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hey there @nitsua60
My magical/custom weapons list has just reached 48 weapons: docs.google.com/document/d/…
(For Dungeon World, that is.)
hey again @BlackVegetable
Hey. I'm just making dinner but my wife + her guest wont be here for a little bit so I'm waiting to cook the last part so it'll be hot for them when they get home.
hey again @JuneShores
@Shalvenay Yo, wasn't in chat for more than a few seconds. Just peaked in to see if anything was going on.
@Axoren ah. how've things been?
@nitsua60 please see here ...I think I am right, but if I am not, please correct me
Q: Do save bonuses stack from multiple magic items in AL?

Charlie MHere's my scenario: I play in Adventures League and have a character that has a +1 Ring of Protection, which gives +1 to AC and saves. I also have a Stone of Good Luck which gives a +1 to saves and ability checks. If I equip both items and my base Dex save is +4, would it become +6 due to receiv...

hey there @KorvinStarmast
Hey Shal
how're things going?
Just fiished serving the missus dinner, clean up kitchen, and answered a q at RPG. You?
@KorvinStarmast Looks good to me, although I'm not an AL expert.
@Miniman I could have sworn I saw something that says SA is folded into AL, but since I have not run a game, I can't say with authority. I am sure nitsua60 can confirm or deny.
@KorvinStarmast been answering away at DIY. bad news though is my AD&D game got diamondhammered by our DM's job scheduling him to work Sunday afternoons
arrggh!! not fair
yeah, seems to be the way my long-form games all go :P
> Whether or not any given
Dungeon Master chooses to utilize
Sage Advice
as a
resource for rules adjudication in D&D Adventurers
League play is
at the discretion of each individual
From the AL FAQ
OK, I'll add that to the answer.
@KorvinStarmast p.s. on your remark about enemy races -- our party has a human, a hin, two melnibones (half-elf-ish), two elves, and a drow in addition to my gnoll -- so if anything, I'd expect people to go after the drow :P
(or pick on the hin)
hey again @nitsua60
how're things going?
@KorvinStarmast You're absolutely right. IMO your answer need not even reference SA--the rules are clear enough, to me.
@Shalvenay almost done with weekend duty.
@nitsua60 welp, my AD&D game got diamondhammered -- our DM's job scheduled him to work Sunday afternoons
@miniman Good catch there, thanks.
@nitsua60 Thanks.
Shal, I love the Elric/Melnibone flavor. First read that series in 1974 ... great stuff.
OK, signing off, hope all is well with you guys
1 hour later…
@Shalvenay ugh
1 hour later…
@BESW Have you looked at Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine? I don't think it does this idea for you already, but it has some interesting game structure around motivating emotionally-driven, trope-faithful choices from the players in order to progress through their chosen character arc(s). I can imagine something similar being used to structure a session like that description of yours. (Chuubo's is a weird, dense read though.)
@SevenSidedDie Ping @JuneShores.
2 hours later…
Hi hi.
@doppelgreener what are you doing up?
@JuneShores it's 8:30am here! (Laying in bed being drowsy)
... oh....
And it's 1830 here, I'm making dinner.
@JuneShores [pat pat]
It's 0330 here, I'm making terrible sleep-schedule related decisions!
@CTWind 👍
Same, @CTWind.
Tonight's dinner is freshly mashed potatoes with mushrooms, bell peppers, and carrots sautéed in garlic, pepper, and olive oil, topped with chives.
oh my gosh
That sounds scrumptious!
[grin] Some people instagram their meals. I Stackchat them.
@BESW this is the more fulfilling option because I actually get a clue of what it is and how it might be prepared.
(actually I guess I get clues from pictures but I get better clues this way)
I rinsed the veggies and peeled the carrots. Sliced the mushrooms vertically so the center cut chopped the stems in half tallways. Tapped the garlic firmly on its butt end and mashed it under the broad blade of a knife before removing the skin and dicing it. Sliced the carrots lengthwise into sticks, then chopped them crosswise to dice them. Cut off the tops and bottoms of the peppers, sliced them top-to-bottom, carved out the squishiest fleshy ribs, then chopped them to a size between the mushrooms and the carrots. Stabbed the potato with a thick-tined fork several times while turning it.
(The honey is to get the mushrooms to blacken and crisp more easily.)
Ooh. Thanks!
[grin] It sounds a lot more planned and controlled that it was.
My default "veggies in a pan and served on a starch" is familiar enough that I just sort of wing it most of the time.
If my pan were bigger I'd've cooked the carrots and mushrooms at the same time.
It's a solid template.
My go-to starches are rice (usually cooked with lentils), couscous, or quinoa. They're nice fire-and-forget background cooking.
Sometimes I do pasta, but that likes to have a wetter topping than I'm good at making.
(I can make a mean tomato sauce, but it's much more labour-intensive than I have time or energy for most nights.)
5 hours later…
@BESW Most often I know what food I'm cooking after cutting the first few vegetables. But I've had times when I had set some potatoes to boil and chopped some veg only to look at it and think “Pasta would fit this so much better if I add some X”, set out to do that and use the cooked potatos something else some other day.
In related news, for a change I already know dinner for tonight, because it is leftovers. Red cabbage and chestnut lasagna.
(That's the other component of my cooking: combine method from cuisine A with ingredients from cuisine B.)
great, now I am hungry :(
@Patta Count your blessings. I'm recovering from food poisoning and haven't really felt hungry in 2 days ;)
Looking at it again, there really isn't a way for me to edit that to not have it look snarky. That was not the intent. I swear I was trying to be jovial :)
Well, my main problem was that I have about 15 to 25 minutes to go until I get off work and can grab something to eat... But I guess you win against that :D Hope your recovery goes well :)
The last 20 minutes of work are the slowest. I wish you a speedy trip into the future!
1 hour later…
That reminds me of a quote I saw once: "Sleep -- the poor man's time travel"
@Shalvenay Been kind of busy. Going to end up being in a third session at some point because two of my friends have never played, and I found a DM who was willing to run a game for us.
@BlackVegetable I came here from the year 1986 to deliver to you this message: "Hello."
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener Good catch on my anydice formula. I knew that 0 looked odd there!
If I could +1 your edit I would
@RichardWard [wave]
*waves back
Oh, cool, network rep does let you in here
Is there anyone in here that knows about the various Star Wars RPGs?
I know of them.
If I ever ran a Star Wars campaign, it'd probably be with Mike Olson's Faith Corps hack.
I have a couple of friends who have expressed an interest in playing "that Star Wars game, you know, like Dungeons and Dragons but Star Wars". As I understand it, there are at least four different official SW games, three of which are out of print.
@RichardWard Star Wars d20 is the only one that'd be like D&D
Probably the most D&D-like version would be the one using the d20 System but I seriously can't recommend it.
If by 'like D&D' you mean a similar system of stats and rolls
That's what I thought, but I've heard bad things about that one
Star Wars... just isn't the same kind of story as D&D.
However, if you by 'like D&D' you just mean a table-top RPG, the current Star Wars games are developed and published by Fantasy Flight
And while I haven't played them, I have heard very good things about them
I think they just meant 'tabletop RPG', to be honest with you
Yeah, so given that you have three "flavors" of The FFG Star Wars RPG
@LegendaryDude I'm in the same boat. I think I've heard the most good things about Edge of the Empire?
Force and Destiny, Edge of the Empire, and Age of Rebellion
Then... I'd probably go with something like Fate or Faith Corps which supports the kind of game/story your group likes and/or expects from Star Wars, and hack it into Star Wars.
They use the same rules and can be mixed together but they offer different classes and different "styles" of play.
I'm probably the most stereotyipcal gamer, and I've never actually played any tabletop games (not to say I wouldn't, just I don't know anyone else who would)
So I doubt the one who brought it up would know enough to differntiate between the different versions
EotE is probably the purest Star Wars experience, if you don't mind not having Jedi. But from what I've read, Jedi don't mix very well with the rest of the system because, y'know. Jedi.
Then I'd really suggest something like Fate, which is also free.
I'll have a look at Fate - I've seen some good things about that too
@RichardWard For Star Wars d20 from what I've heard the first one put out by WotC is pretty bad (it is almost a direct port of D&D3.x), but Saga edition is pretty good (it does have the downside of the books being fairly expensive to get second hand though)
As @BESW suggests, Fate is good free option if you want something adaptable without having to worry about which book to buy. And I can sympathize with that; I haven't bought any of the FFG books because I can't decide which one sounds the most interesting to me.
@diego The only good thing I have to say about Star Wars d20 is that it made for two excellent CRPGs :P
Fate's an open hackable toolkit for RPGs about dramatic, competent, proactive characters who get into a lot of trouble but are awesome enough to get out of it too--though not always in the way they'd like.
Though while I haven't played, I'd say I do know quite a lot given my lack of experience
@LegendaryDude I've heard good things about them, but never had a chance to get far into the story. I really should work on that...
@RichardWard Computer RPG
Ah, thought so
Do you mean the KOTOR games? I got them in a Humble Bundle a while back. I've only played an hour or two of both, but they're good fun
@RichardWard They're quite outdated today, given the direction of modern game design. However, they're probably still the best Star Wars games ever made.
When they came out though, cutting edge tech.
@RichardWard This looks promising: Ryan M. Danks' Star Wars Fate Edition.
As it happens, I'd just got finished reading the SRD/Basic rules/Dungeon World rules/Fate SRDs to see if there was anything that would go down well with my friends when I got the KOTORs, and I did think that they looked very like 3.5e. I guess that's because they are.
Oh, thanks for that.
I've certainly got some leads to chase down then, thanks :)
I'm sure there are other Star Wars hacks for Fate out there too.
Good luck, and feel free to drop back in with any more questions or concerns. And let us know how it goes!
I shall! It may be some time before we get a game going, but it's a start :)
Does adding the phrase "What table tested solutions have you come up with?" to the end of what is essentially an idea generation question warrant re-opening? For example: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/95711/knockout-alternate-rule
I just feel like adding the words "table tested" shouldn't be the deciding factor between maintaining the hold and re-opening.
@Adam No, that's a bad question. We don't do soliticing of other users in that way.
Of course we only want answers that can be supported through experience. Adding a line to that effect doesn't magically fix the question's problems, which run deeper than that.
It should probably be rephrased as, "I have come up with these rules. What potential issues might I face?"
With the obvious Stack-stipulation that speculative answers need not apply.
That's what I was thinking. Recently it seems to me like a lot of those "stack-stipulations" are being included in many edits as if they are part of the question, rather than as a reminder to users to follow best answering practices.
Cargo-cult editing?
@Adam Frequent site users might be aware of things like GS, BS but most aren't so it doesn't hurt to remind users in the question that speculation is not a good source.
Mind, there is a difference between bald speculation and good subjective information based on experience using a similar house rule that can inform a user's answer
Heck, I've met several years-long blue mods who were unaware until very recently that Good Subjective, Bad Subjective wasn't just a pair of buzzwords.
Yes yes yes I understand that. But for some questions it's just a useless inclusion. If the question isn't drawing poor answers, I don't think every question needs to say "Please follow the stack rules"

The rules are set aside so that we don't have to do that
Sure. And that's what voting and flagging are used for.
Especially when people start including those rules and expecting that to solve the problems that are keeping a question on hold, instead of really looking deeper as to why the question is held.
*and comments.
Oh yeah. If a question is on hold that's not a problem that can be solved by simply saying "make sure you follow the site rules."
Obviously, a held question is held because it is either a) not a good site question or b) attracting too many bad answers which are indicators of bad site questions
And simply reminding users that answers should follow the rules isn't enough to correct problem B, because the question itself is not formed well-enough to not attract the right kinds of answers.
Sorry for the tricky negations. It just came out that way.
Twas my line of thinking as well. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't walking around with an incorrect interpretation of how the site functions
@BESW Sort of. There are questions where having an edit include the stack rules is a good idea. Especially if answers are looking unsupported, or generally poor.
Left a comment suggesting explaining more why easy nonlethal combat is a problem, and less what kind of solution they think will fix it.
I ordered some stuff from Evil Hat yesterday, and my Internet burped and ordered twice for me. Today Fred Hicks emailed me personally to say he caught the dupe while processing the order and is refunding it.
Evil Hat continues to be the best.
@diego I'm pretty sure my comment and your comment, despite using different methods, arrive at the same conclusion (7/120 = 3.5/60). Right?
@LegendaryDude Yes
@BESW wow, that is fantastic
@BESW @LegendaryDude @diego I just spoke to the guy who first floated the idea of a star wars game, and told him what you said. Now there are two other people who are "well up for it". No concrete plans yet, but it's looking bright! Thanks again for your help :)
@RichardWard Yey!
@RichardWard woot!
@RichardWard That's an impressive and excellent list to start with! Well done, kudos for that reading list and that way of deciding!

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