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hey there @eimyr wraps a tentacle around @eimyr's shoulder in a friendly fashion
how are things?
any plans for the weekend?
hopefully getting this dicebot working so that I can RP with Nitsua, VI, and a couple friends o' mine
why do you need one?
I get it
it's a Discord dicebot
I recently got my attention on this:
I've been thinking about trying to make a similar game
It's nice to see people have similar ideas to me
ah. also, pondering a rather...strange party-dragon encounter xD
(if you want to hear it, I can toss it here or wherever, your preference :)
this seems like an interesting endeavour into something that hasn't been very well explored by games at all - i.e. realistic combat
sure, go ahead
I can rant about combat realism later
and yeah -- realistic combat is underexplored I feel, but that's neither here nor there
so, it's storming out like crazy, party's set up camp in a cave for the night
uh huh
when a big ol' dragon lumbers into the cave and introduces himself to the party with a dragon-sized...yawn.
"Mind if I join you for the night? Weather's getting awful rotten up there...got pinged in the head by enough hailstones for a day and then some!"
@NautArch @LegendaryDude re: behind-the-screen rolls, one thing I always keep in mind is that it can be (physically) pretty awkward to roll beyond the screen. Three or four hours of standing, leaning out over a screen can be pretty rough on the lower back.
why would a dragon even ask?
he's at least trying to put a polite foot forward :)
be a dragon, see a cave, yeah, shelter for the night! arrive, see it's infested with humans. Some of them look shiny, some have a magical aura. wat do.
never mind, continue
The party's like 'Uh, sure! I hear yah on the weather...you think it should be through by morning?" and the dragon sort of slithers in around the party and lays down to the tune of "Hopefully! It's not really the quickest-movin' of storms, and it's full o' ice too..."
dragon yawns again "That rough air really wears one's old bones out after a while..."
that's a southern dragon, apparently
/scribbles a note/: cleric item ideas: Bible Belt +1. Immunity against evolution.
night passes without further incident
@Skyler stone of good luck adds +1 to all ability checks and saving throws. All skill checks are ability checks; see PHB p.174: "proficiency in a skill means an individual can add his or her proficiency bonus to ability checks that involve that skill."
the party wakes predawn to the storm having passed, puts breakfast on, and gives the big ol' beast a few of their rations as a quick morning snack "Wakey wakey, eggs and bac'ey!"
dragon wakes up, chomps the snack "Aww, breakfast in bed, thanks! Don't usually get hospitality this good from adventurers..." and starts to slither clear of the party's stirrings "Well, I'd like to stay and get to know you, but with the storm diversion and all, got a long leg to fly if I still want to make it over to my friend's place on time. Good luck and farewell!"
@eimyr also, LOL :P
is that all?
party waves goodbye as the dragon lumbers out of the cave and takes off into the sunrise
and then?
party continues on their way\
so does the party later learn of the terrible wake of terror and desolation that the dragon's flight caused?
flocks eaten, people in panic...
Not every good deed the PCs do needs to result in widespread carnage and chaos.
Only, like, 80% of them.
well, it can be left by the first leg of the journey
Wow. Just read about that whole Brazil+D&D debacle. Yeesh.
@Shalvenay hiya

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