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This question might be very cool once it gets clarified, but for now I'm voting to close.
@BESW yeah, I VTCed as well
I did upvote too though.
@Ben Are you around?
hey @nitsua60
@doppelgreener I've run both 3-1 and 3-2 a bunch of times, if you're looking for some input. (If not, sorry to be only reading Adeptus' last message and missing the context.)
@BESW Well, you could raise a separate bug about it, but...
@Shalvenay hey
@nitsua60 how've things been?
good--I finished an assignment due next week, so I've lifted my self-imposed chat-ban
@nitsua60 good!
halfway through making 18 miniature (2") ladders
@nitsua60 I sadly am struggling with a stuck reset on my school project
what's the sticking point?
@nitsua60 as in, the line's stuck logic-LOW, which leaves the processor stuck in reset.
I'm not sure I ever caught what you're studying?
Sounds computery.
or EE?
@nitsua60 Computer Engineering, yeah
@nitsua60 I'd be interested :)
@nitsua60 -- although part of me now wants to stick Teovanth in @casey's lap (I found out a few days ago that he plays 5e :o )
in The Hangar, Jan 20 at 17:05, by casey
I'm DMing a 5e game now and its a much more pleasant experience than pathfinder
@Adeptus can you give me a little context? (I haven't been around chat, and jsut saw that you'd mentioned 3-1 & 3-2, both of which I've run a bunch.)
@nitsua60 The group Greener, Trogdor, and I are in is looking for a free one-shot adventure that showcases 5e's strengths and can be run using only Basic (free) rules.
Q: Free Basic-Rules-only adventure to showcase D&D 5e

BESWWith the free release of the 5e Basic Rules, I'm looking for an adventure to introduce myself and my group to 5e (in the spirit of this question): we want to try the system before deciding if we'll invest resources in the edition. The adventure should be useable out of the box with only free Ba...

(I'm also interested in trying out 5e for free, with my group... if I can convince them)
@BESW Those Dragon+ adventures Adeptus linked look like they might do it.
Yeah, I haven't had a chance to look at them at all yet.
I'm not sure that any of the DDEX really "showases" 5e...
because they're designed to be played pickup
they tend to be a little heavier on combat encounters,
fairly linear plots
that said, 3-1 can be run really well
Well, for example: 4e's H1 Keep on the Shadowfell had a series of encounters each designed to show off something 4e did well.
yeah, I woudn't say any of the 5e DDEX's do that explicitly
DDEX3-1 is a good one, I think, if you think carefully about its structure
(should I avoid spoilers?)

 BESW's Spoil-Lair

CAUTION: High chance of plot. Not for BESW's players.
on my way
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener I'm not sure an edit that only changes "FATE" to "Fate" is really necessary; it doesn't increase clarity or anything. (Also, we don't know in that particular case if the querent is using post-acronym Fate or an older version of FATE.)
[sigh] I'm quite sure I didn't need a passport to visit the NMI last time I went.
That'll teach me to let it lapse.
National Measurement Institute, Australia? Nelson Mandela Institution? Norwegian Meteorological Institute?
Northern Mariana Islands.
(Geopolitically, it's the CNMI--they're a Commonwealth--but that's... not an entirely unfraught issue and it's generally politer to say NMI unless the Commonwealth bit is absolutely necessary to the discussion.)
Oh, that reminds me, I need to go get my own passport renewed.
Historically, before WWII Guam was the only Mariana Island owned by the US. After the war, the US got all of them, but the UN was watching over their shoulder with the NMI because the US hadn't had those islands before. That oversight led to the NMI getting a different political status than Guam, which the UN couldn't justify watchdogging because the US had a prior claim before the war.
yeah, it's a little bit of an odd thing
things learned from BESW (#71): Guam is a Mariana Island.
nature be scary
@nitsua60 The Mariana Islands are a volcanic chain in Micronesia, and the closest inhabited land to the deepest part of the ocean.
[doing his best BESW impersonation] "Closest Inhabited Land" would be a good name for an album.
It would!
Now I have to go track down a passport photo place. ttfn
@BESW fair e nuff, i will pin that on i was sleepy and am unwell
@GuidingLight Justice. ♥ The album that's from is the best.
@doppelgreener Also, editing a closed question puts it back in the "should this be re-opened?" review queue.
(Guiding Light Justice would be a good name for... something)
@BESW a thing i self-consciously realised like 5 seconds after making the edit
@doppelgreener A special attack?
thankfully closed questions now get put on the reopen queue twice now, because the first edit would often be something silly like that
@doppelgreener for BESW's nemesis: GLJS
"Guiding Light Justice ♥" would be a better name.
@BESW Now that is right out of some silly anime and would be perfect for a special attack
@BESW but all you did was add a heart thing XD
@trogdor Heart makes a work.
it probably does yeah
(I decided I should probably wear something with a collar for my photo, so am around a little longer.)
(You are now welcome to imagine BESW taking a passport photo wearing a spiky dog-collar necklace.)
That was the first thing I imagined, then I went "oh uh no wait, collared shirt"
(because I know people for whom the first interpretation would be more correct)
I did not think any of these things
I'm still stuck on the four-fold theory, so assumed the passport photo would look like college suite-mates in a bus station photo booth.
@doppelgreener Which is that?
Ah. I'm not up on albums, due to no income to speak of. I just browse YouTube channels haphazardly.
Mmmmh, Civilization.
The entirety of this one is thankfully up on YouTube by Justice themselves - only this was the version that uses the album version of New Lands.
@nitsua60 So, BESW stands for the 4 members of the gestalt entity? Mr. B, Mr. E, Mr. S, and Mr. W?
@AshleyNunn Ahoy!
@Adeptus lol
@Miniman I am now...
@Ben So wrt your question, a lot of people are saying "suck it up death happens deal with it". I don't agree with that, but I have to say that this might be a great opportunity for you guys.
Your current party can't rest, and doesn't have the tools to deal with the permanent injury you've received. Also, you took a permanent injury because you couldn't afford to die.
The sad fact of the matter is that you're missing the vast majority of the tools the game expects you to have.
Some dead players could potentially reroll as characters that would help you move towards a more balanced party.
That's the underlying point of the question, is that we are only level 5. Most of us would hope to go a bit beyond that.
one of the things brought up in the other question is that some people - GMs or players - like to play in games where death has realistic chance of happening.
That is to say, we would hope to keep our current characters and use them beyond level 5. Because as you may well know, you do sometimes get attached to your characters
@Ben The thing is, this is a problem that's only going to get worse. A party composed entirely of "I hit it with a stick!" can work, but only if the DM is putting in a crazy amount of work to make it work.
The game is not designed to handle the party you guys are running, and it's very difficult to adapt for that purpose.
Just as the game breaks down when confronted with a flying party, it breaks down (though in the opposite direction) when confronted with a non-magic party.
Even a Paladin or a Ranger would go a long way to making things viable.
@doppelgreener Nice.
(As much as I shudder to hear myself say that about a Ranger.)
I'm not disagreeing with any of that. Death happens. There's no avoiding it. And the game really just go by how the dice rolls. But my qualm is that we are only level 5. We're really only just starting out.
@GuidingLight Did you just finish it? :)
@doppelgreener Yup.
@Ben "Death happens. There's no avoiding it. And the game really just go by how the dice rolls." - is pretty much the opposite of what I'm saying.
not all tabletop RPG's have "death just happens" XD
@trogdor Yep, everything I've said is specifically about D&D.
I think I'm missing the point here...
@Miniman mm
I wouldn't know anything about that
@Ben Most parties in your situation would be perfectly capable of taking a short rest, because the wizard would cast Rope Trick.
Or a long rest with Leomund's Tiny Hut.
As for your injury, any party with a Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin or Ranger could fix it instantly.
@Miniman Ah, no we're missing that kind of caster. The caster we have is a Fighter -Eldritch Knight. All he has is offensive spells
Actually, in any party with a Cleric it would never have happened, because you would have just died and been Revivified.
@Ben He doesn't have offensive spells.
(Unless he's maxing his Int, which I doubt.)
Our party is pretty much 100% offensive... we have no healers of any kind
@Ben It's not really about healers, it's about spellcasters. You don't have any, and you need some.
Even one would help a lot.
The 1/3 spellcasting the Eldritch Knight gets isn't worthless, but it's not far off.
I agree, but the one we do have is offensive. He has stated that he does not have any non-offensive spells
@Ben 1/3 spellcasting and Int as a secondary means the Eldritch Knight's spellcasting is not useful offensively. It will almost invariably be better for him to attack then cast a spell.
To my knowledge he only has firebolt(?) and a Shockwave spell
Yeah. Thunderwave does 2d8 with an extremely low DC, as opposed to his autoattack which does 2d8 + 6 absolute minimum with good to-hit chances.
Forgive me for being ignorant, as my knowledge of the sorcery in 5e is negligible at best
@Ben I gotta go (to my D&D group actually!).
Kill some trolls for me!
@Miniman Ok... So I re-read what you have been saying, and I missed your point initially. Correct me if I'm wrong but you're suggesting that killing off a few characters would give us a chance to make some better ones, to even out the team a bit?
That makes sense, and I agree with that. It would certainly make life a lot easier if we had coordinated a bit better earlier.
However, truth be told: I don't want to do that just yet. My point is, we're only level 5, and I don't really want to die so "young".
2 hours later…
@Polyducks, @Wibbs [wave]
2 hours later…
Managed to introduce the necromancer last night
eight zombies. The players literally just ploughed through them - though the thief almost got bitten to death
I like to introduce a little bit of lethality.
Have any of you guys had experience with necromancers in play?
you mean like, having any at all in our games?
In any particular system?
that is also a good question XD
I've made a lot of D&D 3.5 necromancers.
Some PCs, some NPCs.
Just finished a Giovanni chronicle (basically vampire necromancers), I played him as an Anatomist
Any system. I'm just curious about stories :)
Flavour etc
Well, there's the "general of an army of the damned, riding a skeletal horse that gallops through the air on hooves of flame."
And the "Prim and proper noblewoman who maintains her family's political power by implanting necrotic tumours in half the citizens of her city, through which she can spy on and control the hosts."
Then we had the "Pathetic outcast who would rather animate corpses to be his followers than take the effort of making actual friends and allies."
It's not exactly necromancy, but the undead yuan-ti priest using his fleshcrafting alchemy to single-handedly resurrect his extinct race by slowly and secretly transforming a human city into a new yuan-ti capital was certainly a malevolent manipulator of life forces.
And he taught the art of raising the dead to a desperate lizardfolk chieftan who used necromancy to swell his numbers in order to hold back the humans attempting to invade his swamp.
We haven't done much with necromancy in Fate yet, but our main campaign has a Crystal Skull which seems to attract and collect souls. Its current owner is using the Skull to collect everyone in his cult into a single shared mind.
We also had a villain who bound a wise and powerful ghost to her service, to act as an advisor.
@Polyducks @BESW So that's a no, then?
No, no necromancers in my games at all.
These are all amazing examples, thanks BESW
I'd love to fight alongside you one day
Your adventures sound extreme
Seriously though, the instant I got out of D&D I stopped having pure necromancers and instead had people who used necromantic-style powers in conjunction with other things.
The Crystal Skull guy is all about having a cult that will survive the apocalypse.
In addition to having a hivemind to coordinate and make things more efficient, his cult was working on reverse engineering modern technology to run on pre-circuit-board systems, because they believed the apocalypse would begin with massive solar flares that would short out anything with circuit boards or long wires.
(In other words, they were psychic dieselpunk doomsday cultists.)
Even in D&D 4e, where I had the guy who made friends instead of making friends, he also dabbled in mind control.
His theme wasn't necromancy, it was "making friends."
Whether by dominating your mind or animating your corpse, whatever.
[listens attentively]
So yeah: Necromancy isn't an end, it's a means. Differentiate necromancers and flavour them according to what goals they're using necromancy to accomplish.
Gaining the wisdom of the dead, leading an unquestioning army, resurrecting a long-dead civilisation, making friends that won't leave you, secretly controlling your rivals...
@BESW I wish healing spells hadn't gotten moved out of the necromancy school
I once designed a church of Wee Jas that was dedicated to impartial justice and the proper order of things. One of their self-appointed tasks was making sure people met their proper fates. Sometimes this meant proper burial rights and the occasional vampire staking or zombie beheading, but it also meant they claimed legal jurisdiction to judge murders.
Keeping the dead in the ground and keeping the living out of the ground before their proper time.
@BESW :D that's actually rather cool
They despised resurrection and reanimation magic, but were fine with spells that let you chat with the dead.
(The skulls of their wisest priests are kept in a creepy reference library/catacomb beneath the church, and with the right spells you can ask them for advice.)
@BESW at least their judges don't have to worry about chasing commas around.
That church came out of studying the supremely messy history of Wee Jas over the various editions and trying to reconcile them.
Look at that portfolio: Death, Magic, Vanity (Love), Law.
I wound up with her being a goddess of destiny.
Some things in life are inevitable, and if you accept that she's there to celebrate with you in the good and support you during the bad. But if you try to buck the inevitable, she's there to shove you back on the foretold path.
so, did she hate it whenever someone committed murder, or was that sometimes a fated thing?
That's what the judges are for.
Usually, though, murder is an act of defiance against the Order Of Things.
(Some suspect Wee Jas herself feels that all murder is contrary to destiny, but that her judges are not immune to political and financial motives.)
I see there is some necro talk here
I had a Mage player once who fancied himself a psychopomp
Psychopomps are fun.
He felt compelled to guide souls to afterlife if the death happened in his presence.
And lo and behold, the party killed a technocrat once.
And he just goes "Dudes, excuse me for a moment" and vanishes to shadowlands like it's the most natural thing ever.
He approaches the enemy in his last breath and goes "Boy, do I have bad news for you!"
Unfortunately we didn't play much together.
Isn't that the way.
@Polyducks I hope they're helpful.
welp, i have the next YEAR of xp spent
2 hours later…
@BESW Definitely! Thank you so much
Hey @eimyr :)
I'm tempted to just start playing DnD without my players now
I've got a necromancer to start work on all the corpses left after the recent goblin invasion. A flesh centipede perhaps.
All kinds of nasties to approach the party.
Im working on my edge of the empire campaign trying to wrap mine and the my players heads around the rules as we adapt to a new system cue whole new world from aladin
haha brilliant! @Joshua
Are you continuing a game from another system?
no were running a few canned adventures (one came with the GM screen a player bought) after we ran the beginner box with the pre gens, this is using player made characters I also have a free adventure lined up from the published to follow on afterward and then I'll start writing, having a sandbox style campaign with the players afterward
Im convinced the dice mechanics and their resolution will in time make it a very fast, thematic, and narrative driven experience, but right now the learning of said dice mechanics is still a hurdle
So, I've been away from RPG.SE for a while. Disappointed to learn that game recommendations are off topic now, but it seems like the right decision.
But it's too bad, because now I really need one.
@Mystagogue So was I. Good thing you have chat though, right?
@Mystagogue even sader is tool recs are off topic too
yep chat is definitely the way to go, sometimes I wish there were an affiliated reddit or forum or something where everything that has been excluded for policy reasons could still live
pretty much every rec went off topic
at least of out of game material or wherever the line is (it's 2:30am, it is not good time for words)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Wait, tool rec too? Should we get rid of our AnyDice ad, then?
Anydice questions are still on topic as are rpg related statistics questions in general, but saying can someone reccomend a form fillable pdf char sheet for X system or I need a map making tool that does X Y and Z are off topic
Is it possible to restrict a tag to high rep users? I really feel like that would have been the better choice, if so.
A mechanical charop rec question is probably the only rec type question we still would have in topic but youd need to be explicit about your goals and requirements, I need to a melee class that deals the most damage in a single round (and then list your constraints)
@Smurfton part of the problem with game recs specifically was that the problem wasn't newbies; high-rep users were not complying with the rules because they disagreed with them.
tool recs just got knocked off topic with them, and meta settled (but not permanently, open to change) on the stance that asking for a tool recommendation to accomplish a task was a bit of an XY problem; instead ask how to accomplish the task, and answers may include recommendations of certain tools as a portion of the answer.
@doppelgreener Oh. Well, that can't be helped then. SE only works if the high rep users are good examples of the community as a whole.
Guess I'll stop compiling a google doc of every time someone asks for a rec in chat.
the issue was I believe subjectivity of sys rec and the edition flaming that sort of flared up again with D&D 5Es release
Really? I thought that D&D 5E was really well received from where I was standing.
i dunno what the impetus was, but there was just a history that extended to before 5e's conception that people were recommending games they'd never used for a comparable situation, or sometimes even used at all.
because it showed up in a google result or something and they said "here, maybe {actually terrible RPG, or we just have no way of knowing} will work for that thing"
Speaking of, I'm wondering how appropriate this answer was.
A: How is Paranoia - High Programmer different in play from Paranoia - Troubleshooter?

SmurftonI have only played what was formerly known as XP, but I found a thread on Paranoia-Live which goes into more detail. Once again, only the original post, by The Bad Kind of Puppy, is useful, so I will quote the most relevant parts here: The upshot of everybody being clearance ultraviolet is th...

meanwhile others would say "here, use this game, here's what it's about", then someone would ask "okay but have you played it? and have you used it for this situation?", and certain members would be outraged by the notion that they actually have to say they've used it, and would be indignant at us doubting them. but if they don't say so, we can't tell their answer from the other kind of answer.
@doppelgreener But if they don't imply (very strongly) that they have, in fact, played this game that way, how would they be able to say how well it works out in that system?
@Smurfton it's got a couple of problems which are usually big red flags. first, your answer is 95% not your own writing, but something you don't actually have the rights to reproduce. this is an ethics/legality issue more than a quality issue though. the other red flag is a quality issue: you haven't played both games, so you can't tell how accurate what you're quoting is, neither you nor i can tell whether this is the raving of a lunatic or someone who really knows their stuff.
@doppelgreener Unless you have to be explicit?
@Smurfton They were neither implicitly nor explicitly giving enough assurance the game could do what the question was about, and objected to the idea of having to provide that assurance.
@Smurfton @doppelgreener there were a lot of which edition of D&D shoudl I play questions that came in with 5es release
@JoshuaAslanSmith aha, i must have missed those.
and can I run X from 2nd eidtion 3rd edition maldovy etc. in 5e
@doppelgreener same
and lots of answers that had the same problems as doppel describes where people didnt have experience doing it saying yes run 2nd edition monsters as in 5e with no porting itll work fine
5e became for me the do anyting you want edition which to a certain degree it is from a rules standpoin tbut a lot of bad bad advice was being flung out
The problem is that apparently nobody in the history of ever actually played High Programmers. Not even among the people on Paranoia's forums. While, true that Allen Varney is a better source, I thought that quote better addressed the answer than Canageek's did. The question was also 4 years old at the time, and still had no answer

(I'm also being influenced by not wanting to lose 40 rep)
@Smurfton nobody here seems to have played both and consider themselves a worthwhile source of information and are willing and able to write out an answer comparing the two.
@doppelgreener True. But that's also fairly true of the internet. That was the only thread on Paranoia's forums that discussed High Programmers
@Smurfton Regardless of some justifications we could make about "this answer's better than the other" and "maybe it's better than nothing", it is still a problem when an answerer does not really understand the answer they're providing, and going "here i found this, maybe this'll do, i don't know"
simply because it does not inspire much confidence that it's an accurate answer
Yeah, screw it. Who needs rep anyway
I am not saying you have to delete it (that's up to you), you asked if it was appropriate and I'm pointing out it has a couple of problems.
Yeah, it does, and I even knew that at the time.
I suppose it's marginally easier to find if it has no answers whatsoever.
it could be a really accurate summary! though i view answerers as people who need to be the second-to-last gatekeepers of quality, and be able to vet what they provide.
(the last gatekeepers are the rest of us.)
Eh, it only answered half the question. I didn't address differences from Troubleshooters, I addressed differences from XP
That's like providing a comparison between 5e and 3.5e D&D when someone wanted 5e and 4e D&D
@doppelgreener I was pretty close to deleting it anyway. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought it up.
@Smurfton that does sound like quite a pickle for an answer's quality
High Programmers amounts to spinoff where you play what amounts to the ruling class in Paranoia, instead of as troubleshooters (your job is to find trouble and shoot it). XP (which isn't even called that anymore, because of Microsoft) was the version released before Troubleshooters.
That finding trouble and shooting it pun is still amazing, one year after reading the rulebook.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Sorry about filling the chat with something you weren't interested in.
@doppelgreener @JoshuaAslanSmith How's life, anything you guys want to discuss?
@Smurfton i'm about to sleep! :D goodnigt
@doppelgreener goodnigt to you too.
Wait haven't I asked this before?
@Joshua That's always the problem with new systems! Sometimes you can speed things up by introducing macros and other tools :)
@Polyducks quick reference handouts
1 hour later…
@JoshuaAslanSmith How is teh Edge of Empire game?
@Ahriman only played 2 sessions but we all like it so far still trying to learn it
Playing in the time setting of the game or have you chosen another era?
2 hours later…
@Mystagogue The chat would be happy to try and help. Between us we aren't as diverse as the main site, but we do represent a fairly wide cross-section of RPG experience.
What's happening?
Oh, that.
Thought you were bringing someone over from a question.
No, just reiterating the invitation to be sure it's clear.
Oh internet "What about coconut milk. Although coconuts are hairy and produce milk so I guess they're technically mammals."
I'm equally amused by the joke, and the incomplete common knowledge which fuels it.

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