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@Ben I am going to strongly recommend that you don't go for simultaneous combat in D&D 5e, for the simple reason that it will invalidate some core melee combat tools: things like stun, knock prone, push, etc, which last Until the next turn, get either nerfed or knocked out of whack by simultaneous combat each turn.
@Adam I've definitely toned things down. I could have TPK'd my players a few times, but that's not fun. The one character I actively killed was an accident. I had pointed Disintegrate at a different character (my own) and then another said "oh, you don't have line of sight, you have to pick a new one." Random roll for target later...that guy dies.
@Ben during an era when the rules engine wasn't yet that precise, one of our groups (mid 1970's) resolved combat simultaneously: the DM did all of the monsters/NPC's, we players all took our turn, and the aggregate result was that nobody lost a turn, all had a chance to hit or act, and then you might be knocked out, dead, or alive at the end of the round. That was not the rules, though, since the game began with "who goes first"
@KorvinStarmast And what goes second?
@Ben Initiative and the turn based system of rounds and turns, and initiative order makes players think tactically, which appears to be a design goal of the game. What you can do to avoid "sitting around" is increase the "your turn, what's your action" and with no answer you "OK, you pass" and go to the next player.
@Yuuki I don't know, maybe third base? 8^D
@Ben --is increase the "your turn, what's your action" pacing -- is what I meant
@DrRDizzle @Ryan Just remember that RPGSE embraces a plurality of playstyles. Some like one style (DM pulls punches and isn't trying "win" encounters), some like another (DM is playing monsters in a struggle for their own lives). They're all good fun, even if they're not all your cuppa. (Which is a lot of what @Adam and @NautArch were saying, but I wanted to drop the meta link.)
@nitsua60 I embrace nothing!
or everything
I champion the One True Playstyle: "Once upon a time, the end. It's getting late and I'm too tired to deal with this. Go home."
@Yuuki I recommend a hot new game called "The Heat Death of the Universe"
@Adam For me (personally) I feel the need to do this sort of thing (nerf a monster) if I feel I didn't adequately describe the danger the characters would have perceived. If I make it clear they're headed into cave of doom and they die, that's on them. If I tell them they see a squirrel in a sunny glade which is Ratatosk and it's pissed and Ygdrassil falls and you all die HAHAHA, then I've done something wrong. (In my book.)
@NautArch almost everything =)
For that one character death, Disintegrate was unleashed because of a failure to do any exploration in the area (which was heavy handed hinted.) Don't prep for what you know his coming? SUffer the consequence.
@NautArch Yeah. As Sgt Esterhouse used to say in Hill Street Blues "Be careful out there!" The world the Players adventure in is dangerous. Have you looked at how many HP the monsters have? Played intelligently, monsters are dangerous and deadly. They can kill you. D&D 5e.
@KorvinStarmast we may be the only two who get that here...
Our main campaign officially gets two more players thursday night! A tempest cleric and a wild magic sorcerer. Very excited!
that brings us to a berserker, light cleric, vengeancy pally, tempest cleric, wild magic sorcerer and a NPC that I've been running who will likely be killed off completely because he's not relaly needed to help bolster the party.
i'm pretty bummed about the last thing if he's removed. I've spent a lot of actions keeping that dude alive. Have grown fond.
Alternative option is to just have him leave. He does not need to die
@Adam kind of the up to the DM. I guess i'll found out.
I've also spent a ton of gold outfitting him so he can keep up.
he's squishy and has gone down in every fight we've had, but i've kept him alive. He also has a tendency to finish off monsters. Which has been fun.
Good everything to everyone!
@Shalvenay ping :)
@RollingFeles I believe the traditional greeting is "hey there" ;)
@ACuriousMind greeting was on previous line :P
@NautArch Sounds like your NPC is a nice side kick, like Elric's/Eternal Champion's ... kinda squishy
@NautArch I can't wait until my nephew shows up, he's doing a Water Domain Cleric, DM approved variant, that I am keen to see play out. I think the DM approved Water Genesai for our campaign ...
@KorvinStarmast very much so. When we were in the feywilds, he joined us on our quest to defeat the great evil.
I don't think the DM thought he'd still be alive at this point. We're now level 12 and he's got 50 HP.
but had about 35 for the majority of our time together
GiTP forums down for a few days, eh @KorvinStarmast
@NautArch I had not checked today. Do you participate there?
@KorvinStarmast I did, but recently I haven't been enjoying it and spending more time here.
i go by a different name on there, but have talked about my characters enough in both places you may be able to/have figure it out
@NautArch I've gotten reported a number of times by people taking my disagreeing with them as a personal attack. Sorta weird. However, there are some interesting conversations about the UA in particular that I enjoy
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I had to make a conscious decision no longer to participate in rules discussions there. Mostly stick to questions how asking for help, builds, spell selections, etc.
The latest flame war regarding Druids and Metal armor was sorta hilarious.
@KorvinStarmast That is seen by some to be real problem with the moderation there; someone can be a bully by calling another a bully and get them banned.
I mean, that's a pretty clear limitation. I just got the feeling that there a lot of folks who stretch the rules for powergaming.
I'm fine with rule adjustments for fun, flavor or DM choice - but sweeping generalizations to empower the characters just because get annoying (to me)
Be Nice :)
@KorvinStarmast I've nearly blocked a few, but then they have interesting and reasonable comments on other threads and I decide against.
@NautArch Heh, that was me being nice. (Old salty Navy man (retired) here)
@KorvinStarmast Still not very nice.
Any sufficiently large community will have conflicting opinions on any topic. GOUDA CHEESE KNIGHT? HOW DARE YOU, MOZZARELLA PASTA SOLDIER IS BEST.
Navy. Carrier man by chance?
I prefer the Camembert Cavalier, sir, even if it is runny
@MadMAxJr A little time on America, Midway, and Independence, but mostly cruisers, destroyers, frigates.
@KorvinStarmast Friend served on the Regan. Got to see the most frightening deck crew event. Cable snap on landing.
Nobody hurt, just a lot of brief panic.
@Adam OK, not all of group B exhibits trait A, if that clears up my assessment.
@MadMAxJr Saw a Hornet do a Ramp Strike once. not pretty.
The threads on hiding, illusions and other things have sent me into a tailspin.
@KorvinStarmast The problem I have with it isn't calling the people on the site crybabies, it's the "Millenial Crybaby" bit. That's just talking down about people of a whole generation, my generation, and I don't much appreciate it
@Adam At least you have a generation. I'm not really Gen X or Gen Y.
@Adam OK, I'll take that as offered, and observe that all of group do not exhibit that trait. Thanks for the feedback.
@NautArch generations are just a bunch of arbitrarily made up designations anyway. Don't worry about it. In reality, people are just born in a particular year and go about their life.
@KorvinStarmast play the grumpy old man card!
@Adam I've flagged that remark and asked that it be removed, as it's too late for me to do so myself.
in the future, you don't need to do that
@Riker I was going to remove it myself, based on Adam's feedback, but find that the time had expired.
@Adam Communists in the State Department didn't exist either. 8^D (Oh, wait, they did, as history and declassified Russian archives show).
Not so sure about Illuminati, though ... jury is still out on that one.
This reminds me of all the conversations with my dad where he jokes about how millennials are spineless or irresponsible or something and I remind him that he was the generation of woodstock, hippies, and being useless in his own youth. And then we both laugh and move on with our days
@doppelgreener how long has your avatar been different?
I hadn't noticed
@Riker I changed it around this time yesterday.
ah ok
that explains that >_>
@Adam Was at a music festival a few weeks ago, near Austin, where a whole lot of hippies, my age and a bit older, tend to congregate. Hippy is not aging well.
Most of my hippy friends from HS/college era out grew it. Others didn't.
The man got them! ;)
Yeah, they must have all sold out. Like Metallica? (there's a band I never really liked, until my son started listening to them ... now they are to me tolerable)
@KorvinStarmast Well, I mean as you get old, you get less hip. That's why you replace them.
One of the biggest problems with "Millenials" is that the term is undefined. Sometimes it means anyone who was born in the 80s, sometimes in the 90s or 2000s, more often it's just any group that you disagree with.
Out of curiosity, have any of you played Firefly RPG? I have the book but I am not sure about the system. @GreySage I though the ones born in the 80's were Generation Y?
@KorvinStarmast That would be the problem, no one knows!
Gaaaaaah. Is a generation 20 or 25 years, or is it a marketing demographic? As I am no longer in the 18-45 demographic, my junk mail changes a lot.
I was born in 89, but when I was in highschool we were told we were the "echo" generation, whatever that means
Heh, that's when my daughter was born. I never hear the "echo" thing. (You could call her generation reverb, as she's a professional singer ...)
@KorvinStarmast a lot of aging hippies around Austin :) Had some friends we'd visit in Buda when I was at A&M.
I personally assign "millenial" to anyone 18-25, although the people in that group have changed over the years. Not that it means anything, really.
All I know about my generation is I am among the last to know a pre-easily-accessible-internet society.
@NautArch We have friends in Kyle, and I've been both drunk and to church in Buda on the same weekend.
@MadMAxJr I was like the only kid in my elementary school to use the internet regularly.
But by high school it became common
is there an official chart for starting wealth if you begin as a higher level character in 5e?
@GreySage I first got onto a networked computer in the mid 1970's; our Comp Sci teacher would call up, get our session started, and we'd try to write a program in Basic. Grognards were the ones all using Fortran.
@NautArch Yes
@KorvinStarmast I remember learning basic in school - and doing stuff in Logo in elementary school.
@NautArch IIRC, there should be a wealth per level chart somewheres.
I left that computer stuff mostly behind for the 80's, until I got a Leading Edge AT/Clone in 87 and had to start messing about with DOS.
Q: What's the starting wealth for higher levels?

trekkieykThe PHB only gives starting wealth for Level 1 PCs. Based on my experience in other games, specifically Pathfinder, I would expect to get more at higher levels. Where can I find an appropriate table or calculation?

Page 38 DMG
@NautArch ^
@Yuuki Less a wealth per level chart and more a Starting Equipment by Level chart
@GreySage @Adam Thank you!
What Adam said. I get the idea that WBL has been binned for 5e ...
dang, that still basically isn't enough to get plate
@NautArch What level are you starting at?
Sword. Doublesword. Swiss Army Sword. Swordswordsword. Kingsword. Galaxysword. Sword of Bees.
Just pick the one that's right for your power level.
@Adam 10th
Just barely...If you are in a high magic campaign, your one uncommon magic item could be magic plate if the DM were to allow it. Doesn't even need to be +1 or anything. Adamantine or Mithral Plate is uncommon
@KorvinStarmast Our friends were living on someone else's land up there. The owners had built kind of a room that ended up being their 'house' for awhile. They got one of those huge 6-8' diameter stainless steel troughs, put it on cinder blocks and lit a fire under it as a 'hot tub'.
@Adam is Adamantine by default magical?
@KorvinStarmast It's part of the magic Items table in the DMG, so I would assume so
@KorvinStarmast Yeah its a magic item, not a special material. Turns crits into regular hits
@Adam yeah, they didn't pick that as their items. Went with Goggles of Night and a CLoak of protection.
@NautArch IIRC, Hippies were pretty good at getting the most out of a buck.
Q: Are weapons and armor made of Mithral or Adamantine considered magical?

AdamIn a recent dungeon crawl, I was ambushed by some grey ooze. The ooze managed to land a couple successful hits on me, which would normally cause my armor to degrade. However, I was using a set of mithral chain mail that I had found in a previous session. I know that the statistics for mithral and...

@GreySage @Adam Thanks, I thought we'd had a q on that ...
goggles of night are pretty great for this tempest cleric. Gives him darkvision range (he is a wood elf) of 120' - so he can cast call lightning at night or in caverns with enough clearance.
Heck, I even made a comment.... old fart memory strikes again ...
Back in 1e days, I seem to recall that a +4 Magical shield/armor was by default Mithral, and +5 was by default Adamantite, but I'd need to look that up.
@KorvinStarmast in 3.5 they had equivalent DR effects (So a monster with DR/Adamantine would also take full damage from a +5 weapon).
Aha, DMG page 164! (1e) Armor of +3 bonus is of special meteorite iron steel, +4 is mithral alloyed steel, +5 is adamantite alloyed steel Old Fart Memory not so bad ...
@KorvinStarmast But actual meteorite iron is probably a -1 bonus.
But starmetal is still cool though.
Starmetal and meteorite iron ALLOY ... not the same thing? Hmmmm.
Last I checked, Excalibur was made from meteorite alloyed steel ...
@KorvinStarmast They aren't? I just thought meteorite iron, starmetal, thunderbolt iron, etc. were all names for metal made from meteorites.
Steel is an alloy of iron and other stuff ... and D&D 1e is not a material science book.
So out of desperation, I took a look at a 5e Paladin guide for... guidance, and they recommend that Warlock dips either go 1, 3, or 7 levels.
IIRC D&D got that idea from the Excalibur legend originally. I'd need to look that one up.
@Yuuki Lots of build guides I've seen suggest dumping a level or 2 for either warlock or fighter
Dipping ... you pay a price at 5th level. A Straight Paladin is pretty good. I have toyed with a OoTA and Fey Patron Paladin build ... interesting permutatinos.
IIRC, the reason to get two lvls of fighter first is to increase the number of fighting styles and get that con save prof?
@Yuuki I think you know my view on dipping - especially with paladin :)
Yeah. They say 7 levels of Warlock if you want recharging 4th level spell slots.
@NautArch Yeah, I'm vacillating between whether I want to or not.
@KorvinStarmast You get Action Surge as a lvl 2 fighter
GiTP loves the sorcerer dip for paladin - but I like my paladin goodies.
Getting that extra d8/hit at 11th level is a big deal.
@Adam OH, yeah, and action surge. Good point.
If we are able to keep our group together to get into double digits it will be awesome. Last time we got to 6/7 and then RL killed it.
@KorvinStarmast That's why I don't multiclass very much. My games haven't ever gone long enough where it's really viable. saying "I'll just take a 1 level dip and still be a 19th level [class]" sounds pretty good...until you end up finishing the game at 10th level, if you're lucky
Maybe I'll take one level of Warlock after 9th level and then four levels of Paladin and then finish off with Warlock levels.
@Adam there was a good post on GiTP 5e forum the other day on Just How Many of you get to 20th level? 15th level? It was interesting to see the responses.
Having looked at your avatar about three times, I think I am seeing a mind flayer in full kick butt mode. Is that right?
@Yuuki 1 level warlock dip nets you 1 Level 1 SR/recovery spell slot. That's not much for delaying your paladin aura.
@Adam I look at it the other way around. I'm about 99% sure that once we finish the module my group is currently running (SKT) we won't be continuing with the same characters so I'm ok giving up 9th level spells on my bard (that I wouldn't see anyway) for some increased damage and utility by dipping 3 levels into warlock
@Yuuki I would go at least Warlock 2 so you get 2 recharging slots and some invocations
I'd love to play my tempest cleric again, he had just gotten to 6th level and was beginning to do neat stuff more often. Laters folks, RL calls.
As long as everyone as their character sheets, you can always try to start up a new game with the old characters
I love how two separate classes get a spell before the class whose list it's on: Destructive Wave (bard via magical secrets and tempest cleric)
@Lord_Gareth that's....beautiful
I thought i was voting to close this question, but instead it closed as duplicate right away, is this intended behavior?
@ShadowKras VTC closed as Duplicate to that link?
it closed with a link to the duplicated question. The one i linked is a duplicate.
@ShadowKras Yes. If you have a Gold Badge for a tag, you can close and open questions as dupes with a single vote
Ah that must be it then. In the past, it simply cast a vote.
@Lord_Gareth I need to build one of these now, thanks for giving me a project a month or so from now
You're welcome. Please transmit all problems you have with it to me so that I can bask in the resulting schadenfreude
As a bonus, I'll probably be doing it in-sync with when I bother getting a raspPi, so it'll probably hook into that too (for automated/hands-off/consistent control)
@ShadowKras Just to clear up some of my vagueness, the question has to have a tag that matches your gold badge to autoclose as a dupe. For questions without a matching tag, you cast a vote like normal
I got it, thanks @Adam
I should make a Warlock who carries around a pickle jar.
His entire character arc will lead up to this moment:
I would invoke dark summoning and necromantic energies to accomplish household tasks.
isn't that what Magic Jar is for?
@Yuuki You play it face down on your trap zone, then you just... uh... really, what is the activation?
@Yuuki It lets you draw two memes from the internet
@Zachiel Trap Cards activate whenever something is the target of something else, I think.
I don't know much about YGO, but I think since it doesn't seem to have any restrictions on when it can be activated you can do it anytime (after the turn it is set ends)
> if your Trap has been set for at least 1 turn, during your own turn, you can activate it at any time you want
how do you embed an image here?
@NautArch The upload button next to the send one
just the image url on its own line
@NautArch lol, is that Greed from FMA?
@Zachiel yes yes it is
@NautArch What @nitsua60 said.
Anyway you're all wrong, that's the Pot of Greed
i really loved that show
Pretty simple. Set it, and next turn you can activate it to draw one card
So playing a card to get bonus card draw later on?
Yes. You don't really see it very much outside of chain-draw exodia decks. At least that was the only place I saw it when I stopped playing
Never played YGO, but in Mtg, some cards (artifacts) persisted. Do Trap cards do that in YGO?
Q: Why is Pot of Greed banned?

ThunderforgeOut of all the Forbidden (banned) cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!, the one that confuses me the most is Pot of Greed. The card effect is simple: Draw 2 cards. I don't see why this is so game-breaking that it has to be banned. You just get cards. What's the big deal? Heck, the anime uses it all the time ...

@Chemus Continuous trap cards do. You can tell because they have a little infinity icon on the top. for example:
Magic/Spell cards can also be continuous
It's interesting how the most basic effect from MtG or other card games becomes insanely game breaking when you remove the cost of cards
(warning, swearing)
Thinking of Hearthstone, a 3 mana spell to draw 2 cards is just good
@GreySage not that much unless you can capitalize on it.
That 3 crystals are a huge tempo brake, unless you're trying to draw a combo
@Zachiel Exactly my point, it is a good card, but not a universal inclusion, good in every circumstance. Whereas in TGO, a card that does nothing but draw 1 card is banned for being too strong.
@GreySage Net you one extra card. You do technically draw twice. (I'm sorry but I cant help my pedantic nature)
@GreySage ah, good as in not excellent. Got it.
@Adam Jar of Greed doesn't net you any cards, it just replaces itself (Pot of Greed does draw 2 cards however)
@diego Last I checked Jar of greed is unlimited
@Adam I may be confusing the jar and pot. I don't really care.
Yup, Jar of Greed is unlimited.
@doppelgreener That is absolutely fantastic
@Adam it's so good
@doppelgreener I'm now wondering if collecting all of the items I need to compare into objects won't be a better option than building parallel arrays, but I have no idea about how to compare objects.
@Zachiel What language?
@Zachiel in general you compare objects with x === y to check if they're both exactly the same instance of object. otherwise, you typically assign the objects an equals function that compares the two appropriately in whatever way you choose.
@GreySage JS+JSON
@doppelgreener I'm trying to find the lightest way to get the comparison done
@Zachiel what are the objects you're comparing?
most probably simple objects made up of a spell or effect name (to display it in the resulting string), a type of bonus (e.g. luck), a target value (e.g. attack bonus, to know which effects to evalue) and the bonus value (to get which is the max for that type and to get the total bous to the roll)
If not, huge objects with everything that I might ever want to display or to compare (which would be easier because I wouldn't need to create the objects first - those huge objects would be in my JSON file already
So: a list of strings basically?
Unless I create by hand all objects divided by kind of bonus, then add the ones I decide to apply with some flags.
You're heading into custom comparator territory there. Probably easiest to write a method you could overload to do the detailed comparisons.
@Karelzarath I have a function that compares value in a string and gets me the index of the (leftmost) highest modifier)
I'm currently using it to find the highest value and the corresponding description, saved in a paralle array that's been populated parallely, in the same for loop
I'm not sure how you're consuming the data, but computing a dictionary keyed by bonus type and target ("attack_luck") and containing the highest bonus might be faster and easier. If the entry doesn't exist, add it. If it does, update if higher.
@Karelzarath Mh, I think we're getting a little bit too technical here. All I've ever been doing in JS was DOM manipulation and related calculations, and building a string to send via AJAX to a PHP mailer.
Your last sentence makes me think the dictionary is somehow automated?
@Zachiel Dictionaries are key-value pairs, I suggest looking them up. They aren't too complicated
They're like arrays, but instead of indices they have strings
And in JS, they're easypeasy to use.
@GreySage Oh, I see, so I'd build indices that combine two things in order to have a single key
I still have the "problem" that there's two things I want to transmit, a value and a description, and ...mhhh, can I have a dictionary where one element is an array?
slow day on the stack
@Zachiel You can have a dictionary where the value of a given key is an array (or an object {bonus:x, desc:"Y"})
@Zachiel As far as I know the 'value' can be anything, a string, or another dictionary, or something else
var bonuses = {};
if (!bonuses["attack_luck"])
bonuses["attack_luck"] = {size: 3, source: "some source or other"};
else if (bonuses["attack_luck"].size < newSize)
bonuses["attack_luck"] = {size: newSize, source: newSource };
Something like that.
{ this notation } is a dictionary, aka an object in JavaScript
dictionaries & objects are basically the same thing in JS
JSON objects are dictionaries
JSON objects are not, however, thesauruses.
@doppelgreener wait. I know what JS objects are.
So I also know what dictionaries are, wonderful.
And I also know that I can have dictionaries of arrays of dictionaries
Which I currently have in my bestiary
that's right
The hard thing will be iterating at the right "depth"
@Zachiel winces I pity whoever has to maintain that code in three months.
I know what JS objects are. - everything
@Karelzarath well I have a creatures object that's an array of creatures, and each creature is an object that's an array of all things that creature has that might be useful when polymporphing into it.
@Karelzarath That's me.
there we go!
@Zachiel This site might be useful for you to check what you're doing and how you're doing it.
@doppelgreener Yes. All the yes to that.
you can get a lot of excellent feedback on where you're overcomplicating things, where there's a better tool available for the job, etc.
I highly recommend checking parts of your code with them.
@Zachiel the best way i found to compare objects is to identify them. Each object in the array has to have an unique Id.
@doppelgreener I'd like having at least a vague idea of where I'm going and a skeleton of at least one of the things I'd like to get before trying that.
All is complicated by the fact that I'm working at it from my office during lunch, with no access to USB drives and to D&D manuals.
Example, in one app im developing, i have two completely different lists of objects, however, i have to compare the objects on list A with the same item on list B, though they are different objects. The Id allows me to create a relationship.
So I just do things in the editor, then do them again hopefully faster when I'm back
@Zachiel you only really need small code samples with them.
@ShadowKras uh so you'd have a list with all, say, natural armors, and a list with all Str scores and so on
No, it's more like. I have one list with all bestiary creatures, identified by an unique Id, and another with an index to find their pages and their CR also identified by the same unique Id.
The second list is much simpler and allows for faster searching.
Ah, so much warm feelings with all this issues. And then I have to think how to limit heap allocations and copies.
@ShadowKras Ah no, I don't need this second list. I have a list with things like their abilities except Cha and Wis, their natural AC, the description of their special qualities, basically a stripped down SRD that lacks things that are useless to polymiorphing like CR or terrain
@Zachiel might it be easier to store things in a database rather than JSON? It usually feels better to have long database rows than it does to have long JSON objects, and databases would be easier to update than raw JSON.
@Delioth this
Plus a database would do all sorts of performance boosts (caching results; not needing to search through a long, long string; indexing)
Here "relationship" was already mentioned. Hint: relationship data model. This is great for such kind of things. And quick and easy search by Ids is nice bonus.
Database? You mean an Excel document?
@Delioth you can select and update json files with jQuery as easily as writing an update table set field = value where condition = true.
@Delioth I have things like several different attacks for each creature. But I've already had this conversation from the opposide side sso I guess I will just have you pitch against @doppelgreener and see what happens.
@Delioth I don't think performance is an issue here :)
Well, kind-of. IIRC Excel can export to CSV, and most database backends can import from CSV, though you might have to massage the data into the right format
@Delioth Have I mentioned how this is for a chrome extension and I don't want to reference a file on a resource I own? Basically, I want each user to download the file and be able to work on it, I have no idea if this changes anything.
@Zachiel can you describe your app or give a link to message with such description?
@Zachiel Well, the database shouldn't be any larger than a similar JSON file, and could actually be smaller; though I'm not sure how extensions would work with a database
@Zachiel for spell effects you can easily create an Id for each spell, then simply list those on the bestiary object. spell_like_abilities: { 89, 3; 103, 1; } (spell with id 83 3/day, spell with id 103 1/day)
@Delioth if it's downloadable from remote server then backend couldn't care less. If this data is included in extension, then database is out of question.
@Zachiel You could solve this with a one-to-many from the creature to the attacks. To optimize, rather than describing each attack in that, it could be a relation as well (creatureID:80, get anything from attack_table with creature:80, and then fetch from attack_descriptions those chunks)
I think the term is 'join table'
it is a chrome extension that has a back end (in the options page) where you can select from a very large swath of D&D spells, creatures to polymorph into, feats and magic item effects,
in order to create a limited list of things your character can use that fit in a frame injected into a window of an existing site, where you can then finetune your choices (what's active now, what power attack level I have chosen, which creature I'm polymorphed in and using which spell) and can return a list of all effects (new HP value,, AC values, Saves...) in a specific format, a string that the site can
one-to-many doesn't require additional table in most cases.
@Zachiel thanks!
@RollingFeles DB is then out of question, I don't want to have to upload the DB on my site, it's a free account that might not have enough monthly bandwidth to let users draw from it that much.
Since this is a Chrome extension, indexed DB is an option (here's chrome's article on the subject) but you'll probably still have something like JSON data to initialise it with.
e.g. of an attack string
&d20 +19 (BAB, divine power) + 16 (Str: 27 transformation into leonal, 5 manual of gainful exercise, 6 divine power, 4 greater visage of the deity) + 3 (luck, divine favor) -1 (buckler) -19 (power attack)
@Zachiel DB shouldn't add much more overhead. There are really small solutions for embedding into apps. The question is: what would be easier and convinient for you and suitable for your resources and desirable solution.
@Zachiel basically you want to create an object that works as a data table for each ability score on the bestiary entry and a description for that, like: AC: 'Your Armor Class was increased by {0} because of {1}'. correct?
@Zachiel I suggest starting simple with this, btw. Starting small and simple (pretend it's MiniD&D) will let you experiment with the basic concepts and then extend them.
@RollingFeles yes, that's the question I'm bashing my head into ;)
@doppelgreener yes, I'm starting from getting my AC right, without polymorph, for now.
@ShadowKras exceptr in D&D 3.5e there's "take the greater of every bonus with the same name" and "use this value instead of that" and many other things that really require me to think well about the final result
You will need to identify those bonuses on their sources. Create a list with each bonus type, and on every source of a bonus you identify it using the Id of that type.
@Zachiel My head demands some sleep. so I gotta go to bed and won't add much more about technical part. But I have some advice for a begginer(and I suppose you are not used to this kinda things. Forgive if I'm wrong.). I double the "starting small and simple" idea. Follow it in your selection of tools and selection of scale of work. Your main aim is to get results as soon as possible. This will drive you and help you to tackle difficult tasks. Also, work would be much more enjoyable.
Example: bonus_type { 0: armor; 1:racial; 2:dodge; 3:luck; }
mage armor { duration; target; components; level; **bonuses** { 0: 4 } } (here 0 is identifying the bonus type from mage armor as *armor bonus*)
hm, I get what you're saying but I fear this would be a real pain. Every time I need to assign the types of each bonus to each spell, wouldn't I need to have the corrispondence table handy?
Right now, I'm just using "ACDodge":"4", and since that object is nested in the "boots of dodging +4" object I know where it's from.
@ShadowKras In fact, in this example you wouldn't even need the first chunk (bonus_type), except as documentation- just make sure none of the bonuses are the same ID-type
But yes, the idea of having lists of every item that gives a dodge bonus and then iterate on the list to see which apply looks better
I don't think enumerating bonus type is necessary.
Yes, but by having a list with all the bonus types, you can easily reference a bonus type by the Id, instead of trying to remember if the name you typed is correct across the entire application.
Just { 'type': 'luck' } should be fine.
@ShadowKras you are right, but for small extension it would be easier and efficient to do it by value.
Remembering name is easy. Remembering corresponding id is not.
@Yuuki whenever you reach the point where you have to compare two bonus types that are of the same type, the name (a string) is a worse approach. You will have to create a series of verifications.
@Yuuki That's rather fragile though- typos give new, different bonus types, and other typos give unreadable types ({"Type": "Luck"} is both unreadable and a new bonus type), while enumeration both shortens the data and is typo-resistant
@Delioth The issue with enumeration is that it creates an extra detail to remember. "Oh wait, is luck type 0 or type 3?"
@Delioth typo-resistant? How about to put 2 or 4 for luck, instead 3 ? :)
make a variable luck = 3, instead of the string 'luck'
@RollingFeles considering we are talking about D&D and monsters, i dont think this is on the scale i would call "small application".
Hey, guys. Enumerations with working and comparing real ids is great, but not for human.
@RollingFeles yes, at least JSON is humanly readable
@Yuuki but the information is consistant across the entire application when indexed.
Well, yeah- you can still type the wrong number, but you're not likely to create a new bonus with a typo (you're more liable to make a syntax error there- 3->#)
@ShadowKras Well, it would have a lot of data. But it is small app.

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