@DuckTapeAl It's not because Cha is good, but the Druid is always going to be in the form of animal, so it can dump physical stats like crazy, so might as well have good Cha.
Also: A Str and Dex dump is a decent strategy, but it gets a bit tough at low levels. You're not spending your whole day as an animal until 6-8 or so.
Are there worthwhile compainions in PF? I seem to remember in 3.5 that there were a couple of edge-case ones that were good, but otherwise they were a waste of time.
I've never seen a PF druid who took an animal companion in my time playing the game.
Honestly, I feel like the minor penalty you get from dumping Cha is way better than any of the other options.
It takes you slightly longer until you can pass your normal DC 10 Handle check on your compainion, and it makes your Wild Empathy a little worse, but neither of those are big problems.
2 skill points/level is a big problem.
After reading the rest of your answer, @Shalvenay, I only have two nits to pick: I really think Cha is the right dump for that character, and I think most casters can deal with a double dump without much trouble.
@DuckTapeAl for a shallow dump of CHA, I'd agree with you. I'm just concerned about a deep dump of CHA really putting the character in a bad way with that
and I agree that most casters can double dump without too much difficulty
Well, with two dumps, you have to give up something that you want. I agree with dumping one of Str or Dex, but you sort of need at least 1 to be decent until you can spend your day in animal form.
The other two options are Int and Cha. Dumping Int kills your skill point total. Dumping Cha means you have a harder time with your animal companion (if you take one), and you probably can't do the standard animal manipulation stuff.
Oh, lol. Looks like if you take the Animal domain instead of an animal companion, you get a bunch of extra spells, free Speak with Animals, and an animal companion.
Also: Until you get enough spell slots to cast something every round, you need to spend your actions doing something, and attacking with a ranged weapon is a perfectly good thing to do at say, level 3.
Where do they say that? I'm not finding it.
The querent says that the player wants to spend most of their time casting spells, which has no effect on whether or not they're wild shaped.
@Forrestfire Lol. I meant that my experience has always been that demand and scarcity for Dungeon Masters is incredibly high - you hear lots of people wishing they could play in more games, but this is the first time I've heard anyone wanting to run more.
@Forrestfire Me too! But while I'm pretty certain I could find players if I wanted to run more groups than I already do, I'd find it a lot harder to find a DM if I wanted to play in more groups than I already do.
@Forrestfire I'm not sure I would, it takes a lot of the fun out of things. I have a build I want to try (dual-wielding, Int-to-damage, Dex-to-damage, almost full BAB, almost full Sneak Attack). It takes a lot of op to make, but in a high-op game it'd be worse than useless.
the game I'm currently in has an interesting mix of high-op characters
two of which are all about the melee blender
any decently-made melee could take that place, especially a character with twice Stat to damage (one of them excessively easy to boost, too) and access to Craven
@Miniman hahahaha. the chaos magic themes were awesome as heck for a high-power/high-op universe. we also had a DMPC cameo from a mute (IIRC) tiefling paladin
@Forrestfire healing belt is per-day AFAIK, so it's much more useful long-term than having to deal with stuffing spells into a wand over and over and over
I do. Regardless. (Boots of the Earth is also a better purchase than, say, 4-5 healing belts to cover the party, outside of emergency healing)
(and the mental image of the party passing around the pair of magic healing boots is too good to pass up)
... I need to type slower. This chat client keeps smacking me for it. @Miniman it actually occurs to me that for converting to higher-op, that build could use some item-mancy to get the tricks it needs to keep up.
@Shalvenay There are very good reasons why inexperienced DMs should stick to the vanilla version of whatever system they're using before they think about doing this sort of thing.
I'm gonna shamelessly plug my own handbook, because the advice in it can be applied to any character with UMD and two open feat slots (no prerequisites), you can get the buffs you need to make the jump from "decently built" to "holy shit what did you DO?"
@Shalvenay The thing is, even something like the Belt of Healing is gateway complexity. Sooner or later a player is going to see something they like in 3.5 and ask for it, and you won't have a good reason to say no.
@Miniman and by that time, my thinking is that the DM and players will have some experience under their belt, and will be better able to handle the ramifications of something more complexity
I've seen a very high-op Monk build in 3.5e and while it was good at making a mess of foes, it just didn't have the sheer versatility that either the cleric or the druid in our party had
(worst of RL politics, blended with the "cosmic battle" theme of FR, and well, add a lack of data to fact-check things against, and you have the polar opposite of a headache remedy for a policy wonk like me)
Although honestly, I think that fantasy politics and maneuvering is second only to fantasy technobabble conversations in general level of fun while RPing
(in one session a couple months ago, we spent like an hour and a half discussing "magic theory" and various things with an NPC)
but the politics man...especially when they're world-spanning (i.e. druid groves, temples, etal are expected to be active participants in the political sphere, not just official gov't functions)
@Forrestfire wonks are the engineers of government. they are the folks who pore over statistics and studies and debate the details of what works and what doesn't or can't.
the problem is wonkishness is extremely intolerant of moral polarization -- wonkish decision-making styles don't fit well into pithy soundbites, and wonks make poor leaders themselves because they have trouble seeing the forest for the trees at times.
on top of that, my political views are hard to disentangle from modern political thought -- I'm very constitutionally/judicially oriented, which doesn't work so well in Faerun :P
I could put that hat on. (I'm actually disappointed it is actually in two colours all around the network, and not rendered in one of the random two colours for each user, so that eg. I would see it white in every instance…)
@trogdor Dr. Noonian Soong, Dr. Temperance Brennan, Dr. Who (Peter Cushing version), Dr. Doom, Dr. House, Dr. Strange, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. No, Dr. Octopus, Dr. Moreau, Dr. Beckett, Dr. Jackson, Dr. Zola, Dr. Manhattan, Dr. Tam, Cory Doctorow...
@BESW They are in a room with portals that open randomly and they can't beat the monsters in there yet. Now they know what to look for but they decided to run away in the most disorganized way, letting the enemies regroup. The warden pushed the entangled sorcerer into the portal but instead of going in he went back retrieving the shield he had to let go for load reasons
@BESW the warden went to 0 twice in the room and got ultimately saved by the barbarian, who got back. So now the two had to run in a different portal to avoid being swarmed, and the cleric, wizard and sorcerer are on their own
I'm going to bed now but I accept ideas. @ me.
(Of course I'm running published adventures as usual.)
Sanctuary is a Canadian science fiction-fantasy television series, created by Damian Kindler and funded largely by the Beedie Development Group. The show is an expansion of an eight-webisode series that was released through the Internet in early 2007. Seeing the success of the web series, Syfy decided to buy the broadcast rights to the series and pay to re-stage the series in a season of thirteen episodes.
The show centers on Dr. Helen Magnus, a 157-year-old teratologist (born August 27, 1850), and her team of experts who run the Sanctuary, an organization that seeks out extraordinarily powerful...