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"Who knows, maybe you can't burn it." -@ksonney "That sounds like a challenge." -@UrsulaV "That was a mistake, K." -Me #dnd
"Maybe this is some sort of natural phenomenon, like geysers. Or pants." - @UrsulaV the paladin. #dnd
this is lovely
also, pants as a naturally occurring phenomenon is surprisingly thought provoking
Not to be confused with Everett K. Ross's pants.
They're decidedly unnatural.
@BESW Who'd sell their soul for pants? (though it looks like it was unintentional)
Very unintentional.
For the rest of the arc (until Mephisto was defeated), Ross's "devil pants" couldn't be removed.
Or, more accurately: he could take off his pants, but there was always an identical pair of pants underneath.
(This is from early in Priest's run on Black Panther.)
@BESW Infinite pants!
I can't find a capture of the panel where he's standing with four pants around his ankles, still wearing pants.
1 hour later…
now this is proper parenting:
is that life imitating art or art imitating life?
Clearly it's cake imitating TV.
@ObliviousSage Hiyo!
@RavenDreamer Heya, been a while!
Yeah, I did a little bit of internal cringing upon re-reading my entry. It doesn't hold up to time, very well, haha.
@BESW /tip of the hat.
Not sure I know you from my WotC forum days also?
Also, also, they're shutting down the forums? :|
This is the only online RPG community I speak up in.
yeah, i came and warned everyone this weekend :(
a shame that they're just purging all that content, but i'm not entirely shocked; it's not free to host it, and i suspect they've realized it's not really helping them sell products
I mean, I haven't been there since the new forum layout killed usability a few years back, but I didn't expect it to ever close down.
@ObliviousSage It's been wrapped into the "RPG Stuff" pin, temporarily not called "Cool RPG Stuff."
@BESW i saw, thanks for putting it in the pin
I learned something new today
The day the apocalypse originally happened in Fallout was my birthday
haha, nice
I was born on Pearl Harbor, so I guess I've got that going for me?
according to wikipedia, nothing particularly interesting has ever happened on my birthday
I share a birthday with Elizabeth Bathory.
@Pixie as long as you don't share a bathtub...
@Magician I'd probably only be sharing it posthumously...
Yes, but which one would be posthumous?
[raises hand] L. Frank Baum, Pierre Curie, Madeleine Albright, Mickey Mouse, the Royal Opera House, and McDonald's.
(There was a time when this sort of thing really fascinated me.)
@Magician I would like to say not me, but I'm pretty sure that's a lie. Unless this is the vampire magical girl timeline where I become stronger by defeating all other vampires and absorbing their power.
@Pixie Why doesn't that describe every timeline???
@ObliviousSage Because then there'd be no alternate universes for those ones to invade.
@BESW Hmmm, that's hard to argue with.
oi, mind if I toss an online-RPing nuisance and a half out here, and what you folks do about it?
or well, ask what you folks do about it?
i'm not officially empowered to speak for the community as a whole (yet, mwahahahaha), but seeing as we're an RPG question & answer site i think that would be ok
Just, yanno, if it turns out to be one of those particular social-dynamic subjects you're struggling with, it goes to the Not A Bar.
what do you do when you have a RP going and the game...gets its own ideas about what should happen? for instance, randomly spawning a NPC into the midst of what you're doing, or your RP triggers a mechanics-bug which interferes with the course of the RP?
Is this a video game where you and others are relying on some mechanics to define the RP world?
yeah, had something close to the latter happen to me in NWN just earlier today
was there a GM running the module?
animal companion got stuck on the wrong side of what in effect is a teleporter from my druid, and as a result, my druid got splattered all over the ground by the NPCs
@ObliviousSage negative -- persistent world server
well, i can see 3 approaches
Your only real choices are to ignore it and work around it or incorporate it into the story. I'd just throw it out to whoever you're playing with and see what they want to do. When RPing in an MMO, I and the people I play with would normally just ignore that kind of thing. I don't play NWN so I dunno what kinda mechanics-vs-RP culture you have going on over there.
approach 1 is to indicate you're talking OOC and say oops, let me respawn and come back over and we'll resume
approach 2 is to invent a reasonable in-universe explanation for what happened and roll with it
approach 3 is to marvel about your inexplicable resurrection and the strange glitch in reality that kept your pet from joining you, and then proceed to investigate & shatter the dreaded Fourth Wall (not recommended for most RP groups)
@Pixie this case was a bit particularly persnickity, because it led to a char death, which is generally treated as having some sort of consequence (in the server I'm on, it's mostly XP and gold) -- what happened in the end is sort-of-1 and sort-of-2
@ObliviousSage ...now I'm imagining a Sophie's World campaign.
The worst part is, I know enough people who'd be totally down for it to make a decent sized group.
do you regularly RP with the other people who were present, or was it just random "whoever happened to be nearby" internet strangers?
@ObliviousSage semi-regularly -- (fellow druid from the same grove my character associates with)
it sounds like it might be worthwhile to have a brief OOC conversation about how people want to handle that when it comes up
if you can get enough people onboard, it might even become de facto (or even de jure) server policy
Yeah, I'd just talk to them. "I just glitched out. Are you okay with ignoring that one, or should we keep it IC anyway?"
yeah. might raise it on the forums or somesuch b/c it looks to be a straight-up bug in this case, and one that's rather crippling for druids
...is this the "OOC is a crutch for people who have no business role-playing in the first place" group?
@BESW thankfully no, although they tend to be of a "no OOC in main" persuasion, they're responsive to tells
@Shalvenay That sounds like a good idea. People need to know the bug exists, and if it's common, you're likely not the only one who's going to have this problem.
@Pixie yeah
To me, it seems unfair to hold you to IC consequences for a game bug, but really it's going to depend on your group.
g'night all
also -- what happens when an Elf and a Drow have kids together?
War. Assassination, followed by war if it fails.
(or the "Drizzt fell in love with an elfess, got married, and took the kidlets path through the game of life" scenario, I suppose?)
@BESW oh gosh. worst. sibling. rivalry. EVER.
(See: The Valiant.)
@BESW that being?
A comic series about two soldiers from opposite sides of a galaxy-spanning generations-long war, who fall in love and have a kid.
@BESW aaah xD
Oooh! I was wondering where they were with that.
@BESW although, more seriously, I was more asking if the RAW even allowed for that sort of interbreeding, or if Elf x Drow was in the same territory as say Orc x Elf
Then for starters you'd have to specify a ruleset/setting.
@BESW 3.5e FR
@Althis is this a re work of something that was shut down due to copyright stuff before?
I guess so.
it looks similar besides the fact that the characters are different
Also, the soundtrack is awesome.
@Shalvenay I suspect the RAW is, "They're mortal enemies, they wouldn't do that"
@Adeptus well there are exceptions to that rule (Drizz't, anyone?)
@trogdor Yes. Faust offered them original characters to rework their game into a new IP.
@Pixie well played I say
I was excited for that thing, to a degree at least
glad it came back as something else not tied to some copyright
@Adeptus (also, because if it's biologically possible, it's probably happened at least once :)
@Shalvenay I would think it should be biologically possible - they're both types of elf. But AFAIK the only half-drow stats are drow x human, not drow x elf.
@Adeptus yeah, my intuition says go for it! (and in the 5e campaign 'verse I'm working on, it's NBD -- just a dice roll to see which color your kids pop out as)...but statting it would be an issue. although it did inspire me to think "pale skinned drow x human" as well -- that'd bend a few minds, especially one raised in human society.
@Shalvenay In 3.5, there are stats for Lesser Drow (which are Drow adjusted to LA+0). You could fluff them as drow x elf. In 5e... eh, new subrace (Drow are an elf subrace, from memory?) with bits of both parent races.
@Adeptus yeah. 5e is a lot easier in this regard -- tweaking subraces doesn't have nearly as much of a balance concern as trying to create a new race in 3.5e would be
but, night all :)
G' night :)
@Shalvenay Although you'll need to be careful - drow are one of the only examples in 5e of balancing advantages with disadvantages, so you'll need to be careful mixing them with a race that doesn't follow that paradigm.
2 hours later…
Apparently a lot of interesting things happened on my own birthday.
Including the dedication of a temple of Mercury, to someone chosen partly out of spite.
4 hours ago, by BESW
[raises hand] L. Frank Baum, Pierre Curie, Madeleine Albright, Mickey Mouse, the Royal Opera House, and McDonald's.
Huh. I was born on the same day as that new chick from the wiggles. I thought she was younger for some reason.
@doppelgreener Apparently a lot of really boring things happened on my birthday.
@BESW Oh right! Same birthday!
@BESW Apparently we also share a birthday with the tennis player Andy Murray.
> (March 17) 2013 – The largest meteorite (since NASA started observing the Moon in 2005) hit the Moon.
> (March 17) 1992 – A referendum to end apartheid in South Africa is passed 68.7% to 31.2%.
> 1969 – Golda Meir becomes the first female Prime Minister of Israel.
> 1966 – Off the coast of Spain in the Mediterranean, the DSV Alvin submarine finds a missing American hydrogen bomb.
> 1959 – Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, flees Tibet for India.
> 1861 – The Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed. [It lasted until 1946, when WWII ended, a referendum dissolved the kingdom, and the Italian Republic became the present form of Italy.]
> 1805 – The Italian Republic, with Napoleon as president, becomes the Kingdom of Italy, with Napoleon as King. [So apparently they were a republic to begin with?]
< Groundhog Day
@doppelgreener, I am not sure you did it intentionally, but I very much like the game you are playing.
what game is that? hunt down cool stuff that happened on someone's birthday?
@doppelgreener No. Just adding different unrelated stuff in the same list. For some reason our brains just start making connections where there shouldn't be, for quite interesting results.
It works specially well when it is historical stuff, because it just looks like one of those weird trailer conspiracy theories where you have a guy reading about weird stuff that culminates in a giant plot twist on how they were all actually connected.
So... Napoleon fired a meteorite at the moon. Obviously.
Clearly. That was clear in what I was listing, right?
That was the point of the list, naturally.
@doppelgreener Napoleon was kinda a jerk like that
Gyatso tried to tell people.
But ended up being persecuted and had to flee to India.
Tibet just wasn't ready for the truth yet.
One day as a child, Napoleon looked at the moon, and decided: he must found a kingdom and leverage all it has to destroy the moon.
@doppelgreener The moon cannot be conquered, therefore it must be destroyed.
@Pixie Yes. Verily.
Two and a half centuries later, his plan finally came to fruition, and with the meticulous manipulation of so many events (such as a nuclear bomb and placed just so, though any mass about that size would've done) an enormous meteor was set on course for the moon.
A man ahead of it's time.
@BESW Groovy.
Only [the plan was halted by meddling and the wrong meteor was pulled in / Napoleon actually sucked at physics and didn't realise the enormous size of the moon and the amount of energy needed to actually destroy it] and our moon withstood the impact.
@doppelgreener It was proof of concept that was all. He wanted to prove to the world he could do it if they didn't submit.
@Nyoze Sadly the empire didn't last long enough for it to matter.
He tried to threaten people with meteorites and nuclear bombs, but they didn't quite understand what the hell he was going on about.
Hence his exile for Elba under accounts of mild insanity.
Shame about that :(
2 hours later…
I'm having waaay too much fun inventing rumours about what Director Parrish has done.
- Assassinate Elvis with his own guitar
- Negotiate the Bikini Atoll Incursion
- Cover up the Large Hadron Collider Incident
@BESW that isn't very nice
Elvis was out of control, man. Ever since he faked his death he'd been getting nuttier.
Being legally dead opens up a world of possibilities, not all of them sensible.
Well, you know, the changes were getting harder to hide. Another six months and nobody would've believed he was human anymore.
- Minimized the Mount St Helens Incident
... my up arrow just broke off. ; _;
No more editing comments for you!
Whew. It's back on. Maybe not forever, but it'll do for now.
Yeah, my alt/option key has been threatening to go for many months now.
Mine showed no signs of weakness.
the plus minus key on mine has been busted for a long time
@doppelgreener I like this, but can we find a word other than "Incident" which implies something very unexpected?
in fact, there are several small things going wrong with the laptop overall
"The Mt. St. Helens Conference," for example.
there was a dragon at the conference
> Amaterasu Director of Field Action Amanda Parrish is a living legend. Very little about her past is known for certain: people will tell you she’s been in the field for up to eighty years and was involved in Weird Work from assassinating Elvis with his own guitar to negotiating the Bikini Atoll Incursion and presiding over the Mt. St. Helens Conference; they’ll also tell you she has a variety of unconfirmed supernatural talents. The unclassified records are unable to confirm or deny most of these claims.
@BESW That works! I was trying to think of something that at least implied something conscious and breathing being involved.
Specifically in the explosion itself!
hee, that actually could also tie into a vague plan I have thought of
it doesn't have to but it is amusing that it could
Okay, one more change:
> ...decapitating an undead Elvis with his own guitar...
@doppelgreener I've come up with a change to BEYOND TOP SECRET.
> BEYOND TOP SECRET. Director Parrish can always cause attempts to discover classified or personal information about her to fail, if she's willing to fill in Amaterasu's lowest available consequence slot.
@BESW I like this and have torn feelings over an improvement: that it should lead her to take action. ("... if she's willing to take action, and immediately fill in Amaterasu's lowest available consequence slot from it.")
I think I'll leave it open-ended and keep the "action" bit in mind.
Yeah, cool. Retroactive consequences ("I destroyed that database", etc) would be negated by this requirement, which is what gives me torn feelings over it.
Alternately, she may sometimes be forced into dramatic inaction.
Okay, first pass at a full character sheet for Field Director Amanda Parrish.
@BESW [fanboy/girl squeals]
> Any successful roll you make to use this ball gains 2 shifts of effectiveness.
I like this approach you've taken here. :)
It's effectively weapon rating for all actions.
And the hand device flaw! I never considered the thought of our team maybe taking advantage of weird and creepy artifacts with SERIOUS dangers in using them.
@BESW It is!! Clever work.
I have fun compels in mind for 2/3 of these things.
... I should make some dangerous artifacts the dwarves will use for bowling.
Oh, about that.
I keep forgetting to mention this: Ben and I were talking on Saturday, and two related things came up.
One, he's working next Saturday evening. No Ben at all, for sure.
Second and relatedly: it'd be kinda boring if the human side won.
And in Fate if something has a boring outcome and an exciting outcome, you go for the exciting outcome without introducing randomisation. Besides, the dwarves have a telekinetic on their side.
So, Ben and I were thinking, maybe the bowling game itself doesn't get rolled for (which helps accommodate Vogue being in the session without Ben playing him), but stuff AROUND the game gets rolled on to determine what it means for the dwarves to win.
... this does sound fun.
After all, the king isn't in the game either.
So actually, there's two fun options: the dwarves win, or the humans win, but at such many and severe costs that in hindsight it might not have been worth it.
so cost. very consequence. pyrrhic.
yes, you dig it.
Thing is: that shouldn't be something rolled on either.
Because if you have us roll to see who wins, there remains the possibility that the humans win without cost.
Oh yeah, I am totally not suggesting a regular "succeed at cost" on a roll.
If you want "dwarves win" or "humans win at cost" to be the only options, conflicts, contests, and challenges aren't the right tools at all.
I am suggesting a proposal of "you either lose hard, or you win the battle at great price."
Yes, that.
I think Ben wants Vogue's telekinesis to win the day for the dwarves, at the personal cost of creating a rift in his oaths.
I think that assuring total, utter, and crushing victory for the dwarves is more fun than human victory and easier to engineer than human victory at great cost. They have an enormous amount of advantage on their side for reasons I haven't entirely gone into.
The session would be about what the humans might do in the face of likely defeat.
We might even do things during the game, with Vogue's set of perfect strikes in the background, like chat with the king.
Anyway, thoughts on Parrish?
Barring hardware she's almost totally useless physically, but she's got strong stunts for team support through bonuses and invokes.
If it comes to physical conflict she'll mostly be rolling to create advantages.
@BESW She's marvellous.
Her one great flaw is that (without hardware) she's defending against physical attacks at +0.
Which means in on-screen conflicts she's gotta be defended by someone.
@doppelgreener I figure there's a goa'uld healing sarcophagus in the Amaterasu vaults somewhere.
One thing I could do with her lack of a physical defence skill is to aggressively deploy Amaterasu consequences.
Will keep that in mind.
@BESW You may want a stunt along the lines of, say: "When I fill in a consequence slot as positive currency, I get an extra +2 shifts to my action."
Maybe called RUTHLESS.
Or "When I fill in a consequence slot, it absorbs 2 more stress than usual" - but the other is more versatile.
> RUTHLESS. I get a free invoke on any consequence aspect created in a scene where I'm present.
[turns ideas around in head]
[added pictures of the hardware]
2 hours later…
In pathfinder: according ro RAW are there some kind of doors, where the person goes through lands on a different fixed point on his plane, and he also can walk back? And Is there a name for that?
@mawimawi I think so. One sec
paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/environment.html use ctrl f and search "Magic doors" It says
>"Enchanted by the original builders, a door might speak to explorers, warning them away. It might be protected from harm, increasing its hardness or giving it more hit points as well as an improved saving throw bonus against disintegrate and similar spells. A magic door might not lead into the space behind it, but instead might be a portal to a faraway place or even another plane of existence. Other magic doors might require passwords or special keys to open them."
Looking to see if I can find a specific example now.
great! thank you @Aaron!
@mawimawi Do you need a specific example?
would be great, since I would love to have DCs for breaking, finding out where it leads etc. if something like that is available
I'm googling right now myself (for some time already), but haven't found anything concrete yet.
I am not having any luck either.
that's ok, thank you for looking into it!
I would bet the easiest way to emulate this would to have it be a permanent Dimension Door effect or a Teleport or something similar. The DC to break, the HP, hardness and such would be determined by the door material. Maybe with a bonus cause it is magical.
@Onedev.Link Welcome.
@mawimawi I just searched "Door" on the pfsrd and did not find anything under magic items. Unless it is in an adventure module I don't think you are going to find a door. I think the question is narrow enough you can ask it on the main site though.
Can someone tell me how to delete a chat room? thanks
@annoyingimp If you leave it alone it will eventually be archived. Otherwise you will need mod assistance.
tnx, @Aaron. I think I'll just leave it alone if it's ok.
@annoyingimp Yea. If a couple weeks the room will "Freeze" and no one will be able to talk in it.
Poop I want to ping Gareth but he hasn't been in chat for too long
Who starred my Welcome? Did I miss something?
2 hours later…
Glam or Glow rarity? What an awful idea
2 hours later…
@Aaron Shall I try calling him? Would it be bad form to just give you the address of a place he lurks?
Nah. I will just ask Josh to super ping him sometime.
I wish there was a D&D 4e DM strategy community.
2 hours later…
Hmm. Looks like my upcoming Pathfinder game may have a more regular schedule than the last one. I am thinking I maybe will have some less stressful windows for gaming outside of that, barring health stuff. What I will do with that I don't yet know.
1 hour later…
@Pixie Go mad with power?
(and then forget to actually do anything with it)
@BESW This man is serious about his rice pudding.
(That's Sylvester McCoy, isn't it?)
Q: Question tagged as possible duplicate, but I feel that the other question is overly broad

ThunderforgeThere has been renewed interest in my D&D 5e question Can a spell be prepared once and cast multiple times?, which has been marked as a potential duplicate of How does wizard & cleric spell preparation and casting work?. They do have similar names, but I don't feel that it is a duplicate becau...

Q: What's with the Comic Sans-like font for Bold and Italic?

ThunderforgeEverywhere on RPG.SE Meta, there is a clean, crisp serif font. Everywhere that is, except for the edit buttons: Notice the B (for bold), the I (for italics), and the quotes (for block text). They are in this strange, Comic Sans-like font. This clashes pretty badly with the rest of the site's a...

1 hour later…
@doppelgreener Yes. The Seventh Doctor is mocking Davros.
Hey guys, one of my players has finally decided to try his hand at DMing.. which means I GET TO PLAY A PLAYER CHARACTER!!! I'm excited.

What are some online forums you'd recommend to help me min/max my character?
Not that I mind posting it here but general questions isn't exactly what this site does.
Minmax boards is the most focused on char op.
Giantitp is pretty good for that sort of thing too.
WotC forums are as well, but they're disappearing shortly.
yeah, most of the "basic" classes should have a decent handbook between minmaxboards and GiantITP
I'd start there
at least, if you're talking about 3.5e
@SolidusVerum what system, if I may ask?
@Shalvenay we're playing d&d 5e
@SolidusVerum aaah! I would be a fair bit less concerned about charop in a 5e game
@SolidusVerum Any thoughts about what sort of character you want to play?

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