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Er, wait, isn't that just adding a fuzziness to the distance?
"Fuzzy Distance" would be a good name for a band.
@godskook Yes, exactly that.
@BESW Yes, exactly that.
@godskook Pondering whether it's worth gamifying the standard "I jump the pit" maneuver in any way. It seems to me it'd either be through a check to determine the distance or fuzzying the length of jump.
(I.e. keep the jump as-is and I know my character jumps exactly 16' every time, but I'm not quite sure how broad the pit is, vs. it's a 15' pit and I usually jump 16', but sometimes I fall short?)
@nitsua60 Why do you think it is a problem that basic jump distances are not random?
@Szega Because I'm reading a module that has a 15' break in a bridge. By rule (5e) every character with strength 15+ can make the jump, every character with strength <15 cannot. So those who can will jump, and they'll jury-rig a way to get the others across, and while there's a momentary party-split that I could throw an encounter at if I'm feeling particularly peevish it doesn't really feel like much of a decision point. At which point, might as well not have the break in the bridge.
@nitsua60 Why does the fact that it is an easy obstacle make it pointless? Also, if there are pursuers they might have problems with the jump
It's not that it's easy, it's that (and, to be honest, this is just a bit of a stream-of-consciousness thing) it seems like it'd be the same decision every time.
@nitsua60 Switch caps?
you said that they have to come up with something to get low str PCs across
that will involve decisions
Player-cap, this is a notable speed-bump that may or may not be relevant at a later point in the story.
Even IF they can handle it just-fine now.
What happens if force them to flee, and they're pushed back to this bridge again?
also, it is possible there is a reason why the bridge is broken, so the fact itself can convey information
if you made the jump distance fuzzy, no decision would change compared to the basic rules. unless you allow them to fall to their deaths
Like...my players enjoy exhibition-difficulty encounters more than they enjoy actually challenging encounters. This bridge is an exhibition-level encounter.
@godskook That's an interesting way to put it.
Players get to exhibit how awesome they are.
Like....I don't want to run a full D&D game of exhibition-level combat.
That's BORING and predictable.
@godskook Which, depending on when they get there, could very well be the result.
But putting a few of them in every once and a while? That's just a good idea.
@nitsua60 Then the bridge is Chekov's Gun encounter.
If the real encounter isn't the encounter, the real encounter is when they come BACK to the bridge.
what lvl are the characters btw?
@Szega No idea. It's an area that they could visit at basically any time. So, let's say somewhere between 1 and 10 =)
Q: What makes my Pathfinder question off-topic, while the same 3.5e question is allowed to stay?

Baskakov_DmitriySo I have seen an awesome question about useful books for a E6 campaign. However, the question is for D&D 3.5e, while I am interested at playing Pathfinder, so I asked the same question, but about PF. It was closed as a shopping request, while the first question was not. Since the last close vote...

@nitsua60 Hmmm. I definitely find the "it's a 10-foot gap, and your Strength is 9, so it's impossible for you" problematic. It actually came up in a game quite recently.
"Can't I grab the edge?" "Er...no, that's impossible." "Then why can the guy with 10 Strength make it? Shouldn't his toe land exactly on the edge and then he'd just fall backwards?"
@nitsua60 Personally, I wouldn't just add randomness in the form of pure randomness - I think Athletics/Acrobatics should be coming into it.
@Miniman seconded
@Szega Then, too, this is a really important point. Are you OK with this obstacle killing a player? Or at least, with a player falling into the gap? Because if you aren't, and it's guaranteed that they'll all make it across eventually, does the uncertainty really add anything?
Ideally (IMO), a failure here would cause resource consumption rather than just "you make it/you fall", but I can't see a way to make that happen.
@Miniman well, noone said the fall has to be deadly. it could be 30ft, so if you fall you take 2d6 damage and have to climb back up the side of the valley (takes time)
@Szega True!
I guess the question, then, is why the gap is there.
If it's to be awesome, or to eat resources, or to create a bottleneck, or communicate information...
@BESW It's a written module, so presumably "because the book says so" :P
hey there @Ben
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay hiya!
how's life been recently?
how're things going? and alright here
Having a game with ben and miniman on wednesday, don't ping them coz I think I mucked up one of the requests the NPCs made and I cant remember in my notes XD
@daze413 Sorry, don't ping who? :P
nothing (whistles innocently)
[dnd-5e] adamantium as a trade good (1lb. ingots, cf. phb157): what's a reasonable price per lb.?
nvm--heading to mainsite
@nitsua60 Why do you care?
Because I'm reading a module where it's specified as the payment that someone'll give in return for $sidequest, but I have no idea how much it should be worth.
@kviiri False dichotomy. Not going here. If you need rules to tell you how to role play, that's a table problem, not a game problem.
@Miniman Also, I'm a generally-caring kinda sheep =)
Arneson's point was "you don't need more rules to make a better game." IMO, he and GG differed on that on a variety of levels.
My point is that if you have trust issues with your DM, that's a TABLE problem, not a game problem. By table I mean people.
@nitsua60 What I mean is that if the price of adamantium is determining the availability of adamantine armor/weapons, that's one thing. If it's purely a case of "how much gold do I give the party for this", that's another thing.
@Miniman Trade-worth of the ingot(s).
@nitsua60 Then my answer would be "whatever you feel like, it makes no difference" :P
@BESW Another time, We can talk about this in a different chat room
If I'm misunderstanding you, please help me understand what you really mean. I'm just going by the things you've said about peoples' personal experiences of a multi-decade, multi-edition game being inadmissible in a conversation about playstyles
Today is not the right day in that I can't devote the time to careful prose, and I think you deserve that. We can make a date, perhaps.
@miniman If adimantium is rare enough, like unobtanium, just getting some becomes a high level quest.
@Miniman Well, I'm sure that'll be an answer if I do post mainsite =D
@nitsua60 Maybe from someone, but not from me.
@KorvinStarmast Do let me know the when/where. I enjoy the conversations you've been spawning of late.
@Miniman nvm--a few pages later they mention the trade-worth.
2 hours later…
@godskook I think it's rubbing up against issues of epistemology that would require their own separate monographs just to get common context for a really meaty conversation.
@BESW Its almost definitely rubbing up against either epistemology or something similarly deep.
What Korvin is seeing as generational differences are, I think, differences of another as-yet-undefined sort.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I'm not in the best situation for this kind of thing myself. Sorry about that.
> Prehensile tail. If your turn's action produced a boost, you may sacrifice that boost to take an action limited to something your tail can manage to do. This stunt cannot chain into itself.
> Opportunistic telepathy. Because you know where it already hurts, your attacks get an extra weapon:1 for each consequence your target has which is the same type as the attack you're making (physical, mental, social, etc).
@Miniman I like to listen to live games when I'm stuck in traffic or doing something at work that doesn't require my 100% attention. As far as it being interesting, there are definitely hits and misses, some sessions aren't as good, as is expected with any game, and there are gems that you can show as good examples of play, which you can then link multiple times in some of your answers in SE.
You also need to filter out some of the game you're listening to, for example, I stopped listening to C.Perkin's Waffle Crew, and that West Marches stream (I forgot the name of the DM was), some people may like those games, but I find them a little too goofy. (though I did listen to waffle crew's playthrough of curse of strahd just for Jarrett)
This hobby definitely needs more of these live streams, if we want to overtake video games someday, and it needs more live streams of different play styles.
I share livestream links whenever I run across them, but my feeds aren't as diverse in terms of playstyles as RPG.SE is.
I am constantly amazed at how diverse this place is.
I know, right.
@daze413 Even if that's a goal, videogames didn't get to where they are because of livestreams. If anything, it's the reverse!
@Miniman ...is a chicken the Actual Play of an egg?
@BESW Huh?
Well, we're talking about which came first.
@BESW Not sure what you're getting at. The point I was making is that livestreams of videogames became popular and commonplace because videogames themselves already were.
And, possibly (I'm not sure about this), videogame livestreams were what started livestreaming as a popular entertainment media.
Yes, an inversion of the idea that livestreams of TTRPGs might lead to increased popularity of TTRPGs. Sounds like "chicken or egg" to me.
(I think you're probably right, but was amused.)
Looks like I'm wrong about that possibly, though.
@Miniman Livestreams are definitely boosting video games NOW, though.
@godskook Definitely true.
Although I'd argue that they're boosting specific videogames, rather than the industry as a whole.
"I bought this game because I saw X playing it", rather than "I got into gaming because twitch.tv exists".
@Miniman I'd argue that they're boosting the industry as whole THROUGH their boost to specific video games.
This sounds like a great time to plug a recording of a Cthulhu Confidential game I GMed. 3 episodes till the end!
@godskook You're probably right.
Also, hi, how's everyone been?
It does seem like Let's Plays would have a hard time widening the videogame audience as a whole, rather than deepening the audience's exposure to different parts of a medium they're already invested in.
@Magician This is on my list of Actual Plays I haven't listened to yet.
There's people who's ONLY contact with video games is through livestreams.
@Magician I'm imagining the articles in Cthulhu Confidential: "Cthulhu caught in Shocking Scandal with Yog-Soggoth" "An Inside Look at Cthulhu's Far Realm Domicile", etc.
@BESW lol!
@Miniman "Top 10 books written by faithful cultists. Number 7 will melt your eyeballs!"
@Magician "Take our Quiz: Which eldritch abomination would you be if Cthulhu got his tentacles on you? The results will surprise you!"
"You won't believe this simple tip for getting ichor out of linen!"
@Miniman Sure, but I've met so many new players because they heard of/watched some/heard talk about livestreams, so it must be something worth noting. This, compared to spreading the virus of TTRPG through talk like: "hey, let's play this game that requires a huge book to read", is a much better alternative. Watching what the game looks like through livestreams before investing time in learning might be the key to RPG's spread
@daze413 Also, more awareness of the many many RPGs which don't require a huge book to read.
I've reached the point where if it's got more than about 70 pages it'd better have a REALLY good pitch for me to pay attention.
@BESW If I can't bludgeon a player to death with the rulebook, why am I playing this game?
@Magician How very Price-like of you.
(I just finished the first Incryptid novel.)
(I don't know what that is)
InCryptid is a series of novels by Seanan McGuire, about a family of cryptozoologists who broke off from the international cabal of monster-hunters to take a slightly more compassionate approach to things which go bump in the dark.
You also have to re-train those new players, they get bad habits from watching livestreams :( It's a pain to explain playstyle-differences and why you're disallowing a crazy house-rule that one livestreamer was allowing
@daze413 Yeah, Critical Role has caused a lot of confusion with their crazy houserules. Even a few site questions.
But between the dangers of cryptozoology and being targeted as heretics by an international cabal of monster-hunters, the family's developed a very practical approach to self-defense.
@Miniman instead of showing PC's stats on camera idle, they should show Matt's house rules XD
> "What was the point of hide-and-seek if you weren’t allowed to dig pit traps or attack your opponents from behind?" -Verity Price
@BESW Verily, she paid a heavy price for the extra training.
> "Nothing lasts forever. That's the tragedy and the miracle of existence—that everything is impermanent. Everything changes. All we can do is make the best of the time we have. And go down shooting, naturally." -Enid Healy
Free PSN codes are terrifying
I also squint my eyes at anything "free", then I roll an investigation check
Question for the chat: If proving that a question is too broad requires giving an answer, should you give that answer as a comment (bad) or an answer (also bad)?
[quint] Example?
Q: What is the highest possible roll sleight of hand check a PC can make on their own?

ArcemiusOut of curiosity, I was attempting to think of a master pickpocket build, who if hired could pickpocket almost anything from anyone. So it got me thinking to all the ways one may boost their sleight of hand ability. This is my findings so far: 14 levels of Lore bard, and 6 levels of Fiendish Tom...

The answer is infinity (as usual with this sort of question) because it has no constraints.
I guess the third option is to accept that these questions seem to be impossible to get closed, and answer as an answer and walk away.
I'm voting to close as too broad because, as you say, this is such a very situational issue. Without a particular situation to judge answers against, it will lead to open-ended lists with no useful way to vote on which answers are more or less useful. That's the sort of thing a traditional forum is great for, but on a Stack Exchange site, undirected, open-ended speculation produces more noise than value. — BESW 12 secs ago
3 hours later…
I'm going to ask that future iterations of this rules/social/GM debate find another chat room, either the Not A Bar or a specially dedicated room made for the purpose.
(As always, so long as we can Be Nice a conversation won't be shut down, but it can be asked to find a space more suited to its scope and content.)
@cyuut [wave] What's new?
@cyuut hello
Hello :)
@doppelgreener I recently saw a review of Misspent Youth which suggested it'd be good for Avatar play.
Also, there's a new Katanas & Trenchcoats playtest out!
Still no Apocalypse World for me :<
O Vincent, why have you forsaken me.
@kviiri I guess my remarks/responses to you are now to be found at "not a bar" chat.
@KorvinStarmast As you can see in the star bar, this topic can continue but it needs its own space; the main chat was becoming an unwelcoming place for people who aren't participating. A dedicated chat can be made if anyone wants to, but the NAB is the default pressure valve for this sort of thing, so continued discussion in the General Chat will be moved there.
I understand, and I am off to work anyway. Was just checking in and noticed a reply that I felt warranted attention.
@BESW oooh. Neat!!!
@doppelgreener I'm not sure I agree, but as the reviewer has played it and I haven't, I'll reserve judgement.
She also mentioned Scott Pilgrim, Harry Potter, and V for Vendetta.
[rummages for link]
Folks, I'd like to get some of your advice
@eimyr Zip and button your pants and turn them inside out before washing them.
@BESW wonderful! and what's the purpose?
Also, my pants rarely have a zipper TBH, and wouldn't they turn around on their own?
Zipping up reduces wear and tear on the zipper--but also on the other clothes the zipper comes into contact with.
Turning 'em inside out wears the fabric from the inside out so they look nicer on the outside longer.
awright, that was useful! anyone else?
@eimyr Don't forget to brush your teeth regularly.
@Secespitus that's a bit obvious, isn't it?
nevertheless, it is pretty vital
@eimyr Hoping and dreaming too much can lead to depression.
@nwp This one got dark. I'd probably say hoping and dreaming too little can have the same result.
For example in a better world dentists would figure out a way to keep my teeth clean without having to brush them. Realizing that I live in a world where that hasn't been invented yet makes brushing teeth even more daunting.
There have been attempts to automate teeth hygiene - electric toothbrushes, ultrasound enhanced ones, but I'm afraid physically scraping gunk off your body is never going to stop being necessary.
@nwp How about setting it as your personal goal to invent something like that, sunshine?
@eimyr I'm waiting for dental biscuits for humans. Seems obvious.
@Secespitus Not my field, I'll try inventing cool software and hope someone else does the rest.
@BESW there is bubble gum intended for teeth cleaning already I think
@BESW let me google that for you: google.co.uk/…
That is not a biscuit.
anything is edible at least once
@eimyr This is an irrelephant statement, because I can't fit an elephant in my mouth.
fair enough
@eimyr Did you have something more specific in mind?
@BESW well, yeah, but it can't compete with your freeform suggestions.
ok, Bounty time for W20 Kitsune...
I'll probably get to play a second session on sunday. I know I should go over something like this list because there was no previous session zero and some of the content ("Can we be a couple in the game?") actually came up. Any tips to condense it? Reading through everything on the list seems way too long and not fun.
hmmm, nI ponder if it should be done to kick all nWoD/CoD questions that don't target oWoD/nWoD overlap out of the ... because CoD is by canon and publishing clearly no part of the WoD (anymore)
> If an insult is broad enough to apply to reasonable people doing reasonable things, the insult has a bad definition. Duh.
@godskook You mean... Enron was doing a reasonable thing?
@Trish Sorry, my quote there was a bit context-less.
@godskook yep, which is why I answered equally context-confused.
Somebody was defining "total crybaby scrub" in a way that allowed the term to include "DMs who houserule that coup de graces kill trolls and troll-blooded PCs"
"Crybaby Scrub" would be a good name for a hardy Midwest desert bush.
Only if the sap mimiced dew.
@godskook or, if it is an anaestetic. You give it to those crybabies that can't handle their wounds being cured :P
@Trish That'd work, yeah.
1 hour later…
counterspell poll: how many 5e DMs here allow a player casting a spell to also counterspell. I understand the actual rule, but seeing if others playing it that way or if you go with the standard spellcasting rules and include reaction spellcasting with them.
On the experience of MtG, I'd probably go with no, you can't reactively counterspell a reaction-speed spell.
@godskook That definitely has good logic to it. But I also like the idea of a caster spooling up a fireball, gets counterspelled, but then waves that off and lets his fireball go.
Counterspelling is an interesting mechanic that I'm not really sure can be handled well.
I'd allow it. There doesn't seem to be a downside to allowing it so if a player wants to do it I'd let them.
just definitely gets weird with the action economy rules for spellcasting
@nwp The downside is the same as in MtG: The stack and getting lost in the confusion.
i'm kinda good either way, but my table is discussing it (i wasn't allowed to counterspell on my turn when an enemy counterspelled my polymorph). Thankfully, we had another caster who did (alhtough end result was a failure because the polymorphed PC proceeded to miss all their attacks and then end up getting me knocked unconscious), but still :)
The rule on casting multiple spells per turn is wonky anyways. I really wish they had done that better.
Something like "You can only expend 1 spell slot per turn" which would be so much easier and basically have the same effect.
@NautArch Trying to clear it up in comments
@NautArch Same as always. It's primarily opinion based, yet it is possible to answer in an objective way (talk to each other and agree about the type of game you want to play) which has value and thus should be allowed.
@NautArch I would allow it because CS only has somatic components, so I imagine that casters have found a way to include counterspell components in the middle of other spells, just as standard dueling technique.
@Adam that was how I thought of it, too. If someone had both hands free, they could even use the off-hand for it. Neat think about CS is that if you're under Greater Invisibility, you can counter without giving up your location and they can't counter back because you're unseen.
@nwp hrm, wanting to add citation support and failing. too busy to look for it. SOmeone else can answer :P
@NautArch Indeed. Or if you use subtle spell metamagic and counterspell by force of will alone, same effect. Plus I like the idea of everyone dueling counterspells, especially if one side counters the spell using a higher level slot, so now the original caster has to guess what level counterspell they need to use to assure that their spell goes through.
@Adam I generally just use my standard slot unless I know the spell and don't want to mess around. But I do like how I can cast a high level spell, get it countered and then counter my own with a 3rd to stop it
@NautArch my parties generally use the normal slot because we always stop playing around 5th-6th level and so they never get a chance to upcast it. But still, I can dream.
There was one series of books that I read that basically had the idea that spell duels are boring to watch - you only ever saw one spell actually happen. The two participants would sort of just stare at each other, hands waving around a bit and chanting. Eventually, one participant would manage something the other couldn't stop, and then BOOM... game over.
@Adam hehe, it looks like in one of our games we're going all the way 20. THe other I think is nearly done and we'll finish off around 14/15.
looking forward to that campaign ending and starting a new major campaign with a different dm
@T.J.L. There was a comment floating around a while ago where somebody said that their favorite idea of a "spell duel" was two wizards walking into a tavern/coffee shop, opening up their spellbooks, and discussing what steps each one would take until they mutually agreed that one of them would be the winner. Then they pay for their meal, shake hands, and walk away.
@Adam Love it! Absolutely boring for a non-caster, but probably great fun for the wizards themselves or anybody who knows wizardry.
@Adam I'm reminded of that scene at the end of the second RDJ Sherlock movie where Sherlock and Moriarty have a fight scene that takes place in the mind.
@T.J.L. If I were to build a world I'd probably make it so stopping a spell completely is much more difficult than having it go off in a slightly wrong direction or blocked by a magic doodad in mid-air creating neat fireworks.
@nwp That's basically how the Potterverse handles it - spells are deflected or redirected, rather than stopped.
Although the scene works much better if you've seen previous scenes where Sherlock does the whole "slow-mo, plan out the fight" thing on his own.
@Yuuki I actually looked that up myself right after sending that message too :)
I will say that I liked Guy Ritchie's Sherlock more than BBC's Sherlock, no small part due to Jared Harris being a much better Moriarty than Andrew Scott.
@Yuuki I liked both of them fairly equally. Two different takes on the source material. I still find it funny how Moriarty really wasn't the recurring villain in the stories that he is in the adaptations.
To be fair, Moriarty wasn't a recurring villain in the movies. Just featured into the first one, more as a cameo/sequel hook than anything, and he's the main villain of the second.
Although, you can't say there's a recurring anything with only two movies as a source.
I guess it's mroe that Moriarty as Holmes' ultimate villain is more of a reaction to the stories than actually in the stories.
To be fair, the stories don't really have an ultimate villain as they're all rather episodic. Moriarty is simply written as the most formidable of all of them.
@nwp It's an interesting edge-case, though--CS a CS against your original spell strikes me as the one place where "breaking the action economy" like this doesn't break anything. It's not "caster gets to fire off two spells and be twice as awesome per time," it's "caster gets to blow another spell slot just to make the first one work." Given the resource-chomping it does (reaction and spell slot) I don't think it's horrible to allow it as a specific exception. If you want.
So if you want to build some sort of continuity with a BBEG, Moriarty is your clear choice.
@Yuuki Right, and I think he's only in two of the many (if I remember correctly.)
@Adam That's @shalv's comment, I believe.
Unless you want to do something really weird and have Watson be the Man Behind The Man Behind The Man, which I think was the plot of some Sherlock adaptation.
@nitsua60 technically, I think allowing it is following the rules :)
Oh right. [grumble grumble "stupid magic rules"]
Jun 9 at 4:26, by Ben
1 hour later…
I think I'll cheap out on minis and print out images on paper.
Is there a name for a token that you can glue a portrait on?
or maybe put it inside a transparent sheet
For the cost, you could use cardboard. Cereal boxes if you want something thinner. Then you could cut it to the appropriate size, too
ugh... the saga continues.... -.-
@nwp I usually just print two copies of the same thing and tape them back-to-back. The tape protects them a little bit and stiffens them up so I can put them in a tiny binder clip so they stand up
that's a good idea actually, just taping them on cardboard cutouts so they are sturdy enough and protected by the tape
Never bought from this site, but google pointed me to plastic stands: coolstuffinc.com/p/137105 (Amazon carries these, too)
There's also a.co/0QzQtnu
Amazon has similar products, but they all seem to be in the US$0.30 - US$0.35 each price range.
@nwp Not super-cheap, but nice and very reusable. I've got oh... two dozen or so: litko.net/products.php?product=Tall-Counter-Stands#.WYignYTyt9M
@T.J.L. doesn't load for me, I'll try again later
This is about the same thing as T.J.L's link, only a slight bit cheaper: a.co/jlw1SaE
(a.co is Amazon)
Hell, I just use micro binder clips. You can take the prongs off of them and they become little black stands, and they aren't too top-heavy with just paper/cardboard (so they aren't really prone to falling). Amazon carries 100 packs for <$7 (a.co/hdKBNJP)
Alternatively, 40 slightly larger ones for $5.56 (a.co/8f0FHah)
@CM_Dayton Same manufacturer, that's just the short version. They come in short and tall. And if you ask nicely (aka "order custom"), they'll do double-size for large creatures.
They don't scale up well for large creatures, though (since they're longer than they are wide). We just lay the papers flat on the mat for large creatures.
I also keep a set of these in with my dice, to use as "generic markers" on maps. a.co/co3ms3n
@CM_Dayton I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym?
When METAs attack! <--- needs to be a meme.
@CM_Dayton -- that would seem to be a fairly specific meme?
Goes well with Dread Gazebo attacks
See also bad pancakes: a.co/3FOPk4p
Ah yes. XKCD.
like the bystander said "I will have no part in this"
the answer is three btw
Three? Damn. I'd been told the answer was 42! Those liars!
@CM_Dayton -- You seem to be in a different context than I ;)
I am contextually invalid on a regular basis.
one moment I was worried, then I remembered I put out a bounty.
@godskook in case you don't know: if you link directly to the comic (https://xkcd.com/356/ on its own line, for instance) it'll onebox, the alt-text will appear on mouseover, and it gets linked back to the full page.
@nitsua60 That'd require me to reverse engineer the correct comic from a messenger link.
@Trish -- I saw that... was going to do it myself TBH, but my rep is already low-ish.
If there's something in need of a bounty Dmitriy's usually on the hunt =)
(cc: @Baskakov_Dmitriy)
@nitsua60 I had seen "wait, -45 on that question", then remembered I put 50 bounty on it
@Shalvenay had another thought about your "matters of law" ponderings: what would players do? Argue? Research? Search for amicus? I mean, if the work of an appellate lawyer is 90% reading cases and writing briefs/memos, what would the work of a player role-playing an appellant/appellee be?
(Taking the tail-end of my lunch break to read briefs, so it's on my mind.)
Research in the library?
@nitsua60 some jobs are really boring to RP. Physicists spend 50% of the time reading other people's journals, 30% holding the same lecture as last year again, 10% writing on their own papers and 10% doing papers...
...and 5% trying to con their dean into funding their trip to that conference in $PartyCity
@Trish I imagine that just-about all jobs are similar to those I've held: 80% uninteresting administrivia that nobody who isn't deeply passionate about the other 20% would ever tolerate, then 20% that is visible to the broader culture and may or may not be someone's cuppa.
@CM_Dayton that time is taken from doing paperwork...
RPGs: just like real life, if real life were like an action-packed TV series about that real life.
My mother, a many-decades ER nurse, once told me that all the medical drama in the show ER was perfectly realistic. And might happen over the span of a few months, where the show usually had them spanning a day or two.
That's seemed to hold true for most other industries I've interacted with.
I worked for a while in a crime lab. Where I learned that those awesome CSI jobs in TV series do NOT involve visiting the crime scene. And for every TV CSI agent, there are actually 20+ lab workers who do lab work in one specific field, not "I am an uber scientist across 10 or more scientific specialties."
TV. Not so real.
@CM_Dayton heh... I don't shy to molest players with daily life problems... like Vampires witth their ID expiring... or showing a DoB that claims he is in the 80s but looking in the 30s. Or in DSA I often ask them, when entering a city. "By the way, who of you has a permit to carry weapons, aka is either a Dwarf, Elf, of Noble birth, has some other form or permit or is a citizen of this town?"
@nitsua60 In my experience, far more jobs are 80% tolerating-other-people's-crap and 20% doing-stuff-that-doesn't-completely-bore-you... and all that just so you get paid.
Oh, gawds. I played a "vampire" game once (homebrew, but whateveR), where we spent an entire game session figuring out what we were. Our PCs woke up in the morgue like six nights in a row, because we were stupid and didn't know how to die the right way each morning.
"die the right way"?
as in find a safe space to spend the day.
probably "not dropping dead in a bar or getting found by the housemates"
we knew not to be in daylight, at least. but yeah. Janitor's closets? Not so good.
@CM_Dayton I wonder how often the doc in the morgue said "wait, I had THAT one on the table the last 4 days... the file is there, go and incinnerate him already."
It was...amusing... to say the least.
@CM_Dayton how many morgue interns did you guys eat?
I don't remember. Unpleasant things happened there.
@Trish Do dwarves get tax breaks on large hoards of underground gold?
Or would increased taxes make more sense since they're burying that money and it's essentially dead to the economy?
@Yuuki nope, Dwarfs in DSA that come from the dwarven countries can claim any items they cary are tax excempts for there is a law that excempts any transport between the dwarven cities to be excempt from human tax.
I'd like to see you send a tax collector into a dwarven fortress. Good luck with that.
No, smart kings don't tax dwarves. They tax ale. And lager. And the grains that become dwarven ale. The dwarves grumble, but they pays those taxes.
@CM_Dayton Wasn't Smaug a tax collector?
@CM_Dayton since the dwarfs in DSA are their own countries... the Kings under the mountains do collect taxes of some sort... export tax.
Do dwarves grow their own wheat, hops, etc.?
@NautArch Smaug may have been evil, but I think that's taking it a bit too far.
How advanced is hydroponic technology in dwarven society?
@Delioth Lawful Evil? :D
Barring that, artificial lighting?
Dwarves have Darkvision, so they don't necessarily need artificial lighting.
growing crops below ground would be tricky. I guess dwarven ale is mostly mushrooms. 'Shroom ale. That'd explain a lot.
And I guess you could always have someone cast Light every now and then.
@Yuuki they import that, but they own land to grow it, and they have fungi farms...
That's an even better question. Can Light spells serve as UV lights to make plants grow? If so, does carrying a magical item with Light cast on it cause sunburns?
@Yuuki not in DSA...
@CM_Dayton or radiation sickness?

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