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Did they get rid of Detect <alignment> spells in 5e?
@Adeptus yup. I last used Know Alignment in 2e. Were there 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 versions?
@Shalvenay hey
@nitsua60 3.x has Detect <x> yes
@nitsua60 how're things going?
first day back to school--always a long one. Good to see the kids, though. You?
@nitsua60 disappointed that one of my packages apparently got put on the wrong truck or something
sorry to hear that
@Shalvenay kids' bath and bed now--back in a couple hours
@nitsua60 np
@nitsua60 It's kind of a weird idea, having school so soon after christmas. But when you think about it, it does make sense to have summer as the long break. Both just happen at the same time here.
Confirm that you have landed on the Prime Material Plane. If you have landed on an Elemental Plane, do not exit. https://t.co/TamVhTLlBK
@BESW hahahaha
2 hours later…
Q: Inducing paranoia in players

DoonesmanI have a situation. My group is heading towards an elven kingdom in pursuit of a plot coupon. Unbeknownst to them, the plot coupon is evil and corrupted and is turning the royal elven family paranoid, seeing plots in every corner. One of the players, unbeknownst to everyone (even her) is a member...

I am horrified by this plan. I think they might not have thought through the consequences of making one player think that everyone's plotting against them.
well I also don't like the DM deciding that a player is a secret elven princess without that player even knowing it
let alone getting permission
I mean, maybe they are a group that has already given permission for said things, or even expects them
but that seems unlikely
and sure, maybe said player will be fine with it,... but still it seems wrong to me
yeah, something's weird here.
I mean it isn't even just that I play Fate now and tons of things aren't supposed to be secret in that
I'm gonna leave a comment.
How's this?
> Can you please edit this question to make it clear where you're referring to a player, or to a player's game character? I'm really hoping that you're talking more about the character and you're not trying to make someone at the table feel real-life paranoia about people they trust, for the sake of a game.
it's that even when I played any D&D edition that I did play, nothing about my own character was a secret to me
yeah and real life paranoia is not ok either
there are several things off with what that question might be insinuating
@BESW please leave that comment
@trogdor having things about my own char hidden from me would be a reason for me to walk from a table straightaway
i left this one a few seconds beforehand (wasn't in the loop, was busy writing)
This normally isn't what comments are for, but I find this scenario exceptional: Are you sure you've thought through the ramifications of making one of your players think everyone in the group is plotting against her, in real life? (As in, have you considered that maybe this will mess her up, make the game un-fun and stressful for her, make her leave the group, and more?) — doppelgreener 1 min ago
@Shalvenay yeah that isn't generally ok
I can put up with a certain degree of railroading or the DM wanting to kill off PCs, even, as a player
but that sort of crap would send me running.
in Fate, I have had spur of the moment suggestions of things about my character or strongly related to my character
Yeah. If a GM's going to be making important decisions about a character's background without the player's knowledge, that really needs to be discussed with and approved by the group beforehand. They need to know that's going to be happening.
but not anything that someone else could decide ahead of time and force me to accept
so there is a difference there, but it can sometimes be cool if someone comes up for an idea about or for your character as long as it requires you to put your stamp of approval on it
And unless this is a group in which secret plots against characters are considered fun and an okay thing to do (by both the plotter and the plotted), I can only see that asker's plan ending badly.
phew, it got edited
welp that is one potential problem down
It's a much better question now!
yes it is,...
I just have certain skepticism about how this game might be being run XD
In Fate I'd just drop a Paranoid delusions aspect on the PC and call it a day.
yes, but that is fate
[hi all]
@BESW in a D&D game I'd just say to my 5-year groups of player-friends, "hey, I'd like the next plot arc to include an artifact that's making you all paranoid. You wanna try playing that?"
plus, even in fate,.. you can't just hide a thing about a character from said character's own player
@nitsua60 [sigh] Yes.
not at least without major buy in
@trogdor BTW, maybe I hadn't mentioned this before: Doctor Light is really an extra-dimensional being from the Land of Plant People, brainwashed by Amaterasu into thinking he used to be human as an experiment in population integration techniques.
@nitsua60 Yeah, I'm kinda hoping one of the suggestions involves "tell the players, get their buy-in"
mm misspellings
is it too nit-picky to edit the title to "among" rather than "between" PCs? It is the bit that will lead a search result....
Let it settle down first.
@Shalvenay sorry it took so long--"bath and bed" turned into "bath and bed and undecorate the tree and I decided we're going to start working out at night..." =)
@nitsua60 hahaha
(never mind)
so...I was talking with @Pixie about the d'born clothing thing
any good ideas?
and she suggested that silk would be a good candidate for a fine fabric for d'born to use in addition to metal-based materials
I also like the idea of richly dyed linen, but as we mentioned, silk is kind of the go-to fancy fabric.
which leaves me wondering how one'd make sturdy clothing out of it -- because while silk is a sturdy fiber, the clothes made from it IRL are considered delicate, almost universally, which strikes me as odd.
Granted, there are different types of fabric made from silk.
@Shalvenay why's it need to be sturdy?
Especially for fancy ball use, it doesn't especially need to be.
@nitsua60 I was figuring D'born would favor materials that were less-fragile -- coming in Big exclusively probably isn't very easy on fine clothes.
Though in my mind, sturdy seems to go hand in hand with dragonborn, and also I am imagining light, delicate charmeuse getting snagged on your dance partner's primarily metal outfit. :P
@Pixie Yes, those sorts of concerns would be present...you'd need a sturdy, snag-resistant fabric to mix with metal-based materials.
@Pixie (I am never earning the [fabrics] tag badge--tracking down "charmeuse" just taught me that satin and silk aren't the same thing.)
@nitsua60 heheh
Maybe damask. I've never handled real silk damask, but synthetic jacquard tends to feel pretty sturdy, not like something that is likely to rip.
BTW, my Spoil-Lair has some brain storming about the wild things going on while Earth is suffused with Weirdness and Magic.
Right now the spoil-lair is pretty safe for my players.
I wouldn't mind looking in there then
There's one thing I know you'll be happy about.
maybe making suggestions if something comes to me
@Pixie The description on Wikipedia doesn't discuss it's mechanical properties much. I was actually wondering if a true ripstop fabric could be developed...as those are known to be mechanically superb when woven from a strong fiber.
I'd welcome suggestions from anybody interested.
@Shalvenay Yeah, it's hard finding that kind of info, and I don't know a ton about textile production. As for ripstop, quite possibly -- though it likely wouldn't be as nice to the eye or touch.
@Pixie Yeah. A ripstop fabric contains a grid of thicker, stronger fibers woven into the fabric that give it the namesake resistance to tearing
@Pixie I was actually thinking about asking on worldbuilding.SE how sturdy clothes could be made from silk...
@Shalvenay If there were an SE that textile production fell under the umbrella of, I'd suggest asking there, but I don't know that there is. Worldbuilding might be good though. Someone there might know.
@Pixie yeah. Worldbuilding I think will be my starting point once I do a bit of workshopping in chat or such...if it's too specific for them, then I suspect engineering.SE would be the place for it.
@Shalvenay - Well, if you reference Shanghai Noon, wet Chinese silk doesn't break.
@DrunkCynic I'm talking about not just wet strength here, but the properties needed to make a fabric sturdy -- as in, capable of withstanding repeated snagging on metal things, being stepped on, etal. (In the WB.SE question, I might even ask what would be required to make a silk shirt that could survive a day in Ye Olde Railyard :p)
@Pixie Whether or not they do, they'll certainly answer. And comment. And comment. And comment. (He said, lovingly....)
@Shalvenay Understood, just referencing humerous silk anecdotes. Unless your wedded to silk, do a google search on "department of defense uniform procurement." There is bound to be a mind numbing amount of details on the endurance and lifespan of fabric there.
Silk is certainly fine for fancy dress under normal standards, and also everyday wear depending. Having handled some silk, I can also say that I have worn much thinner (if stretchier) stuff without it tearing at the drop of a pin. I would just not treat it the way I treat my linen. xD
@Pixie I take it your linens take some pretty heavy abuse?
I had to wash my linen duvet cover 10+ times when I first got it because the packaging or treatment imparted a rather gross chemical smell that did not want to come out. It is just fine.
@Pixie that is...odd. (that you'd have to do that to begin with)
although I can think of worse abuse, it'd be the kind a mechanic or a railroad car-knocker would put on
@Shalvenay It's not that uncommon, especially with bed stuff, due to either treatments used on the fabric to make them wrinkle-resistant or pesticides used to protect them during storage or else chemicals in the plastic packaging they're sold in.
Normally I'd just not buy something that had that much of a smell, but online shopping... :P
@Pixie yeah. That'd actually make a good chemistry lab project I think -- buy a set of bedsheets online and analyze what offgasses from them :)
Oh I don't even want to know. :v
Formaldehyde is not unheard of.
Yeah, that pesky CH2O molecule likes to pop up all over the place
Alas, I am not rich enough to by $300 organic bedsheets, nor will I likely be in this lifetime, so I have resigned myself to some amount of offgassing. :P
so materials aside -- the other questions I see for the whole D'born fancy clothes thing are color, form, and accessories...
Love this example of play. https://t.co/Npu14FebVN
user image
@BESW what game is this from?
it almost sounds like fate but D20's were rolled with a charisma score
so it sounds sorta like D&D
not to say that is definitive
Looking at the fragments of the next column, I can see the words Laundry Service
I know the game needs at least 1d4 and 1d6... top right
Also it's rolled "against" Charisma, which is more of a BRP thing--except BRP uses percentiles.
So I suspect the example is pure parody.
might be that
i have heard of that game
I'd be surprised if it's not that.
A search on the opening line of that section confirms.
"Laundry" and "Sanity" means Charles Stross.
It is
@Tritium21 Yes, there it is. Page 9 of the "first 16 pages" free download PDF
Its in the quickstart
@BESW this cracked me up
> The GM describes the scene for the other players and adjudicates the results of their actions, often by throwing some dice(1).
1. Either on the table, to provide a random number as part of a non-deterministic way of determining the success or otherwise of a player’s action, or at the player if he suggested something stupid.
This is no less than I'd expect from a Laundry Files text.
Shame the setting itself is so abysmally dismal and hopeless.
I have not heard of it till now
I only know of it from BESW's previous mentions of it
I haven't ever heard about it, even now.
Its government work. they cant make it cheery
It's government workers working to mitigate an apocalypse they know they cannot prevent, brought on simply by humanity's successful existence.
@BESW what is that apocalypse and why does humanity simply existing bring it on?
@doppelgreener Spoilers!
Ohhh, is this a novel series?
"It takes the nihilistic horror of the Cthulhu mythos and makes it into a joke, just so that it can then turn it back around into a nihilistic horror setting once more. God spare England, because Cthulhu won’t."
- rpg.net review
random observation... you can make "chocolate" sound like a verb if you change the pronunciation slightly
@Adeptus potential thing: make that a horrifying crazy scientist's procedure which should absolutely not be mistaken for chocolate. (he didn't realise the coincidence at the time of naming the chocolisation process, and it's rather put him off chocolate.)
@doppelgreener now I'm imagining Daleks yelling it... "CHOC-O-LATE! CHOC-O-LATE!"
@Adeptus The ones in favour of extermination are shocked and think the Dalek population should at least have some decency. (The fact they even think this is part of the shock for them.)
Ah, yes, CHOCoLaTe, a bizarre chemical formula of carbon, cobalt, hydrogen, lanthanum, oxygen, and tellurium.
@BESW Yes. Made perfect sense to name the process that way at the time!
@BESW I feel like there should be subtext numbers next to some of them to make a proper molecule, but I don't know enough chemistry to work it out
@Adeptus Subtext numbers would indicate the chemical has more than one molecule of that particular element.
I doubt that chemical could work in any configuration, but it'd almost certainly need multiples of some elements to make the bonds work.
Well it's stable in theory
@BESW LOL -- I smell a mix of metal sandwich complexes ;)
'Like a beautiful painting': image of New Year's mayhem in Manchester goes viral. (It's a hell of a photo and some photoshopping follows.)
@Shalvenay Babywearing slings can be another point of inspiration. My wife has several slings which are blends of silk & something else. When tied into a knot, they are surprisingly resistant to movement (which is good, since babies are very enthusiastic when seeing something shiny).
2 hours later…
Ooh, there's a big fat gecko in my room this evening.
Welcome, O Hunter of Many-Legged Things Which Bite.
I wish that was possible over here
I have 2 too many cats for that XD
I guess there are still plenty outside
and I don't see bugs in the house as often as I would think considering the lower numbers of geckos, so something is probably still killing them
Your house is also pretty well sealed.
yeah, but I still see geckos in here
it isn't like they can't get in,... but I see at least as many dead as alive
but yeah, I am sure that is a contributing factor
@trogdor I bet your cats are probably killing them. They like to hunt flies and spiders.
[snort] Cats generally do, yes.
But cats are a balance between Sadism and Indulgence, and Troggy's cats have long let Indulgence reign supreme in their lives.
They will happily kill anything that comes their way, but they don't really go looking anymore.
unfortunately this is true
these cats will murder if it is convenient for them, no other time
my father tried to teach them to kill snakes, they were not having that
to be fair, I am not sure he went about it the right way
and actually, one of them seems to be slowly slimming down, time will tell if this continues
hopefully the new diet we have them on will get them both to lose some weight, because they are severely unhealthy, and one even got kitty arthritis early XD
they are lazy as hell
2 hours later…
Last night's 5e session was pretty sweet. Ended with a nice climax.
@DavidWilkins I'll bite. What happened?
Well my players have started the "Rise of Tiamat" campaign with new characters at level 8, so of course there are aspects to their characters that they are not completely familiar with
Man, I thought ACKS was something really obscure and I'd never see it again :p
In college I had a project to make a videogame RPG based on the ACKS system
Sponsored by the guy in charge of it
at the end of last night was the first major combat in that campaign, and they quickly realized that they need to get their stuff in order.
and I guess I always just assumed that it was some small thing that nobody but us had heard about
I vaguely recall my older brother talking about ACKS when I was too young to appreciate RPGs
...I find myself struggling with voting on questions. I sometimes find myself wanting to vote based on if i think they should even be having the problem or not :
@DavidWilkins Interesting. I feel bad, then, that I'm not sure if my group signed over the project
the guy didn't really get much legal paperwork to us and then the class ended and he wanted us to sign it over, but at that point we were just two dozen random students rather than a complete group and I haven't heard anything since
hehe, looking at the answer you linked makes me think of Dungeon Defenders
then again, most of the class had never played a tabletop RPG
and most people couldn't be bothered to read the rules
so it turned out just OK because of the direction of the people that HAD played a tabletop RPG
There was talk after the class of taking out all of the ACKS stuff to just make it our own vageuly tabletop-like dungeon delver RPG, but once again, all those people that never played a tabletop...
They wanted me to rename every spell and no longer base damage, even internally, on dice and make it static
because they were afraid that "Fireball" was trademarked or at least too close to the product
@Tophandour my group likes it best of the retro-stuff
and "8d6" would be something trademarked by somebody
so I quit because as the guy that programmed all of the spells and some of the items, there was no way that I was wasting my free time renaming "Fireball" to "Exploding Fire Sphere" that does a static amount of damage for no reason other than other people in the group didn't know what bits were trademarked or not
Seriously, they wouldn't even let me do "8 - 48" damage instead of "8d6" because they said "8 - 48 looks like Diablo or something, so we probably can't use it"
I laud their concern, while being concerned for their ignorance.
rant over
they also took my end-of-game Easter egg crazy powerful sword (because by the time you get it, you've beaten the game) and made it a reference to My Little Pony, made it available in the shop, and made it cost an amount that was easy to farm within a short amount of time without asking me before the game went up for final demo
So when the little kids came to the college to see what cool things you could do if you study computers and programming, they basically destroyed the game in half an hour
thanks, guys
ok, rant over for real now
But on the bright side, ponies!
This is why I decided to not work in the game industry. I couldn't live with working on a project like that and have almost everyone not even know the property that we were making the game for (among a lot of other reasons). The gaming industry is full of that.
Of course, for all the assembly-line schlock using the same basic template to punch out two dozen franchise titles, there's also groups like Tigon Studios and the Starry Expanse Project that are founded on principles of dedication to source material.
How about... videogame writers have an original thought. Why is everything a sequel or adaptation?
Every profession has a spectrum from cheap-and-easy to do-it-right. The d20 System boom and bust is a great example of both.
@Tritium21 [raises eyebrow] Obduction looks to be fun.
Yeah, but in order to get my X number of published titles to move on to good companies, I'd probably have to work at a couple of places that weren't optimal for the enjoyment of my life
I'd rather write regular software that solves problems in the world and make games on my own time according to my own vision
@Tophandour As I understand the videogame industry, its the opposite? You work in a small fun place till EA buys it and crushes your soul.
Depends. A couple of my friends went on to work at places that make mobile game ripoffs
and they're trying to get experience so they can move up
oh yeah, mobile games
and hopefully their company doesn't tank and lay them off before they can set up the next jump
not something I want to have hanging over my head
I also dont get mobile games... I have net ~35 inches of monitor on my desk, why play a game on a 4 inch screen?
maybe one day they'll end up working at Epic Games or something
but for now they're grinding out crappy puzzle games
If they want to actually build games, i hope they dont work at epic for their own sake. Epic is a middleware company more than anything
@Tritium21 Is that rhetorical, or do you want an answer about the class/wealth gap between mobile and desktop users and similar factors?
@Tritium21 at least in my group, getting into Epic means that you've definitely made it. My friends probably wouldn't mind just working on Unreal Engine stuff
Generally the answer to "Why does this booming industry exist even though I don't care about it?" is "You're not the target demographic."
Ostensibly I am the prime demographic of it. 25-40, smart phone owning, gaming, with enough disposable income.
A lot of smart phone games don't target self-identified "gamers."
Similarly, mobile-specific services tend to target lower income demographics because they don't have desktops in the first place.
I am from the land of cheap computers where smart phones are a high income luxury I guess
To my right is a $600 phone that Tmobile payed for thankfully, and to my left is a $400 PC that does 100x more.
Micropayment games are popular over lump-sum-purchase games amongst lower-income people for the same reason they use phones instead of desktops as their primary Internet access points and why they don't buy bulk much: they can't afford the up-front expense even if it'd be cheaper in the long run.
I am so glad i got this plan when i had credit
I play mobile games on a $75 Sky 3.5 Android phone.
...and a $75 Kobo e-reader tablet.
I got my smartphone free with my mobile contract
it was on promotion
My phone charges have only just reached the point where I'm considering actually getting a plan; I've always been pre-paid.
There are a myriad ways to live a life, some of which it's hard to imagine unprompted.
In many parts of the Philippines the communication infrastructure totally passed them by as telephone lines and fibre optics were laid elsewhere; they don't even have electricity yet.
So you buy a cell phone on a trip to the city.
Your local store sells pre-paid cards and somebody has a gas-powered generator that you can charge the phone on for a small fee.
In the middle of the night it's pitch black because there aren't any electric lights for dozens of miles, but when someone gets a text their phone pops up as a little island of red and blue and green light in the dark.
jeebus, you guys are making me feel like a 1%er
People who move their homes every few months--very wealthy people whose jobs require them to travel around the world--use mobile devices instead of desktop computers as their primary communication gateway too, because they can keep it with them.
I like playing my Doctor Who game in the line at the Post Office.
Its hard to find demographic information that is global, recent, and covers income (without paying for the information).
Apparently, 2/10ths of 1% of users, as of last year, account for the vast majority of money spent in mobile gaming, if this headline is to be believed
Well, that's the other thing: many mobile micropayment games are targeting people susceptible to addictive behaviours.
The industry is being increasingly supported by 'whales' - people with money and apparently addictive personalities
That's a quality which cuts across many other demographics.
My phone sells for upward of $750 with a contract. I got it with financing
....why is the state of new jersey calling me?
the whole state?
Thats what callerid said. "New Jersey"
You don't want to answer that. You may get infected with spray tan.
@Tophandour hehehe
Top comment on Imgur. "His douchebag level is over 9000!"
Yay! First week of the year = VOIP PoE Phone Switch failure
4 hours later…
Okay, we really need to get some chat going to push that .gif up and off my second screen.... Umm... Summon Hater IX?
@nitsua60 I'm particularly ranty tonight, I might do.
I think we should write a new fallacy
"If you want to level up so hard, it means you'd better play a MMORPG because you care less about roleplaying your character"
Mmmmh I think I need help. Can anybody find me out (I can ask this as a question if it turns out it works better) where WotC said that 3.5e was a great error and they apologized for it, while trying to market 4e?
ah, found the trailer.
@Zachiel did you by any chance found the Witcher conversation bits helpful?
@eimyr I did, but I have no idea when I will play the game again
oh darnit, I made a mistake in the post
blaaa, now I'll obsess over it
@Tritium21 Everything is a sequel because of (corporate) risk aversion. Untested new franchises generally gather more polarized reviews and carry greater risk of a flop.
I once made a chart: docs.google.com/drawings/d/…
Being an investor, which axis is of your biggest concern?
@eimyr lol, IGN 7/10
mediocre, but playable and enjoyable
waste of time, but only because there are better games
What was today's dinner?
I was thinking... I would play tW2 way more, if only it didn't take ages to load every time I Alt+tab out when it's my turn to write in play by chat games
Garbanzo tuna sandwiches with apple.
I shouldn't have asked though.
You've made me hungry, it's 22:15 and I need to lose weight.
I had a club sandwich with salmon, apple and cheese sauce, recently. Wow. Just wow.
@eimyr don't get me started on the having or not having to get in good shape.
Me, wholewheat noodles with sweet and sour chicken
@Zachiel I'm usually in poor shape, but I've put on some extra weight and I'm uncomfortable with it now.
So, I decided to reduce my calorie intake first, get some exercise second.
Mom says I should strenghten my abs at least to the point where my stomach does not look like I've eaten a watermelon in one piece.
Unfortunately, I despise gyms and it's too cold for running.
@Zachiel are you aware that localised exercise does not remove localised fat?
It's not fat.
Then I cease the inquiry.
To sum up - I'm on the EL diet.
Eat Less.
I'm on the "is there palm oil here as well?" diet
@eimyr This is the one I have trouble with--when I"m up working until 11, 12 pm it's really hard not to have one more crappy snack....
Nutritionists and culture counterterrorists are on opposite sides of the "is it bad for you?" barricade
@nitsua60 My problem is that I'm always hungry past 10 o'clock. And then when I wake up, I can't eat anything short of forcefeeding myself.
@nitsua60 If I go to sleep hungry, it sort of regulates itself. And hunger does not bother me all that much.
@eimyr my problem is that I've inherited firmware that's mortally terrified of starvation, and haven't figured out the update =)
What really baffles me is... why isn't survival of the fittest granting that only those who like eating healthy things survive? Why do we like sugar so much? Or milk?
Short term survival.
@Zachiel because it's not about survival, it's about surviving long enough to ensure the next generation reaches maturity
I don't think I'm going to see that day
Survival is, unfortunately, not of the fittest - even Darwin recognised that - but of the ones that reproduce the best.
Was that true individual wise, it would say a lot about my chances of survival
Ha! If survival is about living to see the offspring mature, I have quite a long life ahead.
I just turned 31 and not once a woman I know has asked me out. I'm supposed to be the one that does that?
It's all about t]aking chances.
I'm terrible at recognizing chances, let alone creating them
Like, you see me writing on the chat, here?
Let's say I do.
That's me sitting on my room alone, for I don't own a smartphone
And that's the vast majority of my free time.
I just like chatting with people across the ocean more than to go at a party or to a movie or to the playing field...
Let's talk about something more cheerful I beg you.
Well, there are two things that need to be said. First, it's okay to like spending time alone in a room. Second, it rarely results in romantic relationships with another human being.
I know, right?
OK, to just finish this quest.
I've never had much romantic success until 25.
I deeply envy those who found love while playing videogames
Well, any romantic success.
I could say I met my partner online, but it was more of being in the same place, doing what interests us both, even if the presence was virtual.
so, do you play RPGs online too?
I do. Play by chat games. I'm not really good at them.
As a girl I know told me tonight: you're like that guy that likes playing soccer but has to stop after 15 minutes unless he wants a stroke.
@Zachiel ??? (not seeing the analogy to your gaming)
@Zachiel ??? (or anything else actually)
If she's in teh medical profession, perhaps it's time to get a checkup
Otherwise propose group sports activities to increase this to 20 minutes
@eimyr out of curiosity, is that a self-crack on reproduction, or a barb at your offspring's/offsprings' maturation rate(s)?
@nitsua60 reluctance to do so, furthered by the prospects of immortality
@eimyr She says I'm not fit to do what I like, is the analogy clear now?
@Zachiel because you're somehow a... bad play-by-chat-er?
And I don't say she's wrong
Be nice guys. This is clearly a difficult subject to @Zachiel, obviously not related to gaming and he asked us to drop it.
No harm was meant
So, what's your RPG.SE table of dreams?
ok--sorry. fair point. I'm just generally slow on the uptake and ask too many questions. (And overshare.)
@nitsua60 I like playing in D&D like environments but I don't like the GM cheating to keep me alive, I like building characters that auto-pass skill checks, I fear having to change character because of death, I don't like the idea of a character needing to be resurrected either. I basically want to be the lucky player who gets all the fun of being always right
Oh. So it is indeed.
@eimyr the dropping was more because I don't feel this is the place but I'm comfortable talking about it, and then the conversation is going game-wise
@eimyr as in, construction? Like the question asked earlier today? (Should it have smart-chargers, cup=holders, &c?)
@Zachiel that sounds a lot like Mister Lucky from SR4
I just didn't want to impose the topic (or the mood) on you
So you want to play a system with no PC death, high character competency and assumed player success. Have you tried Fate, @Zachiel ?
@eimyr No, I want to play D&D. My enjoyment comes from being as lucky as some people have been
Or maybe just as unaware of the DM cheating to make them win, which is hard to achieve since I know the mechanics are unforgiving
I get it. You want to play D&D, but without the parts where it doesn't go perfectly.
@eimyr Basically, I'm not fit to play RPGs because I want things that don't exist from them
Why DnD though?
@nitsua60 No, people-wise. I would assume folks who don't play with Stack friends for a variety of reasons would have some picks and preferences about who they would like to play with the most.
Because I started with D&D. It's tied to memories such as playing the franchise videogames, and because I want to prove myself that i can grok it and make a character that works, psychologically and mechanically
I think I've been there.
A bit.
Though this was attainable, as it was an NWN1 online persistent world
"If people can do it, why can't I? I must keep trying, maybe with time I will learn too."
I made the perfect character I always wanted to play.
Aaaaand I got told this is overpowered and the mods won't accept it until I play for a couple months.
I got pissed as hell.
Well, yeah, I can feel you.
In revenge, I made a useless bum of a character.
Right now I'm in a phase where level and damage are important to me, but people pops up saying "all that matters is how you roleplay your character"
A morbidly obese cleric, who is mechanically overpowered (but acceptable by mods because their friends didn't like it) and never uses it.
I didn't jog for more than 3 second before complaining, insisted on walking instead. Casting spells was a drag and I preached about how the party should be thankful for Bless, because it's so much work. I used crafting - made beer, which was completely useless to everyone.
And when I had a rogue/chameleon that I was unsatisfied with because she couldn't do half the things a bard/chameleon could, I got told to change character and I proceeded to rolling a cleric because when a guy told me "do a tier 3" I was all "but I will envy tier 1s all the time!"
I had full plate and shield because he never wanted to get hurt. Didn't bother with a weapon, too much effort.
see, in my game I could do it, but probably nobody would want to play with me. I would raise CR without contributing.
Also, the cleric made stupid rhymed annoying mock prayers that I had on macros.
I mean, nobody would want to quest with me
while I want to feel included and partecipate to epic battles
And finally he demanded money for the church, which he then spent publicly on booze and adultery.
@Zachiel it seems that you want to skip a step where you are useful and nice to play with and go straight to dominating a session, but expect everyone to praise you for it.
Am I close?
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