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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

This is why I love playing online.
But I really, really hate the "he's a bad person but we let him get away with it because x,y,z". I've known too many people like that, that get away with terrible behavior because reasons.
I play with guys that are over 200 kilometres away from me.
Now, I am going to play Dungeon World with bunch of guys from around the world.
No need to be forced into playing with some messed up guy, who thinks he can just tell others what to do.
I can't imagine it would ever get this far. I'd have walked after the Vegan episode.
Yeah, they're clearly a bully used to getting their own way
Heck, advertise for a new GM. This is one case where the evil you don't know is better than the evil you do.
I remember that once I played with a GM who was a neo-nazi o.o
Neuroshima, everything was okey, until there was a "situation" with "dark skin folks".
That question is... messed up...
Shortwords: That was the first and last time we played...
What really bothers me, though, is the "yeah, this guy was being an ***hole to the other guys in the group, and that's bad, yeah, but I still want to play with him...".
I mean, it looks like he was looking for justification to keep playing.
"Yo, i fed your diabetic friend with 1 kilo of sugar, cuz I wouldn't give him exp. He is in hospital now? IDC. Ey, I gave U free food, what's UR problem, brah?"
Jesus Christ, what's wrong with such people.
And "you have to do this because it's in-character"?!
I hate to do it, because it seems like such a cut-and-dry situation, but I'm going to chime in with...
Assume Good Faith, and There's Probably More to the Story. Perhaps when the group formed they SPT'ed and identified immersive RP as their first 4 priorities. Perhaps the GM had no idea what veganism's about and had no idea it'd wreck that person's system. Perhaps.... Probably not, *as described*, but perhaps. We're Only Hearing One Side.
No real reason to assume good faith
@nitsua60 You could be right, and none of us know the situation, but the "one side" we are hearing is coming from someone who seems to want to be apologetic.
@Waterseas Except that I hold it as a dictum of trying to stay sane online. Always.
(And IRL.)
Hey, I never claimed sanity
And I'm hanging on by my fingertips... =D
@nitsua60 True, but remember that we're neither the authorities nor involved go-betweens. We're here to give answers to A) the OP, and B) future readers. As such, our answers can't really go too far above and beyond the question given.
I view it as a "Given a GM that behaves thusly, what are my options". Not "given this specific person whose complete behavior you can't fully judge, what are my options".
@lisardggY yeah in a sense we have to assume good faith that the details of the question are accurate
Except we could be asking "did you all talk about X beforehand," or "have situations like this arisen before" to try to understand the landscape better. Don't get me wrong--I've upvoted all of the "get the hell out of there" answers. This table doesn't strike me a healthy, never mind fun.
@Wibbs good point, too.
The question itself is actually pretty detailed in explanation
@nitsua60 You're right, and I was considering adding a "try to understand his point of view" caveat, but decided that the case, as presented, was a bit too extreme.
True, could also be the case where the OP is looking for attention and made up the situation.
When answering questions, one should assume accuracy
@lisardggY In any case, once the question's old enough I'm going to bounty for your last paragraph, if nothing else.
@nitsua60 Thanks. I guess. I really hope that phrasing it that way makes the choices clear.
It all goes back to the Five Geek Social Fallacies.
Which allow abusive people to keep doing what they do and still be accepted, socially.
The description of GSF1 there refer mostly to people who are annoying or unpleasant, but "abusive" is also common.
This classification is pretty old (2003!), and ignores a lot of current discussions of harassment in geek social circles, and how harassers get positive reinforcements because they suffer little to no social repercussions for it.
Oh, hello rep-cap my old friend. I've come to not-get-any-more-rep-from-you again.
whats your favorite pathfinder bestiary?
(random question out of nowhere)
@lisardggY Rep cap is the worst.
@WilliamMariager Ah... just think of it as another notch on your Epic belt =)
That's one way to look at it :P
I admit though, the amount of effort I put into my cap-limited question, I really didn't deserve much more.
hey there @nitsua60
@WilliamMariager I find the rep system behaves oddly (and I haven't been here all that long)
Stack rep has its quirks, yes -- I've only ever repcapped once, though (on this site however)
I post a long-ish, clear, and accurate answer to a question. OP comments it's one of the best answers he's ever gotten. Something like 3 upvotes. I re-post a question that came up in comments on another stack; I rep-cap and get a silver badge.
@JoelHarmon yeah, after a point, many folks won't even bother with your answer because it's TL;DR
Lots of things factor in when you answer questions.
Time of day even. :)
day of week seems likely as well
A lot of it has to do with how popular the tag is and how snappy the question's title is.
that assessment seems accurate
I got Famous Question on Gaming.SE. But you can get that easily if you simply answer/ask about something with a recent AAA game.
Getting Famous Question here would be a lot more difficult.
like the newest update of Nethack? :P
I'm not sure Nethack counts as AAA though. :P
kids these days and their "graphics engines".
One of my top-repped tags is --a system I've never played--because it's often attached to subjects I do have expertise in like .
You have experience with gm-techniques? Who'd have thought...
The same basic answer will get more rep on a question than on a question, every time.
simply b/c there's more eyeballs looking at that tag
Rules questions tend to get overlooked if they seem too simple, or too esoteric, but there's a sweet spot for unusual applications of commonly known rules.
Check out the trends on our greatest hits.
@JoelHarmon -- mind hopping over to the NAB for a bit?
I am pretty frequently flummoxed about the number of questions that can be answered by simply reading the rule book
@Shalvenay sure
@JoelHarmon Well, depending on the system, that can get quite extensive.
@Nzall I'm afraid this shows how "not a real situation" questions amplify that even more, however. On normal questions of that sort ideally the community demands Back It Up! answers and focuses the question more. Here, the question can't be focused because it's not real, and questions about the particulars can't be answered. So while all e.g. gm-techniques questions are liable to this, it's the fake ones that really double down on it.
It's one of the reasons I prefer digital editions, so I can do a word search.
@Shalvenay hiya.How the circuits coming?
@nitsua60 managed to get the new chip in, just got to twiddle the fuse bits on it
What are you working on @Shalvenay?
@WilliamMariager a microcontroller trainer board using an 8051-derivative for a school project
Sounds interesting. I love working with ICs on that level. I've messed around with ATtiny/ATmega a lot.
@mxyzplk Speaking of which, the M4M links to Back It Up! are dead. What should we be linking to these days when introducing the idea?
@WilliamMariager Getting Famous Question here seems to have an easy A/B formula: (A) ask a simple question about an overly-complex system: see "how many arrows can I carry [PF] or "how do I calculate HP [5e]"; (B) ask a question about a "problem" person, preferably titillating: try "my GM only plays drunk" or "how do I get my player to stop taking ears?"
@WilliamMariager well, the AT89LP51 I'm working with is a pile of pain and suffering.
@nitsua60 I swear, the B approach is really annoying. I get that these things happen, but I feel like this site should focus on game, not solving a few angst teenagers that can't man up and talk. /rant
@Shalvenay What's the problem?
@WilliamMariager it's worse when you know you have a problem, but struggle to frame it and worse yet can't get actionable answers -- (and even worse yet have problems where people don't want to communicate with you OOCly)
@WilliamMariager <rant>One might think we'd be well-served by a hold-reason along the lines of "and you haven't talked to them yet? Report back when you have, please."</rant>
@WilliamMariager at last check, the blasted thing was returning a success response to write attempts to the Flash via the SPI ISP interface, but the data never makes it to floating gates -- I read back and get all 1s
The Geek Social Fallacies extend far beyond teenagers, and RPGs have an unfortunate tendency to legitimise bad behaviour in the name of the game (see the "PC slept with his NPC sister" answers which basically said "It doesn't matter how the players feel if it makes for a great story").
I also suppose part of my problem is that there are (presumably) so few true -persons out there that I've never had the occasion to play with one, at least as far as I know. So I probably don't have the proper amount of sympathy/empathy for someone who really is struggling in a crappy situation, enough that they'll come to strangers for help.
Yeah, I've seen it a lot in other groups when I've been a guest player. The teenager part was just ranty. It makes me sad. A good roleplaying group is the most amazing thing ever, but it takes real effort to get this good group formed.
Happily, we have the collective experience to help people do it!
@nitsua60 yeah -- I'm probably the closest thing you've come and my problems generally are limited in their manifestation, and it's also a different experience playing with someone who fits the tag vs. playing with someone who isn't a problem, but suffers from groups that are
A: Is there a consistent method to introducing nonmagical items with mechanical implications?

Dale MIt did not occur to you that being appropriately camouflaged would be advantageous?

Dale M being subtle :P
My father always gave all the money in his pockets to anyone who ever asked him for money. When I finally wised up enough to ask him why he said "I've never been so desperate as to have to ask a stranger for money. I can't imagine how hard that must be, and want to help them not be that desperate."
@Shalvenay there's no way you're a problem-player.
I've had a few problem players, and I've had a lot of Players With Problems.
I guess there's also the issue that roleplaying tend to attract people with subpar social skills. So where I'm the kind of person to just outright tackle the issue, this definitely isn't easy for a shy/introvert.
@nitsua60 Well, most problem persons aren't really problem-per-se. It's more about problem-relationship I guess.
Like that time whhere I had a problem with a person that just wanted to have fun and relax while I wanted to have her teach me things.
That's the thing I think I find pretty offensive about both the tags: the person isn't a problem, they're a person, dammit. And you're having problems with that person, which is fine. But the person isn't the problem.
@nitsua60 Yeah. We've tried to change the tag a few times, but nobody could figure out a tag that'd work as well in practice.
and couldn't get any traction?
I can't recall the exact details, but it's all archived in meta.
@WilliamMariager It's overly glib, and if you read the question carefully it doesn't really answer most of it.
though it makes much more sense when you see the markup on mainsite
@Shalvenay I've had that happen too. For me it seemed like it was a faulty chip. It would report a successful write, but the validation failed. Very peculiar.
night, all!
@WilliamMariager weird, do you know what chip was doing it?
@Shalvenay It was the actual chip I was trying to program. An ATtiny2313. Swapped it out with a new one, and it worked fine.
I used an Arduino as a programmer, which worked surprisingly well.
@WilliamMariager I did that in uni - surprisingly fun.
@WilliamMariager hrm. that does sound somewhat promising
@Miniman Yeah, I love toying with electronics. It's nice to tie my software skills into the real world. Like making small robots.
@BESW beats me man
All I can find is this sort line in the faq:
> When answering questions, only make statements you can back up with an appropriate reference, or give personal experiences. Avoid statements based only on your opinion.
@BESW The Good Subjective Bad Subjective post sort of covers this.
the faq is good enough, the GS/BS post links to it now. should be clear enough from the GSBS
I suppose. I'm just sad that GS/BS is drawing on now-unavailable insight like "opinion, by itself, is noise," which I can't dig into anymore.
The "set of principles" GS/BS says M4M came up with is no longer accessible, just a summary.
My gut keeps telling me the hostile GM question seems staged.
I'm sorely tempted to make a joke about how the DM can't be that hostile if he's giving me steak and beer....
@doppelgreener Given that less than 4 hours after it was posted, a new account implying itself to be the asker posted a photo of a physical altercation it claims is the result of the Stack's advice... I'm suspecting "staged" too.
@BESW even before that it was giving me spider-tingly-senses saying "this doesn't add up and was almost certainly posted for internet points"
fabricate sensational social abuse story, post it, get rep
@Moth Hi! You'll need 20+ rep on any SE site to type in chat, and if you're serious about being part of the Stack Exchange you'll probably want to change your user name before it gets flagged and forcibly changed as not nice.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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