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in 3.x -- can Dispel/Disjunction strip Su effects? (such as a druid wildshape or thousand faces)
@Shalvenay sounds like a good question for the actual site rather than chat
@Shalvenay Straight-up, supernatural effects are not spells, aren't spell-like. Thus, dispelling would not dispel it.
It's magic, but it isn't spell-shaped.
Ask it on the site if you like.
I'll ask on the site -- but my research indicates that 3.0 lets you due to DMG errata, but 3.5 doesn't
Ironheart is correct
Think of supernatural abilities as like.. alien stuff
Like a Doppelgangers ability to change shape
Your Disjunction can't pull them out of their form because it isnt a magical effect
Its an effect caused by their own physiology
@Sandwich It is, strictly speaking, magic, and shut down by an anti-magic field. It just isn't a spell.
If you call it magic you're just going to confuse him though
Because calling it magic implies it can be dispelled or disjoined
No, there is legitimately a distinction that needs to be made, magic is not spells. The sooner it's learned, the better.
Spells are part of magic, but not all of magic.
A monk uses magic to perfect themself, but they aren't casting spells to do it.
@IronHeart is correct; Su is magical (literally the first line in the description is this:
> Supernatural abilities are magical and go away in an antimagic field but are not subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or to being dispelled by dispel magic.
I just learned about Iron Heroes, which is like D&D without reliance on high magic spellcasting or items. Sounds like a cool concept, and has a brilliant quote:
> You are not your magic weapon and armor. You are not your spell buffs. You are not how much gold you have, or how many times you've been raised from the dead. When a Big Bad Demon snaps your sword in two, you do not cry because that was your holy avenger. You leap onto its back, climb up to its head, and punch it in the eye, then get a new damn sword off of the next humanoid you headbutt to death.
There's also the thing that "magic" in the sense of things that break rules of our own reality is very different from "Magic" in-universe.
... no wait, that's not relevant here.
ignore me.
Iron Heroes d20 is an awful system, btw. Terribly-designed and incredibly clunky. Which is a shame; I checked it out after seeing an ad in Dragon Magazine way back
also, some spells in D&D have rather...interesting consequences on the world
Reverse Gravity, for instance, implies that conservation of momentum doesn't hold in Faerun at least some of the time. :P
Nail to the Sky implies that you can escape the planet's gravitational pull with just a fly speed.
@Forrestfire I'd allow it, but you'd need an awfully high fly speed ;)
the 3.5 DMG has that "like reality except when the fluff or rules breaks physics" blurb, I guess.
(mind, I have assembled ways to reach the escape velocity of Earth in 3.5)
(but you'd need, amusingly, a reverse gravity spell to pull it off)
(since I could only get to it in a dive)
@Forrestfire hahaha
a better way is to use Explosive Spell apocalypse from the sky
and an animated object orion starship.
jump yourself 200+ miles into the air by casting it below your target.
@Forrestfire HAHAHA
(or... greater teleport. But that's boring)
yeah, greater teleport is boring when you can strap yourself to a giant trash bin o' boom instead ;)
an invulnerable animated object starship covered with spell clocks of explosive spell apocalypse from the sky is much more fun!
also, line to summarize the limitations of dragonflight in D&D: "Dragons don't do dirty double Immelmans"
dirty double Immelmans?
foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/… <-- about 7 minutes into the video embedded here
damn those planes are cool
foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/… << jump down to under "THe final year of the demo and the Tomcat's sundown were bitter sweet" for some more
Hey guys
I'm going to be DMing a 5e game in a month or so time when i meet back up with some friends
and one guy really wants to play an inventor
i was thinking of penning an archetype for a class but do you guys think any of them really fit the bill?
main classes having an inventor archetype
that is
@Forrestfire That is a pity. :(
2 hours later…
@user507974 There definitely isn't a class that resembles that at all, but fair warning - I think you'll find it extremely difficult to make one, especially if you're even vaguely concerned about balance.
It's a character concept which might just be a straight mismatch for the system.
"Inventor" does not in general strike me as a D&D-ish thing.
Previous editions had something like the Artificer where you can craft a whole load of items, but in general unless your game's story supports the invention aspect, they're things that are widely available and which already exist that you just learned how to also make.
Being an inventor is probably not much of a big deal in a system where all material items come from predefined lists. It's going to be a bigger deal in a system that instead puts a focus on giving you the tools to just create whatever you want, like Fate.
ARRPG for instance puts genuine emphasis on invention, and playing a superscience inventor character who jury-rigs enormous state-of-the-art laser cannons from the spare parts in a computer workshop over the course of a day or two, because comic logic.
(There's lots of mechanical features devoted to inventing new things, and producing mechanically potent items you didn't have previously, either generating it brand new on the spot for whatever reason, or revealing you had it all along, or whenever you have a few hours to spare to build it, or when you can contact someone who already has that thing and you can wait for them to deliver it.)
As far as I'm aware, the most you'll tend to get out of D&D 5e for creating outside-the-book material is little trinkets from prestidigitation and tinker tools. They'll be quite temporary and have minimal effectiveness by design, which makes the 'inventor' part of your character more of a footnote, so that won't be very satisfying.
2 hours later…
What's up, @user507974 ?
Not much, have you ever heard of Critical Role?
basically its a D&D stream with players who are hollywood voice actors
The DM for the group, Matt Mercer, made a custom witch hunter class for Vin Diesel dropbox.com/s/y8sofbfpjysa3qs/Witch%20Hunter%20Class.pdf?dl=0
looking over that atm
also, the chatroom notification noise is damn scary at 2:40 in the morning
Things That Go Bump In The Night #374: chatroom tag notification.
since it was my first time ever actually hearing the notification noise and its otherwise dead silent here save for the mild winds it was jarring
Welcome to chat!
thanks, I came by once before but for some reason it never played the noise
So you're saying that this is a game that voice actors play, record it for our amusement and it includes Vin Diesel. Are they doing it for the kicks or getting paid?
Definitely doing for fun, i think they receive donations since they run a twitch and they may be signed on to have their episodes run on this website called geek and sundry
so its both probably
Vin Diesel joined with them today for some fun and I guess he may join up more, not sure if that was recorded or not actually.
all together though I've watched only a bit here and there since I'm going to take pointers for DMing my first campaign
I know some of Hollywood celebs are or used to be RPG geeks, but I never thought I'd like to hear or see them play.
Admittedly, Vin has a voice to listen to.
Great! What's the campaign and system?
yea, ikr @eimyr right after finishing up as a witch hunter he was going to talk with fast and furious developers
Im planning on running d&d 5e
most of my friends im running it with have played only a few days between campaigns, and tbh ive played the least since I lived like 100 miles away and was in town every other week
but im very math and probabilty minded and did a lot of helping for the last DM, at which point he was like "You HAVE to be a DM, you're so good at handling all the minutia"
its a completely custom world if that was what you meant by campaign
and custom races
that would be the setting
kinda a pet project that has its official day 0 Thanksgiving weekend
But what is the campaign about? Adventurers doing a dungeon crawl? Bunch of fantasy investigators?
I don't know, fantasy war with players being commanders?
Essentially it's an infection scenario
I'm starting day 0 with most of the players being sole survivors from a town ravaged by some monstrosity, followed by a time skip since I wont be back in town til Christmas
each player is going to have pretty well thouight out bios, and on days where we do pick up games im going to weave relevant substories into the game
day 1 and the first few sessions will start with an investigative vibe
Then I kinda want to put them in a realistic world that is trying to deal with this outbreak in a covert way as possible
Essentially the premise starts in the middle of a large war that ravages and reduces a whole continent to dust, during this time the infection pops up and the war "quickly" concludes in a years time under some very "heroic" (and questionable) conditions with a world government forming
I have a small caveat that I would be VERY wary against.
Ah yes, reality warping shenanigans
The reason why I'm not running any DnD (or other high magic system) in an investigation or mystery or even survival plot, is that sole reason.
divination and such can solve many plots far too easily
I added a special caveat to the magic in this world that essentially soft bans a lot of the worst offenses spellcasters can inflict with 2 rules of magic
What are those rules?
Simplified as much as possible:
1. You cant create something from nothing, you can only transfer (as per a slightly modified physics system).
2. You need to be able to describe how your spells effect comes to fruition.
Is that magical rules of thermodynamics I see?
As a physicist in training you've caught me
I've installed an ok amount of fudge machinery to make things simple for players without changing the core rules (the basic magic is telekinesis and spells draw from the environment, and essentially it forces a material component on most spells)
I see a small flaw in your laws...
@doppelgreener [wave]
Go for it, I've got about a month to work out all the kinks
what would you say if one of your players decides to split the atom?
Or go "I annihilate this bucket of rubbish into pure energy that I direct towards the Big Bad"?
@eimyr Ahoy
@user507974 Given this is literally magic we are talking about, I'm curious how rule #2 will actually work out.
Well I'm still using the baseline spells, with each spell being a form of auto-hypnosis if you will. They have trained their minds to be able to take what are otherwise fantastical results and created a set of principle actions (spells) which allows them to realize great results.
So for a spell that batters foes with stones they pull rock from the environment around them, and if they pull enough rock they can make a column collapse to provide cover for teammates
They need fire to manipulate fire
They have catalysts which serve as spell focuses that create an initial effect and they can magnify that by fueling it with their own energy
So it draws in water from the air, or creates a spark, or lights up to prep for a radiant spell and pulls in energy from you and the surrounding
So component #2 at least involves some "because magic", for certain values of magic.
uh, well im actually taking the axe to a few crazy results
most necromancy spells for example, and demonic/angelic are being turned into necrotic/radiant most likely
Sure, that's fine, and having some components of "because magic" sounds sensible (because it is magic; you'd need something wild and crazy to happen to actually be able to freeze someone or fire off an eldritch bolt)
Yeah, so I kinda am adjusting a lot of those spells and have reserves of other spells to draw on to keep things interesting, namely Elemental Evil, The Not So Complete List of Spells, and a few Homebrew spells
Also since I kinda have altered the baseline castability of each of the classes they kinda specialize a bit more to specific roles
What kind of worst offenders are you trying to deal with?
But since i have a rotating cast of 10 players i doubt thatll be an issue
Wish, interdimensional or very long distance summons/travel, necromancy, and OP mind controls
In addition to very complex illusions
Uh, so I've essentially soft-axed 3 schools for wizards
What's the harm in those? (I ask, oblivious, except for knowing of the havoc Wish can come with, mostly self-inflicted on the caster)
the pact of chain for warlocks
I kinda wanted to really allow for each player to really impact the story, since spellcasting really tends to give you a lot of power outside combat, in addition to more or less keeping things physically consistent
I haven't played D&D 5e myself - our group's waiting on hearing about a free adventure that's actually suitable as a game introduction and showcase, and apparently there isn't something by that description yet - and our group's entirely moved away from D&D because we've found a lot of other games we're much happier with. I never got much D&Ding done, and I'm unlikely to go back at this point. (Except for some limited stuff.)
Once such a free adventure exists we'll probably give it a one-shot trial using the free basic rules just to see how it goes.
I'm dealing with most of the magic stuff like an astrophysicist, if im within an order of magnitude or two of what could physically happen im happy =)
we kinda all just piggybacked learning the rules off one friend
its got good and bad
It really doesnt have a good spellsword, which made me sad
So, here's a thought. I'm not sure precisely what harm comes from the things you've described (except for, y'know, mind controlling potentially being super bad), and I'm surprised gating in phenomenal entities isn't on that list but maybe that isn't a thing in D&D 5e (it's just a big offender I've heard from 3.5e), but there's also another thing you can do.
Is the nature of what you're trying to deal with just ridiculous effects, or cheesy exploits that you just would prefer nobody ever tries? (Like, summoning an iron block, making a few thousand knives, becoming phenomenally rich)
Mostly I wanted to create a consistant system, with almost as much a motivation to stop ridiculous effects, but its kind of an experiment for myself too.
@user507974 Doppelgreener refers to the spell Gate, which, when used cleverly, can drop an insanely powerful planar entity in the middle of your combat zone.
I want to try and see if by actually restricting the magic a little more I can actually prompt more player creativity by presenting magic in a logical framework.
among the interdimensional things im not allowing
is gating
@user507974 Gate: name a creature, and you'll yank it through right to where you are. You can command it to do something, such as fight for you. This can be pretty nuts, depending on what you're willing and able to summon.
Okay, cool. The experiment and magic system in and of themselves sound pretty neat.
@user507974 I have a similar problem in my Courtly Intrigue game - I allowed magic, since everyone and their dog wanted to play a sorcerer, but I made similarly two rules: 1 doing anything with magic requires the same amount of effort as doing it regularly. 2 Magic corrupts, more power, more corruption.
I would ordinarily advise against heavy modification of a game while you're still new to it, but this is D&D 5e, and I wouldn't suggest any version bar 4e or the very early ones have any kind of solid base to them that should be learned first and taken as a lesson in solid game design and balance and so on. (There are other games I'd suggest for that, and D&D's 4th edition but not others.)
So recently a player spend a day making a Scroll of Boom, but he would have spent a day making a bomb anyway. To avoid corruption he had to use a generous amount of Unobtanium to absorb it. Group's net power stays the same.
I'm really jumping into more elemental magic being available to players because that allows for interesting battlefield changing. If someone pulls a massive amount of rock from a stone column they can knock it down to create cover for teammates
Here, though, is another method to respond to crazy exploits, that my group's current main GM used for a few years while he still ran D&D: tell your group that you're relying on them to set the bar for cheese and exploits. That anything they can do, NPCs can also do, and those NPCs can do any of it better than the players can. The players set the bar for what they want to see the NPCs doing through their own actions.
thats a great point
If they want to gate in phenomenally powerful entities, that's fine, so will the NPCs. If they don't want to see the NPCs pulling stunts like that, they shouldn't do so themselves.
i was already going to do the opposite of that
well, bar the unphysical things
like if someone plays my shorter halfling like race Im going to have humanoids who will literally grab em by the tail (unique race) and throw them against other players
Make sure you don't do that all the time, lest it get perceived as dickishly punishing them for choosing something you offered.
Oh, im going to do the opposite too, these small guys will jump at the face of other foes
and im also going to have NPCs throw their allies at the players
@doppelgreener Btw, in 5e Gate lets you summon phenomenally powerful entities, but doesn't let you control them.
My warning on that still stands even so.
I have a PC race that is secretly ridable, the guy whos playing that is playing as a barbarian. Its a tanky race that cant cast magic but shrugs some magic damage too as a result, so i doubt most other players will pick it. But hes good buds with our paladin, so I want him to relent and be like 'can i ride this bastard" and I say yes
@Miniman Ok, that's cool. Still sounds exploitable: find the enemy army, Gate in a Balrog, leave.
and that combo is probably the only way they can actually aggro my smart NPCs
since any smart NPC wouldnt target the tanks unless they were threatening the shit out of them
D&D 5e does not have tanks, as such, I believe. (@Miniman might be able to verify whether that's true or not.)
Crap, its wednesday
i have my early day =(
So it is.
Has been for a while actually.
The only edition I know of that actually provided the ability to tank was D&D 4e's defenders, who have very artfully designed mechanics that actually encourage attacking them or otherwise genuinely let them keep everyone else safe.
kinda was thinking that it was tuesday/thursday
@user507974 It was indeed Tuesday a while ago.
@doppelgreener With a little effort you can fake it. The big problem is that you can only be a tank to a single enemy at once.
Wait a bit and it will be Thursday too.
The whole idea of tanking is very gamey. While it is a trope that's been played to death, there is some truth in it. It's a Distraction Carnifex tactic that is often quite realistic.
Yea, and additionally in my system physical classes such as fighters can do things such as try to grapple and go for the eyes to blind them, try to attack specific body parts repeatedly to inflict slow/disadvantage on future attacks/stun (go for the balls)
Nonphysical too, to a lesser extent
but yea, i need to get up for a grad course tomorrow morning, so ive probably gotta call it quits for tonight
fun talking to you guys
nighty night!
have fun gents
@eimyr Not me! it's the other one who's leaving.
@doppelgreener Okay, confession time. Where does your nick come from?
@eimyr My very first avatar on here was green. I had it for years. In Winterbash of '13, I picked up a Space Ghost avatar because he would look dashing in a couple of the hats, and some people were unsettled by him not being green. So he became green.
I have continued this green trend since forever.
When it came time to pick a username that wasn't my real name (which I'd chosen way back when to use for reasons that are no longer relevant), BESW suggested doppelgreener as a play on doppelganger, and it was chosen.
that's clever
Oh. Yes. My current avatar is the King of All Cosmos. I can't remember exactly who greenified it for me...
alright, one more nick mystery solved
I should do some proper research into how internet nicks are being constructed and why.
Jeez, I'm lucky not to be an antropologist or sociologist, otherwise I would have to adhere to the science of polling.
I wondered if anyone noticed that this avatar I have on this account is off-center, and realized that this is made on purpose too.
@Derpy i had noticed but not given it much thought, but that's pretty funny
@doppelgreener Derpy is a character with misaligned eyes, so...
@Derpy Yes. And, um, one that's a bit derpy.
@Derpy does the ponydom accept the official "Ditsy Hooves" name? Or is it still Derpy?
@eimyr The story about the name is a long one. Just know that the actual official name as now is "Muffin".
@eimyr No consensus.
@eimyr I will give further details in the other room. Just give me some time.
@doppelgreener I was there when I happened. I cannot remember either. But the discussion to leave the non-green bits in there was long.
@Anaphory thanks. I thought it might be closer to myself.
BTW, did everyone notice this:

 Stack Exchange plays RPGs

A room for people interested in playing RPGs with other Stack ...
@Anaphory I would hope that you were there when you happened. If you were not there at that time, that would be a very strange occurrence.
I should reduce my discussions about non-green bits then. :-P
Just make sure you are there when you happen if you are in them.
I don't want to be on cleanup duty for inexplicable cosmic mumbo-jumbo turning ugly.
"Inexplicable cosmic mumbo-jumbo turning ugly" is the pitch for this season of Doctor Who.
Plot seed: UTC+13 is the furthest-forward time zone we know, belonging exclusively to some small clusters of isolated islands in the Pacific, except during the daylight savings time of some other countries. It's the occasional subject of a joke that people with a greater UTC adjustment are literally in the future, and events will take a proportionate amount of time to progress into time zones set further back.
Thus, the seed: those islands are actually genuinely literally at the futuremost point our planet experiences, and are solely responsible for fending off existential threats and saving the world on a regular basis before anyone else can even find out about it, let alone be affected by it.
[scribbles furious notes for a Sapphire & Steel campaign]
@BESW Wasn't that the time travel show that was ostensibly a relative of Doctor Who?
@doppelgreener but what of UTC+14?
@doppelgreener It was made by a rival studio to compete for the same audience.
And although each story did take place in a different time period, it was actually about preventing horrible things from beyond time that were using cracks in the fabric of reality to slip in.
(And for the record, "Kiribati" is pronounced more like "kitty-boss," but with a bit of an R on the Ts. Also they have a really hard time with international travel outside the Pacific because customs agents think it's a fake country.)
(I've heard some hair-raising stories about trying to find a map in the 1970s Tel Aviv airport that actually identified Kiribati because nobody there had heard of it.)
@eimyr I'll correct myself then. That is the existential threat-defending time zone. (But those very same islands also inhabit UTC+13, so same deal: everyone's in on it.)
@BESW Wow. That's... amazing.
@doppelgreener Can we invert this idea too? Say, UTC -12 lags behind time. While the +14 dudes defend Earth from dangers of the future, these guys have a couple of hours before the time catches up to them to correct mundane but disastrous events.
@doppelgreener When I went to Haifa a couple years ago for the Bahá'í International Convention to elect the UHJ, the Kiribati folks went through ahead of us and were still negotiating with customs when we were done--and we had someone whose dual Australian/Malaysian citizenship (with Guamanian residency) was raising eyebrows. We stuck around to make sure they got through okay.
@eimyr So they're the last guard, the last people who have a chance to ensure history follows a smooth path, the dudes who catch what every other time zone couldn't handle?
@BESW I've read a bit about Baha'i (sorry for my lack of appropriate diacritics)
No worries. I usually only use them the first time it comes up in chat, myself.
@doppelgreener Pretty much, in a "Oh man, they did X again, now we have to assassinate Hitler"
@doppelgreener and while they "forward" guys concentrate on threats that are outside of Earth's control (e.g. aliens, disasters, supernatural or previously undiscovered calamities), the "back guard" corrects the bad decisions (e.g. discovery of a Death Ray, beginning of World War III, nuclear accidents)
This is making my head hurt a little.
Because like, if they have to correct World War III, it's already been happening for a day.
The idea of the "forward" guys would be that, say, an existential cosmic threat is arriving from outer space: they deploy the dudes with all the secret technology the world can possibly shove into their arms (world leaders become very generous with their military technology and funding after a brief visit to see what UTC+13/14 is defending them from) to stop it, and they have a few hours, a day at most, to stop it before the rest of the world is suffering from it.
Yeah, and if the Forward Guys fail, the Rear Admirals can prevent it, again because they are outside of normal timeflow, before the event "settles".
Or at least apply some damage control.
orrite :D
So, as soon as the forward guys fail, the +12 time zone start experiencing the disaster, and the back guys take over, before it reaches them
Because Time Travel Logic.
These games/stories/adventures will probably come with a tagline of "Don't think about it too hard".
effective on 90 per cent of types of cancers - WOW
in times where a cure for 1 or 2 types is considered a breakthrough
@BESW The post says 29, not 20 OCT.
posting a thing, not pushing anything there:

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
I didnt see anything posted there
Oh, right, I was just posting the link itself so I could show off the fact it oneboxes elsewhere.
I see
Three more days till I got my gold though
Q: Burninate [session-summaries]

nvoigtI was reading Actual Play of Don't Rest Your Head one-shot exemplar and wondered why this makes a good question. Don't get me wrong: it's well written, I understand the need to find what he's looking for, it's clear and concise, formally, it has all we can ask for. But what would a good answer ...

2 hours later…
Q: Can there be a good use for [session-summaries]?

nvoigtI was reading Actual Play of Don't Rest Your Head one-shot exemplar and wondered why this makes a good question. Don't get me wrong: it's well written, I understand the need to find what he's looking for, it's clear and concise, formally, it has all we can ask for. But what would a good answer ...

is there a tag for transcribing a character from one RPG to another? Should there be?
There is not a tag for it that I can find.
I'm not sure if there should be; tags are an emergent folksonomy that need to be curated with a light hand.
they're a what now?
I am but a layman, sir
Means that mostly we just sit back and let tags get created naturally as people feel the need for them, and we only step in to actively police them when a problem emerges.
The tagging system grows organically out of site use.
I kinda feel like one ought to exist, but not sure what it'd be called
Is there a question you're looking at which needs that tag?
'cause a major part of the tagging ethos is, only make a tag when there's a question that needs it. We don't make tags in anticipation of future need, only in response to present need.
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/69874/… specifically, but I'm pretty sure I've seen similar questions throughout the site
The other thing is, what value is added by the tag?
The question's tagged with and the two systems. What does a tag add to that?
I don't think there are experts in general , only experts in character creation with the two systems in question.
So the tag wouldn't be helping to attract experts who'd otherwise miss the question.
you're probably right
wouldn't make it easier to find
And folks looking for existing answers about system transition are going to be searching for the specific systems they're using, so again--I don't see it helping people find the answers.
2 editions plus character creation is basically the tag in and of itself
If you see it differently, please feel free to add the tag.
I dont think I do
That's just my thought process on the matter.
problem solved! now lets stop off for a celebratory malt!
@SevenSidedDie [wave]
*POOF* I am summoned. :)
is that how that works? [wave]
I've composed three separate answers to those meta questions and each of them gets bogged down in irrelephant red herrings.
I kinda feel that the questions are full of red herrings or XY problems, hence the literalism in my responses. There's a real question lurking under there somewhere, but it's under confounding layers of disgruntle that it can shed if it wants to be seen.
@TomSterkenburg Not quite. Anyone listed as present (indicated by the icons in the sidebar on the full desktop site) can be notified with a simple @[name]. Otherwise they won't hear it. (Except for apparently mods, who seem to be given super-hearing and will get a ping from anywhere.)
And for a while invoking the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young would ping everyone who'd been in the chat for the past two weeks. But that was fixed (I assume with incantations and a sacrifice).
2 hours later…
I have the feeling that the new PC change in our D&D campaign is making encounters even more futile.
the cleric seems to heal, each turn, more damage than monsters can deal (even because people is hard to hit).
2 hours later…
Mornin all
@Zachiel step up the difficulty..?

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