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Trivia question: Which American rock band is named after an (obscure) AD&D monster?
@waxeagle not gonna lie but this could get me playing 5e again very shortly enworld.org/forum/…
oh dang, i was thinking of DMing a vampire-based campaign
time to grab some inpiration
not till march 15th
and it will be pretty hefty
50 bucks but I think its a whole campaign source book plus it looks liek you get an adventure included
gives me hope for 5e dark sun as well eventually
And there's a 5e OGL right, so many new campaign settings let's hope.
Are there any D&D monsters that can "death bond" with a player?
I'm thinking of having a big moral choice at the very end
@RobertF the OGL does not inspire confidence in me, I mean pre SRD and OGL release there was already a lot of stuff being made under the moniker "5th Edition" for D&D 5e and already it looked like a pazio level bonanza of unbalanced untested content.
@JoshuaAslanSmith - Ah - I wonder since WotC doesn't seem to own the name "D&D 5th edition" (WotC calls the new game "Dungeons and Dragons") if publishers can print D&D 5th edition supplements & campaigns?
@RobertF I'm fairly certain WOTC owns D&D in the context of tabletop roleplay
@JoshuaAslanSmith - So independent publishers are already writing 5th edition material?
They were using the "5th edition" moniker no mention of D&D or dungeons or dragons prior to the OGL and SRD release
Got it - clever!
Good evening
@ToshinouKyouko have you played Vampire: the Masquerade?
or Vampire: the Dark Ages?
@eimyr nope
@ToshinouKyouko it's a game where you are the vampire
in a modern day or dark age setting, respectively
Hmm, I'll look it up
@ToshinouKyouko Behold, the skald.
Trivia question: Which American rock band is named after an (obscure) AD&D monster? Answer: Sons of Kyuss (an undead creature from the Fiend Folio).
Aren't they better known as Kyuss?
I think Kyuss is the demigod that creates the Sons of Kyuss (nasty walking corpses crawling with worms). I can't say I've heard of the band or remember the creature.
From the Greyhawk setting I see.
Says they were "Sons of Kyuss" for only one record.
Good morning, @BESW
Another day, another myth.
I remember some time ago I asked you if you had a blog
or some sort of non-chat based outlet
I know why you don't now.
@BESW - Yes, the band (not the monsters) changed their name. Heh, when you stated 'Says they were "Sons of Kyuss" for only one record.' for a brief second I imagined a bunch of rotting zombies producing a rock record in a studio. :)
I ran Tweets to Campaign By for a while.
A compilation website?
How about instagram?
What about it? Changing the medium doesn't magically make me more able to generate content.
T2CB was pretty simple and straightforward, but required just enough scutwork in the background to be unsustainable in the long haul.
no, no, I was wondering if you instagram anything
or, actually, produce picture
you seem like a photo shooty guy
No. I'm working on developing a professional web presence, but that's run into some snags.
I see.
(My dad's the photographer.)
(I think you mentioned)
BRING ME SCHRÖDINGER’S HEAD http://t.co/agpPXb3lvt
Hey, wuick question
(Another one in the party!)
Do dnd 5e class features level up with character level or just this class?
@BESW this is true
@doppelgreener @eimyr this right here, yeah
@trogdor what's that about?
your players may well not do exactly what you think they will
last few sessions I ran in Fate, they never met the villain I set up specifically for them to meet
and instead ran around in his volcano base until it started to erupt
it was a mess, but it was kinda a fun mess
that being said, it would have been so much better if I expected they would go off the rails and stay way too long in his discarded lab and then go down a hallway that didn't lead to him
part of Fate is letting the PC's decide some of the stuff that normally would be reserved for the GM to decide
that being said, to start with it might best be kept a little bit simple until the players understand that
the point is that the Fate system encourages the entire group as a whole to decide what is going on, that power is not reserved for the GM alone
you can start them off however you like, but at some point if they say "I want to do X" you really shouldn't be telling them they can't unless it is extremely unreasonable
and even then you should probably let them, at least let them try anyway
For Troggy's villain, he probably should have led with the villain at the start of the session--even if it was "you catch a glimpse of him running off"--to establish that part of the story.
I had to learn some of that the hard way, when my sessions were de railed, I was less mad that they had been so, and more upset that I had not been prepared for it to happen
I think the fun everyone had could have been improved if I was ready for that
Or he could've given the volcano base the aspect Brother Adrian's secret science nest.
Then we would've known to look for Brother Adrian as players, but our characters could still have been surprised by him.
@BESW yeah, use of aspects to tell your players some detail you want them to know? great use of aspects
@BESW though technically you and your characters kinda knew he was in there somewhere
you just lost track of it in all the silliness of the second session
and who was I to forcibly remind you of something I thought you had just decided not to pay attention to?
I once wanted the characters to search a dude's purse for plot hooks. I put a "Handy Knapsack" aspect on him. They descended upon it like hungry wolves.
there you go
perfect example XD
when you want them to do something, leading them like that is the best option
less stick more carrot, eh?
EG, I hid an aspect on Master Appa-Tax. It was fun and cool, but it'll never be important.
I say this because I came into playing Fate from D&D
and D&D was mostly stick
(Maybe it would've been if I'd revealed it, but even then I'm not sure.)
(She had the aspect *Recently undead.)
Fate is meant to be mostly carrot
@BESW oh, wow
I was the only one who ever got near her
I think part of the problem was that a lot of people were distracted by a few things
like General Sko Larr, and Vultura
and the node we had specifically gone there for
I think secret aspects work best when they are tied to something the PC's are already really interested in
sometimes that could be hard to gauge though
Ok, can someone help with a Rise of Tiamat 5e question?
@eimyr Cantrips level with character, everything else is class level.
@DavidWilkins Possibly...
@Miniman So if I multiclass Bard and Sorcerer, I will never have more than (sorc level) Sorcery Points?
@eimyr Yep.
Because now I'm thinking that College of Valor and 4 levels of Sorcerer (to be able to totally cheese out the bonus action spellcasting while slashing at dudes) might be a nice option.
@eimyr How strict is the PHB restriction? Because there's a spell in Elemental Evil that you could easily base a build around.
My GM said "dude, I only have PHB and I really don't want to adjudicate every single choice from every single book. PHB it is."
He hates multiclassing.
What is the spell?
Melf's Minute Meteors. Action to cast, then bonus action on subsequent turns to fire off meteors.
If I ever make the Bladesinger I'm planning it'll be my bread and butter.
How's the damage?
And level?
Because I can totally use something like a Spiritual weapon to do a similar thing.
3rd level spell, damage is like a 12d6 fireball but spread out over a few turns.
2d6 averages 7 and it's 3.5 if they save
Spiritual weapon is a good choice for you, sucks that you can't get it till level 10 though.
Spiritual Blade deal 1d8+spellcasting modifier, which averages about the same
Oops - you can't get Meteors till level 10 either anyway.
Spiritual weapon is probably better at that point, since radiant damage is better than fire and an attack roll is better than a Dex save.
it's force damage I think
and at 10th level 1d8+spell mod would be about 8-9 too
also, blade doesn't require concentration, which meteors do
So I can't buff anyone while at it
You're right, definitely a better choice.
So, do you think the 4 Sorc/X Valor Bard is a good idea?
I'm unconvinced that 2 quickens a day is worth a 4 level multiclass, tbh.
I can always drop spells to get more quickens
Especially if you have spiritual weapon to use with your bonus actions anyway.
are there more spells like that?
I know of Mordenkainen's blade, 7th level bard spell, which is like Spiritual weapon on steroids
Like spiritual weapon? Not really. It's pretty unique, in fact I would say it's one of the "class features masquerading as spells".
The damage on mordenkainen's blade is pretty embarrassing for a 7th level spell.
Bigby's hand is pretty nice.
I am THE support there.
only warlock can support apart from me, so I need to devote at least a modicum of effort to making the warrior and the rogue deadly
though I like bigby's. I could pimp-slap opponents while shouting Vicious Mockery at them.
I am already compiling a list of relevant Yo Mama jokes.
It's so weird that bigby's hand does better damage than mordenkainen's blade. Who comes up with this stuff?
4d8 = 20, 3d10 = 16.5
for two levels of a spell it makes it really silly
4d8 vs 3d10. And the hand can move further, doesn't cost money to cast, and is a 5th level spell instead of a 7th level. Just bizarre.
at 7th level you get 30 vs 16.5
Well that makes it completely ridiculous.
I thought components don't get destroyed whn you cast a spell?
Unless they say they are consumed. Which it doesn't, but it's my default assumption.
well, the spiritual weapon doesn't live up to the expectations at lvl 7th
it's only 1d8+mod and it gets +1d8 for TWO slot levels.
However, still no concentration required.
what would you recommend as the best damaging cantrip?
At 6th level it's already better damage than Mordenkainen's blade.
@eimyr Depends - do you plan to max Cha, or Dex?
Cha, I think.
Or Dex if it's optimal
but for now, it's cha
I forgot that you're PHB only, so it doesn't matter. grumblegrumblegrumble
The best cantrip from a damage POV is fire bolt.
But you may want to look into shillelagh.
not poison spray?
I'm surprised
I honestly thought of using bonus action to SMITE everyone
Poison spray is hot garbage.
because it scales with Cha
because of it's poor range?
The poison damage type is terrible. Half the Monster Manual is immune or resistant.
I have taken vicious mockery so far, but I think I regret that decision
I just thought it's going to be the ballsiest cantrip to cast
Add to that it's crappy range and a Con saving throw, almost every monster's favourite.
Vicious mockery has a nice secondary effect, probably the best damage type, and a saving throw a lot of monsters are bad at.
It's like the opposite of poison spray.
The secondary effects are often better than the slight increase in damage die. Ray of frost is another good one in that respect.
Shocking grasp has potential if you were going to be in melee anyway.
For example, it prevents use of counterspell. That is so much bigger than an extra 8 damage could ever be.
will you write that optimisation answer?
You would do me a great favour.
When I'm reunited with my laptop on Saturday, I'm planning to. The answer there now (forget spells, just be a crappy version of a Fighter) I find deeply dissatisfying.
boo, I have a game on Friday!
I hope my GM isn't too stingy about changing the character mid-game
What level are you?
Feats allowed?
I guess...
I didn't know they were optional
I will probably be on lvl 1 after that too
I just want to know if I don't need to say move my 14 rolled to STR or sth
With no multiclassing, I don't see a way to make a Str build viable.
You're planning on being a halfling, right?
I am already
so I get the nifty Luck
Yeah, a Str build is definitely off the table.
that's not bad then
I have to go to sleep now, but I will read the transcript if you write more
thanks a lot for the help!
You're welcome! I was about to go too, so that's convenient. Ttyl
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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