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Okay, so I have no idea how coherent this is, but.... very rough first draft that I think might hold together:
Surgadores, v0.02
I like that. Reading now
FYI the dev is me
Mmm. This is seriously not at the point where we're tinkering with exact phrasing.
@Polyducks There's no point in copy-editing something that may still change drastically and waste all the effort of fine-tuning the specific words being used.
Was just making sure it was clear :)
This looks good
Over/under terminology is pretty standard RPG phrasing. As is the XdY notation.
4d6 is a dice roll, but 4 six-sided dice are four objects
but I'm being picky
There is a flaw that I can see
When do players chose to wrestle or operate?
Is it possible for the players to just wrestle without operating?
Sure. But WRESTLING doesn't let you colour in your mask.
And everyone has to operate on the patient?
I want to play already
So everybody's gotta tag in and out on wrestling Death.
This looks so fun
You wrestle Death so you don't lose, and you operate in order to win.
Is there a turn order?
or does everyone just declare their action as they see fit per round
> Thumb wrestle to see who starts and go clockwise from there.
Oh yes.
Do you need illustrations?
Like an example mask?
That would imply any thought has gone into whether or how to distribute this thing.
I'd say it looks playable now
Is there a minimum player count?
Mathematically, two.
If there are two players, would they be able to switch who goes first? What if the second player fills his sheet and the first needs to take the patient
Playability-wise, that's what playtesting is for.
because if the first fails, the second can always chose to wrestle death
but not the other way around
That's some nice emergent difficulty
Maybe put something in there about encouraging flavour text?
Not mechanically, but just for funsies
Again, this is the "making sure it doesn't fall apart in a light breeze" stage of development.
Presentation and packaging are distant concerns.
I can see it'll be a challenge fighting off death at the start which lessens as the game continues
Per roll, yes.
It starts off at d6 vs <(3 +0)
But getting those last OPERATION successes will be hard, meaning WRESTLING has more chances for failure as the likelihood of each roll failing decreases.
Oh I see now, yes
In theory, this makes the game get more tense as it gets closer to the end.
At first you're mostly focused on WRESTLING DEATH, because each roll has a high chance of failure so more surgadores have to try each round.
operations start as d6 > (2+0) and finish with d6 > (2+2)
But whenever the successful WRESTLING roll isn't the last one in the round, at least one surgadore gets to OPERATE.
And when he succeeds at OPERATING, he's better at WRESTLING.
Is it only one surgadore? Or can multiple operate at once?
Multiples can operate, yes. But tactically, you want to be sure DEATH has been WRESTLED first each round.
If the first surgadore wrestles death, the others can operate, right?
and then it gets scary later in the game when the first surgador needs to operate
and you don't know if death will be wrestled by the remainder
This will be so awesome
But generally speaking the last surgadores in the round will wind up with the fastest coloured masks early in the game, meaning they're good at defence later in the game.
So long as the players play tactically
I can't wait to play!
I think in order to have any replay value it'll need a bit of extra complication.
But for a first pass I'm content with it.
Isn't there replay value in the flavour?
The fact you can make a new mask
Little bit.
@BESW I think the rules go on the inner surface of the mask. Or the mask needs be made from the rule-sheet. Same thing....
There's no "cost" to failing at operating, except that it makes the game longer thus giving DEATH more chances to swoop in, right?
I started with the narrative win/lose conditions (You stabilise the patient before DEATH breaks through; you fail to hold back DEATH before the patient is stabilised) and worked back from that.
I think there'd be a benefit--in word-count and in flavor--to coming up with a catchy term for "the number of colored areas on your mask."
If this ever gets out of "light breeze" versions, that'll be a thing.
they represent both/either successful stavings-off of death or successful operations...
A serious treatment of this game would include research into luchadores and La Santa Muerte, which would yield vocabulary as well as interesting nuance.
mask patches?
Yes, I agree
you've got this in the bag, @BESW
I'm an idiot, sitting here racking my brain. Headed down to Spanish department right now.
And I'm going to bed.
"clavado" is a pin in lucha libre
they like the idea of "lucha a meurte"
It's so cool that you work at a university
@Polyducks HS, actually
we just have an overabundance of departments =)
Also cool :D
English, Drama, Math, Computer Science, Pre-Engineering, Greek, Latin, History, Economics, ...
Some of them only have one faculty member, others a dozen. It's not a sensible beaurocracy =\
What's Pre-Engineering? Is that preparation before engineering?
yup. CAD, structural analysis, manufacturing processes, &c.
we had two speakers here last night: one on developing medical assistive devices deployable through south america, one on fire safety engineering
That sounds way too advanced for highschool. Sounds like your students are mega smart
or at least, well educated
@BESW crap. I shouldn't have used the dev account. Had management ask me "What's the document 'sugababes'?"
I think they meant surgadores
Anyway, bright pink face-flush
Don't ever let me use the work google account again. I've only just found out it messages the whole department
well, we cant really stop you can we? :)
"sugababes" made me chuckle though
@Polyducks I don't know how to grimmace sympathetically in a three-character abbreviation, so I'll just spell it out. [grimmaces sympathetically]
@nitsua60 It's not all bad. The rest of the department spend their time building fantasy football teams. I don't see how this is that different (except with surgery and luchadores)
@Polyducks OMG now I want a fantasy surgadore league...
for my anaesthesiologist I'll choose...
Does he have a name?
Possibly Dr. Wagner, Jr.? My Spanish is pretty weak. "D es para terminado," and all....
Mine will be Nurse Donde está la biblioteca
parejas increibles: ("incredible pairings") when an unlikely pair of 'dores wrestle as a team. Such as two orthopedic hand-specialists sharing the same table...?
"parejas increibles highlight the conflict between a 'dore's desire to win and his contempt for his partner."
@BESW @Polyducks @trogdor @doppelgreener @eimyr wonder if there's room for a bit of intraparty rivalry there... (see last two messages)
How do you mean?
@BESW @nitsua60 Mexican doctors are stereotypically infamous for their shady medical practices. Maybe we could somehow poke some fun at it as well?
@nitsua60 maybe, though this is a one-shot action-focused adventure, this is probably left up to freeform :)
unless a quality is "which other surgadore in this operating theater do you admire/envy the most?"
@BESW @Polyducks @trogdor @doppelgreener@eimyr foxhugh.com/spanish/204-spanish-wrestling-vocabulary
wrestling vocabulary ^^
1 hour later…
Anyone have links to the Surgador work-in-progress?
My players are about to take it on
Got it :D Should've said a while back
We've just drawn our masks on roll20 haha
@BESW Oh, found a bug. What happens if you use an asset against death. Can you do that?
@BESW Summary of our two-player test: We got one colour each before death passed my four-dice move.

Here's a pastebin of the game:


It was fun being really over blown and ridiculous, but I think we need more players. I definitely saw the mechanics working to get the game harder as we went through. We worked on the idea that assets weren't used up when used against death - which means we could use them again and again until they were used up in surgery. I liked how that worked because we'd have to save our best moves for the end.
2 hours later…
brings a group of potential players together
turns out all of them have polar opposite preferences on games
(Which is weird, because there's common ground in all their RP, but.....)
@Emrakul I feel you
There is no GM's guide for people :[
quite a few actually
pick any managers guide for professional managers :)
@Polyducks This is just about the most-awesome thing I've seen all week. Ty, ducks =)
2 hours later…
@Polyducks Thanks, that was helpful!
@nitsua60 oh neat
Brainstormery: what kind of mad science or magical alternate power would it be likely/amusing for Hollywood to adopt?
Reed Richards--like elastic bodies.
Odic-sensitive windmills.
ohh... do you mean power source? I was thinking power like "superpower"
Then it's definitely a portal to hell, manned by a round-the-clock divine protectors, into which is thrust a heat exchanger such that stars have on-tap instant water at the temperature they require for their baths.
Is this the chateau?
@nitsua60 All of Hollywood, including Chateau Marmont.
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