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I just like the idea of putting the whole Earth in peril for the ability to go for a nice soak whenever you want....
@BESW Any number of devices from old sci-fi movies were actually real; when not being filmed they're in back lots powering the whole thing? I.e. studio execs climb up on Frankenstein's table to get rejuvenated at night, Gort (from The Day the Earth Stood Still) on a hamster wheel, &c.
(I don't remember your time-frame--these may still be in the future of your story?)
we have gotten to it
there were already weird things in our campaign, but now they just are not hiding from the world anymore
plus, perhaps some of them had been sleeping before, or might not have existed in the same way
@trogdor sorry, unclear: I meant I wondered if you'd gotten to the 50's yet. I.e. which era of sci-fi films' props might be available for my cockamamie scheme =)
we are set in 2013 now
(because it's right after 2012 and there was that whole silly "end of the world in 2012" thing)
@trogdor then the warp nacelle of the Enterprise it is!
For some reason when @BESW'd mentioned featuring the Chateau Marmont I immediately associated it with B&W-era Hollywood....
Is this long-discarded treasure question one of those we should VtC/migrate as off-topic because history-experts would better answer it than RPG-experts?
@nitsua60 Upvoted, voted to close.
@nitsua60 Yeah, 2013. Chateau Marmont is still one of the hotels for elites who want a private anti-paparazzi place to be super weird without everyone knowing immediately.
@BESW That's the way I feel, too. I want the good answer to that to be a resource here, selfishly, but feel like it's not actually right.
@BESW My vote's for warp nacelle, then. And/or portal to hell.
And yes, it's not "right now" because I wanted to start the game in a 2012 apocalypse scenario.
it wasn't just you who wanted that XD
I personally thought it was hilarious
And it was the end of the world--as we know it.
not to mention anyone else who probably adored the idea
anyone with 15k+ rep willing to test something for me real quick?
do you have a protect option for this question?
....no. Huh.
me neither
15k+ rep is supposed to let you protect any question as long it's been at least 24 hours since it was created
Ahah, got it. One moment, collating links.
Wait, no, that doesn't explain this.
I'll put it here and keep looking:
A: Prevent protecting questions under certain circumstances

bluefeetWe recently implemented a change to protected questions based on the suggestion by Robert with a few modifications. 15k users will still be able to protect but in order to do so the question must have at least one answer by a new user aka a user with < 10 rep on the site (which is the required r...

ahhhhh, that's probably what it is
well, no more preemptive protection for questions, i guess
@ObliviousSage Yeah, that's it. But there's a guy with 672 rep and still no protection option!
it has to have an answer from a user with <10 rep
The change is implemented in part to stop people from banning low-rep users from participating in the site before there's actually a problem the ban might solve.
Oooh. Bah, I'm doing too many things at once and mis-read that number.
I had been dropping protection on questions had keywords the spammers liked ("attraction", for example), and that both had an accepted answer and had been inactive for at least a week.
I understand the motivations behind the change, but the vast majority of our spam bots are so targeted on that I feel like some judicious protection would block more spam than genuine new users.
You're probably right, in which case it's a call whether there's more value in reducing the effort the site has to spend on spam or maintaining the accessibility of the site to new users.
Personally, given how Johnny-on-the-spot we are about hammering spam, I'm not very concerned about it.
wouldn't spammers who were targeting the site just move to other things if literally all the spells tags were inaccessible?
@trogdor Do you mean other sites or other tags here on our site?
other tags here
if they just went to other sites it wouldn't be an issue for us anymore
though I suppose maybe they would if "spells" was all they cared about spamming for some reason
I think that tag is what they're targeting; the spam we get is almost always of the "Dr. Manu cast a love spell and saved my marriage, you should contact Dr. Manu at [email protected] to rekindle the passion in your marriage right away!" variety. I'm 99% sure that it's generated by bots who pick us as a likely target precisely because they see the word "spells" given prominence in those posts.
but then I see a different problem
@ObliviousSage it's the word they're targeting. board games SE gets it on magic the gathering questions, but only those talking about casting spells.
if we just shielded all the questions with that tag no new users could ever interact with them
i mean, sure, i've seen one, maybe two random "buy our cheap knockoff handbags!" spam posts, but mostly we get the spellcaster spam
gah, it pings me every time you edit the message!
yes it does
> [...] please, don't spend too much time considering ad-hoc filters to try to keep certain things out; they quickly learn and just work around it - it ends up just being a waste of time and resources. (source)
@ObliviousSage I have had that issue myself
is there some way to turn that off on either end?
nah, i think it's built into chat
it is
oh well
it is just A FACT OF LIFE
I can certainly put up with it
it would have just been nice
In the browser chat interface, to the left of the [all rooms] and [site rooms] buttons, you can control if it pings you never / when mentioned / in the visible room / in all rooms.
That's about it.
my guess is that the edit goes through some "message posted that contains an @" code path, which doesn't check whether it's a new message
my goodness.
Q: What does "minimum" mean in the Force Training feat?

NineTailGoddessThe "Force Training" feat reads: You add force power suite equal to 1 + Your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum 1) Does this mean that 1 + 1 is the minimum, or that 1 is the minimum you can achieve from this feat (ie, if your Wisdom modifier is negative you still get at least +1)?

No native option for edits, though there might be addons.
that is some grammar problem.
@doppelgreener Hmm?
quality RPG rulebook editing strikes again!
i mean, the phrase being asked about, which has a totally ambiguous parenthetical.
Ah, yes.
@BESW yeah that doesn't help me with this specific thing XD
and I do like being pinged the first time, because generally I am doing at least one other thing in a different window or tab
so it lets me know someone is saying something directly to me
it's just slightly annoying to be pinged again because of an edit to the same message
i will just have to edit my replies to you at least five times until you're used to it or destroy SE HQ
(i'm kidding though)
it isn't an unbearable thing, just a thing that it could have been nice to have a fix to
This Dark Souls video is giving me evil ideas about trolling my players.
is that someone pretending to be a mob,.. just to troll people who are invading them?
that is commitment XD
yes, that is what happening
and it is hilarious
I used to leave myself logged in when someone ganked me in WoW just to waste their time (camping the body they thought might rez) while I read a book XD
@ObliviousSage I have a friend who does this, especially as an invader. They'd also camp out in Black Knight armor in various spots on the map - or in the place of the real black knight, having just killed it - and just stand there, watching the player, until the player decided to challenge them.
ok, I never played Dark Souls, so why are the blue guy and the red guy fighting?
i have no idea, i've never played Dark Souls either
huh, weird
@trogdor give me a time mark?
I guess they must be different covenants or something
should be right after here
Both the blue guy and the red guy are different types of "invaders". I don't know what makes the blue ones blue, since I didn't play Dark Souls 2 that far, but the red ones are other standard invaders.
They might just be attacking each other because, hey, they can, and they want a fight. :D
I think in later ones the blue guys are actually there to protect you (if you join a specific covenant) and the red guys are all invaders
I just thought that maybe it was like that in this too, but clearly both blue guys and red guys are trying to kill him
Oh!! The blue one's a member of the Blue Sentinels, who can join players who are being invaded by someone else in order to defend them. If they defeat the invader, they get good stuff.
There are various PVP factions in the Dark Souls game, and each of them has a reward for a slightly different activity. One just has you invade and defeat people. Another is effectively a bounty hunter guild - exact vengeance on those who've invaded others. Another is the exact opposite - go out there and co-op with people. This one says "join people who are invaded, defeat their invader."
oh wait, but why do some of them kill him then?
blues ones kill him in this
especially at the end
oh well,... I don't care THAT much
I can let this remain a mystery
@trogdor those are, uh, different blue ones. somehow. because they can't possibly be blue sentinels, but the blue sentinel makes sense in that duel.
i have no idea about this.
it's weird
you would think they would endeavor to make it less confusing,... then again it is a game (series) that prides itself on being hard, and also mysterious
still, most people don't like artificial difficulty
so I would have thought something like that would be more easily cleared up
but I also suspect that maybe if you actually played it, it could turn out to actually be pretty simple
@trogdor ah, it doesn't really matter: if there's a glowing person in the world, they're out to kill you, unless you summoned them, which is the case for blue sentinels and co-op partners (who glow gold).
I didn't even know you could straight up co-op stuff,... or that the other person would be gold
can you go the whole game with them or are they like a temporary summon?
I figured the game would only let you play with random people online, and didn't let you bring in like, specific friends
it just seemed like that kinda game
@trogdor there are summon markers that players can put down that will show up in the same location in other peoples' worlds. when another player finds it, they can use it to summon the person who put it there for co-op play. they stay there for A Very Long Time or until they die.
Co-op runs between friends are done by using that over and over.
(and by careful management of a particular character trait used in matchmaking, at least in the beginning)
though to be fair,... they could have done it in a much simpler and more convenient way,.. not that it matters much to me simply because it isn't my kind of game
@trogdor i agree, they could just have a clear system for joining co-op games with friends.
I mean, it's most prominent features are that it has tons of combat (which is fine) it's really hard (still fine but I don't want something that is TOO hard) and that people can invade you, which I hear is something some people need just to keep it interesting
I could turn off invaders,.. but that almost seems like turning off half the game or something
no need to spend any money on that thank you very much XD
@Weaveworker89 [wave]
@doppelgreener yeah, plenty of games have managed it XD
@BESW Ahoy there
i've actually played all the recent games in the series without online connectivity, and i'm fine, i'm not missing anything. i'll probably seek out online play for new game+, probably because i'll actually be seeking out PVP.
@trogdor "some people need it just to keep it interesting" isn't the way i'd put it - the people who don't find the base game interesting wouldn't even be playing it. rather, there's a point at which PVP becomes very fun.
well, I am also not a huge fan of the systems they have for punishing you for your deaths
those systems have changed over the course of the series' history, just so you know
losing X resource wtv it is called in X game
oh, souls & blood marks?
which is basically like currency and EXP
ah yeah. well, it works out fine in play.
I imagine it does
I just wouldn't want to deal with that kind of thing myself
obviously some people love it
nothing wrong with that
for a few reasons: (a) it makes you want to avoid death, which is good. (b) you'll still have plenty of consumables which GIVE you souls, which don't get lost on death. (c) as someone who dies A LOT, i promise you'll still work out with more than you need anyway.
mmm it isn't about how much I will work out with,... a part of my brain will be constantly reminding me that I permanently lost a resource
that is also why I play the super long resource game in RTS's
if I beat you in say, Starcraft, or Age of Empires, it most likely took forever, and happened because I starved you out
fair enough :P
and ended with a huge pile of food/minerals that I never needed to use XD
heck, in Starcraft Broodwar, I would routinely play free for all matches against the strongest computers so that I could let most of them fight each other while I took as many bases as I could while still fighting off challengers and fortifying all said bases
it would usually end with the last computer standing sending waves at me until it died of having nothing left to build more units with
whereas if I tried that against a human 9 times out of 10 I got Zerg rushed to death
the other 1 time out of 10 I won,.. but the other guy probably had as little fun as I had during the Zerg rush scenario
computers seemed more humane for all parties concerned
@doppelgreener fix'd.
@BESW jolly good!
(It's problems like that which make it so hard for me to write over/under mechanics.)
problems like what?
I was leaving a comment and got higher/lower mixed up.
[edits question too]
@doppelgreener I'm pretty good at the ideas behind maths, but as soon as I get into specifics my brain starts doing an impression of Jason Ralph's eyebrows.
@BESW in what way does your brain get, such that it is doing an impression of Jason Ralph's eyebrows?
(are you saying you get fuzzy? XD)
Fuzzy and bemused, but in the sort of way that makes you think he probably deserved it.
what, wow XD
@BESW yes, good idea
(Seriously, kudos to whoever cast him in The Magicians. I've never seen someone who can look like a puppy that just got kicked but you think whoever kicked it was probably justified, and that's exactly what Quentin Coldwater's actor needed to be able to do.)
@WrongOnTheInternet oh wow. that's some bill they must've produced.
I can understand greed. I can understand malice. I don't really get the lack of thought that produces this.
> Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlon's razor)
If you want a moderately reasonable malicious justification, though, there is one which may fit.
There's a pattern of lawmakers proposing extreme laws which they know won't actually be enforceable, in order to appeal to their extremist constituencies. The laws die before they're passed, or get repealed, but the politician can point to it as a reason to vote for them in the next campaign.
Yeah, but this was drafted by a Republican and a Democrat together.
that means very little
No political group as a monopoly on extremism.
It's not a politically popular thing that they wrote, though, with either party.
popularity is not a selling point when appealing to people with very extreme worldviews
I suspect that doesn't undermine what BESW said.
The party is not the constituency; Trump's relationship to the party he's nominally running under is excellent evidence of that.
@doppelgreener They're Senators, though, so their positions are voted on by the whole state. They can't depend on the extremism that would assist a Representative in a gerrymandered area. They're losing more voters then they would gain.
There's always the notion that they've misunderestimated which way the wind blows.
@BESW That would be kind of hilarious; it's a trainwreck on top of a trainwreck.
Scheming isn't antithetical to ignorance or stupidity; they're often partners.
(I'm fond of RPG campaigns with big powerful enemies whose elaborate schemes would work a lot better if they didn't have a ridiculous blind spot about something.)
(There was a time when I'd pick one to three items on the Evil Overlord List for my D&D villains to actively eschew.)
@BESW That's probably a good idea; they are going to be reasonably human (and potentially defeatable by PCs)
Oh that reminds me; time to prepare my Invasion map.
To prep for this evening, I sprayed my couch with lavender Castille soap and vinegar.
(No more eating on the couch, guys. The ants are moving in.)
@BESW Have you considered asking them to clean up after every session? That's what I do with my players.
@BESW There's a story a friend told me about involving a guy whose country was at war, whose scheme was to crash the whole worldwide economy. Everyone would suffer from it, but his own country would come out on top in the end in economics and warfare. ... Except when he put that plan into motion and successfully crashed the world's economy, countries put aside their differences and worked together to restore it. And he was just like: "... Oh. Well. Okay then. That's good too I suppose."
@WrongOnTheInternet They're good about general tidying up, but food that falls under the couch doesn't get noticed.
guess the table will have to do,.. sorry about that
@BESW Ah, that makes sense.
Ursula Vernon is looking at blog themes and critiquing their lorem ipsum.
Oh Jesus, this one had a sidebar with the opening to Kafka's Metamorphosis. Poor Gregor Samsa woke to find he was a text widget.
Sweet, I just made the invasion map. Now to watch my players knock over towers to use the rubble as barricades
Or whatever other insane stuff they do.
3 hours later…
@BESW no trouble :)
2 hours later…
Q: Disassociating account from the rest of SE network

hydeRole playing related topics are sometimes such, that taken out of context, or read by someone who doesn't understand the context, would seem... quaint, and not necessarily in a positive way. Rather than worry about stuff like this, I'd prefer my account here to not be publicly linked with the re...

@Polyducks Ran Surgadores with my own group tonight, and 3 is definitely the minimum I'd recommend playing with.
Meanwhile in our main campaign, we've shot William Shatner in the leg and comforted him by telling him about watching TOS on VHS.
@nitsua60 Thank you for this idea. Hollywood is being powered from a soundstage made up as an amalgam of all the different Enterprise engine rooms, staffed by D-list actors in various era uniforms and overseen by William Shatner (who is doing it mostly so that Patrick Stewart doesn't get to).
So, naturally, a psychic being is mind-controlling Shatner and all the redshirts to try and make the engines stop.
@BESW I had no idea there was a Magicians TV show! How closely does it follow the books?
@WrongOnTheInternet I read this as asking the ants to clean up, but to be polite about the timing. I had an amusing mental image of @BESW's game wrapping up, then he goes to the back yard with a little sugar dropper laying out a trail for the ants. "Alright, workers, time to get to work."
3 hours later…
@BESW That's great! How did the game go?
@eimyr @doomedMind @BESW @Nitsua60 I'm running 'Gods of this Universe', the nomic supplement I created today. It's _so_ pithy and enjoyable. We're having a talk about the fish-mortals we've created right now.

They were all born of the mother of fish... and then all ate her :(
I can't even tell you where we're at now. One of the gods gave the fish his image and a knowledge of magic.
What I do know is that I need to clarify the rules. It's getting very heated now
@Polyducks Nomic as in mutable rules?
@Anaphory yes :)
It's based on nomic, with a universe creation system
Sounds Mad! How does it run, and is there a win condition?
Well, there was
but it got removed when they remade rules
Or rather, it's not been removed yet, but it will be
Let me get you a copy of the rules
@Anaphory On their turn, a player can:

1) Make a new mutable rule
2) Destroy a mutable rule
2) Make a mutable rule immutable
4) Make an immutable rule mutable
5) Take an action in the universe

On someone else's turn, a player can:
1) Contest an action in the universe.
2) Ask an action in the universe to be explored in more depth.

If an action is contested, the player(s) that win the contest gain a point. To settle a contest, players take sides in 'for' or 'against' and roll a d6. The sum of those 'for' and 'against' rules determine the outcome. The highest wins.
Okay, I can see how that evolves into heated legalese and in-unverse squabbling.
@Anaphory 2. A rule made immutable cannot be made mutable again.
3. The star of Irna cannot die.
4. All planes that exist or will exist obey the laws of physics.
5. Magic may bend the law of physics.
6. No god may harm another god directly or indirectly.
7. The second planet does not obey the laws of physics (see rule 5).
8. Nothing other than the gods may enter or affect the Sanctuary of the gods.
9. Gods may not destroy any peoples of Planet Prime.
10. Lexius may no longer mute rules.
11. Nobody may mute rules.
Yeah, hence rule 10
These are the rules as they stand
Is 2. immutable?
Oh, yes :)
Rules 2, 6 and 10 are immutable
it's annoying about 10 because it was made after 11
the player wasn't really thinking
It's still a safety net!
If you really want to prevent Lexius from playing the game, that is.
Lexius was the 'god of trickery' and he really overstepped his bounds
He's still finding ways to defy the rest of the gods. He's just told all the mortals that we wanted to wipe them from the face of the planet.
He also taught them magic which we've been striving to suppress
What's the difference between making a rule and establishing an action in the universe that enforces that rule?
In particular with respect to 8
How do you mean?
Oh, you're missing most of the game log. All the actions happen separately. Like making a planet, making life.
I assumed that.
Apparently sleeping with fish people is an action too - as soon as I've prevented magic from creating a god.
Lexius. Of course.
Laws and rules are like the physics of the universe. Actions are what happen inside the universe, like creating a planet or inventing a species.
Most of the rules are petty squabble about the rules or stating facts about the universe which would be very odd to change. But #8 essentially states something that is not an immutable truth about the universe, but something that is quite in the universe.
Same with rule 3
The rules can be about anything
Oh, true.
It's really important to tie down loopholes in this game
Lexius made the rule 9, and the goddess of fire made predators to hunt the people of Planet Prime
because she's not directly destroying the people
@Polyducks If you wanted that, you'd have much more legalese in there ;)
Exactly ;)
At least you don't have any rules about breaking the rules in there. Because that's a slippery slope you don't want to get to.
So I will just assume one cannot break the Rules.
Well, that's inherent in the rules
but yes, glad we didn't take that path
It's quite interesting what we've created
It's amazing what Lexius has done even with the sanctions against him
@Polyducks Isn't that the point of a trickster.
Only makes them worse.
I mean, look at Loki.
Yes, precisely
He's always had this role in our games, so it's super fitting
The player I mean, not Loki
Someone has made moon armadillos
I played Dawn of Worlds at some point and wanted to try to go Trickster, but it did not work with that group.
Yeah, I'd like to see a game where people work together
If you want that, don't make half your rules about Contest?
When you said Nomic Gods, I expected Chinese Divine Bureaucracy, actually.
Ah, good point
But I do want some conflict
People have different interests. People have different ideas what's cool, so your last line will add some player conflict. People like to protect what they created, so giving them the power of creating something might naturally lead to that.
And if you like the trickster part, definitely start with the opposite of a GM, and have one player who cannot do anything (or only less) about the Rules but is equal to the other players otherwise, and see where that leads!
I'd love to try that, as well.
That's what's happening here
it's a position that they've earned haha
What kinds of rules did people remove or simplify?
Well, Lexius had his abilities pruned as the game went on, as he was abusing his power
You have to keep in mind this isn't a one-on-one development
it takes multiple people to input and keep rules
If it's just a lashing out, other players can mute the new rules
@Polyducks Work together on what?
I really think this game has been a success so far. Although one of the players were a bit salty, it's been remedied by clarifying the rules
It does sound good.
@Anaphory work together on maintaining the rules
Generally only add rules/facts, with some small-threshold veto and a large-threshold overturn?
Basically, just like Nomic, people can mute rules which have just been made
but because you have actions, you can distract the other players with actions
at the end of each round everyone decides the outcome of actions
so if you don't prevent an action it comes out in the result
I've just made rule 15: The god that makes rule 16 gets 20 points.
And because Lexius can't make a rule, it'll be my ally that can create a rule
and she will become the one true god
… over a universe that believes in Lexius and Lexius alone, because both of you use your actions for this meta-thing.
Oh, wait, you can contest.
No, they believe in her
they just know that she is the goddess of fire and she tried to eradicate the only sentient race.
Which is them
My thought was, both of you have to use your turns to make the end of the game with you winning happen, which gives Lexius the chance to act all-out in-universe to one-up you. But due to an asymmetry in rules and actions (you can contest actions, but not rules), that does not work.
@Polyducks What kept you from “Rule 15: The god that makes rule 15 gets 20 points.”?
Yeah, he's trashing the universe as we speak - or he would be if he hadn't discovered 'I just break the rules'
Oh snap. That's a good point
Rule 1: I win.
@Polyducks So you win, he stopped playing. End here before it turns nasty.
It's all good. We've done worse.
Anyway, a fun game!
Hrm... rule 1: I win. How can I prevent that?
I think I'll take away the win condition
it's much nicer as a roleplay
… If you go there anyway, have you encountered Universalis?
What's Universalis?
A story telling game
My DM insta-killed me with a max damage crit, which was him doubling the value of the dice rather than doubling the dice themselves. I accepted this, but requested in the future he roll double the dice since it's more swingy when you double the damage. He rolled again for me, to my surprise, and the total was greater. Yay dice!
It has some mechanics for adding basic facts about the universe and changing rules
Nice, thanks Anaphory! I think I've heard about it before. I'll have to do some research
@PremierBromanov Unlucky, but fair!
I thought it was hilarious because I wasn't asking for a reroll, but I accepted it since the outcome was the same lol
Waa, I'm tired. See you in the future!
1 hour later…
Anybody... out there...? <pink floyd fade/>
Any ideas should I say; "Mythical creature that birthed monsters?"
Trying to find a slot for a demon lord in my god chronology
you need a name?
Yeah, for an external tie in, so to speak.
Google is not being that helpful, I need a mythapedia
Public enemy need to update their song to "Don't believe the link."
@Rob Echidna?
Ar, had considered, but don't really want Greek, want less classical. :/
And can't steal from Egypt. But thanks for the suggestion :)

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