady than what would seem possible on such a sunny day. Casts a permanent Gloom 15’ radius. All those that rest in the shade suffer 1HP damage per hour as the tree saps their life-force.
"saps" .. I'm so sorry.
@Erics was that....punintentional?
@Asteria you ain't allowed in my dress shop now :p
@trogdor well I didn't wanna come anyway :(
It probably isn't a huge loss seeing as the place doesn't exist
@Erics heheheh
@trogdor yabber yabber, something something, existed in my heart, sob sob
Lol OK fine just don't cry when the place is never open
Probably because I went out of business for having no actual fashion sense
"Ah yes dear customer, this goblin leather dress just goes FABULOUSLY with those asphyxiation blue highheels...What do you mean you're not coming back?"
Its worse than that actually, everything would be made exclusively out of green scales
No ordering different colors, and no custom shapes
Just all the stuff I already made in some fashion that would only pass for last century's fashion to people who don't even know what that was
"You want a size 247 blue Gnoll ballgown? Best I can do is a green size 15 tuxedo"
Made out of uncomfortable dragon scale yes
:P "you can have any color that you want, as long as its black dragon-puke-green"
@Shalvenay OK we know who isn't allowed in now XD
still me?
@Asteria the guy who called it "dragon puke green"
That is not the business I encourage
In my nonexistent,.... Dragon scale dress emporium
That only sells,.. The worst tuxedoes in the nonexistent universe
And with my track record all he has to do to be let in is pretend to cry a little XD
who knows, dragon scale might be all the rage this season
Could be, but it would only be by pure coincidence and then later it would not be the latest rage anymore
"That was sports with Asteria, and now to @trogdor for Fashion."
"Thank you. As you can see, Dragon scale is all the rage these days..."
[Scaleless dragons are pillaging village in the background]
"As in enraged. The dragons are enraged."
I swear I didn't mean to destroy everything I just wanted to impose my very very specific fashion sense on the world
At least everyone looks fabulous while they get murder-eaten
in other news, there will be a lot of spoiled holidays if my elves get their way with Krampus this holiday season
Is there a John Wick licensed RPG yet? And if not, why not?
@Nash076 Directly no, but I suspect you can adapt Feng Shui pretty easily. http://www.atlas-games.com/fengshui/
@nitsua60 I really think Phil's answer demonstrates how broad that question is. I mean, we don't even know what his build is.
@Miniman If you've got a moment, help me think through it: you can improve to-hit, or improve damage.
to-hit either comes from proficiency or ability score or situational bonus. (Precision die, bardic inspiration, bless, &c.)
@nitsua60 Right. So answers can be anything from "Dueling Fighting Style" to "just take 12 levels of Paladin for Improved Divine Smite".
damage comes from more maneuvers, rage, smite, sneak attack, &c.
But a good answer would break it down that way--I'm not saying it's a small list, nor that Phil's answer's terribly good.
Just that it strikes me as answerable and on-topic. But I wouldn't re-reopen if people closed it, either.
@nitsua60 That's the thing, for me. It's an enormous list. Class features, spells, magic items, feats...
We need some sort of restriction, or half of the material in the game applies.
"Just keep dying and being Reincarnated until you become an elf, then take the Elven Accuracy feat!"
@Miniman I guess this is the sort of thing I was thinking of. It's not a great answer, but it's the sort of structure that I'd think a good answer would have. (But I've already spent more time on that than I'd intended to.)
@nitsua60 I'd agree that that sort of answer is probably what's best for that question. I guess I just see that as a condemnation of the question :P
Yeah, that's fair.
2 hours later…
Also ..
"As you explore the forest, you come across a gully descending to a heavily wooded grove which is shrouded with a thick, persistent mist."

Why is it misty? What might lurk within?
@Erics It's not unusual for areas lower than the surroundings to be misty or foggy.
@Miniman That's one reason, and is good to have potential malevolence masked with an air of naturalness. This place is extra misty, even on a bright summer day though.
@Erics yeah, fog tends to form in low-lying areas such as river bottoms and the likes
I'd say that you have a very persistently humid, shaded microclimate in the grove, myself
@Erics Wait, are you asking as a player "there's this place, what do you think could be in there?", or as a GM "I have this idea for a place, what do I put in there that the place would be suited for?"
Maybe there's a grove Shade Trees, their unnatural darkness lowering the ambient temperature? Ready to do 1 point of pun damage per hour?
@Miniman The latter.
@Erics Ah, right. So then the obvious question to determine what it is, is "why is it shrouded in mist?" Does it generate the mist deliberately, in an attempt to hide, or perhaps to protect it from the sun, or is the mist an accidental byproduct of it living there?
Or maybe S.P.E.C.T.R.E. have the ventilation pipes to their secret subterranean submarine base there, spewing humid air (to try another genre)
Also, what game are you playing? What setting, etc.
Yup. I want a location that seemingly is explainable but still needs checking out, and without a great big sign on the entrance saying Beware of the Snark
dnd2e, but interested in other genres (e.g. spycraft/cold-war) just for the idea sparking process
Maybe it's a lingering curse of some long dead eldritch god of horror that needs cleansing.
This is the point where I'd flick through a monster manual or two for ideas.
Currently searching on keyword "mist". Forgot is substring of "mistaken" :-/
Mist Dragon. Narvaezan Fiend. Fog Giants. Mist Golem. Wraith-Spider. War Wraith.

Many are from Ravenloft, unsurprisingly.
@Erics gives the Mist Dragon a takeoff clearance
@Erics I mean, that's one way to do it. I just took a quick look through some books I had on hand and the Bheur Hag caught my eye - what if she's just trying to keep the place as cold as possible? Well, why wouldn't she just go somewhere colder? Maybe there's something there that she wants/needs to have/do, etc.
Or got trapped in this localised cold spot when spring came early and just wants to go home?
@Erics Cool idea - I really like the idea of her trapped by the warmer weather around her, like it's almost a siege situation.
Also means unlikely to wander outside the area. PCs now have options: leave her be in her cold grove, help her get home, or kill her and take her stuff.
I'm trying to set up a number of encounters where killing isn't the best option. I have a section of woods infested with Yellow Musk Creepers, but they get visited by Giant Bees for the pollen, and the Giant Bees are tended to by a Druid Circle. So .. the killing option would upset the balance of things and possibly make enemies of otherwise neutral beings.
@Erics That would be particularly interesting if the players or their characters know a bit about hags. Let's say she promises them a reward if they help her get home...do they trust her?
Yep. Also figuring out ways for the players to gather clues they can return to base with and use for research.
Also figuring out ways to actually encourage that tendency, vs blindly charging in hoping it's not a 10 HD monster (they're all about lvl 5).
In the tamer sections of the forest near their base, I could place some inanimate relics that get them thinking to research. An old statue with a name they don't recognise, an abandoned forest hamlet that has evidence of some kind of calamity, that sort of thing.
As they push deeper into the forest the clues they'll get will point towards more animate things. Things that hurt.
I have a bunch of encounters interlinked now =)
Continuing to be inspired/encouraged by stuff like http://hillcantons.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/character-based-sandbox-campaigns.html
The distinction of "character network" vs "location based" or "story plot driven" RPG is interesting.
Some scratchings in progress ..
I once had a flat temperate plain dotted with little sinkholes that contained microcosms of rain forest with eternal storms above them.
This was because there were hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath the plain, warmed by volcanic activity from the nearby mountain range, and wherever a tunnel collapsed, the warm air rising from the hole created bad weather.
...and given all the nasty things that lived in the tunnels, a couatl built a temple in each sinkhole to guard the entrance to the underworld.
I ran a 3.5 campaign with a vampire who kept his castle filled with fog spells so he could sneak around in his mist form without anyone noticing.
(He was also fond of installing pipes between rooms.)
2 hours later…
@BESW very stylish
@doppelgreener Yeah, put a drain under the throne and you can come and go from audiences as a cloud of mist.
Nice. :D
@BESW That's pretty cool. What story did you use that one for?
@doppelgreener That was my last college RPG, the one with the fallen/redeemed/fallen paladin NPC, the tarrasque that got 'roided out on magic-infused rocks, the epic witch who accidentally level-drained herself and went into hibernation to recover by sucking all the magic out of the world and passing it through her body, the tribe of orc were-crocodiles, the cult that hated magic items and sent out proselytes with polar bear companions, the tree-dwelling drow....
@BESW I don't remember those last three bits but that whole campaign sounds great every time I hear about it.
I definitely pulled out all the stops.
There was a pool of oracular koi who spoke in prophetic koans, a pirate city, three hags who used illusions to punch way above their weight class, abandoned ruins haunted by vampire kings, catfolk tribes warring over the nature of spiritual existence...
I used a summer preparing the world, then we spent a semester exploring it. Over the winter break I took everything the players had really liked and used it to tie the plot around the party.
So, having become invested in the setting, we spent the last semester saving it from destruction and in the process changing it dramatically for the better.
It's the one where I started with "Most of my players know the monsters and classes so well that I can't surprise them anymore, so I'll give them a new world neither they nor their characters are familiar with and I can re-skin everything!"
So we began with "The typical D&D setting is running desperately low on magic, but a new continent across the sea has been discovered, full of strange things and powerful magics. While the old kingdoms go to war over their last reserves of arcane power, your PCs have decided to seek their fortunes in the New World."
"Your first mission is to pick which ship you'll take on the voyage over."
I remember the hags. :)
That's all really cool.
3 hours later…
> Hindsight. You can use Perception to see what used to be, or what once happened, in the place you're studying.
> Bearsight. You can see through the eyes of any bear you can see.
> Mindsight. If you shut your eyes, you can "see" every thinking mind nearby.
(worrying when the person you're speaking to doesn't show up as having one, and when the thing that shouldn't have one does. Useful for finding people trying to hide.)
Mainsite? Off-site? Recite?
> Resight. You not only remember everything, but you can remember memories from different directions than you saw them. The lab isn't sure how you can do this either.
@doppelgreener Ooh, that reminds me of the awesome D&D ability lifesight. Available only to the undead unless you got really cheesy, to the eyes of someone with lifesight all living creatures gave off light, ranging from a candle to a torch depending on how many HD they had.
Very flavorful.
> Hindsight 2. You can use an overcome action with Perception to see through the eyes of nearby deer.
@BESW That is flavorful.
@doppelgreener Also good for finding spiders under the stove.
Oh no XD
That means all the bugs would be dimly glowy
And it means if you find a super brightly glowing spider it's just time to move house or make a friend because you won't be convincing it to leave
You can read by roachlight.
gross XD
But flavorful!
@doppelgreener There was a feat aberrations could take in 3.5 which granted this.
Maybe not just aberrations. Maybe any telepath.
@Magician Yep, anyone with telepathy.
Which is why Mindbender 1 was such a popular dip.
Was that Lifesight? @Miniman @Magician BESW mentioned that one as well.
@doppelgreener Mindsight.
"See" anything with a mind within the range of your telepathy.
It's been more than a decade since I've had anything to do with 3.5. My mind is full of useless knowledge. But at least it was a good feat.
So Mindbender 1, giving 100-foot telepathy, gave you a very nice radar for anything that could think.
2 hours later…
Our student org just got our first female prez of the board in over ten years! (and pretty much the first competitive election in 2010's...)
is it typically somewhat chauvinist?
Probably not in the typical frat society way, but we're CS after all... women tend to be underrepresented :(
This year things took a turn for the better, though, in many ways. Member recruitment is more diverse nowadays
@kviiri Yay!!!
Q: Are broad optimization questions on-topic?

Weckar E.Specifically, are questions that specifically target the maximising of a specific character attribute value (at any cost or means) on-topic? For example, for D&D3.5: "How to maximise a Wizard's effective Caster Level for the greatest number of spells, at character level 12?" I think they would ...

@kviiri that's excellent. On the flipside, i've been hiring more men :)
@NautArch Who are you hiring for? Or is it your own business/organization?
One of my former managers in a web development team prioritised hiring skilled women because the workplace was predominantly men — but it was a herculean task finding any, so we were hiring almost entirely skilled men instead anyway. Alas. :(
@kviiri my own business
Good morning!
@doppelgreener how goes it?
Goes okay. I am a little bit unwell today but working away.
How's things?
@doppelgreener too much food? ;-)
@doppelgreener good, we have internet at home again!
now we can watch punisher!
@DForck42 Nope :P (no thanksgiving here in the UK, just a regular weekend)
@DForck42 hooray! double hooray for punisher!
i enjoyed it, though it gets pretty intense
they do have black friday here though! for like, no reason! it's great! i picked up a slow cooker during the sales and cooked... more chilli con carne. Left it cooking for a whole 24 hours. it was great.
@doppelgreener :-D
@doppelgreener nice! same/similar recipe?
@DForck42 the very same. i remembered you mentioning you just threw everything in a crock pot... and it was 9pm... so I decided to just do the same and see how it went.
@doppelgreener nice
Still working on Punisher S2
By the end of episode 2 I hit my violence limit and had to take a little break. x_x
@Maximillian season 2?
Yeah, up on Netflix.
there's a season 2 of punisher?
ok, doesn't seem to be an actual season 2 of punisher yet
i'll assume that was meant to be a reference to episode 2
@Maximillian i felt similar
every other episode gets really intense in terms of violence
ahh ok
Er. No. Punisher Season 2 is up on Netflix. November 17th in the US.
@Maximillian !!!??!!?!?!!!!
Frank's dealing with stuff after he's eliminated everybody involved in the death of his family and there's new complication.s
that is punisher season 1
punisher season 0 was Daredevil
@doppelgreener Related: I would have enjoyed Daredevil S2 more if they stayed with the Punisher and didn't go after ninjas
@Maximillian the one with Frank starting out as a guy with a hammer on demolition sites?
Ah, that's why I'm confused. I forgot Daredevil was even a thing.
@doppelgreener Jesus christ, I'm a dark fellow, and that one BOTHERED ME.
@GreySage i would have enjoyed daredevil season 2 if it wasn't a total mess :A
Right. So it's Punisher S1. My bad. Castle sort of overpowers the season of DD he's in
he totally does, too
@doppelgreener I think that mess was caused by the 2 unrelated plotlines: one being the punisher, the other ninjas. A focus on either would have been better than both
But yeah. Sledge to the jaw, upward motion, then the center lumbar strike. Auggghhhhhhhhh.
@GreySage I agree, though the plot also moved like molasses.
Also if you or anybody watching with you suffers from PTSD, I advise you take it slow, and put a break between each episode. There's some real trauma they try to show the viewers there, that will hit more than a little close to home for those who have experienced signifigant trauma.
It's good TV, it gets uncomfortably real in spots, but it's pushing the line of 'too much' in a few spots.
@Maximillian Yeah -- the show features more than one character dealing with post-war trauma, and they tried to not just show that, but share how it feels.
which makes me curious whether it actually rings as dumb & wrong for war veterans, the same way hollywood computer hacking usually rings as dumb & wrong for anyone who does programming
Yeah, I'm worried where the subplot is going for a side character...
@Maximillian i was the same at that episode
Uncomfortable reality makes a good story, but you have to do it just right to not leave the viewer sore.
@Maximillian making sure the story contains catharsis, aftercare, and similar is pretty important. (I'm looking at you, Game of Thrones.)
"Look at all these characters with rich backstories of whom some may survive!"
@Maximillian lol
Anyone else's "Avhievements" drop-down acting a little strange?
I've got a fifty-point mismatch between that and my reputation tab... =\
Yes, someone else is:
Q: Wrong reputation calculation

alexolutLooks like there is something wrong with reputation calculation: +2*5 -6*2 = -2... why there is +6 in reputation popup? As @Catija said in comment calculation is OK in the profile: Perhaps the issue is in the top-bar.

I have a proposal for Meta.SE, would like some verbal feedback before I post it there. :)

Question title: Disallow up- and downvoting on the "on hold" questions during the grace period; allow again when it gets "closed" after the grace period or reopened

Question body:
We have the "on hold" grace period for closed questions, it lasts for 5 days. It is used to signal people that we allow them to fix the question and solve the related problems. Sometimes they don't: the question can be unsalvagable, or they can simply miss the chance, doesn't matter. But sometimes they do. In this case, u
If you see any possibility to improve it, it would be very nice.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy wait, so you want there to be an actual functional difference betweent eh two?
that doesn't sound like SE!!! /s ;-)
@DForck42 What do you mean?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I was being sarcastic about wanting a functional difference between on hold and closed
cause there's isn't one currently, other than display purposes
Do you think that it might be well-accepted, or do you find something to improve here?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy my bitterness tells me it'll get closed as status-declined
Thanks! You are perhaps right!
But what exactly would trigger it?
but, I do like the idea
@Baskakov_Dmitriy cause SE devs are lazy and only work on their pet projects
they rarely work on stuff that'll help make the site more useful
at least, from what I've seen
I like the idea as well, but I'm afraid that there's precedent that it will just be closed as a duplicate since it's similar to this question
Though yours is much better worded and reads as an actual suggestion for improvement, instead of a rant
@Adam @Baskakov_Dmitriy question reads like a much better way of asking that original question
@Adam you owe me a malted milk brain
I think you owe me your malted milk brain!
your mind flayer tricks do not work on me!
(intelligence too low)
@Adam @DForck42 @NautArch Note that my suggestion only talks about the questions that are on hold, so only during the 5-days-long grace period. After that the question is supposed to eat the downvotes normally.
Though, it might be practical to link the mentioned suggestion, just to explain why is it not a duplicate
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Yes, yours is a much more detailed question with suggestions - but it's ultimately very similar. I think yours may gain more traction because of it.
I'm certainly a supporter.
A reviewed verion of the question body:
We have the "on hold" grace period for closed questions, it lasts for 5 days. It is used to signal people that we allow them to fix the question and solve the related problems. Sometimes they don't: the question can be unsalvagable, or they can simply miss the chance, doesn't matter. But sometimes the questions do get improved. In this case, unless the question was edited and reopened very quickly, they can get a bunch of (down)votes related to the first version of the question.

Then, when it gets reopened, the downvoters won't get automatically notified, and likely don't withdraw their do
@Adam @DForck42 @NautArch Awaiting just a bit more feedback, then posting it.
@DForck42 Unless you've got some citation to a dev saying "eh, that was a good idea, but I didn't feel like working on it--I spent the morning working on a pet project then kicked off for an early afternoon of surfing," can you refrain from the personal characterization-bordering-on-insult?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy after your two points I'd not call out the way the author feels (likely of little import to many voters on this proposal) but rather the notion that the vote would be conveying incorrect signal.
@nitsua60 Thank you very much!
We have the "on hold" grace period for closed questions, it lasts for 5 days. It is used to signal people that we allow them to fix the question and solve the related problems. Sometimes they don't: the question can be unsalvagable, or they can simply miss the chance, doesn't matter. But sometimes the questions do get improved. In this case, unless the question was edited and reopened very quickly, they can get a bunch of (down)votes related to the first version of the question.

Then, when it gets reopened, the downvoters won't get automatically notified, and likely don't withdraw their do
Better now?
Two nits to pick: (1) it's not just the author getting that signal, it's every front-page browser, every question-visitor. I might say "the Stack isn't sending the wrong signal about this question." (2) The bold line before the two points should say "downvoting the held question," not "downvoting the closed question," I think. (You're trying to mechanize the distinction, and I think there you're talking about held questions, not closed ones.
Wow. Very useful. Thank you very much.
@nitsua60 The bold line now reads: My proposal to fix it: don't allow any up- and downvoting the "held" question and its answers until either happens:
The following paragraph now reads: "This way, if the question does not get improved, it gets what it deserves. If it gets improved, though, the author doesn't get an incorrect signal saying "Your question is still bad, even after you have reworded it". Anyone else reading the question and looking at the score will also not get this now-nonexistant incorrect signal: remember that the score is supposed to show question quality to anyone who can see it."
I am now a bit frurstrated by the word "get" being repeated 6 times here. :D
And added the following line at the end of "the other side of the coin" paragraph: "If you can't vote to reopen yet, you are probably also not ready to say if the closed question is useful. "
@Baskakov_Dmitriy That's... an interesting shift in mindset. I might suggest "often" rather than "probably," but that's a tiny tweak. I mean, there certainly are questions that are both close- and down-vote worthy. But you're right (I think) to point out that sometimes the downvotes seem to be causing (eventual) harm to the Stack rather than good.
Just adding the following line right before the appendix, based on your phrase: "After all, there certainly are questions that are both close- and down-vote worthy; but sometimes the downvotes seem to be causing (eventual) harm to the Stack rather than good."
Current version:
We have the "on hold" grace period for closed questions, it lasts for 5 days. It is used to signal people that we allow them to fix the question and solve the related problems. Sometimes they don't: the question can be unsalvagable, or they can simply miss the chance, doesn't matter. But sometimes the questions do get improved. In this case, unless the question was edited and reopened very quickly, they can get a bunch of (down)votes related to the first version of the question.

Then, when it gets reopened, the downvoters won't get automatically notified, and likely don't withdraw their do
As I have found the Meta.SE chat, I think it is likely better to move there. So moving there. :D chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta
@nitsua60 I don't remember where it was, but someone from SE at one point said that devs choose what they work on (for the most part). I want to say it was on nick craver's blog, but there's a lot of content there to find it
am I being a little unfair? probably, but a LOT of requests that would help sites, especially small ones, get ignored and it's frustrating
for math-centric chatizens...is going to the math.SE the right place to help me convert Normal Liters to CFM (trying to figure out compressor needs)
@NautArch CFM?
cubic feet per minute
Isn't Wolfram|Alpha the go-to resource for that sort of thing?
no, i had found that. THat's converting Liters
normal liters require use of the pressure it's under and the temperature it's operating at
@NautArch ahh, then yeah they're probably a good source
@BESW searched for normal liters and came up blank :/
@NautArch Just type in your formula and numbers?
I don't know enough about your particular maths to work up an example, but WRA is pretty good at taking vernacular and figuring out what you need.
1 hour later…
NEW WORLD OF ADVENTURE from the @EvilHatOfficial Patreon! Superheroes meet teen dystopia in On the Wall, a Fate World of Adventure by @carrharr based on her graphic novel of the same name. http://drivethrurpg.com/product/227542/On-the-Wall-o-A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core?affiliate_id=144937
Quick, someone find me an answer in need of downvotes!
Nevermind, sorted.
@trogdor Neatness is all.
I don't really care about my rep being "neat" but I do like other things to be so I can't disagree all that much
I notice you don't have that rule for badges
Hey, if I could, I would.
Although I'd need to get 1000 bronze badges :(
OK then
For 20 -> 400 -> 1600, you see.
you're really close to 17 -> 289 -> whatever comes next
Why that exactly?
@trogdor 20 -> 20^2 -> (20^2)^2
actually, not

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