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The guy behind The Librarians uses Fate and Cortex structures to describe his characters and their relationships.
@sandchigger @AlasdairStuart I've said before, we used Fate Aspects in building the characters for the show & Cortex relationship map sooo
@BESW I can see why my friends might have recommended that if I ever watch LOST, just stop at the end of the second last episode and pretend whatever my theories are at that point are true.
LOST is one of those series that was sadly cut short, like The Matrix and Indiana Jones.
@BESW I see what you're doing there
@doppelgreener I used to recommend that. (After years of anger borne of watching the last episode as it aired.) Five years on I started my first rewatch with a buddy (who's never seen it) and I'm through the anger. I'm not saying it might not be a good idea to stop at episode N-1; just that if you do watch it not all is... lost.
@nitsua60 [groan]
[Was it the setup? Too long? Like spending six seasons trying to figure out what the hell was happening, only to find out the writers didn't ever bother figuring it out and just pulled the ejection handle?]
(I guess there's still some residual anger,after all....)
I get the impression it would've been received better if the writers hadn't worked so hard to assure their audience that they had a plan from the start and were sticking to it.
Exactly the same show, but presented as "Join us for this wild ride as we figure out what's going on!" instead of "Trust us, we're professionals--whoops.."
@trogdor For you.
@KorvinStarmast "gooder" is totally a word, so thanks for the compliment. It means a lot coming from someone who clearly understands the roots like you do.
(Some of your answers where you do some heavy research into previous editions and Dragon articles and the like are among my favorites on the site.)
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya--just finished putting kids down. (I hope.)
@nitsua60 Like a vet, or "yo momma" jokes?
@Adeptus Actually, I just meant that I hoped they're all out for the count. It always feels like I'm jinxing it if I say they're down for the night. But I hadn't thought of those disturbing second- and third-entendres. =\
@nitsua60 I figured that's what you meant. I just can't help making a play on words sometimes
so...I was thinking about urban-intrigue type scenarios I'd run, and one theme comes to mind @nitsua60 -- lawfare.
Kafkaesque proceedings, procedural dancing, appeals and counter-appeals, and just a touch of courtroom drama....I could see that being an interesting game/campaign for the right bunch of players
@Adeptus (I hope the '=\' thingamawhatever conveyed in two characters that I appreciated the play. I'm not great at text-nuances, so let me just say it: I wasn't really made uncomfortable. Well played.)
@Shalvenay Would you write a full set of laws, or use an existing one?
@Miniman I'd probably wind up cribbing heavily from what we have IRL -- I don't think that it'd be fair to the DM to make them invent courtroom procedure from scratch unless they wanted to be that hardcore
(thankfully, the US court system is pretty darn well documented.)
@Shalvenay I'd suggest The Thief-Taker Hangings: How Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Wild, and Jack Sheppard Captivated London and Created the Celebrity Criminal as a reference. Lots of fascinating stuff on scams, rackets, jails, trials, testimony, 'law enforcement', &c. from 18C. England. (Made me think twice about how real and useful 'thieves cant' could be, with its ten-page glossary!)
@nitsua60 could be interesting as a resource -- the stuff I'm familiar with is a bit more esoteric, where you have a government that's trying to wriggle out of their due process bounds, and the heroes are busy trying to stuff it back in the box. ;)
(sadly, that's not a RP these days -- various parts of the USG need to be sent back to Constitutional Law 1)
Have you read Kafka's "The Trial"?
@nitsua60 no, but I get the concept behind the work
Somebody at lunch today mentioned the 4th Amendment and I laughed.

Then I cried a little inside.
@nitsua60 yeah, well, 4A may have life yet, it seems....
anyone about handy with intrigue-based play btw? (I could use some advice on it, if you don't mind taking up the discussion in the NAB)
Gonzo chargen of the day: yesterday a new (5e) player wondered aloud "what are the odds I'd have no stat below 14?" Me: "...what method did you use?" Player: "4d6 reroll all 1s, drop the lowest, do this seven times and choose six. Then add racial bonuses." Me: "And why didn't you just save yourself the trouble and write down six eighteens?"
@nitsua60 LOLOL!
that's crazier than Jherala's stats, by far!
@mxyzplk Great additions to that meta answer, thanks again.
@BESW sure enough!
When I make that meta (probably not for a day or two, I need to sit on it and also get my car fixed), I hope you can chime in on the sorts of situations where you'd like to add a comment but responses like Aramis's give you pause.
Personal testimony: As much as the responses from citizens are sometimes grindingly aggravating, without starting my time on RPG.SE during an era of frequent moderation-explaining comments I'm not sure I would've ever realised the responsibility to use my own rep-based moderation tools, or become involved in the meta at all. (YMMV on whether that's a good thing or not, but there it is.)
@BESW Dr. Yamaza sounds pretty yamazing. [e-mailing now...]
@BESW Something about this reminded me of "Steal This Album!" [Wonders if "Flag as spam!" would make a good name for an album? Answer: nope.]
Do we have any sort of stats on user turnover/activity lifecycle? Like how many users are active for a month and then die off, a year and then move on, &c.?
That's the sort of data I think could be scripted to mine.
"Scripted to Mine" would be a good name for an album. Much better than "Flag as Spam!"
Here are the queries written for RPG.SE, and you can write your own if you understand the language (I don't).
Seriously, though, I suppose defining active vs. inactive would be the tricky part. I wonder about defining a "normal" activity profile on a per-user basis, then looking for deviations... yuck. But maybe you'd get something like those elegant hypsography curves that show off the bimodal density distribution of crust; each user has a characteristic "active" and "inactive" pattern.
@BESW thanks
You might start by querying for an "average" user pattern based on questions, answers, and edits.
There is this query which could be a good beginning.
The feeling is mutual nitsua60
@BESW no way--totally sidetracked by the fact that I'm 0.05 percentage points ahead of SSD on "answer accept rate"
@nitsua60 a pleaseure ... this iphone ap is weird
@BESW @nitsua60 Note that the data structure is identical on all SEs, so the considerably larger list of queries for all sites is equally applicable.
Oh man. The new mobile chat is lovely.
Is it better than ChatSE?
@KorvinStarmast aw, thanks. I liked that question. Reading the answers makes it look a bit like a Rorschach test!
@doppelgreener Right? I just replied to a message!
@Miniman hwuuuUUUHHHHH??? Wow I like its mechanism of doing that.
That does sound like it might be superior to ChatSE.
Is this just the regular Stack Exchange app, or something chat-specific?
@BESW Just chat.SE on a mobile browser.
@BESW the native browser chat client updated overnight and chatse is now sorta broken
@doppelgreener On that subject, is the main site layout breaking on mobile for you too?
So it's better now than chatse was, and now with chatse broken, it's better than chatse is
[is all phoney now]
@Miniman yep
What's borked about ChatSE?
@BESW Shorter to list what isn't. It adapted the old layout. that's gone. Its adaptions now result in silliness.
@doppelgreener Going with my pet theory, was it broken before you visited the new chat?
@Miniman I dunno
@doppelgreener Hmmm. Tricky to test...I might go experiment with it a bit.
I'm on ChatSE now, after loading the browser on thesame device. Not seeing anything wrong yet.
I'm Androidal if that makes a difference.
@BESW for me the message button is a big blue rectangle offset in the wrong position, the message entry is uglier than the unmodified one, and the sidebar is borked.
Specifically it contains three buttons and that's it
Not seeing it.
@KorvinStarmast on a side note, is this answer actually an unannounced frame-challenge? I was just looking back and re-read OP's last sentence and realized... I don't answer!
@nitsua60 It's a sufficiently open-ended question that I think any answer that suggests a way forward is a legitimate answer.
@nitsua60 Qua is a good call for a bird. Qua! Qua!
@Miniman Thanks. I hadn't intended to not answer. Just that reading the back-story, hours after starting a new campaign with a new group I'm running, had me overwhelmed by the feeling of "Well, your setting's completely changed under your feet. Time for session zero of your new campaign."
@BESW I do wonder if that one's going to get downvoted into oblivion. Or start immense flame wars. I should probably log off and come back tomorrow to see what happened....
@nitsua60 I am confused by this, on account of frame challenges don't get announced.
Someone just does a frame challenge by answering a particular way, it's only technical verbiage we in the community to describe it after the fact
@doppelgreener I feel like Korvin announces his. [rummaging]
Is mainsite down?
@nitsua60 I think Mxy's will act as a lightning rod.
@nitsua60 no
weird. I can't get anything going over there.
@nitsua60 Some do. Shalvenay did once. But doing so is confusing to me, nobody outside our community would understand it all that well.
@doppelgreener here're some examples. But if you-all think there's no need to worry, I won't.
@nitsua60 ten answers on the whole site use use the phrase. That's an insignificant fraction of our frame challenges. Nobody needs to announce them. Worry about whether that 10-rep asker or the broader internet community would ask "wtf does this even mean".
(And 2 of those are saying "this isn't a frame challenge.")
Since I feel we should be writing answers for 10,000 people from Google, and not the insular community, I also feel the phrase should never be used in an answer, and if it is, it should seem to a reader that not understanding it is inconsequential.
@doppelgreener How? I can't figure it out.
@BESW can't figure what out?
@doppelgreener I do, as I just feel that helps anyone reading will be helped by that declaration.
How to reply to a specific message in mobile chat.
(Also star or flag things?)
@BESW I tap on the message, and a grey bar appears across the top which includes a reply arrow. That same bar includes the star and flag icons.
@nitsua60 If that's a frame challenge, it's a mild one. I just liked the way you got down to basics and told him that the campaing had changed ... and unwritten ... he had let it.
Across the top of... the message?
@BESW mxy's abrasive style aids and abets that. Took me a while to get the sense of style, though.
My screen's smaller, so the browser hides the top fiddly bits like the address bar.
I have one of those phones that's entering phablet zone. Or, "fablet" rather.
because it's fab
hmm. When I open chat in mobile Chrome, it shows the desktop version. And then keeps reloading the page.
There's a guy I know called Fabrizio and I get to call him Fab for short. I like that I can do that.
@Adeptus Very weird. TO META WITH YE!
Hmm. What happens if I...
with a buge reporte
@KorvinStarmast Ok, thanks. I feel like my number of imaginary points is getting to where people might start listening, so I should be careful not only with my words and facts but also with my structure.
@BESW Was that a magic link? ([meta.se]? ... Meta Stack Exchange)
So the magic link works, while the URL oneboxes into the site logo.
I thought maybe if I magic-linked all on its own, it'd jump all the way to one-boxing.
It's curious that it does not :D
The Chat codes in mysterious ways.
PSA on Stack site magic links: [rpg.se] in a comment or chat message auto converts to a link, behold: Role-playing Games. Same goes for any other site prefix: [gaming.se], [meta.se], [boardgames.se]...
See also [meta.rpg.se].
Shot in the dark: anyone have an infinite series whose convergence/divergence they find particularly interesting? (I'm writing a quiz and at a loss for inspiration.)
Oh, and PSA for folks explaining markdown: although bracketing a phrase with ` will force it to ignore any markdown within, you can get a similar effect by typing a backslash before a [ or ].
@nitsua60 Garfield, which has diverged away from comedy and converged solely on jokes about mondays, lasagne, and how Jon is a dork who gets angry at garfield. Most life has been sapped from it and it is entirely (or almost entirely) done by ghost writers. Commentary adaptiosn of it are more amusing than the original, e.g. Garfield Minus Garfield, or Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Photorealistic Cat.
[certain this was not the kind of series nitsua meant, but too amused not to answer with it]
@doppelgreener well played
@nitsua60 Hmm. Viète's formula is historically and mathematically notable.
Most infinite series used in calculations of pi are sums, but Viète's is an infinite product. It's also arguably the first European infinite series.
...also because it pre-dates most limits and proofs of convergence, its limit expression wasn't proven for about 300 years.
@BESW there may be some hay to make there.... Will read, sleep on it, and trust that I'll wake up with the germ of an interesting question in there.
Square 1 TV never went into infinite series, so my understanding of them is limited.
@BESW "Mathnet" would have taken too long to tackle that?
Probably. Shame, really.
I learned a decent amount of mathematical knowledge from my formal education, but my understanding of maths is pretty much limited to whatever Sq1TV gave me a foundation on which to build.
No "Donald in Mathmagic Land"? (warning: YT link)
Although, now that I think about it, Flatland and Phantom Tollbooth were influential novels.
(I wonder how many people in the last 50 years read both Flatland and The Hobbit before the age of 15, and how many of those read Flatland first?)
My son and I just started Tollbooth last month.
If I got Hobbit in before 15, I'm in that camp.
[high five]
The Phantom Tollbooth is pretty awesome.
I just found a drawing I did of my impression of the Shrike at the beginning of the Hyperion book.
#TheLibrarians RT @RyanMacklin: Fate Accelerated The Librarians: replace Clever w/ Attentive. Librarians are naturally clever. That's all.
Fun thing to do: as you begin a book, draw your first mental image impression of a character. When you finish the book, draw your mental image of the character again. Compare. Do this for any characters that catch your interest.
@BESW noice
night, all
@doppelgreener The Imperial Radch trilogy is almost designed for this.
@doppelgreener I think this needs to be mentioned more often in meta discussions about whether a particular thing should be enshrined in the site because it's an element in the RPG/geek community.
@BESW thanks, good point :)
Urrrgh. I can't match my auto mechanic's list of parts to the directory on Rock Auto.
If I can get the right parts off Rock Auto, it'll save me about $500.
What I'm trying to type: weretigers. What autocorrect prefers: wiretappers.
Why not wiretapping weretigers?
Weretiger wiretap wiretrap: attempts to wiretap the wiretrapped line result in weretigers.
Attempts to warn people about the trap result in sprained tongues.
How many wires would weretigers tap if weretigers could tap wires?
> Unpronounceable. Your name is so alien that human attempts to summon you (Lore) cannot succeed. If a human's attempt to summon you would succeed, instead it only ties.
I know of one wertiger who only taped one wire, if a rope can be a wire XD
1 hour later…
@eimyr Of course I'll have a look at any map you make today, @Eimyr ;)
@BESW What game is this from? It sounds like players get to play creatures from Call of Cthulu
@Polyducks failing that, in the days to come
@Polyducks It's a Fate stunt I just made up. Would probably be more appropriate for an NPC, but I've off-handedly considered the logistics for a Cosmic Characters game.
Hmm. [wanders over to Fate room to contemplate stunts]
@BESW It could be both a blessing a curse to be unsummonable
Indeed. A major stumbling block for many powerful beings in the expanded Mythos is their reliance on incompetent mortals for their manifestations.
@MarcDingena My current thoughts are that rep doesn't directly attract more rep - people with rep have that rep because they know how to write solid answers that attract votes, and when they write those answers, they get more rep.
I was summoned! :o
Hi! I had a reply to a message of yours that I spotted.
@doppelgreener I think a high number of votes on any answer, or having a lot of reputation in general gives a sense of trust. I believe that trust accelerates the rep income on existing high-voted answers or new answers from a high-rep account. I mainly said that because @Polyducks seemed to upvote my answer which I didn't think he read in the 60 seconds or so I had posted that link, but it's possible he had seen the answer before, and didn't vote on it yet.
@MarcDingena I agree that rep creates a sense of trust, but that trust also has to be backed up by a trustworthy-looking answer - which is that extra moving part.
I also agree that upvotes attract more upvotes, because it makes a post look like it's more worth upvoting.
Just because the answer has a score of +58, I don't think that alone deserve another upvote. I rather gain rep when it stands for something; my contribution to this site.
I'll agree with that.
It was only my assumption that Polyducks upvoted "too fast". I can't actually prove that, nor am I really fussed with getting extra rep. But for a brief moment, it felt "wrong".
@MarcDingena I'm a fast reader when I scan.
I also tend to upvote mid-way through reading and then continue reading
@Polyducks I know at least one other citizen does the same, confident they're a fast enough reader to be able to retract it if, at the end, they change their mind.
haha exactly that, yes
You can usually feel the direction that they're going. Unless it ends in an arguement for killing puppies the upvote usually remains
It just means I don't have to scroll up again as I continue reading
@Polyducks I think there is a stack iteration where the vote buttons always stay in view. But it's not active on this stack (or any stack I know of, but it was a discussion in overflow meta I think).
@Polyducks here it is
Cute! I like it
> TL;DR this feature will not be implemented, as it had too little of an impact on voting.
@MarcDingena It was tested out briefly a long time back and - yes. ^
It was unsuccessful and a lot of people didn't like it.
there's probably a userscript for it thoguh.
I don't like it either. Personal preferences. I'd still support it if it was an option you set in your profile.
Great name for a goblin
Hello, golbinmakers
"Golbinmakker" would be a good name for a band, or an Ikea footstool.
Especially the latter.
Is that another entry?
that would be too meat
"Meat," however.
Now you're just doing it on purpose :p
(Pronounced MEH-uht.)
I'd like to make you think so. Unfortunately, I haven't had my tea yet.
Well, if I ever get to play a wereboar, I'll name him Rasher.
Flank Rasher.
Everyone would be like "Oh, so this guy's name is Frank?" "It's Flank" "Is it short for Francis?" "Flancesco"/
He has this one rash that drives him nuts. Thinking about it triggers his rage.
I was thinking of bacon rashers, but that works too.
It's a double entendre this way.
Or maybe even triple
At this point, I think the entendre is just well-marbled.
[clap clap clap clap clap clap clap]
OK folks, chat is closed.
No one will say anything as clever as this.
I'll pack up and go home
ok, I guess I will just quit RPGSE XD
@trogdor btw, my RPG group is very familiar with you
@eimyr Well, that just takes the pressure off.
with what I say here, or with Trogdor?
They seem to know everything about burnination, peasants and use phrases like "beefy arm" or "consummate v"
so the second thing
Isn't that the same thing?
not exactly
gasp So you're an impostor?
since when have I actually BURNINATED a peasant here?
Man can change.
@eimyr wow you jump to conclusions quickly :P
Well, dragon-man.
Actually, just a dragon.
Trogdor of the Shiny Pony is a changed dragon.
I wonder what's Trogdor's cutie mark.
it isn't very creative
I have a new category of found names: "Good name for an art movement." First example: "New Nocturnalism."
But what is it?
@eimyr Bernie Sanders.
@BESW so close, but no
@Miniman this ^
...Bernie Madoff?
@trogdor I hear level 1 commoners can be BURNINATED just by looking at it.
@BESW you are getting further away I think XD
or maybe just going sideways
@Miniman it takes a little more than that, unless you have laser vision
@trogdor Going Sideways reminds me of Stabbing Westward.
@trogdor Woah. I never thought laser vision could be a bad thing. Except for mirrors, Cyclops, and soulful gazes, of course.
@Miniman well level one commoners are pretty fragile
@eimyr I am guessing just because of the slight similarity in name
Gerunt Direction format.
@trogdor 5th edition helped them out a lot, they can totally take on housecats now.
so completely unrealistic now XD
Dear Chatizens.
I am scared off by DnD 3.5e due to the vastness of available material and version ambiguity.
I am disappointed by DnD 5e because of an apparent lack of powergaming/optimisation synergies.
Should I try 4e?
@eimyr Vastness of material is a thing, ambiguity and lack of optimization is not.
(In 4e, I mean.)
4e's vastness is mitigated significantly with a DDI subscription.
it has some of the things you want and some of the things you don't
@BESW this is true
I had tons of fun making PC's with that
I mean, I don't have a problem with Pathfinder, because even though material is vast, it's all neatly gathered under one of the two online SRDs.
I can only assume DDI is something like that for 4e?\
Yeah, D&D Insider is a subscription service which gives access to a number of online resources.
I dunno what it's like now, but when I was using it...
it's pretty dang useful
well yeah,.. true same boat here
(I googled DDI. Found this: Dance Dance Immolation, a spin-off of Dance Dance Revolution involving flamethrowers)
I don't know if it is just as useful now as when we were still using it and playing 4e
- Fully searchable online database of all 4e mechanics published in official Wizards books, magazines and adventures.
- Moderately searchable and entirely downloadable access to all 4e *Dungeon* and *Dragon* magazines, by issue and by article.
- High-quality online character builder integrated with the searchable database with online and offline character saving options and the ability to print out customised power cards.
All materials were regularly updated, with a lag of one to two months after publication.
(Presumably there's not much new 4e content anymore, so that's not a thing?)
probably not
I really like it.
You still need the PHB/DMG to get context for all the mechanics, you can't play the whole game straight off a DDI subscription.
But it's super useful.
Oh, and:
it is very useful
or at the very least it was at the time
- NPC/monster online builder for GMs, also tied into the searchable database. Lets you mix and match published monster abilities, change level and difficulty for existing monsters, and invent you own entirely new monsters.
@Polyducks what's up?
@eimyr nothing much - conversation got too interesting earlier so I had to ditch out
I'm being more productive today than I've been in weeks, and yet I'm so incredibly tired
Maybe that's why?
Today I'm making a portable navigation which can lead the users back to the main site no matter where on the web it appears.
It could be. Maybe I'm just down to bare, primal web developer instincts
Sounds interesting.
It's a challenge to say the least. You've got to make sure that nothing else can have an effect on your code
so you need to set up barriers to external styles and try to punch away other dev's work. it's almost like a game.
Aaand that's why I fear web development.
How is your map going?
Not going.
I'm not drawing maps on company time.
I mean, I am, but not ones I could use in RPG context.
Also, not today.
Maybe this evening, time permitting.
I'm excited to see it
I've got a game to run tonight
I'm trying to emulate your black and white style.
Some of the players have a magical plague and it'll be interesting to see if they make their constitution rolls
If you want any pointers you can give me a nudge on skype tonight
But I might be too tired to move my arms tonight.
Depends on how whether the instructor has a good day.
Anyway, I think I'd like to draw a map of my go-to high medieval setting.
And the setting's capital
That sounds like a lot of fun
And each separate region
Oh my.
cities can be a pain to map out
I want to do it in axonometric projection, with lifelike but oversized symbolism and with blatant disregard for actual street grid.
So in my mind the city interior will be made out of large representations of PoIs, their labels and random buildings in the meanspace.
@CodingFeles Hi!
@Pixie why thank you XD
very nice indeed XD
I'm answering a question on which I am not an expert (imo) but by reading and interpreting the rules I think I can put together the actual answer. Is that frowned upon? I'm afraid my answer might be easily dismissed because I don't have very broad knowledge on the subject matter.
@MarcDingena Fun secret for you: Reading and interpreting the rules in order to put together an answer is what everyone does.
@Miniman I kind of assumed that at least some knowledge comes from experience as well. With one foot in the books as a backup. I don't have any experience on the matter at all but I'm familiar with the system and its SRD that I'm just trying to gather enough to base an answer on.
Basically, an answer needs to be supported.
If you can support your answer with the books, that's great. If you can support it with your experience, that's another kind of great. Heck, you can even cite other peoples' experience.
I've come up with an answer to their question, but I want my answer to be as complete as possible. One gap I'm having difficulty with is that I can't find (and don't know myself) if constructs are allowed to have feats.
this says:
> Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. However, most constructs are mindless and gain no skill points or feats. Constructs do not have any class skills, regardless of their Intelligence scores.
So if a construct has no intelligence, it has no feats. But if it does have intelligence, how many feats does it have?
As for caster level, how do I calculate that for a construct? count the number of Hit Dice?
@MarcDingena Presumably it gains feats at certain numbers of HD like any creature.
@MarcDingena Depends how it has spellcasting.
@MarcDingena Isn't this the only part you need -

>"most constructs are mindless and gain no skill points or feats"
@Polyducks Most.
Oh right
This construct is definitely intelligent
and isn't caster level the level of the wizard that made that construct?
If a construct has an Int score (see: inevitables), it gets feats as normal for its HD.
@BESW So what is normal? Haven't found that in the SRD yet
Is this 5E? If it's 5E I'm way out of my depth
I wish there were more 2nd and 1st E questions :C
I'd clean up. I'd be a major stockholder in the website within a week
The caster level of the construct as a created thing keys off its maker; the caster level of a construct as a caster itself keys off HD if the effects are supernatural or spell-like, and caster class levels if the effects are from a class.
That's what you get when you get enough points, right?
@BESW Keys of HD, is that a 1:1 thing?
@MarcDingena Usually yes.
@BESW That applies to all creatures? :o
That's even better source. Thanks @BESW!
how do I supercase / subcase in markdown?
Pretty sure that's a negative.
Wait, I'm wrong.
HTML works
A: How do I use superscript and subscript characters in questions

Richard J. Ross IIIUse <sup> and <sub>: This is a <sup>superscript</sup> This is a <sub>subscript</sub> This is a superscript This is a subscript Using <pre><code> blocks, because they're strange, lets you do this as well: <pre><code>This is a <sup>superscript</sup> This is a <sub>subscript</sub></code></pre

I was thinking chat.
Nah I'm being perfectionistic.... I want to write 1st with the "st" superscripted.
@eimyr You said this and then I lost connection to chat for a couple of hours. :D
@doppelgreener LOL, I didn't know I have such powers
Phew! That was an interesting answer to post... Usually I'm patient to wait until a question comes along that I can confidently answer from experience. And I don't have a lot of experience, so I don't answer often. Today I actively searched for a challenge. Answering a question to which I didn't know the answer, but was confident I could find by digging through the rules. In essence, I actually answered the question for myself!
Q: If I have multiple solutions or alternatives to a problem, should I post them as separate answers?

Marc DingenaAfter you have answered a question, the page shows the Add Another Answer button. Sometimes I combine all advice in one answer and may even include one or more alternatives to a problem. Am I supposed to post these individually, so that the "best one" can be accepted? I assumed it was frowned up...

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