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@Miniman Can you write it ASAP, please?
@eimyr It's ok, @BESW is going to do it better: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/30639287#30639287
@Miniman Can't you both do it?
@BESW Can I suggest the name of your blog? "Botch Blog"
Mistake blog, eh? It could be a collaborative thing.
@eimyr Nice.
@Magician not sure if @BESW is much for collaboration.
That guy, he just hates everyone.
But if there was such a thing I'd be happy to regularly contribute
No, I mean, one person could write what they did wrong, then another person could do the next post on their own failures, etc.
(say, bi-weekly basis)
It's like the null hypothesis problem in academia. You can find plenty of blog posts with ideas, and you can find plenty of posts with success stories, but not a lot of "we tried this, it didn't work", which can really help others try things.
If it's kept to "I thought this would be a good idea, it backfired horribly, here's why", i think there's plenty to explore.
is that the moment when one of us goes to some free blog thing and sets up a botch blog to see if the idea catches momentum?
@eimyr Blotch.
Botch Blotch?
Blotch Bog?
Well. I can knock out a wordpress thingo in my sleep by now, I have a few. Domain name?..
@BESW Blortch1pto.
@MAgician go.
can this be in .io domain?
I can also host it if you want it hosted under strawjackal.org :)
Hah. The free version would be botch.wordpress.com, or something.
@BESW that sounds cthulhu
Not just Cthulhu. Glamorous Cthulhu.
Sooo, botch.wordpress.com?
sounds good
On an unrelated note, we finally started the new season of our Fate/Dresden game, after a 3 month hiatus.
I was going to suggest something like GMbotch, but I think it'd be cool to have player contributions too.
@lisardggY Awesome!
I like the short name.
You have my blessing.
Also, tagline: "Don't do this at home."
botch.wordpress and botchblog.wordpress aren't available for a strange reason, but blotch.wordpress.com is. Still good?
"strange reason" being someone already registered that, of course.
That's available.
Last season ended with a big shakeup, so this season, instead of being street-level investigators (or just vagrants), half of us now work for the mayor as special liaisons for the magical community. It's like the fifth season of Angel.
unnaturalone is available too
@eimyr That just looks like "un nature alone".
I actually discourage that one, on the grounds "unnat ur a lone" is weird.
Domain names should be short and clear, not clever. Clever should be the site title.
don't dead open inside
rpgbotch would do nicely
rpgbotches rolls off the tongue better, but invites more misspellings.
I'ma need emails or wordpress usernames of would-be contributers. And if someone wants to be admin as well, say so.
@eimyr Nah, that's more like "hahah here's stupid stuff that happened in my game."
@Magician What can the admin do that other users can't?
Well, admin can do everything, I suppose. Approve comments, edit stuff, change the way it looks.
Shouldn't take much doing once it's all set up, unless it blows up (in whatever sense).
Is there only one admin, or can that be shared?
I think there can be multiple admins.
should all main contributors be admins?
I probably shouldn't be an admin at the moment, but maybe later.
Sounds like most will be authors, with one or two volunteer editors.
I'm happy to be an author or an editor. I have no experience with wordpress, so Admining would be a learning experience (yay) but I wouldn't be of much help.
I hope to get my own wordpress site off the ground later this year, with a blog attached to more professional pages.
@Magician My username should be... easy to guess.
@Magician I'd rather not post my email here, should I send it to you using some other mean?
@eimyr I'm willing to be a go-between.
I have both of you on personal messenger services of some sort.
check your personal messenger service of taht particular sort
@BESW invite sent. I hope.
@Magician Do you have a preference of IM these days?
username "eimyr" already exists
"eimyrprime," obviously.
Hahaha. Welcome to my world. Magician exists everywhere.
"Magician exists everywhere" sounds just a bit ominous, eh.
I'm sure it's this girl: twitter.com/eimyr
hehee there are thousands of Trogdors
Ok, off to have dinner, back in a few.
I'm kinda surprised how few BESWs there are.
Unfortunately, I have never met another eimyr, apart from someone genuinely called Eimy R. Who I guess have more of a legitimacy to use this nickname, even if I was first.
I'm going to title my posts "In Which..."
When I first got online, I decided to use what I thought was an obscure mythological reference. Only to find that the internet is full of Scandinavians.
Thus, I found myself reversing it to lisardggY.
I assume most people pronounce it "Lizardguy."
obscure? huh
@eimyr Hey, I was 15 and didn't know any better. :)
@BESW Except for the ones who assume my name is "Lisa".
And, what, your last name was mugged for its vowels?
@lisardggY Hey, I picked my nick off The Witcher books. I can't really be smug here.
@BESW Vowels are for the weak!
@BESW Lisa R. Diggy
In WoW, my primary character's name was Aericha. People had fits trying to pronounce it.
...Folks have apparently also attempted to pronounce "BESW."
Sounds like a stereotypical ghetto name.
Hey, I pronounce BESW all the time in my head? It's easy for a Polish dude, as it sounds like "Besv" with a flat "eh" like in "let"
@BESW I actually mentally reverse it back to Yggdrasil
@lisardggY Elisardbeth
I tend to pronounce it lee-SARD gi.
And BESW is usually a little like Beswuh
@Aether I usually get beh-swuh or bees-yoo.
Yes. The first of those.
Oh, sorry, was away. I tend to think of it as LEE-sahrd-gee.
Aw, I lose by an accented syllable.
Which is strange, since Hebrew typically puts the accent on either the ultimate or penultimate syllable.
@BESW Do you have any ideas about what contributions to Blotch you might bring first?
I'm working on a draft right now.
It's a story I haven't actually mentioned much in chat.
What would the core idea be?
> In Which Everyone Must Die: I ran a campaign based on a book where the player characters had to die at the end.
that doesn't sound like a failure at first
They never do.
I haven't ran many games in recent years, so many of my big botches were when I was younger.
I've got, like, four morals here though. Need to focus on just one.
I actually did close a game with "you wake up and it was all dream" once. Ugh.
Yeah, this is from... gorsh, 8 years ago?
I've got more recent stuff, but I thought I'd start with something I've got distance on.
Which of these should I focus on?
- I prioritised my ideas for the story over my friends' fun.
- I thought the integrity of the game world would be compromised by taking back something nobody liked.
- I assumed we all like the same things in our games.
- I thought good book drama would make good RPG drama.
I could write it to be about any or all of that, but if I'm honest the thing that episode really taught me was that just because everything we'd done so far was stuff everyone liked, that didn't mean everything I thought was a good idea would be well received by everyone else.
@BESW Do you have other stories to tell about any/all of these?
Let's see. #3 can also be In Which I Force Our Happy Fun Group To Play A Grim Psychological Tragedy.
#1 is In Which Socialites Go Adventuring--or Else!
If you could write about the issue(s) where this was the unique learning experience, you can circle back to the other issues in other stories
Failing that, go with the issue you felt was biggest at the time.
I can think of some player mistakes as well. Like "Yeah, I know we broke up, but it was pretty amicable, so I don't see a problem with us staying in the game together".
I've got at least two three "My character was poorly chosen for the party/game/group" stories.
Oh, certainly. Not many of mine, looking back, but I have a friend who used to play angst-ridden characters who would go around to sulk instead of engaging with the game or plot or characters.
One dominated the table by having a gimmick which meant all his scenes were solo; one dominated the table by having a gimmick that made everyone else superfluous; one was too dark for the group's taste.
Troggy and I share "Trying to play twosies with the wrong people."
Trying to think of another good example of "book story don't translate."
...I don't want to tell about the time I was a player in a campaign where the GM hadn't learned that yet.
I don't think this blog should be about others' mistakes.
@BESW I have one "My plot was set up in a way that forced me to do more prep each session until it became unfeasible" and some "my optimized character took everyone's fun", one "I encouraged players to build the world with me and before I realised it wasn't fun for me anymore"
@BESW @Magician Should we have a common post naming theme?
I think it's okay for each poster to have their own style.
@BESW Even more than OK - it would help differentiate different writers.
Oh! and That Time I Was Hogging The Spotlight By Not Noticing That Speaking To Another Player On The Side (about unimportant inc random stuff) Grabs GMs Attention And Holds
Oh, I think I have one about That Time I Thought I Was Being Clever By Subverting A Player's Expectations Instead Of Talking To Him About How We Perceive The Setting's Metaphysics Differently.
Not very catchy.
Gah! My insertion point keeps jumping to the tag box for some reason.
Insertion point would be a good name for a movie.
Actually, two movies. An action flick and it's porn parody.
Who's doing like basic blog about and welcome things?
I'm not sure I have the rights to edit that
I don't think so.
I'm doing voyage back on this post first.
Then I'll see what I can do.
Right now I'm on comma-burning.
btw, a barely relevant image:
This, my friends, is CDProjekt's stand at 2004's E3
What's this about the blog thing? @BESW Is it being made? Are you writing a guest post for it or doing the making-ing?
Magician made a wordpress blog for many different people to share their RPG oopses and what they learned from their mistakes.
1 hour later…
Good morning
How are you this morning?
@BESW oh boy! i might have things for this.
@doppelgreener Give Magician a Wordpress handle or email address and he'll invite you to the collaboration.
i don't have any big "oh no what have I done" mistakes but there are things that didn't go as well as they could have, had i done one or two things
Quick question, what do you do with a player who doesn't have his character sheet when he shows up for a D&D 4E session?
He's new to the game, and there's no way he will accurately remember any of his stats.
Q: What to do when a player loses or forgets their character sheet?

AprecheSadly, most of the games I play in have monthly sessions at best. Also, players travel from a somewhat greater distance to play. A consequence is that during the month many players misplace their character sheets, or they accidentally leave them at home. Depending on the game it might be relati...

Any help?
@Ravn Is he high level?
No just level 1
Thanks Aether!
When I ran 4e, I always kept a pre-made Slayer of the appropriate level, with features selected to minimize analysis paralysis, ready for new players. This would also be a good use for him.
@BESW if you get a chance, could you send him my personal info, too?
@BESW @lisardggY I've always just pronounced it "Yggdrasil." I think it comes from sitting in the wayback my whole childhood and reading my parents' window-stickers reversed. (I had a brother attend "egelloc ecnidivorp," for instance.)
I think "That doesn't sound like a failure at first." "They never do." should be the lead-in/banner to the blog.
@nitsua60 Invite sent.
@Magician thanks =)
How do I change my avatar?
nvm. got it.
It really shouldn't bother me, but a guy has 9 reputation and a gold medal and I've got none >.>
@PremierBromanov I just rep-capped by telling a guy to call a goat a sheep and move on. This is a strange place, man. [baaaa]
@PremierBromanov Besides, there's at least 1 user with a gold badge and no rep.
@PremierBromanov hitting the 200-pt daily max
I had no idea such a thing was possible
maybe I don't DESERVE the gold
no, it probably means you just have a well-adjusted relationship with the reputation system.
(as opposed to those of us who can tell you that they're ~300 pts ahead of miniman in the yearly standings without having to look =\ )
@nitsua60 More like 700! I've really been letting things go this year.
@Miniman meanwhile, we're gettin into my "good" season--all summer I'm at a desk (rather than running around classroom-to-classroom) so I can hop on things pretty quickly.
And by "summer" I mean "only summer," not "lesser summer" or "greater summer" =D
@nitsua60 Good to hear! I'm usually pretty happy to see your answers.
700 points ahead? but at what cost!!
@PremierBromanov baaaaa
@Miniman I like the ones where I get to dig in and do some research+presentation. Like the "pay rate for an adventurer" or "how much does the mine make" ones. Silly, simple ones are good for rep but not so good for self-image =\
@nitsua60 It's a bummer you only have 2 score, it deserves at least as much or more than mine >.>
on the mine
@PremierBromanov eh, it's 'cause I took a week getting around to putting that together. Time will tell =)
Actually, a few of my favorite answers only have single-digit scores.
There's no way to escape the lemming mentality of upvoting answers with more score than the others
I do it all the time
I think that's exactly what's happened here. I think the 3-score answer probably deserves at least ten times that much....
(The one that starts with "I don't know the formula for" when the formula's actually pretty straightforward, I'm fine with that sitting where it is.)
Talk about it. Just posted an answer, did an extensive research, did the extra mile because OP included another question on the fly. Meanwhile, the other answer, who happens to be half as long, and seems to be wrong (from what I understand of the phrasing of the rules) get as much votes...
I mean, it's childish to be disappointed over such a thing, but I can help to feel that way, even though you don't answer for the votes or rep...
Does anyone felt the same way?
I post answers for recognition, honestly. That's at the very core of my behavior
Dec 9 '15 at 3:11, by nitsua60
I'm constantly amazed by the Stack's ability to socially-engineer me
@Nyakouai Looks like you're pulling ahead. I don't know enough of 3.x rules to say whether the other answer's right/wrong. I will point you to this meta post for a gentle suggestion to re-compose your answer to read as one seamless post.
Probably. English isn't my native language, so mistakes are possible (even if it were my native language in fact). Perhaps have I misunderstood what Fectin meant. Perhaps I misunderstood the rules :) If someone more knowledgeable pass by, I will gladly accept any input
Thnak you for the link @nitsua60, I'll edit accordingly ^^ Old habits die hard I guess
@Nyakouai no worries--we've all done it. I just figured since you'd been in chat I'd ping you here rather than leaving a comment to that effect.
@nitsua60 Answer edited. Thanks again. Now, I'll keep an eye, in the case someone able to say what, between my interpretation and what I've undestand from Fectin'one is right
I thought it looked familiar
:O gold tag 5e people can just close issues like that....can bronze do anything?
@PremierBromanov answer 180 more questions?
lol whats the point of having a tier anyway
31 answers to go for silver at least :D
@PremierBromanov with only 11 holders, that'd be a nice-and-rare badge to grab.
There are some pretty-rare bronze badges, too. Combat only has eleven, for instance.
@PremierBromanov Gold tag badges can only cast binding votes for duplicate closes. They don't get a binding vote on other close reasons.
I take solace in the fact that SSD has like 1/8th the rep of Jon Skeet
@PremierBromanov And he is therefore my nemesis.
@PremierBromanov Yeah, but who wants to roll a 56-sided die?
nobody, thats who!
I alway marvel at that guy. He's like 200k above the next guy
literally wrote the book on C#
works for google
I think his job is to answer questions on stack overflow
That's called to properly earn one's salary ^^
Can't tell how much the community has helped me since I joined :)
@PremierBromanov Badges are mostly about bragging rights and rarely about permissions in general.
I want to wield limitless power with my bronze badge
I will rule this sector with an iron fist
@PremierBromanov Bronze fist, in this case.
Shameful bronze
also amazing is Jon's answer here
such a weird edge case AND a very very high score
… and answered within 17 minutes of the question being asked, apparently.
So how goes?
@Francisco Stack's algorithm tells me that "revival" is the next badger I should be hunting, and that this question is my likeliest target for success. With a week-long two-person roadtrip on the docket for this week I've concatenated Dragon #153-#266--all of the 90's--into a single .pdf.
We'll see how far driving across Pennsylvania and Ohio gets me =)
@Francisco How goes you?
@SevenSidedDie do we know that it's not an RPG that spavel's question is about?
I mean, I suspect the way he's framed it it's likely to come back to some 60's-70's era wargames, where unit "hit points" represented individual members falling.
But maybe I'm wrong? And whatever the "beginning of stats" encompasses starts to look like the first rpgs?
@nitsua60 Yes, and the question even indicates that it knows it. Stats were part of wargames long before the first RPG was invented.
(The first published RPG was D&D; the first played RPG is generally accepted to be somewhere in the middle of Braunstein's play history.)
Help me: braunstien was the castle-set one-to-one miniatures scenario?
Was that Arneson's game directly preceding Blackmoor?
@nitsua60 That's the one. Widely credited as what gave Arneson the idea.
Even if Chainmail was the first game to give units stats, it was before RPGs.
(Is that the one where he played the leader of the student union staging a protest as the military invades?)
@nitsua60 I don't think so, but I haven't heard that story so I can't be sure. Braunstein was historical, so student unions seem unlikely.
Q: What was Braunstein, and why was it important to the beginning of the hobby?

Ry StI've heard of a game called Braunstein that apparently was the precursor to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign. Can someone tell me what Braunstein was, and why it's important?

Ah, so there were students involved. So yeah, that'd be the one.
@SevenSidedDie Someone, somewhere in chapter 2 of Playing at the World, pulled that stunt and exploded everyone's heads. They'd figured that the university would be a throwaway location, until it wasn't =)
@SevenSidedDie Uh-oh... a question about Braunstein, which predates Chainmail, which is before RPGs? I'm teasing, but I'm also saying that perhaps there's room for all of these proto-RPG topics?
@nitsua60 How Braunstein was relevant to the beginning of RPGs is definitely about RPGs though. :)
“What was the first RPG to use ability scores?” would be about RPGs (but the answer is boring). “Where did RPGs get ability scores from?” would be on topic, and might be a way to change the question to make it work. The answers may or may not be boring (“from original D&D”, “from wargames”), depending on how far back answerers voluntarily go.
@SevenSidedDie I hope you lend some of this wisdom to the querent--I like the site having more than just sheep questions =)
@nitsua60 Crossposted with a comment to that effect. :) I only took a bit long because I was checking to make sure we didn't already have that question.
I came to make the case for reopening this question.
I think it's as on-topic as this one. Both ask about the origin of an RPG trope, and are on-topic even if the origin predates RPGs.
@lisardggY Where elven trance comes from is about a thing in RPGs. Where RPG stats come from is also about a thing in RPGs, and would be on topic. Which non-RPG game first had stats isn't about RPGs and is off topic. The difference is subtle but critical. The question could probably be transformed into the former, but is off topic as currently written.
Perhaps by editing the question, adding a caveat that answers must provide the link between the relevant pre-RPG originator and RPGs.
@SevenSidedDie Granted, but it can be trivially edited to request the first game with stats that can clearly be seen as leading into RPGs.
@lisardggY but that changes the fundemental meaning of the question
@lisardggY That doesn't seem like a reasonable maneuver. The connection is trivial and doesn't make a question about a non-RPG any more on topic.
@lisardggY Yeah, but that's a trivial question too, and not interesting. (Chainmail.)
The question is very clear in the type of answer it wants
@SevenSidedDie Right. That's the trivial part. But once Chainmail establishes the genealogical link to RPGs, it's interesting to explore where Chainmail got it.
I think questions about the precursors of the hobby can be considered on-topic.
@lisardggY Which is a question about a non-RPG (Chainmail) and other non-RPGs (where it got it from).
To come back to my analogical question, if Tolkien had gotten the idea of trancing elves from an earlier source, would that source be off-topic, since the Tolkien answer established the RPG connection, and any previous source is therefore a non-RPG topic?
@lisardggY No, because the answer being before Tolkien doesn't somehow make the question not about RPGs.
I believe this is similar. There is an integral part of RPGs that one wants to understand the roots of, from D&D to Chainmail and beyond.
I guess I see the slippery-slope argument ("what if an answerer goes back to physiognomy, or to the origins of measurement, to cavemen...") being counterbalanced by the voters. If answers do some digging that's of interest to roleplayers, they'll garner upvotes. If they go off on a flight of fancy, they won't. [baaaa]
@lisardggY When you're abstracting the idea behind the question, yes, it's similar. The question as currently written is not similar though. The current question is off topic—it could be rewritten to be on topic.
@nitsua60 Exactly. What the answers do (and do or don't get voted for) doesn't determine topicality. Topicality is entirely on the question.
@SevenSidedDie good point.
I think there's a difference between "RPGs use dice, what were the first games to use dice" (clearly off-topic) and "RPGs use stats, what where the first games to use stats", since it's much more clearly - and expressly stated in the question - in the realm of the known precursors to RPGs.
(I'm sensing a meta Q featuring the word "precursor" in our future)
I love that word. Ever since Star Control 2.
Or Breaking Bad =)
@lisardggY Precursors are likely not on topic. The exception is probably Chainmail as used in RPGs, because that is/was a thing. I think that's even the existing heuristic: games that are not RPGs are off topic except when used as part of an RPG.
I see the OP is editing the question now. Let's see if he gets it closer to acceptable topics.
[hands out popcorn...]
I see the edit inched in that direction, which is good. The title wasn't touched though, which is still way off topic.
I agree that questions about precursors are only relevant if they reflect on RPGs.
Which is the difference between "Why did wargames do X" and "Why did wargames do the X that evolved into RPG's Y".
@lisardggY I very much doubt either of those questions are on topic, still. They're questions about games that aren't RPGs.
They're still of interest to RPG players qua RPG players.
(And now I need a badge for my first ever use of qua in context. Hurray)
@lisardggY But again, interest is insufficient to be on topic. It's RPG.se, not stuff-RPG-players-are-interested-in.se. That's why Ren Faire, conlangs, historical research, and non-RPG cartography are off topic.
That's where the qua comes in. It's not just overlapping interest. It's interest in the history of the hobby itself.
Edited and reopened. And predictably, not a very interesting question. Why not just ask the interesting question at Boardgames.se? I will never understand the tenacity askers have to keep their question where it first landed…
@lisardggY There's a point where the history of the hobby itself just becomes History itself. Stuff that could be used in an RPG is everything—therefore we draw the line. Naturally, it was drawn at “is it about an RPG.”
I agree that as it stands, there isn't enough RPG meat in it to actually reflect on stats as are used in RPGs. It's nearly there, but not quite.
Does anyone have good advice and or links for tips to go about making a D&D or RPG story?
@Francisco As in, writing the story for your game?
@Francisco are you talking about writing (like a novella) or coming up with the plot elements for a game?
Yes as in a for a game that I would run for players.
The best tip I have is not to think of writing a story.
That just send you down the road of disappointment when your players lead it into a different story.
Q: Are there any good websites which have story hooks and plots points for campaigns?

PräriewolfAre there any good websites which have story hooks and plots points for campaigns?

That leads to frustration when your players get it "wrong".
@Francisco my best advice is to pop into this room and say "hey everyone--I need six setting elements that feature sheep!"
Ah yes, I know the general idea is to write the world not the story. Just had to phrase it that way.
Focus on story seeds that can be resolved many different ways.
@SevenSidedDie Thanks I'll definitely take a look at these!
@SPavel in your third paragraph, can I suggest "what inspired this system" rather than "what proto-RPGs inspired this system"? It seems like a bit of a leading question phrased as-is.
Oh dear... keep the rep-cap, or downvote toward oblivion?
Looks like a good old Warcraft level sheep right there.
@nitsua60 (Offensive) joke answer -> Not An Answer flag and or Offensive flag… but it's already gone. ;)
The work day is almost out :D
@SevenSidedDie oh, I hadn't even read the entendre. I just read it as "it's tough to grab a sheep, don'tcha-know?"
@Francisco But yes, as much as plot resources are useful, it's always better to prep situations than plots as we're used to thinking of them from writing novels. Players are very good at not following prewritten plots.
@SevenSidedDie Thank you, just a daunting task without some helpful techniques to be able to create interesting situations. Or to be able to differentiate between good situations or bad ones.
@nitsua60 Yeah, the “for a good time” caught me right away. It took a bit more looking than I wish I'd done, but the stats are part of that “joke”. Actually, the stats could say something pretty horrifying if you think about it too hard.
@Francisco Good situations are more of an art than a science, and come from practice. The classic description is a situation with a bunch of interesting elements in tension, that is ready for the players to knock out of balance so interesting things happen. Creating that reliably never gets easy, just easier.
@SevenSidedDie Just good to have some tried and true practices I can read from. Then to be able to use that inspiration to make some "hopefully" interesting encounters and situations. :)
@Francisco watch this...
hey all: I want to have a 5-room dungeon in my back pocket for tonight. Players are out in the hills looking for where the giants--raiding cattle--are coming from. I know the "guardian" will be one giant who lobs some rocks and tries to run away and warn the others.
And the "surprise/treasure room" will have lots of giant-sized hardware that's of a *much* finer quality than these yokels would be expected to have. Any fun ideas for the middle three "rooms"?
@nitsua60 Is there a part two to this? Or are you asking me? :o
@nitsua60 I like water features in caves. A room with a cave river dividing it (which giants can step over/wade through, and throw rocks across!) would be fun. To avoid the problem of players who fall in and are swept away from being split away for a boring time, the river washes them up on the “beach” of a 6th room with some cool things in it (an old skeleton with treasure on it? a back exit from the caves? cool cave writing as a hook for a future adventure?) and a narrow tunnel…
…which leads up to an unseen ledge above the next room. Flanking opportunity once the rest of the group catches up!
actually, I was expecting to hear people chime in with brainstorming ideas pretty quickly. It's always worked before... [1], [2], [3]
@nitsua60 (Sorry, slow writing!)
@SevenSidedDie quite alright--completely made up for with its excellence =)
@SevenSidedDie certainly will work well in the "trick/setback" category =)
@nitsua60 Another oldie-but-goodie is the room full of giant mushrooms. Evocative, lets you use weird creatures like shriekers, and explains what the heck the giants eat. Put in a corner that has a built wooden floor and giant-sized barrels and things, and you've got a larder/kitchen nook to give the caves a bit more life than just a place to fight giants. Put things in the larder that can be used creatively, too—a dozen bags of flour? And what caravan did they raid to get it?
@nitsua60 I've always felt that caves could tell untold stories that have been hidden for a long time. So possibly they start going through the cave, fighting a few monsters of the such, that appear to be coming from a long unused underground temple (carved into the cave walls and such). Before reaching as far as they can possibly descovering some juicy new plot or learning about this area. Could be a nice place for a hook. Like they discover an old tome with magical properties.
@Francisco yeah, there's that sort of thing hovering off just-over the horizon. But I don't really want to get to it yet (read: haven't prepped the big Giant's Keep yet!) but want to start foreshadowing it.
afk the evening--have a good half-rotation, all!
@nitsua60 It could totally be heading into a room where they need to scale down a large cliff (which for a giant wouldn't be hard). But while enroute down the cliff they are greeted by a flying and or other type of monster that could cause them to fall. Or need to make some quick decisions to prevent damage. Such as the forcing any casters to use a levitation type spell. Make that last battle a little more intense having needed to spend spell slots and or possibly have taken some damage.
Althought not sure of level of party.
@Francisco 5e, 3rd level, three members. So things are a little tight at times. (One PC just left for summer holidays, so this'll be first session with only three characters in play.)
also, not default setting/mechanics; only six classes/three races playable, lots of other mods. But the river-swept away-back with a vengeance! idea's totally going to play into their Errol Flynn tendencies.
@nitsua60 Ah ok. Yea river sounds great.
@nitsua60 Oh, this was a real example, not just an exercise to demonstrate!
What are some good ideas for things to do while players are spending several game days on a boat?
The Dresden Files RPG volume 2: Our World (EHP3002) is back in stock, finally.
@nitsua60 I'm fond of "puzzle shrines." A room dedicated to a deity/concept important to the dungeon's occupant or original creator, which yields a reward (blessing, treasure) if you interact with it in a way that the devoted would know but other folks would probably not.
@Francisco Sometimes, skipping to the destination is the most interesting thing. I learned that the hard way.
@Francisco Solve a locked-room mystery: something mysterious happens on the boat, and obviously nobody could get on or off, so the culprit is still there. Find them before the boat docks again.
@Francisco Make friends, share wild stories with the crew/passengers, find out about where they're going, see astonishing sea things, get attacked by pirates or sea monsters, make upgrades to the ship...
...or, as SSD says, just skip to the destination.
@SevenSidedDie sounds like one for the botch blog =)
@nitsua60 Nothing so exciting. Just a lot of instances of dull “and the next day… then the next day…” travel narration before I figured it out. The long lesson is sometimes the hardest way to learn.
@SevenSidedDie that's when I whipped up a MATLAB script to do my overland encounter checks--I just input waypoints and get a listing of what was seen. If the group wants we can play through all, some, or none of them.
@SevenSidedDie Sure, that'd be great for the blog. Botches don't have to be dramatic.
One of my posts is "I made a character that could only do solo scenes."
@Francisco did the PCs remember their fishing gear?
@nitsua60 that sounds rather nifty
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[playtest Follow](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/788/follow-needs-playtesters/ "Help playtest Ben Robbins' new game!");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
Today's shower thought: The Mission: Impossible TV series is a bad fit for Fate mechanics because the characters aren't dramatic.
They're people who get into dramatic situations, and incite drama in others, but the main characters are themselves cool, calm professionals who don't let personal problems get in the way of doing the job.
that is certainly not fate XD
Also, I think an M:I game should be diceless.
Or, at the very least, the dice should work more like Cthulhu Dark: minimum success is always guaranteed.
@BESW SSD and my interpretation makes me wonder if another name than "botch blog" is more appropriate
(or rather makes me feel that "botch" invokes not the kind of experiences the blog is actually about)
Like "A GMing lesson is learned" is a long title but relates closer
"Botch Blog: Learn from our mistakes."
But I'm not the guy to talk to about it.
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