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@waxeagle darn
Interesting question!
Q: How far out from the Sun is visible light still sufficient to read a book?

count_to_10Recent pictures from the New Horizons spacecraft, shown below, seem to indicate that, at Pluto's distance, we are entering a twilight zone, with a distinct lack of colors, although that could be due to the planet terrain itself or the camera used to take the picture. EDIT See the Chris White co...

@Adeptus I was looking at that one earlier. It's kind of weird to think of space being bright enough to read a book by, I guess I tend to think of space as dark.
1 hour later…
Wow. I've got 9 upvotes for a "read the book for me" answer: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/68632/14988
hey @Miniman -- Paladin build idea -- use Divine Might as the damage source for a finesse paladin -- it's a feat that gives CHA bonus damage for CHA rounds 3x/day, btw
@Shalvenay That would certainly help, but you'd want to at least be stacking Dex-to-damage on there, and you'd definitely need to be dual-wielding.
Wait, I forgot you're talking about NWN not 3.5.
@Miniman dual wielding isn't too big a deal IMO anyway
(even if it takes an extra feat)
@Shalvenay You mean 3 extra feats, right?
@Miniman extra feat compared to what it'd take on a 3.5 table
or are you saying that there's yet more needed than the silliness that is Ambidexterity?
@Shalvenay Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.
@Miniman ah, I forgot ITWF
But the "Wait, I forgot you're talking about NWN not 3.5." was about Dex-to-damage, not dual-wielding.
(Since you can't get Dex-to-damage in NWN.)
@Miniman yeah -- I'm not sure if that's an NWN-ism or a 3.0-to-3.5 difference though
@Shalvenay A bit of both, actually.
@Miniman how so?
@Miniman and yeah -- I'm going to be fiddling with my 3.5 cleric to get her Dex-to-damage
@Shalvenay NWN includes a highly limited subset of the available feats, and 3.0 doesn't include the way I was thinking of to get Dex-to-damage, but I'm sure it has one somewhere.
@Shalvenay That works out well - a Swordsage dip will get you Wis to AC, which is nice for a Dex-based cleric.
@Miniman I noticed that NWN limits the feat selection, yeah -- isn't it Improved Weapon Finesse that is the normal Dex-to-damage feat btw?
@Miniman that's something I'll have to keep in mind. any prereqs for Swordsages I should be keeping in mind btw?
@Shalvenay I've never heard of that, but my 3.5 knowledge isn't 100% comprehensive.
@Shalvenay No, it's a base class.
@Miniman alrighty
@Miniman what is the normal means of Dex-to-damage in 3.5 then?
@Shalvenay The best I know of is Shadow Blade.
there is an Improved WEapon Finesse, it's from some splatbook somewhere though
there's also something called SUperior Finesse roaming around according to the thread I'm reading
Quick Google suggests it's from 500 different people inventing it as a homebrew feat.
hrm, odd
Ptolus, a book I remember being $120, is available this weekend for $40
I... feel out of my depth trying to build my PF skald. I really need to get it finished, but I'm realizing that I still just don't know what I want to do with it. Mrrrr.
@Pixie Well, what's your concept?
@Miniman oh, one other thing -- for such a Pally, should I still be pumping CHA solely, or will I need to pump DEX as well?
@Shalvenay Well, you said you were planning to be Dex-based, right? So if you want to hit anything, you'll need to pump Dex.
On a melee character, you're always going to need to pump either Str or Dex.
What makes Dex builds inherently weaker is that pumping Str boosts damage, where pumping Dex doesn't.
@Miniman yeah -- so you're stuck splitting between DEX and CHA for this build. no other way to work it I see
fortunately, the server I'm on lets you have your items enchanted with +1 to two different ability scores
@Shalvenay Yep. Str builds win out because the only thing they need is Str. Even if you somehow managed to pump Dex and Cha to the same extent as a Str-based fighter pumps Str, you'd still be losing out, because your ability to add Cha to damage is limited.
(And you probably have a damage penalty from your Str score, which is impossible to eliminate.)
@Miniman not in this case, thank gosh
@Tritium21 I saw Ptolus (PDF) in a Bundle of Holding for ~$20, and debated getting it. Decided not to in the end (or, was still debating when the Bundle finished)
@Miniman The character has an intense presence and can be absolutely terrifying in battle. They're also a hopeless romantic who probably worships Shelyn. It's for Kingmaker, and I would ideally like to use an Aldori dueling sword or longsword in battle since the Sword Scion trait fits my character pretty well. Other than that... honestly, I don't know, and that's the problem. If I knew skalds better, I could pick a flavor and run with it, but I don't.
@Adeptus From the people i have heard review it... its kinda a gonzo setting.
@Pixie Hmmm, sounds like an intimidate build might fit, but I have no idea what's available in PF.
anyone know the difference between mutants and masterminds 2 and 3?
I'm also trying to figure out what would be beneficial to my party, which is, uh... a samurai, a cavalier, a gunslinger, and an investigator. None of which I've ever played. xD
Oh, darn it. I really want to play a recorder bard now. It's completely unsuitable for my current purposes, but someday I will, darn it. And they will play one song and one song only.
I know of a con game adventure (unpublished) that has the requirement that all characters are bards.
the only bard I have played was in 13th age
I was imagining how funny it would be if you actually had to perform while using Versatile Performance, because initially I thought that was the case, and I was like, "D-do I really have to sing every time I need to lie?" And so recorder diplomacy popped into my head.
he acted a lot more like a relatively sophisticated barbarian
premise of the game: you are all bards, in a tavern, recounting a tale of your deeds... its PF except for the added mechanic of a bennie system in which you can call for rerolls with the phrase "thats not how I remember it"
@trogdor 13th Age bards are a bit like that. They kick your face in, but to a tune.
it did seem like that
maybe that is why I didn't play one till then
That is how the skald is at least supposed to be, but we'll see how it works out (bard/barbarian hybrid class).
Here's a problem I have in my current game, and likely to have in the future. I have a player who really enjoys interactions between characters. They give meaning and context to any further adventuring they may do together. Unfortunately, said player is also basically incapable of taking initiative and starting a scene of such interaction.
Therefore it falls to me to set up scenes with an impetus to roleplay. And I struggle to do that, as experience shows. Because it's not enough to just say "ok, talk to one another," I know that much.
I don't think there's some trick or definite method to it, so it's probably not a good fit for the main site. But maybe there's some advice someone could offer.
Hmm. I'll think on that.
We've started a new game of tremulus, two sessions in with third in a few hours. The first game was meant to be all about introducing characters and the weird town they've moved to. It ended up falling flat on its face, boring and uneventful.
And once mysteries and events started ramping up in the second session, in direct response to how poorly the first session went, it turned out we'd missed out on character interaction building, which switched off that player.
Maybe something about having questions that need talking to get answers?
> “Build a mirror out of waterfowl” is not an art project. It’s something an evil wizard from a Russian fairy tale does three scenes before the nine-year-old-girl protagonist cuts his heart out with a hairbrush. (source)
@BESW For a while I thought this was an elaboration on your previous phrase, and was very, very confused.
@Magician Bah! I don't have coherency.
I would appreciate some elaboration on that phrase, though.
When I have something to elaborate, I'll let you know.
Right now it's just a dangling thread.
Q: First DnD game!!! HELP

TNTJumpROk so there is five of us One is a dwarven fighter, a human fighter, a wood elf barbarian, a high elf ranger and a human warlock! And dm Has naturally fallen to me....... Not one of us has even played even one game.... And they Literally arent interested in anything!!!! Exept murdering everybody...

^This question... It seems half the groups who discover RPGs have to go through the phase of "holy crap, we can do whatever we want, lets kill everything".
And I don't think there's a solution to that other than letting them.
@Magician Hmm. I may have something to contribute, but I'll have to think on it a bit. Little fuzzy-brained right now. Are you looking for help on creating contexts in which character interaction is likely to happen?
@Pixie Something like that, yes.
Exercising the freedom afforded by a tabletop RPG is more important than actually roleplaying, telling a story or even "winning". There's a king? We stab him. Because in a CRPG we couldn't, and here we can.
@Magician I get like that with some computer games. play play, ugh screw this, save, mad rampage slaughtering everything, reload and continue
@Pixie Might your fuzzy brain be able to give me a little bit of help with describing women's clothing? I've got some pictures that I want to combine into a PC description and I don't have the vocabulary to do so quickly and effectively. I probably know all the words, but I don't have them catalogued properly.
Yeah, a friend of mine once killed every NPC in Morrowind.
@Magician Cool. I will think on it some. Fostering interaction is a thing I've had to pay attention to a lot in some games past, but it's been a while.
@Miniman Yea never gone that far, but slaughtering entire towns in Morrowwind happened on occassion
@BESW I will certainly attempt to help!
How she didn't get picked to play Amanda Waller in the Arrow, I don't know.
@Magician [sigh] She'd already voiced Waller in the DCAU.
But the New 52 made Waller younger and extremely thinner.
@Tashio His trick was making an extreme AoE spell, so he could depopulate small towns with a single cast.
In our campaign, our boss is Director Amanda Parrish, who is basically Amanda Waller + Mrs. Frederic + Mallory Archer.
@BESW Because the average male generally does not want to look at big women. (Generalisation)
and we know how much sex sells
@Miniman Hmm wonder if he used a cheat of some sort, don't recall being able to make such large aoe spells.
I've been asked to PC-ify Director Parrish and play her in tomorrow's game.
It's turning out to be very very hard to do.
I'm currently statting her up as a K&T PC, to see if that'll help me get into the right mindset.
@BESW What's K&T?
OH! Katanas and Trenchcoats?
@doppelgreener Katanas & Trenchcoats.
Whether she's actually an Immortal or not, I think pretending that she is may help a lot.
Yeah. :)
@BESW Blazer, dress shirt, pencil skirt, pearl necklace/strand of pearls, heels (ankle strap heels specifically, I dunno if there's a better term for this).
If it helps: Amanda Parrish is this deliberately very frighteningly powerful person. We only see some of that power on-screen. It's part of the fun and impression of her that all the truly scary stuff goes unseen. Maybe just focus on bringing specific parts of that power on-screen for this, in case you're trying to bring the whole package to bear.
(I call them "strappy heels" but I don't think that is common. :P)
My specific challenge is being definitive in the way Fate likes to be, while still retaining mystery.
@Tashio It goes to pretty big, like 100m radius I think.
@Pixie Awesome, thanks!
You could also boil the main outfit down into "skirt suit" and I'm pretty sure people would get the correct image.
Anytime. :)
Skirt suit and pearls. The pearls are a must.
But for K&T, I think her Kickass Wardrobe will be reduced to Power Blazer.
I hear at least one of the pearls is a bomb.
But I also hear Parrish will insist they're all just pearls.
Well. She'll insist they aren't bombs.
Right, accessories you must specify. xD But dress shirt/blazer/pencil skirt is an extremely common type of skirt suit. Power Blazer sounds pretty great!
(Also, if I were to go into greater detail, she tends to wear textured blazers and keep her hair in a tight, practical high bun.)
(It's rumoured her hairpins are weapons.)
(I am pretty sure anything Parrish gets her hands on could be considered a weapon.)
I'm thinking about giving her powers similar to those granted by a Goa'uld hand device.
Whether it's hardware or innate... [smiles grimly] Keep your mind on the task at hand.
@doppelgreener once, in my country, a cosplayer I "know" (== we usually meet at conventions, but really don't get much in touch outside that) had police almost bill him for "carrying a weapon in public". The weapon in question? The horns on the helmet of his cosplay armor.
Based on police claims, he could have charged into someone like a bull...
That's not good policework. :'(
.... Best part? the armor was made from craft foam.
you can imagine the incredible damage charging into someone could have done. To the armor
> Historical Influence: In 197[X], Parrish was in the audience for [CLASSIFIED]'s last [CLASSIFIED]. During the [CODE NAME REVOKED], Parrish displayed remarkable [REDACTED], saving three dozen bystanders and apprehending [CLASSIFIED] before further Amaterasu agents could arrive. She was [REDACTED] on the spot. The performer, however, was never the same again.
...What's a really classy, portable solo instrument that's not really close to a violin?
What is it with violins & cellos in pop(ish) genres lately? I just found out about another group - Black Violin - that do classical/hiphop. Only listened to a couple of their songs, but so far they could be another win
@BESW flute
@BESW ocarina?
Pan pipe?
Ocarina's a little too on the nose. Flute might work.
Pan pipes are classical but maybe not classy.
Oh, well, I guess it also depends a lot on the character and environment.
NiGHTS works pretty well with its air flute.
@BESW Saxophone?
@BESW Recorder. Clearly.
But yeah, I'd probably go with a flute or clarinet.
Lyres can be fairly small, but like the pan pipe, while classical, I'm not sure if it has the image you're going for.
Hmmm...A "how do I do that?" question that is just begging for a "don't do that" answer. I'm tempted, but not sure I'm comfortable being that guy.
@Miniman That one about the cantrip swapping?
@Tashio Yep. The "don't do that" is really more of an "oh gawd y would u do dis".
Yea, my thoughts were, if he wants to swap a cantrip, allow him to change one for another when he levels. But being able to learn all of them and then swap at will is not good, far to abusable
Small harp?
@Tashio I mean, even ignoring potential abuse, it seems like such a "I'm playing the most flexible character class, plz make it moah flexible for me?"
@doppelgreener Most of the small harps I've seen are still kinda big. Like, you can carry them around fine, but they're not quite what I'd call portable.
@Pixie Lyre.
... hah.
Like this size (also I love this so, so much).
Min you put a downvote on that answer?
@Tashio Yeah, it's a valid suggestion, but with no discussion about balance or impact I don't see it as useful.
@Miniman Okay, busy writing my own answer up along similiar lines but bring attention to the other facts
@Pixie battery at 21%.... which really means 10%... Will check when I'm home (soon!)
@doppelgreener Oh, goodness. I know that feeling. I had a computer that got to the point that "1 hour left" meant "I am going to die immediately and just thought you should know the second before I do."
@Pixie LOL. This one just goes from 10% to 3% and then "I'm dying. How could you." very rapidly.
Mine's time estimate was always wrong, and it liked to pop up with the plug in warning just as it died. Thank you computer, very helpful. :v
XD oh wow
It did not know its own limits. "I'm fine. Really. I'm fine! [passes out]"
Of course. That's a beautiful way to characterise it.
1 hour later…
aaah, energy crash~
time to get some tea
...No, Google. I do not want to look up Bette Davis. I am looking up Betty Davis.
I read that as Battle Davis at first.
"Battle Davis" will be the fan nickname for a rock-&-roll-themed megazord in a future Power Rangers season.
Sweet zebra-print swimsuits, Google. I put "-Betty" in the image search and you're still churning out pictures of this white chick?
Betty Davis is the black chick
Bette Davis appears to be the white chick
Sorry, yes. Typo in chat.
"betty" davis -bette is finding me mostly Betty.
I've got two Bettes in the second row, and by the fifth row I'm averaging more than one white Davis per row.
This is... sad-making.
(I'm re-visiting Parrish concepts and thinking that maybe her weapon is Betty Davis's guitar.)
(Not, like, to bash people over the head with. But to play. Probably with accompanying lightning bolts striking her foes.)
(And yes, still in her pencil skirt and blazer. This job has a dress code, even if most of you don't follow it.)
(And to anyone who says, "Betty Davis was a vocalist! She didn't play the guitar!" Parrish just says, "Oh, really? I didn't know that.")
...yes, I think this is good.
(There's an episode of Warehouse 13 where Hendrix's guitar goes haywire and starts shooting lightning bolts all over the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.)
@BESW that seems tasteless
(Here we see a trained Warehouse agent using Hendrix's tremolo bar to calm the guitar before playing a few riffs of her own.)
he would not have approved that kind of use of a musical instument
Why was it Hendrix's guitar? There's plenty of other people who can shred a guitar just as well, and perhaps more suited to lightning :(
In Warehouse 13 mythos, items occasionally gain supernatural powers when associated with extreme human emotions or accomplishments.
Their abilities are usually thematically appropriate (a tuba played on the deck of the sinking Titanic makes people drown when they hear it), but not always logically so (Harriet Tubman's thimble lets its wearer take on the perfect image of another person).
I get that... And I guess for those who've passed, Jimmy Hendrix is suitable for a Guitar. I just personally feel Jimmy's style doesn't match Lightning Bolts lol.
They rarely explain these things; indeed, the logic behind artefacts is an in-universe mystery.
I watched the first season, and quite enjoyed it. My fiance on the other hand wasn't impressed, so it's on my very long line of things to watch while she's asleep.
One of our players is actually running a PC named... Myka Lattimer.
And as you saw above, our superior is partly based on Mrs. Frederic. So... yeah.
(On the other hand, some of our other players haven't seen it at all, so I try to keep the references coherent without understanding the source material.)
That's always difficult :(
Eh, we've got a TON of inspirations.
You want to reference something, and you know it makes sense with backstory, but it's hard to know how much backstory each person understands.
I try to mash stuff together so it makes sense in our campaign.
My inspiration map has been useful in directing my thinking this way.
That sounds like an awesome idea... I might have to steal that at some point.
Not tonight though, I'm off now. See ya later :)
How's Guam?
Warm and humid.
I am considering getting into fantasy mapmaking.
God no.
I'm a geodata software engineer by profession
Have you seen Fantastic Maps? It's a great starting place for such things.
I am already intertwined with map business big time, so I don't think this is a way to go.
Yes, thank you, as well as cartographersguild.com/…;.
I have one limitation though.
I can't draw a stickman.
Neither can I, but that doesn't stop me from being a professional designer of posters.
Seriously did you see my stickman from the other day?
(And then another three to get the head right.)
Yes, precisely. I can imagine very well how what I want to draw should look like, down to small linework, I just need to figure out a way to visualise this.
Did you use a tablet to draw it?
that is normal
I got a tablet earlier this year and I've seen using YouTube and DeviantArt tutorials to get better at it.
even as someone pretty good at drawing, the barrier between knowing and making it exist on paper is significant
Practice practice practice. I'm using PC portraiture to motivate me to practice things outside of my professional workflow.
I found that my inability is largely due to my poor motor skills. I tried doing some mountain ranges and the ones I did with a mouse were superior to ones done with a pencil.
You may find that some styles are easier for you than others.
Like... here's two portraits I made, one right after the other.
I suck at proportions, even when I have guides, e.g. I know that the head should be 2x the size of a hand etc. I believe this is the case since I fail miserably at estimating size of stuff.
that is amazing difference
@doppelgreener what would you recommend to do improve one's size estimation abilities?
Copy the masters.
Find sketches by, eg, Da Vinci, and try to copy 'em.
How would that help me learn to tell that a circle is twice as big as the next one?
One of the big challenges to overcome is the brain's tendency to reduce input to symbols.
As an evolutionary tactic, symbology is vital to survival because it provides necessary shorthand to let us process large quantities of input quickly.
But it's not a very good tool for realistic art. An artist's training involves a LOT of exercises to train the brain to be able to turn off its symbol-translation process and just see shapes and colours and negative spaces as themselves.
@eimyr keep drawing. the first drawing you do is just the draft. so is the tenth.
good artists have done mountains of work before the stuff you see.
Draw from masters, draw from life. Don't draw from your imagination yet.
@BESW Huh, I have never been exposed to this.
Eventually you'll build up a mental catalogue of what looks right and how things fit together, and you can use that to draw from your imagination. But even James Gurney makes maquettes to see how the light will fall.
Ooookay. I don't want to sound dismissive, but it's not the sort of commitment that I'm ready for.
That's fine.
See, I don't want to learn how to draw. I have no desire to become an artist. What I wanted is to create a good-looking map using very simple techniques, that will be readable and useful by my players and have some fun in the process.
And stuff like Fantastic Mapping shore or gully drawing is exactly what I needed to start.
Okay, then draw that kind of thing.
Practice regularly, try new things, copy the masters of mapmaking (I have no idea who they are).
Draw from satellite photos?
Some structures are naturally easy for me (buildings, for example) because I did some technical drawing and that taught me how to approach angular structures. My current limitation is mismatching the size of various smaller structures.
e.g. I would draw a castle courtyard and an outhouse near the main donjon - and realise the outhouse is almost as big as the fortress itself.
You know how artists drawing en plein air are often depicted holding out a "thumbs up" gesture and squinting at it?
Yeah, they measure arc-length of stuff.
Comparative length and angles, yes.
You can do the same sort of thing.
Sketch up each bit of the map at the same pace. Don't finish one section before starting another.
Step back often and look at the whole effect.
And really--do copy maps you admire as practice.
I see.
Well, thanks for your advice.
Oh, and you may find "negative space" a useful concept.
care to explain?
Negative space is the emptiness between things.
The shape of the space between the castle and the outhouse is, in a drawing/map, just as much a shape-of-a-thing as the castle and the outhouse are.
does that have implications?
Paying attention to negative space means paying attention to the relationship between things and how they interact with each other.
It's also key to making art pleasing to look at (and fictional mapmaking is art, and "pleasing to look at" is a valid goal).
[rummages around for an example]
(Yeah, I think I need one to grasp the concept. Perhaps a negative example as well.)
Internet's being very slow. Patience please.
Allthe time in the world.
I'ma fire up FireAlpaca and draw on stuff.
googled it
never heard of it before
Is this something worth looking at, do you think?
[one panic attack about losing my Wacom cord later]
FA is one of several programs I'm trialling for use with my tablet.
Photoshop is great, but it's got too many extra things that get in the way when I just want to CREATE art rather than MODIFY it.
For my mapmaking I was thinking of sticking with either Gimp or Inkscape, which are about the only two drawing programs that I'm comfortable around.
But as FA seems to emphasize simplicity, maybe it's worth looking at?
Here's The Bandit's Lair from Fantastic Maps.
And here's the negative space of that lair:
That's all well and I really appreciate that you took the time to explain, but how do I know bad negative space from good one?
Well, first off, just being aware of it will help you with proportions and relationships. When you're making an illustration, negative space is just as real as positive space. It occupies territory on the page and describes relationships between other things.
As for "good" or "bad" negative space, that's harder. Aesthetics don't reduce to rules very easily.
But there are some guidelines.
One is that if two things are very close to each other but not quite touching, that calls attention to the space between them.
Another is... one moment, making another tracing.
When making a map, try to avoid negative space that looks like this unless you really intended it:
that does look weird
but also kinda important
I agree with you, it looks intentional.
I can't put my finger on WHY it seems so, but as you say, it draws attention
Make your negative space varied; this tree would look a lot more interesting if more of its negative space was differentiated.
I just hope I'm not taking too much of your time.
This world map is much better at negative space, by the way.
The upper space expands and contracts rhythmically, and its upper and lower boundaries are alternately smooth and ragged.
Narrow points of near-contact create tension, and in the context it feels deliberate--especially as there's not only wide areas between them, but a moderately narrow space on the far left.
what would you say of the real world map negative space?
One moment....
Aside from looking like the kind of sketches I saw on the desks in high school, these spaces don't show a lot of variation. They've got two basic shapes: long and skinny with a bit of curve, and a big ovoid.
This is one reason they look deliberate.
I see.
Let's see. Real world maps.
So basically the shapes should be varied and sort of feng-shui, with pointy and contracted bits present only where we want to draw attention.
Kinda, yes.
Seems that instead of drawing lesson I might need Design 101.
Fantastic Maps also has some good advice about keeping things roughly realistic because people have seen enough real maps that their guts shout "bull!" when they see something in blatant defiance of geology.
Good drawing lessons should talk about negative space.
Ha! That I agree with. Fantastic maps seems to have lots of time devoted to showing how a reasonable world map would look like. But I tend to hang out with geologist, so I could potentially get them to spot any blatant fantasy.
I sat in on a college Geo 110 course when I was in middle school. It's served me well.
Here's a real-world feature that I've flipped so it's easier to look at with fresh eyes.
In Poland basic geology and hydrology is taught in junior high and high school, so I do have the basics. And my work already requires me to know how geology works, so taht's less of an issue.
The upper side of the negative space is very twisty, with long protrusions and lots of islands. The lower side is smooth and placid.
Very weird projection, but go please.
There's a lot of narrowing of spaces, but it's never the same kind of narrowing: always a different space, or length of passage.
Which represents the late orogenic period very well as well as the river regimes.
Interestingly areas of narrowing are marked by historical conflict.
Oh, yes. When you're designing the social parts of your maps, that's something to keep in mind.
A narrowing of ways means a point for defence in war and controlling trade in peacetime.
Wherever options for movement are limited, someone's gonna be camped out on top of it and somebody else is gonna be gunning for it.
And Carthage was destroyed because it was close enough to pose a threat. Again, negative space contraction.
Here's a fun one:
LOTS of variation in the excitement of the edges.
Yeah, and focuses attention on the peninsula
@BESW That is a beautiful.... lagoon shaped thing.
relevant thing i realise: attention goes where all the lines are pointing.
i'm not sure what the history of the region is, but indeed I'd think that the peninsula is the contested region.
aaaaaaaaaaalll the lines in that map are pointing toward where those peninsulas touch.
@BESW I figured that out, but I simply don't know the region well.
Now let's go for something a little different...
Thoughts, anyone?
Happy islands
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