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hey there @Hippalectryon
hey there @daze413
asdajghdfffa! Does anyone know why some whiteboard markers can be used on plastic and safely erased, but some can't? :(
[somewhere along the way] hey @doppelgreener
@Shalvenay ohai! :D whats up?
@daze413 what's the uh-oh
@daze413 how're things going?
and hey again @Papayaman1000
SE Chat User Conspiracy Theory: Shalvenay has a keybind for "hey there @"
@Papayaman1000 I use this battlemat, basically just whiteboard gridded with permanent marker, then wrapped in plastic so I can write all over it with whiteboard marker with impunity
I used to have this one brand of whiteboard (i think is equivalent to your dry erase markers?) markers, and it could be erased totally fine. But it ran out of ink and I had to buy another brand. That marker, could not be erased, and was like, whuuutt..
Now my battle mat has a permanent hastily drawn room on it
Well I would suggest Goo-Gone or turpentine but I don't know how well plastic films hold up to that stuff
even alcohol doesnt work :/
alcohol usually cleans off marker pretty well but also might stain/damage the plastic
@daze413 mechanical erase technique? remove plastic wrap and replace with fresh?
hey there @ShadowKras
but I used the same marker on glass and it erased fine
@daze413 glass is like the be-all, end-all of whiteboard surfaces, haha
@daze413 Wait. It might be the sort of waxy "marker"/chalk that people use on cafe signs and stuff
very easy to mistake for normal Expos and such
@Papayaman1000 do you mean the first marker, or the second one I bought?
I know I've had way too much trouble in the past with those
(your new stuff)
but those kinds of marker use a somewhat different kind of ink
neon colors are usually a good warning sign
and I'm not referring to encounter design or a nature documentary on that note
idk. The new stuff I bought was the most common brand here, the first one was another weird brand.
I dunno.
@Shalvenay I could. But it's not a permanent solution. :/
@daze413 Buy different markers?
@Papayaman1000 Yeah, I'll do just that. But I don't know what to look for so I can be sure it's not the same kind taht won't erase
It could also be you just left the marker on too long. Apparently WD-40 is good for that (and literally everything else -- it's like liquid duct tape, in a MacGyvering sense).
that's not possible, I just drew the room ~20 minutes before erasing it
alternative work around: make the room a recurring feature in all my games haha
"...and what is that sorta half-faded room?"
"The goblin is a sorcerer. It's an illusory, ethereal, magic-blocking room. Or something."
"OK, so you're in a tavern."
"can you draw the tavern, I like to get an image in my head"
*points at the half faded room
aaanyway, cant stick around for long
ttfn :D
"And then, the Infernal Archmage creates massive gouts of flame! They linger continuously, burning sweltering hot!"
"In what shape"
"That shape."
@daze413 later
I'd love to see the players start to build strategies around that room in particular to give them maximum combative edge against foes
You could scream "metagaming!", but then any and all small-unit tactics would be thrown under scrutiny
@SevenSidedDie, what was that guy wanting, a 6-book tome on this stuff?
@godskook language
Tonight's meal: Bacon and Sriracha pizza
What could possibly go wrong
@daze413 one trick that'll sometimes work is to take the same marker, scribble so as to completely cover the lingering image, then erase that.
@nitsua60 For ancient unerased marker? I believe he brought that up in relation to permanent marker.
(it does work though)
But daze's talking about ancient dry-erase not coming off, right?
and that's why the plastic is so important
no, the new brand of marker not dry-erasing off of plastic
40 mins ago, by daze413
I used to have this one brand of whiteboard (i think is equivalent to your dry erase markers?) markers, and it could be erased totally fine. But it ran out of ink and I had to buy another brand. That marker, could not be erased, and was like, whuuutt..
43 mins ago, by daze413
@Papayaman1000 I use this battlemat, basically just whiteboard gridded with permanent marker, then wrapped in plastic so I can write all over it with whiteboard marker with impunity
@godskook Context? (You're almost certainly responding to something I touched, but it may have been five or six things back in my recent history. ;)
@SevenSidedDie, the guy who wanted to know all the class/race combinations that were:

From both the DM and PC perspective.
oh jeebus
Q: What D&D 4e classes / races combinations are OP, UP, balanced, popular, and easy/good to use?

B. A. BederI have collected many D&D 4e books (PHB, PHB2, HoS, HotEC, FRPG, and MP) and was thinking about possible PC combinations, either for being a PC or a DM. Does anyone know which ones are over-powered, under-powered, balanced, popular, and easy/good to use, based on stats (HP, damage, healing surges...

The only thing that annoys me more than "read the book to me" is "read all the books to me." Oh, and when neighbors borrow my hse and don't coil it back up.
Like....assuming a reasonable 20 races and 20 classes, he's wanting 400 evaluations
Oh, hey, I got a silver badge
@godskook That's why I recommend 0e: it's O(n), not O(n^2) evaluations.
@godskook It feels like a classic XY problem. We're being asked something kinda random and vague with no obvious reason for asking, and buried some n layers deep is the real problem.
@Papayaman1000 I think that's because I just starred your "keybind" message =)
@godskook (O)riginal (e)dition. :)
@godskook original D&D.
@nitsua60 Yes it is
(Often “zero” (0) (e)dition.)
@Papayaman1000 Which I considered seriously mod-abusing and pinning, just so I could be sure shalvey'd see it =D
hey again @nitsua60
Ah, interesting.
I'm a 3.5-original player
@Shalvenay (see above)
And I've never left.
@nitsua60 He was in the room at the time
@nitsua60 I saw it :P
That also means you've never starred any of my other RPG General messages. If I was really petty I'd hold it against you
@godskook I started with 1e and went up through the editions until I fell off 4e, then explored older editions and metric truckloads of non-D&D RPGs. It's been a trip.
@SevenSidedDie 5e was less of a train wreck, btw
I've heard good things about 4e, under two assumptions: You wanted more rollplay than 3.5, and you didn't want to play D&D.
@godskook I've heard exactly one: "You want to play WoW but your internet is out and you have a life." Which is, of course, paradoxical.
@Papayaman1000 More to the point, it's more to my taste. :) (I have made my peace with what 4e was trying to do and respect how well it does it.)
@Papayaman1000 I'm a stingy starrer. (Ignores the starboard, only one message of which I haven't starred.)
(5e still has WotC-ism that I feel hold it back though.)
@nitsua60 I star anything I find amusing (to an incredible extent)/important
@SevenSidedDie For example?
@Papayaman1000 I think they missed on trying to simplify opportunity attack provoking. And they kept the concept of action economy while trying to prevent it from being an action economy, and there's a lot of friction points in the rules as a result. I am (possibly unfairly) comparing it to B/X D&D though, which has the most elegant combat/action system of any edition.
I'd try 5e, but at this point, I think that I can homebrew 3.5 into a better version of 5e then 5e. That might be arrogance talking, but I think one of the failings of the D&D 3.5/PF/4e/5e line that's easily fixed is the strict linearization of class growth, with regards to multiclassing and robust characters.
@SevenSidedDie Ah, ok. Glad to have your opinion.
Otoh, from all I've read, its better balanced than 3.5 for someone who wants to just pick-up a system and DM a game.
It's great for people who'd been on twenty-year hiatuses.
@godskook I like it because it's not so damn convoluted, but at the same time isn't insultingly oversimplified.
@Papayaman1000 I do like a lot of what 5e does, but I think it retains a lot of (to me) unnecessary complexity in places where I'd rather it didn't. The fundamental WotC-ism that I think underlies it all is their desire to have the rules be clear, yet Lego-like. I don't think that actually works for an RPG because there will always be corner cases. The clearest RPGs I've ever read don't try for building-block rules, but explain the rules and what they're for, so the group simply uses them as intended
@godskook Yeah, it's much better balanced that 3.5e. Still not perfectly balanced (far from it), but not as breakable.
@SevenSidedDie I think it rightly simplified in some areas, overshot in others (like Feats), and didn't even try in others still (where it would have been beyond welcome).
E6-variants do wonders for 3.5, from my experience. PCs can still access the archetypal concepts 3.5 always had, but all the broken (redacted) goes on the other side of a shiny line.
@Papayaman1000 I think it's definitely a matter of taste what those are, too. For me, there's a lot of complexity in it to support lots of character-customisation options. For my tastes, I prefer a D&D that leaves character-development to in-game events, while keeping the actual class progression starkly simple. (Again, comparing unfairly with B/X here!) But again, that's totally taste talking. :)
Basic D&D?
@SevenSidedDie I'm definitely with you on the character-progression front. The idea of "I'm going to get this character up to L15 and they'll still be a small-party adventurer" doesn't sit great with me.
@godskook Basic D&D + Expert D&D. Specifically, Moldvay's edition, rather than Mentzer's. :)
@SevenSidedDie, how did that keep character-development on in-game events?
A: What are the big differences between the D&D editions?

RS ConleyOD&D - The original game had only three classes (Cleric, Fighter, Magic User). Cleric spells up to 5th level, Magic user spells up to 6th level. Every attack except for certain monster abilities did 1d6 damage if it hit. There wasn't a lot of difference between characters in terms of combat capab...

(take a look when you've a moment)
@godskook @godskook see my "historical reflection" here
@godskook There's a stark lack of anything happening as you level up. Mostly a few more hit points, an extra +1 to hit (if you're lucky!), and for most classes that's it. Even spellcasters that get more spells per day don't get the spells — they have to go find them as treasure. As a result, a character becomes linearly more powerful from their class. To get more power, they have to go out and develop it entangled in the world, through status or treasure or wealth.
Followers, guilds, warbands, oh my!
Research new spells!
@nitsua60 Exactly.
Carve a city out of the wilderness!
Of course the degenerate form of that style of progression is playing “mother may I” with the DM, and that makes a lot of modern players leery of a game where their most significant power doesn't come directly from player-facing class abilities. But in terms of effect on the game system, it makes the game vastly simpler to play and run.
One thing I've always been looking for is a good spellcraft system. As in, create spells that can do everything plus be the kitchen sink. Anything.

I've yet to find a really good videogame or tabletop system that does that truly well.
@nitsua60, I've had similar experiences with introducing the idea of character-retirement. My longest-standing player atm is planning his 2nd character's retirement path as just a wealthy suburbanite.
Like...he's made EXPLICIT and WEALTHY plans for this.
@godskook cool =)
My very favorite thing is when players get in on the worldbuilding.
Whether it's "we're designing a guildhouse" or "can I make up the history of this kingdom?"
Well, he's also been around long enough to remember a bunch of movers&shakers of my plots that I've got hanging atm.
@Papayaman1000 yes, very much this -- spellcraft is hard but would be awesomely cool to see
@Shalvenay hence I'm working on my homebrew system
@nitsua60 yeah -- that's awesome to see although I haven't really gotten to explore it that much myself
@Papayaman1000 I feel like @BESW often talks about DFRPG being decent with this.
He gamed with the Psion ex-PC the PCs are supposed to track down. He gamed with the Paladin-turned-god who wants them to kill a particular Necromancer. His ex-PC risked life and limb to protect a white dragon that's now a Pearl Dragon and in close with the Gold Dragon who's running a major nation-federation
Alright, Saul calls. Night, all.
@nitsua60 Of course Dresden Files covers spellcraft
@nitsua60 Night.
@Papayaman1000 In my experience a good craftable magic system is either complex and hard to design, or is simple and just “say what it does, and work with the GM out of game to figure out the numbers”.
@Papayaman1000 There are a couple good (in-depth) articles online about how DFRPG spellcrafting works, if you're interested?
@SevenSidedDie I've been working with something akin to this card game, wth things covered in simple categories and basically just pick-and-choose from a spreadsheet for the basic bits and beef it up however you please
@SevenSidedDie I'm familiar with DFRPG
@Papayaman1000 Oh, okay! … But have you read Rick Neal's amazing articles about it? :D
@Papayaman1000, @SevenSidedDie, have you guys seen this? If not, I could still use some brainstorm-power if you got some to spare:

Don't need to post it there if you prefer to post here instead.
@godskook Ooh, interesting. And now I can stalk you on Reddit, too!
@godskook Actually just killing time before serving dinner (…and I'm bad a pre-planned quest ideas…)
I actually think DFRPG's a bit too fiddly with its spellcrafting; it works, but the mechanics are so picky that it kinda takes the "spontaneous" out of spontaneous spellcrafting at the table level.
@SevenSidedDie I just did, hehe. Frozen cheese pizza with a handful of bacon bits and a blast of hot sauce. Wonderful.
Dresden Files Accelerated seems to be a bit better at it, and there are other games...
@Papayaman1000 Mmm, that sounds surprisingly tasty.
@SevenSidedDie Until I mention the hot sauce was Sriracha, for most people. For whatever reason.
@BESW this is more or less how I found it as well
@Papayaman1000 I wonder why it gets a negative reaction? (Sriracha is one of the the best ketchups.)
@SevenSidedDie (My god, yes.) I think it's the aftertaste?
I am lukewarm on Sriracha personally
@Papayaman1000 Too garlic I guess? I was practically raised on Thai food and Rooster Sauce, so that would be a feature rather than a drawback.
I don't hate it but I don't like it thaaat much
For the record I drink the stuff so if you're looking for an unbiased opinion I am not the person to ask
ok that is disgusting to me XD
1 hour later…
I finished Nil's story (though I did miss one of the meetings)
sometimes keeping frequent contact with the internet annoys me.
because you just don't want to see some people that often.
or some message that often.
Are psychiatrists and physicians are so morbid that they like to diagnose people with any unusual symtoms or thoughts?
I think that has a lot more to do with individual tendencies than profession
I sometimes hate those who like to arbitrarily diagnose others with any unusual thoughts or negative moods as some kinds of mental illnesses.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +2 more: guidemesupplements.com/enduro-force/ by rondt jon on rpg.SE
1 hour later…
Beware! I have seen someone propose an edit to an answer - the edit amounted to small things like changing smart quotes into straight quotes, but it had a "call 800-1-234-567" spam in the "edit reason" field.
@CaptainBohemian This seems a strange thing to bring up out of thin air... is everything alright?
4 hours later…
hey there @Papayaman1000
hey as well @Anaphory
Good evening!
how're things going?
oh dear god
I just found out about FATAL
I feel like I can never remove that experience
1 hour later…
I just have no frustration tolerance, otherwise Undertale is quite nice.
But now that I've nearly finished it once, I'd pe curious to see some other endings, but I think that will be on youtube or something, because I don't have the will to play it again and again.
It's worth it just to find the easter eggs hidden around every corner
@Papayaman1000 that game is about as bad as it gets, yeah
@doppelgreener dear god why
RPG Wiki has a list of Worst RPGs Ever and they all thoroughly earn their presence on that list
@doppelgreener I'm not sure I want to...
one of them is called deadearth, and it's a game where any character you generate is very likely to not even survive character generation
if they do, they are probably doomed to die within a week of in-game time, if not hours or minutes
and so you generate three characters and pick the most viable
what if all of them are dead and/or crippled and/or doomed to die? good question, don't know.
@doppelgreener This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if re-rolls aren't handled efficiently (or otherwise made easier/less frequent), it'll get monotonous fast.
Jul 6 '14 at 6:38, by lisardggY
No game does "sudden, meaningless death" better than deadEarth. Usually even before gaming starts.
Jul 6 '14 at 6:39, by lisardggY
No, I do not recommend deadEarth. I do recommend reading the review and laughing hysterically.
For examples of games that do it right, see Paranoia and all the cosmic horror RPGs.
@Papayaman1000 did i mention that character creation involves something like 650 dice rolls
@doppelgreener wait like legitimately, literally 650 or so dice rolls
oh jeebus save me
and involves rolling against something like one hundred skills, and then rolling radiation-generated mutations which will modify those dice rolls wholly -- and one of them makes you reroll all of them again.
this is a good question
BESW started a deadearth chargen room for funsies. (he skips the 600 skill rolls.)
in deadEarth: The Chargenning, Dec 22 '14 at 14:17, by BESW
I find something illogically cathartic and relaxing in making deadEarth PCs. It should be infuriating, enraging, and frustrating, but instead it's some sort of zen exercise in deliberate futility. Like sweeping a dirt path, or drawing water with a sieve.
"We eat lightning and piss napalm. None of that is a figure of speech."
It might be bearable if someone made a tool to create characters
but something tells me the guy never bothered and it'd be WAY too complicated
rolling up the characters is pretty fun though in the way besw describes
as long as you skip the skill rolls, and just do the basic physical attributes and then radmans
Document the guy made to make things just a slight bit less monotonous:
deadEarth Unauthorized – Book 1 – Radiation Manipulation Tables – rebuilds the radiation manipulation tables so characters won’t explode during chargen
so characters won’t explode during chargen
one of the radmans is that your character's head explodes
and it does an enormous amount of damage to you
wait really
the fun thing is this though:
Ok, that makes it irrefutably intentional that like 15 chars are gonna die in chargen before you get anywhere
the radman says your head explodes and then you roll for damage. the head explosion doesn't kill you, the damage does -- presumably. what happens if you survive the damage, with an exploded head? don't know, good question.
Now, reroll all kills related to sensory organs. Or being the proud owner of a brain.
@Papayaman1000 an awful lot of characters actually just wind up crippled or comatose or etc, and basically unplayable rather than outright dead
@doppelgreener Why does it even bother
i am not sure why they felt that was a good idea, but they did it
"This is the story of a man who has not yet found a better way to spend his time."
-- The Gurren Lagann narrator, upon learning of deadEarth 2e
that works for me
hey there @daze413
Excerpt from an old FATAL review: "judging from the FATAL theme song, which sounds like the Cookie Monster chasing a drum kit being pushed down a flight of stairs..."
@Shalvenay hey there! 02:41 and still in the office :p
That's an exceptionally old article, yet it still has a TVTropes link. Huh.
Oh, wait. It was written in 2009. My bad.
@Papayaman1000 I might go out and try to find some, but I'm much more likely to look them up on the wiki first, because I like exploring, not completing things.
@Anaphory Some of them, you're very unlikely to see unless you have a bit of an obsession with the game (hello). Some are simply done by performing a rather uncommon (but not exactly bizarre) action in a certain room, like calling a character. Others are things that are more or less completely visible, just that most people skip over because they'd prefer to just get to the end. I won't say too much, though, because even if you finished the game once, there are still loads of spoilers.
hey there @WrongOnTheInternet
what's up?
I think I'm liking the Jeff Rient's threefold model more and more as time goes on
@WrongOnTheInternet oh?
Yeah. He claims every rpg worth playing falls into the three categories of "Retro - Stupid - Pretentious".
so, what's his basis for that categorization?
It's with great shame I realize my published module only falls in the Retro - Pretentious area, and the Stupid needs to be added in interpretation.
oh, hey, cops
Like, it never says "Here's the place where the party paladin has a fist fight with his clone"
well this is awkward
@Papayaman1000 what is?
@Shalvenay My SO, our son, and I are all staying at my sister's for a bit over the summer, and now cops are here. It seems her latest boyfriend is being kicked out. Rather forcefully.
@Shalvenay Cops, I guess.
@Papayaman1000 oh. yeah, that is awkward that things got to that point.
@Shalvenay less that (it's disappointingly regular with her... but that's none of my business), more that my family is all here while it happens
It's not like we really care... but that might be the most awkward bit.
I mean I went downstairs to get some toaster waffles out of the freezer and hey, like 5 of Twinsburg's finest are in the den
@Papayaman1000 as long as the dispatcher sent professionals instead of oinkers, all's well that ends well, right?
oh, and btw -- I have a question regarding our dungeon run from earlier btw
hey there @Anaphory
@Shalvenay yeah, they do have a good deal of professional courtesy. Unlike Cleveland, where they all think they're hot stuff, waiting for the murder case that'll make them huge while meanwhile using it as an excuse to walk away from domestic violence and people with heroin needles literally stuck in their arms at the door
@Shalvenay oh sure
what did Lath think when his bat saw the letter "B" on the sign at the first platform the party scouted?
@Shalvenay Deja vu.
like "oh hey, I defaced one of those on the door in"
@Papayaman1000 i.e. that that was an exit from the dungeon as a whole?
@Shalvenay No. Just "wow this guy must be pretentious".
Lathaeril is a very eccentric old elf.
That's also more-or-less why he defaced the first one to look like an overly-fancy L. For Lathaeril.
I like playing a character that has a sense of humor, without being useless/disgusting/inclined towards the "everything that moves" school of Bards.
hey there @eimyr
hey there @eimyr, how're things going?
not bad not bad
OK here
I'm here to leave a real life test of a Wonder Woman scene.
@eimyr I've seen that a couple times. But serious props for trying it.
see the previous link
well, it's not me trying
I don't have a sword... and my GF's dresses wouldn't fit me
yeah, but to the OP
how are you doing?
I'm OK here.
Adventure Design Maxim: You can't go wrong with using a cliche from a Saturday Morning Cartoon.
@WrongOnTheInternet Is this ever true. Absolutely.
yeah, I believe it or not am at a loss for campaign starters at the moment
"So you all gather in a tavern..."
"Ugh, so cliche."
"...and a daemon is blasted through the wall, knocking over tables and patrons in its wake. A paladin walks through the new entrance, glowing a blinding white with death in his eyes."
:P harhar
no, I mean more like themes and arcs
@Shalvenay What, and neglect working with The Brimwatch, a group of demon-slaying paladins who ultimately turn out to be less pure than everyone thinks?
@Shalvenay Have you seen the Big List of Plots?
@SevenSidedDie SHOW ME NOW.
@SevenSidedDie :P no.
that is glorious
@Papayaman1000 -- come to think of it -- there's something I want to go over with you if now's a good time
@Shalvenay yeah sure
I mean, all I'm doing is toasting waffles and watching cops escort former potential brother-in-laws
first thing is -- part of the problem I'm having with the whole "argument of law" thing is people keep wanting to boil it down into Persuade-type rolls, but the way I see it, a legal argument not only needs to be written persuasively, it needs to be founded in good authority (facts and applicable law)
and that element of being founded in good authority seems to be...not under the umbrella a Persuade-type skill would cover for me
@Shalvenay Yep. But why factor INT and WIS into a good leader when misplaced CHA works out just fine on its own in real life?
@Shalvenay Yeah. A good leader needs more than just golden tones and a "pretty" orange face.
@Papayaman1000 hahahaha, so true.
but, that's neither here nor there.
ugh, and I think I lost my other train of thought :/
@Shalvenay sorry :(
well...what would make cultist-type figures not acceptable targets in a campaign, in a "player walks away from the table" sort of way?
@Shalvenay hmm. Ah... uh. I mean, if they're very in to the occult (not quite Wiccan, but has a thing for tarot cards and shadowy robes), I could foresee them getting offended. But rarely would they get angry about it, especially since if they would, you'd probably pick that vibe up before they even got to the table.
@Papayaman1000 yeah, believe it or slurp it, I have a Wiccan type floating around my extended family IIRC, although I think that the cultist tropes if you will could be adjusted to work around that sort of thing
@Shalvenay Hey, cool. I'm familiar with a couple myself. But yeah, unless you can already tell it would bother someone, cultists should be a plenty acceptable target. Though, if you model it on a mainstream religion, then a particularly (over)zealous practitioner would likely get pretty angry.
Hence, the 90s Satanic Scare.
@Papayaman1000 yeah -- my concern with cultists is closer to what you're talking about with the Satanic Scare sort of thing, but I suspect that that's not a big deal among established players anyway
@Shalvenay I remember my son had mentioned in Science a while ago that we, as a family, liked tabletop RPGs. His teacher sorta offhandedly mentioned it was "crazy occult". Neither of us are sure whether or not she was joking. It's the only whiff of it I've gotten, really.
Like seriously, after the early 2000s, it's like the world at large sorta got a grip on itself and realized how stupid it all sounded. Except for 4th grade science teachers, I guess.
@Papayaman1000 yeah -- I wonder if a hardSF TTRPG setting/system would be a good antidote for that sort of thing (say Traveller)
@Shalvenay I dunno. I think that if someone knows enough about RPGs to realize there's more than just D&D (or hell, more than just one version of D&D), they're generally not that ignorant.
@Papayaman1000 yeah, I mean as something to bring up to someone who has shades of that attitude
@Shalvenay I've tried. WIth the very same teacher. She dismissed it.
@Papayaman1000 o.o as in a generic "D&D is not the only thing out there" or something like inviting her to a Traveller shortform game?
"But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about Dungeons and Dragons or whatever."
"But you've also just said you were talking about roleplaying games."
As in, there is no disconnect whatsoever between tabletop rpgs as a genre and D&D specifically, in tiny scraps of "satan game".
We... had some problems with that teacher.
@Papayaman1000 I wonder how much of that is regional. Like... I would think the "D&D is Satan" thing would be less common in some places than others
yeah. it sounds like that teacher was more problematic than just her attitude towards TTRPGs
@doppelgreener nice.
@WrongOnTheInternet I know that I've heard of really obscure/far-off European countries and such that are really against D&D still. But I think it's mostly an issue with overwhelmingly majority Catholic countries.
@Papayaman1000 Like, I'd think the south would have a higher concentration of "D&D is satan" than say, the west.
@doppelgreener Pffft...
@WrongOnTheInternet I live in the Midwest. Yes, the town is pretty Catholic. No, it's not quite Bible Belt.
But I dunno. It's certainly a possibility and wouldn't terribly surprise me.
@Papayaman1000 Midwest, I think is a different area than the West (New Mexico onwards)
@WrongOnTheInternet I live in Ohio. The very northeastern tip of it. So yeah, pretty different than SoCal and Vegas and stuff.
@Papayaman1000 Yeah. Ohio is weird, though, since it seems to be like a microcosm of the US as a whole.
With all the regional climates, to boot!

Seriously, we have four seasons in a day. It was 50 out at 11. Now it's 90 out.
But yeah, I never noticed that.
@Papayaman1000 Yeah, Ohio has the town that always votes for whoever ends up being president.
I mean, up here in the Northeast near Cleveland, it's sorta the classic Yankee attitude. Near Columbus in the center, there's a lot of cultural diversity, and once you hit Appalachia in the southeast it's mostly Bluegrass music and corn. Ohio: Round on both ends and high in the middle.
And I live in this one really weird pocket where nobody likes people and even less like being separated from their compound bows.
Not even gun nuts. Just archery.
@Papayaman1000 Ohio is probably weirder than even Colorado in being an intersection.
@WrongOnTheInternet I wouldn't know. 32 years and I've never been west of the state line.
Well, except for that one trip to Japan. That was fun.
@Papayaman1000 Huh. It's pretty surprising how different states look, when you go through them.
@WrongOnTheInternet It's more of a gradient. City > OHGAWDMOUNTAINS > flat > OHGAWDMOUNTAINS > city.
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