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12:14 AM
@DuckTapeAl Yes, he changed the user info on his account. The content is all still there however, just as "user2574."
12:55 AM
hey there @nitsua60 and @DuckTapeAl
1:10 AM
how're things going?
1:51 AM
My reputation:
10000 seems so close but so far
not bad
@Adeptus I would bounty the hell out of the Cheapskate Index if I could.
@Miniman Thanks :) I've referred to it in a couple of answers, but it's not something I can really "spotlight" on this site. Unless I did a self-answered question on what free content is available (though I think that'd be a duplicate of one of the others I answered)
@Adeptus Yeah, it's definitely one of those things that really belongs in a blog - it's a shame they removed site blogs.
What is the Cheapskate Index?
2:04 AM
I suppose I could do a personal blog somewhere... but that would require regular posts...
2:34 AM
@Adeptus Would you mind editing that answer you just edited? While trying to look at its bounty (on mobile) I accidentally converted my upvote into a downvote, and it locked before I noticed.
3:04 AM
@Miniman OK, added a fullstop. (Bounty was from you, btw)
@Adeptus Yeah, I saw. I'm honestly considering bountying it again.
can you bounty the same thing twice?
@trogdor MSE says yes.
I mean the exact same person putting muliple bounties on the same thing
I mean,... I guess you can spend as much rep as you want
why should anyone stop you,....
I was just thinking for some reason that the specific action of putting multiple bounties on the same thing from specifically one user would be restricted
but I realize I have no reason I can think of why that would be the case
3:14 AM
I think I played that,....
and I mean, just because someone is hunting bounties doesn't mean you shouldn't post one
for one thing, they can't just grab it, the question poster has to accept the answer
I could tolerate the graphics on that game,... but the controls were not to my taste
@trogdor No, the bounty-giver decides which answer to award it to. It doesn't have to be the accepted answer. (but yes, you can't "grab it", it has to be awarded)
sidenote -- are there penguins in Faerun? :)
(or some similar flightless seabird)
I don't know if that is ever specified. Are they in the MM?
@Adeptus ah ok I got that mixed up then
but then why would you need to bounty more than once?
or is that mainly if your bounty expired before any answer showed up that you wanted to award it to
I guess that is it, and I feel like I asked that question before XD
@trogdor Or you regret not giving a bigger bounty to an answer you bountied in the past. Just purely hypothetically and not at all based on a real situation I am currently sort of in.
3:28 AM
that works too
Actually, if you wanted to give a bounty > 500, too.
@Adeptus not that I know of, but I only have MM1
I am not against it if someone feels generous and grateful enough to give more rep to someone who answered a question they really wanted answered
seems like practically half the reason bounties exist
the other half more or less being incentiveising answers on a question
4:20 AM
Speaking of Atomic Robo SRD (slowpoke.jpg), does it look horrific on purpose, or is it just me?
@Magician I thought the same
It seems like CSS isn't working, or something.
Heh. I doubt they purposely made it bad, but I do suspect that they purposely devoted few resources to it. It's about as basic as something can be and still be fairly readable.
4:42 AM
that is pretty much just a wall of text
I don't know if it is broken or whoever made it just didn't care too much what it looked like
I do also doubt "on purpose" is a thing here XD
Well, its stylesheet is accessible, so I don't think it's broken.
My guess is that they wanted to make the information available in a readable format but with no bells and whistles. SRDs exist for our convenience, often to make games more accessible and help them spread, but companies would still like to sell their PDFs and books too. Or they really are primarily meant for reference -- so you can ctrl+f that thing you want if you only have the book.
I can see that
not wasting effort on something that isn't making you money, and in some cases could even lose you some sales
You could download that and probably just replace the CSS with whatever you want - like Bootstrap's typography - and there you have a pretty looking document.
Yeah. It's got distinct headings for sections and subsections, examples are distinct from rules text, and information that should be in tables is in tables. It's usable, which is all it really needs to be. Would be nice if prettier, of course. :P
@trogdor that's probably not how evil hat or the atomic robo creators see it - they're all on record as finding free material good, including for themselves
4:57 AM
@doppelgreener Yeah, to clarify, I don't think loss of sales is a motivator here.
@doppelgreener well that isn't quite how I meant it
I am aware that they actually see making some free material as a boost in sales
but I also see why you wouldn't want to necessarily waste the time or effort to mess with the background when it is part of a free only thing like the above SRD
It's also possible that this helped them to get it available as quickly as possible.
all I mean is that it seems reasonable to me that they would in fact not need to make it look nice
it isn't the point of this particular thing
@Pixie this works as an explanation too
yeah I agree there
It is available under a pretty generous CC license as well, so perhaps someone will present it in a nicer format somewhere down the road.
5:02 AM
my point was not supposed to come across as saying they are greedy, just that it is actually a practical option to not worry about looks for an SRD like this
for many reasons, I am sure, not just the ones I could think of by myself
hullo all
Hiya @Pixie, how are you
@Asteria Alright. Trying to convince myself to make my way toward bed, but not convinced yet. :P You?
5:11 AM
Wooorking. Wishing I had your 'should I sleep?' problem :P
@trogdor hey!
Oh, I should sleep. The questions are "will I" and "can I." xD
I move departments tomorrow and I'm scared. ;___; But only slightly.
yeah, I don't want that problem
I already have the one of waking up generally once a night, but I can usually get back to sleep after
I'm also not sleeping in my own bed tonight, because my bed does not currently exist as such. :v
@Pixie oh no fun. I hate sleeping in someone else bed. GL with the dep change tomorrow though ^_^
Don't you just hate it when your bed is trapped in a time paradox, having killed its own maker.
5:14 AM
@Asteria Thanks!
@Magician I know. That poor carpenter.
mm, I have moved once, and house sat places, I have found that I hate sleeping in a bed that isn't the one I normally sleep in
even if it is MY new one
Morning o/
HA! morning is over in this place! :P
@trogdor I tend to get up a lot at night too. And yup. New bed horrors
good morning though
5:16 AM
I don't use your place's time ;)
@Sejanus it's already 3pm here! Wake up sleepy head
Morning, Sejanus.
It's... kiiinda morning here... 1 AM morning.
@Asteria if it is also a new place,... then I have actual trouble sleeping (and those things seem to come at the same time for me, usually)
huh so many users today
In this much more boring reality, we're redoing the floor in my room and putting in a new bed. Will be a day or two more. Last night I slept in my sister's room (with my cats), but she's home tonight, so couch for me.
5:16 AM
@Sejanus it was kinda slow earlier actually
@trogdor New creaky houses are even worse. Is that the door rattling? or a murder breaking in?
@Asteria "Why not both?"
@Miniman "Oh hey man, your door is really noisy. Makes sneaking into this place hard. stab stab stab"
The door rattles so hard it flies off the hinges, knocking the murderer out cold. The day is saved, but you have poltergeists. Should probably get that looked at.
5:18 AM
@Asteria one place was definitely like that, but the noises were not from a new house, I think they were the outside dog and loud far away noises from neighbours
@Miniman this doesn't make me feel better, and in fact, I will be sitting two places in succession in the next two months XD
@Pixie ♫ Caaaasper the friendly murdering poltergeist ♫
so alllllllll new time for me to be paranoid
@Asteria I didn't realise you were in a timezone close to my own. (I tend to assume most Stack users are in the US, until shown otherwise)
@Adeptus Guilty until proven innocent? :P
@Asteria He only murders murderers, though. Must be edgy 90s revamp Casper.
5:22 AM
@Miniman Hey, they can't help it. Unless they migrated there - then they have no excuse!
@Miniman I usually assume,... people are just not in my timezone.
People often think I'm not in the US based on my weird hours, but I can't really blame them.
to be fair, just about only people in Australia are in the same timezone as me, other than the rare other person who lives here and is also on the stack
I'm gonna have to try to quit that since I'll be getting up at 8:30 every weekday... but see how well I'm doing so far. :v
@Adeptus I'm with @trogdor , I just assume people are half way across the world (Mandatory 'Go Australia')
5:25 AM
I am not in Australia, to be clear
I live on Guam, we just happen to either be in the same timezone or just one away from Australia
There's an unusually high concentration of Australians in this chat, that's true. Very suspicious.
I think it might depend on the area, Australia is big enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it crosses two timezones
I think we have like.....4
still not too surprising
Australia, again, is a pretty big place
it's "small" compared to some really really big places, but that isn't technically small by a general definition XD
@trogdor To be fair, an overwhelming majority of the population of Australia is contained within one timezone. (Yours.)
5:30 AM
yeah, but some people are not there
@trogdor Apparently we have 5 puu.sh/ow4sZ/7c39e7aa1a.jpg
I am aware most people are in the same timezone, but I don't want to exclude the other people
@Asteria huh, ok then, a lot more than I thought
still, I can't be too surprised
@Asteria (Depending on the time of year, this is only 3 different "times". It's only 5 during daylight saving, as the northern states don't observe DST)
@Adeptus [cough] clearly knows lots about timezone and her country [cough]
@Adeptus Having experienced full daylight at 9pm, this is definitely a smart move. It really messes you up.
5:41 AM
I must admit not needing to know too much about time zones about all that many specific places
it isn't an issue when I am not travelling, which I don't do too often
we're "small" population-wise, but not geographically
though to be fair, having said that, I have been to a decent number of places
@Adeptus To me, this reads "Stop thinking of New Zealand as small - it really isn't."
5:43 AM
@Adeptus well, I was coming from the place of "north and south america are linked and sorta look like one thing, ditto with Europe, Africa, and at least parts of Asia
but yes, I was still saying Australia is pretty freaking big, Geographically speaking
@trogdor Fair enough
as a single country, it is definitely huge, Geographically at least
@Miniman The UK/Ireland one reminds me that New South Wales is bigger than "old" Wales
I think only Russia, the US, Canada, and China are bigger, but most other countries do pale in sheer size compared to Australia
maybe India too, now that I think of it
there are somewhere around a couple hundred countries out there, and most of them cannot boast of that general size XD
@trogdor Apparently Brazil makes that list and India does not.
5:47 AM
forgot Brazil, that country is always bigger than I remember XD
@trogdor It's a brazilian square km!
(Obviously, this joke only really works out loud.)
I have no idea what that joke is supposed to be XD
I sincerely doubt they have a different measurement of km
@trogdor million, billion, trillion, brazilian...
ah ok
Russia totally dominates everything as the biggest country in the world, but Australia and Canada and the USA are pretty close behind
5:51 AM
Brazil sounds little though
thank you for explaining the joke XD
@trogdor I'm glad I didn't invent it :P
@Asteria it does! they should change the name to BIGzill
We're also a country and a continent and an island all in one.
@doppelgreener Both Russia and Australia are huge, but not usefully so. Vast sparsely populated areas.
5:52 AM
@doppelgreener this is a pretty unique distinction
@doppelgreener I like this little tidbit: "its Asian portion makes it the largest country in Asia, and its European portion [...] makes it the largest country in Europe"
@Magician yeah, all the desert and frozen/not very green areas, respectively
@Magician It's useful for boasting about how big it is!
Best thing about Australia is going to a big city and watching the tourists. Most blend in well, but theres always a few that crack you up
tourists generally don't blend in here, except with each other to an extent
5:57 AM
@Magician that's true. Australia's reasonably homogenous in its cultures, but we do have that enormous desert in the middle.
@Miniman Ha! That's pretty good
we have a lot of tourism, mostly from about 3 or 4 main places
there are also people from outside of those places too, often enough, but not too many in comparison
@trogdor we get a bit of it where I am, no where near as much as the city though. It's amusing to watching tourists giggle when people say 'mate' or 'thongs'
@Asteria lol, I actually love listening to different accents
I am so glad I spent that time volunteering in the National Park here
@Asteria maaaate
and it was also hilarious when one of the people working there mixed up a Brittish guy with Australia
he was not amused
6:01 AM
@doppelgreener G'day
to be slightly fair, you don't expect British people here nearly as much/often as Australian people
@trogdor Brits and Aussies sound waaay different. I love british accents c:
@Asteria Some British accents sound similar to some Australian accents. I can see how people not familiar with one or the other might get them confused sometimes. Like American & Canadian accents - sometimes easy to tell apart, sometimes not.
@Adeptus guess it depends where abouts from each place you're from too. Australian accents get waaay worse the closer you get to Queensland
@Asteria as a Queenslander I resemble that remark
6:27 AM
Took a while to get used to, for sure.
@BESW oh, our accents?
Haha, cool
@Asteria I know they do, that is why it was hilarious
but it was also amusing because I could see the actual reason why the mistake was made
it isn't that we get no British people here, but if you were to predict someone was British or Australian just from the fact that they had visited here, you would pick Australian at least 9 times out of 10
@Adeptus yeah, my dad comes from Detroit, and he has mentioned that some people north of where he used to live sounded awfully Canadian even though they were American
that being said, I think most Australian aceents and Brittish accents are a little more distinguishable than that, they are countries seperated by a lot more space and water (also land, if you go in a straight line) after all
but yes, a similar principle, if taken to a lesser degree
as I understand it, British accents differ more wildly from each other than you might expect considering how small they are geographically
but I can more than understand why that one British guy was un-amused by the mistake
1 hour later…
8:03 AM
@trogdor yeah, pack USA accent diversity into an island that small.
yeah exactly
it was incredibly surprising when I first learned that there was basically a different accent for each, relatively small, area like that
I'm not sure how they manage to keep them all intact really, though part of it has to do with social identity
I think a lot of it is that actually
it's surprising how far just that one thing can go
If you listen real carefully, you can sometimes tell the difference between Yigo, Santa Rita, and Malesso.
8:19 AM
yeah, I was about to mention that
I am not personally good at that though
Would anyone so inclined please check out the draft of the first half of my conversion of Sunless Sea into Fate. The link will work for 4 hours.
The more different/interesting bits are saved for the second half, but it's already over 2k words, so.
[clicks to look at later tonight]
@Magician hmm, so far you have picked something that we actually also did (I don't know if BESW or Greener already talked to you about how we are only going with 3 fate points right now instead of 5)
@trogdor Yeah, we'd discussed it :)
ah ok
ha, I just got to the rat puns
8:41 AM
@trogdor That means you're already past the Seasoned Crew stunt. I'm very proud of that one.
mk, I can't speak to how well it translates to Sunless Sea, I had barely heard of it before you started talking about it here, but it does look like it has been rather well translated from fate/ARRPG
@Magician yes XD
@trogdor Cool, thanks for reading.
no problem, I have seen you working on this for a while even just here
least I can do is take a look at it
And that's appreciated :)
Now here's an interesting question. It makes sense to break this up into a couple of posts so as not to intimidate the reader. But does it make sense to post the first half a week or so before the second?
do you normally post things a week apart?
8:48 AM
From a week to half a year, yes.
also, I want to ask, does a character in this system also have 3 modes?
@Magician ah XD
@trogdor Yeah. It'd be a big departure from ARRPG that I'd have mentioned otherwise.
are you afraid a week is too fast or too slow?
@Magician ah ok
Well, if a stranger stumbles upon the first post and goes "huh, that's neat", would they care enough to try and find the second half a week later? I mean, I'll post both wherever appropriate, but...
well, what about making a link to the second one when you make it and putting it in the first?
I mean, that doesn't really address ALL of it, but if someone is really looking for the second post they could look there
heck, you could add that you will be putting a link in when the second one is done?
8:54 AM
Yeah, I do plan to link them, and that's what "coming next" part is for.
if you feel like you could reasonably finish the second part faster without stressing yourself over the rush that is fine, but you shouldn't do it otherwise
I mean, regular readers of the blog are going to know you usually only post about that fast anyway,... there is only so much you can do for people who just stumble on it
"Follow my blog for the exciting conclusion, probably some time in 2016!"
Wow. 4 days, no one missed me.
welcome back
9:02 AM
Too late now. leaves in a huff
@eimyr I though of pinging you a few times. But I didn't know what for.
@Magician So punny :-D
I'm on workolidays. @besw but I'm getting to run Mage surely after I get back!
@Magician The Cook stunts are similarly well-done, although not as punny.
And now I'm there
well, the one is a slightly more subtle one, except it also then gets pointed and laughed at XD
only slightly more subtle
9:20 AM
What can I say, cannibalism is a Thing in Sunless Sea.
Speaking of, away for dinner.
@eimyr Don't call me Shirley.
@BESW I think in SRD-Atomic Robo, all players have the same number of Stunt Slots and the same Refresh. So it's not an individual player choosing a balance between stunts and refresh, it's the same number for the whole group.
"Shortly". Autocorrect sucks rules puny human
I think what they're saying, actually, is that players should have Refresh = 1 + max # of stunts you'd like each PC to have, and no free stunt slots, but a stunt slot cap.
Either I'm misunderstanding what you mean or I think differently.
9:31 AM
We're talking about the second bullet point, right?
But in general, I think they say “Every character has the same number of fate points they get at the beginning of a session. Call that the effective refresh. In addition, they have a number of stunt slots. These two numbers don't affect each other.”
> Make refresh inversely proportional to the number of stunt slots the PC has, from one to five. For example, if the PCs have five stunt slots, their effective refresh is 1. If they have two stunt slots, their effective refresh is 4.
"Inversely proportional." That literally says the two numbers affect each other.
For the group, yes, but not for the individual character.
Ah, I see how you're reading it. [stares at]
Which is where the confusion comes from, and which is why their statement that it's not buying stunts with refresh is true.
9:51 AM
**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Powell's Tabletop Day 4/30](http://www.powells.com/tabletop-2016 "Powell's City of Books hosts its fourth annual International TableTop Day");
[Unknown Armies 3e](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atlasgames/unknown-armies-third-edition-roleplaying-game "A new edition of the occult tabletop game about broken and obsessed people risking everything to change the world.");
10:06 AM
@BESW Does my answer explain it sufficiently? I'm thinking about adding an example.
But I don't know if an example for comparing apples and bags of oranges is a good thing, or just adds more confusion.
I'm gonna have to read it later.
4 hours later…
2:25 PM
And here I am, waiting, hoping anyone has heard of the thing I asked about. I figure this is rather common.
@eimyr You may feel special again. Welcome back, apparantly!
6 hours later…
8:07 PM
**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Powell's Tabletop Day](http://www.powells.com/tabletop-2016 "Powell's City of Books hosts its fourth annual International TableTop Day");
[Unknown Armies 3e](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atlasgames/unknown-armies-third-edition-roleplaying-game "A new edition of the occult tabletop game about broken and obsessed people risking everything to change the world.");
It only took, what, 25 years for a playable version of RIFTS to get published? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/rifts-for-savage-worlds
2 hours later…
10:48 PM
@BESW sorry you didn't make it, bud.
Thanks, but I'm honestly just glad I entered. It was a lot of fun, and I never really thought I'd do it at all.
And, in turn, you've inspired me to try for next year. Now I've got 50 weeks to keep my eyes open for good ideas....
@BESW Did you get insightful feedback?
More from you guys who playtested it, really.
Okay, off to teach a class. ttfn

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