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@BESW oh my goodness, yes.
hey there @DuckTapeAl
1 hour later…
I'm excited to see ARRPG mechanics in more Fate systems!
@BESW Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!
[streamers and poppers]
@DuckTapeAl how're things going?
1 hour later…
Apparently there was an Egyptian god of time called Huh. (Also Heh, Hah, Hauh, Huah, Hahuh, Hehu)
Variously sounding amused or confused, and this tickles me.
I have completed the 5e Cheapskate Index! - an index of all WotC's free 5e PDFs (not counting UA)
1053 entries total. 143 are not in SRD, 400 are only in SRD
(that's magic items, monsters, races/subraces, classes, class options, spells)
@BESW nice
@doppelgreener Hmm.
@BESW No, Huh. Though, Hmm may be related.
Hmm, the god of deep thought.
@Adeptus I like it. Stylish.
Unbeknownst to anyone still alive, every pondering 'hmm' has been a calm invocation of the god of deep thought, and he is so happy to help. Deep thought is him, he is deep thought, everyone engaging in it knows his name whether they realise it or not.
@Adeptus Wow, that is a serious bit of community service.
2 hours later…
And mind-blowing philosophy
Paranoia was a great success yesterday - but it didn't start that way. I was running a module and it was so railroady it might as well have called out 'Choo choo' at every binary decision. So I pulled them off the tracks and went adlib, which was so much more fun.
The game culminated in being in an enormous UV restricted server room. They were only red clearance, and they reasoned they could use the terminals because they had a red font.
Someone used their hacking skill on a terminal by entering 'USER: ADMIN PASSWORD: PASSWORD' and were given a screen with the options: "Assist friend computer" "Destroy Communist Sectors" "Transfer credits to #ID' and 'Turn off friend computer'. They 'slipped', picking 'turn off friend computer' and Friend Computer appeared and told them they failed their very important mission, this test of their loyalty and to stay still to await termination.
all hell broke loose?
Meanwhile, the other player who had mysteriously dissappeared was siting in their blue quarters, watching it all unfold and controlling the buzzbots that were on their way to turn the players into chunks of red meaty mist.
Yes :)
A fine day to die
Someone made the mistake of trying to fight their way out after Friend Computer asked them to remain still for termination
Not a good idea in general
Yeah, especially as he missed the laser rifle shot.
He should've just framed the other two and he would've been fine.
Hooray!! :D
haha it was so much fun. Someone was arguing rifle damage with me. "That's not how rifle damage works."

"Are you questioning Friend Computer?"

"No, that's just not how it works."

"Dead citizens who talk are obviously mutants and can still be punished for insuborbination."
It made for a much more fluid game when I could just steamroll over the rules lawyers. Especially when they're making a point of something that was already decided. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the game, too - which is unusual when you have rules lawyers shut down.
@Adeptus Yeah, that's what I wanted to achieve. Unfortunately, you can't really sing while playing bagpipes and lyrics are very important part of what makes metal metal.
@eimyr Phantom vocalist.
what is that?
A spell that he needs to invent.
Cantrip, I would hope. My GM is very restrictive when it comes to non-PHB rules, including houserules
Hmm. I wonder if a two-headed bard could sing and play the bagpipes simultaneously.
@BESW Ettin bards ftw. One sings, the other headbangs.
All ettins are bards. Their musical styles are just unfamiliar to most other cultures.
Isn't it called growling?
I wonder if I could sing with Minor Illusion cantrip
[smash crunch belch]
[bang clang crash]
[squash crunch squish]
[other ettins yowl approvingly]
I'd listen to that.
Ettin combat is just concert performance, really.
But would you listen to this?
I like how he uses enemies as percussive instrument.
(New mic came in, testing it.)
Was that your voice? It's very pleasant.
That is indeed my voice. I don't appreciate it enough.
@eimyr Pata Pata Pata Pon!
Patapon is a masterpiece I could never play.
Not because of unwillingness, but lack of opportunity.
Shame, that. It's pretty nice as a timesink.
yeah, I don't onw a PSP
> Player Rule #1. The Gamemaster is right!

Player Rule #2. Avoid knowing the rules. As a Troubleshooter, you are Security Clearance RED. Displaying knowledge of rules of higher clearance than RED is treasonous. Arguing with the Gamemaster is incredibly treasonous (see Player Rule #1).
(Page 33.)
This also means that displaying knowledge of any part of the GM section is treasonous.
@doppelgreener in the PDF I have it's only the player section and at the end it says you have no access to the GM's section. Is that a joke or do I only have half a pdf?
@Polyducks The full Paranoia XP rulebook is like 200+ pages. I think you don't have the full thing.
@doppelgreener I think so too. Balls.
Then again, not really sure I even need it. Seems like I can run a game without anyway.
I'll look into buying the full (pdf) thing.
@Polyducks I've sent you an email, also.
@doppelgreener OH! Looking now.
@doppelgreener <3 You are magical. Do I have UV clearance?
@Polyducks yeah well you are the GM so
i'd hope you do
Am I right in understanding you can't focus or specialize a skill in ARRPG if you don't have it in any of your modes? Which is to say, you simply can't have a skill then.
@Magician [double checks]
@Magician Correct. During Significant Milestones (p226) you can add a skill to any mode you have, for the cost of the skill itself, and that's the method of picking up skills you don't have (and putting them at +1 or more).
Ah-ha. Cool, thanks.
In that case the ARRPG skill calculator spreadsheet is hopefully, probably, please, finished.
@Magician [please, please, oh god, no, not more, please let it be over]
BESW pointed out I messed up the rules on how reinforced skills affect trained/focused/specialized status, and that took a while to sort out
I remember that.
What's the secrets stuff?
Aaaaa. That's leftover from my Sunless Sea spreadhseet, one sec, it's meant to be Science
Okay!! :D
@Magician I like how you handled skill reinforcement
"I want it at this level" is a good idea
It was also the only way I could manage not having everything explode if modes were changed.
Ideally, it would reset all desired skill training if modes were changed, but that's just not a thing.
@Magician yeah, if i were changing modes, it's basically a new character sheet
there's one thing i don't think this does, but i wouldn't wish it on anyone who's using an excel-type thing unless they're gonna break down crying
...do tell.
and it's basically incompatible with character creation software anyway
during a Minor Milestone (p225) you can swap the ratings of any two skills within a single mode.
No, this is initial character creation only :)
(oh wait, i just realised, this doesn't actually magically swap any rating. it's like saying "ok, i'm no longer going to Specialise this one, I'm gonna Specialise this other one instead.")
..... wait, yeah it does magically swap ratings. Because you're ignoring the reinforcement that other modes have granted, and basically transferring it to something new.
Good morning
@doppelgreener did you copy it to your drive?
@Magician i did
Cool. I opened it in an incognito window to see what other people could do, but I obviously wasn't logged into Drive, so I could only download it.
I also made a Pilot Dinosaur Action character: +5 Vehicles, Notice; +4 Athletics, Contacts, Physique; +3 Combat, Provoke; +2 WS: Tooth & Claw
Er. That seems like that's broken.
Say what?
Ah. I was afraid for a moment that my field that automatically puts all those skills together was broken. But it was you who was broken :)
(I reordered the text myself)
i just think it's easier to organise by rank. Sorry for the confusion. XD
There's a cell that does it all for you! It's so useful!
Ah. Sorting by rank. Um. No.
I saw it! I copied & pasted it, then edited.
because i am good at making things harder for myself.
@Magician Don't worry, that wasn't a feature request. ;)
Aaand it's in the wild. Thank you @doppelgreener and @BESW for your feedback.
[contemplates] NPC creation as saying "Crocodile. Beast +2, Action +1". Anything that sounds like it's what a beast would do is done at +2. If it's also actiony, it's done at a further +1.
Yeah, I'm sure there are people who run it this way.
Yeah. Reading that made me realise that's actually probably a useful and fun way to handle it!
And if you go have a Robot Crocodile that's +3 Beast, +2 Action, +1 Robot, it's all cumulative. (Just in this simplified framework.) You can get up to +6 to something. I'm going to try this out.
@Magician Can I suggest you edit the grey fields to something like green or blue instead? Grey usually means "disabled, don't touch" in computer UI speak, while white means "edit me!". Filling everything with grey would be bad, so the next best thing would be just positively emphasize the things we should focus on.
Good call, will do.
@Magician Post a link here to your blog post & also to the skill calculator so I can star it :D
Atomic Robo skill calculator and a post about it. Finally done! I hope!
@Magician ta. :)
I really hope someone other than me will find it useful. But even if not, I like it, and making it was fun, most of the time.
@Magician was it the whole back and forth between "this is so great!!" and weeping and sobbing and then more "this is so great!! i don't know what i was so miserable about" and then more weeping and sobbing and remembering what you were so miserable about?
Very much so, yes. Despite programming being my profession, I'm not usually into it... unless I am.
Well, well done @Magician :)
Starred ;)
I always approve of programming RPG calculators. Lord knows we need it.
Citizens of Alpha Complex. What are your current duties?
@Polyducks Falling asleep, Friend Computer.
@Magician Is it the designated time in your daycycle to sleep?
@Polyducks Way past it, actually. Please do not recycle me for this failure.
@Polyducks does he? i haven't seen him doing much about it, the slacker
@Magician Friend Computer insists you relax harder.
@Doppelgreener Lazy Or Rundown DMs = LORD
Woop, got re-tweeted by Evil Hat. Now we're talking.
v. nice!
Who is Evil Hat?
@Polyducks Evil Hat is (IIRC) the maker of Fate
@waxeagle correk
@Magician hah what a great cat meme
Pretty impressive
Who was it that linked Bushes of Love yesterday?
I've been listening to that on loop
@Polyducks @JoshuaAslanSmith
@JoshuaAslanSmith @Shalvenay @RobertF @Grubermensch We are on for tonight. @JoshuaAslanSmith plz let Ken know?
@waxeagle mind if I rebuild Raven as that spellless ranger class varieant fo rtonight?
@waxeagle yes I'll let him know later today (california time)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Go for it, this is a good session to try it out
@JoshuaAslanSmith ...yeah, I accidentally pinged Gruber at 7am his time on gchat today :( (thankfully that's his wake up time, but I still felt kind rude)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Thanks for Bushes of Love.
@waxeagle We cool
@Grubermensch Thanks. I got kind of excited and completely forgot about the time dif
@Polyducks Stop discussing Paranoia without meeeeeeee :<
4 hours later…
@Magician Our hero!
Hello Florida.
Suppose I want to upload a bunch of images to show them to someone, but smaller than the original is good, as long as the upload is fast. Is there any way to make thumbnails with irfanview or maybe some GIMP batch process?
Mh, wrong chat for this maybe. The question stands.
You should definitely be able to do a GIMP batch.
But I use Photoshop, so I can't walk you through GIMP's equivalent.
Maybe uploading all 25 images to imgur takes less time than me learning to do batches
@waxeagle change to no spells ranger was a success, it was actually pretty simple I read through it but it jumps around a lot article. Spells gone, primeval awareness which keyed of spell slot usage is now a once between rests ability. a healing ability that is once per wis mod between rests and I get half progressionfighter battle maneuvers instead of spell slots
I suppose I'll put this here as well
Q: What to do when community lacks trust in ♦ moderators on small stacks

SmurftonI would like to emphasize that I personally do not lack trust in this ♦ mod, nor do I wish for his removal. As such, I will not be mentioning the mod's username. While it is possible to work out who this mod is from this question, please don't. I have been noticing that a several members1 of Rol...

@JoshuaAslanSmith Could you send me a quick doc on the character?
@Smurfton as our community rep from the SE mod team grace note isappropriate person to get an answer from on this
@waxeagle link in a sec
Does anyone else struggle with the paradox implicit in naming yourself "catfish"?
@Miniman well...if you're naming yourself after the famous baseballer you'd be allright
(though it'd make you kinda cocky)
@waxeagle the original class design UA article which outlines the changes Imade http://1drv.ms/1PXjuC0

And my character updated http://1drv.ms/1PXjJxb
@waxeagle all of that stuff I mentioned is on page 1 of my sheet and my manuevers are listed under level 1 spells on page 3 with brief descriptions of what they do
I have 5 Superiority dice
@JoshuaAslanSmith Thanks
@Smurfton *Is a very appropriate person
Yeah, I got it.
did not want you to think i was saying inappropriate
Ive had very good interactions with grace note
@waxeagle Good point - and that way it would be a pun rather than a paradox.
I just realized how incredibly devastating a Trip focused Fighter build could be, 4 attacks as part of an attack action and 3 with Adv if you prone them on the first attack
1 hour later…
@Smurfton Hi!
@Zachiel I just hit ctrl+R in Irfanview for Resize, then save as (which I think is a straight-up unmodified S)
33% or 25% usually does it for big images
@Magician Yes. So much this.
@doppelgreener Pretty sure you can do this for a whole folder at once, too

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