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00:00 - 05:0006:00 - 00:00

how're things going?
@Ben How's life post-Abyss Watchers?
Catacombs 2: Skeletal Boogaloo treating you OK?
Up to the princes now.
I actually had a couple mates helping me out
@Shalvenay good :) you?
@Ben Wow, that was fast.
How was Pontiff?
He wasn't actually too bad. I can understand why people have issues with him though
@Ben Wow! I can't wait to hear how you go with Nameless.
He's gonna wreck me haha
@Zachiel Did they know that you lost all your hearthstone games? XD 0-3 arena is the worst :p
@Ben Not necessarily - he and Pontiff are very similar, so if you didn't struggle with Pontiff, you might not with him, either.
@daze413 I am actually on a Hearthstone hiatus right now, it got a little too hairy with some of the new meta decks for me
@trogdor I've been on hearthstone hiatus ever since the Naxxramas update and I couldn't get an undertaker (I suck)
@trogdor I just started playing again after a hiatus that started when the first expansion came out - a friend got me to play some sealed draft Magic, and it got me itchy to play more of that sort of thing.
@daze413 ah, it might be for the best, Blizzard just keeps ramping up how crazy the new cards get
got tired of dragon priests and control warriors recking me all the time in competitive, so went all-out arena... problem is, I ran out of money
@Miniman oh OK. Tbh though, I have been really running through the game. My mates have been helping for the most part, so I haven't really done any of the bosses solo
@nitsua60 are you online?
@Miniman I am surprised I went this long and only took a month long hiatus before this one
I need your assistance.
@trogdor Yeah, I was just typing out how some of the new cards I'm seeing played against me are like wow seriously? This exists?
My brother keeps raving about Gwent, he used to do some really serious hearthstone, and now he likes gwent more
cc: @Miniman maybe gwent would interest you?
@daze413 I hate arena, they give he horrible card choices and then always seem to line me up against someone who got a crazy draft
@Miniman this is about how I feel too
@daze413 Possibly - I think I'd go for one of the virtual versions of Magic first though.
@trogdor if only I could play arena just by drafting- I don't wanna play the deck I drafted! But I wanna draft things, I think it's the most fun haha
except for me it maybe was not quite as surprising because I have seen every expansion be "wow you are printing these cards?"
@trogdor It's like, here I am trying to build a Questing Adventurer or Frostwolf Warlord, and the other guy is laying down a 20/20 C'Thun with a 20 damage battlecry.
@daze413 it would be fun to just have a draft mode,... but it wouldn't work in their free to play model
@Miniman yeah, C'Thun decks aren't even the craziest thing anymore
at least you have to survive with those with minions that do nothing other than buff him
@daze413 I'm absolutely terrible at deckbuilding, personally.
@Typhon in our experience, nitsua usually cn be summoned about this time, when the moon is right. :) just wait a bit, I guess? BTW, What's you needing? Maybe we can help?
@Typhon What do you need his help with? It's possible someone else here could give you a hand.
my biggest problem is all of the well made quest decks, and the jade that still happens,... and the never-will-die-out freeze mage
@Miniman eek, you run mill rogue, eh?
@Miniman haha, I'm no good, either :D I just find it fun
@daze413 I don't even know what that means - I just build based on what I have.
@daze413 Most of my decks are basically "lots of low-cost minions, stuff like Warleader and Stormwind Champion that boosts minions, cards like Questing Adventurer or Frostwolf Warlord that synergize with low-cost minions, and whatever removal the class has".
@Miniman I usually go a lot more "mid range" or "control" than that
I hate having too many minions that don't trade well
@Miniman rogues are the best for that kind of build. Rogues or Warlocks
@daze413 I like Warlock, I'm not a big fan of Rogue.
Shaman's probably my favourite, although I think my Hunter deck is my best.
@Miniman I used to hate Rogue, but the latest expansion gave them cards I really dig
@trogdor I don't give Blizzard money, and the piddling rate at which you gain cards by playing the game means I don't even have most of the Classic cards yet.
(Plus, yanno, the hiatus bit.)
@Miniman surprisingly, I have most of the cards I could want and have not spent a cent on the game
that being said, that may be why I have burned out on it, at least temporarily
@trogdor Is there a better way of gaining cards I'm missing? I just do daily quests and the 1/week tavern brawl.
@trogdor You must be a... god of F2P hearthstone :o We should pray to you when we MCT a ysera, 4/2 twilight drake, and a 1/1 light elemental!
@Miniman well,.... it might be partly the gold for winning three games, and the willingness to burn some cards for dust
for starters
@trogdor I burn all the extras, of course.
extras sure
I'd burn all the gold cards if it let me :(
also of course golds
I don't keep gold cards
unless they are the only copy of one I want, which is extremely rare
I also don't play wild, so a lot of non standard cards have gotten burned as well
@trogdor I don't play wild, but I don't have any wild cards anyway :P
(I don't want to have to deal with some of the crazy combos I know could exist in wild)
@Miniman I might have just put more time into the game
again, probably the reason I burned out on it XD
@trogdor Yeah - I was just hoping there was some shortcut I'd missed or something XD
I will probably play it again but for the moment it has gotten to be too much frustration to deal with the meta
@Typhon They will be handled once someone who knows what's going on and can handle them gets to them (I am not such a person, just a random mod seeing your flags). Raising more flags will accomplish nothing, and spreading to other chat rooms (like this one) also won't.
@Miniman someone did the math on that. My brother keeps spouting why he doesnt play hearthstone anymore, mainly because of the amount time you have to devote to the game just to get all the cards :/
@daze413 yeah pretty much what I think there
it's literally a matter of how much time you put into the game
it's grinding
@ACuriousMind thank you :)
yes, thanks
@trogdor He said, now I can't back this up but I know he read it somewhere, that some guy spent $X000.00 on cards and still didn't get all of it, not even enough dust to buy the missing ones
@daze413 Ah, the booster pack format. Truly one of the most egregiously exploitative business models ever invented.
@daze413 yeah, I definitely don't have all the cards
I just have most of the ones I actually want
there are some I don't like enough to want to use
if you want a lot of legendaries, you are going to have a bad time
you can have a few of them sure, but if you want a lot of them it's an issue
that is why I play exclusive arena haha
@trogdor I've been crafting murlocs lately - I played against a 100% murloc deck, and it was really cool, so I'm working on something similar.
@daze413 that is fair, but not only am I not necessarily the best at drafting, but I feel like I get a lot of horrible card choices, and then go up against crazy drafts at least once or twice every run
@Miniman nooo murloc paladin?! I've seen that a couple of times
@daze413 Shaman, actually.
and the 150 buy in for each run is expencive if you don't win a lot
shaman now
I did see the card for paladins that makes their hero power summon murlocs.
hello there @Typhon
@trogdor have to win 6-3 to breakeven with gold + card pack.
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heyooo!
the 10 mana cheese card paladins have for murlocks is out of standard rotation (good riddance in my oppinion)
But right now I only craft neutrals anyway, so it's immaterial for the moment.
how're things going?
@daze413 I won 7 one time, and hold steady at 3 or 4 or worse than that now
@Ben and I'm alright over here
I certainly never got up to 12
@trogdor Once won 12-2 with a paladin :D But that was back when harvester golem was really nice, and I kept getting the 2-2+divine shield battle cry in perfect timing.
and I must have played at least several dozen arena runs before I got just waaaay too frustrated with the extreme extra random element screwing me over
not to saw that all the losses were due to that, but enough were for it to not be worth it for me anymore
@Shalvenay just trying to get a post dealt with. Thought SE staff might be here. Was wrong. Goodbye.
@Typhon why would you need staff, specifically?
@Shalvenay the stuff about that already got moved to the appropriate room
the poster is impersonating another user and we believe it is a sockpuppet
@Typhon ah.
16 mins ago, by ACuriousMind
given the subsequent amount of serial downvoting corresponding with it
in Math Mods' Office, 34 mins ago, by Typhon
it's a moderator issue
lets drop it
i left the chat
that would be best, @Typhon, sorry about the sockpuppet attack and hope it gets resolved soon :)
'tis a shame that you can't fix that sort of sock problem with a clothes dryer
@daze413 I think my best run was warlock, because the extra cards are super useful
like, maybe more so in arena even
Y'all want me to remove that now, too?
to thin out the bad stuff you drafted at the very least
@ACuriousMind I think it's ok
kk, continue with your regularly scheduled...Hearthstone?...discussion then ;)
it's a slow day for actually rpg talk I guess
to be fair, we have a lot of not-specifically-rpg talk happening here relatively often
@trogdor The moment I lost interest in the game was when I found out my cousin was playing, so me and my brother watched her, and coached her but those beginner decks can only go so far when you run up to dragon priests and freeze mages in rank 18. It was then we realized that we would never recommend the game to a new player, so we can't play with friends and etc. I stopped then and there :p
and I think we usually are good at getting out of the way (or even joining in) when someone does want to talk something rpg related
@daze413 that isn't the biggest hang up for me, I am not looking for people I know to play the game with me. that being said I still hate the dang freeze mage decks, and the new big thing decks that always keep popping up in the meta game
5 rogue is annoying, for example
@trogdor Believe me, this chat room is remarkably "on-topic" most of the time compared to my "home base" ;) I'm not judging.
Funniest deck I ever made was an OTK warrior that revolves around getting raging worgen+charge(pre-nerf)+ALL the buffs the warrior has. It was fun for a while, but I couldnt get past rank 11 with it haha
I don't even lose to them more than 50-50 at most, but the fact that the quest they use to get 0-1 mana 5-5s on the board ignores transformation removal is definitely annoying, along with all gimmiks they have to use to make the deck work
@daze413 ugh, I hated that kind of deck
to be fair though, I did not lose to them often
but when I did the worst thing was that it was directly because those decks are designed to win with no input from the other player
it's why I hate freeze mage for example
I hate warrior just in general - the only thing I've worked out is that it has a lot of synergy with Gurubashi Berserker.
they just want to sit until right before fatigue sets in and then one turn kill you
@Miniman you will probably also hate the quest warrior deck
warriors have been moving towards making taunt minions better
and now they have a deck where they can eventually get a Ragnaros hero power
2 mana, do 8 damage to a random enemy
@trogdor oooh! you just put into words why I liked that deck, I didn't even think of it like that
@ACuriousMind fair enough XD
@daze413 but that is also why it is annoying to play against that deck
it might be fun to win with, but it is definitely less than fun for the other person to lose against
and maybe even to some extent to win against too
because that deck is probably not too great at winning a more "normal" way
@daze413 also, that kind of deck is just about the first one people will learn how to counter, for the previously stated reasons
even anti agro strategies typically work against it too
but freeze mage is the main one I have seen where sometimes there just actually isn't anything you can do unless you are a class who can heal yourself a lot or get a lot of armor
@trogdor A lot of mage decks seem to follow that strategy. Priest too.
@trogdor Ugh, yeah, those tar minions? Yikes.
@Miniman yeah I hate that
@trogdor then we be rivals! D:<
@trogdor yeah, it is pretty easy to counter. One taunt up and the OTK is a no go.
@Miniman they have buffs for taunt minions now, they have some really good taunt minions to begin with, and they have a quest that they can play enough taunt minons to get a way better hero power
@daze413 bitter bitter rivals eh? :P
@daze413 alternatively, be another warrior and have 60 armor by the time the OTK gets used
@trogdor That might be just as well, really - warrior has the worst hero power of anyone, I think.
I did that a couple times too when that kind of deck was still a little popular
@Miniman but the new one they get is a little too good
@trogdor Oh?
it's like having ragnaros down, except the other guy can't kill him
because he is your hero power instead of a minion
@Miniman also, I like the warrrior hero power because it does something no other class can do, technically increase your health beyond the max everyone has, technically preists can raise thiers to 40 now, but even they can't go higher than that
only warriors can laugh at something that would have one turn killed anyone else
that is literally my favorite thing about the class
it does suck that they don't get as much card or board value as other classes, but when you are fighting a freeze mage,... being un-OTK able is the best asset
I do love it when a freeze mage stumbles into one of my warrior decks, because they are screwed when they do
it's still annoying that I usually have to wait for fatigue to kill them though
@Miniman if you are curiou how it works, every class in the newest expansion got a quest card, it can take a slot in your deck, and if you decide to do that it is always in your opening hand
I dunno, there's something kinda awesome about getting to play your entire deck.
I don't think blizzard intended the game to be an attrition game, I think I read somewhere that a game with a dragon priest is how it's supposed to go
for warrior it is "play a certain amount of taunt minions"
@daze413 Sorry, unpack that for the noob? How does a game with a drgaon priest go?
*similar to a game with a dragon priest
if you do you get Sulfuron, which is a pretty normal weapon except that it battlecry replaces your hero power with basically a Ragnaros attack
@trogdor Yeah, I've seen those a lot - everyone's using them.
@Miniman ah mk
@Miniman i.e. duking it out round by round, whittling away at HP until someone drops at around round 11 or so
@daze413 but that kinda is attrition
they typically clear the board because they can afford to and then whittle you down
and heal their minions
@daze413 But you almost never duke it out round by round - you're generally fighting for control of the board, then doing a bunch of damage when you're the one with minions out.
that is kinda classic attrition
@trogdor but less so than waiting for everyone's decks to empty out
@daze413 yeah I don't want to wait every game for that for sure
and in a real attrition game even, you could wait till the other person just doesn't have enough cards in hand anymore
and no board left
@daze413 Yeah, there's a big difference between "dealing 30 damage over some number of rounds" and "using insane priest removal to ensure basically nothing happens all game then healing through fatigue while your opponent slowly dies".
but against some decks you have to wait till they burn every card they have and still have not killed you :/
@Miniman usually I just get poked to death by minion damage after they have cleared my board one too many times
@Miniman no, it's not like that at all :) typically, with that kind of deck, you don't get to the bottom of the deck, unless youre losing against freeze or something
I do kinda dislike the fact that Blizzard thinks dragon preists need ridiculous AoE clear that doesn't hurt their main minions X(
@trogdor My worst death was when they had one card left in their deck, and I KNEW it was Mind Control. But I didn't have a choice, so I played my last minion, and sure enough, they took it.
@Miniman that sucks yeah
priests have some of the best cards
sometimes sure, they die because they try to run all the clunkiest most value cards they can
@daze413 Yeah, I was saying the latter is pure attrition, while the former is the more usual sort of game you were describing.
but when they have enough restraint to fill the deck out with other stuff it is a nightmare
One thing that really bothers me is the Shadow Words. It's like, what, Blizzard wants me to only use 4-attack minions?
@Miniman yeah, it kinda seems like they do
OR just no really weak or really strong minions
I mean, at least with Mind Control it costs 10 mana.
@Miniman my worst death was I had, like, 5 x/2 minions on board and lethal if I put the 3/1 charge and just attack face. But! My opponent was a hunter who just played a secret. So I'm thinking it's explosive trap, right? So I'm thinking how can I hedge against explosive? I couldn't, I'd lose if it was explosive, no matter what I do. So I thought about it even more until I almost run out of time. I decide to attack, and it turned out to be FREEZING TRAP! OGODATTACKALLTOFACE-
I couldn't kill the guy in time, so I lost next round
I hate it when something like a really nice 3/6 taunt just dies to a 2 mana spell
and then a 10 mana minion dies to a 3 mana spell
@trogdor I'm quickly learning that Blizzard hates strong minions, in general.
@Miniman yeah it seems like it
which is sad cause I like really strong minions
But at the same time, I'm not good at saving my strong removal.
Especially on classes who don't have a single-card strong removal.
the thing I hate about preists though, is not just any one thing they can do, it's that they get to steal stuff from you, heal their stuff so it lasts longer, and get some of the best hard removal in the game
@Miniman *ahemdruidcough
what is the weakness they are supposed to have other than bad deckbuilding?
@daze413 I was thinking of warrior, but actually, does druid have any strong removal, or is it all damage-based?
like, Rogue is good at a lot of stuff, and Warlock, too
but they both take tons of damage from using their hero power the proper way, and sometimes can get knocked off for that
@Miniman warriors have execute, brawl, and weapons. Druids have... naturalize? 1 mana, destroy a minion, opponent draws a card
Rogue doesn't even have any non-neutral ways to heal
@daze413 two cards actually
or was that opponent draws 2 cards?
there we go. No one plays naturalize
unless they are trying to mill
which not a lot of people have been as far as I know from the last time I played a couple months ago
@trogdor Also, they're both very momentum-based - one board clear (bloody Flamestrike) and they're suddenly sitting on less health than the opponent with nothing much to show for it.
besides, druid decks can just Jade you until you die now
@Miniman yeah, they have like, actual weaknesses
but preist? nope gotta just hope for bad draws, tough luck buddy
that being said, I like some of the combo removal Rogue has now
they have a 5 mana minion that combos to destroy a minion
@trogdor Speaking of dumb new mechanics...
and you can pop it back into your hand a lot because Rogue
@Miniman at first it was fun to play, but now I am sick of seeing a druid every once in a while who auto beats me if we go into fatigue
the druid doesn't always last that long mind you, but if they do you are screwed
also, technically I usually die to the 10/10 or 11/11 golem anyway
before fatigue ever becomes an issue
and I'm chuckling to myself this whole time going "this all looks so trivial compared to having to build around stacking penalties applying to a module penalty..."
and I actually like the Rogue and Shaman equivalents, because they don't have an infinitely returning card they can use, they actually have to fit some clunky cards in if they want to make 10/10 and above golems happen. IE they are not as screwed up to play against
but no, Blizzard thinks an infinitely returning card is a good idea, thanks again Blizzard XD
I actually had no idea what was happening the first time I saw a jade. Cos they don't show the mechanic on the card, cos that totally makes sense.
Thanks again Blizzard from me too
Q: Should we burninate [attack] and [damage]?

Oblivious SageFor consideration: The attack tag The damage tag Do we feel that these have value? Can someone be an expert in those areas? Note that there was a proposal to burninate [attack] about 4 years ago; the consensus seemed to be burn it, but it doesn't look like action was actually taken.

@Miniman yeah I puzzled at that myself
and I like, knew what the card did
but I still don't get why they decided not to include any kind of primer
Primer is a 2004 American independent science fiction drama film about the accidental discovery of time travel. The film was written, directed, produced, edited and scored by Shane Carruth, who also stars. Primer is of note for its extremely low budget, experimental plot structure, philosophical implications, and complex technical dialogue, which Carruth, a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and a former engineer, chose not to simplify for the sake of the audience. The film collected the Grand Jury Prize at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, before securing a limited release in the United...
@Typhon I'm here now.
@BESW but Blizzard didn't direct that
(Best explanation of Primer I've ever seen....)
2 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
@Miniman Thanks.
Primer, arguably, could have used a primer.
@BESW agreed
hey there @nitsua60, how're things going?
@Shalvenay Great! Learned today that 4yo is way too little for Space Mountain (dark, enclosed, loud, thrilling coaster) and Pirates of the Caribbean (dark, enclosed, loud, skeleton-themed flume), but given the chance to drop ten dollars of her own money on a Mickey stuffed animal (to be husband to her Minnie at home), she's in love with Disney.
We each have our own priorities.
@nitsua60 heheh. I'm scratching my head at how our local utility's water rules and local city codes want combination fire and domestic service mains to work
Also, woke up to literally the most touching thing ever: a note, in bad 6yo handwriting:
"Dear Daddy I hope you have a good life. I want you to always know that I love you know matter wHat and every 1 of your family members. I love you as I said."
@nitsua60 awww
@nitsua60 That's pretty beautiful, but it does strike some disturbing notes - if a 16-year-old had written something along those lines, I'd be keeping a very close eye on them.
@Miniman Could have been Dexter's last note to Lumen...?
I mean, I certainly would hope a 16 year old could write a slightly better letter to be sure
@nitsua60 I know that Dexter is a TV show named after its protagonist, and not much more.
@Miniman That's not an unreasonable amount to know.
@nitsua60 would he bother to write a letter even?
@trogdor No. (Demonstrably not.)
didn't think so XD
Alright--gonna hit the sack. DIsney ain't gonna crowd itself tomorrow, so I'll need my shut-eye =D
@nitsua60 Have fun! CYa!
Hi hi.
hey there @JuneShores, how're things going?
Going alright.
always a good thing to hear
I'm wondering if it would be productive to reply here, without knowing Tremulus terribly well but knowing the Apocalypse World paradigm like the back of my hand. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/99604/…
I assume Tremulus is an Apocolypse engine game?
and a "player facing move" is a normal thing in it?
the engine I mean
Yes and yes.
@JuneShores 2 points to consider - the first is that it's a question that's been around for a while without attracting any answers, not to mention had a bounty for 4 days, so the OP would probably appreciate any answer (not trying to imply yours would be bad, of course).
seems legit then
Finally, a question I could answer, but don't have the time right now...
From reading tremulus and its supplements I got the distinct impression that the author doesn't quite get AWE, and treats Defy Danger as a sort of implicit move.
Yeah. I'm finding it a strange read, myself.
For instance, in Frozen Wasteland supplement, there's this line: "Any character drinking liquor suffers a -1 Might for any rolls to resist the effects of the cold for a 24 hour period". But there's no mention of any move using Might to resist cold anywhere.
Which is why my interpretation is implicit Defy Danger
@Magician this seems to be a theme in some AW games
Yeah, there are a few that just completely miss some fundamental pieces of the system.
like, Monster of the week completely lacked any explanation as to how the overall AW engine worked
at least for the players to read anyway
Or, rather, the author probably thought that it's natural to just roll a stat check if rules don't cover it
BESW probably had some stuff he read that I couldn't see
Yes, but what I read wasn't much better. There were... holes.
Worlds in Peril is a mess on the "What do the players actually DO?" front.
As for the main question of shooting from a distance, I'd say that falls under "let the dice decide. Call for a roll+luck"
@BESW fair enough yeah
This is probably relephant to @Magician's most recent blog post.
My approach is to either take a minute to create a custom move or just reply with a GM move.
I'm kinda curious what a GM-move-only AWE hack would play like.
Diceless, purely narrative on the players' side.
@BESW why involve dice at all then?
There wouldn't be any dice.
The game system would consist of diceless GM moves triggered by player actions.
must have misunderstood you then
I thought maybe the GM was still rolling stuff
No, the GM never rolls dice in AWE.
That's what "player-facing" means.
(I've been moving toward player-facing dice in Fate, too.)
@BESW Except GM moves aren't triggered in AW. Well. An opportunity to make a move is triggered, but not specific moves.
Hence the hackery and being curious what it'd look like.
it seems almost mostly freeform
from the sound of it
Add it to the list of games to make :D
that list is too long already
Better get creating!
...and yes, Reason is an uber-stat in tremulus.
I mostly meant for @BESW specifically
for me there is only one specific game on the list
and all I have are some themes to an idea
at least as far as any game that would need to be built from the ground up anyway
Which is that?
the vampire clans one
based off of the Legacy of Kain during Soul Reaver
I know so little about that franchise.
there are some interesting ways vampires work, some interesting socialpolitical themes I can infer and take from, and a spirit world alongside the material plane that works in a way I find interesting
I should watch a Lets Play or something, since you've got at least two games you want to draw on it for.
@BESW I didn't play any of the ones where Raziel wasn't the main character or co-main character
@BESW well, it might not work to draw on for the Thief game
I don't know if that was maybe one of the things that hurt that attempt at a twosie
there are games in it where, gasp shock, Kain is actually like, the main character
It definitely was, but I think the problem was specifically that I was unfamiliar with your inspirations.
and while I watched stuff about that, I never played the games, and also they were set in different "times" of that setting which didn't interest me as much
@BESW fair enough as well
the idea that there is a time in which the only people left are literally vampires and the last remaining humans who are all vampire hunters (because they freaking have to be) is also something I might use
but one snag is "who are the PC's and what are they trying to accomplish?"
I like the idea that they are vampires, but beyond that I don't know anything about what they would be going for in the setting
I also don't know whether or not to include the whole Wraith thing
it has interest but I just don't know what it would mean in an rpg
basically any vampire that dies and whose spirit isn't attended to in a,.... particular way lets say, becomes a wraith over time
which means they feed on the living spirit of other things rather than blood, and can't live in the material plane, they get stuck in the spirit world
except if they manage to get back in their body, which basically makes them a combo platter vampire and wraith
(you have to kill a few of these in the game, hardest fights with non-bosses are wraith-vampires)
but part of what interests me is a sort of way of building a vampire
in that setting, ever clan of vampires shares the sunlight weakness, and the need to feed on blood, plus a couple of other things that all vampires can be killed by, but beyond that they are actually different in what weaknesses they have, and what extra things they can do because of what specific clan they are part of
so part of my idea is to possibly have the group create clans and decide what being part of that clan means for their vampire abilities, and maybe in their personal relation to other clans as well
but I have nothing but these mercurial ideas
I do like the idea of everyone at a table sitting down to decide what "being a vampire" means, and then after that deviating from it in multiple separate ways
I think that should be a thing rather than me just writing down a rule saying what the base template will be
maybe I will actually write something down today about that
need to start somewhere
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