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Granted, but sessions-per-week is going to favor the larger games with an organized play presence by definition. I don't have data on Shadowrun's version, but I know that D&D and Pathfinder have large and strong programs.
Market data can't tell us about Roll For Shoes' popularity until it gets so popular people are selling Roll For Shoes merchandise.
@nitsua60 Is AL a sanctioned program where people running it have to log stuff?
I would suggest that a game's presence in or absence from a brick-and-mortar store is a decent indicator of popularity. Chances are much lower that a game which is only available through Drivethru is going to see as much play as a game available for purchase at a wider variety of places.
@doppelgreener AL is the current edition's OP.
Those running it don't have to log anything.
@nitsua60 ... adventure league is overpowered?
@doppelgreener lol
I'm not sure what OP means there, sorry!
Oh, organised play?
Organized Play
Right. Do people have to log what they're doing in that?
If those running it are part of the retail network they can get bennies from WotC for volume of OP.
Adventurers' League is D&D's Pathfinder Society.
Players have to log play, but organizers only have to log to WotC if they're trying to get the bennies from WotC. Which can only happen if they're members of the retail network. IOW, FLGS OP is mostly-logged to WotC, but there's some fraction of OP being run which isn't logged to WotC.
I've picked up stories of people talking about, like, GMs having to sign certificates to say that yes, a player really does have that Longsword +3, and the player brings those certificates with their character sheet when they're visiting another store/group. Or something like that.
Yes, that's a thing. PLayers log so that their characters are transferable from table to table, GM to GM, location to location, event to event.
@doppelgreener That's how PFS works.
Is that just within the retail network, or outside it too?
But that's all "local" logging--the player just has to produce a logsheet upon request.
oh, huh, neat.
PFS also allows for sanctioned home play, and offers a central reporting portal on Paizo's website.
I'm wondering about the fact that FLGSs are mostly reporting to WotC the number of players/tables they've got, but since non-FLGS organized play (libraries, schools, posts) isn't reported, I have no idea how much of that's actually going on.
@Karelzarath That's what WotC's missing.
@Karelzarath Online purchases make gaming practical for the wide swathes of the world which aren't near a FLGS.
And, well, my FLGS is mostly a MtG store. The only RPG they carry is D&D 3.5, and only 1 out of the 4 local gaming groups I know play D&D 3.5.
(And my FLGS doesn't do any organised play at all.)
Absolutely. But if something's not available at a store or on Amazon.com, your chance of stumbling across is is low. That difficulty in discovery (unless highly marketed) means much lower market share and public notice.
The RPG industry is tiny. Really, really tiny.
Most of the games my group plays, we discovered through RPG.SE either directly or indirectly.
When I was a kid, Australia had this early-morning show called RAGE which, for a couple of hours, played the top 50-odd songs on the music charts from least to most popular. I remember my brother telling young me that it wasn't all that accurate and meaningful -- their data came from what distributors were selling recently, which meant their data was just what the stores were buying to stock, which doesn't necessarily relate to what people are looking for and what they enjoy listening to.
Prior to discovering RPG.SE, my group had played D&D 3.5, D&D 4e, Dogs in the Vineyard, and we wanted to play All Flesh Must Be Eaten but never got around to it.
I love Dogs in the Vineyard.
All of them were discovered through word of mouth or online social interactions.
It's very difficult to make sweeping statements about the RPG landscape because there's not an RPG community; there's thousands of pockets of RPG communities, many of which are loosely connected through online interaction with like-minded communities but only rarely have the opportunity to encounter other facets of the RPG experience.
I'm also very concerned by a study that provides no numbers and no meaningful information about what statistics they are tracking (and producing) and how they are collecting those statistics.
We can say that D&D is more visible than Call of Cthulhu, but we just don't have usefully complete numerical statements about community participation.
A scientific white paper that expressed similarly little information about its data-gathering techniques would be tossed in the trash. "We wanted to find out what was causing [rare disease], so we spoke to some people, and some doctors. Here's a table listing the top five causes of [rare disease]. (Table listing five causes. End of paper.)" does not invoke confidence.
I get that ICv2 is using confidential sources which each give them different kinds of information, so a very generic comparison is all they can give us.
But we need to take it for exactly what it is.
We can't assume that Star Wars is more popular than Call of Cthulhu; we only know that Star Wars is outselling Call of Cthulhu. If Call of Cthulhu adventures are often much larger and more sprawling than Star Wars, groups equally active in each system will buy more Star Wars adventures per year for the same number of sessions played.
What I get from it is a vague table about vague data. I'm also conscious that I have one RPG - Fate Core - which requires exactly only one book to play. I don't even need to buy it because its entire contents got released online for free alongside the book. (My FLGS in Australia still stocked some copies.) If Fate Core and D&D 5e were played the same amount (extremely unlikely), what would the data say?
If Star Wars has more expensive peripherals (like licensed miniatures), gross income from Star Wars gamers will outstrip gross income from CoC players even if CoCers are buying more miniatures.
@doppelgreener And I got a lot of my Fate materials (books, PDFs, dice, tokens) through Kickstarters, so where does that show up in the data?
D&D 5e requires 3+ books per table to use. Someone has to have the DMG and MM, and there's likely more than one PHB at the table. They probably have at least one published adventure purchased, and maybe also a starter set. That's easily six products. If Fate Core (one book per group) had the same amount of player groups as D&D 5e (six products per group), does that data tabulation count D&D 5e as having six times higher statistics, just because it requires more stuff?
Heck, I made my first actual purchase from the Evil Hat store last week despite playing Evil Hat games for... gosh, five years?
I suspect that D&D's "buy three books for minimal playability" model artificially inflates its numbers a LOT compared to most other RPGs.
Are they dollar sales, or number-of-items sales? How's the listed-as-$5-on-its-own-cover Fate Accelerated rank against the $50 D&D 5e PHB? Does that beat it out by 10x per item because of them recording dollars?
@doppelgreener If a free product gained as much popularity as paid products, I'd expect to see measurable and noticeable downturn in sales across those products. Similar to how astronomers locate new planets by watching the pull from known bodies.
There's only so much free time to go around, and non-collectors rarely buy books they don't use.
@Karelzarath Or more people are playing who would otherwise avoid a medium with such extravagant entry costs.
@Karelzarath Well, or stalling, but our group buys RPGs and plays free RPGs. We acquire a lot of different products from a lot of different sources.
We'll often play a different system every week!
Or mash multiple systems together in a single campaign!
I know folks who use Fate for social encounters and 4e for tactical combat.
There was that one point where over two weekends we used three different systems. (Atomic Robo, Masters of Umdaar, and Don't Rest Your Head.)
That was awesome.
The middle one was pay-what-you-want-including-free, but at least one of us was subscribed to the Fate Worlds patreon.
And we got Atomic Robo via a Kickstarter.
@BESW It seems like we're getting back to the other day's "more mobile computing -> less desktop computing," "no, more mobile computing -> more computing" discussion.
A lot of people I know dabble in some games, mostly small-press stuff, but have a "core game" they return to time and again.
@nitsua60 Yeah. That's a thing.
@Karelzarath Yeah, that's similar for us. Our core game for the past while has been Fate.
@nitsua60 Ha! Yeah, and computers were supposed to result in shorter work weeks, but instead just raised the bar on expected work output.
@doppelgreener Speaking of games, can you respond on Skype before you go to bed?
On nights we play RPGs, we're probably playing it at least half the sessions. The other half could be anything.
@BESW thank you! [runs to go check Discord, which he'd meant to do hours ago]
@Karelzarath Mostly, where I'm coming from responding to those icv2 stats, is this emotional spot: I have a vast landscape of hundreds of games before me. I have played dozens. I interact with multiple formats of sales, and some of my favourite games are free. I even have friends making and distributing products. I'm on a site where easily 75% of the questions are about D&D or Pathfinder. But what on earth does a table of five items described as vaguely as icv2 actually say about any of this..?
I say this not to nag the point against icv2 or verbally club you for bringing it up, I guess I'm labouring that at this point. You seem interested in this kind of thing though, so I figured I'd mention that. ^
It's something near and dear to my heart, I admit. RPGs pay my rent.
RPG.SE's preponderance of D&D/PF questions is, I think, more about the complexity and volume of D&D/PF content than about its popularity. Thousands of pages of rules written by many different authors over many years will just plain mean more questions per player than Roll For Shoes ever could.
@BESW Yeah, I agree. I even read Great Ork Gods back to front trying to find any questions to ask about it, and a long long time later you finally came up with the only one we have about it.
Meanwhile the amount of text we've got written on the site about Roll for Shoes is several times greater than the amount of text in Roll for Shoes's rules, haha.
And most of that is about hacking it.
@Karelzarath We've at least one member who works as a consultant for third party Paizo publishers (KRyan), and at least one other who publishes their own material for games & sells that independently.
Game designers drop into RPG.SE semi-regularly (eg, our only Great Ork Gods question has an answer from the developer, and Fred Hicks breezes through occasionally).
@doppelgreener It comes down to money, ultimately. Paid product lines can hire people to make content while free products rely on passionate fans. Sales/popularity charts like ICv2 show where people are throwing money which directly correlates to interest. For me, making a living is what's important, so that's the information I follow.
I'm very active in PFS and have followed AG from the outside since it was announced. Organized play is where D&D and Pathfinder hook new players and expand their player base.
D&D is a gateway to a lot of games some would consider... unnatural.
That's one model, though D&D is unique amongst RPGs because its overlords expect unusually high profit margins.
I don't play Fate or FAE and have zero visibility into that community, though it seems quite active. I know that the new "funny dice" Star Wars games have a passionate following.
@BESW seconded -- some games are just easier to wrap your head around than others
@Karelzarath And it probably does a good job of that. I know for sure D&D and Pathfinder make a lot of product sales!
@Karelzarath You may find Evil Hat's approach to marketing interesting/useful to study. They're very transparent about it.
@BESW I will only correct you to say that's inaccurate. I can't say much more.
@Karelzarath those games being?
@Shalvenay I was riffing off Star Wars Episode III. But D&D gets people into RPGs, in no small part due to its visibility.
@Karelzarath oh, missed the reference, and yeah -- it tends to be most folks' starting point for precisely that reason (it was the case for me)
There are plenty of reasons to ditch D&D and Pathfinder for other RPGs. Rules complexity is usually #1.
I think Dogs in the Vineyard is all of two pages?
You could probably distill Numenera down to a few dozen and not really lose much.
Dogs is about a hundred pages. You may be thinking of something else.
Is it? I thought the core rules were really short.
@Karelzarath no kidding -- however, most of the simplifications that folks have achieved have come by focusing on narrative-construction, not world-engine-building if you will
"150 pages paperback" Well, I'll be dipped.
@Karelzarath That'd depend on what you consider core, but still no.
Character creation alone is 22 pages.
@BESW We players got a two-sided sheet for our use. I just assumed it was a lot smaller, I guess.
Ah, yes. There's a reference sheet.
(Actually, there are a LOT of reference sheets, but most of them are only useful during play for the GM.)
Compare Fate, where the stripped-down rules are less than 80 pages and the full Fate Core manual is 300+ pages mostly because it goes into a lot of detail about the how and why of the design philosophy and offers guidance on customising it to your needs.
Or Lady Blackbird, where the character sheet is the top half of the page and the game system is the bottom half.
Hmm, that reminds me that I wanted to get a copy of Bluebeard's Bride.
I've reached the point where I have to be really invested in a game's themes if it's more than a hundred pages. Like Bubblegumshoe, or Lovecraftesque.
Or Ki Khanga, when it finally gets released.
[crosses fingers]
my problem is that I'm not sure if there are games that quite cover the thematic spaces I want to cover...
Heh, and our Venn diagram overlap is tiny enough that I'm not much help in finding out.
@Shalvenay You could always make your own. :D
Codifying a deeply simulationist experience would be an interesting challenge.
yeah -- it'd be quite hard though especially dealing with the fractal-problems that existing simulationist systems face
I suspect something more Fate-like, in which mechanics rely on the group's shared understanding of reality rather than trying to recreate that understanding through rules, would be more productive.
Kinda like how D&D doesn't define "dead," you don't need rules to define what everyone already knows or does. Systems are most successful when they provide structure for the parts of play that the group won't naturally add on its own. I don't need AW's GM moves because those are things I already do as a GM, but I do need Bubblegumshoe's relationship mechanics because it's hard for us to keep relationships at the center of our play.
If you were to make a game for your playstyle, @Shalvenay, I'd suggest you start by carefully considering what groups don't naturally do which you want to see in your game.
I think for my next Pathfinder game, I'm going to steal Bubblegumshoe's relationship system. I think it would be a good way to track the contacts the PCs make.
[summons cabal: that's ^^ the verbal component of the summoning]
@BESW Do we know this? I'm interested.... (I.e. by "overlords" do you mean WotC or Hasbro?)
@nitsua60 I can't remember the details, I think a lot of it came from Lord Gareth. And Karel says it's inaccurate.
@BESW Gareth's certainly a reputable source. @Karelzarath I don't know as much about, but I haven't seen them club any chatizens and throw them off a cliff recently. [ <-- @doppelgreener ]
@Karelzarath I riffled through Numenera at the store and thought about buying it, perhaps just out of nostalgic feeling for the author. Being a 400-pg book that you say can be distilled to 12pp., I guess I'm glad I kept my $60.
hey again @nitsua60
@Shalvenay Hiya.
how're things going?
Good. Doing the bills.
Also: FLGS had a sale on Reaper Mini Bones the other day, so I got a rust monster, a troll, an ogre, three wererats, a huge wererat, six skeletons, a peryton, and three tiny demons for about $20. So, that's a big win.
In other news, my son's group's upcoming altercation with some goblins is definitely now going to be wererat-themed.
Which ties in nicely to some previous adventures, so it's really a win all around.
wonders what a werecapybara would be like
OK here
excited for tomorrow, that's for sure
I think it'll be pretty low-key. You and Cody, and it sounds like VI will be there for a bit but that long stretches at the computer are currently still troubling her.
yeah, it'll be interesting to see how Cody's char comes out in full though
@nitsua60 Ah, minis. Of those 3 tiny demons, does one look suspiciously like Mike Wazowski (from Monsters Inc)?
That's the Billy Crystal one?
I think so
The green one :)
also wondering where @Reibello's been
@Magician Yeah, could be. It's a little more toothy than eyeball-ey, but I can see the resemblance.
Then I had painted the same trio recently :D
(Really, "viscious maw" fits better than "toothy," but I'm a little tired.
@Magician Cool. Wanna trade? I hate painting.
Haha, I've backed all 3 reaper KSs, I'm stocked with unpainted minis for the rest of my life.
And that's even before the 3rd one has shipped.
@Magician interesting. Are any KS still active?
Not atm. They've flubbed the third one a bit, in that it's taking them way longer to produce the minis than originally estimated, so they're not even talking about the 4th one.
And do they really only do $1 and $100 pledge levels?
The first one was insane in that regard, the core set costing $100 got bloated beyond belief. Great value. But even then they had add ons for larger monsters. KS 2 and 3 were a bit more tame - there's the core set and several extra sets with very vague themes. Plus addons.
@Magician Any tips on how to do a super-quick-and-dirty paint-job on these suckers? Like could a layering of a spray-coat and some wash (a) not look worse than the unpainted and (b) serve to distinguish among identicals? (I.e. blue skellie archer, brown skellie archer, &c.)
For a fairly quick painting method, look for "dip method" tutorials
Which is only a bit more involved than what you're describing
> The dip method won't win you any awards, and many "traditional" mini painters consider it cheating, but if you're in a hurry, or don't have the time to learn how to paint well, or you're not aiming too high, the dip method can save you a lot of time and hassle.
Sounds right up my alley!
That's me!
Learned at a museum that cheetahs, alone among the great cats, after making contact with front paws push off again and are airborne before back paws hit the ground, lengthening their stride by 5 or 6 feet. (Other cats' front paws touch down, then back paws--well ahead of the front paws--then front paws lift, then back paws push off.)
Also learned that museum guards don't like me and son trying out that cheetah-maneuver ^^ in the museum.
@Magician are we talking about using stain or using varnish with stain? I've seen both mentioned, and they'd strike me as acting very differently. (Having never tried them with minis, but having used them extensively in finish carpentry.)
Don't actually know, as I don't use this method. It'd be cheating :)
Try to figure out what mini painters mean by these terms?
Yeah, but it's sooooo fast. (It's all about pushing off with the front paws when painting.)
@Magician It looks like some are talking about water-based stains, but others are talking about stained varnishes. If varnishes'll work that's awesome, as I'm sure it'll make them more durable--I don't feel like getting a fancy case, either.
Speaking of fancy cases for miniatures, here's one.
Single piece Reaper Bones minis probably don't need it, as they're quite durable and paint sticks to them very well, but for larger or metal miniatures, this looks awesome.
Hah, yeah, I've been using plastic boxes meant for arts & crafts or nails or whatever.
@Magician Ooh... the power of magnets. I'll tell ya, that video almost got me.
2 hours later…
I can close a question as a dupe of 2 other questions. This new feature is fantastic.
7 hours later…
@Miniman Cool. Too bad it happened because OP asked two questions at once....
2 hours later…
hey there @ACuriousMind
Don't mind me, just lurking as usual ;)
hey there @BlackVegetable
hey there @ObliviousSage
@Shalvenay greetings
how're things going?
hey there @SPavel
hey there @ThomasWard
how're things going?
Hey, sorry, was going to ask for some DW ideas but got called away to help my wife who suddenly it turns out is sick so we'll have to cancel today anyway. :(
hey there @THiebert
hey there @Anaphory
hey again @THiebert
hey @CTWind
how're things going?
and hey as well @nitsua60
Going okay, quiet day today.
yeah, same here. pondering what would happen in WoD if a couple of vampires decided to have kids together :)
would you get vampire rugrats out of the deal, even?
2 hours later…
hey @Zachiel
how're things going? still busy?
@Shalvenay More busy than I would like.
@Zachiel ah
I have a game where we're at war against a horde of undead and another one where I'm trying to sell a metric ton of equipment without attarcting the attention of thieves, and I sort of decided to ask help to some very reputable (but very Evil) siblings.
I'm also trying to make a plugin for the first game, and I need to decide both my spell list for the future and which items I absolutely need to avoid being useless if they dispel me.
Anyone want to weigh an opinion on whether Druid-bears can wield shields?
It seems at least feasible...
@RavenDreamer hrm...I'd penalize them for non-proficiency at a minimum
@RavenDreamer Which game and eventually edition are we talking about?
but yes, game/edition?
D&D 5e.
So they definitely have proficiency in caster form.
Not my expertise field, sadly. Knowing something about D&D at large, I'd say no, you'd need a prehensile hand to carry it (except maybe bucklers?)
Shields on PHB p.144 says they're carried in one hand, so I'd agree with @Zachiel here.
Or DM fiat via specialized equipment, I suppose.
Ah, well, perhaps too good to be true, haha.
Might be able to argue for a barding version of the shield (PHB p.155), but that still doesn't change the language of 'carried in'
Huh. That's an interesting idea.
@RavenDreamer Polymorph expressly forbids it. Does wild shape have anything to say about it?
Lemme find the wording
I think even without the specific wording you default to being able to do only whatever your beast form can do.
"You choose wehether your equipment falls to the ground, merges into your form, or is worn by it.
Worn equipment functions as normal, but the DM decides what is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature's shape and size."
So the answer may just be, "DM's call".
So, shields are carried in a hand but technically they are also "worn" (they're armor, not weapons" because they are a type of armor and they appear in the armor table for don/doff duration.
It takes an action to don/doff (unlike drawing a weapon or 'object interaction' which can be done as part of a move or other action)
So yeah, who knows?
Oh, there is this
"You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. "
I'm gonna say no on that
He is clearly using the human as a shield, I think that means we're good to go!
@RavenDreamer I would definitely not allow the shield you use in druid form to be usable by the bear, or vice-versa. But if you want to design/commission bear-barding/bear-shield that you'll carry (uselessly) in druid-form and wield/equip in bear-form, that'd totally fly at my table.
Of course I track encumbrance, so that's not nothing....
@nitsua60 It's too broad.
It's basically a list question where most of the list has already been compiled and they're looking for more things to add to the existing list.
hey again @nitsua60 and hey there @RavenDreamer
how're things going?
I can't complain. Trying to plan out a Barbearian.
been testing a dungeon myself
@RavenDreamer is that a cross between a Bear and a Barbarian? That would be a cool character to play
rrrrrrrrrr.... resisting the urge to be aggressively helpful toward this user
@Wibbs Common name for a moon druid/barbarian multiclass
@nitsua60 damn you and your sensible answer ;p
@Wibbs It's a nice neologistic portmanteau....
hey @Patta
I was just dropping in to ask how I can add a foot note in an answer? :D I've seen it done sometimes, but I never knew how...
Also: How's it going? :)
alright here, albeit slowly. been testing a 5e dungeon as of late
Ahh, good luck with that
@Patta First, you can always just edit-and-abort an answer in which you see something you like, to see how it's done.
The way I do it:
(a) <sup>fn number</sup> where you want to place the indicator.
(b) <hr> to set off the footnotes from text, then <sup>fn number - fn text</sup> for each footnote
Right, I forgot that is possible :D
Thanks, now I can go ahead and answer that TDE-Question.
Here's an example if you want to poke around.
It's not truly a footnote--just anti-semantic typography--and there are good arguments for not doing it at all. But I like them.
I see. I might not need them anyway, but it's good to know how to do it :D
well, that's gonna be a long answer.... :D
isn't a spoiler done by >!
hey there @JuneShores
That is how I have seen it when editing other answers, at least?
@Patta Yes, but there are some fiddly bits. See rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/q/6064/23970
Hi hi.
@nitsua60 You are a hero, thank you :D
@Patta I've fallen down this hole before =)
alright, writing that answer was exhausting :D Good night, every one!
Good night, Patta.
@Patta rest up to fight the good fight another day =)
how're things going?
was aimed at June
Wondering what the heck is up with the official My Little Pony RPG, at the moment.
Also, suffering through Iron Fist.
Suffering, I say!
@JuneShores It's going on in my daughers' bedroom. Currently Rainbow Dash is holding court with the other ponies, some army men, and a Little People nativity set.
Iron Fist?
There is an actual tabletop game coming out though. It was made by a wargame designer.
Netflix's new Marvel series. It's bad.
Real bad.
It's amazing how Marcel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's X-Men various attempts, and Marvel's attempts with Netflix can very so widely in quality.
I know, right?
Well, X-Men hasn't been Marvel. The X-Men film and TV stuff has been all Fox. Same for Fantastic Four.
All of these have great variation in their quality level, too. Deadpool and Logan VS X3 and Origins: Wolverine. Winter Soldier VS Thor: The Dark World.
oh :/
@JuneShores X-Men is Marvel. If Marvel chose to license their property without any further involvement, that's just one way in which they've failed to make something as good as Marvel West is doing with MCU.
It's trickier than that. They licensed these rights out in the mid-90s to escape bankruptcy, so they got pretty terrible deals all around.
Marvel West?
@JuneShores That's how the New York print guys collectively refer to the studio people.
Ah, I see,
This site is so hostile.
Actually, as I can remember, as I made a question, I had to fight always for it.
I know a lot of other SE sites as well, many have a little bit surreal rules, but such a hostility I didn't met ever.
The main problem is with the site, that I can't see any reason to cooperate. Your behavior until now has shown very clearly, that it doesn't matter how strictly do I follow your rules. It won't be enough for you.
Wanna talk about it, or just get it off your chest? (Honestly.)
Do you understand? If there would be such a (said or unsaid) offer: "hold this, this and this rule, and your posts will be ok", then I would hold them. But there is no such offer. My posts will be always closed, it doesn't matter what I do.
I am strongly considering that I initiate some longer, deeper again this site.
@MorningStar Do you believe that those who vote against you (either downvote or close-vote) aren't judging you the person, but rather the post? Or do you doubt that?
The face, what the site shows to me, is not a list of rules. It is not a set customs with them I had to be compatible. No. The face what this site shows to me, is the face of open hostility.
@nitsua60 My question yesterday was only the last drop.
(I'm glad you popped in, by the way. Some were saying I shouldn't have tried to reach out so much yesterday, but I think it's really important to hear and try to understand those who have unpleasant experiences.)
@MorningStar Sure, I get that. I went yesterday and read your meta--thank you for linking it--and then saw that you've had a high fraction of poorly-received questions.
@nitsua60 Somewhere I've heard a nice proverb. "Turpitude has no face." <- It means in our relation, that the really shameless turpitude don't have an easily decipherable reason in most cases
@MorningStar (When you say "our" do you mean you and me, or you and the site generally?)
@nitsua60 If you would be a mod, you would see also 2x more questions, where I lost the fight to save it.
@nitsua60 And, you wouldn't see not a single question where the closure hadn't been at least initiated.
@nitsua60 Here it means: "I vs. rpg SE"

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