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Wait, what happened to wax eagle?
@SPavel He just got really busy in real life.
What system is that setting for?
@SPavel It's a system-and-setting combo.
Can we port it to a different ruleset
It's got an enormous amount of lore & lots of locations to play in & you can even variously consider it a simulation game or gamism or etc.
@SPavel I'm not sure. People've tried applying different rulesets to Real Life in the past but they didn't seem to work out.
Though different regions have found different useful ways of using the rules that seem to work.
@SPavel the joke is he got kidnapped by a dragon :P (since we had just started on Rise of Tiamat when he poofed) but yeah, he's apparently busy with RL matters
I didn't know wax eagle was a princess
@SPavel pahaha, as if dragons only kidnap princesses :P
dragons don't always kidnap anyone
some of us would, believe it or not, rather be left alone, including by princesses
hey there @NautArch -- how's the smoked yardbird turning out?
@Shalvenay twas delicious!
@NautArch awesome :D
had dinner out which was nice
what's not-so-nice though is that all my other plans for the night are falling down a hole :P
Disregard plans, acquire beers
err...how're things going btw @SPavel?
@SevenSidedDie point of contention: I've always called it "box-text." Though in standard US English enunciation, I'm not sure anyone can hear the difference. =)
I tried to make a new recipe for dinner, and it disappointed me
So now, beers
hey there @nitsua60
Or more accurately, this one beer
@SPavel Reverse the order. You might still not get a good meal, but you won't mind as much.
@Shalvenay Hey.
I am trying to make my peace with IPAs
Though it seems that the hipsterati has moved on to sour/wild ales, which I like even less
Forgive my ignorance, but what do the hipsterati have to do with what you consume? Are you overrun, such that they dictate stocking at local stores?
is there something wrong with being Mr. Malt @SPavel?
Only the fear of missing out
Though the latest malty beers have mostly been of the "if we barrel-age it, who cares if it's terrible" school of thought
So everything is ruined forever
say @nitsua60 -- why'd my access to the Little Adventures gdoc get pulled?
@Shalvenay Everyone's. I had word from eimyr that the original author was incommunicado now, but that they'd expressed some preference a while back in not having it get out. Now I can't actually tell at this point what parts are them and which are me, but the idea's definitely all them. So I unshared it.
@nitsua60 :<
Isn't the idea just, an RPG for tiny childrens
That's not really copyrightable
no...it's more of a moral/ethical thing than a legal one @SPavel
The target audience isn't copyrightable, no. But the character creation system is 100% theirs, and the resolution mechanic is a good 70% theirs, and there's not much else. (The whole thing fits on a page.) So while there's probably not any legal issue, there would certainly be plagiarism (since I can't dig up the author's name to credit), and I've got no desire to go against some stranger's wishes in the matter of the thing they were so nice as to share with me.
Anyway, back to RL... stuff.
Beer just got gooooood
I had some salmon jerky earlier, wish I'd saved it to pair with this
8 hours later…
Can any creature in D&D 5e be killed by a Polimorph /Power Word: Kill combo?
Asside from maybe shapechangers (immune to polimorph), how can any creature (or boss) survive this?
You can't polymorph a shapechanger.
Oops, ninjaed.
That aside, this is exactly what Legendary Resistance is for.
Also, saving throws in general, really.
That is kept even during polimorph?
No, but it's used to prevent polymorph from affecting you in the first place.
I see
Im having a hard time imagining how big boss battles go against lvl-20 players
with a couple of casters spamming banishments and polimorphs and w/e
I guess bosses will always need teams with them
a 1vX is just too easy for high-lvl PCs
I mean, for something to fight a party of level 20 PCs, it has to be a boss.
Yeah, they have potential instakills, but it should, too.
hmm him having instakills will depend on the party imo
mine has no healers, no nothing
if someone goes under during a fight
they dont even have healing pots to bring him
so I avoid goig for instakills on hard boss fights
so that they can strategize and protect a PC in danger
but, hey, just my playstyle, right? :P
You can't really complain about bosses not being challenging when you're deliberately avoiding making them challenging.
@BlueMoon93 There's nothing wrong with not wanting to kill a PC, but it's going to make it hard for you to challenge them.
I follow you
maybe ill have to change my approach then
see what my players think
ty for the input
Well, if you don't want to boost its offensive capabilities, you can shore up its defenses.
Give it immunity to spells that require a mental saving throw, for example.
That covers most of the instawin spells.
mental st? that's WIS, INT and CHA STs?
That's just an example of the kind of stuff you could do.
But yeah, this is the problem Legendary Resistance was introduced to prevent.
Remember, it only has to burn a use once it's already failed the saving throw.
yeah, it can still try to succeed
my players are fighting their first ancient dragon
so I dug up a lot to made sure i made him justice
atm they polimorphed him to get some time
and prepare traps / short rest
they dont have any insta kill spells right now
so its no issue
but in the future, I gotta know how to handle those
I was trying to come up with an example of a monster designed to be a boss for a party at level 20.
But there aren't any.
No published adventure goes that high.
I mean, once 9th level spells are an option, why is Power Word Kill being considered? Why not just Wish it out of existence?
Also, with the fur hat, is your username an Advance Wars reference?
@BlueMoon93 Tbh, once he's been polymorphed, his odds of survival aren't great. "We throw him in a volcano!" or "We teleport him into space!".
It's not quite an instakill spell in itself, but it's pretty close.
1 hour later…
13 Tweets about monster creation. 1: When an artist has an imbalance between beauty and tragedy, or rage, in his/her sense of self-
1 hour later…
Your semi-regular reminder that Your Fantasy World Isn't Colorful Enough.
Rainbow Sediment stratum, Oued Metlili Ghardaia, Algeria It's Outcrop of sedimentary rocks of the Albian "Early Cre… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/853209182094413826
6 hours later…
hey there @DuckTapeAl
Hey, @Shalvenay.
how're things going?
Pretty good. I start my new job on Tuesday.
nice, whatcha going to be doing?
QA on a mobile game.
ah. bughunting is always fun \o/ (well...almost always ;)
things have been actually kinda slow this weekend, haha
was able to get a game in Friday night with Papayaman but last night's game with nitsua had to be called off because the DM had a RL emergency
hopefully tonight's PF game is a go, though
hey there @Yuuki
how're things going?
Pretty good.
Having a crawfish boil today.
nice. things are alright here albeit somewhat slow. maybe you can help me with a "does this thing exist?" question for PF, though?
I can give it a try.
Speaking of PF, I left my Beginner Box out on the living room table to maybe entice some visiting family friends for a one-shot or something.
is there a way to add some sort of elemental aspect (such as damage) to all of one's summons?
(I'd expect it to be a feat -- this is for a Kossuthite Druid, btw, because what's scarier than a treant? A flaming treant, that's what!)
Hmm... that sounds familiar...
Okay, I have something that might work. Depends on whether Summon Monster counts as targeting an area.
But it does require more than one feat.
And if you're doing this, you might as well try to rules lawyer the DM into letting you use the Locate City Bomb/Nuke.
The problem is that there are little to no metamagic feats that let you add damage to a spell.
There's plenty that'll let you change damage for a spell, but very few that add.
@Yuuki that's something...I'd rather not do to a new DM :P
@Shalvenay Yeah, the Locate City Nuke is the only way I can think of to add elemental damage to a non-damaging spell.
And that involves convincing your DM to let you use 3.5e splatbooks.
yeah -- it was just a wild hair of flavor, really :P
(although, I will say the idea of a cork-wrapped Changestaff turning into a flaming treant definitely falls under Rule of Cool, as well as meshing with why cork is a thing IRL ;)
But Energy Attacks is a 2-point evolution.
yeah -- part of the problem is those require Summon Monster as a prereq
How important is RAW to your DM? Because I'd personnaly allow a Nature's Ally variant for Evolved, at least.
Versatile less so, since Nature's Ally doesn't have templates.
If you have touch spells that would work well with your summons, there's this: d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/proxy-summoning
@DuckTapeAl I'm not sure if they'd be able to answer that for themselves -- it's their first time around in the DM rode
the last one isn't a particularly nice option for a druid I feel -- their blasts tend to be ranged, not touch
Oh. That actually makes it easier. In my experience, first-time DMs are generally much more willing to bend the rules a little bit for their player's enjoyment.
Is there any way to increase thrown shield damage (5e)?
...are there rules for throwing shields in 5e?
Other than the normal improvised weapon rules?
Just did a quick look through the PHB, and I couldn't find anything related to throwing shields.
Yeah, I think it just works like improvised weapons.
1d4 + STR bludgeoning is fine for this character build, but I'd like to see if I can improve it.
And no magic items that turn a shield into a throwing weapon that I can find.
I have to ask: why are you throwing your shield?
Yeah, I was going to play Eldritch Knight and then bond a weapon + shield. That way, I can throw the shield and recall as a bonus action.
@DuckTapeAl Making 5e builds of some video game characters because I'm bored.
Starting with this one.
^That's who I thought you were talking about. :P
Is that Poppy?
Heh, she's awesome. And rarely ever seen.
Since there's no way to one-hand a two-handed weapon, I'll just flavor the warhammer as really f--kin' big.
@Erik I've been thinking about picking her up for jungling.
I haven't played League for a long time, but I remember playing Poppy as my main Fighter type.
Judging from the Wiki, she has been completely rebuilt, so I have no idea what she does anymore :D
Her passive lets her get a ranged attack every couple of seconds.
She throws her shield and can pick it up to get some shield HP.
Her E is the same, dash at an enemy and stun if she hits a wall.
Q does a small AoE of damage and then leaves a field that erupts shortly afterwards.
hey there @Papayaman1000
Her bread-and-butter is her W though, which puts up a field that blocks all enemy dashes.
Blocking dashes doesn't sound very exciting, tbh
Nice to see she still has the wall-slam. That one was fun.
So, new spell idea: Arcane barrier that absorbs spells that hit it (giving their 'mana' to the caster), while expunging 'mana' to block physical damage. It shatters and dissipates the moment the caster stops sustaining it (meaning a sufficiently strong physical attack on a barrier will smash it to pieces, empty the caster's 'mana' pool, and still hit anything behind it at full force).
And, of course, as this is a component for my spellcrafting system, you could hook it up to a continuous AoE spell to damage anything trying to break it.
How OP?
Sounds very complex for a component in a spellcrafting system
Sounds like it could/should be 3 different components
How do you think it should be divided up, then?
The parts seem to be "absorb spells", "block physical damage with mana"
I'm not sure why I thought 3 parts before. Maybe if you'd split "block spells" and "absorb their energy" but that might not be neccesary
The idea is that being able to just absorb spells with an ethereal barrier with no upkeep to it besides concentration just seems a bit OP. The idea is that a bunch of gobbo warlocks should at least be able to run over and stab it away, rather than just making everything in x range immune to spells indefinitely.
@Erik It's her big thing though because now she can prevent initiations on her team.
(It can block Malphite's ult)
Oh I'm sure it's effective, just not exciting. I played more for the exciting powers than the good ones
You mean to use the "blocks physical damage with mana" to be a downside of the barrier? I thought it was one of the good features.
@Papayaman1000 Have you ever played Magicka?
@Erik It's a blessing and a curse. A double-edged blade, if you will. Yes, the caster can block spells, and arrows, too! But it keeps those under ward caged in, and a group of determined monsters can make it too expensive to hold, magic be damned.
Yes. Excessively. I've explicitly said I've modeled the "beam" delivery off of its systems :P

[Yes I'm taking inspiration from the raw shield castings]
You can apply the same curse to the spell-absorb part and make the barrier detonate when it absorbs too much of whatever the barrier is set to absorb
An interesting side-effect is that it lets other casters transfer 'mana' to their cleric by casting simple spells at the barrier.
Then you might even link the amount of absorb to what you're blocking. A barrier that blocks fire can absorb far more than one that absorbs "all magic" before it detonates, but it's not as effective unless your enemy is a dragon.
"The idea is that being able to just absorb spells with an ethereal barrier with no upkeep to it besides concentration just seems a bit OP." If you have a barrier that doesn't block physical attacks, couldn't an enemy just shoot physical things past it?
Or run into the area and blast inside?
@DuckTapeAl Yeah, sure, but running towards the party with a crappy dagger isn't a very good replacement strategy. Especially when that Legolas wannabe snipes you in the face on your way.
@Erik There's an idea. I might have to make an entire barrier subsystem now.
Are you familiar with GURPS?
@DuckTapeAl Not on a deep mechanical level. I've never actually played a game with it.
A lot of what you're describing makes me think of GURPS things.
Combining base effects with modifiers, that sort of thing.
It made me think of Mutants&Masterminds :)
Mutants and Masterminds is basically GURPS for people who like to actually play games.
I've never played GURPS either, but I like the idea of that statement :P
Both have that same sort of character building, but GURPS is expressly attempting to be as simulationist as possible, where M&M is trying to be a good game.
Maybe. The idea is a massive system where a mage can craft nearly any combination of effects and load them onto a single spell. Also keep in mind that I make an effort to make everything free-form (something I've heard GURPS does well): You can take any levels in any skill you want, so the only thing restricting you from also being good with a warhammer is that you have to invest in that in the stead of magics.
And weirdly, despite having way more in the way of rules and exceptions, GURPS has a lot more holes than M&M.
hey there @Zachiel
@Papayaman1000 That's pretty much exactly how GURPS works. Spells are either Skills or Advantages, and the game doesn't stop you from spending your build points however you'd like.
This is basically me trying to cherry-pick the best parts of FATE, D&D 5e, Magicka, and The Elder Scrolls, all in one big pen&paper system.
Maybe I'll read up on GURPS a bit more.
Sounds like a cool project
@Erik I hope so, I've been working on it on and off for over a year now.
I plan on deploying it for my group in a sprawling open world with a bunch of neat little things tucked in every nook and cranny.
"You find a small cave. In the back, you see a man staring at you devilishly; he has a strong muscular build and gleaming red eyes. He takes a single step forward, and speaks. 'I am DIO BRANDO, and I shall strike you down!' Roll for initiative. Dio screams 'WRYYYYYYYY' and gets +20. His first attack is throwing a steamroller at you."
[Reward for that fight: "Power Word: Summon Steamroller"]
"Is that a JoJo reference?" - You, probably
"Yes, yes it is." - Me
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
@Shalvenay hey
how're things going?
@Papayaman1000 Za Warudo!
@DuckTapeAl JoJo's bizarre adventure - a series of related manga by the same author that at some point invented this magic system where people have some sort of spiritual ally called a Stand that has superpowers, and only Stand users can see other Stands.
@Shalvenay busy day.
Jan 20 at 17:03, by nitsua60
I feel like the linked answer would make a good template: "This was solved pretty comprehensively for GURPS ________. It comes with an Excel spreadsheet, which is pretty necessary given the calculations required. It isn't specifically for ________, but you should be able to join it up to your game."
@Zachiel I'm trying to post a message but it keeps timing out so now I'm trying to find the Za Warudo scene to sum it up nicely
are there any 3.x/PF feats that grant a template to summons made using Summon Nature's Ally? I recall something like that existing in 3.5e, but can't remember what it is or quite how it worked
@Shalvenay Rashemi Elemental Summoning from ... East (FR setting) and Verdant summoning or something like that from Lost Empires of Faerun IIRC
are you looking for Greenbound Summoning?
@nitsua60 Oh, god. I've heard GURPS described as a scripting language for world building, but the idea of GURPS as a Lua-like literal scripting language where you can pass data out to your GURPS module, work on it there, and then pass it back in units your original system can understand is just too funny to me.
@Shalvenay That one!
@DuckTapeAl And thus we have the exact reason I don't use GURPS
@Zachiel yeah -- hacking Greenbound Summoning to use the Firey template from PF would probably be acceptable (and better balanced than the original too -- the Greenbound template is nuts!)
@Papayaman1000 Honestly, that video explains nothing about what's happening.
That video is pretty much just ... weird
@Zachiel It's a good demonstration of just how bizarre the series is. That's all you ever truly need to know about JoJo.
@Papayaman1000 I have no idea what's going on there, other than a fight between two muscledudes.
@Shalvenay The Greenbound Summoning feat ws intended to be a metamagic (+2 slots) feat (the author said it when asked) but for unknown reasons it got edited out.
@Papayaman1000 rero rero rero
@Zachiel yeah, it's still pretty crazy even as a double metamagic feat
Also talking about Lua remembers me I need to put more time into my 5e encounter simulator.
...was there a Fred Flintstone clip in that video? Was that from the episode, or was that edited in?
That didn't seem bizarre to me, it seemed nonsensical.
and with the way the PF druid was actually toned down some compared to their 3.5e counterpart....
@DuckTapeAl EXACTLY.
Okay, so I should never watch it then. Sounds like a plan.
I've made a terrible mistake
but I want to watch JoJo now so I don't feel like sticking around to fix it
[ - New SE User 2017]
well, not exactly nonsensical, but you lack the context for that fight. The blond guy is Dio Brando (the BBEG of the third serie), whose Stand, The World (Za Warudo in japanese romanization), can stop time for around ten seconds, during which he can attack still enemies. Jotaro (the other guy) has a stand called Star Platinum. Very powerful, he likes to punch people and other stands at fast speed.
So, Dio just realized that Star Platinum can move inside still time for a while so he tries to attack with something that can shield him - the steamroller.
@Papayaman1000 Whenever I see that gif I can't help but think of the voice over in that scene...
I can't remember what the cherry scene was about. Was he trying to unnerve someone or just being weird like sometimes the anime is (more than the manga, at least)?
@Zachiel I was just going to ask that
looks to me like he was really trying to make someone annoyed or something, but I know nothing about this show soooo
he could just be being a silly weirdo
it certainly isn't the first thing I want to look at XD
@Papayaman1000 leeeeeeewd
@Papayaman1000 I mean, it is called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
@Yuuki one word for it yeah
others are "annoying" "weird" and "disgusting"
So Eldritch Knight is probably the easiest way for a martial class to have early access to a returning weapon, right?
I wouldn't assume this is the kind of specific thing always happening in the show, but if it were I know one show that I can cross off the list
@Yuuki I think so yeah
(don't have my PHB available to check though)
@Yuuki 5e?
@nitsua60 Yeah.
I guess it depends on how you feel about a warlock's pact weapon, that'd also be L3. (It's not quite a "returning weapon," but perhaps it also does all the things you wanted form the returning weapon.)
Well, the Eldritch Knight's pact weapon does roughly the same thing so I guess I would count both as "returning weapon". I think the fighter would be more at home on the frontline than the warlock though.
I dunno
Judging from hit die alone.
Bladelocks are pretty capable fighters, but a bit more flank than tank
Yeah, it goes either way. Either EK or pact of the blade are both explicitly built to be front-line melee attackers and casters.
Found a Tuesday group and they need an archer. I'm thinking Rogue (Assassin) X/Fighter (Arcane Archer) 3.
Thoughts? My thinking is that I can use a Seeking Arrow to deliver massive spike damage with sneak attack and etc.
Or maybe a Piercing Arrow.
hey there @Icyfire

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