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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@NautArch It might be worth editing that detail in to clean up the question. It is a point worth making, since disadv imposes further penalty on trying to use that feature (an effective -8 to -10, more or less).
How are ya doing @NautArch?
@onewho hello
@KorvinStarmast i updated the question, but it's my first time making an update like that and it feels weird. :)
@HazyKingdom not bad - some interesting discussions going on today! WOrk however, sucks.
@NautArch Nice! Ah yeah, I hear that pretty crummy day for work.
@onewho Hello!
I wanted to ask about D&D5e campaigns. I've been running the starter campaign 'the lost mines of phandelver', and my group is nearing the end of it. What campaign does anyone recommend running after mines of phandelver?
do you want to continue after the lost mines, or start a new campaign?
Continue; I like the layout of the sword coast, and like the idea of the current characters continuing to explore the sword coast, as well as gaining reputations where-ever they go.
Both Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure or Princes of the Apocalypse are somewhat close to that region, but not exactly the same place.
Princes of the Apocalypse start at lv3, so you shouldnt have much trouble using the same characters
Yeah, I just looked up Hoard Dragon Queen and that one is level 1-7, but it looks like it has a 2nd part that carries on from there... I do some reviews that don't rate it very highly though... Everything I see on princes of the apocalypse says its 1-15.
I noticed this and thought it was interesting...
not that I have problem scaling encounters to be a challenge for the current part.
@Chemus yeah...
check how many of those are about passive perception
@onewho I bought the PotA book and the level list they give is a bit misleading. It says 1-15, but in reality the main quest line starts around level 3 or 4, allowing you to play it right after LMoP. If you start at level 1, the book has a bunch of side missions that you can run to get the PCs up a few levels before really starting the main quest line.
@Adam That makes sense... Are there any others out there that might fit, I'll look into Princes of the Apocalypse, but would love to know about any other options I might have.
Out of the Abyss could start around the same area, but it will lead players into the underdark.
@Chemus Ha! That's pretty good.
Curse of Strahd also could start after lost mines, but the adventure happens in Barovia (Ravenloft).
and i believe the Storm King's Thunder also starts on the Sword Coast, but not sure exactly where the adventure happens.
@ShadowKras Let us not talk about passive perception :P
@NautArch I'm curious, why not?
@Chemus it's not surprising that a system that claims to be simpler leads to more questions about how vague rules work.
@onewho because the developers havent figured out how passive perception works yet.
The Tales from the Yawning Portal gives several adventures for a range of levels, along with suggestions of places to put the various locales in all of the main D&D settings
@ShadowKras Yep. It's really a Same Page issue; some ppl want narrative freedom from rules, others want codified rules to build worlds around...
@ShadowKras I would say that only the devs have figured out how it works, and they are doing a horrible job telling us what it is
@Adam i think each of the developers rules it differently on their own home table.
@onewho ooh boy. Well, passive perception isn't entirely the problem (although it gets kinda sticky with regards to the HIde action, invisibility, etc.). I've got more of an issue with passive floor for active rolls.
And so it beings again...
all we have to do is mention passive perception and the can of worms is open.
@onewho The other reason is because every time someone mentions it, the chat has the same discussion all over again where we all talk about how we use passive perception, what it is supposed to be, how the devs could have done it better, and why it frustrates us all to no end
out of those 5k questions, i wouldnt be surprised if 2k were related in some form to PP.
@ShadowKras or Invisibility
Its related to Perception, for sure.
Huh, I haven't seen an issue with the passive perception rules... but then again I'm coming from playing old AD&D 1e to D&D5e
@onewho as am I :) But I don't really remember the rules.
@NautArch There weren't any...
@onewho sometimes i believe it would be better.
I mean, i gm'ed Dungeon Crawl Classics a few times (no skill rules) just fine without perception checks.
there are times I just decided if the group noticed something or not... but having them make rolls in 1e usually gave them a clue there was something to notice, so I like having a static number I can reference to check to see if the notice something or not without it being obvious by making them roll.
@Adam The real question that nobody addresses is how to manage quasi-passive semi-perception.
@SevenSidedDie Markovchain was discussing in comments because his chat access wasn't working :(
@Adam wait, isn't having this kind of discussion over and over again exactly what being a D&D player is all about?
@Zachiel Is it? I thought being a D&D player was all about complaining that there isn't enough rp when your party is 5 Berserker Barbarians, and then solving all of your social problems through violence when your DM gives you some NPCs to talk to.
I've always said the best RP is a good offense.
@Adam Still that kind of discussion to me.
D&D: Not About Dungeons Or Dragons Actually
But I hereby declare that this week will just be littered by "I have # days left to ready my spell list, somebody force me to do it".
I have 5 days left to ready my spell list, somebody force me to do it.
emo force
@Zachiel You're a Cleric, IIRC? Flame Strike and Searing Ray. Befriend your enemies with overwhelming firepower.
@Yuuki I'm a Cleric with more Con than Wis. I'm basically a buff-myself fighter warrior
I know I need to ready that 8th level spell that protects me from winds (stormsomething) and a dimensional anchor for the BBEG (Bigot Bad Elf Guy)
The worst part is deciding which spells I should become immune to using Spell Immunity
Divine Power (or Bull's Strength), Righteous Might, Holy Star. Befriend your enemies with overwhelming fire facepunchingpower.
Holy star is a nice idea
Divine power is something I usually do
(Weird lapsus, my cleric is not my scantily clad acrobat.)
Also, why protect yourself against wind when you can Control Weather?
@Yuuki bad gas, yuuki, bad gas.
Oh wait, that's general environment, not specific non-environmental weather effects.
@Yuuki bad guy has stolen a wind-generating artifact.
Oh, if it generates wind, then Control Weather can counter that.
Does require 20 minutes of wind-up though, so not ideal for a combat scenario.
@Yuuki A lyre of the builder would be better (the BBEG wants to raze a tower), but it's too late to go out and buy one.
Turns out fantasy adventurers are great for dealing with monster infestations, but suddenly have huge conflicts of opinion when an evil artifact falls into their lap worth 40,000 gold, and is really only evil if used.
anyone have a good free suggestion for scheduling games
ie a calendar/time slot comparison tool
trying to find free timeslots for 8ish people is rough
I use Todoist for my scheduling but I'm not sure it does conflict checking.
@Yuuki If it generates wind, it was a bowl of beans. Heart healthy, and good.
@Joshua the tool we use is email with reply all.
It works (OK, so it's brute force ... sue us!)
@JoshuaAslanSmith whenisgood or fasterplan might do
@Zachiel if only tool recs were still on topic
regardless whenisgood looks like itll do the trick
thank you
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm just (sloppily, no link) returning some knowledge that this chat imparted me.
@JoshuaAslanSmith www.doodle.com
Whenisgood looks handy.
ah doodle was the one I had head of but could not think
I use it pretty every year to schedule my fantasy football drafts
were using it to schedule time to to google hangouts to schedule time for the actual session
Now you're thinking with social apps.
Looking pretty likely that EHP9003, Fate Dice: Core Dice are gonna go out of print this week. Luckily there are 8 other sets out there!
In recent news, one of my plaers bulk-bought a bunch of D&D dice sets lately. 18 different sets including one really ugly light brown set and some flashy emerald transparent dice. So his plan was to shuffle the sets -each in its own opaque purse- and play with a random one.
One of our other players forgot his set of dice in the car, so he was given a random purse too. He drew the brown ones. Then he said he wanted to draw again, and he drew the brown ones again. Then the owner of the dice drew, and the other guy told him "is it the brown ones?". So it was. Then he drew the emerald set and played with those.
Later in the evening we did two more draws just for fun. Green and brown, again, in that order.
@Zachiel Brown-town! Gotta roll with the poop dice.
Dice are an almost religious subject where the tenets of the faith vary from table to table.
I had a player, who honestly believed if anybody else touched his dice, they were unusable from that point forward.
@MadMAxJr Good lord, I hope he never realizes that someone had to make his dice.
And test them.
our table has constantly moving dice from person to person. I stopped trying to keep track of most of mine. Except for 3 of my d8s. THOSE ARE MINE AND MINE ONLY.
While I won’t have Alliance & ACD data until next month, it’s looking certain that the Tabletop ep has already sold 1000+ Cores in May.
I once had a player who was a dice-hexer. Whichever dice he touched, that dice needed a purification ritual before it could roll high again. The ritual usually involved sitting at the centre of a barrier made out of standing up cigarette filters, and being tapped thrice against the table.
eeewwww. cigarretes.
@NautArch I'm not a smoker, but one of my players of old was.
We make our cig smoker go outside
cast banishment
I have to say vaping is actually good for roleplaying
smokes can smoke inside
and you get the heavy air from the vapor without the issues of being in a smoke filled room
I have a vaper in my group now. It's a little bit obnoxious. Our social contract said nothing about vaping so it has become a pretty clear case of camel nose
If he was into lemon pie flavour I'd be happy, but it smells more like used leather shoes.
I had a cohort whose vape mix made everything smell like bubblegum. It was like standing next to a small cloud of the 90s.
A random medieval city layout generator https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator #procgen https://t.co/YiMCaeQY6X
Ive thought about dabbling myself
since I smoke cigars now an again and enjoy a cigarette in the winter
I can honestly say I enjoyed it for six seconds, then I remembered the 90s, and asked them to do that outside.
I had visions of parachute pants. No. No. Never.
> "I'll cast Fog Cloud!"
> "We get it, you vape."
@BESW pretty cool though every layout has city walls a keep and I presume barbicans
I used to enjoy a cigar, ut i've gotten less into them.
I tried cigarettes for the buzz, but found them disgusting (maybe I shouldn't have started with Marlboro Reds). Really don't understand the draw when you no longer get buzzed.
nasty smoke
hey there @Yuuki @nitsua60
Q: Where do PC's keep treasure & gold?

HanzelManI’m looking for any RAW regarding storing treasure. I understand the encumbrance dynamic and that 50 coins weigh one pound (PHB 143) and all carried equipment has a weight. My question is, where do the PC’s keep the money/treasure they aren’t strong enough to carry or are not using in their cur...

someone has asked a very important question
hey there @NautArch
hey there @Papayaman1000
@Shalvenay hrrmefhashewha?
how're things going?
Oh, hey. Been too long since I've drunkenly wandered in here.
Ok I guess. Lots of screeching children.
alright here, came up with another dungeon since we last talked, also seeing if I can swing a seat in a campaign in the near future
(got an opportunity on the table but not 100% sure when it'll start)
Ooh, goody! RPG-wise, I'm always struggling to find players. Likewise, a consistent schedule, but...
@Papayaman1000 yeah -- I'm LFP myself for that dungeon I cooked up
@Shalvenay I always find it funny how there seems to be a disproportionately high DM:Player ratio on RPG.SE... but then again, I usually hang around tags like , so I might be biased.
@Papayaman1000 I find myself in a weird situation where I'm more available than most of the folks I play with
@Shalvenay On a side note: Mind Flayers, and how to let them also be Mimics?
@Papayaman1000 ...illithid polymorphed to mimic.
easy enough
I wasn't sure if you'd recoil in horror at the mere thought, or give me good advice that you've already worked out the logistics of.

Glad to see a fellow murderous GM.
@Papayaman1000 I did recoil a bit at the thought at first though -- I'm probably the polar opposite of a TPKing GM
more and more, I prefer my parties befuddled instead of dead
That's my only goal, really.

But don't tell that to them when the Astral tarrasque attacks them.
@Papayaman1000 I have...simpler and more effective ways of confusing the party xD
@Shalvenay My favorite was the Mimic floor tile.
@Papayaman1000 haha. did you run into the Mimic teller-treasure-chest in the dungeon I ran for you? I can't recall if you ever got there or not
@Papayaman1000 also, I do wonder what it'd be like to have a Cloaker for a traveling companion...
@Shalvenay The dungeon you ran for me? I don't recall you running a dungeon. Unless you were talking about that spider place.
@Papayaman1000 yeah, the spider place
@Shalvenay I don't recall either. I remember a centaur, spider chick, empty notepad, grating music machine, loudspeaker, intricate cobweb designs, and heightened paranoia.
@Papayaman1000 ah. I guess not then
@Shalvenay I like how it seemed more or less harmless (if a bit baroque), and so I tried not to jump to conclusions, but at the same time, I kept my staff pointed at everything that moved.
@Papayaman1000 yeah. I find killbot dungeons to be so...one-note, if you will
@Shalvenay Well, I will never dissuade you from good worldbuilding.
yeah -- I've never really had a party go full murderhobo on me, so I'm really not sure how that'd interact with the way I build stuff as a DM other than "probably badly"
@Shalvenay Hey, at least your murderhobos don't raze the starting village before picking up clothes.
Well, I guess he DID have a loincloth.
@Papayaman1000 haha. I haven't even had a party come close
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