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**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Storium with the Stack](http://goo.gl/forms/jvz9Bs6jg8 "an interest survey");
[Fate Core/FAE conversion guide](http://drivethrurpg.com/product/177639/Fate-Accelerated-Core-Conversion-Guide "pay-what-you-like by Fred Hicks");
[Storium launch](https://storium.com/ "Still no native library of storycard art, though."); [Venture City SRD](http://www.faterpg.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/venturecitySRD-CC.html "not on fate-srd.com yet").
2 hours later…
hey there @DuckTapeAl
There, fixed my user icon.
@MaliceVidrine ah.
I stick with the default because I'm too lazy to fiddle with avatars across multiple Stacks
It seemed time to have at least one place where I had A. virens as my public face.
@MaliceVidrine -- so, on settings -- one of the other things I have a penchant for is "world-smashing" -- i.e. taking bits of radically different sorts of worlds and putting them together
for instance, "how would a dragon interact with the US National Airspace System?"
or one of the wilder ones where a wyrmling and an airline pilot find themselves in the same room
And the bartender says, "We don't serve jokes here."
@BESW hahaha
Or if the Nauptre Reliquaria set up shop on the Russian steppe in the 14th century....
You know we avoid that kind of language here.
Some of you do, I'm sure.
There's a standard Stack-wide policy against "vulgar terms and anything sexually suggestive" which this chat room in particular is very supportive of.
Hm. That's kind of unfortunate, as it prevents me from referring to a character from one of my favorite science fiction novels by name.
puts a gnoll pup on @BESW's head
At the absolute least you could choose bleep it with no loss of understanding from folks who would recognise the reference.
You've already been dismissive of this policy in the past. Please be respectful of the people you've chosen to talk to and the space you've chosen to join.
@MaliceVidrine It's occasionally inconvenient, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
1 message moved to Trash
@Miniman - That's debatable.
As I'm not willing to take such a policy especially seriously, I suppose I ought to part ways with the chat here. Good meeting you all, hope you keep well.
Sure, but this isn't the place to debate it. If you want to challenge the policy, take it to Meta Stack Exchange.
@MaliceVidrine Bye!
@waxeagle Sorry, yes. WE for "Wax Eagle." I was not trying to claim credit for your win =)
@MaliceVidrine Peace.
@BESW Thank you for handling that well. I can't suppose it's easy or fun.
It could've gone better.
I didn't witness it, but it seems like a strangely-fast decision to disavow a group that, for a week or so, seemed to be really suiting her well.
@nitsua60 Different things are important to different people, I guess.
Along with an impressive constellation on the star-board once or twice =)
@Miniman No truer words....
@Emrakul Reminded me of your history-erasure thing: SCP-055, the self-keeping secret.
@doppelgreener You mean @Emrakul.
Whoops, yes I did.
@nitsua60 There were a few previous incidents that hinted at an underlying disconnect. I respect her for recognising a situation she couldn't remain in without further drama, and bailing before it got bad.
@doppelgreener What even is that site?
@Magician The SCP Foundation, home of creepypasta. Its fictional conceit is it's a foundation keeping anomalous objects contained which, usually, don't follow the rules of how reality should usually work, and sometimes threaten a large number of people or all life as we know it.
One of the originals was SCP-173, and because it's a short horror story (genuinely creepy), I won't link to it from here.
Anyway it's a public wiki and whoever has an account can write SCPs and articles, and whoever can pass a test to show they get what the SCP wiki's about can have an account. It's gotten pretty popular in recent years. The articles are of varying quality, so there's a rating system, and low-rated articles (like single digits or negatives) might or definitely will get culled and replaced.
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going these days?
@Shalvenay good. I suppose my worst complaint is that my throat's sore from a really good RL session tonight. (FLGS was busy, and we weren't at our usual off-to-the-side table, so I had to project a lot.)
@nitsua60 ah. I'm pondering eladrinlocks, druids getting turned into flowerpots, and the idea that Jherala basically is an "un-princess"
Hello everyone!
What's new?
Nothing special. Apart from the fact that another cat will live for some time in my house. That would be five felines. Good news this one on temporary terms.
Something like that. Only I'm without cap, mask, and my clothes are not so tight c:
Gah, spacing is hard.
Spacing out on the other hand...
@RollingFeles Writing an answer, and as usual, most of my editing is fidddling with paragraph spacing.
I rarely make spelling mistakes, but I am invariably unhappy with the overall appearance of a post.
In this particular case it doesn't help that I'm writing on mobile and don't really have any idea what it actually looks like.
It reminds me of the times when I worked with web development. Specifically colleagues who worked with html with "this site should look great on mobile platforms!" requirements, when they didn't have any mobile devices.
@RollingFeles Yeesh.
...what? I am struck dumb with how dumb that is.
That's was pretty dumb, yeah.
@DuckTapeAl Hi!
Colleagues were young students, which didn't have access to much, and sometimes, to any mobile platform. They used some workarounds, borrowed devices. Later this problem gone away.
But still I'm very happy that I always worked with server side.
@Miniman Hello!
How are things?
@DuckTapeAl hey! (here I should say something like "where are my manners")
@DuckTapeAl Pretty good, although I still haven't found time to try out Death or Glory. You?
@RollingFeles The way people fade in and out of existence here makes that sort of courtesy much more complicated. (And much less necessary, IMO).
@Miniman Pretty decent. Went to GDC last week, met a bunch of cool people.
Still recovering from the jet lag.
I don't know if I told you, but I got to run a game of DoG like a month ago.
I screwed up a bunch of stuff and had to fudge a bunch of rolls at the end, but the ending was super badass.
One surviving sniper running full-tilt at a howitzer that just couldn't get a hit, with bits of road blowing up all around.
@DuckTapeAl Ooh. I haven't been around much lately (new job), so if you mentioned that, I missed it.
How was is it in terms of teaching it to your players? I guess my real question here is how long did it take for the group to make characters?
Making characters was pretty quick.
@DuckTapeAl Nice. Did the players "win"?
They did! It was a smashing success.
The one survivor took out half the howitzer crew, captured the rest, and made it home with the cannon in tow.
They got a whole bunch of bonus points for that.
@DuckTapeAl That's good to hear; it looks complicated enough on paper that I was a little concerned.
For making characters: rather than giving a whole bunch of options, I just had them roll and told them what the next thing up and down the track was.
And since there's only like 5 rolls involved in chargen, it was pretty quick to do for each person.
@DuckTapeAl That makes sense. So if they want to change, then you explain how that works?
I opened with "You make a bunch of rolls, and you can adjust those rolls up or down with your 15 starting points."
And at each roll, I told them the cost for both up and down.
And the chargen stuff is organized by how important it is anyway, so there wasn't any buyer's remorse.
That seems pretty nice. Apologies if questions sound obvious; I'm the kind of person who'll always read the rulebook cover to cover before I start, but I know that doesn't work for everyone. Including most of my players.
An obvious question is better than a question unasked.
How well did it work as a one-shot? By the sound of things, I'm guessing awesomely.
Generally pretty well.
The ending was perfect, but the rest of it was a little janky.
@DuckTapeAl Oh?
Like, they fought a giant worm at one point, and if I ran it the way the book suggests, they would have all died.
Without a doubt.
Stuff with toughness over 6 is crazy hard to hit.
And since you need 2 hits for a kill, it can get pretty bad.
IIRC, they had 12 people, including players, and a target number to hit of 3, with a +1 damage.
And the worm would have killed 1-3 people per round.
Hmmm. That's probably as intended, I guess, but it does seem like it would turn people off a bit.
I hamstrung it a bit so it looked more dangerous than it actually was, which ended up working well.
Yeah, it definitely seems like that's what's supposed to happen, but "everyone died in the first combat" is super unsatisfying.
I feel like the ideal circumstance is "everyone died in a blaze of glory, but the mission got done".
But the mechanics lean more towards "the random encounters killed you".
That seems like the showcase scenario for the system, yeah.
I kind of wish there were some mechanics that let you sacrifice troops for extra damage, or efficacy in general.
Like, kill one of your troops to get an automatic 6 on a damage roll.
There were several times where the party was just shooting dozens of times against a target and never dealing damage.
Side note: minor deficiency in the new chat interface: I can't edit a message to make it reply to another message, it has to be created as a reply.
Oh, are you on mobile?
I find the mobile chat interface to range between "actually unusable" and "unnecessarily frustrating".
@DuckTapeAl Yeah, I'm not sure about leaving a chat tab open at my new job yet.
Oh, right, you're on the other side of the planet.
@DuckTapeAl The updates they did a while back pushed it just over the "usable" line for me.
I forget sometimes.
@DuckTapeAl It's cooler if you think of it as living in the future :)
Oct 14 '15 at 12:37, by doppelgreener
Plot seed: UTC+13 is the furthest-forward time zone we know, belonging exclusively to some small clusters of isolated islands in the Pacific, except during the daylight savings time of some other countries. It's the occasional subject of a joke that people with a greater UTC adjustment are literally in the future, and events will take a proportionate amount of time to progress into time zones set further back.
The message below it is the even more important bit.
I like it.
@DuckTapeAl Before all that, I meant to say that this would make a great perk for officers. (Or order or whatever their special thing is called, I haven't looked at it in a while.)
The UTC+13 squad have only about an hour to resolve the situation if they don't want it to become immensely worse. It's very beneficial those time zones have such low population.
I like that name for a squad.
(plot hole: don't ask why everything keeps happening to these islands specifically. i don't really want to have to work out the answer to that, do you? best i can imagine is that it's the only portion of the world that these existential threats can actually see, like the sliver of a room that's well-lit through the light coming past an ajar door.)
@doppelgreener It happens everywhere, but since they live in the future, they fix it before it happens to anyone else.
This, by the way, is why people think there was no Milennium Bug.
@Miniman no, there wasn't any because -- ooooohhh. ;D
@doppelgreener Not gonna lie, I'm proud of that one.
Less proud of my weird inability to remember that millennium and all its derivatives have 2 l's.
Dammit. @doppelgreener, you mentioned SCP-055, and now I'm stuck on that damn site.
It's worse than TV Tropes.
@DuckTapeAl better than tv tropes! because i forget tv tropes almost as soon as i leave the article. but SCPs stay with me forever, and ever, and ever, including when the light is off and i am trying to sleep.
I forget the number, but the one with the stone that changes colour, and opens a portal to another world when you stick it on a mirror still creeps me out sometimes.
The whole 'people who are there but you can't see' thing is one of the scariest things to me.
Ah, it was 093.
@DuckTapeAl Like The Mysterious Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your House, from Welcome to Night Vale. :D
I don't think I got that far in Nightvale.
I love what I've heard, but I don't have a good venue for listening to it.
2 hours later…
I'm not sure what the purpose of this comment is.
It's saying things I generally agree with and which don't contradict anything I've said, but I don't think they'd improve the answer to include.
Can anyone shed light on this for me?
It seems to be a new user doing a forum thing.
Just adding their thoughts to the topic.
1.1k rep and eight months under his belt at English Language Learners though.
@doppelgreener SCP is delightful, thank you for the link. For some values of 'delightful', that is.
@doppelgreener @MAgician I need to feed SCP to my Mage players before the game.
@BESW thank you for the excellent guineas. I'll have you know, that it's actually my GF that's obsessed with guinea pigs.
Well, more than I am, for all it's worth.
Feel free to pass 'em, then.
I did.
I guess I am sort-of induced into guineapigness.
> Psimitar. You can use Combat instead of Provoke to make mental attacks, and your attacks have weapon:2 when doing so. Your targets defend with Athletics as normal against these Combat attacks, but mental armour ratings (and not physical ones) reduce the stress you inflict.
@BESW Name it ESPada.
But then it wouldn't be a Marvel reference!
marvels in his ignorance of Marvel
@eimyr Aw, a miniature hippopotomussus.
Called Dobster.
Or Dobby, because his original owners had no imagination.
I think I should call @AshleyNunn to the above ^^
@BESW Also, it's not shaven, just a hairless breed - adopted, as we don't want to proliferate the breed's popularity. It's a genetic disaster, but a loved one.
@eimyr Psimitar. Cable isn't exactly a top-charting Marvel character; a lot of folks probably went "Who?" at the end of the spoiler.
This is not a scimitar. Not even close! contains anger for future use
Careful, free invokes usually go away at the end of the scene.
(I only know about it from the end of Cable and Deadpool.
I think it looks more like a fancy spear. A spontoon or corseque or something.
I guess it wouldn't make a good Psy-pun.
Ummm. "Cortexque"?
Spetum could become Psitum
Or, heck a simple Psear would suffice.
"Ballistic Flaming Hogspawn of Science" wouldn't be a very good band name, but that shouldn't stop anyone.
where did you get it from?
The Image comic series Injection.
2 hours later…
@Miniman you around with a minute or two to chat?
@nitsua60 Sure!
In your answer to markovchain--well-written and -reasoned, by the way--you say in one spot that it's trivial to gain advantage on an attack. And I've seen that sort of assertion in other places, too. But I don't end up seeing much advantage at my tables, and I wonder if I'm missing places I should be awarding it, or times in play when I should be seeking it...
What are the sources of trivial advantage you're imagining when you write a line like that? Aid Another?
@nitsua60 Inspiration, True Strike, hiding, the Help action as you say, lots of class features and spells.
Maybe I should say that it's trivial to get advantage on an attack if you set out to do that.
Good point.
You can easily get it, but at a decent (1 action) cost.
(But a single advantaged action can be much better, situationally, than two 'regular' actions.)
@nitsua60 Exactly! If your players aren't concerned with getting advantage on their attacks, and many aren't, they'll generally prefer to attack twice rather than attacking once with advantage.
But when they're up against something with AC25, you really want that advantage.
Or perhaps against the lycanthrope your rogue is better as a spotter for your caster than firing mundane arrows.
@nitsua60 Yeah. Or if they're a Rogue, or casting their best spell, or...and so on.
Cool--just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something big where I should have been giving my players advantage more often. Nope. They're not seeking it very often.
@Miniman On another note, did you ever find the Anthropomorphic Mice?
@nitsua60 Yeah. Although you might be forgetting to hand out inspiration - almost everyone I know who DMs 5e (including me) admits to forgetting it a lot.
One guy I know added a rule that players get 3 inspiration at the start of every session, which I think is a bit extreme, so I'm using the same thing but with 1.
@Miniman I've done that (1 off the top) a bunch of times, but given how much my players forget to spend it I've not felt too bad about not doling it out a lot.
I even tell my tables explicitly: any time you see anything you think worth rewarding, mention inspiration because I often forget... [crickets]
@nitsua60 Yeah, even with the houserule my players don't use it much.
Which I find kinda funny, as the same players (coming from 3.5) talk about how much they love the mechanic.
@nitsua60 Yep! Your page reference got me straight to it. I actually replied to you a while back, but I think you weren't around.
@nitsua60 I have to admit, when I'm playing I often don't remember it, which is silly.
@Miniman Okay.I only ask because SSD made a comment doubting whether it was really a good entry for the list; I was curious what you thought.
@nitsua60 I'm not sure it's a good entry for the list, but it's a harmless bit of fun and a nice Easter egg. Might be worth adding the page number so it stops confusing people though!
@Miniman I'm the sort of mathy-nerd who's always sitting there visualizing the skewed-right advantaged to-hit curve and contemplating expectation values for both advantaged and non-, so I definitely seek it out in some occasions.
@nitsua60 Oh, when I'm making an important roll it'll generally spring to mind. But when I fail a roll I'll often think "Damn, should've used inspiration!"
@Miniman "Easter Egg" is exactly what I was thinking. I sat and read the DMG cover-to-cover when I first got it, and had had no recollection of that when the races question came around. So when I found it I was like "hah, they bothered to put it in the book, let's throw a little fun the Stack's way." I was a little curious if the stack would "tolerate" some fun.
I think I tend to think "It's important for this roll to succeed, better use inspiration", but not necessarily remember to think, "It's important for this roll not to fail, better use inspiration."
And I think I'm not alone in that.
@Miniman As for page number, it was looking back at that entry that made me think that calling out the exact pages (285-287) in the "sources" list would be a good idea.
@Miniman Yeah, that's a strange little gestalt-shift to keep in mind.
Of course, I don't get to play very often at all, so it doesn't come up too often for me... =(
Interesting tidbit from data.SE - my longest answer is still my first one.
@nitsua60 Another houserule a friend of mine uses is that inspiration the players spend goes to the DM.
@Miniman to use on behalf of NPCs/monsters?
Do they then flow back to players, or is the DM a sink?
@nitsua60 Yeah.
@Miniman My longest answer is also an early one, and I think is simultaneously one of my best and one of my worst. I think the concept there is rock-solid and I'd love to communicate it well enough that it ends up in every GMs toolkit. I've taken three different stabs at writing it up, though, and that's the best I've got.
@nitsua60 When a monster uses it, it doesn't go back to the players, but plenty comes to the players from other sources.
@Miniman I guess the inspiration-economy is a thing a group really needs to grow into.... My next-campaign personal goal is improved NPC-play; perhaps two campaigns out I'll focus on inspiration=)
@nitsua60 Yeah, my DMing is somewhat hampered by the simple fact that I'm bad at roleplaying, especially when it comes to dialogue.
@nitsua60 Interesting read :) (also, I really like fractals)
@DoomedMind Thanks--I think what I need to do at some point is run one for a small (one, even) party while someone else takes notes, asks questions, &c. so that they can write it up. At least, that's my plan for attempt #4.
@DoomedMind I used it recently when a party had to escape a rioting city through the sewers. I had one map, but two sets of tables made up for whether they chose to escape above ground (through riot) or underground. So that one took up both sides of a sheet of paper. (Any time they wanted to pop up or duck down, I just had to flip the paper.) Two full sessions run on one sheet of paper, and the players were amazed that I'd made such detailed maps of the whole city and its underparts =)
I tend to premake large maps, I might try somehting like this
@Miniman I can't imagine you are bad at roleplaying. Honestly.
@nitsua60 I'll be honest - I didn't understand your answer at all. Then I went and had a go at the actual fractal maze. Now I kind of hate myself. Thanks for that.
@Miniman yeah, its hard to understand without doing things
@DoomedMind I've fallen down that rabbit hole many times. I love now that I get to make large maps when I want and if I don't feel like doing it, I can still provide just as-realistic feeling (by player testimony) a setting. And if you keep decent notes--usually one index card for me--you can go back and reconstruct the topology if it ends up being a site the players want to come back to.
[The understanding of this post is left as an exercise to the reader...]
...Who made a fractal maze?
11 mins ago, by nitsua60
@Miniman My longest answer is also an early one, and I think is simultaneously one of my best and one of my worst. I think the concept there is rock-solid and I'd love to communicate it well enough that it ends up in every GMs toolkit. I've taken three different stabs at writing it up, though, and that's the best I've got.
@eimyr Thanks! But it's definitely a weakness of mine. It's partly self-consciousness, I think, as well as a simple lack of practice. None of the groups I run or play in are particularly role-playing-ish, especially when it comes to dialogue.
@Shalvenay actually wandered through the maze in the post at one point--you might ask him how it felt. (He didn't know beforehand, but afterward I believe I linked him the post.)
@nitsua60 Sweet Thorin's beard...
@Miniman Have you ever "lost yourself" in a character? I consider this good practice.
this ^^
@eimyr I'm not sure what you mean?
(The question mark there is ungrammatical but functional.)
It's that moment when you close your eyes and start acting like a character not because you act it out, but because you think like a character.
"Ungrammatical but Functional" would be a really stupid name for a band. But it feels like one someone would try anyway.
then when you open eyes and take look at what you are doing uncannily provides you with complete set of behaviours.
I don't think I've ever done that, and honestly I'm not at all sure I could ever do that.
Gotta head to the office, all. Ping me if you solve the maze =)
@nitsua60 Heh, funny guy. Cya!
It's not a matter of skill, more of the ability to let go and plug into the character's stream of consciousness.
I do that in all my RP
I got into a dangerous spot when I played a character with memory loss. I'd just let my eyes glaze over and repeat thnigs I'd already said
I try to avoid it at all costs when GMing, because then I can't see the forest for the trees.
this was online so it was easy to get lost in it
@nitsua60 my love, search and replace 'sertain' with 'certain' in your answer on fractal mazes
Oooh this reminds me. I once made a map of overlaying grids. The top map had holes cut in it and the two would rotate around each other when the players moved, changing rooms on the map
It was a fey forest, hence the disorientation
was really interesting seeing my players try to map it out
@eimyr I just can't imagine immersing myself that deeply in a character, and I have no idea how you'd go about it.
@Polyducks awesome :D
@miniman and when you read a book written in first person, with a main character that's easy to indentify with? Does it happen that you forget you're there and read as if it's your own memoirs?
@eimyr No, that's never happened to me.
If that's the case, you'll find it easy to divorce yourself from character concept.
I'd suggest standard abstract impersonation techniques.
Totems, mannerisms, short and long term motivators.
@eimyr Any good places to read about these?
dunno... I never found them useful myself, coming from the other end of the spectrum
Also, today from data.SE: Assuming the length of a post roughly corresponds with the amount of effort it took to write, I've wasted an awful lot of time.
Interesting tidbit from that: data.SE considers tag wikis to be posts. Not sure why.
Author @MykeCole finds the roots of military fantasy in the diversity of Hannibal's Carthaginian forces: http://www.tor.com/2016/03/22/in-history-and-fantasy-diversity-is-the-tradition/
Best not to disassociate yourself from you
Scary ego things lie that way!
I strongly disagree with the idea that the best way to play an NPC is to detach from one's role as the GM, but I even more strongly disagree with staying up any longer tonight. Later!
Yeah, at 1am I should well and truly be gone, too.
@besw detach one from roleplay immersion, I meant. Specifically to remember one's duties as a gm. And NPCs narrative purpose
@Polyducks ty; will do!
@Polyducks although maybe I was just going for the alliteration?
maybe :)
Going back to work and pretend I'm a busy bee
love ya all!
@eimyr I feel like this is one where the mechanics of the system may put a heavy thumb on the scales. More mechanically-intensive systems might place more of the sorts of responsibilities on a gm that make immersion a risk, where in other systems the sorts of responsibilities a gm has can be better-fulfilled while immersed?
Ooh, while I remember, in case anyone here doesn't know:
I actually really enjoy writing SQL, so if there's any queries you'd like to run on data.SE but don't have time/inclination to write, feel free to ask.
Ok, now I'm really going to go sleep.
@nitsua60 The true danger in my opinion lies in the tendency to treat NPC as characters and not narrative devices.
If you're immersing yourself in roleplaying a questgiver barkeep, it's easy to forget why do the PCs actually have the conversation
@Brian Hi!
@eimyr Hello!
Are you really from Mongolia?
You have MN listed on your location.
On the mainsite profile.
What says I'm from Mongolia? Oh. MN = Minnesota, USA.
Also, Mongolia is abbreviated MO
(or not...site 1 says MO, site 2 says MN)
Anyway, what do you play?
@Brian I took suggestion from the ISO codes, used for top-level domains.
well, currently dnd 5e, but that's about to change in two weeks when the next game rolls out.
Lots of things. OD&D, TFT, and a couple of FATE games
I see.
I used to play D&D 3.5e, but in the past few years I've gotten impatient with the amount of looking up various rules from 3.5 games. What's your next game going to be?
We have quite a lively chat here usually
Seems like I wandered in at an off-hour
well, my next game is a 4x4 format.
4 GMs, 4 weeks, 4 one shots.
I think we'll have Goblin Quest, Kill Puppies For Satan and Fragged Empire, with myself running Great Ork Gods.
Well, my RPG club is very diverse.
These are mostly on the lighthearted, entertaining side.
Others, in the meantime are playing Saga of the Icelanders and some Firefly adventure.
Firefly is an interesting system
I like the way it uses different die sizes and how the to-hit roll adds to damage
any chemist here?
can acid be "put down" with sand?
that is, if you're splashed with acid, will rubbing yourself with sand work against it?
If you're splashed with acid rubbing with anything that's not acidic will improve your situation.
I would rather rinse myself with water though.
sand isn't necessarily alkalic
you probably have better effect rubbing yourself with limestone
my party will be in the desert
so, water is not an option
meh, sand will have to do
they do have water, but they need to survive
then it's mostly silica
hehehe I can put them in a dilemma
wouldn't really help with acids
silica's not alkali isn't it?
it is quite possible that your sand contains calcium carbonate
anyway, I'm a moron, it's better for me to force them to use the water they need to survive, to add pressure
that would react with strong acids quite happily to create an acid salt and much less dangerous carbon acid
CaCO3+Acid -> salt+water am I right?
no, it's not a base
caco3 + acid -> salt + water + carbon dioxide
CaCO3 + HCl -> CaCl2 + H2O
estequiometry not checked
chemistry rocks
more or less
I missed the carbon dioxide though
my players won't notice
CaCO3 + 2HCl -> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
note that you would need a lot of sand and will not work in many environments
that'd be for an aqueous solution wouldn't it?
simply put - if your carbonaceous rocks are not there to be pulverized into sand, you won't get that nice reaction
good point
Depends on the kind of acid. CaCl2 happily dissolves, other salts will not
Salts. If your slats spontaneously dissolve, you better have your parachute ready.
very unlikely
the reaction will probably be exothermic, but at this point it won't matter.
thanks for the tips
I'll be heading to my friend's now
the show must go on
@AshleyNunn Hi! Did you see the link I've awkwardly tried to tag you on?
I didn't, no.
LoL. You can vote for reopening your own question.
3 hours later…
@trogdor Wazzup!
hi, just woke up
yeah, you tend to do that around bedtime
dunno what your talking about, it's time to wake up, most definitely XD :P
Sop, for a good day, I'd like to remind you of this gem:
Aug 14 '15 at 9:02, by BESW
I am not James Gurney.
@trogdor it's around bedtime here when you wake up in your timezone.
@eimyr I know, that is why the :P is in there
the XD is in there because I tend to laugh at my own jokes
do you really make that face?
apparently I make it before I BURNINATE, according to @nitsua60 I think it was
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