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"I'm not weird." - @UrsulaV attempts a bluff check in real life.
you need way more cha for that
weirdo :P
I've just learned that in a sudden attack of irony, the NSA has been pushing for better encryption against quantum computing. This being the same organisation that for the past decade has been systematically undermining and eroding world security systems and encryption through pushing for algorithms with weaknesses and demands for back doors into heavily guarded systems.
@Digi There was a question about the differences between the D&D editions...
Q: For seasoned 3.X players and DMs, what is the "what's new" summary for 5e?

Hugo S FerreiraIt seems the 5e rules are much more like the 3.Xe than the 4e. I also know a lot of players and DMs that simply refused to upgrade to the 4e rules, though they are now much more receptive to 5e, given some of the most advertised features. In this regard, what would be the "in a nutshell" summary ...

Rooster just critical fumbled his save-against-death roll. Am trying to argue that fumbling death makes me come alive, but GM not having it.
"This is not Discworld." -@ksonney "It could be." - @UrsulaV On negotiating with death. #dnd
"But I am a most excellent ork. Also, have a goblin instead of me." - Great Ork Gods on negotiating with death.
It's ok, guys. Nobody actually believes Rooster will stay dead. There's an entire religion behind me.
@doppelgreener "OK, two goblins, then"
I come with the hope of getting answers to a game-recommendation question. But judging by the chat's current level of activity it may not be the best time.
[glances around] Depends on the subject, I'd guess.
But if you ask it now, folks later will see it and answer as they can.
also: apparently they're not permitted on the main site anymore! while I can't say I disagree, I wish it hadn't happened seemingly just as I actually thought of one I wanted to ask.
Yeah. That experiment lasted a lot longer than I suspect anyone thought it would.
@acomputingpun I don't know if this will make sense, but activity is generally only caused by activity.
For example, I wouldn't be saying anything right now if you hadn't said something that I felt the need to reply to :P
@Miniman That's true, but sometimes I blow into chat and there are four people already talking! And... then I don't say anything because I don't want to be rude and interrupt, actually. You may have a point...
Well then. I'm looking for something with as many as possible of the following attributes:
- Implied or explicit H.P. Lovecraft-inspired setting.
- Explicit mechanics for sanity, madness, dark insight, magic, and all the baggage that comes with a Lovecraftian setting.
Well then. [crosses off Cthulhu Dark]
- Potential to support combat that is interesting from a gamist perspective (ala D&D 4th ed)
or not
@BESW On the bright side, it's lunchtime, and I have this big egg on my face that I can go ahead and eat, so that's convenient.
- Comparatively light and streamlined mechanics.
- Not a class/level based system.
- Not a system that expects the players to be given significant narrative control over anything other than their characters
There are a few Cthulhu games, but I can't really recommend one over another - I've only played one session of Call of Cthulhu (that one had classes, so may be at least one "strike" on your list)
hmm. I'm asking and this coming up with these requirements partially as a way of working out exactly what I am looking for via the method of bouncing ideas, so I think that's the entirety of the list for now. But more might become apparent...
@Adeptus No spaces allowed in tags, btw. you wanted
@Miniman which appears to be a nonexistent / empty tag anyway works when you spell it right
Trail of Cthulhu would probably be more appropriate.
I'm gonna have to check how it handles classes though.
@Miniman It's a real tag, it's just spelled [call-of-cthulhu]
Heh, my bad. It seems safer to misspell a certain entity's name to prevent attracting his attention.
Hmm. When I say no class/level systems I think I specifically just mean level-systems.
Ahah. That is different.
Yes. In fact:
- Not a system in which characters are expected to greatly progress in power over the course of a game (ala D&D).
I haven't played Trail (or Call). I'm pretty sure Call isn't what you want, but let me take a look at Trail.
Trail of Cthulhu.
- Implied or explicit H.P. Lovecraft-inspired setting? Yes.
- Explicit mechanics for sanity, madness, dark insight, magic, and all the baggage that comes with a Lovecraftian setting? Yes.
- Potential to support combat that is interesting from a gamist perspective (ala D&D 4th ed)? Not quite so much. Combat isn't a primary interaction mode. It's relatively complex, but the general combat rules are 8 pages and it basically boils down to opposed skill rolls whose outcomes are modified by items and environmental factors.
- Comparatively light and streamlined mechanics? Compared to what? It's a 250 page book with only 80 of those pages being devoted to core mechanics and character building, the rest being lore, creatures, settings, and advice. The basic concept is "point buy for skills, then roll skills in different ways to accomplish different tasks, but you can never fail so hard the game stops because you missed all the clues or whatever."
- Not a class/level based system? Nope. Your PC has an occupation, but that just makes it cheaper to buy certain skills. "Levelling up" is getting a couple more skill points at the end of each adventure.
- Not a system that expects the players to be given significant narrative control over anything other than their characters? Not really, no.
- Not a system in which characters are expected to greatly progress in power over the course of a game (ala D&D)? See above: character advancement is "here, have a couple more skill points if you survived the story."
In summary: Trail of Cthulhu appears (from the perspective of someone who hasn't played it) to match all your criteria except possibly the gamist combat. Looks like tactical combat is emphasised, but more in the context of improvisational tactics like diving for cover, than with a mind toward providing complex pre-made options with intricate combination potential.
Hmm. Seems as though it is still not quite what I'm looking for (I'm now deciding, upon further thought, that by "tactical combat" I mean "something where combat involves miniatures, graph paper, and potentially measuring tape") but thanks anyway!
Ahah. That's... um.
[pokes RPG collection] How does CthulhuTech handle combat?
Having perused RPGgeek it appears to be possibly the closest I'm going to get and might be a good point to start system-hacking from.
Cthulhutech does suggest grid-and-minis. [checks classes]
(CthulhuTech was actually one of my other possible frontrunners, actually, but I know next to nothing about it's mechanics. [reads up on them])
Classes look... a bit more set, but there's still room for bleed-through and character advancement is piecemeal buying and upgrading of features.
It does look more like what you're after.
Call of Cthulhu has had several editions, and depending which of your criteria takes priority you might like one or other. This review of the 7th edition compares it to previous editions: rpg.net/reviews/archive/16/16242.phtml
I just finished my Harry Potter game tonight.
They killed Harry. :P
Oh no, not Harry! :(
They killed he who killed he-who-must-not-be-named
Not to be confused with the-knot-that-must-not-be-named
He was disguised at the time, and they were being paid to kill "that guy who's making the delivery at 2PM".
Take 4 uncertain, paranoid players, add one murder plot, add a dash of psychotic, barely controlled house-elf.
Simmer under magical shield for 5 rounds.
Result: A pro-elf-liberation emancipated house elf who is now the master of the Elder Wand.
Master has given Dobby a weapon of mass destruction! Dobby is... ALL POWERFUL!
Think of that, but if Dobby never had Harry to show him that humans could be good people, and had only ever known humans who were basically terrible.
His name is Jabby, and he's probably going to rule the world.
hey @Nyoze -- I have about an hour btw
No you don't :P
Well everyone needs to sleep eventually
And uh
Harry potter buried the elder wand with Dumbledore
So there's that
@Nyoze :P
Sup anyway?
@BESW I think I now understand what prepositions are. They are words that indicate what a subject has to do with a position. Two of my passwords have a preposition in the same spot. I muddle them up.
@doppelgreener That's a good description.
@Shalvenay Fine, be that way :P
Pregame chatter: "assassinate loudly, and with bullets!" "no... assassinate softly, and with eggs"
It turns out that Poisoned Egg is the spell of an evil assassin god. You'd think he could do a little better than that.
@Nyoze sorry about that, missed your facetiousness -- we'll try again another time, alright?
Sure thing :)
@Pixie You took it after all? :D
@Nyoze No, but I was talking about how much I wanted to. My party was like, "We can make you the head chef and the spymaster!" I pointed out that it just does 1-4 points of dex damage with a fort save DC of 11 and only works for 1 minute per level, and they were just like, "... WHY?" xD
Because you can!
(Then I said how much I liked the idea of a gentle, clueless god of assassination and villainy who was terrible at both, and everyone loves that idea. Ideas for future games. Yesssss.)
I want to be part of your games, your imagination amazes me.
@Pixie The original source of Finger of Death was found 3/4 completed in one of his notebooks with a post-it note saying "BORING"
@doppelgreener Power Word Kill was definitely one of his "good" ideas, though.
@doppelgreener "too mean," with mean half scratched out and "easy" written in beside it
Assuming you're having lunch with someone. Scramble 3 eggs, at level 5, and watch them gobble them all up. At 4 rounds for each dose of poison, and lasting for 5 minutes, that's... 12 Dex gone. That's not bad for an assassination attempt actually.
Scramble more smaller eggs for increased potency :)
@Nyoze Yeah, but what if it's just 3 Dex gone?
If it's 3 dex gone, then nothing. But if you've got 3 eggs, and poison all 3, then you'd just keep eating more and more of the poison, since each dose lasts for only 24 seconds...
@Nyoze besides -- you have to be careful who you target. -12 DEX will screw over classes that dump DEX, but there are plenty of characters who have enough DEX in their build to survive
And if you can cook, transport, AND get them to completely consume the eggs within 5 minutes. xD
on a different note...I really need an excuse to have some long-span (maritime) drawbridges in my game xD
Can already be cooked but must be whole...
So you'd have to cast the spell before you scramble them, damn.
They don't make it easy, do they?
Yeah. Otherwise, they'd have to be boiled eggs.
Boiled Eggs could work.
That's why the spell coming from an evil assassin god is so hilarious. This is a mildly annoying, highly specific spell.
It sounds more like something a drunken Cayden Cailean would come up with.
@Pixie Or Sheogorath.
But my headcanon, for future fail-assassin god: he is really quite distressed at the idea of killing people, but he doesn't want to be bad at his job or disappoint his followers or fellow gods. That would be so embarrassing! So he tries really hard to convince people that a true assassin makes a job their life's work: the sublest assassin is the greatest assassin. So subtle... you might not even be able to tell whether someone got assassinated or just died comfortably in their bed of old age.
@Pixie I theorise he obtained his domain because the previous god of assassins got so annoyed dealing with him he fumbled his own dagger and nicked his finger.
@doppelgreener This is the greatest show.
^ emissary of the god of assassins
(he comes back to life with a new body after a while, but it always takes a few tries learning the hard way to pick something up)
@doppelgreener Haha, yesss. My party came up with the idea that it could be sort of like in the Greco-Roman pantheon with godly promiscuity generating tones of demigods, some of them less competent than others. So they're terrible at thievery and assassination but they just really want to be like their parent.
What show is that?
@Nyoze The Hero Yoshihiko.
I have to watch this at some point.
The best I can describe it is Japanese comedy meets Monty Python meets Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.
I loved Dragon Quest. A very very long time ago :(
Aww, no PF tonight. Someone had to go into work last minute. We had some fun chatter though. :P
Shame :(
Ah well, I can actually get my equipment sorted out. I think that might be the last thing I need to do.
@Pixie I dunno how your group handles mundane minutae, but one of our site's D&D players has remarked he just writes "adventuring kit" or "pack of equipment" or something like that on his character sheet, and leaves it at that, and their group just pretends it has rope, little tools, and so on.
I think it might be KRyan? I don't remember exactly what he wrote, but that's the gist.
@doppelgreener PF has kits like that standard.
For each class.
(I prefer to actually do it by hand because I Like Items though.)
That being said, it's still a pain even with the kits :(
I just buy weapons and assume I have everything else I need typically :P
We don't sweat it much.
Yeah... It just hurts my head trying to figure out what items I need :\
@doppelgreener our group has done that in D&D too
I don't know that anyone from our group has mentioned that here though
In actual play, we're just like, "SOMEONE has rope, so..."
I have my weapon and armor sorted out, so the only actually important thing I'll have to decide is what kind of instrument I want to start out with, if any.
A: What equipment should a character start with?

KRyanI frequently play in games where mundane survival is not a major facet of play, so basic mundane gear rarely comes up. Therefore, I've taken to just writing "backpack of mundane gear, 50 gp, 5 lbs." on my sheet, and then when it comes up I'll ask my DM if that pack would reasonably contain whatev...

@Pixie You still need a Bowharp then!
@Nyoze There's a clip I'd like to insert here, but I can't find it :(
That's just not good enough then, is it?!
@Pixie Yeah, but those still itemize their contents. The gist of this one is: write down one item and you just have whatever mundane stuff that seems reasonable should be in it at the time.
(some groups tick things off and make it worth X uses, some groups make you spend GP to buy the item retroactively, others don't care because it's pocket change)
@doppelgreener They do, but I think when we use them we just write "[class]'s kit" and leave it at that.
@Miniman That's the one!
@Pixie Even better 8)
@Nyoze Spend all of your gold on candles, which weigh nothing and cost 1cp each.
Laugh maniacally. You now have all the candles.
> Spend all of your gold on candles of Invocation, which weigh nothing and cost 1cp 8400gp each.
@Miniman With a budget of 105g, that is a lot less candles! That is, in fact, negative candles. ... [creates first level adventurer who fled homeland due to huge amounts of debt for their hundreds and thousands of candles of invocation]
@Pixie (which weigh nothing, so escape was actually pretty easy.)
@doppelgreener Exactly!
@Pixie Actually, it would be 0.0125 candles.
You can't play like that. Candles are an all or nothing game.
Useful for casting 0.0125 Gate spells and summoning 0.0125 efreeti to grant you 0.0375 Wishes.
@Miniman an eighth of a thousandth of a candle! as long as it's the bit with the tip of the wick in, and you can speak fast enough, you're pretty well off with that much.
wait, philosophical question time: isn't half a candle two smaller candles? if so, each of those halved would be two candles as well, wouldn't they? if we keep halving candles, at what point does it stop being a candle?
@doppelgreener 1/80th actually
@doppelgreener It's candles all the way down, obviously.
@doppelgreener We shouldn't have played god.
@Adeptus whoops, 0.0125 candles, not 0.0125% candle.
Oh wow...
(Which means Pixie was right, and you can never have a fractional candle.)
What have we started?
Candles are a discrete unit.
@Pixie No, we should. We should totally play god. We should buy a candle of invocation, chop it into eight smaller candles, and sell two (I think) to pay tor the one we bought.
Tealights of Invocation.
Hang on.
Just light one and make the summoned being cast Lesser Wish for you. Money!
@Pixie Then someone heads into a store to buy a box of a thousand tealights to set up a romantic scene for their lover. Give me the expensive ones, they say. Yes, those on the shelf there, those look great, they say. Yes, I'm sure I want these ones, they say. Then half the city is brought to rubble when a thousand extradimensional beings are gated out into a small room in the space of five minutes.
Realisation: you can buy 1 candle, for 1cp, cut it into 1680000 pieces, sell those pieces, and buy a candle of invocation!
@doppelgreener This is how dungeons begin.
@Pixie Oh my goodness it is.
Exploitative candle economies.
@Nyoze Infinite candles, infinite money.
And the worst part? The adventurer knew all of this would happen. They knew about the market flooding, the crashed economies, the vast chaos to be wreaked by accidental summons. It was all part of the plan. Some people just want to watch candles burn.
Wow, another question where someone asks "What's the point of X? All it gives me is Y, it doesn't even give me Z!"
And the answer, as always, is that the point was that it gives you Y.
@Miniman My favourite facet of Divine Sense: switch it on inside a civilised estate because you suspect someone's evil, detect evil absolutely everywhere in all directions.
@doppelgreener It doesn't do that any more :( it only senses creatures of specific types, alignment doesn't even enter into it.
On the bright side, now you can really confuse people by letting them detect celestials.
(There are celestials that can be evil, heh heh heh...)
@Miniman Noooooo!!
Well, my headcanon Divine Sense, then, because that's rubbish. :D
@doppelgreener I dunno, I quite like the idea of it only detecting things that are intrinsically evil or good. But I would like it to detect alignment (which, from the description, it might.)
@eimyr Oh yeah, my skald. Subject to last minute change as we haven't begun the game yet (even tonight was just supposed to be prequel RP rather than the game proper), and this character has been very slippery. xD
Eww Tiefling :P That's just not metal enough :P
Tiefling is best race
I played 3 different classes as a Tiefling in 4E and it was awesome all the way
@Nyoze The spawn of this isn't metal?! (Offical PF art I think, but NSFW because revealing. I suddenly recall you are at work so, uh... [searches for others])
Is it revealing, or outright nudity?
though I gotta say that the warlock/paladin was the best version of the character I think
@Nyoze Privates are covered, but the entire outfit is made out of chains. A lot of chains, but chains.
Well... That looks like something I wouldn't want to come across in a dark alley...
Absolutely not.
is that some kind of glider?
That is a time-lapse photo of a total eclipse of the moon.
ah ok
That's kinda awesome actually.
Morning :)
I love it when you're looking for a general answer to something and it turns out the specific example has an explicit answer.
Always comes in handy :)
3 hours later…
I'm gonna lose power for about an hour, starting an hour and a half from now.
@BESW That sucks. I hadn't realised till recently how even my non-electronic sources of entertainment still rely on electricity in some way.
I grew up with load-shedding, but we've gotten complacent in the last decade or so.
this sucks though
You have a generator.
but how many people don't? and to be fair, this should not be happening at all
they let like, 4 generators go down
And we're still better off than Saipan.
I have not heard good things, to be sure
@Pixie Cool charsheet. Do you have anything about the character's background though? I thought you'd link the history etc. first :)
2 hours later…
Good morning
Greetings, fellow snake people.
Snake people?
Yes. Of course.
I... yes. We are secretive. Of course.
Of coursse.
@BESW Any new thoughts on murderhobbery?
Nope. Didn't get much sleep last night, and today was Dwarf-Fortress levels of Fun.
I have one new thought that you might like though.
You mentioned Fury Road as an example of a story where combat-mode murderhobbery advances the narrative. I was thinking about it and it dawned on me that in that world everyone is supposed to act like a murderhobo (unless survival is not imperative).
Mhm. There's no code-switching.
So in fact the stakes are rigged, the only way in which the characters can advance the story in any positive way is to be murderhobos. And that removes the ludonarrative dissonance.
@eimyr In Fury Road, they try their damndest to rescue the women from the green place.
They aren't murderhobos, they genuinely have something here and people here to right for.
Well, there is to some extent, I think. E.g. once they accepted the party, their behaviour was quite civil.
Aren't the old ladies an asset though?
This is exactly the thing Fury Road is about, on one level.
@eimyr Most of them, I think.
While Furiosa is, for most reasonable measures of the term, Fury Road's protagonist, and she undertakes the traditional power journey, Max has a character arc that is relephant here.
From "Yeah, let them come with us" to genuinely caring - that transformation is the story right there. Similarly "These cumbersome wives" to "the girls we need to save".
Max begins as someone whose humanity is fundamentally broken. He has no ability to interact with humans as a fellow human.
(Honestly I thought he can't speak until he finally uttered his first words)
Max is the only person on that truck who isn't interested in human decency.
Well, they all operate on different morality scales.
Even Nux has compassion and empathy for his fellow War Boys.
Max undergoes an emotional transformation in Fury Road.
Does he?
(Nux has a transformation of his own, but it's eschatological.)
@eimyr Yup. His arc is to be re-socialised.
The first three Mad Max films are, on one level, about having his humanity stripped away piece by piece as he wanders through the much more interesting adventures of other people.
I'm not sure if the change sticks though. He certainly shows that he's capable of compassion and genuine benevolence, but the ending suggests he does not recover from his core issues.
His opening monologue in Fury Road summarises his position as a being whittled down to survival as his only tenet.
Well, the run for Green Place was not his adventure...
He then--again--gets swept up into someone else's much more interesting adventure. But this time their story re-kindles his social nature.
When he walks away at the end, it is not someone slipping away unnoticed at the first opportunity. He stays until he knows they're okay, and when he walks away it's as a whole man again.
Very well. So, did his and his pals murderhobo behaviour drive the story or was it something else?
Furiosa and the brides had plot empowerment firmly in hand the whole way.
The plot turned on the choices made by Furiosa and the brides much more than it did on Max. She's the protagonist, Max is the audience viewpoint.
This is best seen when he explains his plan to her on the motorbikes on the salt flats: he comes up with the plan, but it's Furiosa --with the brides and the Vuvalini providing a kind of Greek Chorus of debate concluding in consent-- who makes the choice. He presents the plan and then asks her to choose.
It's a clear acceptance of their roles in the adventure, and in the narrative. Max is the side-kick, the guy who kneels down so the main character can use his shoulder to take aim.
And Furiosa's choices... well, I'd have to watch the film again with a mind to MH and plot empowerment.
Because here's the problem with this whole "Fury Road" example if it's taken as a literal example of MH: "murderhobo" is not a description of in-character actions.
It's a description of the choices a player makes through their character.
In your book, does MH include possibility of doing something that is apparently non-MH e.g. dragging a liability NPC for a quest instead of picking up a different one?
If you take away the game's mechanical drives which fuel MH, the behaviour stops being MH.
@eimyr MH is not a narrow concept, and probing its edges will always result in fuzziness.
It's a loose collection of observed behaviours, not a prescriptive or Platonic definition.
Considering the entire plot of Fury Road is about Furiosa saving people she's deeply attached to, she is not a murderhobo.
She's got vulnerable people to fight for, and even die for.
Nor are Max or Nux, for reasons BESW's already described.
They're all in savage fight-or-die survival situations, and they travel, and they have to kill to survive, but they're not murderhobos.
Fury Road was originally mentioned as an example of action which advances story, not as an example of murderhoboism.
Now I've tried to look at it as an example of MH and it doesn't work.
It definitely does not.
Not least because --regardless of the film's content-- the characters in Fury Road do not have players experiencing a ludonarrative.
now I'm going to try getting some sleep. ttfn
2 hours later…
If an answer is no longer accurate due to an edit made in the material and someone else has posted an accurate answer what would be the best course of action?
Should I just delete my answer?
Q: Are the Slayer's "Deadly Range" Slayer Talents and the Sniper "Deadly Range" ability the same?

shaggy1987As a Slayer class character you can pick "Deadly Range" as your 4th level Slayer Talent and the Sniper (Slayer Archetype) gets the "Deadly Range" ability at 2nd level. Are these the same ability? Does it (still) means that the Slayer's Talent sneak attack range increases the range at which he c...

2 hours later…
@eimyr Oh, haha, when you said build I thought it was the mechanical side you were wanting to see. Character's background is still a bit nebulous. I know more about his present than his past. He spent a good deal of his life studying at a dueling academy in Restov, but something unpleasant prompted him to leave it behind. Likely a combination of heartbreak and clashing with the rules or other students.
He's not evil (... yet, we'll see), but he is selfish and kind of oblivious, and he channels a violent streak into his duels. He's got a strong presence and can be terrifying on the battlefield. He's also a hopeless romantic and is frustrated that people tend to be afraid of him. He realizes he's a tiefling of course, but he doesn't actually know that he's kyton spawn, so he has an affinity for chains and no idea why. :P
2 hours later…
Q: Why can't I link useful but non-critical information in my questions?

the dark wandererInspired by How do I get my game reviewed? and in particular in response to We also don't want people to link their games here, unless the game's content itself is material to answering the question. Otherwise that opens the door to questions that aren't really questions but phrased as such...

The triggering requirements for an answer to hit the Late Answers review queue just got altered, which has dumped 133 “new” late answers into the queue. Who wants their Reviewer badges? :)
Specifically, this was implemented:
Q: Can we raise the bar for reputation for late answers to enter the review queue?

durron597I would like to raise the bar for late answers to enter the Late Answers Review Queue to 50 rep, which is the threshold after which users gain the ability to comment. Here are some answers that were posted by users with between 10 to 50 rep (yes, there's a little selection bias to be sure. I susp...

@Pixie I yearn for more. Maybe you could give some more detail in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/25090/the-campfire ?
I've only had one tiefling character concept but he was a quite far apart. I'm really interested in getting a (recent, fresh) take on the Tiefling creation, that does not fall into the "chaotic neutral rogue or sorcerer with troubled past who is an ass to everyone"
Q: Is there a bug in the review queue?

ErikIt's suddenly showing 178 new items to review, all of which are late answers, all of which seem to be posted years ago. I don't think it's a good idea if we start working on them, but if you aren't carefully checking the date you'll probably handle a few, which might bring the questions back to t...

2 hours later…
**RPG stuff:** [WIZARDS FORUMS GO DARK 20 OCT](http://community.wizards.com/forum/community-business/threads/4255901 "so grab anything you want to preserve before it's gone!"); [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Transhumanity's Fate v2](http://ryanmacklin.com/2015/09/transhumanitys-fate-playtest-v2/ "new playtest for Eclipse Phase in Fate");
[looking for furious test drivers](http://ryanmacklin.com/2015/09/looking-for-furious-test-drivers/ "playtest Fast & Furious mods of existing systems");
Me and @Linkara19 and @DoctorHolocaust and @Roo_CotGW play Firefly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C8-oajkJlw
1 hour later…
@Aaron At all times, an answer's quality depends on what is the case now, not on what was once the case. If the circumstances change and make it low quality, it is now low quality. Respond to that how you would with any other low quality thing. (Edit, delete, leave it, as you choose.)
Personally if you know the answer I'd suggest improving it.

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