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1GP = 1/50 lbs
ah, right
like the trade goods table in the PHB?
Not that I've looked too often
As it happens that is one of the tables I like to look at for no real good reason, and I have looked it up for you right now
which edition?
there are only a few things on there a typical adventuring party would deal with on a regular basis
the rest are actual trade goods, like spices and livestock
and textiles apparently
Oh, how I wish gemstones were common trade items!
Anywho, I was thinking about adding in some more details about the situation
what for?
Did they not answer properly?
im not interested so much in supply-demand answers because we know to trickle the money out, and im not too concerned about anybody wanting it back
the citizens of the town all left because of a monster attack, so the guards took all of their valuables, which were consolidated into this 500 pounds of gems
and we all happen to be a part of a secret society so we could maybe fence these off way easier than a normal adventurer
i feel that this knowledge has become important to get the kinds of answers i want
You can just say to treat this as a static economy. It's not like gold gets devalued when a PC buys a major Magic Item made by some 20th level wizard
which really makes those answers kind of absurd
There was someone who calculated the value though, right?
yeah, that was aramis
but he didnt really show his calculations that clearly so im not sure how he arrived at the value he did
I'd break out the PHB (3.5), but I uh. can't right now.
i wont ask
so ill do it
what were you going to look for?
gem values
see if there's anything there
You know what?
This is the answer you're kind of looking for.
A: What skill or skills should apply to an appraisal check in 5e?

MinimanAn Intelligence check is appropriate for this task. According to page 178 of the PHB, an Intelligence check can be used for a number of things, including: Estimate the value of a precious item As far as what skill can be used on this check, or whether a skill can be used at all, I lea...

Actually, look at page 51 of the DMG (3.5)
Alright, gimme a sec
Average value of a gem is..... 275 gp
wait, dammit
i dont have a dmg right now
ill take your word for it
It's fine
I'll go see about finding something else. Maybe I'll answer your question while I'm at it.
also if that answer was applied to my question, its basically saying "make in-game appraise checks and have your DM figure it out"
yes, but the appraise checks might be given an average value for the dm to be like ho hum about
so basically you want to derive a value based on a typical appraisal?
Does resurrection still require a certain value of diamond?
well then
still takes a 1000gp diamond
I'm not planning on answering with make the GM do it, or here's the value. I'm planning on saying make the dm do it, and here's a value to guess with.
thats at least half the kind of answer im looking for, so that sounds good
but unfortunately I don't have (OBVIOUSLY 100% LEGIT) PDFs of all but 3 released books for 5e
like butta
@Smurfton yo
I see the meta discussions progressed a little
honestly I would say buy the PHB and the MM but the DMG is a bit of a rip off for anyone that has ever DMd before
Not as fast as I want it to
its mostly a magic items list and DM advice
in the DMG the section on creating a custom class is half a page of vague suggetions (basically pick n mix from existing options) whereas the 100 percent free and downloadable unearthed arcana article on custom classes and races is like 8 pages long and provides solid examples
there are some cool variant rules but none of them have any real balance and they destabilize the rules as-is in the PHB so its a use at your own risk sort of thing
I think at best there's just a bunch of neat little things that nobody really has to care about
I love them of course
the best is the questions we get here where some is asking the balance or RAW-ness of a 5e problem where 1 or more rules variants are in play. I love RAW, I'm one of the pro RAW peeps on the site, but 5e as a system lends itself not so much to the tag and its hard to explain how variant rules despite being published in a hardcover are not raw
yeah, I mean there is some cool stuff in there, but I dont know if its 40 dollars worth of cool stuff
or whatever the current rate on amazon is
its probably not
unless you're really into poring over the books for funsies
Oh wait no.
I literally am only missing one 3.5 pdf
msrp 50, but amazon price is 28
I sure got excited when I saw the variant on potion mixing, or the carousing table
I love the poison variant rules and poison harvesting
Because obviously I can afford 68 books that I don't read often.
Poison variant?
makes the assassin class and or anyone who would want to do that (Im playing a ranger in Wax Eagle's 5e campaign right now who is doing that)
@Smurfton in the 5e DMG theres a poison rules expansion variant but basically you kill monsters and make a nature check to harvest their poison which translates into specific poisons you can use
lots of flavor
new thing to do, rules lite
the fear rules variant in the DMG for 5e also looked decent
especially with the Strahd souce book and campaigns coming out
With players getting feared?
yeah, can't say I've gotten my money's worth from my DMG. I bought it when it came out, and loaned it out a while ago, haven't seen it since and haven't really missed it and I've not actually been a player in 5e, just DM'd
@waxeagle Hello there
@Smurfton aha, yes they get afeared
basically you can use ithem when a strange and terrible monster appears or circumstance would make sense (we're surrounded, Timmy the adventurer just got 1 hit ko'd by the orc cheiftan, a dragon appears, etc.)
in frightening situations^
1 hit ko's are supposed to instant death though, right? Massive Damage and all that?
Do you mean like the 3.5e concept of Massive Damage?
yes. I don't know if that's still there
I only know 3.5 rules, and only kinda well.
That idea kind of carried over in 5e in the form of "taking damage equal to or greater than your max hp while at 0 hp kills you instantly"
@Javelin heya
Oh, that's nice.
seemed a little op anyway
@JoshuaAslanSmith already preordered :)
At 0 hp you start making death saving throws, 10 or higher means a pass, otherwise a fail, 3 fails = death, and certain other circumstances mess with that
its quite the tension
Do I need to participate for chat to be active, or something?
Im doing a bunch of looking around right now
@waxeagle Its one of the 2 settings I was like, yes make this I want to play this
Obviously the Truman Show actually was all about the world's fears for when I eventually learn that everything is a lie, and chatrooms only exist when I look at them.
the other being darksun especially now that magic items are de-emphasized vs 4e.
you talking about the Forgotten Realms joshua?
@Smurfton Your hypothesis is looking more realistic now
Maybe ping him
@JoshuaAslanSmith other being DS?
OK then.
@JoshuaAslanSmith ah missed this, thought so though :)
yeah, would definitely be interested to see DS done up in 5e, definitely don't have to deal with the specific rules mods 4e introduced, that'd a nice thing.
@Javelin Dark Sun and whatever the plane name is for the Strahd stuff
2 hours later…
-> See Monk question
-> Lunge like a tiger scenting a wounded deer
-> Realize it's 5e
-> Faceplant like a drunken sailor
So how's everyone else's day?
not too bad, it just started though
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@Lord_Gareth Dealing with bad responses to a question.
@Lord_Gareth Well, I just saw someone try to run a query that would have returned somewhere in the vicinity of 3 quadrillion rows.
@Miniman cross joins run amok?
@Shalvenay Like you wouldn't believe. Why SQL still allows comma joins I'll never understand.
@Miniman yeah, I've learned to prefer the ANSI join syntax as well -- although rowcount isn't the only problem when you're doing complex join queries. I had one horror of a query try to take 6 hours on me.
@Miniman what was the query?
@Javelin SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3, table4
And no, I'm not simplifying here.
what were they trying to do exactly?
Oops, I got that slightly wrong - should have been COUNT (*).
As you might guess, they were trying to count the number of rows in each table.
I see
I am trying desperately to not think about how that works, since I am a novice with SQL query syntax
It's probably best if you don't know - just remember that commas are evil.
my group of friends has a saying for such situations; It's better not to look
thats the vibe im getting here
@Javelin All it is is a cross join of all 4 tables, nothing complicated. Just...bad.

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