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@nitsua60 From the stuff on that website, it looks like that.
@waxeagle I might be a little late.
This is your semi-irregular reminder that our chat ticker feeds are controlled by you! Suggest and vote for feeds you'd like to see on the ticker.
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: Duplicate question with better documented answers

OlorinRecently this question has been rightfully closed as a duplicate. However, I feel that some of the answers on the duplicating question are better documented than on the duplicated one. What is the best course of action in this case? Should the users move their answers to the original question? G...

@StackExchange HOly map-drawing tutorial, @BESW! Thank you thank you thank you.
It's a pretty great blog. Doesn't update often, but quality stuff when it does.
@JoshuaAslanSmith do you recall which of the missions we decided to do first?
@waxeagle zero idea
I like the new message that shows up on entering chat
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, i think that's pretty snazzy
a wild Ken appears
@KMallory do you remember if we decided to head north to find the draekhorn or to find the cult guy?
still have not replaced my keyboard, I may be a bit slow
@waxeagle cult guy
@KMallory k
that's kind of what I was thinking
Gruber is running late, probably gonna be 630/930
and Mr. Blando just finally sent me the maps
(@KMallory @JoshuaAslanSmith @Shalvenay @RobertF and @Shalvenay)_
3 hours later…
[grumble, grumble] I just keep finding more neat little RPGs.
oh nooooo
whatever shall you do with this horrible problem XD
@Pixie That's the problem with a critical mass of RPGs: they start reproducing.
I keep them in separate pens
Of course. Basic RPG care and keeping. I've made a dire mistake.
Care of magical games....
... now I want to use a Dire Mistake as a monster in something.
@Pixie A wizard made it?
@SevenSidedDie thanks for linking directly to the answer--sorry 'bout that. Can I ask what the difference in link-styles is? I.e. you edited in "/questions/number/questiontitle/number#number" but the "share" link I see is more like "/a/number/differentnumber"
@Pixie that sounds fantastic :)
@nitsua60 It's just an in-built link-shortening feature. You can abbreviate any link that way.
@Magician One might think, but that's the catch: you don't need great magical power for this one. We're all capable of making Dire Mistakes. It's actually pretty easy to do. Cleaning up after them is much harder.
/question/ = /q/
/answer/ = /a/
question title text is totally unnecessary
the number after the # is the user ID of the person who created the link, and is tracked toward badgers for sharing links.
I figured out "q" and "a", but the internal href of "/number#samenumber" seems really weird.
Same number? Hmm.
There are a few different things the numbers do, actually.
They can direct toward a specific answer or comment within the page, or track the user who created the link, or... probably other things?
@BESW I'm just worried we'll hit a critical mass of them, and then we're all out of luck.
"Catastrophe in Digitopolis!"
@nitsua60 No problem, don't worry! I get a notification when it gets updated, so I always look it over and confirm the destination goes direct. (It seems like you got the question-post's share link instead of the answer-posts one, which is easy enough to do.)
(esp. since both are mine!)
@SevenSidedDie I'm glad you saw it and concur, though; it's the sort of post I can imagine someone looking and thinking "eh, it reads fine." But I'd have written it much differently if I'd had TeX tools at my disposal, to be sure.
@nitsua60 The link style I used is what shows up when you get redirected to a post after editing it. There isn't an easy way to get it, but because it's more verbose in the source I've been preferring it when listing a lot of questions. It can be construction by taking firstnum from the share link format (/a/firstnum/secondnum) and sticking it on the end of the page's URL like /firstnum#firstnum
@SevenSidedDie interesting--good to know.
@nitsua60 Aside, the secondnum in the share link is your user number. If you share that link around outside the site, that's how it tracks who gets the credit for promoting the post (for badge purposes). On the site itself you can even remove the /secondnum part entirely if you need the extra space, say in a long comment, and it will still go to the right post.
I don't think there's a verbose link format that can include the user number; at least I've never seen it and wouldn't have a guess at how to construct it.
Umm Somebody filled out the Storium interest survey and said I'd know them by their Stack handle but neglected to mention what that handle is.
guess it's going to be a mystery/intrigue game then, eh?
Apparently so.
If you don't put your handle on the survey, I can't personally make sure you're alerted when the game starts. You'll just have to take your chances watching chat.
night all
@nitsua60 In the verbose form I'm not actually sure the first number in /number#number is actually needed. The second is to tell the browser to jump down to the post, and is the important one. The first seems to be unnecessary, since without it you still get to the right page and the #number will still jump the view. I just use both because… cargo cultism, since that's how the site makes them?
@nitsua60 night!
@nitsua60 'Night!
Dear 250MB download: I do not actually believe it will take you four months to complete the transfer.
Nice try, though.
@SevenSidedDie http://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/999 or /a/999 is the minimum necessary and possible for a question/answer link. If you add in a #, it'll not only be generated by the server on forwarding you to a fuller URL, the # you provide will get ignored.
The only kind of post-thing that needs a # is a comment.
@BESW At least it's not the reverse.
@doppelgreener Yeah, I know it unpacks that and redirects to the full thing. When editing the source of such posts though, it's super helpful to be looking at the longer descriptive links, especially if they need to be rearranged. It's become a habit of the “a stitch in time saves nine” sort.
I wonder if it was my dad. You wouldn't believe how long "five minutes" can take.
@BESW ... oh, dear. I didn't realize the responses to that survey would be public. Is there any way to edit or remove submissions?
(It's not a huge deal if not.)
Actually, that's a good point.
I think I've just made them so only I can see 'em.
@SevenSidedDie oh, yeah. if it's a longer descriptive link, the whole title slug is awesome to have available and the # becomes necessary.
@Pixie There's a thing in DBZ Abridged where the team encounters Android Frieza (I think). They're like:
> Z-Force: FRIEZA!!! How long have you been here!?
Frieza: We've been here for fiiiiive minutes.
Frieza's buddy: Frieza, we've been waiting here for six months!! Buy a watch! And a calendar!
@doppelgreener Today I have learned something. I have learned my dad is also Frieza.
My little sister caught some DBZ Kai on TV, and she came to me in confusion, asking if the Frieza fight was always that short.
@Pixie Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the sweet innocent thing never had to live through our suffering
@doppelgreener No, no, she did. That's why she was confused.
@Pixie Perhaps a Dire Mistake is not a separate creature, but when one messes up badly enough one becomes a were Dire Mistake.
@Pixie Oh!! Poor girl. Then yeah understandable.
How short is it in DBZ Kai?
@doppelgreener I'm not sure. I haven't seen it myself. I just know that it's shorter, and they must have pared down that fight enough to throw her for a loop.
@BESW Oh no! Being consumed by your Mistake! The final stage!
And the tricky thing about Mistakes, even the Dire variety, is that sometimes they escape one's notice. Even worse, they can look an awful lot like an Idea (Good) at the time.
Most of my Ideas are Chaotic Good.
The best way to tell the difference is to use your Hindsight special ability, which is always rated at 20/20, but the cooldown on that is pretty long.
We recently had twin NPCs who sported the Goggles of Hindsight and the Goggles of Insight.
The Goggles of Foresight are thought to be merely myth.
Then one of those twins died, so the survivor combined them together - one goggle from each - to get the Goggles of Insight and Hindsight.
I imagine she got pretty dizzy.
probably there was a bit of an adjustment period
might've been why she couldn't really see the problem with demanding you resurrect her body as-is
@Pixie short?
oh,.. they changed it? sheesh why couldn't they have done that sooner? XD
@trogdor because DBZ Kai was the first filler-less reproduction of DBZ.
@trogdor Kai is a revision that cuts it down to... [looks up] 98 episodes.
go figure
I guess
it isn't as though I keep on top of what they would still be doing with DBZ and such
I liked it for what it was, though I could have used less "three episode long power up scenes"
She hadn't either, which was why she wandered into my room, confused at her apparently incongruous memory.
makes sense to me now XD
@Pixie Wikipedia sez the original run had 291 episodes but Kai was 159 episodes.
@doppelgreener Ah, the count I came up with was incorrect, then.
@Pixie 98 marks the end of the last Cell saga episode.
Still, cut the thing nearly in half.
@Pixie Like Frieza!
... [clap]
yeah that is the joke I saw, whether it was intentional or not XD
Entirely unintentional. I am the girl haunted by unintentional puns.
hey, I make unintentional puns all the time
Meanwhile DBZ Abridged is cutting the whole series up into tiny little pieces and destroying it for amusement.
also intentional ones though XD
I make them on purpose too, but they also follow me around and pounce when I'm least expecting. The last one before this was monstrously funny, but perhaps chat-inappropriate. :P
it may not be the last one I made, but the one I remember most vividly was at least borderline
to be fair, not only was it unintentional but the whole conversation was going in a possibly-borderline direction
I think it was mostly funny because some people thought it was intentional, and others had to point out to me I had even made it XD
My friend realized it was unintentional and was graciously not going to say anything, but I immediately fell into a fit of laughter myself.
I had made this one in chat
sooo there were too many people for them all to ignore it XD
but it has not crushed my soul, so I will get over it XD
well, technically I think I already have, but wtv
Heh. For me, it was just my friend and I, driving and chatting about music.
We were talking about songs that really struck a chord with us. (... you see? YOU SEE? I didn't mean that one, either.)
spame, flag please
Aww. Not even good spam.
@Pixie yeah it's pretty boring actually
Not even pretending to be a vampire or wizard. Get on my level.
ye, the spammer's letting the whole team down
could've at least pretended to be a shady necromancer promising it wasn't going to kill you or something
"your useless skin cells" brilliant
I mean. How much do you really use your skin?
Might as well ditch the whole outfit.
no thanks
I think I would look even worse without it XD
You could just, you know, give it to me. For proper disposal. And not wearing and impersonating you or anything. I am a normal human.
Speaking of the necromancy, it would be a good villain slogan: "your useless body can serve me well. after death..."
@RollingFeles i rate this spam ★☆☆☆☆, needed more sentences like this one
@Pixie nope, still using it, sorry XD
maybe when I take someone else's I will give you this one,.... Imeaannonormalhumanstillusingityep
@RollingFeles Or a funeral alternative. "Not sure about the afterlife? Donating your body to science doesn't feel quite right? Why not donate it to necroscience? Become one with the roving undead and experience unlife instead! Sign up today. (30% chance you will be used to conquer fledgling nations and fuel necromantic expansion across the world.)"
@trogdor I will take good care of it. You can trust me. I have multiple hairs and the correct number of eyes, which I happen to know is less than five. I know how to use a spoon and probably even a fork.
@doppelgreener Great! But I think phrase "special/limited offer " is missed. We should encourage people to make their body usefull ASAP!
@Pixie [copies this to friend planning a Humansville session]
"Die young! Became useful early!"
Live fast. Die repeatedly.
Combo death!
@Pixie I'm pretty sure that's the Doctor's motto.
@Pixie lol
@doppelgreener What a coincidence. I, too, originate from this entirely normal human settlement and also this entirely normal human plane of existence.
@BESW Not to mention Sonic the Hedgehog.
depending on your definition of death
if you lose any rings that might mean you died once XD
I guess he can get lives too
@Pixie Yeesss. Quite the coincidence! It is a very nice place isn't it.
it is the best place
Storium looks like pretty awesome thing.
@doppelgreener How about that seasonally appropriate weather phenomenon?
@RollingFeles it is
I played in one game of it that didn't even finish and I still loved it
@Pixie Seasonally appropriate weather phenomenons are my favourite kind of weather phenomenons.
@doppelgreener It also has wonderful... birds. But the right amount of birds. You know, for the geographical region. Not so many that they blot out the sun. Haha. Birds.
what exactly is your point good sir?
Great way to know where all the fun is :)
Just funny coincidence
yeah I know
I was just teasing
Fun fact: XD is the face trogdor makes as he draws in air, before the burnination starts.
I do make that face a lot
Be careful not to burninate us by accident.
I have been not burninating people here for close to 3 years now XD
[makes a We Have Gone # Days Without Accidental Burnination chart]
It should be pinned and updated everyday.
yay! a whole chart just for me
@Pixie Ha! Oh, yes. Those volar eclipses. It is a good thing they are quite avoided. Very bad things. Awful really.
(Oh no! Volar doesn't exactly mean winged after all.)
aha! imposter!
I have been chumped! It is time to bounce!
[dives out of a window]
shower thought: fair E kingdom. not to be confused with the fairy kingdom. or the fair kingdom.
1 hour later…
The distant sound of 'Na na na na naaaa' echoes through the valleys of RPG General Chat. Suddenly, over a hill, @Trogdor, son of the King @Doppelgreener appears, rolling a massive ball of Katamari. Stuck to the top is @BESW and @Eimyr making ridiculous sounds as they attempt to avoid being crushed by the bus Trogdor has just rolled over.

He bursts over a hill, "MA NAAAA NA NA NA NA NA NA-NA AHHHKATAMARI DAMACAYYYYY" crashing into the chat, rolling up the lurkers into the massive ball. They all begin a heated discussion on which is the best type of dice before they reach critical mass.
ok then
@Polyducks I find the tales of RPG.SE Chat quite amusing.
I really enjoy writing
Hey @waxeagle! You'll be in the next tale, I promise.
Can we propose tale seeds?
e.g. Jurassic RPG.SE
or Alien 3: the RPG.SE
I'd be happy with that, yes
why 3 specifically?
Can I take Jurassic RPG.SE?
You can take them all
3 was the worst objectively
but I still got a kick out of it
@Polyducks no, you're thinking of 4
4 was siiiiick
I really liked alien Ripley. The camera work was really dynamic
@trogdor because 3 was the one with the famous drooling scene
ok that makes sense
Oh yeah, the 'kiss'
@Polyducks I really disliked the alien birthing, also, the vacuum ending.
all of those were good times
It's one of the movies that had it all - Winona, Perlman, aliens etc and it blew it on "kill me" and "I can't take them off" or the stupid wheelchair subplot.
"Yeah, so we can send people to space, but your electric wheelchair really sucks. Here, have some genetic splicOH WAIT NONE OF THAT FOR YOU SUCKER"
I never saw 4, I have just heard repeated opinions that it was the worst of the movies
and apparently now 1 opinion that it was the best
@trogdor 1 was a claustrophobic horror. 2 was a bombastic thriller. 3 was an action movie. 4 tried to be all of those with the stuffing of "we'll explain everything really badly"
@eimyr that pretty much syncs up with many things I have heard
Oh! And it was the only one where they tried to include humor not based on snarky one-liners.
@trogdor Have you ever been mistaken for a man?
@trogdor Well... a dragon-man?
@eimyr How can you say that? 4 had amazing tension. It had a chase! It had developments in the biology of the creature. It even showed them as super intelligent
It also evolves Ripley as a character
@eimyr what's the 'I can't take them off' of 4?
Also "Kill...me" was one of the most emotional scenes in an alien film
@Polyducks Which has taken away much of the creature's mysteriousness and turned it into a cheap squicky gorno-monster. For all the super-intelligence, the craeture was always supposed to be feral king of unabridged bestial cunning, not a species rivalling humans in intelligence. The viscerality of experience came from how primal and untamable xenomorphs are.
Then, Ripley was not evolved, but rather turned to a Mary-Sue. She was interesting in the 1st movie, competent in the 2nd, explored in the 3rd, but 4th just made her Alice from Resident Evil movie universe.
Kill me was one of the most predictable and squicky scenes in the series. So they cloned her. Yeah, noooo one figured that out already. and of course there will be a lab with failed versions, can we justget on with it?
It was supposed to be enthralling and a big reveal, but instead it was gross and lazy.
@Polyducks permanent guns on one of the mercs, which were played for laughs and for cool at the same time, with poor results
Also, 4 had a chase? 3 had a chase.
You're just a snob haha
The aliens became human-rival intelligent because they shared more of their genome with Ripley
which is also why Ripley became so crazy instinctive
FYI in the next RPG.SE you're going to be cast as Ripley in 4.
@eimyr or maybe just a dragon?
I'd sooner be cast as Gorman or 75.
@trogdor I hope for "No, have you?"
@Polyducks and yes, I am a snob, thank you.
nothing wrong with movie snobiness
I hate a lot of movies for trivial little problems myself
some of those movies other people liked a lot
maybe even ,sometimes, for the same reason I hated them. Though that starts to get into territory where I am just guessing
I nitpick the historical accuracies mostly. But my biggest bugbear is when I think the filmmakers were lazy.
like with Prometheus "let's just fill it with mumbo-jumbo, we'll be a cult movie and explain it all in a sequel" well, guess what.
ugh, Prometheus
even if it had otherwise been a good movie, I HAAAAAAAATE that stupid "keep running this way even though stepping to the side will save me" moment
It was obvious even, I would think, to someone who was panicking
but it wasn't even "otherwise a good movie" XD
I mean, I didn't like the character who died that way, I think you were not supposed to like her,.... but that doesn't mean I want you to kill her off in the dumbest possible way XD
black goo
mic drop
the black goo could have maybe been a fun idea
but regardless, they dropped the ball on that one either way
convoluted Weyland subplot
mic drop
I can do this all day :P
to be honest, the franchise has been tripping over trying to make Weyland subplots for a while now
video games and such
just ditch the old man, put some Weyland-Yutani logos on stuff and move on to dark corridors and scary noises
I think part of the problem is just how well that kind of thing worked for the first movie
they have wanted to re-create that ever since
but the main problem with that is that it's success came from the audience not expecting it to happen
first, second and third
now,... everybody already knows Weyland-Yutani = bad
@eimyr well yes
but my point remains
I think Weyland is the Alien universe Boba Fett.
repeating it over and over just erodes it's effectiveness
Didn't really do much, was dark and mysterious, gained cult following.
Then they started playing with it and got Captain Phasma, ridiculed failed attempt.
meanwhile, tr8-t0r got all the hype
What's the standard procedure for when someone has undone all your edits for a tag you think should exist
@Wibbs Meta.
I admit, I have difficulty seeing the value of a tag for a specific status condition in a specific system.
It's a term that get's a lot of people very confused in its mechanical use, and it would be very helpful to find all of the questions that cover it
@Wibbs So, there's the start of your meta post about why this tag should exist.
Yeah, good point @Miniman
Though you'd think if it's about a status condition there'd be one question to answer it
@Wibbs we do have
Which is precisely that - status condition in a specific system, notorious for difficulties it poses for players.
Ah, another good point
@eimyr The thing is, there's a bunch of different systems with ultra-confusing grapple rules.
@Miniman I'd argue 90% of the questions relate to iterations of DnD. I would also mention Shaken is present in a variety of systems, where it may or may not be as confusing.
@eimyr Sadly, 90% of most categories of our questions relate to iterations of D&D.
That's a point.
I'm not inclined to argue this further or statistically try to prove overrepresentation of DnD in grappling :P
Move your coolguy discussion to the meta when @Wibbs links it :) It'll be helpful
Q: Shaken tag for Savage Worlds

WibbsShaken is a status effect for Savage Worlds that creates a lot of confusion. We have 5 questions so far that explicitly cover it in some form, and others that mention it in passing. I created a tag for it as the use of it in game gets a lot of people confused and I know it would be helpful to be...

2 hours later…
The "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" proposition claims that even the most stupid and ridiculous concept can be cool if you treat it seriously.
@BESW What does that relate to?
Most of the 80s, for starters.
@eimyr Shark-riding lancer with Rogue levels from my game session earlier?
@Miniman Thank you!
(Which doesn't sound that bad, until you know that it's an NPC from an published campaign. Not something I or any of my players made up.)
@Miniman Kinda like the Swordapus.
@BESW Wait, the Swordapus wasn't you guys?
@Miniman It was a 13th Age NPC. We re-built it using 13th Age rules for PCs.
@BESW Wow.
That's almost as bad as Ball of Arms Man.
A: How can I optimize Chicken Infested?

Brian Ballsun-StantonThere is only one thing scarier than a farmer with her flock of chickens... a sainted farmer, worshiper of the colonel with a flock of undead, flesh-eating chickens, here to sell you delicious chicken flesh. This idead inspired from this thread where: ... you are going to be playing a very d...

What's the Swordapus?
> The old octopus called Swordapus always shows up at the worst possible time. This canny mollusk has seen dozens of adventurers come and drown in the cavern, and has learned their ways. Four of its tentacles carry rusted swords. Of the other four, two are reserved for grabbing and catching enemies, while the last two are used for hand gestures—perhaps by exposure to the weird magical energies of the Stone Thief, or by careful practice and observation, Swordapus has learned to cast spells.
- Eyes of the Stone Thief 104
And then, naturally, we had to make him a playable character.
@BESW That's a Dungeon World thing, isn't it?
13th Age.
@Wibbs on your second pass at the [shaken] tag wiki, what do you mean by "recently misinterpreted?"
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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