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ok, apparently the Stack chat has decided I should be high-voltage and slippery :P
...you're an eel?
wait how was this decided?
@trogdor not a clue -- the Stack chat reloaded and made me eel-shaped
that almost seems scary honestly
I just thought that you might have meant that people had made some kind of straw poll and voted to change your name
with or without your invitation XD
most likely with but still
not quite what you meant either way
@trogdor I got the secret ballot, didn't you?
I mean that I always thought that @Shalvenay was a Three Phase Eel...
hey there @daze413
hey as well @Ryan
Anyone know do the Chibi miniatures by Impact! have the same size base to fit the D&D grids everyone use?
@ThreePhaseEel hi there
how're things going?
@ThreePhaseEel Shalv? Did you change usernames?
@Chemus nope, never came in the mail :P
@daze413 the Stack chat decided to switch up my preferred username on me :P
ok. I'm starring that as interesting because chatizens will get confused when an eel boops them, trying to impersonate Shalvenay
changing shape is fun, I didn't think anyone would go for "has no limbs" as a preferred start, but wtv XD
@ThreePhaseEel played a Darkest Dungeon game with 2 players yesterday, playing 2 PCs each. It was a TPK, but it was really fun and satisfying
@ThreePhaseEel pretty good, you?
apparently, treating the party as 50% larger works! (at least this one time)
@daze413 works to make it harder?
@trogdor works to make, at least this very specific combat, hard-deadly-but-beatable :D They got the boss down to 1 HP, he started making Con Saves like zombies do, and there was only one PC up at that point, 2 were dead, one was dying.
I am not aware of why Zombies make con saves
Man, even the players could feel they were so close to beating him, it was awesome :D
do they just keep doing that every time they take damage at almost dead health?
@trogdor if they drop to 0 HP, they can make a con save DC 5+damage taken to drop to 1 instead
anyone? Impact minis the right size for those D&D mats?
@trogdor yes. It's really annoying
@daze413 I would hate that yeah
if it was just one time I wouldn't sweat it, but if they get to keep doing it repeatedly I would be so out of that game
@daze413 yes its annoying. I've spent 30 minutes killing a single zombie that kept saving because none of us had radiant damage
ah, figures that is what stops it
makes sense
still, I wouldn't want to have to have one specific kind of damage just to stop something like that from happening
one of the smaller reasons I am a little more than ok with not playing much of any D&D anymore
@Ryan OK here
@trogdor the easier solution is just to bring massive damage to the party haha
@ThreePhaseEel does it also stop if you do a certain amount of damage?
@trogdor what happens is that you wind up forcing the zomb to try to make a CON save that's not makeable for them
oooh the save changes based on damage
that is kinda neat actually
is there a tag for actual equipment used when playing, not in-game stuff?
still a little annoying but also neat
@Ryan there might be tags for specific things, like maps?
or minis
or even dice
ah yeah thought so
Generally speaking "stuff we use at the table" is not a useful tag category.
Instead we tag for the specific stuff being asked about.
well I looked for mat :P
and grid lol
so just because they exist doesn't mean they are good tags then
that'll work, and asked. already know the answer but seemed odd I had to go to other sites to find out
still have no idea what size radius these Impact miniatures are though :( you know anything about them @BESW
this is the best gnome caster miniature I've seen but it doesn't say the base size: impactminiatures.com/…
I've never bought minis. When I needed minis, I used Gnome Stew's customisable print-and-fold template.
ah yeah I guess shipping might be tough for you
Well, and I never got into the wargame collecting/painting thing.
And I liked having easy, portable access to minis of any kind I wanted at the drop of a hat.
Heck, I even went meta once and used photos of minis on the printed minis, to represent statues.
My players got to have exactly the character they wanted; I could print out three dozen specialty monsters I'd never use again; if something got lost or ruined I could just make another...
it is nice to have em more disposable
the expensiveness of most actual 3D miniatures of things is quite a hurdle
if they were a lot cheaper I might actually look for a few just to have
but I understand they are generally expensive
And portability/ease of storage is awesome. For most of my D&D era I was GMing away from my house, so it was great to be able to carry a whole adventure of minis in a little baggie.
also, printing them at location was neat too I bet :P
New player? Print him a mini! Complete plan derailment? Give me ten minutes and a printer.
that printer was a little snarky though
I mean I guess my idea of expensive differs. That miniature is $5 USD. I understand if buying lots of them for every scenario it would get pricy kinda quick but to have a single miniature of my first character thats not that expensive
@Ryan that is fair enough, I understand there are some really expensive ones though, like the ones for WarHammer and such
Heh. My first RPG character lasted about three sessions. Second character one session, third character one session...
Fourth character lasted more than a month!
Wait, maybe that was the third character, and the fourth character started my "one session wonder" streak.
I can hardly remember how long some of our D&D games lasted
My first games as a player were with groups that had very short attention spans and/or fell apart quickly and/or had a GM with no compunctions about brutal, meaningless character death.
most of the first few seem like they only lasted a few sessions before they were over
@BESW I don't personally understand the need some GM's who just have some need to kill characters off
I can get it if you want the possibility of failure and death on the table, but I don't get forcing it or gunning hard for it
For the guy I have in mind, it was part of the "GM as adversary" playstyle his whole group liked, combined with "my guy syndrome" for the GM.
it almost just seems like an excuse for sadistic behavior to me
I mean, you know I ran that DS campaign where people died a lot
but that was just me not knowing what the heck I was doing more than actually trying to kill off the party
It was also me being far too cocky about sacrificing survival for concept gimmicks.
I even had that one monster who, by the rules, I probably could have just killed literally eveyone with, but that was one of the fights where no one died
because I didn't want to play the monster in such an unfair way
@BESW this is true as well XD
it was the big cat thing that had a damage aura and the ability to go invisible
Like insisting on playing a shield-focused class as a wolf who couldn't hold a shield.
I could have had it just sit invisibly on everyone and eventually kill them,.... but then who is having fun right?
@BESW this was indeed silly
though I was halfway tempted to kill our rogue that way :P
the debuff rogue is a shameful memory for me, I realize that player had certain tenancies already, but I feel like I kickstarted that playstyle by killing off the first set of PC's that were played in that campaign
I did have fun doing work arounds to the strategy though
like the dragonborn/draconian things who exploded when he killed them
and the robot things that had a bunch of minion buddies swarming around them
lawl I could see my question getting downvotes since most might assume its lazy but it just got a close vote for being primarily opinion based
What size grid are those roll-up mats? ... I see no way that's opinion
"those roll-up mats" come in a wide variety of options from many sources.
So I can definitely see an argument that it'd be largely opinion to choose one of them as the "standard" you're looking for.
Unless Wizards put a measurement in their 5e materials, or only sells one kind of grid themselves, or sells a specific grid as "for 5e." Which maybe they do. Some previous editions have made an explicit square/inch statement.
hmm I guess its a location thing maybe? every single person I've seen has the exact same one by Chessex with 1" squares
Then ask "Is there an official standard?" or "Is Chessex the official standard?" or something like that--it sounds like your question is one or two steps removed from the situation that led you to ask it, and that can be frustrating all around as answerers try to guess what you're looking for, and you get answers that may not actually fit your situation.
well somewhere in the PHB I think it says the answer, just cant seem to find where
found someone mention online that the PHB talks about it but they didnt give a page number
im wondering if they said PHB but its actually the DM Manual
@Ryan what's the question? (Mind catching me up?)
Q: What size is the standard grid used when playing D&D 5e?

RyanFromGDSEWhat size are the standard grids in those roll-up mats people use for D&D 5e and thus what radius / diameter should the base of a miniature be for easy usage?

@nitsua60 actually about to shut down for the night
@Ryan PHB says nothing about sizes (cf. p.192), DMG only mentions 1-inch squares at p.250: "you can draw maps on a vinyl map with 1-inch squares, on a large sheet of paper, or similar surface" (paraphrased). Good night!
@Shalvenay thanks
@KorvinStarmast one thought on this question (History.SE): you say that M40 is the only one you've experience with, but later mention using M79 and M203. I'm sure I'm just missing something, but that seems contradictory. Is there some subtlety or term of art in there I'm missing? (And, by other extension, perhaps others are missing too?)
@NautArch DMG p.230-something... before asking for a roll, decide whether it's needed =)
@nitsua60 exactly:)
@nitsua60 I think the M40 is the round used with the M79 or M203 launcher
@NautArch It shocks me how many GMs don't have that mindset. Many I observe hear "I want to do ____" and seem to be automatically thinking "okay, what skill should that be and what DC should I set," having skipped over that all-important first step.
Oct 9 '14 at 2:04, by BESW
Personally I think if there's an all-encompassing Rule 0 which can be applied to every RPG ever, it's "don't touch the randomiser unless you're okay with any result it might spit out."
@nitsua60 it's not necessarily a bad mindset. Trying to find a way to make a cool idea happen. The trick is knowing when you're getting taken for a spin down the cheese grater
@BESW This has also been key to my and my spouse's successful relationship: "don't ask a question unless you're ready for the answer."
@Shalvenay That... certainly could be and would make sense. Means that KS's answer is perfectly sensible with that knowledge, but seems strange without it.
@nitsua60 come to think of it, 'M40' is probably an informal shorthand for '40mm grenade' -- the actual military designations for NATO 40mm rounds vary with the type of warhead (training, sponge, HE/DP, shotshell, smoke, marker) you're shooting ofc
1 hour later…
@Shalvenay hey, your username is fixed!
oh nice
I thought maybe that was a thing you were sticking with
I guess it just takes a bit of time to take hold when you change it back
1 hour later…
Adeptus the Undying rises again!
That's got to be the worst cold/flu virus I've had in... ever?
oh, those do always suck
I assume you are feeling better now?
not 100% but good enough
ah, well I hope you get to the 100% mark soon then
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, +3 more: jackedmuscleextremeadvice.com/enduro-rush/ by user36746 on rpg.SE
nah can't possibly be spam
@Adeptus secretly adeptus is at -90% and proceeding to -100%, because he turned into a lich mid-flu.
Nah, the flu doesn't turn you into a lich. It turns you into a meat puppet animated by the unthinkable ooze beings of distant dimensions which emanate relentlessly through portals in your sinuses.
@BESW that sounds worse somehow.
Nose shoggoths are always worse.
Nose shoggoth.
As distinct from regular shoggoths, who are full of eyes and teeth. This one just has a plethora of random noses. Sniffling. Good god, the sniffling.
On the plus side, their knowledge skills are really high.
@Magician ... [GROAN]
that was good XD
it's terrible but great
After 20 or so sessions of DnD 5e, I find myself missing some of the things they had in 4e...
I'm growing rather tired of the saving throw thing, for instance. Feels rather arbitrary for some sorts of magical energy blasts to be considered attacks (that the attacker rolls) and others to be considered non-attack effects (which the defender rolls to save against).
@BESW lol
@kviiri man almost every time I learn something new about 5e it seems to be bad
@kviiri to an extent, yeah... cough_disintegrate_ahem
Well, not bad. But certainly not attuned to our own playstyle preferences.
It's not that bad. I'd crei if there were only spells with attack rolls. AC can get really tough to hit, but saves sorta balance that out.
...yeah. Nothing I learn about 5e makes me want to play it.
@Shalvenay Update on the whole whiteboard marker fiasco. Apparently, it was just that one brand that doesn't erase when written on plastic. I bought a refill for the old marker and it erases fine.
Currently reading Shadow of the Demon Lord, and it's bordering on the same, so far.
@BESW well
those are kinda the same thing for me
@daze413 4e way is essentially that there are 4 defense values: AC (which is like AC in 5e) and three defenses based on attributes: Fortitude (Str and Con), Will (Wis and Cha) and Reflex (Dex and Int). Basically, where DnD 5e demands the target to make a constitution saving throw, the 4e version would effectively be a normal attack except against Fort, not AC.
I will admit it doesn't necessarily make 5e an objectively bad game, just subjectively bad for me most likely
And I don't see what's the point of replacing that system with a more complicated system of saving throws.
you could easily replace saves with attacks
@kviiri This sounds a lot more streamlined, actually. I've been listening to some old 4e games on youtube by Christopher Perkins, and it sounds like something I'd like to try out since most of our group are combat-centric
just gotta think if they still gonna count as "Attacks" for other rules
@Szega Yes, this is what actually miffs me the most about it. There are rules pertaining to attacks, that for some reason apply to some offensive spells for instance, but not eg. a fireball since it's saved against instead of rolled as an attack. It's not intuitive.
there is a question about it somewhere, but basically spell attack mod vs 14+save mod works
Does 5e still have a saving throw for each attribute, and are the mental ones still barely distinguishable?
too bad there are no books available in my area :/ I'd have to order in the US again.... and with the exchange rate the way it is... I think I'll wait a couple months
@Magician Yeah.
@Magician yes, but the cha and int saves are a lot rarer than wis.
Q: How can I convert D&D 5e Saving Throws into Defences?

GMNoobIn D&D 5, the saving throws for spells has the following formula: The DC is set to 8 + prof bonus + magical stat bonus. The target then makes a saving throw, adding their stat bonus and hoping to get above that DC. Instead of having the defender roll the saving throw, we would like the attacke...

Does it make sense when cha or int saves are required? Can you look at a spell and go "yeah, that's gonna be int"?
I tried that briefly, but the players exploited the inspiration and the bard's mechanics to get a ridiculous upper hand, so I ditched it
@Magician nope, not really
@Magician I haven't really thought that much about it. I just go with what the book says for each spell :)
@daze413 how?
you still roll N times for N ppl in an AoE
Another thing I like in 4e is the power system, in particular because it makes melee characters less likely to become boring.
@Magician the Cha saves are REALLY interchangeable with Wis. The int ones are just a tad better to distinguish (but still not as good!)
@Szega There should be a tool to convert that into a single roll.
@nwp nope, the best you can do is say that the expected number of targets are affected
@kviiri At the risk of becoming a broken record, have you tried or heard of 13th Age? A lot less intimidating while retaining most of the good parts of 4e.
rolling once for a group save is a bad idea
@Magician I've heard the name but what you said is pretty much all I know about it :)
It's my favorite version of D&D, and considering what you've said you miss of 4e, you may well like it.
Hmm, it should be possible to calculate what the chance is to hit 0, 1, 2, ... , N targets and then map those probabilities to the die. The only problem I see is that the die goes in 5% probability steps which might not be fine-grained enough, but you can always roll twice to get 0.25% steps.
I think I would like 4e far more if I played it today.
@Magician I can definitely concur as a 4e apologist that 13th Age is awesome
@nwp that seems really convoluted
you could write an app maybe
@daze413 Yeah. Basically D&D 4e's fortitude/reflex/will defenses are the exact same thing as saving throw bonuses, only the attacker's doing the rolling.
@nwp You could have an approximation of the probabilities in a table with d100 on the Y axis and the number of targets in AoE on the X. Then the problem is, how do you account for individual variations in defenses and how does one determine which targets are actually hit.
@Szega Inspiration mechanic (the DM one, not the bard one), lucky rolls, all favor the player when rolling. By RAW, they shouldn't affect spells that require a save, but because of that variant rule, you get a lot more successful spells
@Magician I will link that to my party in hopes they agree to try it out.
@kviiri :D
I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about it, if you catch me here.
@daze413 roll luck is the same if you do the math right
@Magician Thanks! I need to do some work now so that'll have to wait for now.
But I'll remember it!
@Magician Hm, I'll look into this instead of 4e. (Though the real dealbreakers for me are the availability of the books...)
@Szega If I was to write an app I'd just roll once per target. Much easier to implement and prove correctness. The goal was to reduce the hand rolling, but I guess the math is too difficult to do by hand.
@daze413 You can order them from the publisher's online store. And there aren't that many.
@nwp without any simplification, yeah
@Szega No, what I mean is luck can't do anything if you're trying to get an opponent to fail a save. But with the variant rule, suddenly you can!
One thing I now realize looking back at 3.5 and 4e, it's a very daunting prospect to pick them up as "finished" games. So many books! And character options in all of them! It was easier to absorb all the info as the books were coming out.
@daze413 mathematical luck is the same, and the feat can also force a reroll on a save
@Szega IIRC, you can only a reroll another creature's roll if its an attack against you
Of course they could've designed the game without saves from the start. That results in less problems like this.
@Magician The Compendium helped immensely with that!
(I came to 4e about three years into its run.)
@kviiri If I ever wanted to run a D&D-like campaign again, 13th Age is probably what I'd use.
@BESW With your and Magician's recommendations, it's getting hard to resist.
To be fair, I've only ever experienced a 13th Age game under Magician's GMing.
So that's more like 1.5 recommendations than two.
And you probably shouldn't trust that Magician person, either.
But it's got some really cool narrative fiddly bits like every PC has something which makes them unique in all the world (your choice).
And some nifty mechanical fiddlies like using your d20 attack roll to not only check if you've hit AC, but if you trigger other effects depending on the raw die roll being even, odd, over or under various targets, etc.
I ran a paladin who, once per battle, could turn an enemy's natural roll of 5 or less into a natural 1.
Hahaha, I went to link the dreaded Sworapus, but BESW is already there. I'll let him do it, it's his creation :D
Swordapus was a joke monster from a 13th Age adventure, and we figured out how to stat him up as a PC, with liberal re-fluffing.
if i convert a dire wolf stat block into a dire tiger stat block, is that refluffing?
@doppelgreener Yes, yes it is. </deadpan>
@Magician There was a weakness we ran into 13th age: there's distinct mechanics, and also in theory it's a narrative game where various narrative traits (like the One Unique Thing and Skills) ought to do a thing, but it's hard to gauge how much they should be doing.
at least, it was in the game I played with you.
We had that disagreement & tension over lighting the bats on fire not really doing anything, and in the time since I mentioned the session I played and that incident to other people who've mentioned they'd played 13th age, and they said that wasn't 13th-age-ish, but I don't know what is 13th-age-ish there. 🤔
Ah, yeah. We had a pretty fundamental disagreement on how such narrative ideas should interact with the core rules.
As I even note in the post about it, the game purposefully leaves many things up to the group, and offers plenty of examples of abilities that are open-ended that way. I think if we played more together, and/or did so in person, this problem would quickly go away.
@Magician i agree!
Not suitable for players who like to optimize their character I suppose.
@nwp you can definitely optimize in the sense of being good at something, but not in the sense of defeating the system within its own constraints.
Oh, nothing like that. The mechanics are solid, and do offer plenty of customization.
Yeah, that. It's not an insane mix-and-match of 3.5
@Magician i also noticed a weird thing in that game, i'm not sure why it occurred: in many games i remember i'm an equal playing a game at a table and i can speak out when i have issues with how something's being handled. in D&D, i frequently get put in a different mindset: the person running the game is the Absolute Overlord and i can't speak up. Somehow, during our 13th age game, I got into the second mindset, and I don't know what caused that. Were I in the first, I would've spoken up sooner.
Again, perhaps blame it on this being the first time we played together, or even heard each other's voice.
I don't blame you for that either, I'm more inclined to feel it's something to do with the game, or that it looked like D&D which put me into that mindset all on its own, or something.
@doppelgreener I think I'm seeing colours.
Certainly you were just fine, and not being overlordish as a GM.
@eimyr there's at least two in there.
@doppelgreener That's just wrong
I find DnD at least is one of those games that requires a lot more "same-paging" than most RPGs because it's so incredibly vague on how it's meant to be played, and passable efforts can be made in so many ways.
Jun 13 at 22:05, by doppelgreener
@Papayaman1000 This month I am rainbow diamond
@kviiri I agree. And I feel in Fate, we can much more easily recognise and talk about when we're playing with different expectations. My gaming group with BESW and Trogdor had a few times we reflected on things that weren't suiting us -- we were able to talk about a character that was too creepy for the tone, about various issues holding sessions down, etc, and that was awesome.
Eventually after a dozen or two sessions we recognised there were some fundamental issues with the story & game world we were playing with and how people were relating to it and expectations around it, but that mostly came after several discussions that were kinda feeling out that there was an issue there but we weren't sure what the shape of it was exactly.
Earlier this year, we started a DnD 5e campaign with a group of new RPG players (only one experienced player among them) and I gave them a very simplified premise where they're literally members of the Adventurer's Guild that's trained them according to their class and invested with the authority to pursue quests and loot. They've enjoyed it tremendously :)
As a counterpoint, we've had plenty of readjustments after discussions in our 4e game.
@doppelgreener I just want to note that I am super glad our group has gotten so good at discussing things like this
@Magician Cool! I haven't, y'know, played that many contiguous D&D sessions. The few sessions my gaming group ran in D&D 4e we had good healthy post-game reflection on what went well and where issues arose.
@trogdor Me too, goodness. It's so nice.
it is
Genius corner shop guy selling half-frozen bottles of water https://t.co/BuqpFFEyfV
You can also make them yourself. [grin]
That reminds me: People of the British Isles, do you have something like Capri Sun?
Because around here we've discovered that Capri Sun doesn't freeze solid in the freezer, it turns to slush. And is wonderful, and we are surprised anyone drinks it any other way.
@BESW usually they go through much more effort to make slush
quick, patent it, make a company and become super rich before someone steals the idea!
I'm also fond of using frozen juice in hand-cranked shaved ice machines.
hairy ice monsters beware
I should go do something useful before it gets worse
@BESW this is...amazing. Will be trying this out with the kids!
It's kinda like ice keke, which I think Westerners are more familiar with as otter pops. But not as sickly sweet.
And you can drink it with a straw.
@BESW wait really? it does that?
I would never have had it any other way if I had ever known
@trogdor ...you have led a sheltered life.
@BESW I would beg to differ now
how is it sheltered to not be told the most awesome thing about a thing I used to drink the normal way?
@BESW I used to love these
I have not tried one in a while, and my tastes have run a little less sweet since then, so who knows if I would still like em
The biggest mistake in game design is to assume that "good" design can be judged without context. There is no archetypal good design.
"Good" is strictly a relative assessment. If someone asks if a game design is good, ask them "Good at what?" And ask that question yourself.
that is misleading at best
Specifically when discussing DnD, my friends tend to gravitate into two groups: those who think that DnD is a good game after a reasonable amount of same-paging, discussing which rules to ignore and what house rules to apply, and deciding a general focus of the campaign.
@BESW omg this avatar :')
The other group, which includes me, thinks DnD is a bad game because it needs all that. (even if it is fun to play after that!)
also, nice, really good tweets.
@doppelgreener Reminds me of the 3 Questions (+1).
Easy to mistake the "how" in a game design with the "what", and advanced designers consider the "why". Thus is today's advice dispensed.
@nitsua60 @Shalvenay Remember Little Adventures? It's coming soon to DTRPG under it's real name! Check out the website: amazing-tales.net
Someone pin this please.
@doppelgreener @BESW that is a really neat avatar
@BESW I... happen to disagree. "Good at achieving its own self-defined goals" is objectively good design.
@eimyr Isn't that exactly what he's saying?
"Its own self-defined goals" are the context which people often omit when asking for judgment.
yes, that is what he's getting at
he's saying you can't judge "good" in a void, "good" occurs in a context. "achieving the goals of the project" is a context for judging "good".
it's also rather a, uh, good context to judge goodness in.
then I must have missed the clue, if that's correct
If this seems ridiculously self-evident to you, then he's not talking to you.
(But trust me, there are folks who need to hear it. I used to be one of them.)
I'm not really sure about the "experienced designers consider the 'why'" part though.
I think at that point he's gotten a little esoteric.
I just always assumed that when people say "it's good design" they meant "it's a design that achieves intended result well"
DnD designers are very experienced but are still quite vague about what sort of game they want DnD to be in 5e and how the design supports it.
@eimyr nah, more often they mean "i personally enjoy what it does and how it does it"
like "this is a good movie" -- most people aren't deconstructing the movie in terms of it appropriately handling its own themes, having good cinematography, effective actors that reinforce the movie's missions, suitable narrative arcs and delivery methods for those arcs, effective use of cuts, etc. most people wouldn't even know those concepts well enough to perform such a deconstruction. they're just saying the movie felt good to watch.
@doppelgreener This post made me feel so alone.
they might know it was good or bad but be unable to say why, not having the vocabulary and concepts mentally available for deeper examination.
what about "It's a good movie, I didn't enjoy it though."
@eimyr with my friends back in australia i'd happily stay up 'til 2am deconstructing a movie we finished seeing at midnight.
Or: "It's not a good movie but I had so much fun!"
I say that all the time.
For example. One of Lovecraftesque's goals ("what") is to provide a semi-random but strictly limited set of narrative beats. It achieves this ("how") through the use of a specialized deck of cards. But "why" specialized cards? Why not roll dice on a table or use a regular deck of playing cards with a cheat sheet for what they represent?
@doppelgreener Indeed, and people aren't even agreeing what "good" means. There used to be this Finnish film critic who gave almost all movies one star out of five because he was comparing everything to the great classics like Citizen Kane. Others used a different scale, but that doesn't mean they necessarily enjoyed the film any more.
@eimyr <- but average people aren't looking at things with a critical lens where they'd be meaning this by saying "this design is good", not being well-equipped enough to have that lens available
@doppelgreener One reason I liked Ebert's reviews is that no matter what he thought of the film, he explained the reasoning for his opinion clearly enough that I could tell if I'd like the film.
Some people say anything that doesn't make them retch is good, others reserve "ok" for the worst of the best and "good" for lasting classics.
@BESW that is a good quality. beyond that you just gotta find reviewers who share your tastes to see what they recommend, and evaluate simply based on what they like.
@doppelgreener not being equipped to have a well-informed opinion doesn't seem to stop anyone.
@kviiri yeah, i agree with that. (but i'd consider that if i'm using a star scale that gives most things a 1/5, i need to re-calibrate my scale.)
@eimyr sure, i'm not saying such people wouldn't or shouldn't express opinion. i'm just saying that the meaning you're reading into those words simply would not be what those words usually mean, because what you think they mean could only come from someone with a suitable critical lens most people do not have.
@doppelgreener urgh... I know you're right, I just don't want you to be.
Mm, the difference between the right to say something, and the right to be taken seriously.
@doppelgreener I looked the ciritc up, he said he hates giving star ratings. Maybe it doubles as a protest.
I really respect the man though. He must be really good at what he does to succeed despite constantly deviating on the star ratings (which is the only thing 90% of the readers will see).
in The Reading Room, Mar 30 at 0:08, by BESW
> [...]it is only because I have in mind all those thousands of persons, not unlike myself, who work in the vulgar and meaningless bustle of offices, shops, and homes, and who are not always sure whether a sentence is Literature or whether it is just sheer flapdoodle, that I have adopted the method perfected by the late Herr Baedeker, and firmly marked what I consider the finer passages with one, two, or three stars. In such a manner did the good man deal with cathedrals, hotels and paintings by men of genius.
@kviiri oh, good. that's reasonable
Apparently he does give two stars to films he considers to be ok in their genre.
@BESW I'ma go meta starring this one, out of sheer meta spite.
@Magician Cold Comfort Farm is glorious.
Q: Question flagged as too broad, but I got an answer I liked... what now?

AlexI asked a question about how to hide something from PCs. It got closed as too broad, which I can kinda see, but I got an answer before it was suspended that gave me exactly the information I was looking for. What am I supposed to do now? Editing it to make it less broad might invalidate the ans...

1 hour later…
I find it somewhat amusing how there is a controversy brewing over unconscious/petrified/paralyzed/restrained creatures not losing AC in 5e
@BESW microgame idea: My Guy Syndrome The Game. players choose from a set of mutually exclusive goals from their Guy (or Gal) and their Guy's/Gal's stats are about being jerks to each other. Potentially import a rule from "Sorry" (a board game where you have to say "Sorry" after everything you do) around having to explain it's what their guy/gal would do.
@Adam It makes sense to me that you should lose your dex bonus.
@nwp It's somewhat intuitive to assume that, for sure. I just find it funny that it's causing a bit of a stir.
@nwp I thought Markovchain's explanation was really good and covers why you don't.
Or, just houserule it away and savor as the dexy characters squirm whenever anybody casts hold person at them.
@NautArch I'm not buying it. If your AC comes from having armor sure, the armor still works while unconscious. But if your AC comes from dodging attacks it should not persist.
and I think Enkryptor's quesiton is agood as a standalone, but not as a means to argue against the answers on another question.
The great part is that nobody has to buy anything. Just change it and play the game
@nwp I don't think it's said one way vs another. Does it say anywhere WHY you add Dex to some armor?
I think RAW you can take the dodge action and then fall asleep and keep giving your attackers disadvantage in your sleep.
@Adam agreed! If you don't like how the rules work and table is in agreement...change!
@nwp "any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker..." I would argue that an unconscious creature cannot "see" anything meaningfully. Especially since "An unconscious creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings"
@Adam and the Advantage given to the attacker removes the Dex bonus for all intents and purposes (as stated in my answer)
@NautArch Unless he already had Advantage, in which case it does nothing.
@NautArch Plus, it just makes it easier to run. Add the advantage and move on. Keep the game going. I'd also be concerned that it makes flat armor classes/heavy armor in many cases better than lighter armors. Dex based characters are going to have very swingy AC.
@doppelgreener, sounds like a Cards Against Humanity mod?
@Szega True, but that's the way 5e works. No judgement :P
I....I judge 5e
In all, I just don't see a reason to have the bit about that answer in his question. It only hurts his question which is entirely valid without it.
@godskook Luckily, there are plenty of other games out there. So many wonderful options!
@Adam That makes total sense. It would still be nice to come up with a semi-plausible explanation.
@NautArch It gives us an idea for the context that got him thinking about the problem in the first place.
@Adam, that's like....the worst way to take my snark seriously :P Especially because my judgement isn't that negative of the system.
"DEX is a magical effect that redirects weapons to a path that they miss. You need some decent power to overcome it."
Except it doesn't fit with my imagination at all.
@godskook My apologies if I seemed flippant, spurning, or serious. That wasn't my intention. Whatever I was trying to do made sense in my head but doesn't come across well at all in chat with retrospect
I would delete it, but the window for that has closed, so my failure stands for all to see
@Adam Huh? Nah, you didn't come off negative at all.
I still remember how on critical roll a water elemental would have caught on fire if the GM had not overruled that saying that would be stupid.
And to think, I was worried about coming off negative with my retort.
You guys are way too nice to each other.
My inherent evil objects.
You'll take it and you'll [redacted] like it!
@godskook And if you don't we have a 30-day refund policy!
@Adam I agree with context, but his interpretation of the answer isn't correct. It may a non-native speaker thing, but I don't think it is.
So, has anyone ever tried to explore the vast implications behind the Pact Primeval in 3.5? Including:

-That 3.5 is primarily and actually Law/Chaos primary-bound, not Good/Evil, as noted with Asmodeus never swerving in his primary duties as an agent of Law from the time before the concepts of Good/Evil existed.
-Asmodeus, as dispicable as he is, shares more end-goals in common with the likes of Yondalla and Moradin than say...Lolth
-Paladins, living in this state of heavenly affairs, are awkwardly allowed to tolerate CG allies but slay LE who would otherwise be willing potential allies.
I remember Matthew Colville talk about a setting having a great conflict of Law vs Chaos and the usual conflict of Good vs Evil not being relevant. I would need to search more to find the exact video.
@kviiri That's a feature, not a bug. When you look at the body of Crawford's tweets, and the DMG taken in its entirety, they want to game to be able to stretch in a number of direction. Crawfords oft repeated theme of "the rules are there to help you have a fun/good game not dictate to you" resonates clearly with me based on my history with previous editions.
Response to your "DnD designers are very experienced but are still quite vague about what sort of game they want DnD to be in 5e and how the design supports it"
@KorvinStarmast I was thinking a similar thought. THey created a system, but also a system that allows for customization at your table.
The vagueness comes from their passing the responsibility of the specifics and nuances of various situations from the rulebooks/system onto the DM
@Adam You seem to be saying that like it's a bad thing. Assessing a situation and making a ruling is what DM's have been doing since Arneson began as "referee" in his primordial Blackmoor world. If someone does not want to do that, nor like to do that, I think "DM" is the wrong role for that person at a table.
Oh! Most certainly not my intention! I very much like how much responsibility they give the DM!
Ah, I misunderstood. Sorry.
I guess I need to go and read the controversy of enkryptor and AC while restrained. hee hee. BRB.
No worries. I was pretty matter-of-fact with that statement, which would make it easy to mistake my feelings. Plus I'm doing a pitiful job today of getting ideas across accurately
@Adam need moar brainz?
@NautArch The elder brain has forsaken me :'(
Nah, more beer probably needed.
My teetotaller activities are getting even more frustrating. New members of our D&D group are all beer snobs and one works at a high end liquor store and they're always bringing special/crazy beers from the store and local breweries. I need to just bring a cup to spit in, I guess.
One of my co-workers told me about how his friends played a one shot where he brought in a bottle of fireball whisky, and every time somebody cast fireball, everyone had to take a shot.
Lately we've been doing Fumble Tarts and Crit Cookies. Fumble Tarts have been the over-the-top pop tart flavors like Orange Crush/Jolly Rancher.
Crit Cookies are....cookies.
@KorvinStarmast I really didn't want to get into designer intent behind Dex modifier on armor. Just watned to give the RAW answer. And I think Markovchain has a brilliant explanation for that piece.
@NautArch I have found that some people need to be reminded that 5e does not try to be crunchy and fiddly and that DM's are supposed to do what makes sense to the DM. I guess that the soap box I prefer to stand on.
@KorvinStarmast I agree - as long as the table is okay with additional Crunch.
Speaking of beer, I am about disgusted with the American beer market. It is over saturated with pretentious and undrinkable micro brews that are over hopped and rarely satisfying to drink, frequently leading to bloat and otherwise unsatisfying beer experiences.
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