@BESW I found it really interesting in that regard. I think it works better as a horror game that way, precisely because the standard horror elements are so rare in it.
It's just... variously bad and unpleasant people scheming against one another, with the lovecraftian horror as an almost random thing that has nothing to do with the plot, other than being it's catalyst.
So when the tried and true lovecraftain elements do crop up, they have an impact. They are, somehow, unexpected. At least that's what we found in our playthrough.
For tonight's dinner I diced tempeh and fried it in olive oil and soy sauce, then added garlic and onion on low heat until the onion started turning translucent. Added a can of black beans and cooked on medium heat until I was happy with how it looked. Served on corn tortillas with cheddar cheese and salsa.