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I can see that. I was also thinking of a possibility where the dungeon's aura of Order slowly crept up on him and made him start to spend more and more time repeating small rituals that he wasn't paying much attention to at first.
@BESW most people would become mindless drones that performed regular maintenance on the dungeon. He was kind of the right combination
Is Order a major theme in your campaign?
Roll his bedroll up in a certain way, light exactly three candles for meal time, start with the small, then the medium, then the tall, and slowly distracting him from his work. He finally realizes that the place's Lawful aura is getting to him. He decides "No, I'm much stronger than this!" and so he starts avoiding routine whenever possible, fearing that it will lead to giving in
sleeping, eating, drinking at irregular intervals, just a little bit at first. Just enough to make him feel like he's properly defying it.
@BESW My party just came into the ability to go from plane to plane, so I'm introducing the concept of places having mind-affecting auras
(If Order is a major theme, then we need to dig into that a bit to figure out what it means in your game, because Order/Chaos is not a clearly defined thing in D&D. If it's just a background thing in this one adventure, hand-waving is appropriate.)
yeah, it's not THAT important for the big picture, the party mostly just needs to see "Oh, staying here too long is a bad idea and this is a thing that can happen in this universe"
What abilities do you expect the PCs to bring to bear on exploring the place?
(EG, over the summer our campaign had a madman in a cave too--and one of the PCs had a time gun which she used to peer back at various points in his time living there.)
If they wanted to, they could use Legend Lore or similar divination spells. They probably won't be very inclined to do so because they prefer to get their lore gathering outside of dungeons
(I have played in a game with a madman... in which the DM did not take into account a characters supernatural ability to cure madness)
they'll pick up a journal and skim it, but they leave the Legend Lore for when they're safe and have nothing else to use spell slots for
Okay, so I'd recommend that he defaces the dungeon.
Prevents the dungeon, in whatever ways possible, from reverting to an orderly form.
Yeah, I was getting to that in my idea but wasn't sure if you guys were tired of my monologue :p
As for progression... well, for example, a nice realistic painting on the wall, which is then covered over haphazardly by a surrealist version of the same image.
(Can i just take a moment to point out how awesome it is that rpg.se is pretty inviting to everyone... unlike SO which is pretty damn toxic)
Yeah, so I was planning for him to start treating the dungeon as an adversary. Starts out with him leaving well-written notes on tables, mostly as a way to still feel in control at first
but eventually resorting to more aggressive and child-like attacks at the dungeon
(I have no patience for 10K+ users berating a 1 point user for not posting enough detail... and not asking for what details to include.)
Progressing from scratching doodles on table edges to eventually painting "OH LOOK, ANOTHER BLANK EMPTY WALL" on things after a certain point
and then just going full bizarre
@Tritium21 yeah -- that's rather annoying and frustrating from both ends.
@Tritium21 I do really like this site
@Tophandour What forces are at work to restore order in this place?
it's a pretty inviting place
@Tritium21 only thing is, there are plenty who have a really-brief and unpleasant interaction with the place, and never discover that
(I totally agree with you, btw. Just that there's a skin of ice you have to break through to get there.)
Nobody really living anymore, but Modrons and various clockwork constructs that are around
@Tophandour So, some of them get dismantled, obviously. But also, there'll be evidence of his chaotic efforts being undone.
...and sometimes by himself, as he slips.
for a while, he managed to seal himself off in a certain area of the dungeon and had wards up to keep other creatures away while he worked on puzzles
(haven't decided on the puzzles or progression challenges yet, still designing that)
Yeah, I can do that
I suggest you also consider this sort of thing.
My end plan for the dungeon was that he kidnapped a modron and "hacked" it to store the plans for the axiomatic weapon (after he learned from it) and also loudly shout obscenities and threats constantly
> ​Why do fish have hands?
- because they don’t have hands
and then transferred his soul into the magical item he was crafting while cackling maniacally while other modrons tried to get through his wards to undo his damage
the party will have to find a way through that. The corrupted modron will still be in there
oooh, nice
@BESW So they can have fish fingers, of course!
becoming a tool of strange random magic and chaos, he thinks that he has definitely won
against the order
but little did he know... HIS MAGIC... IS DECIDED BY A TABLE :O
that the DM rolls on :p
(that's not in-universe)
(I won't point this out to my players) :p
> why are policemen brave?
- because they are robots
> A duck walks into a bar. A man runs out because its unnatural to have a duck in a bar.
@BESW then my Warlock says "What is a... Robe...Ot?"
@BESW ... thats actually kinda troubling
Cleric responds, "No, I think it's pronounced Row Boat"
@BESW serves the duck to the patrons
> guess how many snakes there are
- 13
We had a fun section once where they found some ancient flying machines stored in a room called the "Hangar"
Which everyone knows is Primordial for "Room you store flying machines in"
Guys, this is really annoying me and I can't find it anywhere - how do I change my avatar?
Pronounced "Han-gahr"
@Polyducks One moment, I'll get links.
@BESW Don't link me to this: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/41277/… because I don't get it.
Fighter mispronounced it as "hanger" but of course, she 'ardly knew 'er
@Polyducks Go to your profile page and click "Edit Profile & Settings" to get to this page.
Then click the "Change Picture" text on the lower portion of your icon.
You found it!
@Tophandour LOL. taxis up to the party in a DC-3
@BESW My hero <3
Guess it takes a while for the new avatar to propagate
Yeah, it can take minutes to hours.
Make sure you scrolled down to the bottom of the page and hit the save button.
Excellente. Totally did
@Polyducks it will take a while to take effect
Right, I'd better sleep. It's now officially an four and a half hours into 2016
but if you did it right be consoled, it will take
Night gang. Good luck with your madman folks!
I have mined some good madman ideas
Generated a dungeon using the Donjon generator for 5e. I'm going to scrap all of the encounters because they don't have an option for the types of creatures that I want
but they do have some interesting wall scrawlings
like "NO! I said it had eleven eyes!"
@Tophandour yeah. the Donjon generator does a lot of nice things (and I've seen that scrawling before :p)
"Don't sleep" is always good
the one thing I haven't figured out how to do with it is a proper multi-story dungeon, but my question about it on this Stack got whacked by the tool-rec drop before it ever got answered
> What do you call a fish with no legs?
- A fish.
it's the type of thing that one or two party members might roll their eyes at and then I ask them "You wanna try it?" and they get scared and decide not to sleep
I should make a dungeon generator some day
I'm working on making a roguelike, but it's "Not that kind of roguelike"
@Tophandour what kind of roguelike is it?
(turns out I'm not going to bed yet)
Man, I have mentioned two Spoony related things tonight >__>
anyway, I'm planning on having it be largely overworld
like Dwarf Fortress adventure mode
but a more modern setting
of course, I have a lot more planned for it than that
but I'm not ready to share too much yet
I've put about 23 hours into it since I started tracking time (after I chose LWJGL over Processing)
so I'm just as far as generating terrain and being able to explore a 0 to signed int max square
Tonight I added a new library so that I can draw menus
2016 has been here for two whole minutes! Everybody stay calm. The year can smell fear.
@UrsulaV The New Years are coming from inside the house!
I really have to admire Sapphire and Steel. There's an infanticidal psychic pillow making swan noises and hovering unsteadily through the hall, but somehow it's serious business.
Sapphire and Steel was a 1980s TV show made as a rival to Doctor Who by a competing studio. It had a smaller budget but very skilled production team and great actors; it almost never tried to do something it couldn't manage on its budget, and the principle actors could sell the story mostly by looking extremely intense (which is good, because although the camera work was great, the budget meant a lot of each episode was just having the two main actors look at the camera intensely).
man, if I had a nickel for every time an infanticidal psychic pillow made swan noises and hovered unsteadily through my hallway
writes down idea in roguelike game ideas log infanticidal swan pillow...
The basic premise of S&S is that the titular characters are unearthly beings assigned to protect the Earth from malevolent forces outside of time which exploit strong emotions and paradoxes to wiggle their way into reality.
sounds like a Monday. Never could get the hang of Mondays.
In this case, archaeologists from the year 3480 have come to observe 1980 London. Their presence is being exploited by the malevolent forces, which are currently (I'm one and half episodes into a 6-episode story) using the disgust of the time travellers at 20th century humans using animal parts for food, clothing, and tools, to animate those things against them.
So the pillow, stuffed with goose down, starts floating around trying to suffocate people or knock them off high places or the like.
personally I like to eat my steak extra rare while wearing my leather coat and using my fork and knife made from cow femur
If that's disgusting to future people, then I'm just never going to the future
At least, I think that's why it's doing that. S&S is very firm in adhering to its "Explanations are for the weak" philosophy.
We never even find out who or what our main characters are, where they're from, or who or what they work for.
1 hour later…
That is all
2 hours later…
Today's Doctor is an ordinary motorist.
20 children play a game in which the aim is to become an owl.
@Joninean [wave]
@BESW Heyo! And good morning!
And a happy new year.
Back atcha.
[Checks last posted question] [sigh] New answer posted, now I have THREE contradicting answers.
@BESW Not funneh!
Q: Is gliding considered as a move action?

JonineanGliding is usually listed as an extraordinary ability, for example the Raptoran entry in RotW (pg. 68): Gliding (Ex): A raptoran can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Raptorans glide at a speed...

Wow, that is confusing.
It's a good thing your hat is so dapper.
I couldn't have handled it without my hat.
It looks to me like the writer was trying to use pre-existing terminology to describe a new feature, but overlooked all the implications of the terms he was using.
Seriously though, I hope you've taken a screenshot so you can wear that hat all year.
Snipped it, posted in the Meta.
Curious though, what action do you think gliding taked?
@BESW OH my glob your new doctor
@doppelgreener He is an ordinary motorist!
@doppelgreener The "giant" part already got me confused.
@Joninean Haruum. I think the "glide" feature is actually several mechanical features lumped together.
> - negating damage from a fall of any height (while conscious and not helpless) and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent
- glide at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability)
- If a raptoran becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, [she] takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall
I'm not sure that's reasonable but it's how I read the text.
@BESW Sounds reasonable. And what part would take what action, except for the unconscious part?
As written, the first and last are a modification of the no-action event "falling." The second is a movement speed and follows those rules.
@BESW do not believe him HE LIES!!!!
Wouldn't the "falling" and gliding happen at the same time?
@Joninean "Speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability)" is different from "20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent."
You get more control if you take a move action, but less speed.
Ah. I read that part as: "Can glide 20 feet per 5 feet of descent, up to a maximum of 40 feet."
That would be a lot more reasonable.
Alas, it's been a long time since I thought "That doesn't seem very reasonable" was a good reason to second-guess a strict rules reading of 3.5 texts.
Would it still be a move-action, then? Since that would contradict Tim C's answer.
Mmm, no, if we read it as a triggered action to ignore falling damage and allow sideways movement up to 40 feet.
That's a triggered modification of a no-action event.
By that reading, you can't ever use Glide except as modifying the falling rules.
Which would mean glide "replaces" falling?
pretty much, yeah.
That would make sense. I wonder why the designers didn't think of simply saying that.
that is dang appropriate
So, that's basically KRyan's interpretation.
I'm not sure it's what the text says but it's a good thing for the text to have meant to say.
Of course, rules-as-written vs rules-as-intended is a sketchy, nebulous place where fisticuffs are common.
Yes. I still wouldn't know for certain if this is how the rules should be interpreted, so I'll discuss with my DM about a house-rule, but it's good to have some options straight.
And this all started because I had to make a ranger.
@Joninean Some of my favourite D&D characters were rangers, or something very much like them.
Well, I hope I'll like them as much.
My second D&D PC ever was a catfolk ranger with 1 level of barbarian. He specialised in making Parthian shots on foot.
I'm trying to make a Raptoran Ranger/Scout. And yes, I am going for Swift Hunter, but doubling as a Skillmonkey/Scout. Though, if you know other fun archery builds, do let me know. I'm still experimenting a bit.
It's been a very long time since I built anything in 3.5.
My catfolk was built around Shot On The Run.
@Joninean Huh. If gliding doesn't take a move action, that would make Swift Hunter work really well.
He had ridiculous speed abilities and the ability to shoot multiple times while moving; his combat technique was to stay waaaaaay far away from anything that could hurt him and pepper them with arrows. His prestige classes allowed him to add both Wisdom and Dex to his attacks and Wisdom to his damage, which meant that multiple attacks at penalty actually kinda worked for him.
@Miniman Exactly. Though, still not as good as other damagers, but it's no longer negligible.
@BESW That actually sounds really fun.
He was a dirty coward.
Remind me to look into catfolk some time.
But for now, I want to use a footbow. Heheh.
(It was an "Evil PCs" campaign, and so I designed a cowardly sadist who believed that the more people he killed, the longer it'd take Death to get around to him.)
Catfolk have Dex and Cha bonuses and start with 40 ft of movement, among some other little bonuses, but they're at +1 LA.
I gave him his first level in Barbarian, for the d12 HD, the +10 movement, and the ability to rage if he got into melee.
That's amazing.
Then I just went for as much "good things happen when you move and when you shoot multiple times" as I could cram into the levels available.
Evasive Dodge is a fun one. Looking into picking that feat up as well, seeing I have to remain withing PB range for Skirmish.
My builds tended to not be designed for breadth, but for depth.
I'd pick one thing and become really good at it, and I'd try to make sure I picked a thing that would be a decent solution to many problems.
....I had to retire my stealth-focused character because nobody else could join him for most of his scenes.
....and my doppelganger's ability to turn into almost literally anything made most of the party superfluous, so I retired her him it that Scham the Any-Faced too.
Later I got better at it, and wound up with characters like the leap-charging dragon shaman; he specialised in jumping, sticking to walls, and hitting folks with a very large poleaxe at the end of a jump.
For everything that couldn't be solved by jumping, climbing, and hitting things, he had a Hat of Disguise. It was very difficult to convince him that this skill set was sometimes insufficient to a given task.
I'm a lot happier now, using systems where I don't have to worry so much about balancing between not overshadowing other PCs and not being able to contribute.
That knife's edge was fun for a while, but eventually the "build a viable character!" minigame got exhausting.
What do you play now, then? I've only recently started playing table-tops, I am very unfamiliar with everything.
From my profile (which I need to update!): Mostly games like , , and , but occasionally we run , , and .
All of those games (except Atomic Robo, which is a specific licensed iteration of Fate Core) are free.
I hear a lot about Fate, but have no clue what it's like. Could you tell me something about it?
One moment.
Try this, and see if it helps.

What kind of game is Fate?

Jul 24 '13 at 7:43, 22 minutes total – 43 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Aug 26 '13 at 15:00 by BESW

...someday I'm going to write a better introduction to Fate, but today is not that day.
We can take questions, though.
@BESW I recently spoke to a friend who'd had some unsatisfying experience with the Fate system, mentioned to them merely that it could be weird coming from a D&D background, and that it was basically just a bunch of mechanics to be used alongside what's essentially freeform roleplay, and that it wouldn't tell you what to do like D&D did - and suddenly a lot made sense to her about it.
If you'd like examples of what a Fate PC looks like, these are half-pre-made Doctor Who characters using the Fate Accelerated engine.
she also suggested she liked systems that felt gamey, like D&D, which is a thing I've also heard from another friend, and can respect as quite valid
@doppelgreener yeah having to craft your own stunts and such confused me a little at first honestly
(I made them for an adventure celebrating the 50th anniversary of the show a couple years ago.)
that's tangential to this though! just wanted to impart that that thing actually makes sense even if said right out of the blue 8)
which feels like a great success to me
I think that's helpful, yes.
My understanding of Fate as "scaffolding for open play" wasn't really developed yet when the What Kind Of Game Is Fate conversation happened.
With D&D, I myself don't have many complaints, besides the fact that it feels like your party needs "a bit of everything" in order to function properly. Others of my group, however, sometimes complain D&D is too much. We tried Roll for Shoes a few times, but we always end up with one or two people not taking it seriously enough which derails the entire group, or the GM allowing things which are simply too whacky imo.
Roll For Shoes is... hard to do a serious game with.
I wouldn't ever try to do anything properly serious in RFS.
A serious game is not necessarily what I am hoping for.
Rather... A game I can enjoy without people doing pyromancy because they felt like RPing a stereotypical drug-addict.
It might just be my humour not aligning with theirs, but there hasn't really been a game of RfS I actually enjoyed.
RFS doesn't provide any implicit social contract for what the game's about. That might be your problem.
Might be. Might be the company.
If your group has trouble agreeing to all stay on the same page, you may be better off with systems that are either designed to enforce that conversation, or designed to enforce a pre-chosen paradigm of the game designer's choosing.
That's what D&D does, ostensibly: by saying "Let's play D&D," your group has agreed to play within certain narrative boundaries.
(Unfortunately, D&D also tries to accommodate almost every play style whether it actually can or not, so that can backfire.)
Whoa, never heard of those three.
AWE (Apocalypse World Engine) games (like Monster of the Week) are especially good at straddling the line between "enforcing a particular play style" and "allowing players freedom to choose from a variety of interesting pre-made options."
Lady Blackbird just says, "Right, here's your characters and here's where your story starts. GO."
Lasers and Feelings is very open-ended in character creation and plot, but its mechanics are limited to "Do you use Lasers or Feelings?" and that guides the narrative into certain Star-Trek-ian channels.
That's a lot to look into at once.
@doppelgreener That... probably depends on your group, too. IME, RfS is hard to do a long or deep game in, but none of the games I've ran or played has ended up particularly silly. (No, not even the one that involved a bunch of stereotypical D&D characters getting teleported into a con, although that one did end up on the sillier end of the spectrum.)
@Joninean There's a LOT out there. Literally thousands of RPGs. Many of them are minor variants on some of the Big Games like D&D and World of Darkness, but even setting those aside the variety is staggering.
Without knowing your group, it's hard to say what'd be useful to suggest.
Is it difficult to differentiate between systems? We're still learning 3.5e, so I am not certain if it's smart to suddenly suggest another entirely new system.
You mean, like trying to do a D&D 3.5 thing in the middle of a Roll For Shoes game?
The more drastically different the system, the less likely that is. Moving from 3.5 to 5e or 13th Age, you'll be dragging a lot of 3.5 baggage. Moving to Fate or Monster of the Week, much less so.
Yeah... Now you name it, that literally happened. Too often, people said "I roll a spot" during a RfS game.
My experience was immersing myself almost exclusively in D&D 3.5 for about five years, then going to D&D 4e for a year and a half, and then moving to Fate and experimenting with many other systems.
When we were playing just one system all the time, moving to another system was a big wrench.
Now that at any given time we've probably played a half-dozen systems in the last six months, jumping between systems and trying new ones is a lot easier.
@Joninean Hmm... if someone said that in my game, I'd be tempted to have them roll vs. 1 to see if they notice a spot on their clothing. ;)
@IlmariKaronen Spot Anything 2. Lets you put dots on things.
On a 6, a Dalmatian puppy appears. :)
Summon puppy 2.
Recently we took our main-campaign characters and rebuilt them in a totally different system because we wanted to do a session that Fate wasn't going to handle well, but Don't Rest Your Head seemed perfect for. It was our first time playing Don't Rest Your Head. After that adventure was over, we returned to the Fate engine.
(Fate is about hypercompetent characters who Get Things Done in the face of terrible odds. Don't Rest Your Head is about characters with amazing abilities, but using them always comes with a risk or a price.)
@Joninean Most/all of the systems I'm recommending are a lot simpler to learn, and require less mastery to feel competent in, than any iteration of D&D.
These days if a game's core rules description takes up more than ten pages, I'm going to look at it skeptically. Many of the systems we use fit on a sheet of paper.
That's hard to imagine, I'll be honest.
(Lady Blackbird's character sheets have the character on the top half of the page and the rules on the bottom half, with the back blank.)
Cthulhu Dark's primary rules are on double-sided sheet of paper. It has another sheet of optional rules, and a third sheet describing how the GM should design adventures.
I love the vastness of 3.5e, but it'd be interesting to see how these others systems function. (No three seperate rulebooks, at least? How does that include everything!?)
Well, a lot of it is by reducing what needs to be mechanised.
Cthulhu Dark is a good example.
PC "stats" in that game are... your profession and your Sanity score. That's it.
When you want to do something that should get rolled for (when it's interesting/important to know how well you succeed), you roll 1d6 if it's humanly possible, 1d6 if it's in your professional expertise, and 1d6 if you're willing to risk your Sanity for it.
The highest die indicates degree of success. If your highest die is the Sanity die, you roll again to see if you manage to hold it together or not.
That's the action mechanic. D&D 3.5 thrives on subsystems and exceptions, and believes that every character should roll dice.
@Joninean D&D is kind of heavy on crunch and simulationism. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but you can simplify stuff a lot if you accept that you don't really need rules for every eventuality, and that things like individual spells or the damage done by different kinds of funny-shaped polearms are stuff that the group can just make up as and if needed.
Many systems reject both of those notions, instead believing that a few broadly applicable rules are preferable to a plethora of narrowly specific ones, and that it's okay and even cool for PCs to be the ones with the dice most of the time.
Fate Accelerated, for example, has four "what you do" (Attack, Defend, Overcome, and Create Advantage) and six "how you do it" (Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, Sneaky). Any action that needs to be rolled for is a combination of those.
Fate Accelerated's rulebook is 75 pages, many of them examples.
Is there a Fate variant I should begin with? Like, Core before Accelerated?
Lady Blackbird doesn't care what you do or how you do it, only that you can point at things on your character sheet which say you're good at it. The more you can point at, the more dice you get to roll.
@Joninean Core may feel more familiar to you, and it has more explanations of the philosophy behind the system. However, Accelerated isn't a different game. It's just a stripped-down version of Core that starts up faster and has fewer moving parts.
@IlmariKaronen however, lightweight systems have one big drawback -- they don't scale up from table-scale well (i.e. to organized play, or a persistent-world environs)
@BESW I personally find Accelerated easier to work with, but that's because the relational bootstrapping mechanics in Core...well, they don't jive with how I construct character backstories.
@Shalvenay Yeah, I tend to draw on other versions of Fate for that part of character generation.
Over time I'm developing a kind of personalised Fate gestalt.
Aeon Wave, Atomic Robo, and Umdaar are major influences.
oh no, no breakfast food other than bacon. oh what ever will I do?
Apologise to your liver.
@Joninean I found it very difficult to imagine smaller systems, too, at first. Took me a while to wrap my head around games where NPCs are mostly narrative and for mechanics they're just a difficulty, or even less. Fate is a nice compromise there; NPCs get exactly as much mechanic representation as they deserve, whatever the GM decides that is.
Bacon. Sandwich.
@Tritium21 no lettuce or tomatoes?
BLT is disgusting
@Shalvenay didnt have any
@eimyr I feel sorry for you, sir.
@BESW Reading through the Fate Core rulebook, this sounds like a lot of fun! A more game-y version of Once Upon A Time, it seems.
Bacon is great, but lettuce and tomato does not go with it well
Egg bacon sandwich on the other hand...
@Shalvenay What does lettuce or tomato add to bacon? It's like saying electrum is more valuable than gold - sure, it's still valuable, but tainting the gold with something less valuable makes it less valuable, not more.
@Miniman in a word: contrast ;)
@Shalvenay rather: clashing
I enjoy BLTs, but BLATs are even better because the name's fantastic.
(the A is for Avocado)
@Shalvenay You're saying you deliberately add something less good to the bacon in an attempt to make it seem better?
@Miniman eh? tomatoes aren't tasty to you? especially fresh ones?
@Shalvenay not bacon-level tasty
@Joninean I hope you enjoy it!
@Shalvenay I don't really know what tomato tastes like - I throw up as soon as it gets in my mouth.
For those who dont like BLTs.... how much salt are you putting on your sandwich, cause that is a vital component. I cannot imagine another reason not to like it.
There are a lot of free setting/adventure modules for Core and Accelerated under the label "World of Adventure for Fate."
@Joninean recently @nitsua60 planned to have a chat demonstration of Fate Accelerated, called Fate on a Plane, which @BESW helped set up. Maybe you'd like to join?
Yeah, sorry, I got kinda deathly ill this week and all my free time has been dedicated to "urrrgh."
Not that you have any obligation to actually hold games here.
Focus on recuperation, please.
hey @nitsua60
hey all--you rang? =D
@nitsua60 how're things going?
@Joninean eimyr overstates things a bit--recently I was recuperating from a minor surgery and people on RPGSE (including BESW, eimyr, Ahriman, and doppelgreener) very agreeably spent hours talking me through what Fate was like, all the way up to prepping a session. Nicest hosts in the world, these folks.
@Shalvenay, for instance, asks how it's going after we spent four hours playing in chat yesterday--our fourth session of the fortnight--all because I popped in here and said "so... how 'bout this internet thing? I've only ever played face to face."
(btw, @Shalvenay, just popping in to say 'hi' before the family's "first day" hike)
@nitsua60 nods
@eimyr (just mean to say I don't think of it as me planning anything, but that you all very graciously indulged me, and a FAE game ma still grow out of it. To my great pleasure!)
@nitsua60 (thanks for clarification - I thought you are sort-of waiting to have it run by someone)
I am, and hope it does go some day, but would totally understand if it didn't work. Schedules, and all...
Whoa, I leave for some coffee and return to a chat that suddenly sprung to life.
I'm not sure I'm completely sanguine about running an experimental mystery playstyle game at the same time as running a game for someone new to the whole system.
(Just yesterday I finally closed the three tabs--Fate chat room, @BESW's google-doc, and FAE rule reference--that'd been open for two weeks)
@Joninean There's a definite rhythm to the chat. Right now the Asia/Pacific folks are heading to bed, and the folks in the Americas are showing up to work.
@eimyr Sounds good, actually. Could you link it?
Heading out on hike now--happy 2016, all!
Well, eurofolks are having lunch.
Only now read Eimyr's overstatement explained. Ah well.
If that demonstration will take place, however, I would like to spectate at the very least. Sounds like a lot of fun.
@BESW And you're timeless, always lurking?
I've been accused of being a gestalt entity.
@Joninean chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/26282329#26282329 has the extended conversation where those folks were walking me through a game setup... if you feel like looking through pages of old chat.
@nitsua60 I feel like reading, yes.
I've always assumed BESW is a team of four, working in shifts. One's always typing, one's farming links, one's running games, one's sleeping.
@BESW is a bot, like @Derpy

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