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But I should get to my dayjob
@Oxinabox don't want to know how you filled that waterpistol....
well...I'm currently pondering just how hard someone who has never seen anything other than your typical castle drawbridge would boggle at some of the stuff I deal with at $work
@Shalvenay what do you do for work?
@Asteria software development, but on something that isn't your everyday line-of-business/... application, that's for sure.
Asteria: This is the kinda thing PC's just do in my system. Well what I hope they will do.
One rule we are toying with is a notion of "Heat", of how much the men is suits want to catch you.
A suggested rule was that if your Art (eg the water pistol),
kills 2 or more people in a day,
double your reputation for purposes of drawing heat.
Killing a single person in a day is just what you do.
Art for Art's sake.
@Asteria one of the things I come into contact with at work though are drawbridges -- of the large and sometimes remote controlled variety
"Life is pass/fail. Are we alive?" - Paladin "...yes?" - Ranger "Then we're passing." - Paladin #dnd
@Shalvenay Oh that sounds pretty cool
@Asteria it's pretty wild, yeah. watches the entire Lannister family's heads explode in unison at trying to grasp a drawbridge of that size that's opened by a button several thousand miles away. of course, there are also drawbridges that are completely automatic if you can believe it.
So like, using sensors?
@Asteria sensors and/or talking on the radio
@Shalvenay The train one is a bit worrying, we've had a lot of issues with train sensors in my local area lately.
I just imagine a train going 'splat' against a raise drawbridge. Yikes
@Asteria it's less of a splat and more of an AAAAAAHHHHHH sploosh
@BESW that is a pretty decent philosophy
"We are all pawns in the hands of a generally well-meaning and nifty god." - @UrsulaV's paladin #dnd
@Shalvenay I can't decide whether 'splat' or 'AHHHH sploosh' would be worse
@Oxinabox That sounds pretty interesting, how is heat measured? Star system? Point values? Or isn't it really known to the player. "He's pointing a baton at me, not a gun. Guess my heat isn't very high"?
Sounds very GTA-esque.
yeah, now that you mention it
but the fun in that was going all the way up to 5 stars and trying to live through it
If I remember, that system escalated ridiculously as your stars increased.
@trogdor the fun was stealing a tank, kabooming your way to 5 stars, then starting a tank war :P
@Asteria well yeah, also stealing stuff like jets
@trogdor for some reason I was really, really bad at stealing jets
@BESW it did, at one the cops couldn't even shoot at you, at 2 they could and cars would chase you, at 3 I think they jumped to helecopters chasing you
So, hmm. Simple GTA hack for most systems: Multiply the numerical modifiers of your institutional enemies by the number of stars you've "earned."
I don't remember the difference between 4 and 5 but tanks would happen
@Asteria I wasn't the best at it either, but it was fun when I managed
also, I am so glad I got to play Just Cause 2, because it was a little easier to steal fighter jets and stuff in that
plus you could buy em
eg, at 0 stars the law is basically impotent; at 5 stars a +2 becomes a +10 and a +5 becomes a +25.
@BESW they were still pretty wimpy at one
That's a 1:1 correspondance, so--yeah.
If it's, say, Fate, and your average cop has +1s and +2s in his best skills, then at 1 star you're still laughing.
⋆ they try to grab you for a minor crime
⋆⋆ They start shooting to kill
⋆⋆⋆ Roadblocks happen! Spike strips are also annoying}
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Swat coming to ruin your day
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Amy's here, Swat is everywhere, next town is empty of traffic bar cops
ah, that sounds about right
From memory the swat team were called NOOSE
as I recall, at least in some of them, stealing a tank or a jet would immediately give you 5 stars
But at 2 stars things start to get dicey, and at 5 stars even a nothing-but-1s traffic cop will probably require a Fate point to survive.
Factor in the escalation, where a tank is probably at least +5 all on its own, but when they pull out a tank against you it's wielding a +20 or +25.
also, to compound how bad I was at stealing them, they would often immediately deploy fighter jets to shoot you down when you got ahold of one
If that seems too steep, then... hm.
on one hand that was a ***** move, on the other hand it did make it more fun to steal them when I pulled it off
Multiply the Resource rank of institutions by your star rating.
@BESW well I imagine this hack you have has the intention of being steep
That gives them more stuff to throw at you without the stuff itself quickly hitting double digits.
it was the whole point of the star system in GTA, at least in my opinion
it was a point of pride that you were able to survive the horrible consequences of the 5 star actions you took for any length of time
it wasn't about living forever, it was about the thrill of being chased by really angry cops XD
a thrill most people don't want IRL XD
I'm reminded of the 4e session where Ben and Lars snuck their PCs into a drow fortress.
but in a video game,......
@BESW seems to apply, yes
Think heat in a more Demon the Decent way, kinda.
Heat is more "There are a lot of people out their looking out for people like you."
If you are familar with SCP, then this includes The Foundation, GOI, the FBI UIU etc.
But heat also covers the more mundane, upper tier, law enforcement/Spooks. Eg CIA, FBI, DEA.
I haven't yet nailed down the mechanic,
but I was thinking something like (if this was a d100 system, which it is not):
Your heat rating is a number (Possibly limitted to 100), at the start of the session, roll a d100, if it rolls under your heat, then 1d6 agents are dispatched to your location.
I gather you're talking about later GTA games? I only ever played the first two. Got to the 2nd or 3rd city in GTA1, and maybe the 2nd or 3rd mission in GTA2...
@Adeptus I played,.. I think 3 or 4 of them
One fun thing to do when the cops were after you in GTA1, was to go on a footbridge. Cops jump out of their cars & run about on the road below you, then more cop cars come screaming through and wipe them out (and then your threat rating goes up...)
not the absolute latest one, though I have looked at it, as I expected it seems like it just follows the formula of "gets a bit crazier than the last one"
@Adeptus that seems sort of unfair AND irresponsible of them XD
I hate having a limited word count on my writing x_x stupid work
@BESW thats what I had to do to whittle it down to 50 words :P
The 200-Word RPG Challenge was very good practice for me.
@BESW was that the surgidore one?
No, Surgadores is a little too big for 200 words and it's still in alpha testing.
Ahh okay
I submitted Colonypunk and The Philosoraptor Advisors for the 200 Word RPG Challenge.
Oooohh I remember reading Colonypunk. I really liked it ^_^
If you play it, please let me know how it goes.
I haven't actually had the time to test it myself, though @nitsua60 kindly did a basic playability run.
...[sigh] This is why I want other chat folks to tell me what they want to see in the pin; if I go hunting myself, it's either almost all Fate stuff, or it looks like this:
**Cool RPG stuff:** [BoH](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[200Words](http://schirduans.com/david/2016/04/200-word-rpg-rough-results.html "winners of the 200 Word RPG Challenge");
[Ankur](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1191819023/ankur-kingdom-of-the-gods-rpg "Based on Sumerian mythology & the ancient alien theory -June 14-");
[Threadbare](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mortaine/threadbare-rpg-a-stitchpunk-tabletop-role-playing "Play a jury-rigged toy in a broken, stitched-together world. -June 09-");
**RPG stuff:**
[BoH](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!")/[200Words](http://schirduans.com/david/2016/04/200-word-rpg-rough-results.html "winners of the 200 Word RPG Challenge")/[Ankur](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1191819023/ankur-kingdom-of-the-gods-rpg "Based on Sumerian mythology & the ancient alien theory -June 14-")/[Threadbare](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mortaine/threadbare-rpg-a-stitchpunk-tabletop-role-playing "Play a jury-rigged toy in a broken, stitched-together world. -June 09-")/[Murder&Acquisitions](https:
...yeah, no, it's not gonna fit no matter what I do.
And there's still more links I could add.
Heh. Cool RPG Stuff: Bundle of Holding; 200 Words; half of Kickstarter
I'm leaving out the weird half-board/card-game RPGs and stuff that's closer to tabletop war games but with an RPG element and so forth.
@BESW you could always link a google doc with all of your cool stuff
I suppose I could, but how many people are going to click through to it regularly?
What kickstarter needs is a way to make a shortlist or collection that you can share. From memory, it doesn't have a RPG-specific category, does it? It's just "games" or something?
Yeah, I've gotta search "RPG" and "tabletop" and filter out all the bogus hits manually.
So far as I can tell, this is every currently-active Kickstarter dealing with RPGs in a relephant way:
**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Ankur](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1191819023/ankur-kingdom-of-the-gods-rpg "Based on Sumerian mythology & the ancient alien theory -June 14-");
[Threadbare](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mortaine/threadbare-rpg-a-stitchpunk-tabletop-role-playing "Play a jury-rigged toy in a broken, stitched-together world. -June 09-");
[Murder & Acquisitions](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1582756696/murders-and-acquisitions-rpg "Espionage, subterfuge, i
Ordered from longest to shortest.
Maybe I should just order them the other way 'round and let stuff creep up into view.
Alrighty, testing.
**Cool RPG stuff:** [BoH](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Noirlandia](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hannahshaffer/noirlandia "A tangled murder mystery in a bizarre, corrupt city of your own design. -May 20-");
[Rifts: SW](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds "The gonzo Megaversal adventure of Rifts® teams up with the Savage Worlds system! -May 20-");
[Realm](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/125782340/realm-first-edition "Fantasy and Science Fiction collide in this quick & easy to learn
From now on the Cool RPG Stuff pin will have soonest-to-expire items at the top (after BoH, of course), and longer-term items will just fall behind the ellipsis. I've added expiration dates to the mouseover description on each item.
Feedback on what's actually interesting to people would be appreciated. Also, I'm only scouring Kickstarter; tell me about events outside that site if you want them on the pin.
@BESW 5e Book of the Righteous got plenty of attention elsewhere, so it doesn't need the pin.
@Miniman My purpose is not to call attention to worthy Kickstarters, but to help people in this chat not miss out on things.
@BESW Ah, right.
The pin got started after several people in chat expressed sadness they'd missed Kickstarters which the chat folks who'd pledged them thought had been well-publicised.
@BESW That actually explains a lot.
Like why the Bundle is perma-pinned?
@BESW had fun with it, too. Though I fear some of it and DED have bled into my current campaign...
@nitsua60 Is this a bad thing?
@BESW And why it doesn't matter that a lot of it isn't visible within the pin.
@Miniman I'm not happy about that, but it seems like the best compromise at the moment between visibility and effort.
@BESW Players requested a Western where they're "the good guys". But apparently I've been making the nomadic peoples with whom they come into conflict far "too reasonable." As one player put it after tonight's session, "it's like instead of fantasy-adventure, it's like 'let's go commit the crimes of our forebears, but on another world.'"
I don't know if it's a bad thing or not.
I don't mind the moral ambiguity of culture clashes...
@nitsua60 If they want to be "the good guys" in a Western, they shouldn't be committing the crimes of their forebears?
@BESW Yeah, but anyone using it as a news source can click to see the full thing.
@nitsua60 ...it really sounds like they want "the good guys" to mean "whatever we do is good" rather than "we do good things."
Although they lose the formatting that way...hmm...
@Miniman Yarp. [sigh]
...but I did sign on in our session 0 to having them be "the good guys", so I think I need to put some more work into presenting obvious "bad guys."
Or at least bad actors, bad actions.
@nitsua60 Try giving them thick black mustaches.
(that's my best ASCII mustache)
I'm really curious about Ankur as a setting, but the system doesn't really appeal to me and the fact it's a one-man show is very alarming.
@nitsua60 It's pretty good! :{)
Surely worth risking $1 for a pdf, though.
"ASCII Moustache" would be a good name for a band.
Hmm. I'm thinking now that Colonypunk should start with 3 coins instead of 2.
what would that do?
As is, when you start out you can only succeed at FOREIGN interactions (and thus increase your coins, making it easier to succeed at FOREIGN interactions) if you roll at least one 1.
I need to run some anydice, I guess.
I'm awful at anydice.
@BESW I like anydice, but I sometimes get the feeling I don't really understand its data model. But if you're looking for any help, feel free to ask.
@Miniman I want to see how many rolls, on average, it takes to get to six coins from starting with 2, and from starting with 3.
Assuming 2d6 on each roll, I guess.
@BESW How do rolls work?
> To resolve a tense interaction, roll 1d6; +1d6 when DIFFERENCES are relevant; +1d6 if your FRIEND or RIVAL narrates their involvement (if that involvement actively defies the FOREIGN power, they lose one coin).
- Interacting with LOCAL things (e.g. your customs, technology, geography)? Dice showing OVER your number of coins are WINS.
- Interacting with FOREIGN things (e.g. their customs, technology, bureaucracy)? Instead dice showing UNDER your number of coins are WINS.
One WIN means you SUCCEED; more means extraordinary success! (If you SUCCEED on a FOREIGN interaction, gain one coin.)
Yeah, I read it when you first posted it but couldn't remember. Extraordinary successes aren't worth any extra coins, right?
@BESW I'm sure this is possible, but I'm just as sure that it's fiendishly complicated - might be worth a mainsite question.
Alright then!
...I'm not sure how to title this.
@BESW "How can I calculate the average number of rolls to reach 6 successes in anydice?"
4 successes, that is.
Well, 3, or 4.
Apparently I don't know what to title it either.
I was going with "How many rolls does it take to get to six coins?"
@BESW That works, and it makes sure no-one will answer based purely on the title.
Q: How many rolls does it take to get to six coins?

BESWI'm designing a microRPG and need some help calculating probabilities so I can make an informed decision about how many coins to start with. Here's the dice mechanic, simplified to just the situation I'm concerned about: You start with 2 coins. To resolve an action, roll 2d6. If at le...

@BESW It's simple enough to simulate a single roll at any point in the game, but I'm having real difficulty persuading anydice to keep rolling until it meets a condition and tell me how many rolls it did.
My kingdom for a while loop...
> loop N over {1..4}{
output Nd4 named "[N]d4"
output 1dN named "1d[N]"
looks like that's the only sort of looping it supports
@Adeptus [gloomily] Except recursion...
@Miniman Well, can you show me how many rolls it takes to get your first win if you start with 2 coins, vs 3?
@BESW 4 rolls for 2 coins, 3 rolls for 3 coins. Anydice enumerates all possibilities, remember.
For example, if you have 2 coins, you have a 30% chance to get another coin (rounded down).
Following that process, you have an 11% chance to turn 2 coins into 6 coins in 4 rolls.
But getting it to do that process and give me the result for each number of rolls is not working for me.
@BESW Ok, I think I got it with recursion. Unfortunately, it's too complex a problem, so the anydice server refuses to complete it.
Still perfectly possible I got it wrong, of course.
We'll see if anyone else can crack it.
@BESW It looks as though the power of maths overcame in this instance.
morning o/
@Sejanus Afternoon \o
@Miniman Hmm. Tell me if I'm wrong in reading this, please.
@BESW Not sure what you mean?
He's saying that with 2 coins starting, it takes an average of 3.272 turns to get the third coin, and 7.434 turns to get to 6.
@BESW Yep.
And he's right that geometric distributions are the tool here, I completely forgot about them.
And if it's 3 coins starting, that means 1.800 turns to hit 4, and 4.162 turns to hit 6?
Yep, that's the idea.
Then 3 coins starting is sounding a lot better.
@BESW What happens at 6 coins?
You're out of the game.
Then wouldn't 2 coins be a lot more forgiving?
Well, that's not the whole game.
First off, there's a whole set of actions which don't change your coin number.
And second, there's a mechanic for automatically reducing your coins by 1--but it gives another player +1d6 on a roll that can give them another coin.
I was actually rereading it as you wrote all that :P
Since I'm looking at this being a fast and brutal game where defying the FOREIGN power is mechanically desirable, 3 sounds about right. Especially since 2 means that even if the players do nothing LOCAL, they'll be sitting around for 3 or 4 rolls apiece before anything mechanically interesting happens--and those are all failures, which is frustrating.
Yeah, that makes sense.
A 70% chance of nothing happening is definitely undesirable.
Yeah. But an average of two failed FOREIGN rolls before things start cascading? That seems a lot happier. Also it immediately tips the balance from LOCAL to FOREIGN when you start successfully dealing with the FOREIGN power.
@AshleyBirkla Hi! You'll need 20+ rep on any SE site to type in chat, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
I'm skimming through the revised SRD to update my index. They've added a few spells, so I had to renumber most of that section - finishes 3 pages longer. They removed or reformatted some of the content between spells & magic items - that now starts 3 pages earlier. And the formatting of items has been changed - still the same content but not the same pagebreaks. Now I'm up to monsters, which seem to have the same pagebreaks, but are all 3 pages earlier...
any idea how to automatically update the numbers to n-3?
You'll probably get better answers if you say what software/system/platform you're using.
oh yeah... MS Excel 2010
I think I've worked out how to do it with a macro
Yes! That was easier that I'd feared.
They've reorganised the appendices. I think some of the content that was in between spells & magic items is now in between monsters & animals
Welp. Finished writing about Sunless Fate. 7.5k words in total, all out there. Here's hoping someone uses it.
Decided to ditch the random tables idea, leaving just terrain-from-die-roll, which I thought was very neat.
So, neither of the people who've answered my question have actually said, "X rolls with 2, Y rolls with 3."
Dale M came closer, but both left the math as raw probabilities instead of translating it into situational units (rolls).
Not clearly, but the info is there. 7(ish) starting with 2, and 4(ish) starting with 3. (the answers disagree on the amount of "ish")
Yeah, I can connect the dots to the finish line.
But good answers shouldn't leave anything as an exercise for the reader. I asked "How many rolls" and got "h(2,6) = 7.52631."
I also got "the mean to go from 2 to 6 is simply the sum of each mean or 7.434," although that was then translated into throws in the middle of an aside on how dice rolls are memoryless, which is also where the second part of my question got answered.
@MrLemon [wave] Haven't seen you in chat much lately.
BTW, @Magician, notice the 13th Age coins kickstarter on the pin?
Thought you might be interested.
I'm aware of it, yeah :)
I backed their previous kickstarter, their coins are great.
Yeah, they're the guys who did our Fate tokens.
And they've got an icon die as an unlocked stretch goal.
v. snazzy.
Hi BESW. So what's this system with coins and 2D6?
@AlbertMasclans Hey! Waiting for a meeting to start, so will vanish suddenly some time soon. Until then...
COLONYPUNK: a resistance & assimilation game. Its mechanics draw inspiration from All Outta Bubblegum, Cthulhu Dark, and Dog Eat Dog. The themes are inspired by gaps in Dog Eat Dog when applied to my island's pericolonial situation.
As you can see, the mechanic is a little more complicated than the stripped-down singular instance I used for my question.
My question is trying to figure out the average minimum duration for a game (and the average minimum for the first coin gain).
@firion Hi!
@BESW I really only hopped on here from the 2d6 coin thingy question. Sounds like a fun game, and the mechanics are interesting.
@MrLemon If you ever play it, please let me know how it goes! It's still in beta, really. I'm pretty sure (based on the answers I've gotten) that I'll change the starting coins from 2 to 3.
@BESW I'm currently in the process of getting a new job and moving, so I'll probably won't get around to it in the near future.
Fair enough.
What about it looks fun/interesting to you?
The setting is strange (as in nothing I've ever tried), and the losing conditions are interesting, both in game terms and in character.
There are a small but growing number of colonial-aware games. Dog Eat Dog really should get re-published.
And yeah, the losing conditions were where I started with the concept so I'm glad they came through.
1 hour later…
@Deo Hi! You'll need 20+ rep on any SE site to type in chat, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60, @T.J.L. [wave]
@BESW Mornin'.
What's new?
@BESW Nothing on topic. :) I may be buying (well leasing) a new car this week.
I... need to figure out if my car will last enough more years that it's worth investing more work on it.
That's part of the reason I lease. When the warranty expires, I replace the car. Sure, I never own anything and I'm constantly spending the money, but I do get a new car every three years.
I am responsible for nothing but gas and tires. If there's any issue with the car, it goes back to the dealer and it's their problem.
And honestly, if I didn't drive like a lunatic, the tires would last the whole three years.
@T.J.L. Not everyone can afford the luxury of leasing.
I like the idea, but my road habits wouldn't permit for an affordable lease - I simply drive too much.
@eimyr The mileage is a problem for some people, yes.
I also need two cars.
That makes the expense a bit steep as well.
@eimyr I dunno if I'd call it a luxury. It's actually cheaper than buying on a monthly basis, there's just no end to it.
Though converting the lease to a purchase is always an option. Then, you're basically buying a three-year-old used car where you know the driver history.
@BESW What's with all the starred kickstarters?
@T.J.L. That's assuming you would buy a new car as an alternative.
@eimyr Sure, but that's not buy-vs-lease, that's new-vs-used.
@eimyr I noticed that I'm the only one bringing pinnables to chat lately, and I know I only come across a tiny slice of them organically. So I went and did a Kickstarter dive.
The CRPGS pin now has every current RPG-specific Kickstarter, soonest to expire first.
@T.J.L. True, and as you can't lease a used one, it becomes a "cool option not everyone can afford".
@BESW Have you thought of having a separate kickstarte-only pin for people who are interested in kickstarting?
@eimyr Not sure what you mean. Right now if I were to take the Kickstarters out of the pin, it'd be just the Bundle and the 200 Word RPG finalists.
And the Kickstarters still wouldn't all fit visibly on their own.
The pin got started after several people in chat expressed sadness they'd missed time-sensitive RPG events, like Kickstarters, which other chat folks had known about but not everybody saw their mentions of 'em.
I mean that there is a group of people, counting 1 or more, that is not interested in Kickstarting but is in other such activities.
So the primary point of the thing is to increase visibility on time-sensitive RPG events folks might want to take part in.
Proliferation of kickstarter projects leads to decreased visibility overall.
But I get it and I won't complain.
@eimyr What other activities? Please, those people should tell me about them so I can put them in the pin!
like the bundle of holding or the thing about Lord Gareth some time ago etc.
the activities gasp from the pin
Right now I've got literally nothing being obscured by the Kickstarters except more Kickstarters.
@eimyr Lord Gareth's publication was a Kickstarter.
Yeah, but of some greater relevance. Anyway, forget it.
If the chat folks bring me more non-KS activities, I won't feel like I have to go scrape the barrel on Kickstarter to keep the pin updated.
I see your position and don't care enough to debate.
I don't understand yours and would like to, but okay.
@BESW I should kickstart a kickstarter to create an app to recommend kickstarters based on your kickstarting preferences.
@eimyr It would be a wild success.
If there is an API it would actually be quite easy to do.
Seriously though, I had to scroll through about a hundred Kickstarters to make that list.
Precisely my point.
I wonder, does Kickstarter already recommend stuff to you?
And if so, is the recommendation personalised or just a "Featured" page?
They send me a "featured projects" email... I think every week? It has nothing to do with my interests.
And there is a "recommended for you" page which is slightly better.
They think I'd like the Dark Eye translation to English, a compendium of 500 magic items for 5e, and the new Skin Horse volume.
...also headphones that adapt to my hearing.
Yeah, I haven't had much luck with Kickstarters. There's a lot of "Well, that'd be cool if I had KNOWN." Though it's getting better lately; I have a new quasi-friend that seems to have a lot of disposable income for gaming Kickstarters, and I get a notice every time he supports one.
@T.J.L. I hope the Cool RPG Stuff pin is helpful to you.
But yeah. The Cool RPG Stuff pin is only as cool as the folks who find things to put on it, and I'm not nearly cool enough on my own. If I only used my own RSS feeds and other sources, the pin would be filled with Fate hacks and prop tutorials.
@BESW Yeah, I have looked through it. Nothing jumped out at me as must have.
If I were a person who plays 13th Age, I'd be drooling all over those coins and tokens.
I kinda like the idea of the Rifts setting in a system-that-doesn't-suck, but I know Palladium will be getting some portion of the proceeds. They're not getting another dime from me until I get the rest of the Robotech minis I already paid for.
I like seeing that several good old games are getting revitalised, but they aren't things I'm personally interested in.
I pledged a buck to Ankur, on the off chance it funds, because I'm interested in the setting but not the system.
I liked the coins, but it's not something I'd kick
I picked up Exploding Kittens a few months back, which is hilarious. I've got one out for these magnetic mat tiles; they're behind, but they're good and honest about updates. The guy sold his house so he could keep the project moving while dealing with escrow to get the money back because the first factory totally screwed it up.
Yeah, that's dedication.
The first factory (in China) sent some great looking samples, but the first production run was nothing like the samples. He's now working with domestic US factories. It'll still be another four or five months before I see anything, but he's at least keeping people up to date.
Ah, yes.
I also dumped entirely too much money on Changeling 20th... but I own every scrap of CtD material ever published (including the non-line books that had CtD-specific material). Gotta maintain that status.
I once had a printer try to pull "We'll print the proof on our local machine, then send the full job off to Taiwan."
@BESW Oh dear. That's just begging for trouble.
Yup. I convinced the client to go with a different printer.
(They also wanted outlined text, which tends to not play nice with diacriticals and other non-standard-English characters. On a publication with five different Pacific and Asian languages.)
Yeah, I have some publishing and typesetting experience. That sounds like a nightmare.
I'm in on DP9's Heavy Gear minis Kickstarter, too. That one is moving along, too.
I did the Reading Rainbow one, 'cause hey... kids+reading is good in my book. They sent me odds and ends, like a tee-shirt and mug (in fact, the mug is on my desk holding pens). They kept saying do-you-want, do-you-want, blah-blah-blah. I was all "No, keep the money for the kids. I don't need an account."
I missed the Reading Rainbow KS!
I watched LeVar on "Reading Rainbow" long before I knew what Star Trek was, and I first knew James Earl Jones from "Long Ago and Far Away."
@AlbertMasclans Hi!
@eimyr How about: I'll list the non-KS stuff first in the pin, and let the KS flow off the end in reverse chronology afterward.
That way the most about-to-expire KS stuff should be visible, but the non-KS stuff won't be mixed into it. (Previous, I basically just listed everything by date regardless of type.)
Also I'll add a link to a gdoc where everything can be found and suggestions can be added.
Sweet Jiminy Cricket, "Popular Question" badger on my stats Q already.
@BESW It's a fun question--I wish I'd been awake to whip up an early answer.
I should ask more stats questions.
...But not right now. Right now, bed.
Though first...
**[Cool RPG stuff](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for Cool Stuff source doc."):** [BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[200Words](https://schirduans.com/david/200-word-rpg-challenge-2016 "Winners of the 200 Word RPG Challenge.").
[Noirlandia](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hannahshaffer/noirlandia "A tangled murder mystery in a bizarre, corrupt city of your own design. -May 20-");
@BESW the parallel to the "how many licks does it take..." phrasing likely gives it a little popularity boost, too.
@nitsua60 I hadn't thought of that.
Okay, now bed. ttfn, y'all.
Hey guys, somebody mentioned fencing rules for gurps.
Do you know how the book or the article is called?
fencing rules?
@Momonga-sama can you link to the mention?
Dunno, somebody mentioned it on the chat
2 days ago, by SirTechSpec
@momonga-sama BTW, there's a GURPS Swashbucklers supplement with more detail on fencing and chandelier-swinging if that's the style you're going for.
@SirTechSpec There you go
Can't find anything in 4th edition :/
(@Momonga-sama all I did was type "fencing" in the search box at top-right. On a computer and in a browser. If you're on mobile I'm not sure for which apps how you'd achieve the same.)
@SevenSidedDie oh, I just discovered from where you copy that particular link for answers in the "LaTeX posts for..." wiki. My life continues to get better and better =)
(I'd been manually cobbling together your format from looking in two or three different places.)
@Momonga-sama it's from 3rd edition
Ohh, okey it makes sense.
How about using stuff from 3rd ed in 4th?
Does it have to be adjusted somehow?
Q: Is asking for GM best practices on general topics too broad?

Ringo_St RWhen searching for advice on a more general topic is asking for best practices for gming to broad. Examples like Combat encounters with lots of participants, Social combat, Murder mystery investigations, or even a specific system. There is no specific scenario the asker would be trying to deal wi...

And no answers...
@Momonga-sama People are busy or not here. I don't know enough about GURPS to give you a good answer.
I'd recommend a mainsite question about Swashbucklers equivalent or translation to 4th edition.
This ^^
You've got a much larger audience mainsite than here, and it's a perfectly suitable question. I think. But then again, I've never GURPed.
@Momonga-sama A tak w ogóle to cześć.
@Momonga-sama The chat is not the best place to start asking questions, unless your particular topic is unfit for mainsite or the chat is teeming with activity (usually 10-14 are the busiest times).
Asking on mainsite also has the added benefit of drawing people in with tasty, tasty rep they can get. Chat has no such feature.
I've started a topic about system recommendations that are unfortunately getting banned :p
system recommendations are off-topic
No wiem :p
I know
in the past we had such "shopping" questions and answered them, but people started recommending unproven system, obscure ones and GURPS, Fate and AW for every question
and so, we (well, that was before my time here) banned them
A tak w ogóle to są tutaj pokoje dla Polaków?
Are there any rooms for Poles?
folks are still very happy to discuss those things in chat, where any RPG topic is welcome
Erm... I don't think so. There doesn't seem to be a ghetto for any one nationality.
@Momonga-sama Yes, but only ten foot ones and... oh... wait.
I know there is a spanish-language chat and stack, but that's about it. It's not that there's many Poles around either.
You can create one, if you feel like it, but I'm not sure it will see much activity.
Also, the unspoken Be Nice rule of this room is likely to frown at singling out people by their ethnic origin.
@eimyr Oh, I think it's spoken.
@Momonga-sama btw, where do you study, if you don't mind me asking?
@eimyr Warsaw
@nitsua60 I find this room has a broader BE EVEN NICER rule, which I appreciate a lot.
@Momonga-sama Well, I used to study there too.
Me too--I hadn't thought of it that way. Good point.
@SevenSidedDie sorry about the meta edit--I included that one thinking how much I'd want to format that table of numbers in TeX rather than in ASCII. I lost track of which I'd put in or not, so didn't realize you'd already removed it.
(plus the notation for the column headers put me over the top, as it were.)
I am surprised that people can be so stubborn and even when someone prooves them they are wrong, they keep being in denial...
@Momonga-sama Does it really surprise you? People are stubborn. And they hate being wrong.
A gentle reminder that there's a 200-point bounty out there for anyone who wants to try their hand at it. (Even though it's tagged dnd and osr, I feel it's pretty agnostic and could be answered by anyone.)
@Momonga-sama And our beliefs--correct or not--are really important in lots of "function on this planet" sorts of ways that have served us well for millions of years. Changing them is a learned behavior that, for much of history, was more likely to get you killed than just staying with the tried-and-true would have been.
@nitsua60 Oh yeah, that makes sense. I would love to see better table support at Se. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure MathJax doesn't provide LaTeX table formatting, only $$ delimited equation formatting. :(
@eimyr Oh hey, you're Polish? Uczę się polsku, albo nie jestem jeszcze dobry. (See? ^^)
@SevenSidedDie That was very good. Podobno język polski jest jednym z najtrudniejszych na świecie i dopiero po siedmiu latach nauki można się nim swobodnie posługiwać. Jak długo się już uczysz?
@Momonga-sama The most dramatic change from 3e to 4e is in point costs for basic attributes and skills. "How stuff works" is otherwise the same - the main reason for publishing a fourth edition was to make the "power-with-modifiers" system more logical, consistent, and universally applicable (but you don't need it in a normal-humans-only campaign), and to bring together and standardize a lot of useful rules and ideas that had gotten kind of sprawling with the number of 3e books published.
So in short, a worldbook like Swashbucklers should be almost compatible right out of the box, except for point costs for given NPCs. Maybe a few fiddly things with martial arts techniques, but I don't remember even that much.
Disclaimer: the last time I read Swashbucklers was almost a year ago, and it was for a section of a larger fantasy campaign rather than a whole campaign by itself, so I may have missed something.
Whether or not you should buy it depends on what you're interested in, though - I would start with the 4e Basic Set and see if you still want more. Swashbucklers is mostly focused on the setting and style, not rules (though it does have rules for ship-to-ship combat).
Okey, I still didn't read the whole book. Should i start with 3rd or 4th ed?
2 hours later…
Q: What are the differences between the various editions of GURPS?

SevenSidedDieWhat are the significant differences between GURPS 4th edition and earlier editions? The recent spate of GURPS questions have piqued my curiosity, and the system looks like it would suit a campaign I'm planning that would start with a world-generation session using a game of Microscope. GURPS lo...

If that doesn't help, you can ask about converting Swashbucklers to 4e; that's a very specific problem with answers that can be backed up. We've got other questions in the same vein, most of which are much broader than converting a specific supplement.
@Ethan Hi!
The 200 Word RPG Challenge now has a nice pdf of all the entries. My entries are on pages 90 and 326. The game on page 73 is also relephant to us.
Thanks for mentioning: page 73 holds my entry.
1 hour later…
@Momonga-sama all hail our mighty Overlord? :P
which one?
That's right. Obey my will.
I will take over this land.
which land then? cause there are a lot of those
seperate ones even
The Fate More KS will start shipping product in about a week, though Worlds Take Flight had a printing error which will complicate/delay orders containing it.
@BESW yaaay! / oh nooo ;_;
@SevenSidedDie ahh... that makes sense. I've not actually used MJ, so have just been going off the meta title 'what would be better with LaTeX?' I'll restrict my thinking to \[...\] constructs.

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