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@eimyr that'sd be pretty cool to be able to adjust for purposes of using in a duel
if you found normal combat in a tabletop was a tad dry
i kinda want to do a day where the players are in a world completely made of food
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs The RPG
@nitsua60 mind telling me about it?
@nitsua60 Yeah, it's a mess.
brocolli trees filled with stirges that explode cheese when you kill them, the dirt road is made of oreo chunks
oh, nvm. translation rights flap. :P
ooh and the rare steak tree
when you cut through its browned and seared bark a juicy flap of steak is all that awaits
bees still make honey but now the hive is actually a warm juicy pastry with pockets of honey
what standard world items would you guys love seeing converted into food
@nitsua60 what the where now?
hey there @daze413
@Skyler lime Jell-O flavor gelatinous cubes, chocolate puddings...
I have been running that game for years now ^^ Have a new group of newbies to DnD currently enjoying it
@daze413 haha
a dark twist on what i was picturing but a great idea for what could be messed up there
I don't get it... everything in DnD is food for those who are brave enough
@Skyler If you are interested, I basically statted every creature there for DnD 5e, if you want to run it
@Shalvenay Yeah, that.
@Skyler Can I steal this?
@daze413 id love that
@daze413 help yourself
@Skyler hang on while I convert my scribbled notes into text
I'll make a new room for it
hey there @JackStout
how're things going?
chuggin' along
not happy with any of my designs, this week
awww :/ OK here
I've got a trap room that isn't paced properly. Trying to work out whether it would be more effective to hold the party or hold the goal item in order to slow things down.
@JackStout mind sharing? :)
Let me grab a mockup.
8 hours later…
I guess @JackStout fell into his own trap while fetching the plans...
2 hours later…
hey there @eimyr
@shalvenay wanna talk about realistic combat?
a little, although I'm not the best guy for that (there are a few folks on WB.SE who study HEMA and I also know someone from my other RP experiences who does the same)
well, I'm a folk like that too
though what I do stays well clear of the HEMA world, as we consider the HEMA label to have become too sports-oriented recently
So what has recently been bugging me is that in many RPGs when you successfully land an attack, one or more of the following happens: you deal point-based damage, you inflict a wound with some immediate minor consequence, you set up an advantage for yourself or you inflict a long-lasting consequence.
meanwhile, in my classes an effect of a successful attack can be death or nothing.
yeah -- lethality vs playability is a hard balance
yeah but all that is also present in reality too
all the little nicks, advantages etc. are there - only they are squeezed into 2-3 second bout
yeah -- you have to work at sort of bullet-time when RPing combat
another irksome bit is that combat is a bit like consecutive series of check-moves in chess
that is totally not represented in games
but yeah -- one-hit-kills tend to be a playability problem
or at least can be
sure, that's true
have you looked at Burning Wheel at all?
that's why hema is rarely a spectator sport
that's what I've heard of at least in attempts to be simulationist re: RPG combat
I have tentatively, but its a bit too complex for my taste
ah. yeah, I've heard it's a very crunchy system
too crunchy :)
2 hours later…
hey there @BlueMoon93 and @JackStout
2 hours later…
@Zachiel We took that conversation to a different room.
what's up @Shalvenay?
not a whole lot, excited for tonight's game. a as for you?
My thursday game got pushed to sunday. Always makes me feel like I have to raise the bar.
What system are you running?
D&D 5e
Do you have a style of play you typically aim for?
i'm not the GM -- nitsua's running a short-form
my style is a bit of a "weird adventures" -- I do like to shoot for some sandbox elements
@Shalvenay when is "tonight"?
@eimyr 9PM EDT
id join but it's 2 am
I've just been introduced to Your D&D Stories, which are excellently illustrated excellent stories from D&D. Imgur compilation.
Q: The protagonist can't defeat the antagonist without the antagonist being stupid

repfarmerWhat should I do if my story's plot is built around the antagonist being extremely strong, and by the end it's clear that the protagonist cannot possibly defeat the antagonist, unless the antagonist makes a stupid mistake in the "final battle" (or the protagonist magically gets super strong)? Is ...

room topic changed to RPG General Chat: Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games [dice] [pen-and-paper] [roleplaying]
dejeffification :P
noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffff!
so long jeff
room topic changed to RPG General Chat: Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games [dice] [jeff] [pen-and-paper] [roleplaying] [rpg]
ah y'all are weirdos
well i won't deny that
2 hours later…
@mxyzplk I resemble that...
2 hours later…
Q: Ranger lvl 4 Vampire Spawm lvl 8 multiclassing, what to do next?

RegisI was looking through Libris Mortis and I am not sure what to do with my character after I finish leveling with my Vampire Spawn levels, I wish to continue my vampire build, but I do not know which class to take Lurking Terror or Master Vampire? Do you know any other books where I could read up ...

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