Back when Riven was first released, folks noticed that there were parts of the game interface where, if you clicked, the cursor behaved as if you'd clicked an interactable node, but nothing happened.
So they cracked open the code and saw that something happened in the background processes, but it was unclear what.
Soon an anonymous website with hinted ties to one of the developers appeared, with a set of riddles that seemed to correspond to some of the mystery click points.
...except that now if you clicked some of the other mystery nodes, the temple would be decked out in Christmas lights, or the villain would sing a few verses of opera, or the like.
Modern warfare/battlefront have some amazing eastereggs. I'm a mod over at /r/eastereggs. Would really appreciate some more posts if you guys want to contribute (shameless plug)
Right in the prologue you could have found a body dressed in white, with a hood, killed by ground impact, just right next to a hay cart. Geralt uttered "They're never gonna learn" and gained a bonus to backstab when you stared at it.
I still don't know how to display 🐘. I have installed a dozen more fonts, and now I have Byzantine musical symbols (𝀹) Runes (ᚠ) Latin ui (ꭐ) Postal Mark Faces (〠), Cows (🐮) and a variety of Cats (😺😿), but still no elephant.
Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 on Arch Linux with standard X server and my biggest fonts are DejaVu Sans, Junicode, Free Sans and Unifont, they are regularly appearing as fallback-fonts
Chromium-based and Firefox have differing emoji for me, and I never actually installed any special fonts. There may be some accompanying fonts you can find to download.
@Pixie In theory, all the unicode symbols are very cool. In practice, people like me not being able to view them, or even then things not fitting with other things in fallback fonts, ruins a good layout.
@Anaphory Yes. That is why I need to convert them to images (or get an installed font working with them, but I ran into issues with that when I tried that before).
@Magician Oh, no, they are not. I tend to use :) and ;) when typing, but including images in not a thing I do then. The 🐘 was purely because it seemed very r🐘 in this chat.
I searched forever and ever to find a cute bullet point, but I couldn't find any that I liked. Emoji wound up looking better -- though as @Magician's link demonstrates, that is very relative. Cakes are pretty safe, though. Always cakes.
@Magician this is part of why I greatly dislike services that reinterpret :D and :O and :) and :P. there are services where :D or :) are smiling faces. :P on some services looks like someone having a fit, I'd rather just have :P ty.
.... when i first read r🐘 on my phone, it was some dark blue smudge. I thought I had a drop of something on my screen. Then I thought it was a glitch or something. Then I tried to figure out what it was and it looked like a gorilla... an ape. >_>; I am glad that didn't make any sense at all in context, because it forced me to re-evaluate what the emoji was.
I don't mind reinterpreted emoticons, but having no control over what they look like is a pain. I usually wind up turning them off. Skype also has decided to turn all kinds of strange things into emoticons.
Often those things involve parentheses, so if I try to RP in Skype without turning them off, I get weird emoticons popping up as we try to communicate out of character.
Yahoo's fall into the ugly-as-sin category, but I have a slight fondness for them. AIM was kinda neat with its giving you emoticon themes. But MSN let you have custom ones, which was the most fun.
@trogdor Sometimes I feel a little out of place -- not here specifically, but in general -- as heavy emoticon use doesn't seem to be all that common anymore, so I'll try to use them less. But when I'm talking to friends, so many emoticons.
@BESW at first we just had the :). and then they added the (H). and some did not like this, and volunteered to still use the <3. and the chat system designers saw that we were confused and still using <3, and in their benevolence and helpfulness, decided to turn that into the (H) emoji too. and some then used ♥ and enjoyed that, and the chat system designers again guided the lost and confused back on the right track and turned that into (H) as well.
and thus did the heart emoji consume all other related attempts to express a heart without the emoji, and so too did many other emoji consume their various attempts to not use emoji.
you must speak out too, before it is too late, before your [grins] turns into a grinning face emoji 😀.
Oh, on the subject of rebelling and using parentheticals: I was devastated when Skype took my asterisks. I've since discovered how to turn the feature off, but I still wind up using brackets for casual emoting because I'm so used to it now. At least I can make *w* faces now.
@BESW Me too. Though I need to stop placing bounties on questions where I don't understand a lick of the subject matter. It's impossible to tell whether the answers that arrive are any good at all.