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@BESW Got my hands on a copy of DED yesterday. (Mentioned the difficulty in obtaining it to an IRL gaming-buddy and found a copy onmy computer hours later. He's also my network admin....) If it was "wow" hearing it described it's "w...o...w!" reading through it. I hope the author won some awards.
@nitsua60 2013 Indiecade Impact Award winner, 2013 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming nominee.
Unfortunately the "Brief History of Colonialism" barely mentions Micronesia at all, but that's a minor flaw in the supplementary material.
@BESW I enjoyed reading the second two thirds very much, but recognize that I've got no basis for judgment on the last third's worth.
@nitsua60 It seems pretty accurate, but with some curious choices about what to focus on and what to gloss over.
Like totally glossing over his own native Hawai'i's Bayonet Constitution and subsequent shameful overthrow by Western business interests supported by US Marines.
Perhaps sticking to more historically-distant examples? Steering clear of open wounds? Though he doesn't shy away from plenty of other pointed commentaries....
The Kingdom of Hawai'i was an internationally recognised sovereign nation, until Western businesses decided it'd be more profitable to take the island's governance away from the natives. And then the US was persuaded to annex it "in the name of stability" but really to cover up how they'd let their military be used as a private army by the businesses.
"And so it has come to this...."
When he mentions sweatshops at the end, that includes some of the NMI, the islands just north of Guam.
BTW, @nitsua60 The bottom of this page has hours and events for the Chicago temple.
Unique events don't go forward to June yet, but the regular stuff is all there.
If at all possible, go during Welcome Center hours and see the cornerstone.
@BESW will do. My wife and I were just chatting about this today--pulling out the calendar and the maps and trying to figure out exactly what'll fit into the trip and what won't. (Fermilab is in.)
I haven't been to Chicago in about 18 years, so I can't make any other recommendations except that I understand there are some awesome museums.
I lived there a while back, but she and I have never been together.
(When working at FNAL.)
Ah, right. I think you said that.
3 hours later…
@Polyducks To add to this, someone who's experienced in Pokemon meta will likely have some knowledge of common strategies, as Pokemon is a game in which some choices and combinations work better than others. Some Pokemon are almost "one trick ponies" in meta while others can be successful with several different strategies, and there's always at least a little move variation.
Anticipating the opponent's move means knowing what each Pokemon can do, probably will do, and actually is doing, if they're using several moves to set something up.
1 hour later…
... every time I see Goodberry, I think, "Welcome to Goodberry, home of the Goodberry."
Bluh. I want to give this question an answer of "don't do it that way," but I don't think it'd be a good answer without a section devoted to "but here's how you can do it if you really want to do it like that." And I don't know enough about character building to know how to build that.
@doppelgreener It's not going to attract much in the way of answers, I think.
You're going to have to lower a table leg of 4e to have a functional all rogues game.
Hmm. . . I'm thinking a frame challenge would be the best answer to such a question.
That "no multiclassing" bit is what makes it rough.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Nitsua60 chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28898934#28898934 Pixie explains the pokemon meta comment well.
@Sejanus Morning Sejanus! I don't usually turn up on weekends as it's my coding days, but I'm dropping by to say hi :)
hi @Polyducks ;) I am leaving soon too, sessions on Sunday nights
2 hours later…
VTC unclear, game & edition not specified
@doppelgreener Well, it's obviously D&D 5e, but even then it's pretty hard to tell what he's asking. Plus the whole thing about making people specify even when it's obvious, of course.
I should probably add that I already VTC when it first appeared, I'm not disagreeing with you.
@Miniman You may want to add a comment then along the lines of "It sounds like this is D&D 5e, but if it is, could you clarify ... "
Call of Catthulhu is a thing I have just learned about.
> Call of Catthulhu is the rules-light roleplaying game where ordinary cats oppose the chaotic cults of the other animal gods, while keeping the humans blissfully unaware of their cosmic danger. The Cat Herder uses simple rules to arrange Challenges, and all the players have to know is how to act like a cat.
why are people making games about cats being the good guys
this is excessively untrue
Is this better?
> The Chaos Gods of the other animals—dogs, fish, insects, and so on—seek to undermine human civilization and destroy its comforts, which the cats have been tricking us into creating for ten thousand years.
they are the interdimensional horrors who have come to our dimension in the guise of cute furry animals to decieve us
@BESW only slightly XD
[adds to bundle to RPGDT wishlist]
@Bellerephon Hi!
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
Hmm. I'm fiddling with a Steampunk-LRP (Parlour, campaign-capable, emergent-plot or however such a thing might be described according to current theory) I ran a test-run of about a year ago.
The themes heavily draw on 1870s colonialism (so I definitely have to play Dog eat Dog before actually running it, I think)
My test characters draw heavily on a variety of Christian churches, sects, confessions, missions orders etc.
Now I wonder whether I should leave that in as a piece of flavour, enforce it through a mention in the fictional Gentlemen's Code in the rules, or tone it down.
Bearing in mind that I don't want anyone to (a) be offended that their particular flavour of Christianity is presented in a bad light or (b) feel like they have to read up on the dogmas of some flavour of christianity.
I'd like to mostly portray them as cross-national socio-cultural groups with serious stakes in the colonization process, I think, and remotely unified against “the heathens”, while quibbling over the details, of course.
And now that I have put it in those words, I think it might make a reasonable Main Site question if refined properly.
1 hour later…
Good Evening!
@Anaphory Just don't put in direct anti-christian messages and you should be O.k.
1 hour later…
@Anaphory Whatever you do can be quite okay as long as players know what they're getting into. (Unless it's deadEARTH or something that's just offensive to an enormous number of people without a benefit in doing so.)
I would suggest that you allow for characters who aren't strongly Christian or participate in Christian society and its rules without being devout in their faith or expressing it one way or another, for those who may be uncomfortable playing or uncomfortable trying to present a Christian character.
Some research into the 1870s faith scene might be helpful; most pop culture portrayals are flat and boring compared to the reality of the era.
Even setting aside the proliferation of widely diverse Christian sects during that period, Christianity's position as the supreme measure by which Westerners gauged their world had, by then, not only been challenged but in many ways overshadowed by the myriad new ways of thinking and philosophising:
by conflict theory, by orientalism (and by "orientalism" we mean in this context an obsession with fetishising everything between Greece and Hawaii including the ideals of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others), by nationalisms, by Marxism and its many attendant isms... There were popular antire
@nitsua60 Yawp.

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