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@LegendaryDude what's funny is that it seems that a mod's bounty on the question is what inevitably led to it being closed
ahh, it can't be closed cause it has an open bounty, lol
Would it make sense to break This question into three subquestions, instead of one larger question?
They are all about how the Augury spell functions, but each section seems like its own self-contained concern.
It feels like one large, slightly-overly-clarified question to me.
It basically boils down to "How does augury work?" It just details all the bits that are confusing to him.
I think that the detailed clarifications are probably entirely unnecessary. “Who is the ‘you’ in that sentence? Does the action have to be started or finished in that time? Is good or bad results from the caster's perspective or the otherworldly being's?” is probably plenty to understand the question. On the other hand, if the clarifications' details are actually important, it should be three questions.
tht is a very long question
@SevenSidedDie Agreed.
@SevenSidedDie the way he's broken them up and put so much effort behind each one, I interpreted quite strongly that the details were very important. I left a comment suggesting he break the question up, or at least try to clarify what he's looking for.
@Adam tl;dr: rtfs /s
@DForck42 read the f***ing spell?
@THiebert yyes
I was being sarcastic, hence the /s
I'm part of the lucky 10,000 today!
@DForck42 understood the sarcasm, didn't understand the acronym
@THiebert ahh
@Adam yay!
luck 10,000?
@diego title text: Saying 'what kind of an idiot doesn't know about the Yellowstone supervolcano' is so much more boring than telling someone about the Yellowstone supervolcano for the first time.
@diego love it!
@SevenSidedDie I appreciate that your comment addresses the alternate interpretation. Good call to help clear up what the asker was really asking.
@SevenSidedDie re this comment and its parent answer, do we have a more-canonical answer on "how much to include?" that basically says "as little as necessary, even though more is often legal." I feel like I recall that, but perhaps its just my impression from distributed Q, A, and comment-colloquys?
@mxyzplk ineffectively addressed you in a comment, then realized it wouldn't actually ping you. So, <ping> =)
> Wall of force. When you use Telekinesis to Defend against physical harm, you can take a consequence to automatically succeed, and you may take a consequence to extend the Defence to everyone near you. (Doing both means taking two consequences.)
@BESW @trogdor thought of a neato stunt. ^
@nitsua60 We might but I can't think of it off hand. I think it's just the general guidance that quoting more than is relevant worsens rather than improves clarity, and hence post quality, and that's just writing advice in general rather than specifically here.
@doppelgreener That's a neat way to model spontaneous magic in general. Perhaps even freeform. Hmm.
Anybody else here got their hands on Tales from the Loop yet?
@SevenSidedDie For me it's got that vibe of the person who can flash up a shield just in time to avoid the worst of something in a split second, and the person who saves everyone from everything above collapsing on them at enormous cost to themselves.
@MadMAxJr What's that? I'm apparently out of the loop.
the puns are strong today
@NautArch Do you think someone should be punished?
@Karelzarath Tales from the Loop is a Stranger Things-esque sci-fi TTRPG about some kids who live near a nuclear power plant and strange things happen.
I think.
that's a bit of a grey area, don't you think @GreySage?
Oh the nuclear power plant thing is wrong but otherwise that description is pretty close.
Not just a nuclear plant, it's a superconductor loop like CERN.
In this setting we had supertech in the 1960s. Turns out it was way too expensive to maintain and many projects were decomissioned in the 70s, abandoned relics sit aroudn in the 80s.
@MadMAxJr Thank you. I knew there was some sort of science facility involved, I just couldn't remember (and didn't have the time to scan the kickstarter page for the missing detail).
The loops are still in business (One in europe, one in the US for two settings), but weird things happen around them.
It's supertech 80s, but the supertech is considered mundane.
Russians discovered the 'magnetrine' effect, how to make a disc that can ride the magnetosphere, but it only works in the northern hemisphere. Still, it was perfect for heavy frieght hauling. It was completely impractical for the military, hence the large defunding.
I think I just remembered seeing the art from the kickstarter page and replacing those fancy towers with nuclear cooling towers in my mind.
So flying freight ships outside your window while doing homework is absolutely mundane.
Yes, each loop has a reactor at the center with three distinctive cooling towers that stand out over the city near them.
The game revolves arounds kids age 10 to 15 going on relatively kid like adventures in the 80s. The key rule is that kids can't die. You can get upset, you can get scared, you can get hurt, but you don't die.
It follows the formula of things like Stranger Things, Goonies, The Sandlot, and other kid-centric adventures where adults often hinder more than help.
@MadMAxJr RE: update, it looks like they're shipping books to backers next week.
It's a rich setting based on the paintings of Simon Stålenhag
Yeah, I got the PDF release, I'm getting the DARPA green bound edition when they ship
One of the things Simon explored as a 'side effect' of the loop is that small numbers of dinosaurs are back. But it's unclear if they're from the past, another reality, or are alien in nature.
with a little bit of Mark Lawrence's work as well? He seems to have a big part of his world based on a very CERN like device.
Anyway, seeing as how their kickstarter was going on while Stranger Things was big in the media, it had me glued.
If anybody else ends up picking it up, I'd be very curious to discuss initial thoughts of the rule system.
@MadMAxJr yup. KS'ed it.
It will be a nice change of pace from fantasy swords and magic in my RPG sessions for the year.
Most of my playgroup were kids in the 80s, so there's more than a little hype.
Also, simon posts a lot of his new pieces if anybody digs his stuff. simonstalenhag.tumblr.com
Just watch out for the flesh infested boombox and gameboy. Sickly weird, but cool.
very interesting
the mechanic is interesting
although sadly i'm the oldest player in my group by 10 years.
@NautArch That only matters kinda. Are you 10 years older and also of a different generation?
@LegendaryDude clarify? We have some shared interests, but for the most part they're just guys I play RPGs with.
I just mean that being 10 years older than the next person in the group only matters if that 10 years significantly changes your worldview because of generational differences from the rest of your group.
ah, no. we've generally got a similar world view.
I.e., The difference between a person born in 1985 and 1995 is much less than the difference between someone born in 1975 and 1985
yes, and our difference is the latter :)
almost exactly.
I also think that the "boundary" between Gen-Xers and so-called Millennials is much blurrier than say, Gen-X and Baby Boomers.
Hehe so I got a dire corgi approved for my character who is going to be a halfling
Personally I think there's a third "mini-generation" in between Gen X and Millenials.
agreed, i'm at the tail-end of GenX, my sister was traditional GenX, but my 'generation' seems to fall in between
dire corgi, freaking love it
please tell me you're using a polearm, @Aaron
Because the thought of a halfling with a lance riding a dire corgi is hilarious?
The character is going to be a Cleric. I'm looking for ways to get an animal companion at level 1 right now. All I'vve found so far is the animal domain that gives you one when you reach lvl 4
A dire corgi would be an uncomfortable amount of energy to deal with.
The funnier thing is I plan on this character being a necromancer so you get to see this dire Corgi riding halfling with frilly armor charging at you and suddenly behind them is a horde of undead charging at you
@Aaron FYI you don't need to take the animal domain. You could take the animal ally feat.
It has a prerequisite of the Nature Soul feat, but that way it doesn't lock in your domain choice if that matters to you.
And still requires level 4.
@LegendaryDude exactly.
Yeah. But, it frees up your domain choice. That was my point.
True. And being a necromancer doesn't use up hardly any feats at all so
Not sure how the animal domain stacks up but I know there are some other great domain choices out there.
There are only like 2-3 feats that are useful for a necromancer
@Aaron is this 5e?
@NautArch Pathfinder
Animal domain does the same but gives some spells and stuff
ah, then i shall not contribute ideas :)
Those summon spells aren't too bad, they just take a long time to cast.
Beast shape is fun too, of course.
is it to be assumed you've seen the corgi racing video?
Summon spells go well with necromancer. While your undead are attacking you can summon things at your leisure.
@NautArch I just saw it on reddit yesterday or the day before, hilarious
Q: Can I have an Animal Companions without being a druid or ranger?

DoomWolfI'm looking for a way to have an animal companion with classes other than druid or ranger, for example a paladin that fights with a trained hawk. I'm all for multiclassing if need be, but I'm looking for other ways as well, through feats if necessary. I'm not really worried about min/max stats or...

Need to figure out how strict my DM is with the dieties needing the domains
Yea figures I couldn't get it at level one that would be a bit broken lol
Level 1 animal companion for the inquisitor
Right but I was goign for the Cleric class
Yeah. You could MC though.
And in the game I'm in even 1 level dips are huge cause we take a looooong time to level
We are playing a kingbuilder/downtime game where everyday is a RL day
And then take the boon companion feat to boost its level.
The inquisitor at least matches up nicely with cleric for MC thematically.
Then again, so does druid.
Yea, I could probably take the animal domain and then the boon companion feat though or animal ally feat and boon companion
@Aaron Isn't a dire corgi just a regular dog?
@Aaron Animal Ally has a feat tax of Nature Soul which means you would need to spend 3 feats to get to Boon companion; its a sub-optimal progression. If you can instead get the animal companion through a class feature you have much greater flexibility and by taking Boon Companion with your 5th level feat after getting your animal companion at 4th level your animal companion spends very little time behind you in level.
@SPavel Pretty much, using the riding dog's stats
@LegendaryDude True but don't forget what I mentioned about necromancy. There are only a handful of feats useful to a necromancer. Paizo just doesn't like 'evil' actions so there isn't even an undead domain I could take
@Aaron What? Yes there is, in the APG.
Er, the core book.
The Death domain
And it has an Undead sub-domain in the APG.
@LegendaryDude That's wierd I was just looking at domains and it wasn't shown on the pfsrd.
And using Death's Kiss on a living enemy is amazing. Completely takes away their ability to get healed because non-evil divine casters rarely to never prepare inflict spells.
Death is the domain, Undead is a sub-domain (sub-domains were introduced in the APG).
Maybe i'm blind Looks again
d20pfsrd is a terrible site.
I like it better than the other option
It's poorly organized but I like the editor's notes and FAQ clarifications right on the page where they should be.
Instead of having to go to a separate FAQ/errata document and searching for clarifications there.
Does Pathfinder assign its FAQ a specific rules weight?
Or is it like 3.5 and the whole "FAQ is not rules" nonsense
No, the Paizo FAQ is official
That's why so many threads that get flagged for FAQ answers tend not to get FAQ answers.
Hmm. It doesn't really make... undead though... Meh.
Death's kiss seems kinda meh seeing as a necromancer shoulldn't be up close and personal anyway. At least, IMO
@Aaron it gives you animate dead as a domain spell, pretty good deal for a divine necromancer if you ask me.
@LegendaryDude Right I agree with that, I meant the special abilities
Now either I need to find a non-evil deity with the death domain or see if my DM will let me worship the original diety but still have teh domain.
@Aaron Golarion deity?
Does Pathfinder not let you worship concepts anymore?
The concept of "the two domains my build needs" is a very powerful cosmic force
@SPavel XD
@Aaron Well, consider that you're not playing a traditional necromancer (that would typically be a wizard), and clerics are able to go toe-to-toe on the front line for the most part and death's kiss looks a little better, no?
"As the goddess of death and Birth, [Pharasma] abhors the undead and considers them a perversion." Not likely to fly as the deity for a necromancer. Your actions would quickly land you into ex-cleric territory.
I was about to say that lol
@Karelzarath Whoops. Well, death is one of her domains anyway. :P
All the more reason to abandon the divine!
It's a pity I can't play the White Necromancer d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/kobold-press-open-design/…
The theme is perfect for what I want.
See if you can backport Heretic of the Faith
Plus it's not evil!
@LegendaryDude I'm almost certain it got swapped out for Repose in one of the later books for that very reason.
@Aaron It's a pity that Pathfinder treats morality as such a binary thing!
It's one of the only things I HATE about pathfinder
One of my favorite things about 5e is that necromancy is no longer inherently evil
Even if the GM doesn't treat it as such the mechanics behind the game hinder you unless they do a bunch of homebrewing
(despite my DM insisting that if I animate the dead it will be frowned upon by just about everybody... :( )
Just because it isn't Evil doesn't mean it's not distasteful.
Capital E for emphasis.
Well, for evil, but as emphasis.
You get the idea.
The way I see it, it's no different from a golem. And they're not evil!
I like the idea of white necromancy
Exactly a body is a body
The only thing 'evil' would be if you are summoning souls and binding them into bodies to serve you agianst their will
But then why do you need a body
Incidentally, golems are animated by enslaved elemental spirits, but that's not evil
Yeah, but the body was someone's son/father/mother/daughter/friend/coworker/acquaintance/roommate...
Anthropocentrism wins again
I dunno. Something to do with "imbuing the target with a foul mimicry of life."
I'm pretty sure at least half of my drinking buddies could be considered a foul mimicry of life
Also, anyone in the party with more than 1 template
Also, half-dragon oozes
Keep it in your pants, Bahamut
All PCs, really. Damned murderhobos.
@Karelzarath The body was, but presumably their soul has moved on to their preferred plane of existence.
Wouldn't it be seen as a kindness to pull the soul back from, say, Carceri?
@LegendaryDude If that were the case, you could resurrect someone who's currently shambling around as a zombie.
"Oh no I am stuck in a rotting corpse and not an endless plane of suffering and despair from which there is no escape"
@SPavel Yeah but anyone who deserved to go to Carceri probably doesn't deserve that kindness.
The implication is that it imprisons their soul.
Hey, evil people have friends too!
Otherwise, it wouldn't matter what happened to their meat prison.
@Karelzarath I can rationalize that away as, "This body is already occupied by [a soul]."
I think if the undead unundies, you can resurrect the corpse with the original soul.
Yes. You have to destroy the undead form, then you can bring them back to life.
Oh nevermind, the resurrection wording in 5e is awkward but it specifically prevents resurrecting a corpse after it has been made to undead.
Or maybe it doesn't. "You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn't die of old age, and that isn't Undead."
Is an undead a dead creature? Is a dead undead a dead creature or a dead undead creature? Inquiring minds want to know.
@LegendaryDude Does a creature stop being undead just because it is dead... again?
I mean, the whole thing is up to GM interpretation as to what actually animates the undead and what the implication is for the creature's soul. I just figure that clause is in there for a reason, it's just not explicitly stated anywhere.
@GreySage Well, according to clarifications, a corpse isn't a dead creature at all, but an object. So, uh, who knows? nervous laughter
Did 5e ever resolve the "is a corpse a creature, or an object" issue?
Yes. It's an object.
And, apparently also a "dead creature", which is distinct from "creature"
Which is also distinct from "living creature"
A non-undead corpse isn't considered a creature. It's effectively an object. https://twitter.com/chrisperkinsdnd/status/597063928334528512
Oh good
Which means you can't ever actually cast resurrection, because dead creatures aren't creatures at all; they're objects. Oh dear.
Oh good
"Object that was formerly a creature" is a little wordy.
Maybe a representative symbol would work.
@Karelzarath And leaves room for petrified adventurers.
@LegendaryDude Doesn't it specifically call for a "dead creature" which is just a specific type of object
I think "corpse" is fine as a target
@LegendaryDude Interesting point. Can you resurrect a petrified creature?
@Karelzarath Technically no because they're not dead, just petrified.
Because I recall 3.5 having a rule along the lines of, if you're dead you have -10 hit points
And if that's true AND the corpse is an object
it's immediately destroyed?
@SPavel Oh man, that tired argument. :(
So every corpse immediately explodes into ludicrous gibs?
I'm not making an argument, just trying to make sure the rules make sense this time around
@Adam I agree there. I am of the opinion that all creatures are special types of objects that ignore the general rules of objects in favor of the more specific rules for creatures.
@SPavel I understand. I just remember seeing those types of arguments crop up on the Paizo forums and suddenly had a flashback.
How did the argument about the object-ness of creatures even come up again? I mean, It just seems like just a niche case that the proper DM response is one of two things:
"Sit down and stop trying to game the system dude, you know that's not how it's supposed to work" or "Sounds like fun! Screw it, I wanna see how this plays out."
@LegendaryDude Do they keep thinking they could never live without you by their side?
Too busy arguing to play real games
@Adam Not really an argument. Idle curiosity lead me to wonder if you could resurrect from a corpse that had been raised as, say, a zombie, then killed so it became once again a corpse.
@Adam Does a friend's corpse count against the creature limit for teleport and similar effects? That's how it starts.
Ah! Thank you. That's actually a really good question...
The answer is no, because a corpse is an object not a creature.
But! If that's true, then if someone is killed while under the effect of a spell that specifically targets creatures, is that spell dispelled? Is it still active if the creature is resurrected? What about true resurrection, which builds an entirely new and separate body?
Imagine if it was a creature though! Then we'd be arguing about a corpse being "willing" and that's a pretty nasty can of worms right there
You want a nasty can of worms? In Pathfinder, if a creature is unconscious, it's considered "willing" for the purpose of spells. That has some horrifying implications.
My mind is telling me no...But my body! my body...Would also be telling me no but I am unconscious!
So, my body is telling me yes!
@Karelzarath Oh my. What if you true resurrect someone from their pinky finger then resurrect the remaining corpse separately? Think of the implications!
I imagine the resurrection on the corpse would just fail
@Adam We are dabbling in Dark Arts™ here. Who knows what would happen? :P
Probably something totally unrelated and obscene compared to the original spell then.
"A tarrasque explodes from the corpse"
"is it a zombie tarrasque?"
-"No. Just a regular tarrasque."
@LegendaryDude I think that case is covered actually, something about the soul being free. I don't know the exact wording
@GreySage "If the soul is free and willing..." is the most common language I've seen
What if the soul's married?
Or just really busy with something that, I swear, is just going to take 5 more minutes.
Souls are free to decline attempts at resurrection
Can you snooze a resurrection? "Just one more year, ma."
I think a wizard/cleric can cast contingency with revivify to bring themselves back to life.
well, maybe not since you cant cast revivify on yourself while you are alive
"Sooooo, my friends want to play 5e and I want to make a custom campaign for them. What should the plot be?"
@nitsua60 Whoa, that one escalated quickly.
Yeah, there must be some history. But the flag'll probably generate a notice from a mod, if not a suspension.
The thing I don't understand: if we're all a bunch of braindead a-holes, why ask us the question?
@nitsua60 Beats me.
Yeah, at this point there's no point in engaging further - I'd back off and let the mods handle it :)
That name seems familiar, I think hes done this kind of thing before
@GreySage They have mostly 0-score or negative score answers to questions so it may be a bias due to their perception of site users in general.
Although most of the questions asked by them were well received, so who knows?
Maybe they're having a terrible day and just need to step back from the keyboard for a while.
shrug Oh well. I'm out of here. Sayonara folks.
Good journey, @LegendaryDude
@SevenSidedDie or @mxyzplk we need some cleanup on aisle 4. While we may be braindamaged a-holes, I think it's policy not to announce it to the world.
Well, they certainly don't want to play nice
They're frustrated, have previously expressed their frustration and probably feel it isn't really heard/given credence, feel they're trying to bring a good question that will help themself and others, and are annoyed by (I assume) the perception of a cabal of "closers" who just meet in back rooms trying to enforce their one-true-wayism on the site.
It probably doesn't help that we literally talk about closing such questions here: evidence of groupthink! Never mind that we ask them kindly to join in such discussion--even to the extent of providing a link.
OTOH, "braindead a-holes" has no place, so I flagged both of those.
He has open access to be part of the discussion on whether questions should be held or not, as does everyone else.
I'm not saying this is OP's deal, but you can read the same text in very different ways if you assume sincere engagement from like-minded, different-experienced, intelligent and caring people vs. assuming others don't/can't understand you and aren't listening and have their own agendas.
@nitsua60 that post is somewhat humerous, tbh
On a somewhat related note, I'm not a huge fan of using the terms "on hold" and "closed" synonymously.
@Adam They're not synonymous, but they're implemented badly.
It used to always be "closed."
It was intentionally changed to "on hold" for the first 7 days, to try to communicate the "workshop-phase" nature of many closures.
I meant more in common parlance; when talking to people about the state of having a question that can't receive answers
Sigh. It's not that we don't like people, it's that your content is lacking, in need of detail, or is not a good fit for this format.
But the vote-link was never changed to "hold this question" or something like, so it still gets referred to as "voting to close" even when we would better say "vote to hold".
@nitsua60 We took care of it. I also deleted your more recent comments because he won't be in any shape to respond to them for a while.
Wow, week suspension. They must have gotten hostile real fast.
Kind of sad really. It really sucks when the people have to be put in time out
@mxyzplk Thanks. There's a continutation-one I was in the middle of leaving when you cleaned up the puke. Would you mind deleting that one, too, just so it looks sensible from your side?
@nitsua60 Done. Just as a note, if it seems like someone's behavior needs that many comments in response, probably more comments will not make them see the light.
I swear, the questions asked here sometimes are like watching the gamers from across my old retail counter. "Well from the way you asked your question, I'm not sure that's relevant." "IT'S TOTALLY RELEVANT, AND THE FACT YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME MAKES ME MAD" then someone throws a chair and gets ejected from the store.
@mxyzplk I know... just stupidly-optimistic.
... We don't have a 'throw chair' button do we? Mm, that's probably downvote.
@MadMAxJr "throw chair"
@mxyzplk I really had disengaged after the second or so, then he left another profane one, then deleted that himself and tried to express the same sentiment a little more-appropriately. So I saw green shoots....
@nitsua60 Yeah. Just sometimes being aggressively helpful fans the flames when someone's being aggressive themselves, and less can be more. No big deal, but after round 1 it should probably go to meta.
@mxyzplk Jeez, how do you stay sane with all the moderation against this kind of thing since... You were here in beta, right?
I fear the number of times anyone has been convinced by a second or third iteration in a comment thread approaches zero :-)
@MadMAxJr Yep. Who says I'm sane?
Well there was that lynch mob that wanted to take away your diamond that one time.
I'm skeptical he would have accepted meta. He had already been on meta and was dissatisfied with the response there too.
But like most things they come and go. You're still here though! And you keep the place tidy.
It's because they never got him to say his name backwards
Sometimes it's a giant PITA, but I've been involved in online RPG communities since Usenet, have used and abandoned all the extant RPG forums, and I have decided that gamers deserve at least one place that has a high signal to noise ratio and is civil, and have decided it's a hill I'm willing to die on.
@Adam Oh yeah meta wouldn't have convinced him, but it might convince him to let it drop instead of flame out. I mean, we don't mind suspending when it's needed but we certainly regret it each time
Yeah, no kidding about giant PITA. After users like GLANTH some years back I just started banging my head on the desk and withdrew being day to day involved. I still love the place though.
Just need new users to chill out and not act like they have to raise the standard and ride out to meet the mods in battle because someone didn't agree with how your content was laid out.
I also need my players to stop finding ELABORATE d20/PF rules interactions I need to answer or rule on.
But one thing at a time.
@mxyzplk I, for one, thank you.
Yeah, GLANTH... So ironically one of the things we got out of the last Giant Mod Witch Hunt is that in the name of tolerance we let a lot of stuff go for too long. Geek Social Fallacies stuff. "OK, so he hasn't written a coherent question in 20 tries, maybe 21 will work." Now we intervene more quickly on bad content, people acting out, etc. (coincidentlly there's mod message templates for all these things) and it has resulted in more general happiness. Good fences make good neighbors
@nitsua60 Thanks man! I appreciate it
We have a few skulls on the fence. It helps. But not so many that it drops the property value.
heh yeah it's like zombie movies. Everyone knows the guy that needs to go within 5 minutes, they don't do anything about it, then they all die as a result.
That is why we ask new posters to go through decontamination
Er... The help page.
I have to say a lot of the automatic processes have gotten very well tuned over time - people have actually been hitting bad-question bans and stuff like that nowadays when it's clearly merited
The SE engine gets better each year
We get it over on Arqade too.
Is it true that we (along with one or two other SEs) live pretty-well on one end of the spectrum? I really only participate here, though math.SE and SO are super-helpful for work.
How the various SE kingdoms get along, I don't really know. What I do know is don't anger the Anime tribe.
And don't pose questions of star trek v star wars to the sci-fi people.
@nitsua60 I don't know... So more stuff is gotten away with on SO I think because it's giant and no one can keep up with every question. As for new-gen ones, I think we are similar to a lot of them. There's a couple which are different... Worldbuilding of course, by its nature. SF&F I have to say I don't use all that much because I'm disappointed in the quality standards there; all kinds of answers in comments and such.
Workplace was too tolerant of bad behavior but finally started cracking down and it's good now IMO
One of my coworkers was less than enthused with the salesforce SE I think
SO is useless to me these days. So much content goes up, nobody will vote on you unless you're John Skeet.
She said the people there were cold and not really willing to help flesh out her problems with her
I had to ask for some excel wizardry recently on SO, got some help, for the first time in years. It's not terrible, it's just not great.
Yeah I tend to use the slightly-smaller ones like ServerFault and get better traction. I've done some SO posting too and don't always get much traction (though usually better than the tech-specific mailing list I'll post to as well) - I'll just post to the "X mailing list" and SO at the same time and SO still usually wins in terms of speed and correctness
I've learned not to ask SO for javascript help.
Yeah, well the communities do inherit a little bit of the culture of their topic, e.g. InfoSec SE
"You're doing it wrong" "Why are you not using something better?" "Redo your application so you don't need javascript."
I read many of the answers there in Simpsons Comic Book Dude voice
That's about right.
"well yes that's what a naive person would think..."
@MadMAxJr Google -> SO -> back to work is the way I find it useful.
Have never asked a question, would be shocked if I ever do.
Or you get one guy starting a war with another answer contrary to their own.
but to be fair the SE format mitigates it a whole bunch
I can't help with your question but here's a code snippet that makes an ascii kitty.
Then occasionally the divine hand of a 10k+ user decends his hand from the heavens and gives you just enough advice to move you to a new roadblock.
Christianity.SE is interesting, to keep order they had to go way farther than us - things can only be answered from a documented denomination's perspective. Which unfortunately makes it not all that useful for most people but it's what they did to escape the chaos
I helped with the beta on Worldbuilding, but after the 'flop' to life beyond beta, they sorta took a hard left in moderation style. It's a neat site, but I don't find it really useful.
Just got a new organizer-box. So many more female PC minis fit in a division than male PC minis!
Almost everything on Worldbuilding could be flagged as opinion.
@nitsua60 Misandry!
@MadMAxJr Problem is, that's not actually true. There's some amazing, well-sourced, decently-scoped stuff there. It's just that 90% is pure navel-gazing.
Oh oh.. Brain is trying to work here.. What's the male form of the word Misandry?
@MadMAxJr Genuinely curious: how could you do worldbuilding without opinion?
@MadMAxJr misanthropy
Thank you!
@Karelzarath omg!!! [rummages]
Misandry is the male form. Misogyny is female. Misanthropy is everyone.
@Karelzarath Didn't say it had to be factual, but a lot of the content requires supporting the askers opinions and ideas rather than offering a counter-idea. I feel it often comes down to a matter of whether or not your creativity clicks with the asker or not more than whether or not your content is correct.
@MadMAxJr Ah, that is an excellent point.
@Karelzarath check out this series for starters...
@nitsua60 I hear they have an amazing off-site blog too for content.
@nitsua60 lol, I have 1/4 of those in open tabs right now.
That said, I still have a few questions on there from the initial question seeding that people are still upvoting to this day and I haven't participated in years.
one of the best answers I've seen in all Stack, which inspired me to try some long-form "research" style answers which are among my top-voted...
I keep getting pings from this one every 3 or 4 weeks. worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/3/…
Of course every time summer con season pops up, I still get votes from this place for an old seeding question.
@Karelzarath at the risk of tooting my own horn, I think this question and my answer are the acme of what could be the good core of WB.
@MadMAxJr YeahI agree, too many answers are "frame challenges" where the challenge is "I don't personally find your story element interesting."
Back to Mxy's point, the ecology of each site is bizzarely diverse.
Time to commute. Have a good [VAR:TIMEOFDAY].
peace out
Good journey, @MadMAxJr
@nitsua60 I like it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
hey there @Karelzarath and @nitsua60
Heya, @Shalvenay
how're things going?
@doppelgreener nice, that is pretty neat actually. though it only seems useful against really big single hits (if it wasn't it would be too good, so it isn't a huge problem)
@Shalvenay hiya. Just sitting down to dinner, so will be afk a bit.
@Karelzarath I think it's good because it's (a) about worldbuilding (literally, in this case), (b) can be answered with real facts and reasonable speculation/extrapolation, (c) requires (and I think my answer evidences) expertise.
If WB required its answers demonstrate expertise, rather than just brainstorming, I think that'd go a long way.
(and now I'm afk)
@MadMAxJr I've been on SO a fair amount lately, and from my experience if you ask a question a) no one will look at it, b) if someone does respond, it will be to say you are doing it wrong and you suck, and c) everyone assumes you are using jQuery.
hey there @GreySage
@Shalvenay Yo
how're things going?
Decent. Sick.
awww. OK here. been playtesting a dungeon as of late
@GreySage Pretty much this. Though I did manage to get excel formula ninja help in a timely manner.
hey there @MadMAxJr
Anyone have a (mainland US) source they like for mini bases?
how're things going?
Better if I were gluing more mini-parts to mini-parts rather than nitsua-parts =)
@nitsua60 What are you trying to say there?

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