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@nitsua60 Its a simple problem no doubt, but left unnoticed, it can be a problem.
<font font-family: 'myfont';
src: url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,<<copied base64 string>>) format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;>And?</font>
Karthun debuts in retail on July 11th. We’re listing it on our store now so this week’s orders can arrive next week. https://www.evilhat.com/store/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&keyword=karthun
So I see the "twitter-trawler" member of the BESW Rangers is currently active
Sure--if you weren't aware of it it could really sneak up on you.
Like time's passage =)
@Papayaman1000 Pretend I'm not there. If you do it well enough the others will think they're seeing things and that always adds a little fun to the proceedings.
@BESW um?
(Margery Allingham, Police at the Funeral)
<p style="font-family:Comic Sans MS">testing</p>
<span style="font-family: serif">Does this work at all?</span>
Hello friends
> Bugbears and Yuan-ti purebloods were banned. They're broken at the moment, and I'm not keen on designing all combat scenarios exclusively for them.
Saw this in a question just now
Why does the OP say those races are broken?
is this a common belief?
@BlueMoon93 Is someone trying to use them as PCs? Or are the broken as enemies?
as PCs
the OP is a DM and banned those races for his PCs to create characters with
this is D&D 5e, btw... Im not sure if these exist in other editions :P
They exist, as playable races, at least in D&D 3.5e
D&D 4e has the bugbear only
I'm not sure purebloods were statted in 3.0
@BlueMoon93 I haven't played enough with the races in Volo's to have an opinion, but I found this reddit post of someone reviewing the monsters
@Adam Heh, I just stumbled upon that the other day because I was too lazy to get the Volo's PDF I scanned out to remember the Triton spells.
The crux of it is that bugbear PCs get a bunch of cool stuff that not even actual bugbears in the MM get, and yuan-ti pureblood gets spell resistance, which in any form for the player is stupid good.
Oh, yeah, because letting a PC whack something in "melee" with two squares of empty space between them and their target totally isn't OP.
Yuan-ti also have complete immunity to poison; an ability which is only matched naturally by a 10th level monk as far as I am aware
Druids get that too in 5e but the point still stands
They should probably ban Tabaxi while they're at it
Is poison a damage type in 5e?
@BESW and a Condition
Ah, then immunity's a much more powerful feature than it was in 3.5.
@Papayaman1000 What's this you're referencing?
@nitsua60 Bugbears basically give every melee weapon Reach as a class feature. This also stacks with actual Reach.
@Papayaman1000 Gotcha, thanks. (I haven't carefully looked at any of the Volo races other than Tabaxi yet.)
@nitsua60 Read that Reddit post. Some guy already did it for you, and rather comprehensively, too.
@Papayaman1000 Hmm... he's wrong about Aasimar being legal in AL.
@nitsua60 Very next sentence: "I don't really care about AL."
True, but it'd be nice if he were correct about AL while not caring about it. Or just don't mention it =)
@Papayaman1000 Oh! look at that! They do! I never played druid before, nor with a druid in the party for very long. Luckily they get it at 10th level as well, so it's still appropriate to say that poison and disease immunity is roughly a 10th level boon.
@Adam I was pretty pleasantly surprised when I saw that, and I think my Druids will be, too.
Can I also say I'm *slightly* concerned my Goliath Berserker Moon Druid may or may not have been aware of the "I would like to rage" meme when he created the character, and now I get the feeling the answer might be yes and all my sessions will just become Critical Role memes?
I've had a couple of tables that got carried away with the memes. Usually it's just a thoughtless "Oh, this'll be funny" that gets out of hand, and reminding people that we're here to make new stories is sufficient to get it under control.
On the other hand, sometimes players really do consider RPG time as an opportunity to remind each other of other peoples' funny jokes, and that's a playstyle choice which is difficult to reconcile if not everyone at the table shares that feeling.
@BESW Mmm, okay. Peppering in references (especially to past campaigns) is one thing, I'm just being careful to stay in exactly the constraints you described.
I had one game where the difference in modes was rather sharply delineated: one player made a PC with an obscure Loony Tunes catchphrase that defined his combat role, but who also had a fleshed-out characterization independent of the reference; while another player made a vampire PC who existed purely to remind everyone that it's popular to make fun of Twilight.
I mean, it's one thing if you use your metacurrency to say you found the corpse of your old PC who still has the stolen member of an innkeep he castrated. It's another if all your PCs from this point have a serial obsession with castrating innkeepers, because I do NOT feel like homebrewing an item for innkeepers that protects them from called shots to the groin.
@BESW That's part f why I play the GM role so often. Building your PC as a joke is irreversible without a lot of work. Building an encounter as a reference is a good one-off joke.
Hence, the half-ogre swamp encounter they dealt with last week.
....at that point I'd ask the group if this is really the kind of story we want to be telling.
"And then, having fallen the half-ogre, you hear the primal screams of Eddie Murphy echo throughout the marshy woodland. Next thing you know, a (dire-)* Donkey has sent you soaring through the stratosphere."
I find that a lot of out-of-control "just joking" cools off very quickly when you treat the players' choices seriously.
@BESW No, that just encourages them. That's how the "kept the dismembered member" part of innkeeper-castrating became a thing.
(If they genuinely want it to be that kind of game, then it's important to take the choice seriously; if they didn't mean to go that far, it reminds them that they're in control.)
Ah, you may think I mean "take them seriously" as in "double down on it in the game narrative." I don't.
I just sort of have a "one meme per player per session" rule. And, when I "take them seriously", I just describe the realistic immediate consequences.
Yeah, I'm not talking about in-game responses.
@BESW Ah. Pray tell, then?
Responding to questionable player choices with in-game reactions validates the choice, no matter what kind of reaction you offer.
@BESW Right.
@Papayaman1000 See above. "I'd ask the group," "reminding people that we're here to make new stories." It's about engaging with them as players and co-collaborators rather than trying to communicate something about the game by having something happen in the story.
@BESW O...k.
If somebody loads up a different video game than the one you'd all agreed to play, do you respond by trying to beat them in the new video game, or by asking why they loaded it?
@BESW Ah, that makes sense, then.
RPGs aren't that different from any other social activity between friends, but people keep forgetting that the same social structures and problem-solving techniques are still applicable.
Someone just misspelled my name "dooplergreener" and that has got to be my favorite misspelling so far.
@doppelgreener I am never calling you by your actual handle again
Except in pings, because @dooplergreener isn't very successful.
If your friends are doing something you're confused by, or not comfortable with, you can, you know... talk to them about it.
@BESW "Yes, but this is an RPG! A game where you, the GM, can make this work!" :/
@BESW While I starred this, the reason it crops up on TTRPGs but not in electronic games is that "different" is significantly harder to objectively establish.
Actually, I take that back, I HAVE had this problem in video games. I've had guys spend time during a pve session trying to start pvp, or waited until a match started to inform their team-mates that they're radically departing from standard strategy for this match.
@godskook LEEEEEROY...
@Zachiel ...BROOOOWN.
@Zachiel, in my case, mostly League of Legends. But I've seen it elsewhere too. My Room-mate was notoriously bad at it in Borderlands. I came back one day from work and he was up 10 levels on me and had hacked gear.
@BESW And he's bad, bad, Leeroy Brown, baddest man in the whole [redacted] town.
@godskook LoL? Ok, I'll go mid. Wait, I'll go mid too. Are we all going mid? Yeah, it looks like that's what's going to happen, sigh.
What's significantly different about MMOs and other online multiplayers, specifically, is that These Are Not Your Friends.
It's a different kind of social space, more like a woefully unmoderated Internet forum, and requires an adjusted set of social tools which can be downright toxic if applied to a tabletop game context.
@BESW, I'm not talking about strangers, I'm talking about people I queued up for that match with.
Aye, there's gradients.
I haven't played any kind of online multiplayer video game since [mumblemumble].
Utter strangers online that I'm grouped with, I'm happy if they manage to make it through the match without indicating that humanity would be better off without me.
I think my low point was getting sexually harassed because somebody thought my zombie avatar was hot.
i am guilty of doing that...
not you, i mean. but telling someone that their undead character is hot.
Actually, I tell a lie. The low point when when the stalker threatened to kill himself if I rejected him.
"Stalker"? As in, this guy(ostensibly) somehow over-rode the mute function?(alt account, w/e)
It wasn't my first stalker, but I think it was my first online stalker.
I've been honing my ability to reverse-troll these special kinds of people. Its hard, but I've successfully broken a few of them online such that they at least shut-up in the "losing" side of the argument. Emotionally costly, though.
My Dark Souls caracter is very hot. Also, pyromancy.
@Zachiel, don't repeat yourself :P
@kviiri I hope that on a full moon, the caretaker turns into a werehouse.
@BESW Is that some type of bipedal bear with emojis tattoos on their bellies?
I assume it's a cranky but brilliant medical doctor.
@BESW werehouse 13?
Alright home from work and back to learning D&D 5e
For a Heavy Crossbow the Attack roll will be a d20 plus my strength modifier plus my proficiency bonus, but for the Damage roll is it just the 1d10? Do I add str modifier to that or dex modifier to that or my choice of either one?
Reading this character creation question makes me think my idea of letting my players choose between the 16 premade characters is not actually a good idea.
@Ryan Crossbow is a ranged weapon, so you use your dexterity modifier only for attack and damage. No strength bonus to either
So Str is only if its a thrown weapon?
I thought Str was Thrown, Agi was finesse, and the rest could go either way
Strength is only for melee weapons. If that melee weapon can be thrown, then you use strength when you throw it.
@Ryan, in 3.5 Dex was ranged attack rolls, but ranged damage was still Str. Might've kept it that way.
Also, Agi?
Get your DotA out of here!
@godskook calm down, it could be savage worlds or shadowrun :)
So a Javelin at 1d6 is the most damaging option for Str characters?
@Ryan All attacks (except spells) use the same modifier for attack and damage rolls
@Ryan Melee use STR, unless they are finesse, at which point they can use either STR or DEX. Thrown is STR. Ranged, non-thrown weapons are DEX.
So a handaxe will use STR, a crossbow will use DEX
@GreySage Unless you are throwing a finesse weapon, then the throw can use either str or dex
Thats kinda lame there's no Martial Ranged weapon that uses Strength than
Tridents can be thrown and are a martial weapon, but they do the same damage as a spear or Javelin
@GreySage More accurately it's: melee uses strength unless it's a finesse weapon. If it is a finesse weapon, you can use strength or dex. Thrown uses whatever you would use for a melee attack with that weapon. Ranged uses dex.
@Adam That's what I said, except for your previous adjustment, which I didn't know about.
@GreySage right. I was just folding the two together
Any reason why Hand Crossbow costs more than Heavy Crossbow when it has less damage and less range?
@Ryan Hand crossbows are light (can use two-weapon fighting), and easily concealable.
So you can use 2 hand crossbows for 2x 1d6, or 1 shot from a heavy for 1d10. Since Crossbows are loading weapons, you can't use multiattack
@godskook I thin it's been done to reduce MAD
@GreySage I see, I think I'll still take the Heavy Crossbow. Want to make sure I got some range on my Paladin
@godskook Ranged damage was weird. A sling used Str, a Bow used nothing unless it was a great bow, etc.
With arrows and bolts I know you get half the number back. How does it work with thrown weapons like Handaxes and Javelins?
As long as it doesn't fall into a river or something do you get it back?
@Ryan I don't think there is a rule about it, so probably
Trying to decide between Protection Fighting Style or Sentinel Feat. They kinda overlap as both use the Reaction
@ryan Hitting is better than stopping a hit :)
yeah, Sentinel is definitely going to be a better use of your reaction on average
@BESW Lurking. Wishing my current game didn't keep getting cancelled for life issues.
I feel that.
I've got an SG-13 campaign that's going veeeery sloooowly due to attendance, and for the next month my caregiving duties mean I'll probably have neither time nor brain for it.
...and a half-dozen other campaigns which are waiting for other players to return from the fire-red pits of Scheduling Conflicts And Overtime.
@ryan what class did you end up with?
@NautArch hmm? what do you mean?
@ryan for your character deciding between sentinel and protection
I have a vague memory of you still unsure what class you'd decide on
I was Warlock/Cleric but it wasn't going very well so the DM suggested I pick one or the other as a beginner and instead I switched to Paladin. I'm already enjoying it a lot more.
He was having a hard time with story for me and I was having a hard time roleplaying it. The Paladin is a lot easier
@Ryan Protection Fighting Style is hot garbage, honestly.
I've pretty much decided on doing Ability Bonus instead of a Feat and going with the Duel skill for +2. I'll get Sentinel on the next opportunity though
Nice, Dueling is excellent.
Im going to do Oath of the Crown from SCAG
Ah, that one's really interesting.
its the perfect fit for the story we've already made for my paladin (Noble) and with the fighting style I was hoping to make for him
I'm really excited about it actually
Hooray! It's good to be excited about your characters.
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