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@nitsua60 I'm glad to be entertaining.
I just hope that eventually, if I ever get anything out of my players' shenanigans, it'll be a 1d4chan-worthy piece, like Old Man Henderson.
(Please send me any good P&P stories that you ever stumble across)
@Papayaman1000 Personally, I hope a story like that never comes out of any game I'm a participant in.
@Miniman Every single session for me is riiiiight on the brink of that. Primarily because I GM for three kind PSYCHOPATHS.
I just Google'd "lolfigsl" and the first result is from this room, from February. Ohhh boy.
What is this mysterious, maddening chant?
It seems to have started with someone shouting it at BESW sometime last November? I must do more research into this.
It also seems to be a nitsua thing.
Aug 7 '16 at 20:59, by nitsua60
@SevenSidedDie like "lol forrealz, I'm getting strange looks"?
(The original.)
Ahhh, okay.
I was starting to wonder if it was something along the lines of RTFM, and that's why nobody brought it up.
Anyways, been working on how to translate Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf into 5e.
Scripted encounters are pretty problematic in a game where a d20 resolves most interactions.
@Papayaman1000 lolfigsl =)
the sound when chat-search knows more than Google search =)
Quick, someone add it to urban dictionary!
[After a big fight]
"You're walking in the woods.
There's no-one around and your Cleric's dead.
[Hidden roll] Out of the corner of your eye you spot him
(Stalker Druid)
He's following you
About 6 tiles back
He Wild Shapes on all fours
And breaks into a sprint
He's gaining on you
(Stalker Druid)
Oh, and, done.
With the UD bit.
Continuing the Actual Cannibal Stalker Druid bit now.
"You're looking for your horse but you're all turned around
He's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on his face.
By the Gods, there's blood everywhere!"
(Stalker Druid)
Running for your life!
(From Stalker Druid)
He's brandishing your knife!
(The Stalker Druid)
Lurking in the shadows
Magical Extraordinaire Stalker Druid
Talking with the woods
(Stalker Druid)
Killing for sport
(Stalker Druid)
Eating all the bodies
Actual Cannibal Stalker Druid
"Now it's dark and you seem to have lost him
But you're hopelessly lost yourself
Stranded with a Dire Wolf
You creep silently through the underbrush -- Aha!
In the distance, a small cottage with the candles lit -- Hope!
You move stealthily toward it,
But your legs, they're caught in a snare trap!"
@Papayaman1000 lol
Gnawing off your legs,
(Quiet, quiet.)
Limping towards the cottage
(Quiet, quiet.)
Now you're on the doorstep
Sitting inside, Stalker Druid!
Sharpening his claws
(Stalker Druid)
But he doesn't hear you enter
(Stalker Druid)
You're sneaking up behind him.
Strangling Wild Formed Stalker Druid
Fighting for your life
With Stalker Druid!
Wrestling your knife
From Stalker Druid!
Stab it in his kidney --
Safe at last from Stalker Druid.
@Papayaman1000 wow yeah, this is the first time I got myself (and other people of course as well) as the first result in a google
"You limp into the dark woods,
blood oozing from your stump legs.
But you have won.
You have beaten the Stalker Druid."
stalker druid surprise
There's a sword to your neck,
and death in his eyes
But you took feats for grapple
(SD uses a sword?)
Bodyslam Elf-again Stalker Druid!
@Papayaman1000 (you can do it)
I have listened to that song too many times XD
Legendary fight
With Stalker Druid
Normal Tuesday Night
For Stalker Druid
You try to loose a shot
At Stalker Druid
But blood is draining fast from your stump legs
He's dodging every bolt, he sprints off to the left
You quick-cast a firebolt, and catch him in the head
You're burning up his head now
You have just BURNINATED Stalker Druid!
"The ash blows in the wind, now lifeless
The party falls to their knees to take a long rest
You're finally safe
Holy nine hells, that was exhausting.
why did you decide to do that?
Because they also loop the song endlessly and would appreciate the reference
I hereby decree that all further uses of lolfigsl be linked to here or here.
Preferably the lattermost.
yeah the first one isn't very enlightening
Oh, and, for the curious and confused, that massive epic was an adaptation of this.
besides which, Urban Dictionary is fun, but it has some weird stuff on it and is not always incredibly accurate anyway
@trogdor Eventually one of the submissions will be whitelisted.
THIS WEEK ON PARTY OF ONE, it's a fantasy whodunnit using @EvilHatOfficial's FATE Accelerated Edition! https://soundcloud.com/partyofonepodcast/80-fate-accelerated-edition-with-jp-thiesing
@BESW Thanks for reminding me to spend another hour or three on that.
@nitsua60 this sound ok?: "So I'm a wizard that's designing a dungeon; I have perfect knowledge of what any 6th-level PC can and cannot do. Assuming I made a door that can only be opened from the inside, how should I design the door to prevent entry by any magical means?"
sorry for the multiple ping-edits :p
With ethereal things
@daze413 why couch it that way? Why not just "I'm a designer working on a dungeon and want to gate out PCs under level 7. What can keep them out, but allow them in (by their own means) afterward?"
cc: @WrongOnTheInternet
Have a massive Sphere of Annihilation that only exists on the Material Plane.
Aaaaaaand dead.
Build a massive mouth around it, too, labelled "FREE CANDY FOR ALL WHO ARE NOT ETHEREAL", just in case they don't get the hint at first
They'll probably chuck the Dwarf at it before they do anything else
And link to Angry's gating article.
@nitsua60 because it may involve all means like putting it in another plane, submerging it underwater, put a CR20 guardian that doesn't offer a clever puzzle to let through
@daze413 I'm not sure I follow you...?
@nitsua60 by asking "what can keep them out" I think it becomes too broad, as any of the above means can keep them out
@daze413 So you're thinking to constrain/scope it by limiting to things a pc-like in-universe wizard might be able to accomplish?
@nitsua60 I think he's thinking to constrain it by limiting it to "how do I make this door/gate/portal secure from everything 6th-level PCs can do?"
@nitsua60 Honestly, I'm having a hard time formulating the question. :/ it's not even about the power limit of the designer, but how to keep nosy magical people out, in general (like for a vault or something). Bonus points if the answerer can identify at which levels it can be cracked open.
@nitsua60 Ignoring the Disneyfication of the mythology... Moana has absolutely beautiful animation/artwork
@daze413 The way you're writing it it sounds like a just-for-funsies question.
hey there @daze413 @Papayaman1000 @NautArch -- I take it you folks aren't going to be available tonight? or will you be around after all?
I was thinking about adventure/dungeon design: I'm the writer, and I want to create an area that the PCs can know about but not access until X, and have them realize that they can access it then and only then. I want it dangling out there in front of them....
@nitsua60 it's fun but it doesn't mean it won't come up. I'd love to show the players my notes that I really didn't decide on-the-fly that the vault was sealed air-tight and that there was a sheet of lead in the walls
@Shalvenay I'd the rest of the crew is in, I've got about 1 hour to play
@daze413 Well, whatever would be useful for you, go ahead and pose it. Just means I'll have to think up my own =)
@NautArch similar. :) cc:@Shalvenay
@Miniman when you get a moment to mull it over: do you want to try hosting a Stranger Things watch+chat event?
I enjoy seeing usernames like "2 COOL 4 U" and "I M DA BESTEST" asking questions about games. They always seem to undermine the confidence they're trying to exude.
(Or @KRyan ?) (In re: two messages up.)
@Ben I enjoyed learning (a moment ago) that there's a user somewhere on the network with the u/n "bobe kryant". Does Kobe think that's going to keep his cool NBA friends from learning that he's a jQuery gold badger!?
@nitsua60 Tbh, the timezone thing (plus some RL stuff that limits my free time) means I'm probably not going to be participating in any chat events.
@nitsua60 kryant... kryant... kryan... KRyan... KRyan is Kobe
@daze413 hrm, I guess no @Papayaman1000.
@daze413 ...Half Life 3 confirmed :P
@NautArch he was here a while ago
@Adeptus wait, wut?
@Miniman I shouldn't think timzones should be a problem. Just schedule when's good in your life, and perhaps people come? (OTOH, if RL means not hosting, that's totally understandable.)
@Adeptus I apparently don't know my memes
I've taken to call BBEG's BBEPets NBA star names. Once had an Giant Alligator named Kobe, and a Shambling Mound named Timmy
Anyone played Horizon Zero Dawn?
nope, I have only watched a lot of it
despite the cool robots to fight, I think I would have gotten seriously bored of it relatively quickly
@NautArch MYAAH
did i miss it
@Papayaman1000 well, if @NautArch and @daze413 have a bit of time -- we can have the next boat show up
Man, I hate it when less than 1/2 hr of bad timing mucks up everyone's plans.
@trogdor I've been playing it for only about 6 hours so far, but I think there's a lot in it. There's collectibles, upgrades, mini-quests and dungeons, and the combat is so diverse. It's not just another "Open world RPG"
if not -- I suppose we'll see what the weekend brings :)
@Ben I agree with you to an extent
@trogdor Like sure, there are only so many times you can do the same thing again before it gets boring
but I think the major problem is that it still has many tired open world game elements in it that I quickly burned out on
Heya all. Anyone got a favorite D&D youtube channel? I've heard one or two mentioned at the table I play at but don't remember their names
and I used to love gathering herbs, not so much anymore I think
@Ben I do like the sheer number of different robot animals to fight
But I'm slow with these kinds of developments. I get captured by everything new, and after another hour of exploring I realise I was actually meant to be doing something else
@Ryan A friend of mine loves Critical Role, but I've never watched any D&D on youtube.
but there is also the problem that some of them are more annoying than difficult, and fighting the same ones too many times would start to become a grind
@trogdor One of the big parts of it too is that there are literally two worlds in the one game. The Overworld, and the Ruins/Crucibles. Two completely separate environments
@Ben I saw those yeah
they are neat for sure
@trogdor Yes. I've run into this issue once or twice. F***ing Sawtooths haha. I had to kill the same one 3 times cos it kept respawning haha. But after a while, you level up, get new gear, new equipment, and it does mix it up.
Until you get to the point when you are max level and then yeah.
but even those like,... the layout might be different, but the colors and the design on all of them are real similar
@trogdor Yeah
@Ben have you had to fight birds yet? because boy do those look like the worst #@$%@$##@$#ing thing
@trogdor Not yet. I fought a chicken thing though. That was a pain in the ass
@Miniman thanks think that was the one they mentioned. And seems I watched one (the one with Vin Diesel). Going to watch a few, want to improve my roleplaying aspect
@Ben nope, these fly, though the chicken thing is also horrible
the fact that they fly is really the thing that would have annoyed me if I had to actually fight them myself
@trogdor Yeah I haven't encountered them yet. Only seen them in the menu.
and from what I have seen, once you run into them for the first time they are freaking everywhere
@trogdor A lot of the prep you do is land based too. So unles you can lure it down to somewhere low enough, it's just a duck hunt
they will not go near the ground except to swipe at you
@trogdor Congrats. You Unlocked: Bird Plague
I don't want to spoil too much about how they work
Thanks haha. I'm not too worried about spoilers, but this one I'm really excited about. Even just learning about how to fight the new robots is fun (even though it's as easy as Scan > Aim > Win)
I hope they don't end up just making you real mad
I did one bandit quest though, and I came across Nil. I like him
he is a strange man to be sure
I immediately thought about how I could make him into a D&D character
Does this comment come across too brusque? If so, any suggestions for re-wording?
I thought actually a fighter would be a good base class, then focus on archery and survival skills
@nitsua60 Seems ok
@Ben has he gone into any depth about his,... philosophy?
@Ben Thanks. I'm working on exams, which gets me punchy, and I'd hate to take it out on strangers. (Why, when I've got so many students I can take it out on?)
@nitsua60 Yeeeesssss...feel the hate flow through you...
@nitsua60 destroy the students, and remake their puny minds stronger still!
@trogdor Not as yet. Only had the first discussion with him so far
@Ben mk
(just 'cause)
@Ben *raise hand
just know he has some things to say that shed some light on who he is and why he does the things
I obviouisly don't know enough about him to make a fair judgement on his character, but I do like his... personality. Calm, cool, collected. Doesn't really let anything phase him too much.
@daze413 Yes, you there, with the glasses
@trogdor Oh definitely. He was way too aloof to not have something going on
@Ben How did... Wait, I'm catching up on the H0D chat
@Ben I do like those traits in characters on occasion
@daze413 6 hrs in, played enough to know what's in the game, haven't played enough to know about the game
@Ryan The Stream of Annihilation (stickied and starred by doppelgreener) offers a lot of good streamers you can check out. I've listened to Critical Role, Acquisitions Inc, Waffle Crew myself, and they have their pros and cons. If you really wanna improve your roleplay, just actually play :) Nothing beats actually playing
@daze413 ooh thanks Ill check them all out.
@daze413 yeah, it's why I pursue short-form games as heavily as I do
@Ben The side quests seemed kinda lacking in intensity and weight. The really good ones are the hunters lodge quests, and thats it :p Hunter's challenges are also really fun. I wish they made more of those
@daze413 btw, with the visuals they're providing, is there any question as to what'll be featured in the fall's storyline?
@daze413 I've been doing nothing but side-quests so far haha. I think I've completed 2 main missions after the proving
I've been mainly just doing exploring
@nitsua60 what what? Is this about the SoA?
Coz I've taken a step back from learning the news and everything after learning the dates were during my wifi-less vacation
@daze413 yeah. It's been mentioned that they'll be discussing and dropping hints about the fall's new hardcover adventure.
I'm also a little bit silly and like to watch speedruns of games I enjoy.
So, naturally... am currently watching H0D Any%
On mute
@Ben I'm almost done with the game (about 5 or so skills to max level), and I still love killing watchers and making sawtooths hunt striders haha
@daze413 I hate watchers so much... But the feel when you get the one-shot... mmh
@Ben I've been dealing with them in more creative ways. Throw a rock > wait for all of them to freak out and gather near the rock > lob a grenade :D
@daze413 Haaahaaa yes.
I need to do that for my "Tutorial missons"
@nitsua60 I've been wondering about that too.
I need to kill 3 robots with one firebomb
@Ben oh, I never did those things. I just wing it and only do them when I don't understand why the tripcaster doesnt damage that first sawtooth haha
@Miniman You may be interested: I've got my next batch of playtest-feedback due end of next week.
I'm a completionist. I used to be on Xbox, and so I'd go achievement hunting a lot, and it would kind of ruin the game for me. But with PS Trophies, I really could care less... it lets me play the game. I love it
@nitsua60 you kids and your fancy closed beta playtesting...
@nitsua60 I'm very interested, but it's not like you can tell me what it's about anyway, right? Although I note with interest that, to your knowledge, it's not necessarily the same thing as Stream of Annihilation.
@Ben Hm. I didn't know there was a difference. Go for the blazing suns in all the hunting challenges, some of them are pretty lame but the really good ones make up for the lame ones :D
@Miniman I'm positive it's not. I believe it's for a 2018 release.
@nitsua60 I know I've asked you this before, but I can't remember the answer - is there anything you've beta-ed that has been subsequently released?
@daze413 I've only done one so far, and did manage to clear it (all 3 blazing suns), and it kinda forced me to rethink the strategies I was using.
They've been impressive about being 18-12 mo. ahead on playtesting things coming out.
@Miniman I think the answer is that I'm not supposed to say?
@Ben Yeah, the Nora hunting grounds were one of the lame ones. I mean, nothing against smart play and being aware of the environment, but it's not like you can setup your own log traps, and their simply too short ranged to be of any real use :p
It's weird, though, because I've seen bits and pieces also end up hitting UA.
@nitsua60 Fair enough - I figured once it's been released it doesn't matter, but I can see how they'd want to keep it all under wraps.
@daze413 Also, xbox achievements are more addictive - they have the "sight and sound" addictive qualities. Whereas Trophies are way smoother. More of a notification that "you did something, well done"
@Miniman I assume it's to keep a lid on "grr... I told them this part wouldn't work, but they didn't change it!"
@nitsua60 But does that mean we might see your real name as playtesters in a module?
@daze413 Wait...do the books give playtest credits?
@daze413 To be fair though, the game scales up as you play it. You start out small, boring, and work your way up
@Miniman Yeah, says right here: "Playtesters: Robert Alaniz, Jay Anderson..." and many more...
@daze413 You... might? I'll say I just flipped open some hardcovers and saw playtest thanks listed which didn't include people I happen to know did playtest those materials.
For example, I heard the phrase "Override the Sawtooth"
@nitsua60 Ah, well, that makes sense. The list seemed too small
Yet I hadn't actually completed anything in the game to let me do so yet. Until last night
@Ben Ah, so very soon you will rush all the chambers to be able to override everything
@daze413 It may be that there are multiple rounds/layers? Those are the "real" testers?
My personal favorite is the Thunderbird :D They have immense aggro range and will just kill everything
@daze413 That's the plan. But like I said, I get distracted. More often than not I see the distance I need to travel to get to an objective, and think "Nah... What's closer" then get distracted
@nitsua60 In-house, possibly.
@Miniman They must be bugging the M:tG staff a lot... there's significantly more names there than work on D&D!
@Ben I can't count how many times that's happened haha "OK, I should just follow this path to cauldron theta and then I can- hey look, a stalker site!"
Yup... except I'm currently at the stage where the reaction is more like "Oh... what's this new thing..? OH! BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA!" [Respawn] "ok... you're asking for it now..." [2 hrs later] "Finally! Ok...What was I doing?"
I'm also quickly learning not to hoard things. I have 3 stacks of ridgewood that I cannot get rid of, except for crafting.
It turns out that Lasers and Feelings is a silly, silly game (at least, if played with the right people)
Speedrunners are so twitchy. When they have to wait for 30 seconds for the NPC to catch up, they're just jumping on things
@Ben Gotta keep that APM up.
@Miniman the sad thing is the ones that are tool assisted and still dance while waiting that 30 seconds.
Night, all!
@JoelHarmon I second this,
@trogdor I DM'd my first game of it recently
we had a game where my character ended up causing a huge zombie disaster and fleeing from his own people in a ship he ripped in half
I had origionally intended him to just be like, mildly silly but competent
but the rest of the group steered it in an entirely more dramatic direction XD
@trogdor Rule #1 of zombie hordes: What's worse than a horde of zombies? A flaming horde of zombies.
@Ben the good news is, if you can get away there will likely be fewer zombies later
@trogdor We went from "Darcy is in the only medical pod" to "space priates" to "well, there were other medical pods, but they got converted into space stills". They then traded the pirates hooch for information, then blew everyone up.
My DH games always went like that. "What does this button do?"
"You just disabled the warp shield and now your ship has been flooded with demons"
I actually do cherish the fact that my group often steers things in directions I wouldn't normally think to go
Or "Ok... just need to reconnect the power to the outlet socket and..."
[Power cuts out] "Congratulations. You are now floating in the vacuum of space."
it is hard for me to put my foot down on some things though
@trogdor I actually liked the book World War Z, in part for its description of certain weapons as used against zombies. The best way to kill them was a head shot. Any kind of explosive might leave behind an immobile and hidden, but still dangerous, zombie. The upright ones were much easier to deal with.
@JoelHarmon This is a very important thing to remember
@Ben DO NOT! under any circumstances get rid of those. I once made that mistake and ran out of ridgewood while fighting 2 behemoths
@JoelHarmon I suppose the issue was that if you were running from a horde you couldn't look carefully enough to watch for one on the ground in shady or otherwise hideable areas
@daze413 Oh, yes I know that much. I just have 3 slots of ridgewood, so I can't pick up other things. I do intend on keeping at least 1 full stack at any given time though
@trogdor The weirder part of our game involved the two Aliens being half-narwhal half-siblings. Asking which half was narwhal is apparently extremely rude. Another character ended up becoming middle-half narwhal. In a surprise twist, the Android turned out to be a cyborg who was trying to replace his narwhal parts with machines.
Suffice to say, my friends are a bit weird.
so are mine
we all, I am sure, have some weird ones
this hobby brings em out
@trogdor The problem is that it takes quite a while for fire to kill a zombie. And so you've got a horde of flaming zombies chasing you, which is effectively nothing but a stinking fireball, setting things on fire, and choking the air with smoke
@Ben now, lenses, those are trow-able :p And also the bandit jewels, heck, I dont even loot bandits anymore. Not even the purple loot bandits
@trogdor it'd probably be weird if we had so-called normal friends
@Ben this is fair
@JoelHarmon indeed
@daze413 ... lensmen?
one problem I have with zombies is that most media doesn't care to adress the fact that there would be an extremely short shelf life on them
@JoelHarmon nah, we're talking about Horizon Zero Dawn
@daze413 I'm starting to get to that point. My stash of shards is getting quite large so I don't really need to worry about special loot to sell
they are slowly rotting away, and also not healing even the most minor injuries
if they run, the strain on leg muscles alone should render them incapable of moving much at all after a little bit
@trogdor Yes. Effectively a zombie outbreak, if properly dealt with, would only last several weeks at best.
If they're dead though...
most of the time they are dead though
If not... well then you've got problems
I can see it if they are a different kind of zombie, like fungus ones from that one game
oh, Last of Us or something like that
at least in that I could understand the problem
Yeah.. Parasite zombies are a whole other ball game
but yeah, my problem is more specifically with the literally undead ones
if it is a "sci fi" rather than "fantasy" setting, what is keeping them from being useless at hunting down the living after say, two weeks time or earlier?
the answer is, usually, hand-waving
which would almost be ok if the trope was not extremely played out
@trogdor That reminds me... A "Lazy-Evil" character. We were discussing this theory in our last pre-game chat
what did it entail?
[Draxor, the scourge of CoD goes and pillages a nearby village, but returns 5 minutes later]
Mum: "Did you kill *all* of the villagers?"
Draxor: "Yes!"
Mum: "So if I walk down there now, I won't find any survivors?"
Draxor: "Alright fine... I only killed half."
Mum: No Xbox until you kill all of them! And since you lied, you are going to go and buy milk and bread from the market too."
Draxor: "But Muuuum!!"
Mum: "No! No buts! Don't make me tell your father! Now go!"
Draxor: [Stamps out noisily] "I Hate you! You're the worst!"
Is there such a thing as "elemental arrows" in D&D? Like fire arrows for example?
Has this already been asked
@Ben hehehe
if I only BURNINATED half the villagers, my mother would have ripped out all my scales :P
@trogdor TROGDOOOOOR!! Burninating the countryside....
@Ben which edition of D&D?
and would you count a bow that made arrows it shoots into flaming arrows, or not?
3.5 has both
@JoelHarmon 5e
I always forget that
@trogdor Well... wow I only just got that
I'm looking, but off hand I'm pretty sure 5e mostly only has +1,2, or 3
@Ben hehehehe
@JoelHarmon Well that's no fun
@Ben depends on your definition of 'fun'.
@JoelHarmon Setting people on fire with arrows
I find the double-reaction of "Ah! I've been shot!" and "AHH! I'M ON FIRE!" quite enjoyable
fire is usually enough for me
I have such simple tastes
Dart guns are ok too...
@trogdor The only problem is that not all of us have the Burninate ability
I can see it not being enough in that case
In which case I re-state the double reaction ting is quite enjoyable.
Watching someone go from "Ahh... I've been shot... It hurts... Woe is me..." to "OH GOD FIRE! FIREFIREFIIIIIRREEEEEEE!" in the space of a few seconds is quite fun
@Ben For bows, I don't see anything other than the Oathbow and generic any-weapon-may-apply stuff like +1/2/3 (weapon or ammunition) and Vicious
@Ben There's spells for it, does that count?
@Miniman Mrr... I was thinking for a fighter. So not so much
@Ben fighters can cast spells
@JoelHarmon With the right archetype, sure.
But I was thinking either champion or... um... the other one...
alternately, take Magic Initiate and pick up Flame Bolt, and flavor it as shooting arrows (DM permission applies here)
Yis. that one
@JoelHarmon Actually, that could work well enough
@Ben If you have a wizard, sorcerer, druid, or (eventually) ranger in the party, they can make you a quiver of flame arrows for you to fire at your leisure.
@Miniman Could alchemy work into it?
@Ben That's between you and your DM.
Although you can certainly throw alchemist's fire at your enemies.
@Miniman I really like the idea of "tool-based magic"
@Ben There's a UA for Artificer that you might be interested in.
How freely (in your experience) do people generally use UA stuff?
"Before Beyoncé was rich, she freely gave away a large sum of money to a boy that is now twice her age, to buy a toy that he himself came up with"
@Ben At my tables, I've always said open season, just check with me first. And none of my players have ever wanted to. Another group I'm playing in, a character wanted to use the Raven Queen patron, GM said sure, no problem. Another group I'm playing in, GM encouraged a player to use Matt Mercer's Gunslinger and another player to use a homebrew Shifter Druid. Neither of which are actually UA, of course.
Fair enough.
@Ben XD this is hilarious
@Ben So I guess, to summarise, in my experience/estimation, as long as you check first, the GM will probably be OK with it.
Unless it's ridiculously overpowered, which some of the UA stuff definitely is.
I was all like, yep this definitely checks out, George Lucas definitely looks 10 years younger than Beyonce,... XD
(Artificer isn't, though.)
and there were also certainly Darth Vader Toys when he was a kid, yep
maybe the real story is that she has time travel powers
@Miniman Alrighty. Definitely going to keep this in mind for my next Character :)
@Ben Nice! There's some really cool UA stuff, it's definitely worth trawling through if you're ever bored and in the mood.
(There's also some hideously overpowered stuff, some ludicrously underpowered stuff, some really boring stuff, and some downright broken stuff, so don't go in expecting it to be all sunshine and happiness.)
Hahaha I'll keep that in mind
ah, D&D, once again I remember why I don't use it as my main system anymore
@trogdor See, I understand those arguments. But when you get right down to it, I'm a gamer at heart, not a storyteller, a roleplayer, or anything else.
that is all fair
I wanted to like Fate, really I did. I just could not get into it at all.
also, if I had a group that still wanted to play 4E, I would totally do that
it is the best version of D&D that exists for my tastes
I am quite sure of this just based off of descriptions of the editions I have not played
@trogdor It sounds like my sort of thing, too - I'm a little sad I missed it.
I do still want to try 5E once, but I have all the doubts that I would like it
@Miniman it's missing a lot of the stuff that I disliked about 3.5
and to think, at first, I was afraid I would miss 3.5
but I do not at this point at all miss 3.5, if I played D&D 4E would be the one and only edition for me
I miss 3.5 a lot :(
4e is the one version that I haven't tried (other than the Facebook game that was 4e-based, but I don't think that really counts)
I don't miss 3.5, because I'm still playing it...
I do wish more people had tried 4E out
apparently one reason was that it was not enough like 3.5
@Adeptus My problem is, I can't run it, and honestly don't really want to, but it's hard to find existing groups.
which I hear is typical of every new edition, "not enough like the last one"
Oh, btw @trogdor. In H0D on the map in the bottom left corner... there's what looks like a giant dead machine. Is that story related...?
@trogdor From what I know of it, it was very different to any other version. And 5e is more like 2e/3e, with just a few ideas from 4e
I do get it if some people are turned off by the power system, but honestly it cuts out the imbalance 3.5 had that I hated
@Ben yeeeeeessssssss
@trogdor Ok. I do not look forward to that then haha
@Adeptus it is yeah, it has it's problems, but they are not the same problems other editions had
almost every class is equal capable of being broken in some way. that being said, we ran into issues with the PC's being too strong for standard monsters of their level at higher levels
at least with power gamers at the table
with people new to RPGs it might not have actually been as much of an issue
@Miniman I prefer to play. I'm running one game and playing another. (Can't run it? Rubbish. If you know the rules reasonably well, and can either find or write an adventure, you can run it. Don't want to, fine. But if you wanted to, you could.)
@Adeptus You're probably right. I'll amend my previous statement: "There are many factors which make running a game of 3.5 prohibitively more work than I'm willing to accept."
Fair enough
The game I'm playing in is winding up soonish, so I'm considering trying to run Dungeon World for that group. There's 7 players though... a bit more than recommended. Does anyone have experience running DW for a group that large?
5 hours later…
Q: What to do with the Pathfinder question about tier fixedness?

Anne AunymeI am talking about this question: Why do the tiers of classes change so little regardless of what additional material is used. I am aware that it already generated another meta question here, but my question is about what to do with this specific question and not about which political direction t...

@doppelgreener: I don't really understand your new title, what do you mean by "tier fixedness"?
@AnneAunyme the tiers don't seem to change over the course of the game's material; they appear fixed, they have fixedness.
I'm not a native English speaker, so if that's a common formulation I'm sorry
that's fine. it's an unusual formulation.
anyway, i finished my edit, does your comment still hold?
I mainly just wanted to revise it to be more specific than "What do we do with this question?" since several such questions in meta search will be hard to sort through at a later date.
I understand that
i appreciate that you edited it
thanks :)
And I didn't knew about the term "loaded question", that is exactly what I wanted to say!
I was wondering if one of those might be what you were going for. :D

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