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@Miniman I wouldn't extend that claim to other areas of life though.
@eimyr I bought the PS4 for Bloodborne.
Also because it'd been a while since I'd bought anything significant for myself.
(About a quarter of my paycheck goes into a savings account and never comes out.)
(wise choice)
@eimyr I would. Along with some other analysis of my decision-making process that is too involved to explain.
That's how you get Hitler though.
@eimyr Wow, that escalated quickly.
Didn't it?
I would add to that "consider the effect it has on others" and extend away.
@eimyr I can't think of the last decision I made that had any significant effect on others.
@Miniman I can only assume none of these were about creating a racially pure Reich.
@eimyr Well, no, and also I'd be ok with less Hitler references.
Very well. I shall cease them now.
@eimyr I should probably just go to sleep, tbh, (12:30 and work tomorrow) but I'm in the middle of watching 2 things.
It's just what I tend to think about whenever I see the kind of first-world YOLO statements about pursuit of happiness to the abandonment of anything else. Probably just me though.
@Miniman what are those things, if you don't mind?
@eimyr A Youtube video and a TV episode, because...midnight logic I guess.
@eimyr I didn't say reasons had to be exclusively selfish, you know.
Not too long then, if you intend to keep on watching.
@eimyr Yeah, about 10 minutes.
@Miniman Yeah, I probably got ahead of myself and read it as "any reasons that make sense to you".
@eimyr Well, I'm mostly a pretty terrible person, so it's not like you're wrong necessarily.
@Miniman But you know anything about sandbox game pacing?
@eimyr Nothing whatsoever, why?
I'm just about to ask it on the RPG.SE
and by the power vested in me by Cthulhu you would be absolved of any crime past future or present if you did :P
Friend Computer demands that Citizen @Miniman sleeps. Rest is mandatory.
@eimyr what do you want to know?
how to do that
Pacing in terms of levelling, story or other?
I know of several techniques, but not a complete "guide" with common pitfalls explained
pacing in terms of story and player engagement, stakes etc.
Not that I completely don['t know how to do it.
The trick to any of that is to weigh each bonus with responsibilities
I just want to compare my non-formal way of doing it to one proposed by RPG.SE
They get a new fort, they have to pay taxes, wages and defence costs
you can also use new bonuses as gold sinks which keeps the rate of growth normal
The obvious one is to make enemies harder, but you should also let the players feel like they've grown by facing them against an older opponent and letting them cream them in combat.
If they lost half the party to goblin raiders before, pit them against them again with their new levels and mcguffins
Well, I'm not sure if that is what I meant by pacing.
Or maybe I'm interpreting it wrong.
But the problem is that if I present the players a sandbox world.
Say, the players want to establish a base of operations. the Big Bad is somewhere to be engaged and there are Wizards and Warriors, as neutral NPCs.
If I establish for the players certain requirements on how to gain the favour of both neutral groups, and the one that's second is supposed to be higher stakes, how do I do that?
And what do I do if the players go out of their way to complete something very trivial, but the stakes need to be raised at the same time?
I don't think that's a sandbox game
you've basically decided they need to fight against one or the other groups
sorry, forgot to ping @eimyr
(replace 'fight' with 'earn favour of')
You just do it like you would describing something in real life. Foreshadow how powerful / difficult something is by rumours
Really, my best advice to you is not to plan anything. Soon as you plan anything more than a game's general universe it's asking to be torn down and set fire to by your players.
To clarify - you are allowed to speak to your players in the meta and warn them that one is more difficult than the others if they don't pick up your subtle hints.
But it's still a sandbox game if you tell the players "this is a game about you doing X in a city against the BB. There are Warriors and Wizards there and you would need their help to fight the BB"
At least in my book.
Nah, that's a campaign
A sandbox is 'you are at the crossroads. Now what?'
They can eventually walk into that sort of setting, but it starts off in a case where anything can happen
Anything tighter than what you describe goes from being a campaign to a railroad
A railroad has destination points where the players stop at a, b and c on the way.
First they defeat the goblins, then they get the treasure, then they see the king, for example
So you're saying a sandbox campaign is an oxymoron?
I don't think I'd go as meta as to say that.
What I'm saying is there are sandbox games and there are campaign games. A 'sandbox campaign' basically means 'a sandbox game'. These are the words I'm using. I'm not trying to define the words.
To me the only distinguishing characteristic of a campaign is an end goal, which may or may not be apparent from the beginning.
Well, in that case all my sandbox games are campaigns and therefore not sandbox.
But it's a pointless formalism anyway.
in a pure sandbox of "this is the world, what do you do?" pacing would be entirely on the players, much like in Minecraft your engagement is a product of yours and yours only initiative
Well, I've been hosting a sandbox for a while, and the pacing definitely isn't on the players
Things like war, pickpockets and even weather can speed up or slow down the game
in the bigger scale of levelling etc you can make the enemies easy or hard, curse items or add mountains in the way of the players
You don't have a specified goal of the game?
They have goals which they set and either attain or forget about
Like raid a hoard, get more followers etc
The players set their goals, which makes for a structure I build around
If they have no goal, I tend to tell them about various quests they might like to do... though they're not always called quests
how did you start then?
I mean, the first game. What was it about?
For this Illadmire game (so-called because it's set in a town called Illadmire) The players started in a tavern, as all the good ones tend to do, and they were given various props.
There were people talking of rumours and there was one with an abandoned dragon's hoard and the players latched onto it, so it went from there
I've played games before where they were slaves in an arena and they killed the emperor's favourite owlbear and they had to go out and find another. As soon as they were out of the gate they dropped that quest and went on their own adventure
which is good they did, because they didn't like the railroad of being slaves
I see.
Basically it takes a lot of the stress off my shoulders and lets them do what they enjoy - which is fine, because it means the story is more collaborative
The last time I did it, the players bumbled around without doing anything significant until a "quest" was given to them, when they sprung into action like nobody's business, kicking ass and taking names.
Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes
If they don't have a defined thing of what they want to do, just wave some possible stories under their nose
It seemed to me they were relieved to have some railroading done for them.
you can think of it like showing them the wine menu and giving them a choice of which to drink
It's not really railroading if there is a choice
In time I wished I have given them a specific end goal. It could have been anything, say, replace country's king with a better one. Then they might have done something constructive themselves.
Yeah, if it's vague they have more leeway for interpretation. That's when some really funny stuff can happen
"Illadmire" is an awesome name for a place
Thank you so much, @KRyan :) It's a city built on boggy land because nobody else would want to live there, just north of the swamp of despair. Another one I had to make up on the spot for the campaign.
"Campaign". If you have read the above I'm using the word loosely haha
@Polyducks see, that's why I like the name so much: I feel like I pretty much knew all of that just based on the name
;_; @KRyan I think you just became my favourite person.
@Polyducks Well, see, it has "mire" right there in the name, without even sounding awkward or anything
@Smurfton @KRyan It's actually how a lot of English towns were named. They take a local landmark or a reason for it being there and corrupt it over time. I used to live in Isleworth which had a little island in the Thames in the middle of it
Here's the map for that campaign, if you're interested. imgur.com/gallery/jPem4Pc
that's awesome
aaaaand I'm still jealous of that map
@Polyducks here's the bureaucracy table I was talking about
"Mixed security clearance room. Most of the floor is GREEN, except for the not-very-wide-at-all BLACK paths that wind circuitously and eventually lead to the various desks. Trigger-happy Vulture goons armed with laser rifles stand on either side of the paths and yell, 'Boo!'"
Paperwork in Paranoia, gentlemen.
That link is just the table, not the rest of the sourcebook
I've got the rest of the sourcebook which was obtained through legal means obviously
what file extension is that?
oh yes, I believe you. 100% willing to spend 200 dollars, right here
It opens in adobe acrobat for me
What can I open it with?
I'll just check my source book ;)
It's page 250 ish
I'm at work right now. Not meant to be downloading things.
Thanks, I'm excited to actually read it :p
seriously the last two pages before the char sheet
Might be a while until I get to play again though. We did a bit of a 'monopoly' last game and everyone died of salt overdoses.
'monopoly' like the board game.
My favorite part of the game is the Service firms and Secret societies, and you don't get too much information about them in the player section.
every single person in Int-Sec is assigned to spy on another service firm. no exceptions
I'm looking forward to that part.
Same with the illuminati, in the secret societies. They're so secret that literally nobody knows who another member is
Last time one of the players were force-fed until they were sick, and then the nutrition officer had to feed them the sick so as not to waste nutrients. It was mega gross-out.
But so unbelievably funny
We played with a lot of subversion from secret societies too, which was really fun
When I played, I was the Team Leader
Secret tasks like find the other member of your society and kill them.
Oooh. Worst job ever!
(The task was given to every member of that society)
Did you get the blame for everything?
It was probably a bad choice by the GM, since I went and specialized in Suggestion
@Polyducks Yes, but that was mostly because I was responsible for nearly everything
Is gaining Infrared equal to burnination?
Out of everyone in my group, I was the only one who managed to fulfill every single mission (except the main one, obviously)
@eimyr huh? Infrared are basically so drugged all the time that Players literally can't be demoted that far.
[squint] not sure if trolling or actually answering
That's an actual answer. They're on happy drugs 100% of the time.
A: You are legally required to be happy
B: This is the lowest security clearance, so the computer has no trust
C: Going off happy drugs at all is a privelege
You aren't 100% off happy drugs until BLUE clearance (INFRARED, RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET, ULTRAVIOLET)
Also they're given basic factory-line jobs and strict regiments, so there's less freedom.
that too
Also they're slaves to YELLOW and GREEN clearance
But more in the way villagers are slaves to Kings and Queens than, say, knights are slaves to Kings and Queens.
Their life expectancy is way too high, too.
Yeah, definitely. They're given that luxury.
When you're RED, you're probably a troubleshooter. You find trouble, and you shoot it.
If you're INFRARED you're way too low down for anyone to care about. You're not likely to die unless in an industrial accident or Friend Computer reformats your sector.
Until GREEN, your life expectancy is literally "might make it through the month"
I'm pretty sure ORANGE is just a token rank anyway.
Since the life expectancy is so low, Friend Computer wants you to investigate for Commie sabotage in the Troubleshooters, by default
This results in lower life expectancy :)
Eh, ORANGE gets some privileges.
On the plus side, you can afford to buy more clones. Everyone gets a pack of six, so the real life expectancy of your genetic material is... well, still a month.
What are ORANGE privileges?
hold on
Yeah, I don't have the pdf to hand otherwise I'd check too
Twice the pay
free time exists
You only have one roommate
(as opposed to up to five)
sometimes you can get an Autocar hack
Real Food once a week (as opposed to once a month)
The ability to touch orange things without dying
What is an autocar hack?
It didn't cover it in the first half of the book I had access to
RED are limited to public transportation and walking
Aha. Is there actually any hacking involved?
Just future-words
my favourite future term is 'day-cycle' and 'today-cycle'
well. it's a terrible taxi. obviously.
I think it's robotic too
Oh man. I should screenshot this CSS I've written today. It's beautiful.
Hey, @thatgirldm :)
heyo @Polyducks :)
We're just discussing Paranoia. Feel free to join in. You've been promoted to BLUE clearance.
That's high, for the record
Really high - but I didn't want to bring them up to UV. They need some leniency to be able to talk about the rules without overbearing observation from Friend Computer
What is Paranoia's attitude towards potato?
You never know. @thatgirldm could be a commie. Wouldn't want to give them unrestricted access to Friend Computer's code.
@eimyr It's a luxury. All natural or non-synth foods are a luxury, and they're farmed and fed to the higher clearance personnel, more often the higher clearance they are.
illegal. thats a plant, knowledge of Outdoors is illegal.
Well, and that - but it's not illegal when it's a food.
no, true.
So raw potato is illegal, but cooked is legal?
Friend Computer gives the player a Delicious Red apple and tells them what it is when they make RED clearance.
you are shocked
I would assume so, but that's one of the kind of things Friend Computer is not specific on, which means you walk a wobbly line.
Is being shocked legal?
asking too many questions is rude, though
Asking things not related to the mission, that is.
and being rude or asking about things that aren't the mission can be punished by docked credits, promotion to a dangerous job or treason points.
Asking about the legality of a question is rude
Think of it like a game of Mao
Asking about the legality of asking about the legality of a question is termination for sure. (Nobody likes a smartass)
But you do have a player-accessible table
You do?
It's just that information distribution is not what Paranoia is about.
Oh also, discussion of the rules is punishable by death.
So you learn to self-moderate pretty quickly.
Only the GM section
I play all rules, because my players are smartarses.
I also punish for dank memes
Really, what it wants is for there to be no such thing as out of character. If a player says something, the character says it too.
For the same reason. Essentially, Paranoia was made to fill the niche in the market to give DMs power - and show how badly that can go sometimes
The GM section emphasises this.
Yes, exactly.
It was also made to relax the whole PCs dying is terrribad no-good wrong fun
If the players get bogged down in killing each other, I borrow from the film Oblivion
"Are you an effective team?"
And if they aren't, they all get wiped and start again until they're an effective team.
Treason is:
Fasle accusations of treason
(It's good when you need to inflate your ego, but the game can definitely be abused by DMs who take great joy in player killing.)
Being accused of treason
you really love this game, don't you?
I really do
I really like the flavour. I don't think I could stand being a player character.
It's my only favorite system on the site
It's my second favourite so far, second to OSRIC.
Arguing with the GM
Being present in a higher security area
But I'm still learning fate, so that might surpass it.
(Thanks to Eimyr)
Damaging/destroying/losing assigned equipment
I only offered to run a demo.
Disobeying order
being a mutant
Insubordination is
Asking irrelevant questions
not wearing clothes/uniform
not being clean
@Eimyr that's all I really need to get an interest in the system. After that I can read up :)
You can literally have a supervisor walk in on you showering and dock you points for not being dressed.
@Smurfton or wearing the wrong colours
You can then have a second supervisor walk in and dock you for still not being dressed.
@Eimyr at any rate, the rulebook is a great read
@Smurfton sorry, one at a time
lol, ok
And I've already been distracted by dnd 5e from MtA:20th
@Polyducks the player table of what's legal is on page 37
It's more of a guideline thing, though. It's not the full table.
5E so far looks superhot
@Smurfton I remember reading it now
At a glance it looks great.
After trying to optimize a bard for gishness (or anything else) I think I don't really want to have it closer than at the other end of a 10 foot pole
Character creation (in Paranoia, which I now realise is not at all the subject) is notably very fast, even if you roll for everything
5E isn't really about min-maxing, it's more about backstory and character development I think.
Yeah, I know you like munchkin-heavy systems
You like min-maxing?
I really dislike it
5e is a bit like vegetarian bacon. It tastes a bit like bacon, is very healthy and there was a lot of thought that went into the recipe, but at this point you would be better off just having regular bacon.
Just wait till there's more content
Power creep is going to happen sometime
Basically, 5e for me seems to try to be everything that previous editions were famous for not being.
Oh, I like the crispness and balance. Don't get me wrong.
Crispiest vegetarian bacon you ever saw?
Guys, I'd better head home. Coincidence o'clock - girlfriend is making bacon pasta for tea! :D
bye, enjoy your pasta
Not long ago I stipulated in this chat that a game of DnD is from player perspective a game about choosing from a list. So far the list wasn't very long and there is surprisingly little synergy between the items.
Will do! Tata!
@Polyducks pasta for tea
@Polyducks So british my monocle fell into the teapot.
@Smurfton I like playing my games in the spirit in which they were written.
uh. Is this in reply to the bacon thing?
No, to min-maxing.
I don't personally mind the concept. It's not nice to feel like a min-maxer left you in the dust, but there are ways to avoid that while min-maxing
I am fine with cutting down.
Also, it's only when the game is designed to be a power fantasy of roll-based combat.
In DnD I like to have a powerful character even if I'm using 30% of its power normally.
In other systems my design goals are different.
You can also do this by having your character buff the others'
I wanted to have a gishy bard that would be able to throw debilitating curses while holding his own in combat
Or by nerfing yourself with a low tier class and a bad race choice at the same time
neither of this is supported by the game very well at this point
I don't actually know how D&D bards work
So yes, it would be my party that is awesome, I just stand there content that it's me who made the orc roll a double crit.
they sing or something, and are like sorcerers maybe
Jack of all trades, master of none.
What are their spells focused around?
also, Arcane or Divine?
In 5e they have lots of skills, they can cast a good amount of magic and have reasonably well equipped combat options. Their trademark ability is to boost another character roll.
Arcane, and generally about distracting and debilitating opponents, but a good half of the spells are more out of combat options
ok, cool
Anyone here?
@Javelin just me right now, I think
i have a question about my recent question you see
and i want an opinion on it
can you link it?
A: How much is 500 pounds of gems worth?

MariusPrice is a function of demand and supply. If you have 500 pounds of gems you might have a enormous surplus of supply, and the price should therefore decline. How much do they decline? That depends on a lot of factors. Do the villagers realise that it is the stolen tribute on it's way to the king ...

oh thats the answer
same difference i guess
whatever, the question is attached
I don't completely like the question
i know its weird
if i may ask, what dont you like about it?
It feels like you are asking for a single item in a table somewhere. Which you are.
Except the table is only in 3.5e apparently
like basically asking for a weapon in a weapon table but for gem values instead?
and how i could basically just look it up?
And then it's getting all these supply-demand answers which isn't even in the spirit of D&D's economy.
i see
I'm not downvoting it because apparently it's not even in the edition you care about, and you did do research
well thank you for that
Also because I'm so reluctant to downvote people
the situation in there is rather complicated
Why do you ask?
its hard to tell value by weight, and if there is any way to measure that in 5e thats basically what im looking for. we dont know anything about the gems, and we cant reasonably sort through them all
but anywho
back to the reason i came here
Well, weight is REALLY easy actually.
is it?
D&D has standard weights for everything.

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