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Edit request: anyone who understands this last paragraph, please rephrase? I was trying to put it into the format "So I was wondering if X" -> "Does X?" but I have no idea how to parse what they're saying about the flying snake.
@BESW I just realised this means a billion links to the Rules of Hidden Club are about to break.
Hopefully someone will host it elsewhere, but this is also a great example of why we can't rely on links to make answers useful.
@doppelgreener I'm pretty sure I know what they're asking, but I don't know how to edit it without completely rewriting the question.
@Miniman do the thing
[votes to close]
[says "a flying snake's"]
I have no idea how to parse your last paragraph - it does not sense make. Could you rephrase? — doppelgreener 1 min ago
oh, you edited!
Yep, I'm pretty sure it's what he wanted to ask and I hope it's clearer.
So who wants to play Heroes unlimited 2E revised? :D
eh...not a fan of the whole superhero genre
Having read Astro City, I look at that genre rather differently recently.
@BESW What'd that one do for you?
Astro City is, in many ways, a rebuttal of the typical mainstream DC/Marvel comic themes. It examines the impact of the superpowered on individuals and as part of the wider community, and on themselves and each other--but with a more even-handed and optimistic approach than, say, Watchmen.
Its stories have villain and heroes and world-ending threats, but that's not the point. Powers are a tool providing a variety of lenses to examine the nature of humanity.
It rejects the power-fantasy mode of powered storytelling, but it also avoids becoming a deconstruction of that mode. Pieces like Watchmen have done that. Astro City explores new modes. Part of how this works is that it's more like a collection of loosely-affiliated short stories than a continuous narrative, which I'm not sure would translate easily into an RPG.
Astro City's continuity is derived from its setting and ethos, not from its characters and plots.
I might pick up the first volume to read it.
It's got its ups and downs, but it's very much not within the DC/Marvel paradigm.
Hmm. Maybe worth a shot for me, then.
They do take some jabs at DC/Marvel occasionally, but... yeah, I dunno. I admire it and I like many of concepts it explores and the questions it asks.
there's another comic that finds an alternative, called Furious, about a girl with super-strength, flight, invincibility, all the standard issues - and emotional problems and some anger management issues. (She didn't choose her name, the media gave it to her, she insists her name's something else I can't remember.) Unfortunately the character design and storytelling are confusing and I couldn't make it all the way through the first volume because I lost the ability to tell characters apart.
Example: there's one story which is about a non-powered woman who grew up in the "haunted" part of town. The neighbourhoods where you put salt on the threshold and mistletoe in the windows every night.
The whole story is about her struggle to decide whether to move downtown.
(Furious volume 1 features several redheaded women which may be the same person or may be entirely different people, and the protagonist may or may not be the same person as someone else, and may or may not be family with someone else. I lost track. If you want a reading exercise in confusing storytelling, pick up that book.)
The struggle is about identity and belonging and ambition, and one's connections to family and place and tradition.
In theory, I love super heroes. It's difficult for me to get into DC and Marvel comics, though. I try periodically. Different takes are thus welcome.
Yeah, Astro City looks like a DC/Marvel take, but it tells other kinds of stories. More human ones.
Cool. Maybe I'll snag it at work tomorrow.
[thinks] Have you tried The Middleman?
I have not heard of it.
It's a short set of indie comics about a young woman who becomes the protege of The Middleman: he fights evil so you don't have to.
It's a glorious comedic romp through spy/hero tropes (mostly lower down on the power scale than Superman--think Dick Tracy, The Shadow, etc.) for a modern audience.
There's a single season of TV show for it too.
That sounds fun.
I will check it out.
It's not that I have an inherent issue with standard superhero fare, either. As close to my ideal as I've seen for this is the DCAU. I think my problem lies more in the execution of the DC and Marvel comics I've tried. Probably there are ones out there I would like, somewhere in those massive bodies of work.
There are five slim volumes total, but the fourth is a comic treatment of the un-filmed resolution to the TV series season cliffhanger and the fifth is a crossover between the comic and the TV continuities.
@Pixie Depending on what you're after... I really like the pre-New-52 ""Blue Beetle" comics with Jaime Reyes, and the Alan Moore run on Swamp Thing.
Swamp Thing is very introspective and philosophical, from Alan Moore before he went totally crazy.
And Jaime is a teenage superhero who tells his parents about it as soon as he can after he gets his powers.
I like the character of Jaime, but I've not encountered much of him. I will try to remember that.
His comic run is... 36 issues? So not too intimidating to get into.
Oh yeah, not bad.
And then he got paired up with Booster Gold, and I didn't pay much attention to that because... Booster Gold.
That reminds me, I need to finish Young Justice sometime. I think he pops up in there somewhere. I found YJ alternating measures of great and [exasperated sigh] before I lost track of it.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Jaime didn't make a big impression on YJ, as I recall.
Nah, he's not in there much. It just reminded me.
^^ egads, what has this guy's poor DM done to himself?!
because I sure wouldn't want to roll 100d20 without a roller!
That's an awful lot of curses.
at that rate, I'd probably be content in the shape of a troll :)
... tranquilizer-darts and loads into a MRI
Or, if you prefer.
[nopes it from orbit]
(Page 4 of The Middleman.)
(The Middleman was originally a script treatment for a TV show, but he was told that [gestures upward] sort of thing wasn't gonna fit in any budget he'd be given. So he turned it into a comic book that was successful enough it got a season of TV show.)
@eimyr Oh, sure.
For those who find different takes on superpowers interesting, I recommend Soon I Will Be Invincible. It sticks to a lot of the tropes for the genre, but it also pauses to consider their implications for the people involved.
2 hours later…
The next lunar eclipse will be in a part of the world I can actually see it.
@BESW It's amazing how it just all of a sudden turns red (I think I sort of understand why, but it's still amazing to see)
I know, right.
...gah. My brain is full of lines and whitespace and hatching. Gonna decompress by rolling another transhuman PC in the NAB.
@BESW Cool, I'm more or less around, will observe.
I was pissed because we didnt get to see it here
The sky was covered in nothing but clouds that night
I was livid
@BESW Yay!
Feed blowing up about #supermoon eclipse and I'm over here in Australia like http://t.co/5gni37p4ux
(It was broad daylight in Australia. No lunar eclipse happened here.)
Guam will get a March 2016 Solar partial eclipse and the very same January 2018 Lunar total eclipse as Brisbane.
I checked The Onion for any blood moon-related news. Didn't find any, but I did find a newspiece about Kim Jong Il announcing a plan to bring the Moon to North Korea.
I bought some Twenty Squares brand chocolate. It's a lie! It's 20 rectangles! :P
@Adeptus You should sue those bastards.
If you look at it from the right angle, though...
5 hours later…
Good morning
Ok, so: if I played a Bard, and decided that I want to actually play music (irl) whenever I played music in game, how many would be opposed to this idea?
That could be pretty cool. I think I'd want it to be kept brief, though. I could see it as a potential distraction.
That is, if we were playing a game together
@Pixie true. It would be relevant of course. If I stopped playing, the music would also stop :)
@Ben I'm assuming you mean playing music from a laptop or similar, rather than actually playing it on an instrument?
Never thought I'd get 200 rep in one question all on one day
That's surprising
@SPArchaeologist Technically you don't get rep from meta.
@Aaron That is SE meta. It has it own rep separate from all the other sites.
Oh I wasn't paying attention I thought it was rpg meta
My bad, should have been more clear in stating that.
As I said in the Sugarcube, Eg3 at 1am wasn't the best of ideas.
4 hours later…
@Ben In one of my few online chat-based games, I came prepped with blocks of poetry to copy-paste as my bard declaimed.
But that game shared a lot of players with the group that thought it was cool to sit through a catfolk funeral in real-time.
@doppelgreener The only reason I thought about deleting instead of editing is someone else already posted a new answer so mine would just be a mirror of his.
A reminder that this is what typewriters used to look like.
4 hours later…
@BESW A catfolk funeral? Then I am the king o' the catfolk! [rushes up chimney]
@Pixie In that campaign, catfolk used Walt Whitman poetry for their services.
@BESW I always thought Whitman didn't translate well into Catfolk, though.
@Miniman It's the other way around; you have not experienced Whitman until you have heard him in the original catfolk.
@BESW The word "original" in that sentence raises some disturbing questions...
@SPArchaeologist What contest?
I think your goal of a gold badge.
@Sandwich @Pixie From context, I think it was getting 200 rep in a single day from a single post.
Oh yeah
That curse post has been a rep farm for me
Can't really place why it would be so upvoted
@Miniman Oh! Yes, never mind, that's right.
It makes me wonder if theres an inside joke I'm not getting
@Sandwich I think it has more to do with it being an obviously correct answer. Everyone who looks at that question is probably going to upvote your answer, because it's 100% correct, no ambiguity, and anyone can see that.
Popular system, too.
So people are going to look, and it's a solid answer.
@Sandwich By the way, Pokemon Zoids.
Flippin SAVED
@Pixie Then, too, the question is one that draws attention. Most trivial rules questions don't get a lot of love, because you look at the question title and go "Yeah, that's obvious", but this one has "unreasonable number of curses" = pretty good clickbait.
Haha, yes.
Can anyone do a better job than me of explaining reality to this guy? He clearly is just not getting it when I try.
@Miniman edited
and again edited
Hey guys would posting this into my curse answer make it better?
It's contextually relevant
@Sandwich Personally, I would say not, but that's just me.
I'd probably leave it out. (It's neat though.)
"Relevant" isn't the same "useful."
Aug 26 at 11:21, by BESW
Generally speaking, an image that's not a useful part of the answer should be a text link, if it's included at all. Otherwise it's just cluttering up the page like a chatty comment: something people have to scroll past to get to the useful bits, and not having "stuff to scroll past to get to the useful bits" is a major thing which separates SE from traditional forums.
@Sandwich One other thing that I just noticed; it's in HNQ, yo.
Hot network questions, I think.
That might explain it I guess
@AshleyNunn Yep, that's what I meant.
@AshleyNunn Btw, did you beat the Armos yet? :P
@Miniman Yes! I died a pile more times, but I got there in the end.
@AshleyNunn Good to hear. I was stuck on that room for ages the first time I played. It's such a sad moment when you run out of bombs and you're like "I have to just give up, despite how close I am, go back to the last room, grab some more bombs and start all over again."
@Miniman Yeah, running out of bombs was the WORST.
@AshleyNunn Where are you up to now?
Not much farther past that - been distracted. Got the boss key, though, so I should be done that dungeon soon :)
@AshleyNunn Ah, nice. The boss of that one isn't too hard, although it is really annoying.

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